Chapter 6. Regression Analysis

One of the fundamental purposes of data analysis is the extrapolation of data. That is, the process of discovering patterns in the data and then projecting those patterns to anticipate unobserved or even future behavior. When a dataset appears to follow a pattern that looks like a mathematical function, then the algorithms used to identify that function or class of functions are characterized as regression analysis. In the simplest cases, when those functions are linear functions, the analysis is called linear regression.

The term "regression" was coined by the English statistician Francis Galton, who also originated the concept of correlation. Galton pioneered the field of data analysis with his studies of heredity. One of those early studies was on the heights of fathers and their sons, in which he observed that the sons of tall fathers tended toward more average heights. The title of that famous research paper was Regression towards Mediocrity in Hereditary Stature.

Linear regression is the simplest form of general regression analysis. The main idea here is to find numbers m and b, so that the line whose equation is y = mx + b will fit closely through the given dataset of (x, y) points. The constants m and b are the slope and the y intercept.

Microsoft Excel is good at doing regression analysis. Figure 6.2 shows an example of linear regression in Excel. The dataset is shown at the upper left corner in columns A-B, lines 1-11. There are two variables, Water and Dextrose, and 10 data points. The data comes from an experiment (source: J. L. Torgesen, V. E. Brown, and E. R. Smith, Boiling Points of Aqueous Solutions of Dextrose within the Pressure Range of 200 to 1500 Millimeters, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stds. 45, 458-462 (1950).) that measured the boiling points of water and a dextrose solution at various pressures. It suggests a correlation between the two boiling points; that is, that they are affected by pressure in the same way. Although we will let x be the water boiling points and y be the dextrose solution boiling points, we are not suggesting that y depends upon x. In fact, they both depend upon the unmeasured variable, pressure. But, consequently, we do expect to see a linear relationship between these choices for x and y.

Here are the steps we followed to produce the results shown in Figure 6.2:

The results should look like Figure 6.2, except without the plot.

To obtain the plot, follow these additional steps:

The dotted line on the scatter plot is the regression line for that data. (Excel calls it a "trendline.") It is the line that best fits the data points. Among all possible lines, it is the one that minimizes the sum of the squares of the vertical distances to the data points.

The two numbers under the Coefficients label (in cells A29 and A30) are the y intercept and the slope for the regression line: b = 18.8739139 and m = 0.88227897. Thus, the equation for that line is:

Linear regression in Excel

The image in Figure 6.4 is a magnification of the scatter plot in Figure 6.2, where both x and y are around 100. The three points there are (100.07, 101.16), (100.06, 105.39), and (99.88, 110.64).

The second point is the closest to the regression line. The corresponding point on the regression line that has the same x value is (100.06, 107.15). So, the vertical distance from that second point to the line is 107.15 – 105.39 = 1.76. This distance is called the residual for that data point. It is the sum of the squares of these residuals that is minimized by the regression line. (Why squares? Because of the Pythagorean Theorem. Distances in Euclidean space (where we live) are computed by summing the squares of the differences of the points' coordinates.)

In addition to the y intercept, the b slope, and m for the regression line, the Excel generates 29 other statistics. The first one, labelled Multiple R, under regression statistics, is the sample correlation coefficient:

Linear regression in Excel

It can be computed from the formula:

Linear regression in Excel

To see how this formula works, let's calculate r for an artificially simple dataset. The dataset in Table 6.1 contains three data points: (1, 4), (2, 5), and (3, 7).


























The numbers in the 14 shaded cells are all computed from those six given coordinates. Each number in the bottom row is the sum of the three numbers above it. For example:

Linear regression in Excel

The number of data points is n = 3. Thus:

Linear regression in Excel

The regression line for these three data points is shown in Figure 6.5:

Clearly, the points are very close to the line. That is reflected in the value of the correlation coefficient, r = 0.982. That can be interpreted as saying that y is 98.2% linearly correlated with x.

To see what 100% linear correlation would mean, move the third point down, from (3, 7) to (3, 6), and then re-compute r:

Linear regression in Excel

Those three points lie exactly on the line y = x + 3.

At the other extreme, move the third point down to (3, 4) and re-compute r again:

Linear regression in Excel

This is a case of 0% correlation.

To clarify the meaning of the correlation coefficient r, let's first recall the sample variance that we looked at in Chapter 4, Statistics – Elementary Statistical Methods and Their Implementation in Java. For the y coordinates {y1, y2, … , yn} of a dataset, the formula is:

Variation statistics

This is simply the average of the squared deviations of the values from their mean. For example, for the set {4, 7, 6, 8, 5}, the mean is Variation statistics = 6, so:

Variation statistics

If we compute the sum without then dividing by n, we have what's called the total variation:

Variation statistics

In this little example, TV = 10. That's a simple measure of how much the data varies from its mean.

With linear regression, we can use the equation of the regression line, y = mx + b, to compute the y values of the points on that line that have the same x coordinates that are in the dataset. These y values are denoted by Variation statistics. So, for each i:

Variation statistics

In our Water-Dextrose example in Figure 6.2, the eighth data point (on line 9 in Figure 6.2) is:

Variation statistics

So, x8 = 99.88 and y8 = 110.64. The regression line is:

y = 0.88228x + 18.874

So Variation statistics is:

Variation statistics

This y value is called an estimate of y on x. This is, of course, different from the mean value Variation statistics = 100.64.

The actual y value for x8 is y8 = 110.64. So, we can look at three differences:

The deviation of y8 from its mean Variation statistics:

Variation statistics

The deviation of y8 from its estimate (also called its residual) Variation statistics:

Variation statistics

And the deviation the estimate Variation statistics from mean Variation statistics:

Variation statistics

Obviously, the first difference is the sum of the other two:

Variation statistics

So, in general, we think of the deviation Variation statistics as the sum of two parts: the residual Variation statistics and the factor Variation statistics.

As we saw in the previous section, it is a mathematical fact that the mean point (Variation statistics, Variation statistics) always lies on the regression line. Since the Variation statistics-values are computed from the equation of the regression line, we can think of that factor Variation statistics as being "explained" by those regression line calculations. So, the deviation Variation statistics is the sum of two parts: the unexplained residual part Variation statistics, and the explained factor Variation statistics:

Variation statistics

Squaring both sides gives:

Variation statistics

Then summing:

Variation statistics

But that last sum is zero:

Variation statistics

This is because:

Variation statistics

These equation are from the Normal Equations (in the previous section).


Variation statistics


TV = UV + EV


Variation statistics

These equations define the total variation TV, the unexplained variation UV, and the explained variation EV.

The variation data in the Water-Dextrose example from Figure 6.2 is reproduced here in Figure 6.6.

You can read these values under the SS column (for "sum of squares") of the ANOVA (for "analysis of variance") section:

Variation statistics

The Apache Commons Math library includes the package stat.regression. That package has a class named SimpleRegression which includes methods that return many of the statistics discussed in this chapter. (See Appendix, Java Tools on how to install this library in NetBeans.)

The data file Data1.dat, shown in Figure 6.7, contains the data from the Water-Dextrose experiment presented earlier:

The data values on lines 4-13 are separated by tab characters. The program in Listing 6.1 reads that data, uses a SimpleRegression object to extract and then prints the statistics shown in the output panel. These are the same results that we obtained earlier for this data.

At line 20, the variable sse is assigned the value returned by the method sr.getSumSquaredErrors(). This sum of squared errors is the unexplained variation (UV), which Excel calls the Residual. The output shows its value is 204.0042, which agrees with Figure 6.6.

At line 21, the variable tss is assigned the value returned by the method sr.getTotalSumSquares(). This "total sum of squares" is the total variation (TV). The output shows that its value is 1627.361, also agreeing with Figure 6.6.

The import statement at line 11 shows where the SimpleRegression class is defined. It is instantiated at line 32 in the getData() method shown in Listing 6.2.

The fileScanner object instantiated at line 34 reads lines from the data file that is located by the data string passed to it. At lines 35-38, it reads the first three lines of the file, saving the number of data points in the variable n. Then the for loop at lines 39-45 reads each of those n data lines, extracts the x and y values, and then adds them to the sr object at line 44. Note that the lineScanner, instantiated at line 41, is told to use the tab character '\t' as its delimiter. (The backslash symbol \ has to be "escaped" with a preceding backslash for Java to recognize it as such. The expression \\t, then, is a string that contains that single tab character.)

The program Example2, shown in Listing 6.3, is similar to the program Example1. They have the same output:

The difference is that Example2 computes the statistics directly instead of using a SimpleRegression object.

The eight statistics are all computed at lines 18-25 from the formulas developed in the previous sections. They are the slope m and y intercept b for the regression line, the correlation coefficient r and its square r2, the mean Java implementation of linear regression, and the three variance statistics, TV, EV, and UV. These are computed from the five sums declared as global variables at line 13: Java implementation of linear regression, Java implementation of linear regression, Java implementation of linear regression, Java implementation of linear regression, and Java implementation of linear regression.

The five sums, denoted as sX, sXX, sY, sYY, and sXY, are accumulated in the for loop at lines 42-52.

The program Example3, shown in Listing 6.5, encapsulates the code from Example2 and generates the image in Figure 6.8.

The program instantiates two auxiliary classes: a Data class at line 13, and a RefressionPanel class at line 16. The rest of the code here is setting up the JFrame.

The Data class constructor is shown in Listing 6.6. That's where the code from Example2 is put.

The rest of the Data class consists of 16 getter methods. They are listed in Figure 6.9:

The RegressionPanel class is shown in Listing 6.7:

This contains all the graphics code (not shown here). The image is generated by the three methods called at lines 41-43 in the paintComponent() method:

The resulting image here can be compared to the Excel graph in Figure 6.2.

The linear regression algorithm is appealing, because its implementation is straightforward and it is available from many different sources, such as Microsoft Excel or the Apache Commons Math Java API. However, its popularity sometimes leads the unsuspecting to misuse it.

The underlying assumption upon which the algorithm is based is that the two random variables, X and Y, actually are linearly related. The correlation coefficient r can help the researcher decide whether that assumption is valid for example,: yes if r ≈ ±1, no if r ≈ 0.

For example, the Water-Dextrose data has an r value of 93.5%, suggesting that the relationship is probably linear. But of course, certainty is not possible. The best the researcher can do to raise confidence would be to obtain more data and then "run the numbers" again. After all, a sample size of 10 is not very credible.

The English statistician Frank Anscombe suggested the four examples shown in Figure 6.10:

This shows four 11-point datasets, to each of which the linear regression algorithm has been applied. The data points were chosen so that the same regression line results from each application. The four datasets also have the same mean, variance, and correlation.

Obviously, the data are very different. The scatterplot in the first example looks like the plot of the data points in the Water-Dextrose example. They had a linear correlation coefficient of 93.5%, so the regression line has some validity. In the second example, the data appears quadratic—like time-lapse photos of a projectile fired from the ground, such as a cannonball or a football. We might expect that correlation coefficient to be near 0. The third example has 10 points that are almost perfectly linear, with the 11th point way out of line. A good conclusion here might be that the outlier was an error in measurement or data entry.

The fourth example also has an outlier (the corner point). But this has a more severe problem: all the other points have the same x value. That will cause the algorithm itself to fail, because the denominator of the formula for the slope m will be nearly zero:

Anscombe's quartet

For example, if all the xi = 8 (as they seem to here), then Anscombe's quartet and Anscombe's quartet, so the denominator would be 10(640) – (80)2 = 0.

The points are linear, but the line is vertical, so it cannot have an equation of the form y = mx + b.

To solve the problem revealed in the fourth example in Anscombe's quartet: just reverse the roles of x and y. This will result in an equation of the form x = b0 + b1y, where the constants b0 and b1 are computed from the formulas:

Anscombe's quartet
Anscombe's quartet

For this particular dataset, it looks like the slope b1 will be nearly zero.