5.5.1 If your camera is connected to your computer via USB

Once your accounts are set up, just log in to the PlayMemories App store on your computer, choose your camera model from the drop-down list (you may have to scroll down to see it), select the app you want (I started with the Time-Lapse app, which was hyphenated for no good reason), select the "Install" link on the left side of the screen and follow the instructions. On my PC (running Internet Explorer) it installed a downloader program, which involved several popups and browser restarts. This only needs to be done once.) Then you hit the “install” button in the browser. Then you’re told turn the camera on and connect it to your computer via a USB cable. After the download, the app automatically installs on your camera and you’re ready to go. To install additional apps, just leave the camera connected and select the next app you want.

TIP 1: The Sony website only works with Internet Explorer. Edge on Windows 10 doesn’t, nor does Safari for Mac users. Also, their website has problems every 20 minutes, and seems to forget your password if you don't log in after a month or two.

TIP 2: Some of the apps are free, but others are priced at $4.99 and $9.99, so you may want to add money to your account at Sony ahead of time. On the plus side, if you own several Sony cameras with App capabilities, you only have to pay for the app once and it can be installed on all of your cameras (I think with a limit of 5).

5.5.2 If your camera is connected to the internet via a Wi-Fi router

If you want to setup the camera so it can download apps over a wireless connection, either using MENU --> Image 1 --> WPS Push or MENU --> Image 2 --> Access Point Set as described in Section 5.4.

Then select Menu --> Image 1 --> Application List --> PlayMemories Camera Apps. The camera will connect to the internet via your Wi-Fi router (reboot your router if it’s having connectivity issues), and give you a list of all available apps. Make sure you select “All” in the tiny vertical tabs on the left ( Figure 5-11.) Then scroll to the app you want to install and click on it. It’s a pretty smooth process other than the fact that you have to sign in the first time using that awful cursor-driven keyboard. (That keyboard is a good argument for making short, insecure passwords.)(And for touchscreens. Just sayin'.)


The World’s Best Router: If the wireless connection between the camera and your router is shaky, there’s a good chance part of the problem is with the el-cheapo router that your internet service provider gave you. My provider gave me a box from a company called Arris which has poor range, would lock up when large data transfers went through it, and had to be rebooted several times a week for no good reason. I have replaced it with a Netgear AC1750, the best router I’ve ever seen. Stable, double the throughput of the Arris box, and a strong signal throughout the house! (We still need the Arris box for VoIP telephone, though, so we put the Arris box into “bypass” mode and installed the Netgear router downstream.) Bliss!


5.5.3 Apps Currently Available

Here are the apps that are available for the A6300 camera at the time of this writing:


Price (USD)


Star Trail


Shoots a time lapse movie of star trails. (If you want a time-lapse still image of star trails instead of a movie, skip this app and go read my blog post: http://bit.ly/1JO6W6E )

Smooth Reflection


For five dollars, the camera will set the slowest shutter speed for you to get smooth waterfalls. Seriously, don’t bother with this – just set your ISO low, your F/stop high (small opening), and shoot with MFNR and you’ll achieve the same effect for free.

Stop Motion +


Make your own version of "The Nightmare Before Christmas" (or, if you're my age, "Gumby") by shooting one frame at a time and have the camera assemble it into a movie for you.