- Gallatin, Albert, 117, 181. See also Life of Albert Gallatin, The
- Gallatin, Albert Rolaz, 170, 181–82
- Gallatin, James, 117, 182
- Galsworthy, John, 5, 278–79
- Gans, Bertha and Fanny, 317
- Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 238–39
- Garfield, James, 118, 246
- Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 57, 61–62
- Gaskell, Charles Milnes “Carlo,” 75–76, 291, 292
- book gifted to HBA, 218
- HBA and Clover visit, 143
- HBA’s anti-Semitism and, 319
- HBA’s letter on a diplomatic posting, 329
- HBA’s letter on automobiles, 386
- HBA’s letter on being childless, 176
- HBA’s letter on Chartres, 356
- HBA’s letter on Cuba, 298
- HBA’s letter on his final years, 389
- HBA’s letter on Lizzie Cameron, 200
- HBA’s letter on TR, 338
- HBA’s letter on TR, Hay, and Lodge, 340
- HBA’s letter on U.S.-British alliance, 388
- HBA’s letters to, 92, 93, 106, 108, 109, 112, 114, 115, 118, 120, 126, 141, 154, 156, 168, 169, 173, 177, 178, 215, 299, 382
- HBA visit to home of, 76
- as one of HBA’s last living friends, 391
- Gauguin, Paul, 256
- George, Henry, 113–14
- Germany, 48–52, 73, 75, 343, 399n3
- American historians studying in, 148, 152
- anti-Semitism in, 317
- germ theory of history and, 148
- HBA in Bavaria, for Wagner festival, 343–44
- HBA in Berlin, postgraduate studies, 49–51, 346
- HBA in Dresden, postcollegiate trip, 51–52, 56, 57
- HBA’s interest in German legal history, 148
- Teutonic, scientific approach to scholarship, 147–48, 152, 303, 312, 405–6n3
- World War I and, 386
- Giacosa, Giuseppe, 284, 285
- Gibbon, Edward, 60–61, 207, 252
- Gilman, Daniel, 407n6
- Godkin, E. L., 107, 125, 191, 193, 222, 226
- “God’s Funeral” (Hardy), 207
- Gould, Jay, 117–18, 119, 120, 183
- Graham, William, 415n5
- Grant, Ulysses S., 76, 84, 95, 102–4, 114, 133, 199, 402n3, 402n4
- “blood and iron” vision, 137
- gold conspiracy and, 117–18
- HBA’s hopes for presidency of, 102–4, 107, 110, 111
- reelection of, 137
- scandals of presidency, 103
- “Grantism,” 106–7, 134, 153, 154, 158, 184, 323, 403n10
- Gray, William, 380
- Greeley, Horace, 134, 136–37, 153
- Greenback Party, 104
- Greenslet, Ferris, 370
- Gurney, Ellen Hooper (sister-in-law), 125, 139, 218, 222, 226
- Gurney, Ephraim Whitney (brother-in-law), 125, 126, 127–28, 139, 218, 243
- Hale, Chandler, 297, 306
- Hale, Charles, 66, 67
- Halstead, Murat, 134
- Hamilton, Alexander, 162, 289
- Harding, Warren G., 402n4
- Hardy, Thomas, 207
- Harrison, William Henry, 102
- Hart, Albert Bushnell, 148
- Harte, Bret, 109
- Hartford Convention of 1814, 161–66
- Harvard Magazine, 39
- Harvard University, 19, 37–43, 84, 401n10
- about, in 1854, 37–38
- Adams family members at, 37, 304
- Adams, Brooks, as law student at, 168
- Adams, Charles Francis, and, 126
- Eliot as president, 122, 125–26, 147, 152, 161, 170, 243, 304–5, 370
- “Harvard pessimists,” 373
- Hasty Pudding Club, 39
- HBA and editing North American Review, 125, 126
- HBA and honorary degree, 304–5
- HBA attending as student, 37–42, 218
- HBA class ranking, 38
- HBA in theatrical productions, 39
- HBA offered Gurney’s endowed post (declined), 243
- HBA proposes Lodge teach a rival course, 161, 406n1
- HBA residing at Wadsworth House, 128, 168, 404n6
- HBA resigns professorship, 157, 166, 167, 170
- HBA’s advanced research seminar on medieval institutions, Anglo-Saxon law, 147–52
- HBA’s boredom with Cambridge, 168
- HBA’s Class Day oration, 42–43
- HBA’s friendships at, 40
- HBA’s interest in medievalism at, 128
- HBA’s teaching style, 128–31
- HBA teaching history at, 37, 122, 125–31, 303, 410n2
- Holworthy Hall, 39
- intellectual evasion from, 40–41
- liberal Protestant virtues of, 41
- Lodge as HBA’s doctoral student, 127, 149, 155, 161
- merit system, 37–38
- student body of, 37
- Hawaii, 266
- deposition of Queen Lili‘uokalani, 257
- HBA in, 257
- U.S. annexation of, 257, 328
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 34, 209, 255, 368
- Hay, Clara Stone, 178, 199, 215, 227, 358–60, 361–62, 370, 421n13
- Hay, John, 191, 197–98
- Elizabeth Cameron and, 267–68, 359, 360
- character and personality, 339
- death of, 357–58, 376, 377
- early writings of, 361
- HBA and, in Egypt, 327
- HBA and, in western U.S., 305–6
- HBA compared to, 339
- HBA declines to write a biography of, 358–59
- HBA on Normandy and, 311
- HBA on the Dreyfus Affair and, 321, 322
- HBA’s anti-Semitism and, 319
- HBA’s friendship with, 69, 178, 179, 195, 211, 222, 234, 299, 306, 339–40, 357–58
- HBA’s introduction to Letters of John Hay, 360–61
- HBA’s letter on Bay Cabot Lodge, 375
- HBA’s letters from the South Seas to, 258, 262–63, 267
- HBA with, in Kent, England, 329
- Lincoln: A History, 304–5, 338, 361
- Lincoln and, 338, 361
- as McKinley’s secretary of state, 329, 336, 337, 338
- medallion of HBA and, 314–15
- new home of, 216–17
- novel by, 178
- real estate deal partnered with HBA, 215–17
- romance with Anna “Nannie” Lodge, 267, 339
- TR and, 362
- as U.S. ambassador to Britain, 329
- Western Reserve University and, 305
- Hayes, Rutherford B., 156, 158, 404n3
- Hearst, William Randolph, 332
- Hemingway, Ernest, 354, 368
- Henry Adams and the Making of America (Wills), 245
- Hesse, Herman, 367–68
- Hickok, Lorena, 278
- Higham, John, 315–16
- History of Alabama (Pickett), 246
- History of New England (Palfrey), 249
- History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon), 60–61, 252
- History of the Legal Tender Paper Money Issued during the Great Rebellion (Spaulding), 116–17
- History of the Standard Oil Company (Tarbell), 118
- History of the United States of America during the Administrations of James Madison and History of the United States of America during the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson (HBA), 15, 31, 166, 304
- aristocratic tone, 251
- average pages per volume, 255
- Burr affair, 193, 205–6, 248
- contrasted with Chartres, 354
- copyists and researchers for, 246
- cost to HBA of writing, 249
- critical commentary, reviews, 245, 250
- discounting of “great” men, 247–48, 249
- discussion of, 245–52
- on the Hartford Convention, 165
- HBA’s access to primary sources, 246–47
- HBA’s account of finishing the project, 252
- HBA’s novelistic talents and, 193
- HBA’s travel abroad following completion, 252–53, 255
- how HBA interpreted the American story, 354, 355
- interruption in writing of, 237, 244
- masculine audience for, 353
- as masterwork, 338
- narrative approach of, 302
- the nation’s evolution and, 287
- partialities and limitations, 251
- process of American development, 315
- profiles in, 359
- progress of America as inevitable, 252
- Romantic historiography and, 251
- royalties, 413n9
- sales, 249–50
- slavery’s impact downplayed, 250–51
- subsequent editions and reissues by various presses, 250
- War of 1812 and, 287
- women largely omitted from, 251, 266
- Hodermarsky, Elisabeth, 413–14n1
- Hofstadter, Richard, 6, 323
- Holland, Sir Henry, 76
- Holmes, John, 143
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 143, 169, 234–35, 250, 313, 319, 328
- Holt, Henry
- HBA’s Democracy published by, 192, 212
- HBA’s Esther published by, 212–13
- Hooper, Edward (brother-in-law), 215, 218, 233, 333
- Hooper, Ellen Sturgis (Clover’s deceased mother), 140
- Hooper, Robert (father-in-law), 125, 139, 209–10, 218, 223
- Hooper, Sam, 175
- Houghton Mifflin, 170
- American Statesmen Series, 201, 202, 204, 213
- HBA offers a Burr biography, 205–6
- HBA’s Chartres and, 356
- HBA’s Education and, 370
- HBA’s Life of George Cabot Lodge, 376
- HBA’s Randolph and, 201–6
- House of Mirth, The (Wharton), 319
- Houston, Samuel, 2
- Howards End (Forster), 399n3
- Howells, William Dean, 140, 169, 319
- Hoyt, Colgate, 382
- Hume, David, 207
- Hunt, William Morris, 224
- Huntington, Collis P., 112
- Il Penseroso (Milton), 274
- immigration, 41, 148, 151, 316
- acts of Congress and, 151
- British anti-immigration measures and white nativism, 316–17
- Irish and Jews, 320
- Lodge’s literacy bill, 151
- racial ideas and, 150–52
- Immigration Restriction League (IRL), 151, 316
- “Independents in the Canvas” (HBA and Charles Adams), 156, 157–58
- Indian Wars, 169
- Ingersoll, Robert G., 207–8
- Italy
- Garibaldi and Expedition of the Thousand, 57
- HBA honeymooning in, 137, 143, 144
- HBA in, 52–53, 55–62
- HBA influenced by Rome, 60
- HBA in Palermo, 61–62
- HBA interviews Garibaldi, 61–62
- HBA reading Gibbon in, 60–61
- HBA’s letters from, published in the Boston Courier, 55–62
- the Risorgimento, 52–53, 55, 59
- sister, Louisa, dies in, 121–22
- sister, Louisa, living in, 48, 52, 59–60
- “Itylus” (Swinburne), 423n16
- Jackson, Andrew, 21, 23, 40, 83, 89, 101, 102, 110, 128, 215, 360, 409n4
- Jacksonianism (common man democracy), 83, 101, 184
- James, Alice, 420–21n9
- James, Henry, 179, 191, 222, 377
- as Clover’s friend, 144–45
- on Clover’s suicide, 222
- death of, 390
- death of his brother William, 377
- at Harvard, 47
- on HBA in 1914, 387
- letter from Stevenson, 260
- James, Jesse, 85
- James, William, 169, 247, 319
- American Anti-Imperialist League and, 331
- criticism of Education, 270
- death of, 377
- at Harvard, 47
- on HBA and Hay’s “print memorial,” 358
- The Varieties of Religious Experience, ranking of, 365
- Jameson, John Franklin, 129, 236
- Japan, 28, 237–44, 412n4
- Bigelow living in, 237, 241
- Europeans in, 240–41
- HBA and La Farge journey to by rail from Albany and on the City of Sydney, 239–40
- HBA and La Farge return from on the City of Peking, 242–43
- HBA’s interest in Buddhism and, 274
- HBA’s personal connections in, 237–38
- HBA’s reaction to, 241–42
- HBA’s spending on the trip, 242–43
- Kamakura Buddha, 241–42, 274, 311
- Meiji Restoration, 238
- Morse’s lectures on, 238
- Nikko, 241
- Perry arrival in 1853, 240
- Yokohama, 240–41
- Jefferson, Thomas, 1, 21, 83, 89, 97, 117, 166, 188, 247–48, 289, 360
- Committee of Five and, 92
- linking people of Israel with the Puritans, 317–18
- Jeffersonianism, 165
- John of Saxony, King, 57
- Johns Hopkins University, 129, 148, 304, 407n6
- Johnson, Andrew, 96, 98
- HBA meets, 92
- impeachment of, 92, 103–4, 110, 137
- Tenure of Office Act and, 110
- Johnson, Catherine Nuth (great-grandmother), 26
- Johnson, Joshua (great-grandfather), 26
- Joyce, James, 368
- J. P. Morgan and Company, 113
- Kazin, Alfred, 6, 323, 395n6
- King, Ada Copeland, 178, 408n11
- King, Clarence, 178–79, 191, 195, 211, 222, 297, 376, 377
- accompanies HBA to Cuba, 298–300
- Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada, 178–79
- Panic of 1893 and, 298
- secret life of, 178, 266, 408n11
- spheres of male intellect and female instinct and, 353
- Kipling, Rudyard, 284, 285
- Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 293
- Kuhn, Charles (brother in law), 48, 59, 317
- Kuhn, Louisa “Loo” Catherine Adams (sister), 16, 48, 59–60, 145, 317, 399n10
- La Chanson de Roland (The Song of Roland), 354
- La Farge, John, 210, 239, 273, 275, 318, 377
- Japan trip with HBA, 239–43, 274
- South Pacific voyage with HBA, 255–59, 260, 262, 263, 266, 413–14n1
- valet Rioza Awoki, 255
- La Farge, Mabel Hooper, 383
- Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus, II, 177
- Langley, Samuel Pierpont, 334–35
- Laski, Harold, 250, 319
- Last Puritan, The (Santayana), 140, 396n1
- Laughlin, J. Laurence, 129–30, 149
- Lauti (Samoan chief), 259
- Law of Civilization and Decay, The (Brooks Adams), 293–94, 310, 333, 343, 352–53, 416n10
- Lee, Eleanor, 63
- Lee, Henry “Light-Horse Harry,” III, 40
- Lee, Robert E., 40, 55, 66, 76, 103
- Arlington House, HBA dining at, 63
- Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh “Rooney,” 40, 63
- “Legal Tender Act, The” (HBA), 115–17, 182, 292
- Lemay, J. A. Leo, 401n7
- Lend Me Five Shillings (Madison), 39
- Leopold II, King, 354
- Letters of Henry Adams, The (HBA), 265, 266
- Letters of John Hay (eds. HBA and Clara Hay), 359–63, 421n13
- Levenson, J. C., 323
- Levin, Miriam R., 419n3
- Life and Letters of George Cabot (Lodge), 162–63, 164, 166, 169
- HBA’s negative review of, 163
- Life and Letters of John Hay (Thayer), 340
- Life of Albert Gallatin, The (HBA), 170, 171, 181–85, 201, 202, 359, 408n6, 410n1
- Life of George Cabot Lodge, The (HBA), 375–77
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1, 2, 66, 97
- Adams, Charles Francis, diary entry on, 68
- assassination of, 84
- death of, consequences, 110
- election, 1860, 63, 64
- Emancipation Proclamation, 74, 96
- executive power and, 110
- Hay and, 338, 361
- HBA on, 69
- presidential nomination won by, 62
- Second Inaugural Address, 98
- on slavery, 97–98
- Lincoln, Mary Todd, 68
- Lincoln: A History (Nicolay and Hay), 304–5, 338, 361
- Lindemann, Albert S., 322
- Livingston, Robert R., 92
- Lodge, Anna “Nannie,” (Sister Anne to HBA), 267, 309, 339, 344, 346, 359, 376, 382
- Lodge, George Cabot “Bay,” 373–77
- HBA’s commemorative book on, 375–77
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 127, 129, 131, 149, 151, 154, 155, 157, 185, 188, 193, 201, 202, 290, 292, 329, 358, 374
- anti-Semitism of, 315
- as Brahmin aristocrat, 316
- character and personality, 339, 357
- death of son, George, 373
- first state office, 406n1
- at Harvard, 127, 149, 155, 161
- HBA differences with over Hartford Convention of 1814, 161–66
- on HBA’s commemorative life of his son, George, 376
- HBA’s stroke and, 380, 381
- HBA touring France with, 309, 375
- HBA with, in Germany and Austria, 344–45
- HBA with, in Russia, 345–46
- histories by, 338
- Life and Letters of George Cabot, 162–63, 164, 166, 169
- review of Documents relating to New England Federalism, 1800–1815, 164–65
- as U.S. senator, 337, 338
- views of, federalist and conservative, 161
- wife, Anna, and John Hay, 267, 339
- Lodge, John Ellerton, 422n5
- Lombroso, Cesare, 293
- London
- Adams, Charles Francis, as U.S. minister in, 71–72
- class and society in, 72–73, 74–75
- Grandmother Louisa and, 26
- HBA in, 26, 48, 71–85, 98, 187, 234, 269–70
- HBA influenced by, 76–77, 84
- HBA’s association with notables in, 74–75
- HBA’s brother Charles in, 77
- Maurigy’s Hotel, 71
- progress and modernity in, 75
- London Quarterly Review, 120
- London Times, 80
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 40, 169
- Longworth, Alice, 391
- Loti, Pierre, 256, 413–14n1
- Lowell, A. Lawrence, 316
- Lowell, James Russell, 40, 107, 143, 352
- Lyell, Sir Charles, 410n2
- Macaulay, Thomas, 391, 423n18
- Madison, Dolley, 251
- Madison, James, 117, 247–48
- Madison, John Morton, 39
- Makioka Sisters, The (Tanizaki), 5
- Mann, Horace, 40
- Mann, Thomas, 5
- Manual of American Literature (Northup), 192
- Marble, Manton, 191
- Marshall, John, 204
- Marx, Karl, 41, 207
- Massachusetts
- Adams, John Quincy, II, gubernatorial races, 90, 91, 401n2
- slavery and, 21
- Whig Party in, 21, 29
- Massachusetts Democratic Party, 35, 90
- Massachusetts Historical Society, 41, 360
- author’s corrected copy of Education in, 360, 370
- Letters of Henry Adams and, 273
- Mather, Cotton, 32
- Maynard, Edward, 221
- McCullough, Hugh, 373
- McDowell, Irvin, 73
- McHenry, James, 120
- McKinley, William, 328, 329, 339, 404n3
- Adams passed over for diplomatic post by, 330–31
- assassination of, 337
- McMillan, James, 330–31
- Meigs, Montgomery, 27
- Melville, Herman, 255, 256, 413–14n1
- Memoirs of Marau Taaoro Last Queen of Tahiti (HBA), 262, 278, 414n13, 414n14
- Memoirs of My Life (Gibbon), 60–61
- “Men and Things in Washington” (HBA), 84
- Mencken, H. L., 319
- Mercer, Lucy, 278
- Mexican War, 21, 22, 23, 203
- Mexico, HBA with Hale in “GUADA’-C-JARA,” 306, 308
- Mill, John Stuart, 83, 91, 207
- Milton, John, 274
- Mitchell, Stewart, 129
- “Modern Warning, The” (James), 222
- Monroe, James, 247–48
- Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres (HBA), 128, 213, 262, 335, 351–56, 420n1
- Chartres’s splendid stained glass, 352–53
- as cognitive palate-cleansing, 312
- contrasted with the History, 353, 354
- critical response, 356
- gendered categories in, 351
- HBA reads to Bay Cabot Lodge, 375
- HBA’s persona in, 315, 351, 352
- inspiration for, 312
- Lowell’s poem and, 352
- as privately printed, 356
- reprinting, revisions of, 354, 356, 378
- shortcomings of, 354–55
- treatment of feudalism, 355
- the Virgin as the “female,” church-centric field of imagination and tradition, 352–53, 355, 356
- Moran, Benjamin, 73–74, 80
- Morely, John, 370
- Morgan, Edmund S., 245, 395–96n7
- Morgan, J. P., 113
- Morison, Samuel Eliot, 181, 249–50, 386, 408n1
- Morse, Edward Sylvester, 238, 241
- Morse, John Torrey, 201, 202, 204, 205, 213
- Morton, Marcus, 135
- Motley, John Lothrop, 188
- Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada (King), 178–79
- Munch, Edvard, 368–69
- Munro, Doug, 414n14
- Murray’s Handbook, 60
- Napoleon Bonaparte, 247, 248
- Nation, 115, 125, 187, 204
- “The Argument in the Legal Tender Case” (HBA), 114
- HBA as contributor to, 93
- HBA’s review of Life and Letters of George Cabot, 163
- Lodge’s review of Documents relating to New England Federalism, 1800–1815, 164–65
- “Men and Things in Washington” (HBA), 84
- review of HBA’s “The Session,” 106
- National Intelligencer, 164
- Naval War of 1812, The (TR), 338
- New England Federalism
- HBA’s view, 163–66
- Lodge’s view, 161–62, 163
- New England Insurance Company, 16
- “New York Gold Conspiracy, The” (HBA), 117–20, 292
- as an apprentice piece for Adams’s more mature works, 120
- New York Post, New York Evening Post, 107
- HBA as contributor to, 93
- New York Times
- gold scheme and, 120
- HBA as London correspondent, 79–81
- on HBA’s Education, 365
- New York Tribune, 359
- Liberal Republican movement and, 134
- review of HBA’s Life of Albert Gallatin, 184
- Nicolay, John, 304, 338, 359, 361
- Nixon, Richard, 137
- Nordau, Max, 293
- North American Review, 115, 125, 170, 185, 187, 189
- attacks on Grantism in, 154
- “Captaine John Smith” (HBA), 82–83
- “Civil Service Reform” (HBA), 109–10, 112
- HBA as editor, 125, 126, 127, 131, 133, 134, 140
- HBA as editor, final edition, 157
- HBA essay on educational philosophy, 128–29
- “Independents in the Canvas” (HBA and C. Adams), 156, 157–58
- “The Legal Tender Act” (HBA), 115–17, 292
- Liberal Republican movement and, 134
- Life of Albert Gallatin review, 184
- Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada review, 179
- “The Platform of the New Party” (B. Adams), 153–54
- “The Session” (HBA), 104–5, 106, 109, 133
- Northup, Clark Sutherland, 192
- Norton, Charles Eliot, 107
- Okakura Kakuzō, 274
- “Old Esther Dudley” (Hawthorne), 209
- Olney, Richard, 300–301, 417n10
- Omoo (Melville), 255
- Oregon Trail, The (Parkman), 109
- Origin of Species (Darwin), 306
- Otis, Harrison Gray, 181, 408n1
- O’Toole, Patricia, 198
- Paine, Frederick, 215–16
- Paine, Thomas, 208
- Palfrey, John Gorham, 34, 82, 249
- Palmer, Ann, 211
- Palmer, James Shedden, 61
- Palmer, Ralph, 93
- Palmerston, Lord, 72
- Paris
- Exposition Universelle of 1900, 333–35
- German advance on, 387
- HBA in, 26, 62, 312, 320–21, 322, 328
- HBA meets Lizzie Cameron in, 263, 268–69
- HBA’s apartment, 20 Rue de Longchamps, 333
- HBA’s apartment, 23 Avenue du Bois de Boulogne, 375, 385, 387
- HBA’s furnishings, shops patronized by, 385
- HBA’s half-time home in, 333, 379, 385–87
- Hotel Brighton, 328
- Wharton living in, 374–75
- Parkman, Francis, 109, 143, 150, 250, 395–96n7
- Parsons, Julia Stoddard, 198
- criticism of the Adams Memorial, 276
- Parsons, Theophilus, 162
- Peirce, Herbert, 346
- Peoples’ Party, 291
- Perkins, Maxwell, 388
- Perry, Commodore Matthew, 240
- Philadelphia Press, 196
- Philippines, 328, 331, 332, 339, 341
- Phillips, William Hallett, 297
- Pickering, Timothy, 162, 163, 166
- Pickett, Albert James, 246
- Pierce, Franklin, 402n4
- Pike County Ballads (Hay), 361
- Plummer, William, 164
- Pocahontas, 82, 83, 99
- Polynesia, 28, 258
- Poor Gentleman, The (Colman), 39
- Populist Party, 104
- Poulard, Victor and Annette, 354
- Pound, Ezra, 319
- Princip, Gavrilo, 58, 386
- Progress and Poverty (George), 113–14
- Progressives, progressivism, 105–6, 155, 193, 310, 316, 319
- Progressive (Bull Moose) Party, 382
- Psychopathia Sexualis (Krafft-Ebing), 293
- Puerto Rico, 328, 332
- Pulitzer, Joseph, 332
- Quesada, Gonzalo de, 302
- Quincy, Mass., 237
- Boston vs., 20
- in Education, 181, 256, 368, 397n11
- HBA influenced by, 19, 20
- HBA returns, 1869, 89–91
- HBA returns, 1893, 290, 294–95
- HBA returns, 1917, 10
- HBA’s views of, 299, 368
- The House on the Hill or The New House, (HBA’s boyhood home), 15–16, 34
- Old House at Peacefield (Adams family home), 7, 10, 16, 18–19, 20, 25, 89, 273, 290
- Quincy-Boston-Cambridge culture, 10, 18–20, 33–35, 91
- size and appearance during HBA’s boyhood, 19, 20
- Rae, Rebecca Dodge, 327
- Randolph (HBA), 201–6, 359, 410n1
- as a harbinger of HBA’s Education, 202–3
- Randolph, John, 166, 201, 410n1
- Cumberland County plantation, “Bizarre,” 201
- Randolph, Sara, 1
- Rauschenbusch, Walter, 208
- Raymond, Henry Jarvis, 79
- Reid, Whitelaw, 359, 360
- “Reminiscences of a Country Doctor” (Worcester), 381
- Republican Party, 105, 110
- Adams family and, 154
- as Congressional majority, 71
- Convention, 1876, 157
- Convention, 1876, Ingersoll speaks at, 208
- Grant as nominee, 1872, 135, 136, 137
- Hayes as nominee, 1876, 156
- Liberal Republican convention, Cincinnati, 135–36
- Liberal Republican movement, 133–37, 153
- Lincoln’s nomination, 62
- opponents to radicalism of, 64, 68, 96
- presidential election of 1872, 133–37
- Reconstruction and, 89
- reform circle of independents in, 154–55
- Reid and, 360
- slave question and, 64, 134
- Sumner and, 64, 67, 153
- Rhodes, James Ford, 359
- Rice, Alexander Hamilton, 159
- Richardson, Henry Hobson, 218–19, 273, 377
- Riis, Jacob, 208
- RMS Persia, 48
- Rochefort, Henri, 321
- Rockefeller, John D., 118
- Room of One’s Own, A (Woolf), 365
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 2, 278
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 2, 278
- Roosevelt, Theodore (TR), 1–2, 118, 202, 208, 261, 329, 338, 358, 391
- on the Adams Memorial, 276, 278
- “Great White Fleet” world cruise, 4
- Hay and, 359, 362
- HBA and, 337, 338, 357, 362
- on HBA’s Democracy, 193
- on HBA’s Education, 369–70
- histories by, 338
- as president, 337, 338
- Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party) and, 382
- Square Deal of, 193
- Ross, Edward A., 316
- Rubens, Horatio, 302
- Rush, Benjamin, 247, 413n4
- Russell, Joseph, 197
- Russia
- HBA in, 343–47
- HBA predicts future adversary of the U.S., 342
- HBA’s observations of a life back in time, 345–46
- Moscow, 346
- St. Petersburg, 346
- Russo-Japanese War, 339, 340, 347
- Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 218, 273, 377
- Adams Memorial at Rock Creek, 235, 273–79, 349, 415n5
- fee for Adams Memorial, 275
- major works, 273–74
- medallion of Adams as “an angelic porcupine,” 314–15
- Silence, Willard commission, 275
- Saint-Gaudens, Homer, 276
- Saint Laurent, Yves, 354
- St. Louis World’s Fair (1904), 4
- Salmon, Alexander, 260
- Samoa, 1, 256
- HBA and Fa-auli, daughter of Samoan chief, 259–60
- HBA in, 258–60, 304
- HBA visits Stevenson in, 260
- Siva dancers, 258, 259, 260, 266–67
- Samoa Mo Samoa (Davidson), 262
- Samuels, Ernest, 224–25, 365, 380
- Santayana, George, 19–20, 140–41, 373, 396n1
- Sturgis family and, 140–41
- Sargent, John Singer, 358
- Savage, Philip, 373
- Schurz, Carl, 133–34, 154, 155, 157, 202, 404–5n4
- Schuyler, Montgomery, 219
- Scream (painting, Munch), 368–69
- Scribner, Charles, 249, 413n9
- Sedgwick, Arthur George, 192
- “Session, The” (HBA), 104–5, 106, 109, 133
- Seward, William H., 62, 64, 66, 68, 92
- Shame of the Cities (Steffens), 101–2
- Sheeler, Charles, 419n3
- Sherman, Charles Taylor, 197
- Sherman, John, 302
- Sherman, Roger, 92
- Sherman, William Tecumseh, 197, 274
- Shklar, Judith N., 401n10
- Sims, J. Marion, 176, 407n3
- slavery
- abolitionism and, 21, 36, 66, 101
- Adams, Charles Francis and, 21–22, 24, 36
- “Bleeding Kansas,” 204
- Boston Daily Whig editorial pages and, 21
- Compromise of 1850, 25, 29
- Conscience Whigs and, 21, 34
- Dred Scott v. Sandford, 97
- Emancipation Proclamation, 74, 96
- expansion of territory, 203
- Free Soil Party and, 23, 34
- Fugitive Slave Act, 97, 203
- Harpers Ferry, John Brown’s uprising at, 55
- HBA and, 30, 62, 66, 80–81, 97, 98, 103, 360
- in HBA’s History, 250–51
- Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address and, 98
- Missouri Compromise, 203
- in New England, 21
- number of slaves, 21
- place in the western territories, 25
- Port Royal Experiment, 81
- Sumner and, 34–36
- Taylor as slave owner, 23
- Three-Fifths Compromise, 97, 162
- Washington as slave owner, 30
- Smith, John, 81–83, 401n7
- HBA’s “Captaine John Smith,” 82–83, 202
- social Darwinism, 293, 307, 323
- Social Gospel movement, 208
- South Pacific, 28, 258
- elites, intellectuals, and artists attracted to, 256
- HBA and Tahitian ruling family, 257, 260–62
- HBA’s boredom and, 263, 414n16
- HBA’s itinerary, 255
- HBA’s journey to Europe from, 268
- HBA’s letters from, 258, 262–63, 266
- HBA’s luxurious accommodations, 257
- HBA’s response to sensuality and, 258–60, 266–67
- HBA’s views of native peoples, 257–58, 262–63
- HBA’s voyage, 1890–91, 253, 255–63, 266
- See also Samoa; Tahiti; specific islands
- Spanish-American War, 299–300, 374
- Battle of Manila Bay, 328
- sinking of the Maine, 328
- Spain’s expulsion from the Western Hemisphere, 343
- Sparks, Jared, 404n6
- Spaulding, Elbridge G., 116–17
- Spencer, Herbert, 151
- Springfield Republican, 106, 154
- Spring Rice, Cecil, 192, 235, 236, 340, 344, 381
- Sproat, John, 136
- Standard Oil Company, 169
- Steffens, Lincoln, 101–2
- Steppenwolf (Hesse), 367–68
- Stevens, Thaddeus, 115–16
- Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1, 256, 260, 413–14n1
- Stickney, Joseph Trumbull, 373
- Stiles, T. J., 117
- Stoddard, Charles Warren, 413–14n1
- Stone, Amasa, 178
- Storey, Moorfield, 159
- Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The (Stevenson), 256
- Strong, Dwight, Jr., 256
- Stubbs, William, 147
- Sturgis, Elizabeth Davis, 140
- Sturgis, William F., 140
- Sumner, Charles, 34–36, 64, 65–66, 67, 68, 135
- attacked by Preston Brooks, 35, 66
- “The Barbarism of Slavery,” 36
- death of, 153
- “Grantism” and, 106–7, 403n10
- Sumner, William Graham, 155
- Swift, Lindsay, 128
- Swinburne, Algernon, 423n16
- Taft, William Howard, 9, 300, 382, 402n4
- Tahiti, 256, 257, 267, 414n12
- France’s annexation of, 257
- HBA in, 260–62, 414n12
- HBA’s friendship with Tati, 260, 261, 292
- HBA’s friendship with Teva clan matriarch, 260
- HBA’s Memoirs of Marau Taaoro Last Queen of Tahiti, 262, 279
- HBA’s Tahitian name, 261, 311, 414n13
- Taliaferro, John, 197–98
- Tanizaki Junichirō, 5
- Tarbell, Ida, 118
- Tati (HBA’s Tahitian “brother”), 260, 261, 292, 414n12
- Taylor, Henry Osborn, 303
- Taylor, Richard, 177
- Taylor, Zachary, 29, 30, 85, 102, 177
- presidential race, 1848, 23, 24
- as slave owner, 23
- Tecumseh (Shawnee chief), 248
- Tehan, Arline Boucher, 198
- “Tendency of History, The” (HBA, written address), 306–8
- Tennessee Democratic Party, 96
- Tess of the d’Urbervilles (Hardy), 207
- Thackeray, William Makepeace, 39
- Thayer, William Roscoe, 340
- Their Wedding Journey (Howells), 140
- This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald), 388, 414n14
- Thoreau, Henry David, 1, 140, 238
- Thoron, Ward, 215, 354, 390
- Thwing, Charles Franklin, 249, 305
- “Tiare Tahiti” (Brooke), 414n14
- Tilden, Samuel J., 155–56, 157, 159, 247
- Titanic, 3, 379–80
- Tocqueville, Alexis de, 83, 91, 187
- Tone, Aileen, 10, 383, 387, 388, 392
- Torrey, Henry Warren, 128
- Transcendentalism, 34, 140, 238, 398n5
- Trevelyan, George, 357
- Trump, Melania, 26
- Tugwell, Rexford G., 417n10
- Twain, Mark, 109, 331, 355, 420–21n9
- Tweed, William “Boss,” 101, 154
- Two Years before the Mast (Dana), 96
- Typee (Melville), 255
- Umbria (ship), 290
- Unitarianism, 41, 42, 107, 208
- United States
- Anglo-American conflicts, 72
- antebellum plantocracy, 101, 110, 201, 204, 248, 283
- anti-Semitism in, 315–16
- aristocratic liberals of, 91
- census of 1890, 4
- changes during HBA’s lifetime, viii, 2–5, 89, 281, 315
- concept of freedom, 89
- corporate power in, 113, 118, 137, 169
- cultural elites in, 316
- currency question, 104, 114, 115–17, 156, 157
- Dollar Diplomacy policy, 300
- emergence of modernism and, 4–5
- as emerging world power, 72
- Enforcement Acts, 95
- ethnic demographics changing in, 4–5
- expansion of, 21, 22, 84–85, 169, 203, 328, 331, 351
- experimental communities, 34
- finance capitalism in, 7, 118, 119
- First Great Awakening, 32
- “freethinking,” 207–8
- German Americans, politics and, 133–34
- Gilded Age, 6, 24, 169, 188
- Grant’s “blood and iron” vision for, 137
- HBA’s call for financial reform, 104–5
- HBA’s views on democracy and governance, 83–85, 90–91, 101, 102, 104–5, 106, 107, 147, 149, 187–93
- how HBA interpreted the American story, 354, 355
- immigration and, 41, 148, 150–51, 169, 283, 285, 320
- industrialization, 1, 2, 6, 7, 41, 113, 208, 284, 308, 320, 419n3
- involvement in Latin America, 300
- Jacksonian or common man democracy, 83, 101, 184
- machine politics in, 101–2
- manufacturing monopolies and middle-class consumers, 351
- Mexican War, 21, 22, 23
- monopolistic age, 113
- Monroe Doctrine, 300–301
- nationalism and, 204
- new age of science, economics, immigration, and warfare, 1860–1905, 41
- New England’s interest in Asia, 238
- Panic of 1873, 114
- Panic of 1893, 6, 285, 289–95, 298, 301, 351
- partisan politics, 101, 111, 154, 203, 204
- political landscape, 1860, 63
- presidential election, 1872, 133–37
- presidential election, 1876, 152, 153–59
- Progressive reformers, 105–6, 155, 193, 310, 316, 319, 382
- race hostility in, 315
- religion vs. secularism in, 207–8
- rise of the Trans-Mississippi West, 84–85, 245
- robber barons and, 161
- Secession Winter of 1860–61, 99
- Silverites, 289, 291, 295, 307, 341
- social Darwinism in, 208, 293
- technological advances, 248
- urbanization and, 169, 283, 285, 419n3
- Vox Populi, Vox Dei, 101
- wealth inequality, 208
- World War I (Great War) and, 2, 9, 10, 370–71
- as a young Republic, 2
- See also Civil War; Spanish-American War; specific presidents and politicians
- Universalism, 34
- University of Wisconsin, 316
- Up from Slavery (Washington), 365
- U.S. Congress
- Adams, Charles Francis, in, 56, 63–68, 71
- Adams, John Quincy, in, 22
- Cuban independence and, 328
- expansion of powers, 110–11, 112, 116
- HBA’s calls for reform, 109–12
- immigration bills, 151
- Legal Tender Act of 1862, 114, 115, 116
- Morgan-Cameron Resolution of April 1896, 302
- Sherman Silver Purchase Act, 289, 302
- Tenure of Office Act, 110
- U.S. Constitution
- Adams family’s positions on, 97
- amendments for freedom and citizenship of former slaves, 95, 97
- Fifteenth Amendment, 98, 158, 402n7
- Fourteenth Amendment, 158, 162
- Nineteenth Amendment, 106
- representative government and, 110
- Seventeenth Amendment, 106
- Sixteenth Amendment, 106
- Three-Fifths Compromise, 97
- U.S. Navy
- creation of, 4
- “Great White Fleet,” 4
- USS Connecticut, 4
- USS Dixie, 374
- Van Buren, Martin, 2–3, 23, 402n4
- Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 115, 117
- Varieties of Religious Experience (W. James), 365
- Venezuela, 300
- HBA and the Venezuelan boundary crisis, 300–301
- Verne, Jules, 240
- Victor Emmanuel II, King, 59
- Victoria, Queen, 1, 35, 71, 76, 279
- Vignaud, Henry, 246
- “Visit to Manchester: Extracts from a Private Diary, A” (HBA), 79–80
- Wadsworth, Benjamin, 404n6
- Walden (Thoreau), 140, 238
- Walker, Francis A., 115
- Wallis, Samuel, 261, 413–14n1
- Ward, Edward Matthew, 74
- Ward, Louisa Hooper, 383
- Ward, Mary Augusta, 192
- War of 1812, 161, 162, 245, 247, 248, 287
- Warsaw, Poland, 345, 346
- Washington, Booker T., 365
- Washington, D.C.
- “Adams Building” in, 28–29
- Capitol Building, 85
- change during the Civil War, 85
- Corcoran Gallery of Art, 85
- description of, 1850, 27–28
- grandmother Louisa Catherine Adams in, 25–26, 171
- HBA, 1850, boyhood trip, 25–30, 85, 171
- HBA, 1860, as father’s secretary, 63–66
- HBA, 1860, as newspaper correspondent, 66–68
- HBA, 1868 to 1870, as bachelor writer/critic, 91–121
- HBA, 1870, leaves for Harvard position, 127
- HBA, 1877–78, and wife relocate to, as emancipation from their families, 167–68, 171, 173, 175–79
- HBA, 1879–84, as writer/historian and domestic life in, 170–71, 179, 181–85
- HBA, 1884–85, land purchase and building of Adams House, 1603 H Street, 215–19
- HBA, after wife’s death, 226, 233–36
- HBA and Hay in, 339–40
- HBA’s circle of friends (Five of Hearts), 178, 192
- HBA’s daily life, lifestyle, 177–78, 215, 217–18, 234
- HBA’s house on H Street, comings and goings, 339, 340, 375, 383, 388–89, 391–92
- HBA’s house on H Street, description of, final years, 388–89
- HBA’s residences in, 9, 175–79, 191, 199, 217–19, 225
- HBA’s status in, 177–78
- Howard University, 85
- old Senate Chamber, 29
- as political city, 385
- Rock Creek Church Cemetery, 226, 235, 273, 278, 392
- Rock Creek Park, 178
- society in, 176, 177
- Washington Monument, 27
- Washington, George, 40, 102, 110, 111, 128, 204
- HBA influenced by, 30, 35
- HBA visit to Mount Vernon, 30, 188
- as slave owner, 30
- Washington, John Augustine, II, 30
- Webb, Sidney, 317
- Webster, Daniel, 29, 35
- “Seventh of March” speech, 29
- Western Reserve University, 305
- Westminster Review
- “The New York Gold Conspiracy” (HBA), 117–20, 292
- Wharton, Edith, 1, 223, 270, 319, 374–75, 422n4
- Wharton, Edward, 374
- Whig Party, 21, 204
- Conscience Whigs, 21, 22, 34
- Cotton Whigs, 21
- Free Soil Party breaks from, 23
- Taylor as presidential candidate, 23
- Webster’s “Seventh of March” speech denounced by, 29
- White, Horace, 134
- Whitman, Walt, 113
- Wilde, Oscar, 293
- Willard, Levi H., 275
- Wills, Garry, 245
- Wilson, Woodrow, 341, 371, 382
- Winning of the West, The (TR), 338
- Winsor, Justin, 246, 247
- Wister, Owen, 322
- Witte, Sergei, 346
- Woman in the Nineteenth Century (Fuller), 140
- Woolf, Virginia, 365
- Worchester, Dr. Alfred, 381
- Wordsworth, William, 35
- Works of John Adams, The (ed. C. Adams), 31, 168–69
- World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 283–87, 335
- World War I (Great War), 1, 370–71
- Battle of Charleroi, 387
- Battle of the Frontiers, 386
- fall of Brussels, 387
- German invasion of Paris, 2
- HBA and, 386–88
- HBA’s last summer in Paris and, 386–87
- HBA’s predictions and, 373
- U-boat attacks, 9
- U.S. enters war, 9, 10
- Yarrow, Dr. Harry Crecy, 380
- Yoshida Kiyonari, 237–38
- Young, Ernest, 149
- Young Henry Adams, The (Samuels), 365