11.30 Select REC Folder

Menu Position MENU --> 6 --> Select RECording Folder

What it Does If there is more than one directory properly labeled to hold still images on the memory card, this function lets you choose which one the camera will store images into

Recommended Setting n/a


The description above pretty much says it all. Usually if you have a fresh card inserted into the camera, only one such directory will exist: for storing still images: 100MSDCF. (Section 11.28 talks about where that name came from.) If you want to create a new directory, see the next section.


11.31 New Folder

Menu Position MENU --> 6 --> New Folder

What it Does Creates a new folder for recording future still images

Recommended Setting n/a


This feature creates a new folder for still images. Try it now and chances are it will create a new folder called “102MSDCF”. (The file name follows the industry-standard file naming convention.) If for some reason I wanted to put future images into the previous directory (101MSDCF), I’d use the MENU --> Image 6 --> Select REC Folder function described in the previous section.