for my country
Words of comfort,
a railing before the fray,
mumbling shock
away from seizure, between mts
5a drone, narrative, longer wind runs
than mourning, going on over
past the waters of
every expense of care
can modes, syntaxes, rhetorics,
10folkways compete
with equanil (I think not)
to put you away) to sleep
(contemporary verse excepted)
(pick up this week’s
15feelings at your local drugstore)
today misty drizzling (around seventy)
the pleasant pheasant
20into the shrubs and few
birds bother: crows emphatically find dead
trees to sit in,
skinned branches, line up
into the wind,
25a black countercurrent
drippy but cool
get a poem big enough
ocean-sea rivers
stream around it
30by the time
a poem is the world
the author is
out of town
pushing fifty—
35those years you waited to fill out, you
aren’t going to fill out, your
biceps firm up:
past fifty the muscles
string free, lean separations into thew and bone:
40pushing fifty, you notice that the
crest due or normal to arrive has
arrived or isn’t coming, not
ever coming, not at all, but something else
quite different, that is certainly coming
45my friend said
if you can
learn to swim
or fence at
forty or crochet
50at forty-two age is just numbers
I go back odd that
over and often death the evidence
to repeat myself: for which is
where repetition is absolute
55imperfect is completely
possibility clears incredible
each of us
exception’s single
One Must Recall as One Mourns the Dead
One must recall as one mourns the dead
60to mourn the dead and so not mourn too much
thinking how deprived away the dead lie
from the gold and red of our rapt wishes
and not mourn the dead too much who having
broken at the lip the nonesuch
65bubble oblivion, the cold grape of ease at
last in whose range no further
ravages afflict the bones, no more
fires flash through the flarings of dreams
do not mourn the dead too much who bear no
70knowledge, have no need or fear of pain,
and who never again must see death
come upon what does not wish to die
Things Change, the Shit Shifts
Things change, the shit shifts,
byways and sideways,
75break out, horn in,
step in the same do twice
I followed the swamp
hogs off, I picked meat
with cousinly buzzards,
80I got rotten meat out
of the ears of old
raccoons while under
the skin next to the
ground, maggots rippled
85in the heat like breezy water
the levelest look’s the jaguar’s
peccary gaze (deadset to flare)
or the weaving thermal gaze of
the viper for the small mammal, mama
90mia, cute frisky little rascal
the curvature of the necessity rides
no more skyward but rounds off,
a comedown comeuppance: in a fallish time,
the birds’ gatherings and flights
95skim treetops, not
much entering in now, no nests, pausing to consider
or dwell, the wide
storm winter coming
100Let your friend have
as much of the
world as he can
have, what does
he have: the
105wind blows it
away and your friend
also and
you, freeing all
from any trace of taint
but because the dust
mills all looks,
tastes, honors fine,
because of that the
115small hope
cannot extinguish itself
that some flavor
of the self, indelible
in dust,
120qualifies the common end
we are abandoned
here to found
our lives on gossamer
where steel rusts
& rock cannot hold
130palaver &belaborer
(biggest old ugliest
awfulest-looking thang)
Price Slashed (whew)
135For . . .
treetops twittering
birds windily gathering
heading south for
140the scallop, scallop-through, in the ridge:
the jay
a minute
and flies north
145into the coloring thicket
when we learn we are trashI’d rather be
flimsy, flowable, our holding the flakey
trivial and slight, we mustfool of hope
not say, if that’s whatthan the
150the universe thinks of us, so smartass
much for the universe:of the
it should be the benefit of oursmall and mean
experience here to realize trash
the just groundwork
155of marvelous devising, feeling,
touching, tasting, looking,
beauty’s unbelievable contrary
Here I sit, fifty in the
mid-seventies, the 28th of the 9th, cedarberries
160reddening a veil, vine leapage
and leafage red or yellow flame tips in the trees,
the sky mixed
after pure days of rain,
coolishness and windyishness, most
165birds gone,
hi-flo hieroglyphic geese going over,
a day and decade like most any other
if you put in the wind, sun,
believe the brook’s fuss,
170trees nodding, yessireeing,
the mixture of identifiable hunks of
historicity with permanences and continuos
like geese stringing singings,
the clash and intermingling
175within the boundaries of the momentary
and instantaneous of the
perception of the, ah,
all the wavelengths of time, ah, bending in
& out of themselves like coil worms
180or worm coils
byways and sideways
forth and back
outsight and inlook
(in a time of)
185failing powers, physical,
sexual, intellectual, artistic,
belleslettristic, optimistic, etc.,
it’s hard (a hair firm)
to keep the slant of the curvature
190above horizontal coelum
without bobbing and dozy dipping
into the languorous waters of letting
things take their course & get on by:
195no use to wait on you today
nohow, baby, because with the fallings
off of spatiotemporal apples and leaves
and seeds and pods
and skinnyings up for winter, in the
200and because, ah, of the apple cider and
aster honey and the blue glaze on the
brook slowed distillation-column clear
and the yellowjackets
hummed up quiet in the
waiting for snow to feather to the door
hard to think of going back into spring,
buds, slender parts, sprigs putting
out, early green and preparation,
210then summer filling out, making up,
might as well rush right on through into
ripeness rotten
where like summation or artistic
215seeds velvety in the dried-up pulp
summarize recommencement, time’s compression
would, some will say, there were
a plain simple thing with a fence round it
I don’t know it seems
220possible don’t you think plausible a
bit plausible
or perhaps a few
plain simple things with small fences
you say around them
225a cluster or lay-out of them
organized to cardinal points or rated,
according to
230I cut the quince down the other day into so
many stalks it all made a big bundle
upon the lawn high as my head I’d say
but then today I took the pile
thorny limb by branch down to
235the limb&branch pile in the bottom yard
I don’t care I think for quince, the
thorns, I mean, I am pricked and itchy
here and there including the shanks
some branches got to in the carrying
240off well so back and forth which is up
and down (the yard) I went forty times
I think till I began to sweat and stink
and there under the pear tree was a dead
jay, poor thing, which stank in a stream of
245whiff which I hit eighty times,
the universal smell of rotten meat not
really an attractive smell when you get
right down to it. . . .
I do not, can not, will not
250care for plain simple things
with straightforward fences round them:
I prefer lean, true
integrations of ongoing
with recurrences,
255resemblances, half-adventitious or fortuitous
or as some would say accidental,
not under a third
a live jay lit on the pearlimb (pearl imb)
260over the dead jay,
looked down and flicking shrieked & squawked
directly into the dead ear
two minutes (I don’t insist
on the meaning, only the facts)
265a scolding for dying
or grief trying to make itself heard;
it looked like grief’s rage,
a protest like revenge,
grief’s blue wings and bright cries!
270money can’t buy happinessneither one nor the other
happiness can’t buy moneyeither one or the other
(misery can’t buy either) both (misery loves company)
hark! in my across-and-down-the-street
neighbor’s yard, his apple grove all loaded
275with red half-rotten apples
smelling good and souring the wind,
a mockingbird singing!
I saw three majestic weeds of ragweed
growing in the ditch and
280slipped’em right up out
of the mud and turned their roots onto
the macadam to dry
this part is called
the old Intimidation Rag
285it is never right to play ragtime fast
it is never right to play ragtime
it is never right to play
it is never right to
it is never right
290it is never
it is
surface amenities aside
we have little to
295go on
except violence and brutality (the long, flat light
of this bright day comes slicing through)
may lovewords strip
and least a man’s bones
prevail at
times forevernaked
My Father Used to Bring Banana
My father used to bring banana
stalks home from town
305and place them in the chicken coop
so chicken mites would stick
to them
& a few years ago we had
a flare-up in the local
310papers here about feeding layers
crushed oyster shells
to thicken egg shells
forty years ago in Carolina
we used to
315bring home a towsack full
of oyster shells every time we went
to the beach
and we had this big old anvil and
big old hammer to
320beat up the oyster shells with
I don’t know what became
of the roosters
that ate them
broke out an
325extra set of teeth
my father sure was a mess
this part of my poem is
called chicken (gravy, shit, wing, liver)
sometimes I notice my
330shadow and think
there’s my father
but I’m fifty now
and it’s me
Have You Seen the Severe Waters
Have you seen the severe waters
335(how they flow)
have you seen the nodes of high
glass standing or the sharp slants
by the bank where the bank looks for
340 I care not what is isit’s up
what is seems is is to you
enough for me
I went to the brook and inquired
what do I have now
345how do you mean the bank bushes replied
oh I said
oh I said
and the brook broke saying speak up
so the saying of that day was not
350said and the turn that might have been
added to the mind turned away
clear all day the foliage
coloring etc. the jay loud
the mockingbird still at it
Early October,
fally, papery, yellowy,
watery, raggedy, high
skimmy clouds, brooky
360(last week’s rains,
now run off, brookly,
cool glass flowing,
metal over slate sweeps)
I’m at fifty Octobery,
365not frantic with commencements,
preparations, seedings, searchings
for ways of spring and not
the rage of
summer, clumpy fulfillingness,
370but a throwing of the self out
of gear into gliding’s mild astonishment,
letting up into freefall on
rise’s other side,
the leaves still green or
375holding hints hang,
no longer feeding on light,
an indifference to purpose,
purpose complete, now
color and high view:
380inner purpose given over,
other purposes not one’s own start to
clear the stage:
nothing to dwell on, astonishment right
into startled grief,
385the rising of settled knowledge that
in a short time all here will
clear and go
why speak of that now,
the pears
390hard green after frost’s first smart
and the apples
purple-ruddy, burnt onesided:
still one pauses
to reflect shallow bemusements,
395recall honey,
the inner light of wine,
cold’s tang and burn
(good as ever but not as often)
terror of
(even with
bridge-note reassurance) the slicing
away into
405depthless discontinuity, whorey bottom
or bottomless horrid,
too many intervals break up
the road
the sinuous continuous look
410out for slides land snow rock
tree blows freshets bridge-outs
neck wires
hair ties
sorghum broomcane braided
415(vines’ rising risks) down
to handles
log planters
nothing necklaces
cowtooth dangles
420I’m in the swamp I
must have followed
the hogs off
awkweird to go to bed with the
chickens and wake up laid
425Ivy, a winding)
an area, specimen one can keep
coming back to,
a place where, as to school, one can
try out one’s explanations
430(exegesis is better than no gesis at
all) but
got me
was that
the leaves
440after a season’s
service, their span, serve
fallen: flatten out black
and limber wet and put a film of
chitinous structure on the
445ground so nothing
not even a winding vine, can come up and
take nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water, or
room from the tree:
(they say walnut shells
450falling to the ground
release an antiplant
ingredient) imagine!
writing something that never forms a
complete thought, drags you
455after it, spills you down, no barrier
describing you or dock lifting you up:
imagine writing something the CIA would
not read, through,
the FBI not record or report,
460a mishmash for the fun-loving,
one’s fine-fannied friends!
imagine, a list, a
puzzler, sleeper, a tiresome business,
conglomeration, aggregation, etc.
465nobody can make any sense of:
a long poem, shindig,
fracas, uproar,
high shimmy uncompletable, hence like
paradise, hellish paradise,
470not the one paradise where the points
& fringes of
perception sway in and out at once
in the free interlockings of
475roots and moles (and grubs) (and
a microorganism that feeds on
carbon monoxide) live in the ground: fish and
ribbonswale and —worms live in the sea:
birds carrying stable mite colonies
480and crop-worms live in the air: we, we,
carrying fungal and bacterial residences, our
numberless silent populations, flashy molds,
angry, flashy molds, live, though mainly
in the light, a fine fluid
485fragmentation breaks into presence: (any
high consistency, of course,
lacks the differences to know
itself by—hence is unheard, invisible,
unknown, etc) so we are here in a very
490great blackness except when the fluid
surfs against a pumpkin, thinning willow,
boulder (any whole thing in space such as
earth) and the disturbance communicates
itself dispersing through molecular
495air, a frizzling wide static of sight,
and then the eye’s central blackness
none can read or follow creates a
disturbance of color to pick up light
disturbances: O
500fine fluid, fluency,
and then the
finest highest fluids we’ve
learned to live in on occasion or for short
visits, the sheeting pulses of the spiritual
505intelligence which
when it breaks
against & thru us
declares its nature:
if you would shed light upon a thing
510smash it: or adore it, leave it whole,
hold to it in darkness:
who will remember us
we cry
yet we will forget
515before we are forgotten
if you would explain That Which Is by
structure you would have to locate
the spurs and main beams, sills, joists,
of the put-together, whereas anything
520worth taking apart is so put together
it is assimilated
beyond edge, angle, or joint:
niche, cranny, or nookie:
you can erect skeletons of
525structure for their own sake and then
analogize freely: hermeneutic
good thing June peas
come loose from the continuum:
530make a moongate of an
oeil-de-boeuf, make the frangible-invisible
the mind buries to let lie:
times, stations, planes
535and overlappings of felt-events give
base and height, structure, to feeling:
vindictiveness, jealousy, greed, alarm,
hostility adjust to deep
dispositions so that reconciliations
540and motions at a greater height can be
released as tenderness, concern, delight:
the error not that the deep
feelings, found, are heaved up
but that
545heaving as a form destroys the
forms of modesty, gentility, and
modulated delight:
at three I realized
that my interpersonal relationships
550considered for example as a cottonball
of interweavings and
closenesses (a warmth, as of a
mother-centered, father-peripheried
group) were going to be sheared off,
555cut through
and that I was going to be a bit of
lint blowing in the irrelevancies of
dissociation: as I grew older
I learned this
560more thoroughly:
I write for those who have
no comfort now and will never have any:
I’m delighted that the comfortless are
a minority and
565that rosy tales amble otherwise for others:
I’m not making a fuss:
I note the determination:
it is a strict script
written in the injustice of
570necessity: I forgive
the injustice, nearly: I no longer cry
to be another, not myself, or seldom:
you who have no comfort
are welcome here, here
575with the chaff
alongside the abundant reaping, among
the weeds, after the gleaners:
I am the writing of what was to be but
did not become: your writing
580strangled mine:
I make seeing because I have nothing else
& nothing to do in the seen:
compels me
585to roll my
tongue and spit
a saying
to the loneliness of my unbecoming
590I bring youno harm that
no harm butis not nothing
I bring you
this is “lake country” too: I hadn’t thought
595of that: indeed, “finger lake country”: see
you top that one (has a small extra finger or
so): course I’m country and western: I like
music that plinks and means it: western New
York: the poetry isn’t as good either
The Hieroglyphic Gathered, the Books
600The hieroglyphic gathered, the books
numbered and shelved each
to its interior singing, the hum
broken in on or left in high loft
unattended, the quill-conversions to
605mock permanence, so many acts
feared, committed or hoped, regretted—
what a relief to go outside away from
the rooms, seminars, policy-committees
to where stability’s mode is movement, wind
610working with leaves and trash
across the asphalt, windings and
scatterings, starlings flying
into the ivyvine-skein leafless
against the Music building and picking
615berries, the clouds fluffy,
pulling apart here and there into blue
sliver-troughs: the freshness
of breaking down, picking,
churning through
620versus the artifice
ungathered after all anywhere
except into the fluidities of currency
forever: (that happened yesterday
and only gathered hieroglyphics can
625keep it):
distinguish the long
arm of the law from
the member in good standing:
it’s pouring rain but I went walking:
630the first rain on Dr. Ensworth’s dog’s
grave, now mounded among the hedge shrubs:
whiff of earthworm
(I almost said earthroom), puddles
fragrant and in the puddles ornaments,
635stars of green weed bottom-clear:
from every needletip of spruce
bough, bough on bough, spruce on spruce,
hung a drop-bulb, gray lit:
will equanil and elavil replace the
640trances and spells of religion, philosophy,
art, and madness, theories of depth
psychology or depth theories of the deep:
for, altogether, miltown can do more than
Milton can: luncheon muncheon: more
645than fluff and(l)anguish
less than effluvium: milk is white
clouds giving way, the sun broke
out and turned up the voltage
650in the bulbs: my fingers are so
cold from the walk (another one) I can
hardly type: chez fuck’n’suck: also no
book like a frigit: and no poem
with a bush you could fly your bird in:
655forecast for today
were snows and blizzards
but we may
have a mere
high, empty with glory:
660would a collection
of clarities
be clearer than a clarity
or as the collection
grew would the
665single clarities remain
clear and
a great darkness commence
to surround
or would opposite lobes of clarity
670annihilate themselves
into continuum emptiness:
I don’t like any bush
water won’t drip off
675except the
two-legged bush, of course, how happy, and
the golden bramble-bush in whose
branches the Sumerian goat’s horns, vexed,
680desert crows,
picky, and the deep desert hawks and
flight-lean eagles, but
walking predators, too, cautious,
big-eyed, and “possessed of a gnawing
685hunger to destroy and ingest” as we
artists, so to speak, would create &
dump, only the hunger remaining likewise
stuck in the bush
and mama goat gone and papa off:
690leaves fall from the thornbush,
hair and meat from the
goat: skeleton, branch,
the slackened-free entanglement:
the goat thrashes and bleats at midnight
695and overhead the desert stars,
big brights (not helping)
and oil underground, the
goat chafing with sharp hooves to
peel and worry down the bush:
700the good of images is
that they make no
statement and the bad
is that they make (evoke)
numberless statements:
705(or is that good, too:
meanwhile, the statement
makes one statement: except
in the clump, thicket,
or cluster of statements
710is the image again)
I could write forever, I mean, I could:
I never would
because boundaries, terminations,
determinations give class to held and holding:
715but the imagistes should have
known that the Golden Calf
narrows, confines, straitens,
identifies, and lessens the Spirit
too much which is shape without
720shape, timeless time,
visible and never to be seen:
poems should imitate the spirit’s motions from
the fabulous limitation, so
golden because so
725striking off temptation, of
the means, uh:
I can speak big and high
(but to which end?)
I can hone the severe metric,
730incision’s incendiary:
but honing misses broadcast:
anyway, who would have one around
speaking big and high:
over dishes: filling the vaporizer:
735emptying the trash:
prefer chitchat to
swales of the austere unknown:
neighbor down the street stakes
his dog out on the lawn, chain
740twenty feet, pretty
good run: I notice a path of peripheral
lawnwear, a ring of loss
where the chain, run out, runs
round: the central self unattended,
745unworn while the untouchable
other, far and away calls forth
the bark, the slaver, slobber,
scenting: to pull up stakes!
I can talk big: I come
750from a land of bigtalkers and
big talkers: what one needs is
the address of relief (relief of
address): (King Kong is on—
Thanksgiving classic): summer
755for dogs is a conflagration of
smells while winter is the ashes
(snow), a sprig of smoke
rising here and there:
all this poetry
760in Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving
Your Full-Service Mover, Madam
Your full-service mover, madam:
your full-service madam, mover:
arouse, attract, specify,
identify, concentrate, propel
765and release unmixed, mixed
emotions: I can package
reactions, lob, locate, and lure
centers, keys, knobs,
slots and play upon you as with
770or upon an organ:
go off to a
country, you see things done
different ways: you distinguish fashion
from nature, an educational
775distance: but, educated, you’re
into fashion more than nature,
a change loosening, shallowing:
overcast forecast a
true cast but this afternoon is
780to open sunny periods, dashed
dashes, clearing exclamation
points, followed by
colonic etceteras:
we need a basis for argument,
785argument always we have enough of,
although probably never more
than we need, but though we have
experienced tugging
this way and that
790and though we have chipped, honed,
polished, dug and double-dug,
we have failed to find
the single, the first, not to mention
mountain or continent, grain (tiny mew) of
795unyielding reality:
what a pity, many will sigh,
having argued at length over nothing:
but many will be grateful,
locating the necessary recalcitrance
800in the unyieldingness to explanation, that
is, finding centers of operations
where, as with juggling, nothing is,
and in contrary motions finding
balance’s informed harmony:
805explanation explains nothing away: get
up the next morning and recalcitrance
has shaded up to opacity again:
think of the medium, the medium’s
malleability, explanation works in,
810wordy nothingness: then how reassured
we are to risk castles only air and how
delighted to know
that explanation changes just itself,
an arrived-at nothing: whereas,
815the work of art (here come the boss)
establishes an empty-centered space,
spiral stabile, wordless where words
may not go,
a recalcitrance of a kind explanation
820can only sharpen itself against:
lukewarm stand to reason
the elm I write of is
not the doomed elm, the dutch,
but the siberian,
825small-leaved, resistant: the two doomed elms
I had were cut down
and hauled away: just now,
a snowbead shower: the beads fall,
springing, on the greenroofed garage
830and roll off the eaves some
but when fall pauses
melt scrubs the white away
(somedays a mist
too fine
835to form drops
at the eaves
or shine the highway)
darkens things a
little, though
840When in early
December everything should be
except spruce, cedar, yew,
here and
845there down the side
of a hill or in
a hill’s hollow
will be found
a willow’s fragile clothes,
850yellow dress dropped,
showing the green slip’s
of hidingsnow rhymes
soundwise but
855 contrariwise
(being alike incolorwise
one set ofwith crow
terms and
unlike in the other
860make oh, my father, you
one whole formsaid, “someday
overmastering your mouth will
the one polarget you in trouble”
unlikeness)you were (I’ve
865 made you)
the sheet ofand you said,
snow, thin,“you’ll be a preacher,
missing,like your uncle,”
870mingled with loft,close enough, in that
under cedars andI try to give the
such word life:
under the mailbox oh, my father,
a wind-mingled I am one of the few
875thinning left to miss you
I do not miss you much
mostly representing the reachable or
available sky
like sky like ground
880except for interruptions:
snow’s itself’s scripture
but in addition
written in it
accumulate actions
885reading re-enacts—
the pigeon-toed pheasant,
a hen, I think, walked across the driveway,
short toe inward, long toe, you know,
one foot almost in front of
890the other—a mystery and
contemplation, the beautiful, plain hen
color-coded, her signs
our door mouse
houses between the concrete
895step and a bottom shingle: every now and
then I catch him streaking for
concrete crack or door crack: yesterday
morning, there was an inch of snow,
900just enough the mouse could nuzzle under:
he inscribed eventuality on the lawn,
a limber line of snow-collapse showing
behind him: and today, little snow left,
there is the dribble of his feet
905over the white blacktop: if it doesn’t
warm up more
the paperboy will see
his yesterday-afternoon, snow-pressed,
delivery bike trail
910after snow
when evening clears and
night settles
cleared and cold,
crisp forms
915on the snow
and along starry pond margins
and flavors,
scents dry up, lose their stems to sources,
920where the dogs
cracking crisp
cold cleanses,
brightens, thins:
925if one could save a cubic mile
of this for August!
(magazines advertise
themselves in themselves)
a year, what a year: anus mirabilis:
930what can you do: the inner ring of
relatives in trouble with
their teeth, fixing, lumbago,
running off in Dusters,
and a wider ring of relatives,
935regular mishpucha, coming up for
advice backed up with a loan,
so-and-so’s cousin’s pill
in the wrong end: what is it:
making baskets
940tonight to meet Kammen’s guest
Bailyn, the historian, such a nice
man: there were the Novarrs: they
knew Bailyn way back and Ruth calls
him Buddy, imagine, the National
945Book Award winner, Buddy, also
the Pulitzer
The arc
950loop, the
to be
in the heights
(not dropped,
inert, in
960oh, to carry out the byways of
(the cedars teardrops
before impact)
(something to feel
965not just the
discursive unwinding of
born we scream
fed we ummm and smack
970beboweled we grunt
fucked we groan
and so with death do we tussle and
but why
975when in moments of importance
we hold
our tongues
do we give
significance to articulation that
980only waits the next
seizure out
oh, to be rocked in the arm
of the dwelling, to be
cuddled and cooed to,
985to whisper and sip, slur
and loll in the long
unwindings and squdgings,
the honey, the honey, oh,
the honey high,
990oh, the
air-clear, beer-lit,
oh, the bright drop,
eat a pig dinner sometimes and sit
995down in a deep chair that rightangles
your uplumping belly out
cuts off the avenues of circulation
and boluses of air
form promoting gastric
if it gets severe take a sip
of water, will dislodge
the gasball enough to ease off the
pain but then walk about
1005to re-establish the circulations
also lift your arms, your hands clasped
behind your head and
let go of your belly or heave out your
chest and meanwhile swing slowly from
1010side to side this may ease the bubble
up, also it is important to think you
may not be dying, although you will be feeling
like it, because added
tension forms another airball
1015over itself like those scared, foam-nesting
good reception
fair this morning, much
warmer, over fifty, but
1020cloudy and rainy in the afternoon
with a falling off of temperature down
to where a few snowflakes flew and
so today was mostly dark and lowering
and blustery but nice
There! the Light of Human Reason!
1025There! the light of human reason!
issues from the crevasse of that black
hump of hill-line, rounds a
pastoral fallacy,
is lost behind the Dark Wood,
1030the thicket treacherous,
but reappears as two, the one
light and its dropped reflection
in the Cavity of Eternal Depth (the
dentist’s dream) which is or filled
1035with water or with a liquorish air of
consistency so the
light will not penetrate it but
throw back up into the world
but now there goes the progress
1040around that awful pit but note
the light now introduced
into a lantern, flat-sided with panels
in grapy glass, to make it
1045the gash of gorge that strikes
down from the hills through the earth
in a plunge the wind observes
to howl through so that none may pass
unhouseled up (long wait) but there
1050the faithful light reappears on this our
edge, the long going down into and
arising from, and proceeds onward to
meet us: the light flickers and sometimes cannot
in the whole dark scene be seen but
1055with tendance and awful looking we may
severally be reminded that reft of this
bright bit
we sink into greater toothiness and squinting
but so much for the story if
1060no end to the story’s glory (glory’s story?)
what is
matter’s project here, is it, where every
hub is afire with spinning and every
axle taking on the resonance of a
1065dissonance, where every next instant has
a twelve-ton meteorite or thousand-foot
ledge-drop in it, where everything
one once loved drains backward away into
a common hole, where underfoot one
1070feels time’s shimmy, the sludge- and
sledgeweight of gravity’s maw,
where nothing that in this fair
day takes on brilliant delimitations
and delights will miss tomorrow’s
1075indifferent spill, waste, or fill or gravid
(I can hardly care a paragraph for such
(when the downswoop collects us
1080will we look into the sky’s
mild mien or
back on an
earth we haven’t learned to lose)
the breeding of races crusty, to fall
asleep in calamity’s bosom, power
too self-effacing to bear its own
strength, that can be the patient nurse . . .
1090The X Press
The X Press Press
The ReXPress
bound and determined
metes and bounds sky-high
1095ground meatsmeets
Mr. Spilldiddler
Mr. Dillspiddler
rough day
stuff tough
1100Hard lard hard fact
hard wind hard core
hard ball hard time
hard hard
the clouds lower low dipping almost
1105skirting skinny-brittle treetops
but drop a ground-brightening!
the snow, pleasant flakes, dry
enough to worm in the wind
before touching down
1110or brushing stopped against bush, brush,
garagedoor handle or what, even the
clothesline a skinny, longwinded catcher:
people are good for you if nothing
much ails you but if people (cruel
1115and insensitive, survival pluses) ail
you nature is a rescue, go to it,
nonpersonal, decommissioned, an
indifference big enough to cool off or
melt down
1120your differences: sometimes,
when it seems the mind will hesitate,
swell in a realization and break,
and one thinks that perhaps one may
fall down or wobble past resilience,
1125then one turns with relief to nature,
the verbal empire’s blocks, pigeonholes,
axioms, pronunciamentos, and stuff (stuffiness)
chewed up in the simplest
wind-sand design or snow flurry: oh, to
1130break through the strangling entanglements,
binds, clusters of wordy mentality and
feel the luster of woodsfloor under snow!
vitiated by arrogance, jubersome
of seriousness, my language
1135will hardly touch stumps or stump: if words
hurt me, why do I
come to them to move a saying through:
am I saying in words how I wish nature
in fact were, though impersonal: fluent,
1140yielding, showy, a dance of mind not
words (though in words) but things:
I could get something straight but
it would stop winding:
with words to make nature sound off,
1145speak up
till we find the place where it
will say nothing further,
be of no further use, an example to
no further imposition,
1150an illustration of, allegory of, nothing
so that we can achieve the podium of
inhumanity, the clearing, wherefrom
we can look back and away to the
astonishing thing, man’s rise and demise,
1155and then what, the crazy universe here,
here, here for thousands, even millions
of years, going on with purposes, if
any, not ours: room
enough for every correction of view,
1160where perspective is never sold out, utero,
utero, the
commencement before the commencement:
snow sounds like gritty pellets
on the panes:
1165I thought it was a mouse in my paperbox:
here’s a little poem I jotted down this
morning: it’s about a complete action,
ah, except for the purple do: the starlings,
having hung sideways on the music building’s
1170ivyvine collection while picking the berries,
sit meditatively high in the branches of the
oak to rest and then the berries
that had not fallen from the vines fall
from the lofts of oak, empurpling do’s
1175sparse rain:
the starlings barely
got the berries
off the vines
before snow
1180lineations loaded
them up again
once there was a maple tree: during
the summer it produced lots of
maple seed: when the leaves fell,
1185clusters and clusters of dry maple seed
were left, ruffles, hanging in the tree:
when the first snows came, squirrels
were often in the maple tree eating seeds
and, soon, most of the branches were
1190empty: one day a dog came by and startled
a squirrel as he was eating from a cluster
of seed far out on a branch: the squirrel,
leaving one seed in the cluster, stopped
eating and ran back to the trunk to go
1195up higher in the tree: but the dog went
on and the squirrel turned back to eating:
but not back to the single seed
far out on the branch: hard cold set in
one day and for weeks no squirrels came
1200out: then on a warm windy day in March,
two maple seeds, the only two left on the
tree, softened in their stems and blew
away: one seed fell on the macadam and
the tires of a car crushed it: the other
1205seed, the one the squirrel, interrupted
by the dog, had left behind, fell next to
the garage between two rosebushes: that
was the sunny side of the garage, and the
rosestocks helped hold the warmth, so the
1210seed germinated and soon was a tiny tree
with a leaf of its own: I thought, my
goodness, all the maple tree’s seeds
produced one tree, but I
couldn’t have a tree that close to
1215the garage so I pulled it up
a poem is a machine made out of worlds
a poem is made of words fed to machines
hard farthard tackI feel so much
hard warehard sellbetter on my
1220hard head hard boilfeet provided
I have something
to lean against
Hard fist
hard turd
1225cool whip
soup dip
freezer queen
candy 6pack
full quart
1230good thru
strawberry preserves
boneless ham
personal butcher
save more
1235windshield washer
raisin bran
will allrarely has so much
my talkbeen said over so
not dissolvelittle unsaid
1240reticence’s pellet,
dishonorable silence’sbig wig
unwanted bead
pay attention
pay no mind
1245“up yr nose“up your dick
with a rubber hose”with a toothpick”
in yr ear
with a hornet’s rear“up yr ass
with a blade of grass”
1250many fears are born of
fatigue & loneliness
scraps from, the trash of, the verbal
saved, retention’s waste, waste’s
1255retention, the scary, sublime,
heavy musk anal honey, but also
the collection, munitions
for colonic assault
save a life
1260return my dog
my brown and white
female dog was takenRecord
from the Straight
Lobby Friday Dec 5My wife, the
1265she is my closestweightlifter,
companion and I amsmiles and three
destroyed without hertons
(from a bulletin board) rise from my back
Golemon juice
1270crabmeat claws
Old ageswiss slices
getssalad shrimp
setlean roast
to sitbaking mix
1275downapple sauce
pie filling
ground chuck
minced clams
corned beef
1280the elm
also (like thein
willow) latethis
to loseour
its leavesown
1285has (likeday
the willow)and
lost themtime
arrange these words so that they make
1290people, self-centered,
cheer news of a darkness darker
than theirs, a deeper gouge
into a wound more rotten:
1295least can they bear news
of a happiness close to them
I side
a minority of myself
with the majority
1300against the majority
of myself
which is a minority
there it is
1305mesh itmake little
with life andof much
it can (almostmake much
unfailingly will)of little
1310downmake little or much
or short circuitof much
and little
I won’t weep
1315the rhetoric
“make a big fuss over nothing”
is not a good poetic,
not even a
good idea,
1320not even
“make a big fuss over something”
make molehills
of mountains
8:45 A.M.—Doorbell Rings: Wife
8:45 A.M.—doorbell rings: wife
1325answers: voice says, “Good morning,
I have a chest for you.”
wife says, “Right up the stairs.”
I’m right up the stairs on the stool,
door and butt cracked; here they come:
1330conceptualization is
self-correcting (don’t worry)
and not as bad as I’ve made out, I’ve
made out: for example, imaginative
forms derive from bioforms, take the
1335maindrifts and subtleties: the big
channel moves away from the heart of
the matter directly and sizably (as
to volume) but then, moved away, begins
to correct itself
1340to the pressure
to break down, lessening in—
to distinction so as
to become available
to organs, tissues, and cells,
1345to establish deep and wide application
and relevance: but there rationality,
though at its sharpest ramification and closest
to its immediacy, commences
to break down, the mind unable
1350to bear so much division of matter
with no lessening of rationality as
“form”: the mind reacts with dullness
too much subtlety and falls asleep:
1355but just as rationality has lost its way in—
to contact with every body cell, there it
corrects itself, having achieved an
ocean presence, where distinctions are
so slight and multiple, they assume
1360the wide look of universal constitution:
the mind, refreshed by that playing
out, at least, returns slowly
through the capillaries, regathers
itself in—
1365to its main drifts and
considerable matters and, announcing
itself, returns
to the circulations:
I think I already wrote about (or
1370thought about) this but
the alimentary canal as river with falls, lakes,
etc. is a good form, also the form
expansion-contraction: lot
of them, probably, all finding
1375ways to play in the imagination,
too: how delightful:
I saw through the earth once:
a clearing-through as if of light:
terror made the light, drilled it through:
1380the earth spindled, insubstantial as life:
another fellow saw through, once:
I hope the shakes did not shake him long
kill time
expect turmoil, gusts, shifts in stone,
1385expect the arms of change to spin
but allow the Singing Sage
to slip by on his Big Boat singing
Turmoil is Illusion
at the Heart of
1390the Great Peace
bedrock nestles
in flow
and flow rides
1395tips of flame plume:
but under that,
deeply within,
the most fluent fluid, motion,
establishes the citadel
1400I can see but little,
and that with much leaning,
of the elm from this window and
indeed no part of that attached to the
ground but outbuoyed branches only,
1405mostly tips
possessing curvature of definition
in the uttermost, the tips ending in an
invisibly inscribed continuity or
1410configuration of nothingness:
if I worked in the other room
next to the elm
(a winter-sunny room)
I’d get to know more about
1415the elm
but so much more would dominate
the poem: to want a poem about
an elm is not to want a poem
too much so, or too much poem
1420too much so: if I need more
elm to say, I can
mosey over and peer
out into further information)
overwhelm whelm helm elm
1425this day bluedog clear
I stood in it absolutely
unoccupied a minute and
said how sharp the world
that cares nothing for
1430us is
but now at dusk,
billows come up
over the west looking
solider than hills
1435and black and blue with
snow, I think
how is it possible the world
so entertaining and extravagant
has nothing to do with us (on a personal
1440basis) though we
in the formation of gene arcs, contours,
sweeps, saliences, and spirals
were tested bit to bit by
billows, swell of snowwind,
1445bright our sandy river,
and found to survive the astonishments,
coping, throwing them back:
behind bars
when I have studied the elm
1450I hope to devote myself to the weather,
majors and minors of substance, the high
substance nothing is done about, the
low showers narrowed into washouts,
the happy variabilities day to day
1455winding round the deep variabilities of
season (reason, treason): the year
cycles, sunspot cycles,
micro, meso, macro: bi:
it’s too dark to see to write:
1460gather it up and rip it off
Shall Will Be Used Properly or Will Shall
Shall will be used properly or will shall
here near
grayworks(if we have
1465hit the deepa falling off
dismal,we’ll fall
days clippedinto a
off onfalling out)
both ends till you can
1470hardly find the middle
but then comes a winter
festival (festival
estival) inaugurating
longer light
1475the city that cares
for tares(egad,
has no needgasso,
for weedsglorybe)
the M Sea bore
1480Civ, unhappy
(dumping the dump from 400
million sets of human guts
plus industrial scours, washes,
1485rinses) now killing
the mother,
a daughter who unless made a Bridegroom
of Intelligence
must swoon away into
1490self-poisoning unredemptive guilt,
with Wisdom for the weed,
Care for the ground cricket
(whatever is good for the ground cricket is
1495good for the country)
Concern for the undersea
rocky ledges of octopuses
the mother might
still have lineations of
1500life left which, clearness drawn deeply into,
would begin to show again
an image Mother Mediterranean:
but nothing is to be
expected of man, his
1505intentions tedious &
mean: by accident
he is wise or noble:
he sees not his life
one life among many
1510kinds of life, every
kind attuned to a
careful impulse
that lets it boom
and loll in its own
1515dwelling: Civ,
inconsiderate daughter, maker of weeping,
unnaturalizer, fabricator of
fabrications, pretender to feeling, huzzy,
it would hardly be unfair if
1520Sea gobbled you up so you could not harm
Forest, Icecap, Deep Trench, or Friendly
Breeze again, baby:
natural gas is okay on a cold night and
antibiotics are so fine when you need them:
1525but man’s fabrications aren’t as subtle
and resilient, flexible, accommodating
as natural complexes: why can’t we proceed
but show the proper respect:
1530This carton is bio-degradable
a contribution to environment
(also, what are we to do with it if
you bring it back) a contribution, tribute,
offering, tithe
1535as if to the new god: ok then a few more
worshippers will do it:
(Redskins, Raiders, Steelers,
1540Colts, Dolphins, Cowboys)
(look, cavity, no moms)
poeticules shrink up
into starved strategies
and strive to prove
1545skinny devices significant,
but I, I mean . . .
nothing works without a nearly
equal tug the other way:
and then one is fifty and feels oneself
1550(if no one else will) (no one else will)
in the tug of
a tendency, as if one were an
impurity rushed through
various waters
1555to the kidney of selection
where the organism engages in certain
but the mind, imagination, is only getting
fresh at last, wind free, ready for
1560treetop castle or diamond waterfall,
recalcitrance flowing loose, a clear honey
to the embrasures of sight:
truth’s a show,
a good one one that does not end before
1565the audience leaves: that holds
up a cranesweep of meaning,
snakes or eels or noodles, great
wound-up unwindings, heavy, light: that
lets no direction or effect grow pure
1570without contrariwisdom, counter-purity:
say not what
I have made
say what made
I have cut
1575free of:
Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman,
European, Holy-Roman, Anglican: we have
hills old-low,
lines of windbreaking lombardies:
thickets wind-settling:
spruce nook moving nothing, resident
big rig
1585spoontangbig zig
spoontonguebig cig
dongtongbig fig
dungtonguebig MIG
tightassed tightend:big dig
1590eternal journal:big pig
big gig
big jig
the poet abandons a
1595place to the reader
I sometimes catch myself
fearful I’ve
let out the news of death,
told more than people will
1600please to hear,
a news, though, nowhere to be
kept still:
it flies loose and about
and is (must be) told in
1605every ear till
told too loud
no one’s there to hear
ass/mind balls/heart
ball loose flag down
1610it’s 4:20 dusk coming
the Redskins have a touchdown
to go with their fieldgoal
Phyllis made seven fruitcakes
undetermined square or round
1615No tirement like retirement
no floppage like stoppage
busy busy boys and girls
old geezers,
strungout ninnies (no
like threads
having made avocation vocation
I must now
1625rise through
making vocation avocation
so I can spend
time rusting(l)agony
1630dressed, undressed, redressed
use is the best polish
(drooping thru the chills of the
sorghum to
where the spinnet’s broke)
1635after so many days of
mingling, cloud and hill,
mists, skirts of vapor
dripping and valley-dragging, fringes,
brushing ghosts
1640through hillbrush, moon
and soon
I mean sun
clorox twins
everything lifted this morning and there
1645between the devil and the deep blue
between a rock and a hard place
between a cliff and a sharp slope
was the source bright,
looking central
1650a warmish morning walkable and how musty
I’d grown far off from the lean, mean
its quick scars of light
its breaking, regathering,
1655ledges and clear heights underwater,
its mosslawned banks, rock terraces,
tangled vestment vine
(choked trees
deadwood trellises)
1660(those with
inclinations to
sprawl on
you, spurn,
sprawl on them)
1665if you come into the world
with an unspeakable structure or
stricture to speak,
a weird move to the freak fringe,
then you got an insoluble
1670problem, an
“immedicable woe”
you got a sore with a lifetime supply
of scabs, you is, in other words, in
1675the average person is average
the common people is common
the straight people is straight
you gone be the crooked weird
rare intelligent bird creep type
1680that what you gone be, honey
you gone look funny
when they put you in your
like you something
like you ain’t
worth dying
like every day when they passes out the
1690you gone get a little vial of fear and
you gone drink it yes you is
cause tomorrow when they passes out
the honey again
you gone git another one of those little vials
1695and what you gone do with them vials
honey better go head drink up one at a
cause you gone have something to
shake about too
1700while the others is shaking with
the sweetness
you gone be breaking out in the high
jives of terror
shaking like you done met up with some’m:
1705I hope no young’un mine
go through with that
(salt talk with a dash of pepper)
being there is the next best
thing to long distance
1710may I by
being me be
you for you
trust money
or will youand trust people
1715take my Ito try to get it
to be youaway from you
for a minute
as I will
take you
1720looks like an
to be Iall-day gray
when I can
maybe your you
Light Falls Shadow and Beam through the Limbo
Light falls shadow and beam through the limbo
1725limbboughs, short and long mixtures,
staff and heading, balling the
boughs, clusters, white bass clefs
churning rotund
1730thunder and up there sparkling and
bellying out
skeins and scads of treble felicities,
cones and points:
tree as music in the light,
1735the scoring of the permanent
a presence not regular but hastening
or not like the imagination or
the wind
1740and telling
nothing but that though the gorge roars
and though
sodden swatches of forest spill
from a high ravine and though
1745a beaver is shut in by a boulder time
will slowly budge
and though we ourselves see and do not
know what we see and cannot tell why
we are here attracted to enchantment
1750and scriptures intermingling substance
and light—
oh, the hillways, passes, the peaks
of the thoroughly achieved!
some such dwelling in the light,
1755hardness in the ray,
the interpenetration
that in leaving, separating out,
never leaves out,
that bringing things still again runs away
1760also with everything into night
Mist Curtains Lower and Dissolve
Mist curtains lower and dissolve
the ridges halfway down
a thunderstorm predicted
1765for midDecember,
55 but
no thunder yet: rain,
the threequarter
moon at midnight
shining from a
1775high sky’s well
on this host of
hills, the lake
off to the side
there glimmering
1780in a big space,
a Christmas tree
crystalline with
colored lights
down a near slope,
1785way over the valley
a string
of glitter, a
highway, ropes a
slope: how can we
1790be here: how is
it possible, here
with earth moon sun
these people these
myths and dreams:
1795were we not here
we could never
thought of:
oxbows of
1800highway rise
like a
small elation
over the opposite
The Snow Is Fine-Sightless Today the Ground
1805The snow is fine-sightless today the ground
brightens white for no cause
and the green garageroof
is all at once side-white
the elm’s grooves and streaks
1810of bark are highlighting: it’s 28
again to be 10 tonight
all the fuse that’s lit to glinta
one handy tool (ah) difference
1815arm milkwhen we
eye cunt cheesehave nothing
hip shitsignificant
leg cometo say
ear bloodspelling it
1820toe waxright matters
lip eye cracklings(makes a
jaw snotdifference)
rib spit
I reckon
1825cornholers get dooky
on their tools (and yucky blood)
time’s dust is a rinse
nothing resists
to get the spook off language,
1830the microphone, pulpit, lectern, the high
whines and
broad moans out,
scald and rinse every word
till it takes on and gives off
1835the exact hue (drift)
for for
the most part
language moves our lips while
we grind, hiss, haw—
1840let the words have no rich soup
they cannot themselves generate
if fellows burr, hum, buzz, loop
break out strict shears
snip ropes from the heavy molasses to
1845hang those fellows with
tipping from pole to pole
we flash through uprightness, stability,
truth but
unchanging reality
1850is the polar extreme’s
exaggerated weather
the temperate zone the land of soft announcement
one desires leisure, ease, if
1855those are to be desired, when one
might desire action, stress, doing
as being, too, ideal
I write this to be writing,
wife gone off with a stationwagonload
1860of women to Rochester in the snow,
son at school,
office hours this afternoon,
Christmas coming,
1865me home
go through
I’m not sure there’s enough light
out there to make a day of
but look
1870a patch of blue the size of a man’s hat:
it could grow into a radiant clearing,
blue inanition, dome of
high feeling, starvation
when a father dies
1875the sky comes unlooped from the stars
The Hen Pheasants Streak Out of the
The hen pheasants streak out of the
down the hedgeline through the
1880selfcentered shortsightedness
fag pag jag
feg peg jegtrouble
fig pig jigshovel
fog pog jog
1885fug pug jugstir-fry
is life ais life aa puzzlement
show deathshow truth a bit of
corrects killsa difficulty
or is or is
1890death atruth a
show lifeshow life
as you go into life (some say they
wish they were alive or dead) you must
1895forget where you’re going
which is into death
but as you go into death you must begin
to take a more general and perhaps
generous view of life, and not be
1900so particular
but that may be the difficulty
that we are heavy
to relinquish our made selves,
mirrorments, to the trust of the
1905great unwieldy, unspecific self:
in these transmissions
we are not like to be consulted:
our talents turn to attitude:
verbal flak:
1910(a bishop or royal personage
displays his
flabella, a touch to the
human that he sweats)
picking up brilliants, bowerbirdwise,
1915etc., or as with the builder
of beercan palaces, tidbits, also, of
tile, mirror, sherd, whatever with a
paste, mortar, of cogitation, sealing
throughout making of-a-piece: but if
1920you seek brilliants it’s
no matter what shines:
the value is apparent in apparent shining
but those who dwell upon
and on the invisible
1925value not the visible
not diamond-shine
but rarity or hardness
so invisible
1930to deal with muddlement
which is not
just a mixture but
a single speaking of multiple clarities
(very puzzling unless the
1935clarities are so small
as with sand
they will lose their special identities
to a general view)
to deal with muddling or muddlement
1940confine the currency of inquiry
within fairly narrow banks urging
and also guiding flow
so that means can go out among the
areas and question closely
1945so to speak
or drop bits of matter at the roots
of things so that answers may grow
(we need have faith
1950that of course currency is
that can never wind away,
cannot go far without returning,
an observation
1955so succinct
is perhaps too high a shelf to bother)
when I look death
in the eye
1960my pavilions quiver
and my crystal battlements
and walls of high castle
dance in the afternoon breeze
this one
1965death swept
broken off from the
earth broken off
from the mother
1970spent now except
for the flicker of
burning out
supposed to get cold tonight
the ephemeral lasts because
1975it’s back fast
Dawn clear
by sunrise
hazes rifflesyou want to be
furrows and floats bullfucked when
1980of fluffmine is no longer
appearthan a penguin
so the sun
has too much
to come throughquilt raffle
1985to come throughantiques
handcrafted gifts
make verballive country music
things tangleswhimsies, furbelows, and
mazes puzzlessundries
consonancesbitter winds
dangles knots &clink the tinkle
stuff to havebell in the tree
somethingand find
1995to fool withcold’s exact key:
when time hasthe big male
a bigger presence,pheasant sulls
margin, thanlow on one foot
things or actions
2000I make things
and abandon
them for you
the sun didn’t do much for us today
but it de-snowed the garage roof
2005and left a crop of
smallish icicles down the eaves-row
If You Were Standing under the Elm and
If you were standing under the elm and
looked up it would be dark
but if you were above it (flying?)
2010and looked down it would be
dust or flurry snow, the fine
sifty stuff, has not missed a twig,
hiding it from the sky: but if it
2015gets windy and wrenching or if a
crow lights somewhere and flaps his
wings squawking, then
darkness may be noticeable
In the old
of vaginal, or coincidental,
hairpie diners
could have plum
2025tart, peach or
tart (in the old days words didn’t buy
get morepedazo
2030out ofde
going outburro
authentic theatrical
forms with
mimes, masks,
2035puppets, processionals, players
islets and islettes
informal (isles)formal (tisles)
soup aisle
aisle de soup
2045do-ahead dough
super bargains in vinyl flooring
roll-ends for bathrooms, entryways,
pantries, laundry rooms
2050she said this afternoon that
because of the snowsqualls she
might have to put a damper
on her shopping expeditions
the sun came out enough
2055to moon
behind the snowclouds
so, everything loaded,
there’ll be no unloading
2060unless by dusk the wind comes unsprung:
the hemlocks,
sculpture all day, now
nod in the breezy free-ends
2065so many whales plundering through,
more whaleback than water
hemlocks made to order
to hold snow
were also made
2070limber to sway snow
or at least hang unsplinteringly
in white
2075lamb sandwich
Namath, ribs bruised, limped off the cold
field today, Shea Stadium snowy, windy,
four days before Christmas, Namath who
broke all showing-them-how’s expectations!
2080if we are reluctantif only one could
to step into the fieldmake or find a bit of
when it is our timewisdom that turned
we may be reluctant to leavethrough a situation
the surroundingsor two would hold
2085when our timestill or still hold
has passed
it’s after sunset
cold and gray
2090but tomorrow is
to reach the mid-thirties
Forecast for Today (Winter’s Firstday)
Forecast for today (Winter’s Firstday)
(you may
recall) was
2095thirty-five or so (which hasn’t seen
twenty yet)
beefed up this morning by a promise of
sunny spells
but now at five minutes to one the drifty
2100tinkle of snowflakes
merely continuos: a few minutes ago,
in truth,
a blue patch appeared sky-high but the sun,
wintering elsewhere, wasn’t there so
2105nothing hit the ground here:
couple three months ago
I cut a grapevine out of the big cedar
to reduce weight’s becluttering darkness
but here the snow’s
2110getting into the tree as much as
grape leaves shaded light out:
at dusk a flock of pheasant
will be-wing, shrieking rusty flanges, up
and beheist themselves,
2115belaboring beswung boughs:
the squirrels in the thicket
had such a good time this fall
up-and-down winding
chasing each other
2120I bet there isn’t a flake
of loose bark unfallen
on a trunk
in the whole blame thicket
all I ever know is
2125rigor between the shoulderblades,
lumber in the gut,
hard theory-light in the head:
I process life by shaking,
I’m a sifter: I wish I were limber
2130and relaxed, able to affirm the self
and take from the world a small taking
limberer than lumber
I swerve attention out of the mix of
myself into the outerness where otherness
2135can conjoin my outerness whereas
only I can look into myself
and I spend enough time doing that
the sun broke out before setting
but set behind new clouds moving
2140in: the Christmas tree’s up and
John & I have bought presents,
everybody has bought everybody presents
I Come in from the Snowy World
I come in from the snowy world
of muffled roads and she says
2145how’s the outside world
and I say
still outside (gotterdattoom)
Giants Beat Saints
you can’t step forward with
2150both feet on the ground
proverbs suck up recalcitrant reality
and spit out a beam of light but
emerge among them
systems of conflict, divergence,
2155contradiction: too many
proverbs obstruct the view
but enhance the reality:
not the wisdom but saying’s finding:
the middle regions
2160toilet paper chinks cracks
against excessive windiness:
the beswirling elm this morning was attacked
by white bees
2165last night after sunset the weather
warmed up, night-snow-blue clouds
heaped on the horizon,
holding, glowing underneath in earthshine
in winter here
2170the sun arcs a
southern circle of small compass
and has
slight surface relation
to temperature
ice will melt off a car or
highway great
in direct radiation
but it warmed up last night after sunset
2180to twenty-five and the fronds and
jungle foliages (that make
in teens climates)
ran off the windows, thaw’s
2185how does a running back hold it
feeds on a
2190source blinds
but no big
sound gives
off little
2195although the ear can be exploded
(not death
but life canone forgets
bebefore one
missed)is forgotten
2200the squalla bit of
comes ondried hydrangea
from the westblossom
across the lakecomes loose and
with the sunthe wind
2205behind itrolls it
suffusing it,over a yard of
oblivion meltingsnowcrust the wind
enough to
the blossom with us,
no, there it
goes behind
the garage
2215on the way down
but then the
squall hits
with fierce soft
ghosts stand up
and walk off the roof
Poetry is the smallest
trickle trinket
2225bauble burst
the lightestf
windseed leaftipr
poetry is the breakse
2230the least loopd
the general curvaturem
into delight
poetry is
2235the slightestf
hue, hint, hurtr
its dance too lighte
not to be the wind’s:e
yet nothingd
2240becomes itselfo
without the overspillm
of this small abundance
you don’t mind, do you, I
2245said to the mountain, if
I use this ledge or, like,
inspiration pavilion to say
a few things out over the
various woods, streams, and
2250so on: by all means, said
the mountain: I was a little
concerned, I said, because
the speech is, like, aboutonly
the individual vs the majorwhere
2255structures and, like, Iwe
was thinking of siding withto
the individual: but, oflose
course, said the mountain:all
2260well, but, I said, itare
doesn’t make any differenceto
what I say if it doesn’thave
make any difference: please,here
2265said the mountain, be my guestand
a slice of clearingonly
2270widened over the ridge atwhere
sundown and the sunwe
stood in it a minute,are
full glow flapping up againstto
the garage and treeslose
2275and through the windows againstall
the walls and it was very niceare
say around four twenty,we
gold effluvia goneto
by four twentysevenbe
poet friend of mine’s
dick’s so shortstill his fat wife’s
2285he can’t pull it long enoughradiant every morning:
to pee straight with:he humps well, probably,
not to pee onstringing her out far and
anybody by surpriseloose on the frail hook:
sideways, he hunkersand, too, I notice she
2290into the urinal so farfollows his words
he looks like, to achieve,closely like one who
relief:knows what a tongue can do
Christmas Eve morning
a sifting of snow
2295blurry clouds
with near-clear spans of western blue
still at nine
nothing coming through in beam from
the east
2300the hemlocks rocked and
winded yesterday
hold their old darkness back today
to have fun you have to need it
so little you don’t need any
2305you fear the graveif you won’t
so much it ischange yourself change
possible before life isthe world
done with you you
will beg for itchange the world you
2310won’t change yourself
this year’s been
so horrible even the
of improving it
2315is frightening
then the sifting thins into a sheen of
micro-lights, pane crystal flints,
twinkling down like fog-fuzzy bugs through
beams of early sun,
2320derived not from clouds but a haze
that barely pales the sky
weather is continuo to the clustral or choral
the deep through-going that adds a middle
to islands, glaciers, ponds, fields, woods,
2325to rain, or snow, or wind or
the sun’s weather is
to earth and Mars and
2330or the galaxy’s (here we go again) shine is
within which gather and move chords,
concerts, aggregates, configurations,
tangles, thickets
2335which in turn turning feed into and move the
clapper-hung bulls tinkling bells
balls on icy highweed
spot of marsh there
2340in the meadow
cattails and redwings
artesian source
a bog going
around saved
2345the tree-mingling mists
on the high gap’s ridge
seem not a nature
my self, too, inhabits, brushing up
against the rockface,
2350leaking from boughs
but another dimension, intention, or
working that asks neither my
compliance nor participation
buried yesterday afternoon
2355today Uncle Emory
begins his first
full day in
the grave, the
whole round of
2360the dark service,
the wageless hours
and hourless wages
but what a brilliant
finish to the snowstorm
2365(another due tonight)
so much sun I sat with the jade
plant half an hour
while sheaves of brightness
fell across its deep leaves
2370and, eighteen the high, here and
there direct light caused icicles
to form out of hung snow,
the ridge on my
metal mailbox turned into a single
2375long icicle, dog’s tail
Analysis Mines and Leaves to Heal
Analysis mines and leaves to heal
clouds, coasts along the way but comes
to recourse’s nothingness to heal itself
during the night
2380the wind pulled
up a cloud cover
apronsmy wife says
hotpadsyou can’t learn
2385place matsmagic by magic
lunch bags
intercourse is better than no course at all
hardly able to take a frail wind
2390or thin change in altitude or
attitude, we measure riffles,
waves, ounces, vibes for power,
scrupulous tissue
axioms, postulates, theorems, hypotheses,
2395hypotenuses, conclusions, paradigms in
neat blue conic sections, curved lines, dots,
lines, and planes, cubes, prisms, cylinders,
spheres, all that good stuff
temperature goes up, snow falls:
2400break out the stars,
cold shines them: stir up a southern breeze,
here come the windchillindex
here, indeed, we’re eating dead chicken (stuffed with
stuffing) cranberry sauce, applesauce,
2405white potatoes, broccoli, salad with
dressing including one dark olive, cookies
and ice (dark olive how I luf you) cream
and cake and the snow outside coming down
Snowed Last Night a Lot but Warmed Up
Snowed last night a lot but warmed up:
2410today has been cloudy
unsnowing and up to 40 maybe 45:
icicles have dived off eaves:
the hemlocks
which keep fine clumps
2415are unsnowed
tipsy with breeze
I got a plant collection
for Christmas, jars, cups, liqueur & other glasses,
potted and planted,
2420but I’m doing tiny plants
I like my loyalty
and their precariousness
the big round yew
has five thick floes
2425indoor greenof snow on top
too central
to angle off, fall
the maple’s fleshy underlimbs look spooky,
2430more light bounding up from the
snow than falling from the gray near-dusk:
I shoveled
wet-bottomed snow out to
the garage, where I got the peat moss,
2435then out into the yard
where I dug soil
from John’s old sandlot
soil mixed about half with sand
that half and half with peat moss:
2440then I dribbled bits
into my finestemmed glasses
and reluctant jars
poured dabs of water in
to settle the roots
2445and left them to heaven
Those in ledge fright seek
the complacencies of the high Way
for who
given the apple of life
2450wants a different sweetness
low marsh
where water heads or sulls
is common but
high holdings,
2455marsh lofts, prevented into height,
kept where all that can run runs,
high marsh,
sedge, weed, grass, tiny flower!
snow upside down and/or backwards spells
2460mons, the
mountainous part where snow falls
gniwolp wons
one of the wons
with herbicides, pesticides,
2465the penetration, saturation become
systemic, what for us,
the children of Mithridates’srun, the end is
poison pricknarrowing in for
a close, the saying
2470midroad and midway the Wayis gaining
change, disturbance’s daily loss,concision to
shock, grief,slash and slashing
looks illusoryslash itself off
but the world’s vanishing as we
2475stand tiptoe at the rim of
a world never to come
water runs
but the ripple
2480But if the Way will
not answer common feet,
we hack through thickets,
winding vine-nodes, and
befuddling treebranching
divisions that divide us
bringing no lessening to
the investigated material
but if like the emu we
2490cannot fly we can
run fast or while we scramble up
fright’s sharp ledge we can
contemplate the skyWay,
treetopless, hightensionlineless,
2495peakless, stormcloudless
but who would be there except
as relief from here
here the pond muscles in a flash,
cracks, sprinkles, circles and
2500produces a disengaged item,
shining fish
delicious simmering
freedom, freedom
some people think it’s going
2505to stop snowing
today glazed because it went up
to 45 yesterday: stuff
melted and ran, and last night went
2510down to twenty or twenty-five:
the motion slowed, piling up, slowing,
then stopped into slick hard terrain:
today not having gone above
twenty-five, crystal-drawn
2515configurations, tire figurings, dry,
crunchy, are holding tight: now, forty minutes
past sundown, the dark evergreens
fall away in a white sea, clouds
above, behind, between,
2520only a shade lighter than
the trees:
all day the sun found two blurs
to come through, each a few seconds
wide: people who have a life
2525to live don’t notice weather: the rest
of us study it like a feast, eating
the windshifts and coolings,
the details, main shows,
fringe events, chewing and wolfing:
2530who dines on clouds, drinks
the wind, gets loose mouthfuls, has
for fanfare stripped willows and
grumpy hemlocks:outriders
not regular, he should
2535address himself to the center
folds, vertical drapes, entryways
wherein to go straight: it is
one thing to tongue pussy and another
thing not to: well said, nature
2540lover: less polluted these
days than acid wind or leady sleet:
the future
“let’s come and eat”will carefully
husband and
2545Dallas at Minnesotadraw out
strands of
I hope dianthus that throughthe natural
platycodon simple engagement hesperisto weave the
with diverse lychnis materialitycontrolled
2550I calendula will be ableartificial
ageratum to wipe dusty
miller the shitty salvia
grin off my cockscomb faceI need a
2555where all lose, oneto set a
must study gain, move intofew sharp
herd-appraisal and praise, announcestones in
energy and direction,
not slouch behind
2560tempting wild animals:
the business is serious
but wipes away,
chalk on slate, the scribbling
powdery: hunger, greed, fear,
2565anger write themselves out
through and with things,
then dissolve,
the things themselves also
I carry an extra
2570pouch on the hip, around
the neck, over the shoulder
it’s awkward and burdensome,
in it a piece
of paper
2575with the heaviest
something to save
us, if
2580not a lot, a little
(tell us, at least, there
is no equivocation between
necessity and necessity)
or if
2585you can find nothing to
save us,
cheer us up
or give us a good rubdown
or put us after a problem
2590worth pursuing
the admiration of can-do
the basic structure
out of its holster,
admired, received—this
2595enlarged and multiplied
into aspects of day
hello from one who knows nothing
(and never lets you hear
the end of it)
2600The sun climbs daily higher
into a longer arc:
lows ride
thaws in from
the south for a day or so
2605but the
long summer dissolve and making
this daily increment unfolds and cinches
that Ithat’s what II have to do some
take ittake it itlight writing
2610is whattakesso I can do some
it takeslight reading
taking thought
poets add
2615to the
for critics
who can’t
get their
2620tools sharp on
the obvious
A seventeen morning &
the maple, lit below,
looks as if it’s
2625in pearl fire
the high-luminous snow
catching every branch
I may change rooms
because I can’t see
2630the main subject
from here
I can’t continue
to proceed indirectly:
in the other room I wd
2635be able
to see a frowzy jay light in
it (my subject)
or watch a winter wind
whistle it
2640or behold the coming & going
of snow leaves,
attention-getting poetry
all the fit that’s news to print
2645what’s a sphere: (you ask)
a nucleus
prowled by circumferences:
a moon or sun
or asteroid, orange, tangelo,
2650grapefruit, or
two selves or sexes
clustral: a mere
bead, seed, marble, an
irreducibility gathered
2655about itself, or a
radial awareness, more
blocked off on one side than
the other but about
as fluid and penetrating in
2660rock as air: awe or ire:
clearly the question is what
one does from there: the
spiral drills a more
majestic form, centralizing
2665spheres, binaries, clumps,
arms and windings into
vast discs turning but more
open to variety on the
edge than spheres, a malleability
2670outward to diversity:
moving to sweet heaps as of
rocks or garbage in spill:
every lawn,
sandy path effects, influences
2675the weather: every bush’s
held-air temple,
cooler or warmer or more or
less humid: every fringe
of bank grass alters the
2680wind’s rill,
spill, the way
thunderstorms roil white-ice
high with stricken
majesty: I
2685know how things go one
way and then the other
without separation, tenacity
continuous throughout
the measure: I
2690know how the big wind falls,
the winds of hollows,
thickets, ponds
adding or subtracting huff
or lag, easing or blocking,
2695lofting or snatching down:
clear progressions and puzzling
intermixtures: so much
stability or quiet change in
fantasies of motion: wind vane,
2700rain gage, barometer . . .
1look at2look at
the peoplethe people
in thein the
don’t seem tosweet north wind
3look at4look at
the peoplethe people
2710in thein the
unfailinga cardinal
attractionsingly singing
5look at6look at
2715the peoplethe people
in thein the
memorydisturb the
27207look at8look at
the peoplethe people
in thein the
stone recallswhen dawn comes
2725lastno one stirs
9look at10look at
the peoplethe people
in thein the
fucking forefront
rump humper
bang spangler
2735wart wrestler
butt fuckershoot the breeze
people who worry about
belly wormerthings have something
crawdadhopperto worry about
2740spider spitter
I have behind enough but
kitty corneredsuffer from foreshortening
2745diagram of eclipse
paradigm of ruin
figure of flood
bustnut of wind
sketches, fit-ups for
2750the cataclysm
name and number (my culture agriculture)
sense decays when it moves too
far toward statement, concept,
abstraction, or theory where
2755generalization, synopsis, or
summary has taken on wide
prevalence but left
behind, or digested away, any
experience of example,
2760concretion, or sensuous
actuality; or, toward the
coincidental, the single
example, event, or thing
without context or placing,
2765the isolated particular:
poetry operates, not to deny
the abstraction or the
particular and not to diminish
the distance between them but
2770to hold in relation the
widest play between them
shooting irontoday, fair, saw the sun
don’t riot bade lionsall the way down
flowers flowtill, arc lost, it
2775flower bowlstouching scattered up
and down the ridge,
bulbs and spherules glowing
coals crumbling and I think
it was 4:30 before the
2780operation ended: this adds
a minute or two
to the hold of light
The first morning in a few
the windows haven’t been
2785ice-befrizzled, bestreaked,
befoliaged, or befrilled,
the numerous fronds & species: today
is mostly plain
pane invisibility: but at 33
2790and snowing, sleeting, and
raining, a few driblets stick
to the panes still ice, clear
as ice or water, a bomb gone
off at LaGuardia
2795and 11 people killed:
the snow scanty, slow,
big-flaked, I went out
into a reality
audible with unsuspected
round and square
dancing and
dancing undetermined
square or round
2805I care not a fig
for a fag in a fog
fog in a fug
fug in a fig
fug a jug
2810(jig a fig)
sphincter of Oddi in
your face!
it was supposed to be warm today
up to 40 or 45
2815but it wasn’t and more sleet
fell than ice melted
now we have six new inches of
This is
2820the great
man’s skull:
we saved
it from
the fire
2825so you
might see
the light
in it
any part of the day you
2830move out of the accuracy
of honor you waste
for honor, in no need of
sanction, moves in its own
self-evidence, necessity:
2835if we prove
unworthy of tenure
on earth earth will
give us notice
the force of necessity
2840merely operates
(but lay a log across
the flow, you have
a bridge)
poison earth, eat poison
2845I get so much good out of my
neighbors: they don’t
speak or visit
but they come
home from a trip
2850and put on the lights or I
look out the window on a cold
night and see one or two
of their windows lit and get
neighborly feelings
2855Quilted spreads
pigeons every morning prowl
and rove
the hills at
2860miles an hour:
out walking, prowling, I
hear them coming
a soft, intense muscling
then the visual speed,
2865cushioned rigor
quarter to ten and the sun’s
nothing, more in the south
than east,
2870leftover moon
are you looking for a minute,
second in the welter,
grain of what-for, nit of
news, bind of delight
2875just this way
may a fart pule brown billows
about your earlobes
may your teeth acquire anal
longings and fly home
2880may your rump-grooving nose
plunge into the shot pot
towels pillows & bath rugs
polyester fiberfill
jumbo welt
2885hand-knotted fringe trim
an increased middle region
answers polarities
2890the pode which be
de (pod) foot and antipode
which gwine ter natcherly be
de head, baby do,
some lard, though, hung and
2895swung about the organs,
subcutaneous rugs, blankets,
drapes, curtains, stuffed
liver, swoll’n gut,
(with a railyard of fuming,
2900fussing, foaming, and verting)
these enlargements, equatorial
intensifications, of
content between the mouth
and so forth:
2905forget the colorless, clear,
frigid, polar life:
come to
where thepuddentang
zonky wohwoh
2910pleasure is
will one waft whither wind
winds forever
the current moves with
necessity’s inner accuracy
2915but mind what will it do
it will not accord
as if a native element
indistinguishable: it will
not have currency
2920but come into a state of
its own
terrain decision settles
choice disposes
some influence as to what will
2925and will not be
for example choice though
will need to choose what
cannot be unchosen what is
like stone grain
for example loneliness
one need not look forever
out of windows or into
adjoining offices
2935or mailboxes
for the thing that will
not come, the face from
wax-museum memory
2940one may say loneliness if
with me
it is myself
it will not remove
it is mine
2945I hold it to myself
I will not let go of it
it is clothes on a certain
person it is a sharp watch on
a hemlock jay
2950it is the long tunnel of
memory personalized with
murals and hangings
it is where I must
hacking go
2955there will be some terror
I accept
it is mine
it comes
and when it goes
2960leaves furious fragrances
one will dispose
the disposable
I will not for example love
a new person
2965not with that force’s full
I will love sweeps, banks,
and glances
and lengthy spaciousness but
2970I will not
grant an extended reach
or stir to fill a need
the decision is a new knowledge,
the matter shaped and settled
2975monthly payment
the last day of seventy-five
some sun this morning mostly
gray this afternoon
fairly warm some melting
2980say thirty-five
having missed the calisthenics
of maturity
I practice early and late
to catch up with what is
I am not wise
please forgive me for writing
even so
correct me with your own
2990deep acceptances of
condition and self
I call attention
I enliven when I can
to open press here
2995string out the old
string in the new
happy new year
Dung ball, round graveyard,
wax ball, this sphere, nest
3000cell-laced with permanent eggs,
these dead moving loose
in vines through branches,
this orange body and apple body
devoured, our mouths
3005the substance of millings:
the sabertooth’s big-game furnace
burned forty million years:
elephants, rhinoceroses stoked
it: look in his skull, cool,
the hominid ancestor dreamed
him through entanglements of fire,
the polishes of volition: the
more recent, the thinker, the banquet,
3015observed him go closely by:
have you heard
the mockingbird:those who
have nothing
markhave nothing
3020the woodlark:to lose
words, a sculpture, let us
see wind:
the cart after a time
goes not on as a cart
3025rock the boat in a calm sea: people
in storm wildernesses hold on,
balance against, empty out,
a mindlessness resembling the
conservative: the revolutionary
3030is stable in it and
cannot bear it:
the upland bog!
a flat clearing
means pond-water snowed under,
3035and brown-shambled fringe
broken high from
by right cattails
smart and clean as pricks
prick freud
ruined everything
tops in scoring and rebounding:
violence, suspense, and non-stop action:
3045strikes, spares, and splits:
fireplace specialist:
carpentry, masonry, plumbing,
painting, roofing, wiring, heating:
it looks like today
3050though it commenced
thea year isn’t going
to amount to much
firstgray skies
meal-like gritty
3055comessnow enough
to make running whirls and curls
righton the highway: we
just went to FAYS:
afterbought a plant:the death of god
3060sort of jointythe god of death
thecactus put it in
a big glass jarcleared off late
lasthad pretty goodthe flat light
roots reckoncomes underwood
3065ifthey’ll root alllike a fire
rightright the others I
beforegot last week did
servedthe content of the obsession
3070changes but the form returns
lay across the multiple
defining inventions
that limit and
3075accentuate so as to say
we, too, exist
I’m one fourth as
old as the country
I see downhill a patch
3080mixed in the tops of two or
three cedars—the lake,
a mile’s breadth hardly wider
than cedars’ tips
when we dam sluices
3085in river gaps
we don’t violate
the accuracy of flow
but build a temple
to flowing nature,
3090housing for the river god,
our structure interpreting river nature
time outtime up
in timedown time
3095yesterday the west cleared by
sunset and the sun
went down
a bright spot in an exact place
but as it went deeper
3100glow widened up and down
the ridge
until half an hour later
the storm had broadened
and caught up the earth
3105in a rising fire
but it was only nothing
because here we are today
(one who makes much
of little
3110makes much of little
aches and pains,
trivial inconveniences,
slight delays, and is
a pain
3115to work with or
be around)
in a full radiance
morning having broken from
the very skin of sunrise
3120bright and
unrelenting and here just
past now
the windows beam,
the floor scattered with
3125the fallen lumber of light:
thousands in wars have lost
their hands and/or feet—
specially in recent wars
where things picked up or
3130stepped on
have exploded
(if you can bear to feel it
you will never cause it)
Big Old Thang
3135She stuffed vulvas in the
cracks, hammered the main
labiums together with
vaginas and stapled
the clitorises up till it was
3140to the point he
couldn’t get a thing in there.
this is your spotty reporter
putting one on
3145first day after the first
look like it all gone down
(criticize in general
praise in particular)
The stomach is quite
3150a development
on the esophagus and
if cross-country is
the small intestines
3155represent a winding
so I don’t think
we will be
concerned if the
3160continuo’s overwhelmed
by appallingly
pretentious blocks of
3165it goes on trinkling under
there, eventually reappearing
Big, BIG savings on all
3170low mileage
fully equipped
mint condition
houseflies are spongers
My neighbor shakes feed along
3175the spruce thicket fringe and
keeps the pheasant plopping on
down, their central heating,
main ramp to life’s roots:
lucky for the pheasant they
3180have a big ass and long
tail to sustain them above the
snow when their legs blop through
you have to feel pretty
good to have a good time:
3185the aspirant spiral: you remember
the aspirant spiral
the limbs’ topside catches the
eye today
high-lit with downsnow
3190brighter than snow’s
3195of& cadenzas
theof detail
(though the pentameter’s heaved we’re
splinter assertions of the great iamb)
3200Nature as waterfalls,
lives, or generations
spills fast,
not fashion-fast
nature as ridge is deep
these the oldest
mountains in the
authority fills the
under cedar
or writes precisely as the ridge
across the blue dusk coelum
3215authority’s springs and
white-scaping falls, the responsive
rounding off of hills,
creek- and riverways
are a spelling out no
3220character muddles but
characters, the wind’s many
motions, inscribe,
a telling not of one
thing to another, pen
3225to paper, chalk to slate,
skyscraper to groundbase,
microinscription to fossil
but undivided telling:
this writing
3230makes bowls
and fills seas: man older
than the megalith faced
unstoried stone, deep
priority, as this about here,
3235now after a hundred years its
millions hardly broken into:
here in America the
fashion, the scale or
intellectual sheet, sorts
3240against a chasm without time
and one the other criticizes
to digest but, the reach not
commensurate, the maw
can’t feed: this not an
3245evening land but a
morning too early to make anything out:
the ridge fills our moment
and, time’s fill, fills time:
there’s no news like snow news:
3250the tongue stuck out,
tongue tip, sticky:
then teeth, mouth, the
shaping back and the business
of swallowing: the
3255slender esophagus, bottomed
with a valve, followed by a
great opening out, containing
another valve, then subsidiary organs,
duodenal and pancreatic, and
3260interpenetrated systems,
blood and air, followed by
a meandering of
guts that roil and shift,
then the water system and
3265larger hunks of gut (nice, necessary,
so precisely made) finally
the mechanisms of holding
and releasing
man is a motion through
3270variations on a tube
Larry Brown
those who fret to generate
intensity don’t understand
those who thrash in lakes
3275of fire for the cool banks
vice versa
The wind picks up slick
bounding upslope
on the slippery freeze
3280“build your own worksop bench”
insulation services
tile and formica contractor
upholstery service
3285bath remodeling
gutter installation
heating and air conditioning
concrete construction
ceiling installations
3290fireplace and chimney service
the indigestible
unaired into meaning
area rugs
saxony plush broadloom
3295speaker systems
Ed White
Steelers & Cowboys
grain off the old pebble
pebble off the old stone
3300stone off the old rock
rock off the old boulder
boulder off the old range
range off the old divide
divide off the old tectonic
3305jerk off the old jerk
Cold didn’t keep the stuff
kissed back last
fall & forsythia &
3310pear florets couldn’t
sleep, woke up blooming
in winter’s skirts
spring’ll spring blossom-light
know your onions
3315a sprung spring can’t
unspring and spring again
till devices and
rondures have clicked
through and gone round
3320ramrod concept
you would think it
easier for happiness to
happen than for
unhappiness to unhappen
3325words’ windy feed
in perilous times one needs
for diversion
clipped, unsustained
lyrics with no
3330drama (stifled cries)
vehicles to stir reality
a touch away,
to hold the unnamed nameless
3335till when times ease one may
creep into focus on sharp
rims, the alleyways of
the long arisings
3340squall largelyto
the flakesis
repeat the crystalair
accomplish a designation
dense for though
3350we would understandget
the world we wouldthis
not have it stop
or disappear
our doorstep mouse
3355travels little
this time ofa snow
year, waits for a drymole
snow and tunnels
under the surface,
3360a furrow burrow which
collapses behind into
permanent waves and windings,
exact histories
till high wind blows
3365or the sun looks
defining terms was Socrates’s
way of not knowing himself
if one’s hopes
cease to rise
3370so will one’s peccadillo
I think I may not write much
I didn’t write much before
3375and during breakfast I was
busy eating
and right after breakfast
I had to go, the setting good
for getting things out but
3380short on things to write
them down with or on,
memory my shortest instrument:
I drove John to school, so
cold and windy,
3385and it took me twenty minutes
to get my pollution control
equipment overload to let up
on the choke and smoke
so I wrote practically nothing
3390during that time maybe a note
on a matchbook or map or
gasoline ticket (whatever,
I lost it)
so by mid-morning the time
3395up to then was a perfect loss
as far as writing goes
so since I had the car
already warm I went over
to the University, picked
3400up a few things,
arranged them, and, nothing
doing, came on back
and by the time I got the
coffee heated up began
3405to think of lunch
so Phyllis and I had a
great lunch composed of
soup with turkey strippings
in it, I mean we added the
3410turkey, it was delicious, a
delicacy, and I didn’t write
a word the whole time, then
after lunch I rushed off to
be in on this thesis-defense
3415having to do with David Jones
and that lasted you wouldn’t
believe how long
and I didn’t get anything down
on paper
3420to speak of
but after that, late in the
day, the sun having broken out
clean into a perfectly clear
sky, I just came home and hung
3425in there, meditating on that
happy brightness
and as anyone knows you cannot
meditate properly if you
interrupt yourself to write
3430what you’re thinking down
so even though we have
a quarterhour left to
sundown I don’t think I’ll get
much done today
Teeth outogu
toenails inlugl
when you’re
3440up you’re
out of thisle mismo
world and whendifference
you’re downchickweedo
you’re outgone
poetry is the life of criticism
When I think of “the Poet
3450how nature narrowed
through him without
loss of breadth
through one past the aspiration
of envy,
3455free of the fidgetings,
picky dispositions, effects
of lesser men (giants
one in no need of praise
3460for why thank
a tree whose leaves inscribe
the sun’s doings,
one better left unpraised
where praise falls away
3465from its objectmy premature
sex life
entangling poetcame before
untangling criticmy mature
sex life
3470weeds don’t read books
(or write them) so I sing
of weeds and they
don’t turn red or pale
with embarrassment orif That
3475gratitude or turn meWhich Is
singing pale or redspoke it
wd say
big rigsThat Which
big digstookusIs speaking
few & far between
when duh
when thegoing git
“voice”tough duh
3485(thetough git
assimilator)gone man
is too
strong it consumes the
particulars (words,
3490images, tones, meanings)
a clearing
in bulrushes as if an
elephant had paraded
through, more opaque
3495than voice
but no pushier
shoving every drift with oar
my poetry has(some weeds
fallen off athat stand
3500little, it hasthrough winter
from standingsnowblossoms
right up inbigger
therethan their summer
3505and doing it,blooms)
it has weakened away,
it’s soft
a hollow
log’s as((.))
3510good a. .
place as
any for
a long holeSigmund took our
head out of
3515the clouds and
gumhung it between
a lot of sunshine today now falling in
gold vertical striping against
the garage and breaking to
fall on up the roof
3525a glorious coldness
and brightness antibacterial as saliva or vulture shit
You can’t get it right:
if it doesn’t slide off thefrom side
track on one sideto slide
3530it will on the other or
find an unsuspected
side to slide off: it will not
go right down the slender middle
3535stabilize political
matters by turning them
over to permanent agencies
and how do you
protect yourself against
3540the stability:
return the matters to politicians and,
every election re-stirring the ambience,
you lose continuity
things, tilt acquired,he has her
3545achieve acceleration:all sewed up
the tongue, powerful,
moving organ, will in the
dark find bliss’s button,
describe its contours,
3550buffet gently and swirl it,
and then swarm warmth (and
grease) into other areas
equally touchy and astonishing
3555we are to several
organisms, micro
and macro, in their
as islands, archipelagoes,
3560isthmuses, regions, elevations,
continents, seas: the mouth’s
pit folks, so many kinds, the
friendly anaerobe
(honey, see your bacteriologist
3565twice a night)
vultures (and other
scavengers) will
eat up the ruptures, lesions, gashes,
3570dissolving sores of dead
and gut-cleanse the disease till
shit’s reductive bit, which may
stink, is (as the world
3575is made) purelike so
so like
poets probe and punish out
dark eruptions or
invasions of the
3580public mind and deposit in clear
lean germicidal turd of the just
word restored
the poet wantsthe poet, torn by
3585to govern, sway;maximum knowledge,
he wantsmakes the best
a difficultpossible decision,
dialectical test,tradeoff in recent
particulars formingtimes—governs,
3590into motions andimitating the
parties: he wantsreal thing & the
contention, compromise,enterprise of each
sneak plays, judgments,of us to himself
surprises wherein he
3595whatever the body knows
or teaches,
the known, found through the
body, can exist other than in
the body, the dancer, for
3600example, the single body
never out of itself, writes
a story entangled, interlocking,
unfolded on the stage which
lasts in the head when
3605the dancer has gone, a rondure,
a tendency and completion,
whose composure memory finds
and forms and imagination
redisposes and revisits at will
3610if you could write much
superlatively beautiful
like reaches of
snow in the Rockies no
one visits
3615imagine high-lying
writing unread wasted on
ridges and peaks
separate as word is from
thing, the motions of the language
3620system correspond to
the motions of the world system
rather closely one, taking first one
and then, to the extent
possible, the other side into account,
the woodlark,
the lilt and liquid
upward-breaking spiral,
sound’s artesian spring (the
3630dogs get excited in the thicket
rushing up the pheasant, making
plain hens fly off
chirping) but
I love the mockingbird, childhood’s
3635bird, most, and
weather changes or winter feed
has brought him to live here
where till this year I had
not seen him and now
3640with everything down white
(and mockingbird quite silent)
I see him flash across the
into the big round yew or
3645cedar bush
whatever it is
and pick the leftover
shriveled or half-shriveled
red cedar or yew berries
3650and he seems fat enough
dealing with the cold long
nights (I put out a cage of
suet but he will not light on it)
I wonder when in spring
3655musing he’ll
dropping burst the first note,
sweep a cluster of shatters into song,
and then fire the air with
a fire-line glinting unwinding
3660(the days lengthen, this morning’s
rim-sky rosy at seven:
last evening
the great orb tucked in
a last slice at 20 to 5!)
3665the crow I think
has smelled my suet
but surely he
won’t come to it
hanging on a nail near the
3670ceiling of the backporch
press the incidental
to assume the general
(any particular general)
most people don’t like to think
3675of the stuff in their livingroom
as sitting there, chairs,
lamps, end tables, vases, tables:
they think they ought to have a focal
point, so they get something big &
3680noticeable, like a philodendron,
and plunk it down where nobody
can miss it
and that is not what a focal point is
I declare the crows have
3685come right in to hanging
around in the maple tree
and I jest bet you five
dollars since it’s over
thirty today they got the
3690scent of that suet and
they jest a waitin’ that’s
what they doin’ they jest
a waitin’ sooner or later
they gonna plunk right
3695there on the porch and
start a grabbin’ and a
tearin’ well I thought this
year I was goin’ to make up
my mind to do somethin’
3700good fer nature but that
warn’t the nature I meant to
do any good fer that’s a
fact and I don’t keer who
knows it them crows is a
3705eating up what little bit
of stuff people has and if
they ain’t something done
about it I’ll tell you they
won’t be a thang left around
3710here that them crows ain’t
fooled with I bet
you five dollars on that
see see see you can
see it for a pennis
3715come comewill teen wind
(unlikely)slice the yellow
come, comepeaks off acne
(more likely)
I have not been out to stand
3720near or touch the elm
recently so though I see it
occasionally through the other
room’s window
I lack heavy information that
3725it remains substantial and yet
by faith I have no doubt
if I went out there
to hang myself on it
it would do well enough
3730The perfect journey is
no need to go
another nothingly clear day and
I went
to walk between the pine
up the road on the hill and there
hill-high in dry cold
I saw the weaves of glitterment
airborne, so fine,
3740the breeze sifting
figurations from the snow
reservoirs of the boughs
Snow of the
right consistency,
3745temperature, and
velocity will
fall in a lee
building out over
3750space a
promontory of
reach in
downward curvature:
3755and snow
will do this
not once
but wherever possible,
a similarity of effect
to diversity’s
exact numeration
. . .
3765more January than
February, intervenes
during which
I wrote
nothing: it is
3770the winter-deep, the
annual sink:
leave it unwritten,
as snow unwrites
the landscape
3775. . .