The prescriptive stalls as
to when to take effect:
the admonishment loses the
color of certainty: the
3780recommendation lies down like
a mule and rolls in the sand:
the traders arrive with their
incredible auctioneer and
commence to squabble
3785and at the end of the day
nothing has been sold or
bought: in having found no
imbalance into a way out
as yet, an imbalance that
3790throws the leaves and
hangings of imbalance into
balance, I stand for
whatever will not come round
or be whole
3795or made out or reduced:
here breakdown allows
the small solution to
operate on the local problem:
this morning I got up early
3800and took the wetsack off my
foot, toe healing:
I went down and
turned up the heat, so
everybody could get up warm,
3805then I made coffee, cooked
an egg, had toast:
it was glorious enough:
but anyhow the man said it
will truly go to fifty today:
3810it’s already 30: when all
the hills’ holdings and the
trees’ and ridges’ loosen and
commence to trickle or
slide, gouge out and roar,
3815we may have a thaw
disturbance, that aspect
to happiness and warmth:
I hope it will take on
or after shoals of selloffs,
options, shorts, long-terms,
after heavy-risk purchases
and quick turnovers, the
3825unspeakable auctioneer having
fed in his energy and taken
his toll, there at the day’s
end is my portion: crust:
I just got back from the
3830University: so many
matters of great interest and
no moment:
but in the moment the general
world assigns,
3835the special person, the
one taking the brunt,
finds the ultimate explosion:
a former student, now
representing a book publisher,
3840stops by: he is engaged:
soandso calls that soandso
will not keep the appointment
because her father has died:
soandso left her dog
3845at home shut up
because he runs after
bitches and winds up
in the pound:
a University writes offering
3850me a job: one who
wants to apply for the job
won’t get it:
the turn of the day:
the spill, waterfall, shed:
3855impossible to make
any version
(perversion better than no
version at all)
adequate to the circumstance:
3860one enlarges the scope
and increases the fill-in:
deepens, dumps, delineates
the fill-in:
who or what is watching over
3865the waterfall (the waterfallwatcher)
where the
spill picks up, the urgencywe can be okay
takes on muscle and speed,socially and
the fast overshoot withknow that the
3870giddy, weightless fall,same moral laws
and the splintering disturbanceare operating
against bottom, rock, water:as before, as
things pick up, of course,usual, and still
from there and go on in a newgrind crudely at
3875mildness but strange setting:the circular
some things pass intoedge between
unrecognizable strangeness:human and natural
is no one watching, oflaw, one harmony
course not,not disclosing
3880not even a gentle, universalhow it
principle with a calming circularity, meshes with
a soft persuader reminding usanother
of the marvels, the highharmony
concerns and yearnings over
3885us, the realms luminous our
need only bend for comfort to:
are we here, single things,
lifted up into clarity and
by the same powers and forces
to be struck down, the calm
coasting going quite on beyond
us: or is it here precisely
3895that sleeve enters sleeve
so we see the interpenetrations,
to live to die, not to
die not to live, this is
the motif, announcement,
3900deep conditioner, the knowledge
from which there is no
freedom and no freedom
except in the knowledge,
the hardest, most bitter
3905schooling beauty and decay
could have devised,
allowing, though, ironic sweets
highest invention is humbled by:
one is helpless: one weeps:e
3910terror raves beyond the tear:q
one is without help:u
and then one sees or recallsa
that on the balance line betweenn
purchases and payoffsi
3915indifference looks neither thisl
way nor that:
our help is the call of
indifference that says
come where there is no
3920need of help
and have all the help you need:
so we rock (and roll) between gratitude
and terror (burns the cheek)
so we commend ourselves to
3925what is to be and what must be
so we celebrate dome’s day, the
big theatre, we came to see
and so we quail
at show’s end, the going back
3930into forgotten dark,
the stripping off of illusion’s privileges:
the sleep beyond the
edge of the deepest sleep
3935my fears of the
piling up of too
much fluency
in high-rise temperature were,
I think, ill-founded
3940for though the radio says it is
now 42
the drips from the garage eaves
slow winter down:
you could write a sonnet
3945between one drop and the next
insecurity of registration in
a terrain measures the
potential, that susceptible
3950to disposition or re-disposition,
but to the extent that potential is pure
potential, with not a skimming
of announcement or definition,
it is nothing, who needs
3955potential: and yet who does
not, not need “give”, border
or boundary stone
relocateable: if you could,
for example, set poetry off
3960into 10 orders of this and
that, subsidiary systems spelled out, lifted into
interpenetrative connection
with what is perceived to be,
you could call it preserved
3965territory, a public or private
garden, identity certain:
but poetry resists this, yielding to erosion,
horse manure, bird droppings,
pine needles, the wind, moss,
3970bracket, bract, stone of change,
a troublesome, marvelous garden:
fertility inexhaustible, a milling:
After the dissolve,
under cedars and black and blue
hemlock thickets,
crescents of coverless
ground where
if pheasant eat grass
3980pheasant can
plick chilly uprights of
green grass
or sort through the
vegetal remains, rubble for seed or
3985seed-like knobs,
clusters, or pods, roots, or
contributes generating to
the possible: but now
3990my class over for today
traces of white airiness
mean-sprinkling are expanding
into hard lightness
again, temperature falling,
3995new snow on old
melt-rinsed-to-ice snow
limited visibility
yield ahead
frost heaves
merging traffic
at most dusk
bill of goodsthe ringneck
4005deepdown cleanas if reluctant
I saw enoughto fly up to roost
of the realwalks about
to flee andon the meltshade
found enough unrealunder the cedar,
4010to return tohis feet on the
see the realground for the first
time since midDec: he walks elegantly,
slowly, now and then bends
to peck:
4015of course, he sleeps
on warm legs and feet
but all day every day he’s
snow-plopping barefooted:
scouring ugliness
4020and bathing beauty
my friend thedrover
poet is nooversold
longer attractedoversoul
to anylover
4025center of whichmover
he is notshover
the attraction
A sift, sprinkling, or veil
of snow came
4030last evening sun after dusk
but ended soon:
today, though, is bright!
I got up at 6:30 to turn up
the heat and the
4035east was brightening: oh,
I said, the sun may come up
this morning and now it is
bursting pointblank against
the thicket
4040Structureless rage, perhaps,
pure energy of motion, volition, lies
alongside or moves under
and upfloats appetite: blah, blah:
an energy that we should haveone with no
4045been put here among these community has
bounties and possibilities,only the world
crippled with these walls and
rage then flares into fear
4050that resentment has destroyed
our chances with the good
makings, the father dispraised:
it is a circumstance
medicine cannot surround or
4055work preservingly to the core
of: we must be and be
destroyed at once: rage and
love, fear and love, these
work themselves
4060out so that we become
accredited lovers and fearers
with no loss to either wing:
with no cancellation into
boredom or indifference:
4065harsh: harsh: with the
fate-like calm acceptance
that no other mix could keep this stir:
in a bush’s
fine division
4070the sparrow lights free
from the hawk’s broad shoulder:
tie one on:
another matter:
there is not
4075at the momenty
one single flakee
of snow ona
the garage roof:
a warm day again up to 45,
4080good old February
and there are wide circles
of dark ground under evergreens
and oblongs and funny
strung-out clustral darknesses
4085under groves, along hedges,
the woods in untouched natural color
but it’s gray again
(it’s gray again
like clay again!)
4090uyyllggu ugyu lygl
glugyuly yllgguuy
Tell What Will Not Tell Direct
Tell what will not tell direct
the bindings of avoidance
4095gather terrain
manysided and cushioning,
should the direct route of
the direct saying emerge,
should the furrows of
4100circumference, hills
and dells, the wild,
off-the-mark talk,
lead to the very place unspoken
standing out where the stand
4105must be taken,
avoiding avoidance
go out of your
out of your
way to help
help others
but watch it what you raise into
strength may suspect you of
strength withheld and raid you
4115down and out loose, windy
since before day
and all day
the wind’s rolled billows across
us, the soundlessness,
4120rising roar, crash,weave is what it is:
muffling, suckingno matter the wisdom,
against the houseperception: the truth,
and thisyes, but only because
with the sky gray gray asattendance to truth
4125before as usualenlarges complexity:
well but even so it’s goodbut is one wave of the
weather for Februaryweave balanced by an
equal & opposite: that
great weather’sis important: is
4130destruction, though:everything stressed but
the blue dry highin its proper place:
radiant inanitionis consideration
shrinks brooks to crispobserved in the
routesdispositions: not an
4135burns grassailing net but
upholds dustadequate weave
find reality
find duplicity
two bows of a single knot
4140my feelings are caught
gauze in a strong wash
with the prevailing snow
and full moon
nothing prowls through here
4145at night
without prowling declarations
raccoon prissy
used sway
Spread it thin
4150zip it in
give me a ring
go back up for a lay
(better laid than never or up)
today continues the tropical
4155extravaganza—up to 45,
the circle of under-cedar melt having
widened halfway across the
yard and the pheasant pecking here &
there significantly
4160an interim free of spring
madness and summer dangers
a protectorate of warmth
midway winter’s wars
bees body cells of the animal, hive
4165today you couldn’t get a sprig
of hemlock to wiggle
where yesterday
bounding sloped green
4170permanent as breaking
entanglements: when the wind
does not arrange to have
tongue, much is tongueless,
as great distance
4175Dark day, warm and windy,
light breaking through
coloring the sides of tall
furrows, thaw decaying
4180snow, the wind stirring
time up to a rush, I come home
from work midmorning
dark with contemplations,
that the infant finds
4185his hand unopened
and the old man forgets
his has closed—that rondure:
I sit down at the piano
and try the “Fuga 1” in The
4190Well-Tempered Clavier and
my feelings lighten,
the melody so incredible,
the counter-melody incredible,
the workings in and out
4195precise and necessary
Like fifty
I’m fifty
ditch water,
spring caterpillar,
4200ripples downhill,
an eager
the volume of motion a direct
reading of melt
4205and melt keyed to the temperature
so during the time of thaw
correction made for
shrinkage of reservoir,
the ditch
4210with some variable constant
lag tells:
I don’t care much about the
language these days (!)—turn this upside
down and you have
4215I wantthe happiness
to make a point:without measure
the point is essential,
the connection: the language
should be adequate:
4220(I’ve felt, might as well admit
it, other ways (not
necessarily opposite (
sometimes opposite) ways)
4225if mush were slushdud
meep could sleepdad
scruffy lines between me & my
neighbors, lean thickets,
spirea brown fine-bush and
4230overhangings of maple, silver
and sugar, big spruce,
honeysuckle bush-stump, ground
cover, and my own kept ant
hills: a stringy wilderness
4235inhabiting civilization’s
straight lines
a half-century inscribed
birthday cake, promises
of presents, a wheelbarrow
4240(red, rained on) and stereo!
A 41 morning, still cloudy,
rainy, gray, vague, the only
snow left
skinny archipelagoes, once
4245drifts, or stalls, as by (before)
(or after) garages or thickets:
the forecast is for
skin temperatures dropping
through the day
4250into snow flurries
with no significant
still three months away to leaves:
for us now there
4255is a discontinuity in the
flow of energy from the
physical which we still can
trust some to the metaphysical
now exploded: ideally, the
4260physical would be the roots
or trunk and the metaphysical
would arise easily and smoothly into
the subtleties of embranchment
allowing, when leaved, flows
4265and wavings of light, variable
shades, tones and atmospheres
like the spiritual temper of a time:
for us now, we dig in to
see if the trouble with the
4270boughs is not some trouble
with the roots and so we have
nearly killed the tree:
still, however long it is to
leaves, the grass has from
4275this warm spell taken
the hint, sprung its leaves
up into the cushions of air
and given out a tint hint:
imagine, the readiness
4280of it all! the unwearying readiness
to cycle, eagerness all over
fresh, as if for the first time:
now the tree is cracked off
at the ground: a peel of
4285cambium holds the boughs:
the boulder columns
of the temple
up (arbor-skinny
eternal emptiness
I brought in the garbage
cans, there was
(at this temperature)
4295a faint smell in them:
it was
nearly pleasant:
spring’s first
we eat the dead, swirling decay into
such a fret it gives energy off
to us, saprohumanists:
we can’t go on long eating and shitting and
4305beshitting the world before,
eaten, we are beshat:
the banqueter’s the banquet:
(well, then, dine!)
look you to it:
4310will not the wolfer be wolfed:
can there be a dwelling for man
with no cock to cry the days
in: I hear from across the lake
in quiet spells
4315dogs barking or crows cawing: or,
even, though terribly early,
geese going over, high over:
in any case, it is not the
rooster, wing-thubbing and crowing:
4320do you not miss the biddies:
yellow butterballs
peeping about the hen’s legs
and beak:
do you dwell securely where
4325there is no cackle to the lay
and no offal dog neither
good Lord not even a guinea:
I need pig and fowl: company:
4330and the goat!
how I need a goat!
what is the flavor
of anything without
the bright-eyed,
big-balled billy: or the
fucking sheep: who can do
without it: what we have is
the radio blaring
4340a flat high level
of disaster this
and disaster that:
when I lived in the world
there was nothing worth doing
Produce and fuctifry
a snow so misty, melty,
and thick
only careful looking sees it:
4350it does not resemble itself
on garage or grayass: my
teeth and victory stick
dream of being
hard on
guys with things so fine
they consider noses
or so blunt(earful,
they blunder earsgetting an)
4360stuprumstreamnew snow
stupulose millrunon old
washmelt narrows
geese did fly over yesterday!
northward along the east shore
harkking & honnking
4375in the accustomed ways:
seeing believes even if belief
can sustain seeing
an inch of snow fell during the night
drawing lines in the trees and
4380filling bushes with snowberries, big ones,
fork blossoms
at least
more fell
than rose
I Look Up Guff and Find the First
4385I look up guff and find the first
thing I learned about Babylon, the
gufa, the round wicker boats
in the fourth-grade reader! and I
remember the camels slinking high
4390against the flat, low line in the
with the aerial twist of leafage
at the palm top:
I can taste the sand now that I could
4395taste then, the muddy yellow river,
I feel the gristy hot soup of it now
that I did then!
mean business
the split between us
4400snow remains (remains
of snow) out under
the woodsedge brush
and lee of the put-out
Christmas tree, there a dab
4405(white scab)
and up here before the big yew
which brought the wind
paused to a crescent fall-out
histories of past
4410motions thawing away into motions,
runlets and trickles,
histories of redispositions
I cry nothingness nothingness as long
as the inadequate, the issuistic, is
4415proposed: I cry nothingness nothingness
to open space for the more nearly
adequate should it be deeply spoken for or of:
the dialectical
4420in on the clarification of
and falls in to opposite or
indifferent tendencies:
and after heavy losses on both sides
4425burns itself out in error and
grief and astonished self-correction
only to go a little way
too far the other way,
take on concentration,
4430force, and direction,
lean down into an assertion
that challenges, tests others
and then the opposite sway
falls into motion
4435with heavy losses, etc.
nothing achieved apparently but excuses
to form energies idly potential, test
belief, swell the capacity to tolerate tragedy:
the economies, the allowances and costs, are so
4440finely adjusted, broadly and thoroughly applicable,
it is hard to believe the absurd design, haphazard:
though it would be dialectically just for economy to
be grounded in happenstance because only at the level
of absolute freedom of bit could swells of new
4445information rise to alter the valuations of the economies
the weather today continues
recent trends: 35 at dawn,
near 40 now at 10:37 a.m.,
supposed to go maybe to 45:
4450high for tomorrow 40:
the tiger lilies are green
nubs standing in ice:
I see a hollyhock leaf
or so lying on the ground,
4455still green, the snow cover
having kept it: they say
there are snowdrops up
(a switch from the downs) and
crocuses are heaving off
4460shelves and roofs
One at one with his desire
slurps not the bone soup
of syllables
but rises to the other’s
4465rose and falls immediately
feeding desire
to recollection or anticipation
of desire
4470the business of the day
not bending the contour
out of circle
one not at one with his
desire has not a whole
and consequently no place
to go unqualified
or any single thing to
look for but one aspect
4480of himself knows the
otherness of another aspect
so that he cannot become
into other otherness
4485all singers are blind, of course,
for the same reason that they
do not see the world
but thickets of
complication between
4490themselves and their desire:
so much loss for the little
rescue of a lilt, a passing
fine turn, a modulation
practiced and true:
dark consolation:
what a nice stanza! imagine just going
on: I think I’ve invented
4500rooms to walk through
or stand amazed
or lie sleepy in:
it is no place, though,
to rehearse the flesh
4505of the beloved,
it is no place to touch
or taste
enter or leave:
it is dry delight, whatever
4510service remains when
the church closes:
the sweepstakes of
no desire
whole as fulfillment:
4515the sweetest passer of time
scheduled for emptiness:
the drug that makes erasure
bliss: an illusion some
of the uneasy can cover
4520misery with:
still when you think of the
nourishment of such delight as
over starvation,
what a numb pale
4525paradise! how constant
the music
dwelling among the constant
bushes, the deathlessness only
lifelessness can know
4530one not at one with his
desire still has to desire
so much more than nothing
this stanza compels
its way along: a
4535break will humble it:
form consumes:
form eliminates:
form forms the form
that extracts the elixir from
4540the passages of change:
well, we mustn’t let this
form reverse itself
into an opposite
though parallel
4545largely similar insistence:
must we?
a marvelous morning
dull gray aflood with the possibility of light
live unknown!
4550(the protean densitya pane’s
of that!)mirror
unmonitored bylets
the clichés of praiseeverything
4555well, no, the light changed
away into indistinguishableif you froze
gray, flicking wet dashes,a fog, that’s,
gravity-sprung ellipses, onturned loose on
the windowpane:a bluster, how
4560colder, foggier, suddenly:snow-fine’s
a front entering us doorsthe stuff today
/ /
we have become now in
the afternoon balled up
4565horizonless in pearly
mist, a billion bits of snow
jostling this
way and that, coming
down and putting
4570differentiation down downy:
the temperature dropped
in an hour twenty degrees an hour
an hour
sheet-deep in sleet
4575I haven’t written as
many words as an hour’s
grains of sleet
and so far only a scattering
impression of white
4580has risen from the lawn:
one should go on till one’s
hue is
nature goes so far to make
4585us one of a kind
and treat us all alike
Dull lull
4590logging a
dropped to eenzie teens last
4600night and snowed
three inches
now at noon it’s
the biggest teen
the car was crunchy and
4605crusty with
frozen rain in the windshield
wipers, stuck,
and the door wouldn’t break
open and every window was
4610snowed white,
tribulation’s Parian wreaths
(hark, a footnote)
hurdygurdy hurlyburly
4615with the snow white
as snow and the light
bright as day
one sees too much to see
4620//1:50 p.m.
though it is
warm by the
window and though
the garageroof snow
4625cannot but melt
and tinkle twinklefree
at the eaves
still the thermometer
has not budged up a bit
4630all day
standing right where it
is regardless of what-all
the sun pours it on day
and (elsewhere) night
4635but the air masses will come
variably from here and there
and they warm and cool in
cycles longer than a day
longer than a week maybe
4640even longer than a year
as long maybe as the 11
year sunspot cycle or
sunspot cycles well
you get the point
4645just because you
have a fair day you
can’t expect the
temperature to
shoot right up
4650to seventy like
I told this
student of
mine who
4655was a real
I said you don’t say to a
tomato you just set out make me
a tomato you say to it
4660make leaves and stems and
roots and branches, acquire
an abundant presence, and
then easy as pie you will be
able to make lots of tomatoes
4665and I think this girl got the
point that a Platonic form is one
thing and a piece of ass
something else
and nobody with that kind of
4670awareness will stay puzzled
long or talk to teachers
queer for tomatoes
enough horse do for today
ltho prhps ct shrt
The Temperature Rose 15 Degrees over
4675The temperature rose 15 degrees over
the sunless, unaided
night: clouds like freight
cars packed the heat in
here and like tarpaulins
4680held it in place: high
winds today will change the
pacings and placings, only to add heat
to heat: high
winds shake out from scruffy
4685snow-disorganized bushes
crosslimbs, tangles, and
dead twigs and comb every
long branch out into its
separate space and possibility,
4690a ruffling and swaying
that brings cleansed motions
to high alignment!
rhythm is the spreading out
of sense so that curvatures
4695of intonation, gestures of
emphasis, clusters of
relationship can find disposition
and placement within the
enclosing identity of the sense scope
4700(as metrics eats
away at motion
it loses its identity
and becomes like motion)
metrics aside, though (and
4705why not, though relevant) much
of the power of motion resides
in the reliability (see dict.)
of the repetition (al fine
senza repetizione): at some point
4710in the whole
scope of an act
of congress, encouraging
trust, there ought to be a
plateau, a plateau before the
4715peak: it needn’t be a flat
plateau: it can be building
at an angle into buoyancy:
but for this part of the act,
a regular rhythm or a regular
4720progression (generally
accelerating) ought to be
established as the highest
feeling comes on stressful
entering or unstressful
4725withdrawing: but aside from
the regularity of duration, timing,
between stresses (c’est à
decir, a poem or novel must
achieve identifiable motion
4730as the highest contour above
its many motions): it follows
from the reliability of these
stresses and durations that
the pleasures that lie ahead
4735are available, can be reached,
ought to be entertained:
reliability gradually
accelerated could then explode
into huge releases of, umm,
4740expression, into dissolving,
stressless gliding, unwrinkled
expression through issuecreelo o no
is not too badcreelo o yes
4745if clusters of plurality
balance counterbalances:
that way, all expressions
are tolerable but
meaningful change is slow,
4750an undercurrent forming past
calculation in accuracy:
the unwilled will
will the future
more truly than the
4755willed will:
10:10 a.m.: it has cleared
up sunny and warmed to the thirties:
the snow’s not rushing into melt
but clumps have damp edges: one thinks
4760the buds and flower-clusters
have swelled but actually one
has only thought of spring
and noticed the buds for the
first time: they’ve been about
4765so big all winter:
prey bolts, whines
but overtaken is pulled down,
dignity of design
forgotten in dust and the
4770fastest heart beat, grace
of motion
broken down into dinner
(have so many things to do that you
rarely do them)
4775//5 p.m.
my first walk to the brook
this year and though
it was only 15 minutes
including taking out the garbage
4780it was exhaustingly delightful
the brook by the way
by the way ay ay
is sassy
up to roaring
4785the water melt-muddy with
road runoff (salt, ash, cinders,
& gravel) and cutting gullies:
good to see a streak of water oozing
in caterpillar ripples across
4790the dry highway and to notice
farther up
the forsythia thicket letting its
holdings of groundsnow go
I would love to get the poetry just
4795the way it happens, the way it comes
on, heavy and thick like
a thunder tangle or empty as high
blue, weaving, stalling,
a little bit of all the
4800progressions including the
on the walk a fart worked its
4805way loose
probing through like a variable
long balloon seeking
wind to wind it broke free
4810so generous & satisfying
As for fame I’ve had it
before I’ve
had it: meanwhile,
others grow vast on
4815very little
(but it has
by wise men
often been
spoken: less is
4820more or
less more)
while the more
I give the fewer
tangles of
4825attention to me
I suppose I’ve
worried too much
about the outbreak
4830of destructive
when most folks
are in such confusion
any slight light
4835falls into far illumination
in darkness will we
heed too much
the twinkling of a tiny
twinkler when on the
chasms, gulfs, ravines,
ledges and weighty slides wait:
to be made of steel!
so bullets and aches and
4845pains and sorrows
the sorrows of knowing and
not knowing and witnessing
bing off you
that would be so fine
4850provided you did not
remain stiff and
meanwhile the day has been
beautiful from sunlight binging
4855right off the horizon
through bright to now 3:15:
not as warm as yesterday but
warm enough, 40, 45:
poetry has become an outing
4860(outage), church social, a picnic of
huggy self-embracing, small hopes
and a tremendous capacity to bear
up under daily disappointment,
no mail, no state funds, no
4865fed funds, no city or county
funds, no scholarship or fellowship
today, no
subsidy on this issue, no
programs for the public
4870or public schools this week, no
improvement at all, I’m sorry,
we can’t offer you a
reading engagement this year,
no, not now:
4875take up slack
choose cheese
When one is a child one lives
in helplessness, in terror
of arbitrary force, and in the
4880fear of death
when one is young one lives
in helplessness of the
passions, in terror of the
ultimate vulnerabilities, and
4885in the fear of death, passion’s
when one is grown one lives
in helplessness of the webs
of demand and responsibility,
4890in terror of failing, and
in the fear of death, the temptation
when one is old one lives
in helplessness, in terror, and
in the fear of death
4895a windy, almost flashingly
changeable morning, the
clouds ripping across
influxes of light, that moist
blue in the clouds, temperature
490050 but failing, the willow
yellower, perhaps, than
usual, or more noticeable
against the rank clouds
instability is a loss into
4905motion but the best integrities
move, the coming out
of “sense” from sound
progressions: the
“flow” on the court to a swish:
4910crows sit in the thicket
hushed mainly in the noon
when the great geese
fly over
4915the crows appear strange
as if separated into their
most anything, stopped, falls
apart: motion
4920is the world’s glue
but time eventually underslips
the whole thing
it is so lovely, the world,
4925so full of change and death
how can we find ease
in the uneasy
stability and calm
in the rushing
4930where is our stay
that is in a holding
than motion’s formings
here, we know a stillness that will
4935not work, and, there, a
stillness we can’t stir from:
hold on to your self and your things
as long as there is
hope of holding: then swirl
4940loose into the mercy of others, set
your sights on having nothing,
staying nowhere: rest home:
who lets go needs not even
the need to hold on
4945he is free with nothing
which is in to everything,
these strange and comforting
contradictions, emollients,
ointments, and
4950soothing sanctions for the lost:
swashbuckling bushwhacker
the weather cooled and calmed
into 4 o’clock
sunny, nice
4955I look outbang bang
the windowyr’re dead
but the onlybrush your teeth
thing comingand go to bed
is another
4960tooth out
if I hadlanguage says
more fight inwise and
me theresobering things
would be lessbut in
4965runreal binds
nobody reads
I picked up lost wood undersores run
the elm yesterday afternoonscabs
limbs airy with light rotstay put
4970bark expanding to separate
speckled white with decay
high winds trim the tree
into the continence and
security of calm
Cloud strays rounded up
in a windy direction before
dawn, a hustled, rustled
4980as the stone buildings at the
university get older
life seems more and more
like whitewater over an
architectural rapids
4985slope soak
seeps (spews up)
through a
highway chuckhole
late at
4990night and
freezing through
early morning
builds up ice
4995when dawn brings out
the cars
grinds fine
under the tires
and looks
5000like a bucket
of dumped
a curiosity to pedestrians admiring
the sunny morning
5005newlyweds: honeyback guarantee
can your father stuff it
the Rangers can’t
seem to do
anything in their
5010own end
something outside the bedroom
maybe a shutter
burrs in gusts and
another thing, an electrical
5015attachment, squeaks at the
corner of the house as if
someone were squeezing
a bird or turning over on a
5020(at nigh on to three the wind
has died down but the
temperature has gone right on up to
tulip leaves are up
5025green spears of lilies show
an inch of daffodil is
the hollyhock clump that was
aleaf under snow
5030having lost those leaves now
to naked frost
has unfolded held small leaves
precaution freed from caution
maybe the Lord troubles
5035people’s knees so they
will pray short and get on
with what must be done
//it’s getting late &
we had a shower
5040(enough to lay the salt
and silt on snowroads):
Bernie’s coming to dinner & Don
couldn’t quite get the
backboard up on the face of
5045the garage and I have pulled
out old spirea stalks and
picked up sticks till I’m
pooped nevertheless let’s see
if we can approach the
5050brushpile principle: now
a brushpile is by nature a
place to throw things
but you must be careful
when you throw armloads of
5055this or that on the pile—
some pieces will slide
down and off the pile or you
will dribble a stalk or so
of something just before you
5060get to the pile
which is only to say that
in normal usage
you will start to blur the
line between the brush pile
5065and the periphery
this should not be permitted
because pretty soon you’d be
kneedeep in junk before you
could get to the pile with a
5070load: right:
principle: be sure to police
the periphery of your fucking
or you will wind up with
5075nothing but a mess,
an undifferentiated junkyard:
is that what you want:
do you want that:
lines sometimes help the mind
5080take steps from
one thing to another
possibly ascending steps
to the tall place
where nobody
5085walks around
leap year
It’s Half an Hour Later Before
It’s half an hour later before
a spring shower
gets all the way down
5090to hemlock ground
last night it rained easy
all night till dawn the rain
got white and
the dawn world, stained this
5095or that, came up white
coming up on white
they’s a limit, he said:
she cracked up,
mother nature’s response
5100to male weaknessdomination
and all morning up to now
heavy stuff, white and sticky,
right on the rain line,
has been falling in a
5105calmness no tree quivers
winter trees aren’t good
winnowers: nevertheless,
fine branches snatch flakes
and big branches take
5110single ridges: the chaff
hits the ground
but the caught
turns to lit melt beads
that light up
5115trees in a different light:
march one andmarchone and
in the clearin theclear
thicket highchoiredthickethighchoired
grackles grate squeak,gracklesgrate squeak,
5120dissonant asdissonantas
a music schoola musicschool
not much verse today but we
got the backboard & hoop up
This poem concerns
5125the elm over past
the windows of the other room
the elm includes the weather
this poem is largely about
the weather because
5130weather is a major influence
on elms
you’ve heard I know that the dutch elms
are gone
this is to remind you
5135that they are still gone
but I heard
we come from upa man once
to 30 billion yrswhose thing
of oblivion but thinkwas done and
5140of not even awhose race
little more lightlyrun say
he was ready
the great flash their selves
onto, obliterating, surroundings:
5145they are normal:
cutting back, undercutting, schools
us to lessenings, including
the total lessening, nothing:
from what bin more gigantic than stars
5150could the diet be doled:
doled! poured out!
when the biggest thing, the grand repository,
we have is oblivion, slick with emptiness
will the fed few
5155feed on
from the schooled starved
we applaud the loudmouth who
breaks through into the feast of our portion!
5160could shed your shingles
could shingle your shed
today was a fair day all day
and most of the snow got
mopped up except
5165here and there next to
trees, fences, in thickets
hard to get at
I turn to the word and it brings me
5170I no longer go to look about in the world:
I have become so lonely
that only the word
is free enough and large enough to take my
mind off
5175the world going day
by day over the brink
used up but unused:
how thankful I feel
bent gutless over
5180the vomited void
to have at least the word
going anywhere fetching anything:
pretty soon it may have
brought so much
5185it will not need to go off again
and then the word will
draw me up about it
The word cries out
and I fetch
5190a thing or thought is noted
and from need or in
response to pressure
urgency for a verbal version arises
and words dash in
5195taking trial positions,
sort and re-sort themselveswor(l)d
into provisional clusters
and whole strings:
a marshal, severest linesman,
5200shouts out down the ranks
and ta-tum
the verbal version
with last minute stumbling or twitching
on the edges
5205declares itselfthere was a heavy
its trimmestfrost of snow on the garage’s
roof scales but the sun
I hunt and peckwiped it off
leaf throughor the garage crawled away
5210check alignment
do it again
start over
wait a while
look up
5215reconsider, readjust:
friendly word, image,
you hold my attention:
even as attention fails
and revives with work,
5220stirring and re-doing:
now as many snowflakes as you would find
bees working a quince clump, flakes big
as mayflies, run or stall or turn or rise
in the wind all together, flocks, swarms,
5225droves of things: this may be where fish
got the notion of turning in a single
action (it snows over oceans)
I woke up at 6 and it was
light enough
5230to shell peas or water begonias:
midwinter, fine-work would
have had
to wait till eight:
two days off from spring,
5235two hours of light
attached to both ends of the
day, the middle position
will enlarge, going on
to four hours either end,
5240sixteen dark switched to
sixteen light:
the reason it makes
no difference what people
5245is that they don’t think
enough to make any
the weather got us this week:
Tuesday an alldayer, a
5250heavy snow with the temperature
dropping, dropping (from the
shales of the morning) so low
that last night, low teens,
jungle escalations, ropes,
5255vines, fronds, seized the
windows crystal-blind again:
the sun came up
in light,
5260to warm to thirty: that will do
in the garage snow (an inch
on the windy side, one to three
inches on the hemlock side):
yesterday at the university as, my
5265wont, I mused out my window,
I saw a certain twist and
horny warp
registered in the deep-long
eaves icicles and since
5270Tuesday night had been windy
I thought, my word, icicles
summarize the rate of melt
and wind direction, are a glacio-spiral
version of a wind-rose: nature
5275that will uproot an eavesload
of history
can be so careful of history
A flock of my days
either gone already or to
5280come rises up
in a flurry and flies into
setting off
a maelstrom descent, whirlpool bloom
5285with a fine hollow stem figuring for a
bottomless source
in yesterday’s dusk hickory,
a flicker black on skylight,
not a grackle but a
5290robin! the behavior exact,
year’s first!
pecking his breast, grooming,
regarding the groundcover of
snow unsharply
5295(but today the temp is to go
to 60, worm raising weather)
yesterday when melt was
commencing late
in the afternoon
5300one icicle with a fringehold
on the eaves
waved back and forth
as if hinged,
5305its hold become so light
but now this morning
the temperature nearing fifty
the eaves rain with
melt, rooftiles starting to show
5310radiance’s darkness
(too much light on too much snow)
I guess the lady next door
when she had the elm thinned
from the thicket
5315didn’t know
snow would cap a hemispheric cone
on the left stump
they say it took some days
for the cries in No Man’s Land
5320to die down: first
there was a noise
of pain
but a few dawns and dusks
settled things
5325down to here and there
a filament of dissent
and then the dawn came wherein
the peace was incredible
You can’t imitatethe extent to
5330anybody reallywhich you can’t
and the extentimitate anyone
to whichreally is enough
you can’t isoriginality
enough originality
5335one gainsafter another blow
with immortalityI pick up
a lastingloose wood
tombunder the elm,
hard branches, the
5340skinny bones
of a flesh
if you caught aleft
dusk-glimpsethat was leaves
as a first seeing
5345of the thin-tapering
hemlocks (a rowringneck &
of raving beauties)redwing
you’d think they’d,(redneck &
waggled and whipped,ringwing)
5350worn off in the
wind that way
Stevens, you should be here
now with the ringnecks
and rigorous rednecks
5355and the green billows
of grass with drained
hunks of black-old
snow floating in them
and the ringnecks
5360stirred by a nosey dog
racing into the thickets!
if you could hear the
brook like a bear breaking
through the thicket
5365(the thicket floor
a manuscript patches
of snow illuminate)
yours truly
yours treely
5370“live unknown” is
no fun unless
you have to work at it
why kill
yourself when
5375you can
your helptrees fall to
the wind
5380and falls’
trees the wind
the comet mingling
with us this
5385week (a
windy week)
be back in
5390thousand yearsthe grave may
not be its
goal but that’s
where it lands
the world’s too serious
5395to take seriously &
too funny to take lightlyfaint &
fall over
Old Milling
say to the race
5400your run’s
run its race
say to the run
your race’s
race’s run
5405Spring’s old hat is older
than hills:
but spring’s skinny shade
(as old)
gives cedar, pine, spruce,
5410upstart and low-profile,
the jump on maple,
elm, latecomer
my yew ball
is ten feet high and wide
5415(it doesn’t roll in
but unrolls the wind)
you can stand behind it
when there’re insistent breezes
and it’s like standing
5420on the bank of
a current and even if the wind
is sucky
blowy with variability
the whole
is diminished in a matrix
of holding
The temperature fell
through yesterday afternoon:
5430big clouds came
and winds rose: and fell
and the clouds came and went
and the temperature fell on
through the night
5435plunging into the teens
from a daytime high
above seventy
today though the sun is out at
times and
5440though the wind, steady,
has lessened,
the temperature is staying
where it fell,
snowflakes feeling
5445their way (more
numerous than far-off legions)
through the air
in fabrics too fine for “snowing”
goalless as a ping
5450pong table I’m
as a free-versite
also netless
systems, structures,
5455big hunks of culture
do not melt and flow
one to the other but
often on single glints of
the exception sharply noticed
5465become the groundwork
of the next familiar:
as one who looks
to the mechanisms and costs
(sad joy
5470breaking away into acceptance)
in the “flow” of systems and
I cannot stop to see if
at any point a thing
5475still moving was
satisfactorily complete:
the sky’s stabiles
hasten and churn:
I befriend, or hope to,
motion: it is my slow veracity
and belief:
the conveyance of discard is
the arising of beauty:
5485perception, flat, impersonal, out-of-context
perception disfamiliars, erupts motion:
my life (pent)
misspent &
(piddling pity)
has poured itself off into
a big jar, jug, cistern, pool,
bog, mere, lake, bay, or
ocean of grief but
5495this was a morning, like
any other, for anything,
a whistling colleague,
an assignation finally
accomplished, a birth,
5500death, a pheasant screeching
achieve an identity,
find a direction, such achieving
leaves behind as much as it finds
choose short-term goals and having
5505realized them, wait for the grave
wandering afloat the landscape
to find you
have long-range, even impossible,
goals and
5510you will complete no work
but you will,
eyes on the sky, stumble astonished
into the grave,
your work left
5515to others, an inheritance
imbalance providing the
illusion of direction,
the loops, sways
of exaggeration, we can, ah,
5520and, therefore
could a shady
spot of the peace
everlasting patch
the wretched ways
5525and byways of the
lusty & hard-to-take!
oh, but we should not rail!
everything but our understanding
is flawless
5530the hemlocks are
sensitive wind instruments
you can
judge by the thicket
that it’s calm
5535but just then the tips of
hemlock branches pick
up the frailest motions,
the long branches, you
know, rise out in high
5540bow-boughs from the trunk
and secondary branches
branch off,
a dense replication and
registration so that
5545when the wind blows branch
tip and branch tip
try out the sways and lofts
of space and
sure enough
5550here and there
branch tips intermingle
and where they often
intermingle (summarizing
5555the tips lose needles,
and, no way proved to go,
the tip dies
and growth takes place at
5560another tip:
each way won or free:
a little past four
it has turned so clear
the sky bright blue
the blacktipped brown
lured out
by yesterday’s heat
5570circle crinkled in the grass
now (one on the garage floor)
the teens cold working on
them: spring steps up
warmly saying
5575bud bloom sprout shoot
and arctic highs
mow the answering down:
to endure
a thing must speak
5580more slowly than
highs & lows
You can
walking with the wind
think yourself
but turning to return
find yourself
in a ten-mile-an-hour gale
and on a great
cold morning like
this that
calm thirty degrees
5595chilling windchill degrees:
but the birds
are a chorus,
the jay’s big vocabulary:
the sparrow
5600is hauling straw
up to a streetlight
sheets of ice standing in
v-bottomed ditches
5605and a vapor-ice
of white haze
on grass near water:
grackle, crow, cardinal,
robin, birds but no bees:
5610according to the weather forecast
here comes another warm
spell up to the sixties:
lately the temperature
has been up & down on
5615a four-day cycle,
teens to seventies,
really rolling differentials,
spiraling through dragging
nordic or tropic skirts:
5620let’s not get into that:
cunt is disturbing
today if it goes to 45
caterpillars run down outside
may nick away in the sun
5625the lilyshoots
or also,
deeply puzzled,
rush out firm
5630to sixty degrees
but bend stain-limp
to the teens
scare crows
raise money
5635field mice
they said I ought to get
a stereo because
when from seventy you subtract
fifty it only leaves
5640you twenty mo’
for stereo
(lessen yall gits lucky)
you do do do, too
The Wife’s Plaint
5645There may be
more room on
the outside than
on the inside but
there’s more
5650room on the
outside outside than
on the
outside inside.
may hernias
5655rot in your
soup! the disgusting
husband said:
cocksuckers ululate on
5660your doorstep! the
precious wife replied:
may the worms
in your round worms
need worming & may
5665a great Swish
swallow your Knob!
close as i can
5670come without being there
cuneus is okay and cunette
fellow said he got his
tongue hung
in one
5675once (which I never believed)
and said whenever he did
the rest of it
started in to pecking on him
is what he said
5680till he couldn’t tell
whether he was coming or
and his whole tongue got
covered with red-peckered
5685welts like you never seen
slurp slop
I never met a man
with a dirty mouth
5690(delicacy governs true passions)
that had any real
respect or deserved any
everybody well-adjusted
to sex keeps his mouth shut
5695the elm is darkening
with mere
I saw this morning
come out on the porch steps
5700and on a leaf of periwinkle
a beadblack bug
hemispheric so as
nearly to stick flat
to leaf or slate
5705two red eyes
one on either wing
It’s a wonder the body
goes on making
things not thought
5710well of, saliva, for example,
wondrous devising
water, mucin, protein, salts,
and a starch-splitting
that has been accorded little
common knowledge and small
applause, like great servants
who flawlessly
into their work
eyes spread around
inside scraps,
tips, filaments of
5725brand new or newly
worn attraction
the bigeye belly
aphids that eat up theis
roses arelove’s Polyphemos
5730as pretty
as rosesmaggots like
twice as green,undertakers (too)
their dew honey,work dead stuff
and their petals flybut are unlike
a gray warm
day with sprinkles
not met on concrete
I just went for a walk by the brook
5740(high brooks are interesting,
the collections aimless
above the slope drop)
geese again
Today was like vomiting:
5745all morning and until
the wind scoured the trees
like the dry heaves
blustering dust and pollen
5750till finally it brought
the clouds up
and by four the smallest
rain came with a quieting
wind and then later the
5755true tensions found themselves
and wind and cloud
delivered the shaking
spouting flood we’d been
waiting for
5760now there will
be some ease
the birds can settle
we can have dusk,
dinner’s smooth time
5765because winter cut a deeper
trench this year than usual
I feared last year’s
mockingbird might not make
it back or through
5770but there
down in my neighbor’s
orchardlike yard
I saw the bird dive
spread those barred
5775rounded-off wings
and splash into trilling song:
I saw that yesterday:
you know how a robin can get
variable in a pellucid dusk
5780and sound remarkable
but not quite make it, as
the mockingbird
can hold no vocal candlestick
to the woodlark
5785sound’s most beautiful song
The grass is
green by
the time the
5790clouds are blue
how much
more blowing
will establish
5795It’s April 1
the willow’s yellow’s
misting green:
adding white maybe
tonight or tomorrow
5800Canadian air 30 below above
the clouds has
settled into the midlands
and is moving eastward
this will bring
5805ground temperatures
within range
of the structural
flare-out snow
a look-see
5810slightly more direct
(- (-shut-eye
($ ($American dream
(* (*34" bust
great logs
5815dragged to the fireplace are
with ashspoon dipped away
earthworms are only
little long people
I’m unwilling
5820to write this
morning but
keep nudging me
to sidle with
5825them into
what is it, even a tension
in the mind
wants to play
through the lit stage
wing to wing,
across and through
severe illumination,
5835burning every crick
and hue
of the hidden out;
to be announced!
5840shaped, made, attended
to, to have occurred as
an item of what was,
to be a thing that is
the bloom shed of the
5845maple is
first fallthe maple itself
a falls
the milling fall making
5850of bloom parts
to hold through winter
and open
to spring’s first warmth
and fall
5855(so early this year!
the syrup keeps
rising through the trunk,
wooden fountain,
5860and always from
the replications and
rondures, slope heights,
of the tree
5865the bloom parts
the sent
wide reaches of pollen, the
lightgathering, dismissed
leaves, hunting, spinning
the tree,
holding to one place,
moves as far
as possible
5875abroad, away, away
to other holdings
it is not for the poet to
speak the speakable
that which long known & said
5880requires no energy
of finding or forming but to
murmur, stammer, swear, and
sing on the edges of or around
or deep into the unspeakable—
5885the unspeakable, silent sorrow!
the unspeakable, silent joy!
there was a time in January
when the light was barren
moving in blurs and glows
5890between clouds and falling
on the snow-and-ice-enameled
hills, the streaks and
of ice-brush
5895like ink brushwork
the ridge, I thought,
moves, flows, and
I was held by a power
5900beyond all but silence
to contain
a joy inexpressible,
standing not away or at an
5905opposite pole but
in the midst of which
like high icy ghosts of
things arranged
at their centers so
that when we
grasp them
5915they turn slightly
(like a dishwasher
dial) and go into
another tone or slant
or cycle or flatly
5920from kind to kind
quandary lies centrally in balancing wings
so much so that as we draw near, the directness of
our sight blinds us to the full facetal radiality
so we are not likely ever to dissolve the knot because
5925we work against ourselves when we hope to for if
we did, behold, the world and we would stop: how
grateful we must be that as we reach to take the
much desired in hand it loses shape and color and
drifts apart and must be looked for all over again
5930so are we shoveled
forward half unwillingly
into the future (where futurity is lost)
praise or railing—
these two the sky equally
5935takes up unlimited
and lets vanish
The sky clabbered up with
blue-clabber clouds
5940(meanwhile the temperature
falling off)
the whey-gray whey rose
shutting off from earthly
view the fine white
5945cumulus heights (yogurt)
but still whereas and
whenever he did
the cold kept coming and
pretty soon drops
5950of rain
lost sharp swift
and blurred their way
down white
5955(white down)
big clumpy snow mixed with
rain, one thing popcorn
and the other popcorn popped
there’s no accumulation
on hemlock, garage, lily
shoot, yew, nor in crocus
cup, nor forsythia bell
whenever it did & any
5965flake touches anything
it crumbles, shrinks,
a little bit
of nearly nothing
A single fact
5970inadmissible into
sound generates
billows of volubility
whereas said out
it would turn
5975small as
a drop of rainI looked down the
brook at the outblanking
high glaze
running water gets when light
5980falls (into) against it
and thought how polished
water lofts ripples stone still
and about how the dullish gold
5985gets down between the
radiant-gray ledge shoulders
and holds color over each brook-step
ledge to ledge down the hill
until of course (!)
5990everything narrows
and disappears going down
into the burial of itself
burial from my sight though
5995for others beneath me
it makes sights and tunes
It does not rain in
air-conditioned rooms
and the fan-wind blows
6000(dust weaves in the rooms
looms and glooms
of loom-gloom) leaves
pittering across
dome-locked, skyless pavilions
6005are grocery tickets or nasal
(the brown
6010though hazes greenly
snot rags
I feel like a master:
nothing happens here that I
6015do not wish and
everything responds
(when we arrive at the
a wing-gate flies open
6020and turns
us into new material
like water in
6025about to find
restful rondure
then sliced
from its widest
currents settle
from polar ice
6035like falls
motion holds moving—
(the ripple I spoke of the
other day,
now the eddy,
6040but also the millennial
deep bends &
sweeps of rock forms
and sea currents)
there’s ice under ice in
6045Antarctica so old
it’s lost to count
but is still pressing down:
the earth, mantle-deep or
crust adjustment,
6050is responding to that:
I see into so much every day
(sd the obstetrician)
my breakfast nooky quivers
mostly cloudy at sunrise but
6055now turning clear blue in
spots and a turning up and down
of light (we may go to
McDonald’s for lunch!)
One loves
6060absolutely andin wax museums
forevermen have
anything else iswax balls
something elsebut in fire
6065I know only oneballs of fire
thing to talk
about (poetry)
and that
covers everything
6070(even on a moist morning
midMarch, the street
showered still-wet,
flocks of birds foliating,
defoliating shrubs and
6075trees, the cardinal singly
chirping, even on such a
morning, the word, pliant,
wrenching shinnies up the
6080ash-damp heights
and higher cries out in the
cindery desert for an
headstone-shade snow
6085melts slowly
it still can’t quite clear off
or get cloudy—
dwelling mixed
in between
6090some of both and not much of either
The Miltonic (Miltownic) Isn’t
The miltonic (miltownic) isn’t
milty or come
to think of itall you can do
tonicwith a day like today is
6095eitherslice it and eat
it, cake
blue, radiant,
frill green, also
the maplejust-right cool
6100bloomparts, cast millings,
have shrunk into meal, so
dry, granola, forsooth,
that stepped on they turn
snuff-dusty, a
6105prepared, engineered reentry:
I do not wish to speak too
highly of nature where only
what can work works,
only the possible possible
6110(though I like brooks
better than diamonds)
(no wonder things work in and
out so well together because
if they didn’t they wouldn’t
6115work long)
(the mind wishes to design other works)
that so much should come
to nothing, an abundance!
so much design be dust!
startles marveling
my head, the
skull grown
brittle thin,
6125I hold it
in my hand:
it is the world
to me: I
turn it some
6130as if
it were a
precious object:
but it is
mainly hollow
6135without longitude
or latitude,
good for lolling
and wobbling
when I
6140open a book
to a strict or
famous verse
My father used to tell of an
old lady so old
6145they ran her down and knocked
her in the head with
a lightered knot
to bury her (then
there was another
6150one so old
she dried up and turned
to something good to eat)
what my father enjoyed
most—in terms of pure,
6155high pleasure—was
scaring things: I remember
one day he and
I were coming up in Aunt
Lottie’s yard
6160when there were these
ducks ambling
along in the morning sun,
a few drakes, hens, and a string of
6165and my father took off his
strawhat and
shot it spinning out sailing in
a fast curving glide over the
ducks so they
6170thought they were being
swooped by a hawk,
and they just, it looked
like, hunkered down on their
rearends and slid all the
6175way like they were
greased right under the house
(in those days houses
were built up off the ground)
my father laughed the purest,
6180highest laughter
till he bent over
thinking about those
ducks sliding under
there over nothing
6185my father, if you could rise
up to where he was at, knew
how to get fun straight
out of things
he was a legend
6190in my lifetime
I remember when he was so
strong he could carry me and
my sister, one leaning to
each shoulder, with our
6195feet in the big wooden slop bucket:
he died with not a leg
to stand on
yesterday afternoon it snowed &
I scribbled: “more
6200uncertain (showery) glory,
flurries and sunshine, the
ground dry because as the
flakes melt on touch the sun
gives the moisture back to
6205the wind, also uncertain, the
flakes steeply or widely
rising almost as much as
falling but so thin-scattered,
so fine hardly
6210more than an uninformed
bluster—really nice, the
sun cracking stark bright off
one cloudhead and plunging
paling and dissolving like a
6215flake into a new blue summit”
today’s spanking bright blue
(gold willows and green evergreens)
and chilly, a
little fresh-windy, great day for a walk
6220Arm’s length renders one
(stiff and loud)
where one cannot intimately
and warmly tickle tits
6225or drive to bust
one must seek
out the subtleties
and rapid
6230adjustments, suggestions, and
speed of the middle way,
using the extreme only as a
total realization of
potential (punch in face):
6235spring drought,
no significant
precipitation for ten days at
least, has persuaded the
brook down to a wink here
6240and there (lust or
rebellion) and
the ground has cracked as if
to swallow birds or fire,
not seed: it’s warming up
6245this morning, to 40, but
forecast for tomorrow is
cold, blusters, and snow flurries:
the poem hangs
on like winter,
6250words flying out and dropping
to greet
the leftover flurries and
night before last was 19 but
6255nothing was killed, just hit
scorched with the blahs:
one Sunday when I was
eleven my father and
I found the “mineral”
6260spring back
below the Hinson Field in
the woods
and we sat down where
the little hill fell away
6265toward the swamp and talked:
I carved my father’s
initials and my own in
a treetrunk and 1937:
I would not want to see that
6270work again
I’m the type
(not farming)
or, with more development tho
6275still very commonly,
Redneck Kid Grows Up On
Farm Goes Through Depression
But Thanks To Being In
Big War Goes To College
6280Gets Big Job Making
Big Money
(relatively speaking)
so that I am not much of a
person after all and
6285do not need be, the
lineations of the type
include egregious individuality
broaden lineation or
replicate included space
6290because of last fall’s
late bloom-thinning
the forsythia is
this year not a
golden bulwark but a
6295yellow sprinkle bush
when the wind blows through
my round yew
it changes direction so many
times to get round the branches
6300and needle leaves
it wears itself out
half way through:
eventually, though, demolished
smooth, really put together,
6305it floats on through and out,
a massive, indifferent
tranquility available to give
substance to quick turns or
(doesn’t sell much)
(but misses
farm, etc., also other rednecks)
(tries hard)
(misses the mules and cows,
6320hogs and chickens, misses
the rain making little
rivers, well-figured with
tributaries, through the
sand yard)
(books too good
to sell, leave on
shelf in bookstore)
him remember Indian burial
mounds in woods, sandy pine woods,
also used to plow up arrowheads
6335and not think much of it
(barefoot all summer)
6340(get hookworm)
(pale neck)
Snow showed a full range
today, showers at six
this morning with
6345the temperature falling
through sleet and grainy,
gritty, and, now, dusty
a tying-off action with
6350cold striking, congealing, the
last skirts of action
the lawn is whiter than green
the hemlocks hold touchy sprays
No matter
fast or
(to speak of
6360whited air, indeed, the lake
was wiped out, and the
opposite ridge’s
house-clusters, dairy barns
6365and silos
fell under) the flakes all
the ground would take no
steady impression
6370and the highway not stay wet:
big icicles hung off the
car like the brocade and
strings of epaulets but
the temperature held just
6375where an outflash of sun
would thaw them loose
so the sun and clouds
needled sewing and unsewing
the white sheets
6380dyeing and bleaching
so it snowed and snowed
the wind blew and the
flakes flew
and it added up to a
the lily shoots
hold scoops and sloops of
(keeps off the grass)
6390and the hairy hollyhock’s
young leaves and the hairy
green tongues of oriental poppy
had the right way to
hold snow so it would last
6395fluffed up on stiff hairs
(hairy tongues)
I hope winter will not
end like a Beethoven symphony
with big bams and
6400flurries into June but that
it will ease off
like something by Debussy
so you hardly miss it
It’s so dry the brook, down
6405to nearly nothing to do
falls as if asleep, coasting,
between ledge spills
(some old men walk sloped
forward in a stumble-run,
6410the regular, keyed rhythm
into a soothing high dance)
spray churned from the
commotion of a slight ledge
6415spill, though, can sprinkle
overhanging branches
so they freeze loaded in cold
weather, big ice nodes and
chunks interweaving branches so
6420as to ride in hard
high separation
from the central rush,
melt lasting from one cold spell
to the next
6425there is by the gorge
a slope so steep
no one interferes with its
brush and trees
(unshaken by height chills)
6430nature is not a
palimpsest there but a clear book
limber enough to move
entangles a high branch
6435which, snapping off,
sways, held, in the
great tree’s
windy shoals
that which rising
6440takes over can break
down and, no longer
to be let go, no longer uphold
nature’s message is, for
the special reader,
6445though clear, sometimes written
as on a tablet underwater,
the message will blur and
seem to run but
declare itself in a smooth
6450moment to great attention
Today will beat anything:
a full day of clarity
up to seventy: but
still no rain
6455(bright skies starving skies)
and the last precipitation
which was snow, though it
fell blanking out the
world, all but the very
6460immediate, had no effect on
the ground, a dampening that
did not close up the
cracks, riffles of snow on
the lawn quickly evaporating:
6465I declare I started to get
out the hose and commence
to water, because that
fertilizer I had the young
man sprinkle about
6470the hedges and under the trees
has been lying out there feed-dry
for two weeks:
when you consider how
dry it is
6475it’s amazing the brook still
runs, clips, brook-brisk: the
ground must be holding
at a height plenty:
it is so odd, upon waking
6480from a nap, to think that
one’s body, including the
back of one’s hand, one’s
fingernails, the calves
and ankles, the face, these
6485things one’s own, are also
implicated and will die,
too, with one, each
its going away
oneself I sing,
6490a person apart,
shoved aside,
cross references
seems the bushes are being
6495sprayed from a distance green
will the universe become
forever dark:
once in a lifetime
Sight Can Go Quickly, Aerial, Where
Sight can go quickly, aerial, where
6500feet can go not at all
scale clouds out of
prison windows,
splash from heights into lakes
(not drowning, not even
6505getting wet)
from high boughs can
spot rescue in the hills
though marshlands intervene
oh, sight! sight!
6510how light you make us
and how heavy!
say now
pay later
spring drought’s good for being
6515bad for molds
and fluffy funguses that leap
snarl-red in dampness or gross blue:
good for giving the roots
of young sprouts occasion to
6520lengthen into the soil and
be ready for rain when it
comes: good probably
for slowing and toughening
growth so it can better
6525resist frost
sure to be back: good
for killing off anything
too much or too weak: good
for getting early pollen
6530up into the atmosphere:
if butterflies wrote letters
of recommendation their wings
would crack: ripples on brooks
don’t advise or recommend
6535other ripples, and shale spills
to and finds alignment with
brook flow
supposed to go to 80
today, probably did:
6540the early tulips, three
scarlet-velvet red, opened
this morning just in
time to be rained in by
a trivial shower: all
6545that negligible
clouding up and passing over!
These days most
any brown stick
sprouts a green tip
6550how could you, walking in the mts,
be as big as the mts: only by
wandering: aimlessness
is as big as mts
The Cardinal, Slanted Watershed
The cardinal, slanted watershed,
6555in sprouting treebranch
singly singing
and some small bird, grayish
with yellowish back feathers,
dipples and dabbles in the
6560hemlock boughs, flies almost
hard-still into the willowy
withery boughs and hangs
softly on:
the delicate greenworm haunts
6565terminal tips
unseasonably this
unseasonably thatmy
to exaggerate
vastly diminished
why, a lady along the way
inquires, is your motor running
so fast:
6575and I say, is there nothing
to catch or flee:
she says, you’re too slow now,
anyway, aren’t you, to catch anything
fine: and whatever has not
6580already overtaken you is
not coming:
madam, I say, I am not
frail and
the weather may improve: she says,
6585you know those sunny rooms,
enclosed porches, that lie
off the sides of kitchens,
those long rooms with
lounge chairs and hanging green
6590blades and tongues of
cactus and big-eared begonias:
that is what you have caught,
has caught up with you: come
in: the afternoon sweeps
6595through here on a good day:
madam, I say, the long
boxes of empty afternoons, I
had anticipated fierier affairs:
come, she said: you
6600thought you saw something:
it was nothing:
I, he said, going in, am
barely able to conceive . . . or
concede belief
6605One desires the cutting
glassy edges of
nearly-wordless poems
but one yearns
for the openness of context,
6610too, so as to tell
what urn or bottle broke:
restore nothing:
we want nothing back:
contexts (enclosures) show
6615what ruin we’re wrecking in
or passing by,
passers-by or guides
the flawless evidence favoring
death leaves us
and we’re ready
on no evidence
to believe we live forever
in long views
even great traditions
are often bulges
from a main line
6630I wonder if pagan is
unfairly defined in the dictionary,
a shade too much lean to bacchic
as if it were not serious or moral, or
as manifested by early man,
6635nature-boy innocence, not true:
look it up:
suspicions confirmed!
oh, well, it takes a while
to turn or bust up
6640a current
(without affecting the climate)
here is room
in this long poem’s thickets and byways,
flybys, big timber, high marsh, and
6645sea lane, for one to turn the wrong way
around this hedge, streamfork
or that, boulder,
pavilion ledge
and take on
6650unnoticed a different coloring
as if one had come
surprisingly suddenly from
a pure place or belief:
if you cannot choose,
6655here I will lose (hide) you,
wind and unwind you till you
will be a found astonishment: you
will be sitting on a stump
by a brook and a beautiful woman will
6660come by and say, who are you,
and you will say, I am a new man:
(then you will have completed
pilgrimage, and begun):
let us not patch up anything:
6665let us have it or tear it out:
one or two will get lost
perhaps in a ravine and
forget it is not Eden:
they will concentrate
6670one on the other: nature
will align its major
forces through them and every
morning shove itself into
their mouths, a fresh
my outrage, my anger is
oceanic: it is free as
my verse: lovingly I empty
myself of it: lovingly I write
6680out my loathing:
I would sell my book to
millions to find one to love
slender willowy
in a waterfall
Rage Spells More of My Words Right
6685Rage spells more of my words right
than any other feeling
the big red sun just set
under two vapor trails that
diverge from a crossing in
6690the sky, the planes so high
they can’t be heard—but
I have found, I think, a
copy of the northern hermit
thrush and I’ve been trying
6695to read it—a frailer, less
fluid, less crystalline-breaking sound
than the southern woodlark
but still plaintive,
liquid bell-clarity, glade music:
6700my crazy rage, depression,
my insulted silence, along
with all my dissolving talk,
my playing tensions out while
others twist believable
6705tensions tight:
all nothing! when it goes it
behind inexpressible beauty!
the happiness of lingo
6710On this day noteworthily warm
fossil fuel is 3¢ a ton or vat
the tough sweet element in
man . . . the newsman, no matter
how he feels, comes up
6715with news, the weatherman
with weather, the
bread&milk man doesn’t come anymore
the forecaster for today
6720einen thunderstormen may
blusterbufferoomen through:
gossamer-in-the-wind glint,
(three sheets)
trees-in-the-breeze sneeze,
6725spruce worms, little greenies,
dangling, squirming
say it was 93 downtown
yesterday: about as hot
today: but I think
6730there’s cooling
in the evening breeze
Some nights I go out to piss
among the big black scary shrubs:
the tinkling stars
6735don’t seem to mind:
cruddy crudestars & stones
ruddyrudesilent & naked
odd that where no one is to have
anything, not even his
6740own life,
having is the game:
that where no one is to win
but indeed lose losing
6745the game is winning:
and where not a single love,
mother-child, lover-girl, man-son,
is to hold,
love settles in:
6750odd, odd that as the days go
by so rich, so lost, one fool, trying to save it,
wastes the day
contradiction is a center
turning around makes
6755another place to go
nasty century! whose
fills the air with smoke,
darkens the day
6760My structure is, like the
bug’s, external:
rubbing up against others, I
acquire form: mingling
my speech with that of others,
6765I annex scaffolding:
like a man in a well, I kick
one wall, brace my back
against the other, to work my way up:
inside, I am too soft to point
6770a piling, my hard walls
wet sheets on a line:
Phyllis and John
have gone off
for a few days,
6775which they need, I suspect,
and I am,
alas, alone:
(terror, my pet lion)
the catkins
6780(small lions)
hard-sharp have
lengthened fluffy-long and waggly:
it’s better to be tough
and free than
6785to bawl and chain
I notice on my
walks that when
I move everything
6790so much seeming
to the one motion!
pollen burn
had a voice and
couldn’t place it
6795my neighbor’s dog (big shaggy
black&white) died late last
fall in cold’s fringe
and was buried in a
small clearing in the hedge:
6800this spring
I’ve expected the ground
to spew, corruption
work up,
but the mound has given
6805notice neither outward nor inward:
there’s a slope-lawn down by
the brook whereon a young
birch frilly in early-girlish
leaf seems to have been caught
6810raining, catkins icicle long and thick:
girlish or boyish, in case one
is one and the other, other:
up the street a bit, a man
has set out two birch, one
6815three-trunked and the other four-
sometimes I twist out a roll
of nearly-dry white snot and it
unwinds some in my fingers
so disgusting
6820star stump stone stare stub stem stob
post oak
white oak
ghost oak
so much works flawed
6825it makes you think
perfection not one of
nature’s hangups: the
crow gets by with a feather-gap
or so in his wing,
6830the robin is full of worms, and
I have teeth missing trailertrucks
ride through: still, nature
doesn’t lose count: it puts
6835everything it brings to life—
to perfection:
You think of the sun that it
burns to burn
and that the soul for its own
6840brightness burns
but the sun burns right to
the brim of necessity,
its floes dipping and
plunging to averaged effect,
6845sun spots, flares, in-feed
of interstellar trash, outflow of
radiance through whatever
cloth of radiance, an
historical burn, one-way,
6850out with surrounding
accidence wide open, stray
chunk pulled in, suns
driving to meet at a fast
sharp point, so many necessities,
6855so many sides
that the sun cannot burn for
a reason for any reason but
to burn
as the soul burns
6860to show and shed its brightness
being is the summary
of incalculable interpenetrant
6865itself is the fine
tuning by which the earth
flies neither into space
nor the sun:
6870fine and open the adjustments
the structures of motion
exceed all strength of steel
woven, stainlessly wound:
6875rock whereon much
is founded will
split but motion
polished by millions of years
6880(the foundation
in nothingness, deeply
based, towers highest)
I thought, to water the bees,
hornets, wasps, &c., I would
6885put a bucket under the faucet
outside that leaks so little:
but I thought if I set it flat
I will have a full bucket,
the brim brimming wet all
6890around: so I thought I must
slant the bucket (but not
enough to exclude the drop) and
leave a part of the
brim-arc dry so the things can
6895light: but what, I thought,
will hold a bucket at 45 degrees:
everything hassles me: the truth
is I do not know
how to water wasps: a good
6900try, though, would be the
slightest slant, a mere lean,
to dry off a crescent, a
fine moon; then,
the things could land on the
6905high rim and walk as deep as
need be into the refreshing
flood: intricacy has as many
ins as outs:
(the good part about leaning
6910the bucket is that if the bee
fell in he would gradually
mosey over to the lip-spill
where his legs would catch
rimbottom: then he could loft
6915and shake his wings and
tiptoe to safety)
if people who can think of
nothing to do would
water bees
6920they would find themselves
working with the principles
of the universe, a mind-blowing
and consciousness-raising
experience, I suspect)
short-winged swallows
using round nails
6930turkish birds
enslaved turkish birds
ain’t that purty
longing for deconstruction
some other time
if I could write a poem a
thousand pages long my point
would be established: every line
delightful but all you wd have
6945to do is lift it to discover
its weight and irrelevance!
6950unevenness had begun to
establish itself in my lawn
when I got out the mower
and, for the small, let
a lot of room in from the top
6955(so much for income tax)
sweet clarity
reconciled at
great depth
regular rational
6960discourse is good for
taking care
of highways, pick up the trash,
trim the hedges, oil the
cracks, while the imagination
6965works on giving birth to some
other form of travel
am I law and outlaw, pope and
pensioner, sage and fool,
writer and reader, male and
6970female, am I, sir, a small
town (in microcosm) where
this one and that one is
sometimes mayor, where at
any rate, government
6975concerns all:
it’s five o’clock, brightly
cold and somedeal chilly: I
have just awakened, having,
after cutting the grass and
6980getting sweaty, fallen
asleep, sweat-chilled, in the
big chair: I am hungry: I
do not know whether I will go
downstairs and scramble a
6985couple of eggs, then have a
bite at Neil’s later (where
I’m invited to be with Harold
and others at 7:30 but where,
since I was too nervous to
6990attend the afternoon sessions
of lectures, I may not go) or
go to McDonald’s for a Big
Mac (I think I’ll do that)
and have a bite later at Neil’s
6995or not have anything till I
get to Neil’s—most unlikely
I already came home at 2:30
and fed my city a fresh
banana dunked milky in frosty
7000flakes: I should not be
hungry: but it is cold and
I cut the grass: and Phyllis
and John are not here, and I
feel the need of something it
7005is so bright:
I do not care what anybody
thinks of anything, really:
that is to say, I have not
found the flavor of orange
7010juice diminished or increased
by this or that approach to
Heidegger or Harmonium: I
believe the constituency of
water has remained constant
7015since the Pleiades:
I don’t think that any
attitude I take to spider webs
will faze flies: have you seen
Stanley Fish in the flesh:
7020words sweep around but then
just miss to form their own
world: think what a
caterpillar thinks: he holds
the universe between his
7025horny toes and eats it in
worky swatches!
not only can we not look into
7030the sun but it sweeping out
its light as if eliminates
what it illuminates: that
the center of light
should be blind! well, I
7035must go off hamburgerward:
on full alert
massive layoffs
hurt his chances (a strong
7040case for continuing its
positive developments
(receptive to such a move)
normalize relations
7045totally fallacious allegation (lie)
death secures us from
death, words slug for our redemption
always a swing and a miss, meanwhile
it’s balls & bacon as usual, conception
7050and decay, laughter and tears,
the explosive, incredible mix
since we must die,
7055sweet completeness will
not have us wait in attendance
on our bodies
while workers fatten
and disperse and find
7060slick tunnels to
flight and the rich (or poor)
man’s table,
while roots explore the
forehead and settle in the
7065ears, while the burrowing
beetle swims through or
around the eye (like a planet)
while the water rises and
the body log
7070spins, the bottom-gazing
face: how, I mean,
nice that though we know this
we need not witness the
knowing of this
7075life, that can be death
enough, that we need
and know, so that as we
enter into death we slip
out of it
7080like wrapping off the
wooden boxes eventually “give,”
the rain finds a hole and bores
through, milling the bones and mound
7085gravel: on such a day of happenings,
those who love go here and there
four days of clouds, two days
of rain, the temperature
steadily falling, this morning
7090before dawn the rain ran into
deep temperatures that popped
it white and the spruce,
cedar, grass, roofs, and all
tolerable surfaces took on
7095the accumulation of white and
when everybody got up today
he had something to talk
about: from 93 to 30:
some of the snow lingers in
7100the cedar hedges almost at
the freezing mark: it has
changed from white to look
almost like water but there is
still ice enough to hold
7105it in the boughs, so it cannot
fall, held water, islands of
then there is the presence in
the head, a figure that never
7110speaks, immortal, apparently,
who, even in one’s death, has
nothing to do with what is
taking place and will not credit
its reality, too bemused for
7115assent or concern
grit, flakes, sleet, fluff,
all day the snow snowed in
nothing but green in the
7120grass nothing but leaves
in the trees
It snowed all night snow
like pear-petal snow and has
snowed all
7125morning, skimpy flakes,
solitary, wandering schools:
the clouds, just discernibly
clouds from the general gray,
move on in a brisk
7130wind: the buttercups,
leant over, have surrendered
their sturdy forms to limp
wastrelness: the birds have
vanished into bushes:
7135what has come over you
if a rope were tied between
two posts
there would be most play in
the middle: coming out
7140of the middle, the play
diminishing, one faces
the attached fact, the hard
narrowing and shortening,
the play gone out:
7145who who had
anything else
to be interested
in would be
interested in
7150the weather
we mill in a room where
a conveyor belt now and
then entangles and brings down
one who, mindlessly, is carried out:
7155the others mill
and scramble, touching bottom
lightly, getting high
on the archy:
verse the room’s ventilator
7160light showers soak my shoes
verse writers croak my nerves
hard feelings
you know when
something is wrong
7165how grateful you
have not been
how many
shocks of enlightenment
burn out
7170a tradition!
after I have been
myself enough I will
die and go
on being universe
7175modren friend when dil thou do
reaching from end to end
cripes that my bed were in my arms
and I in my love again
Drip drip
7180truck it
in our galaxy alone
(billions of others)
noncelestial life
7185S P A C E
the reality man has lately
tried to conceive
in which, however,
solid ground,
ten billion people
may dance on the
pinhead of the earth’s
footings, literally, what is
our footing,
not rock, motion, space—
7200(and the realization,
tho hard,
that that
is the strongest
footing, providing most
7205options, the greatest
range of possibility) how
fortunate that we
did not have it
the way we thought we
7210wanted it:
the primate touching
down lightly on
the ground
now, three million years later,
7215ready to give up the ground
the heavens acquire another
side, a landing
7220both feet on the ground
no feet on the ground
there is an animal, louse-like,
but smaller, antennaed, grazing
the winter month of dust on
7225the bathroom windowsill:
I love a plant
I think too much
I bought it
I placed it by my bed
7230I think
I love it too much
a ray of sunlight just (11:44 a.m.)
broke through and hit
across the leaves of
7235my plant whose hunger and
pleasure I feel I think
some sit home and think
about their feelings but
others land elsewhere
7240the land grows peripheral
and less secure
and secure nothingness moves
my plant!
7245what is it sitting on,
the center of the galaxy,
a composition of centers
of galaxies!
the bedsidetable:
7250drip drip
the sky is drying
hot snow
the sky like water
standing in a rowed field!
7255the furrows of cloud pull
apart and show
the sky filling the ruts
blue and clear
mucousit cannot snoo
7260vomitat forty too
Some Fluffy, Long-Swaggly Catkins
Some fluffy, long-swaggly catkins
have fallen to the ground, heads
swung round in looped resentment
7265or resignation, fashionable cousins
to the earthworm:
the brook has moved into
higher flow, sustained by last night’s
slow-soaker: this morning
7270the sky’s rinsed
blue, the hazy blue of color informing
itself, interrupted here and there
by ranges of white mountains:
if, as appears likely,
7275reality is not a wit solid
but a dream another
head, perhaps, is dreaming,
why, then . . .
what difference does
7280what we think and say make:
have the mountains responded:
is there word from
the sea: has the sky
looped down to question us:
7285broadcast gathers coincidence:
people have
scoffed, perhaps,
because from my
upland upstate shelter I’ve
7290looked out on the universe:
but in time it will appear
mean to have looked out on less:
the grave quits
7295feel the astonishment
of buried roominess!
a twinkledom in the deep!
would coil
7300and nest
in the eye
why but
7305the hard point
of the catkin
unopened sways
a tip of weight
so the fuzzy
7310mechanisms and
gold pavilions
of dispersal can
catch and tangle
with the wind,
7315the ocean whose
currents find
I think I am sick with a pure
interest in beauty,
7320a joy skinny as a fountain
that erupts
through entanglements
for real loft before gravity
unfurls fall’s umbrella
7325the wind’s rinse over ice-enameled
hill-ridges! how beautiful
all winter, the light flowing
and riding, the dark sharp
lines of hedgerow! too
7330spare, so lean!
after sunrise this morning the sky
cleared and the sun
hit the windows with light,
the indoor plants standing as if
7335in celebration:
and all day has been
beautiful, the redbud blooming,
apple trees blossoming, so
many scents and colors, the
7340brown fingers of spruce
shaking dust, so much and
water trickling in the
ditches, trickling
disconcerted like ridge water
7345I break poetry off
I have not earned very much
I am not worthy of the
energy that winds up
spruce tops and floats off
7350into the air still winding,
also I am denied much,
this beauty, though very
beautiful, is an inconsiderable
7355a snack enlarged to
astonishment where love
has little meeting
My father, I hollow for you
in the ditches
7360O my father, I say,
and when brook light, mirrored,
against the stone ledges
I think it an unveiling
7365or coming loose, unsheathing
of flies
O apparition, I cry,
you have entered in
and how may you come
7370out again
your teeth will not
your eyes cannot
unwrinkle, your handbones
7375may not quiver and stir
O, my father, I cry,
are you returning:
I breathe and see:
it is not you yet it is you
7380I knew
if I
went for
a walk
I’d get
7385my feet
wet but
only so
I cannot re-wind the brook,
back it up and make
7390it flow through again ten
times till
it achieves the highest
compression, the concentrated
essential, of being a brook,
7395brookness finally found and
held away from all brooks:
but the brook shoots muddy
with perfect
accuracy the morning after
7400rain and in
a dry season
tinkles clarity, the
truest music birds know:
I never want to throw out
7405the brook because it is
nearly dry or too noisy
so long as it
tells the truth, an
accuracy of all the other
7410dispositions, hills, marshes,
declivities, undergound ways
of the terrain surround, an
instantaneous, just summary
and announcement:
7415art is not nature
but the flow, brook-like, in the mind
is nature
and should it be
superhumanly swollen
7420to art’s grandeurs when the accuracies
(absolute) of nature please
suitably to our context: an
ear of corn too high or heavy
is not worth planting:
7425art too strong or weak
betrays the living man:
poetry that wrestles
down all but a few
has its holding: but
7430the people, where they
turn their attention,
that is humanity:
our chief light
will put out
7435its light by
first putting too
much light out
I should be buying something
I go on paying
7440spells narrow inif all is appearance
on sayings andit is still without
catch the feelingliberty for we must
say the exact air
of this & that mere
gardeners aren’t fairweatherers
for weeds work
the cold, damp, cloudy days
like weeds as
7450much as roses
and you never
lack for liking
Considering the variety,
nicety, formal hardness,
7455careful contours of things
(how sight is filled with
the apparency of these) one
wonders about the byways of flow,
not much yelling of change
7460noticeable, dead trees (live
housing—will vines start
to dead trees) standing
hard, sun- and wind-rinsed:
the rumor of flow, one
7465wonders if invisibility
suppresses that, wind, water
carrying on, rearranging,
both clear, sometimes muddy,
dusty, leaf-shown: and
7470underground, a stirring,
is flux invisible to be
kept out of sight
or to emphasize the made:
7475would designed
finery lose its strut and hard
joyousness if it
lost majority: still, not an item,
not even the stones, has not been often
7480milled away and away, if come
back in a stone or divided
participating in many stones:
(the time at the heart of
stones is no greater, but purer,
7485than that of the wearing surface)
but whatever flow dissolves
flow also brought the
nourishment of, the great
spirits flow through our forms,
7490declaring themselves through us,
the freedom of sequence, the leap
from one to another, the
essential preserved:
but considerable lamentation,
7495though most scenes are quiet,
lamentation of the inexplicable,
lamentation against recalcitrant
fact, that though nothing is lost,
nothing, still the particular
7500is, that self or shape, so
carefully contrived,
crumbled, collapsed, its flow
lost in flow:
in this contemplation not a
7505wall, board, or splinter
yields: the alternatives,
side to side, are blank:
here, with breakdown,
gaiety, contrivance, and
7510immortality are sustained:
earth turns the bitter, sour,
to the bright sweets
born of the dead:
7515for us, it is a life, a
death, okay, take or leave it:
hang steadfastly on:
fresh out
7520kingdoms of light answer
to the fact
Variable cloudiness windy
and cooler this afternoon
with showers occasionally
7525mixed with snow flurries
when I was young the silk
of my mind
hard as a peony head
and wind bloomed the parachute:
the air-head tugged me
tore my roots loose and drove
7535high, so high
I want to touch down now
and taste the ground
I want to take in
my silk
7540and ask where I am
before it is too late to know
big aurora last night, a beam
of light, then an aurora, with
7545a crown!
the end of the world!
every day
in a million eyes
7550These days there’s
only one sex and
I am neither one
a blue cloud went over and ice
poured down like hail for a minute
7555this combo day mixed January
and May, sleet and tulips
On Walks I Go a Long Way along
On walks I go a long way along
a side-shallow, hardly a ditch,
dandelions grow right down
7560with grass (separating out the
stones) into the pebbly bottom
and I think if I
were struck down there
it would not be so bad,
7565perhaps; some weed stubs might
dig into my cheek but I understand
that: the stones might rustle
a little, dry, if I stirred: and
grass might half-tickle my nose
7570but I am familiar with grass:
I would not like being
held down long but
after death finished, the grip
would slacken, birds would
7575fly over indifferent as a corpse,
a worm would find a bit
to stir here and there,
the sinews would loosen and
bone spill from bone:
7580I am familiar with dandelions
between my fingers, slugs
cool in the sockets’ dark domes:
today was so beautiful, hazy
blue, cold, cold nectar in
7585the blossoms, the leaves limp
cold: fellow said to me this
morning a man has been known
to mow his lawn and shovel snow
here the same day in May
7590penetrate and get the
ball down low
One trains hard for
the terrain falls away:
7595love like a flowering quince
or crabapple bush nowhere
erupts: local green
mixes with stone becoming
on the periphery
7600casket gray: though this is true
(I care nothing
but to tell what is true)
I am astonished
with gladness
7605to find the brook clear,
the ripples dark-backed,
scriptures of light
working the slate
7610flat scales opaque with revelation:
a grackle stands in the water
and drinks from between his feet:
I can hardly
forget the sound of the
7615nameplate that squeaks and clangs
on Mrs. Day’s mailbox there
when the wind blows:
I bend over clasping my
knees and the old fellow,
7620friend, frizzled schnauzer
runs out of the driveway
and whines grievous
stretching up toward my face:
7625he knows me: we were
friends last fall:
I am myself:
I am so scared and sad I can
hardly bear to speak
7630and yet delight breaks
falls through me
and drives me off laughing
down a dozen brooks:
nothing, not anything, will
7635get over into the high land
and while some may die
as if community-ward
none, not one, will miss
unpeopled oblivion:
7640(except that in not imagining
oblivion one
cannot enter it)
what a dancer the stem of the
whirling down will be!
7645I am free:
I feel free, I think:
my chains have healed into me
as wires heal into trees
the saving world
7650saves by moving,
lost, out of
the real world
which loses all
Will Firinger be kissed: will
7655Cézanne’s house be itself or
melt into the mountains: will
art have liberty from government
help: how will things
proceed: how will other things
7660proceed: (provide, provide):
modern industrial debris!
acid thunderheads! nitric, sulphuric
rain! salamander
eggs burnt out in farm ponds: Whitman,
7665the midwestern flues, effluents,
Carl, spill crud into the processes,
the lakes, ponds, and ditches of the
northeast and who knows what
the northeast does: Walt,
7670the greatest country
isn’t wide enough to
dilute greed or bridge it:
put a drop of
water in baby’s soreeyes,
7675acid will scour th’infection out:
this billowing age enlightened
with smoke, our eyes open(ed) at last
to airy cinders: if
salamanders die,
7680flies will stifle corporate suites:
what do those little
critters with dust-fine
wings do on a drizzly damp day
like this
7685(hold their noses)home ice
the dance is the narrative of
figuremotions the dancer
inscribes on the memory
the dancer is the dancer (stylus, pen)
7690that is one way how
the other way is never
I’m tired of loving alone
roots go to water
leaves to light
7695pulling the trunk hard
between them
mist-drizzly cold
the clouds brush hillbrush:
the horizon slips
If Walking through Birdy Trees
If walking through birdy trees
you stop, several still birds will burst
into flight, your motion, conserved,
communicated into lesser, faster speeds:
7705the more familiar
hemisphere, that if having been still you
move and birds or other animals
startle and fly, why I have
not decided what to make
7710of that: make something of it:
think it over and out:
hold the same thread through numerous terrains,
transfigurations, etc.
and see to how many
7715oceanic possibilities a strand
not to hold onto the strand you have is to seem
dismissive, cutting, as if you
liked not all of reality’s
7720clothes but only
certain patches or
threads, whole cloth, a
cheapening: no matter what
intelligence went into making
7725the maze if
the one thread leads you out
They say it snowed
a few days ago
a bit, one of
7730those rainy cold
days when skinny droplets
flurred into feathery
whitening streaks
7735out of the dismal
downward descending
the lords of volition slice
down Hanshaw
in the after midnight (close
7740to dawn, now) hours,
toss beer cans, cigarette
packs, liquor bottles into
the ditch without a thought
for any nature than their
7745own: and specially into the
bushy border by the brook
the alarming discards of
passion fly: the early
day, when passion is spent,
7750pent, or bent
shows the brook circling
silver canfish:
the lords of volition care for
the brooks that burst their
7755breasts, the churning and flowing
there, the spills and stalls,
urgencies not of matter, wind
I pick up after them and find
7760the slug has made a home under
the gumwrapper or grass is
holding and hiding a
Schaefer can
filled with the plump, pulp
7765bellies of mosquito larvae:
the lords of volition
caring for their own
natures care for nature
around them; they expend,
7770satisfy, create: I pick
up, tearing their doings out
of time and context, for a
neat ditch with clipped banks
lunch reservoirs on our rears
7775overlookto set our feet
look overon symbolic rock,
solid space—
that is the heave
I am so backwardhow many
7780in my correspondenceshould I
I have to stand in lineput you
to hear from myselfdown for
Fall 1975–Spring 1976
(See the notes for each
section’s date of