
He broke her heart all those years ago. Can she forgive him?

A sexy over 50's romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

It’s been over 25 years since Diane Malcolm had her heart broken by the son of a billionaire investor, Henry Lincoln.

But she was no longer that girl and had forged her way into a niche as one of the top agents at a publishing company.

Little did she know how her life would change forever now that the agency she was working at had been bought by Lincoln Enterprises!

Not remembering who she is, Henry Lincoln is taken aback by Diane’s stunning beauty and hardworking attitude.

But Diana hasn’t forgotten him!

But her attraction to him makes things much more complicated…

Especially when they start sleeping together!

Can Diane look past Henry’s past mistakes and see him for the man he now is?

Or has he not changed at all?

Find out in this emotional yet sexy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll need a fireman on stand by!

Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

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Chapter 1

“What the hell is going?” Diana hurried in and slammed the door shut behind her.

“Come right in, Diana. It is not that I don’t have work to do.”

“You can tell those knuckleheads out there what they need to hear and do your - “She gestured with her hands for emphasis as she plopped herself onto one of the chairs in front of her. “Fancy stepping around the subject, talking about restructuring and taking the company to the next level but I am not part of the boys’ club and I happen to know BS when I hear it. So, I repeat; what the hell is going on?”

Jared shifted the papers around on his desk and avoided her eyes. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Jared, I am not going to leave until I get the truth.” She told him firmly, folding her hands into her lap. “So, spill.”

“The company is going through a series of reorganizing so there are going to be changes.” Jared said.

“Such as?”

The man’s mouth tightened in displeasure; his light blue eyes heated.

“You are a pain in the- “
“You can say it, Jared. I am not going to sue you for talking about my backside or anything like that. I already know that I am a pain in the ass. I am still waiting.”

“We are being taken over.” He said abruptly as he glared at her.

Diana felt a jolt in her nervous system! “What? Why?”

He continued to shift the papers around on his smooth polished desk a little more before he responded. “The owners have decided to sell.”

“Why?” She demanded. “The agency has been doing very well.”

“Not on paper. The numbers are not adding up. Yes, I know that you have been working hard to sign on some very lucrative authors and have been a treasure to the agency, but the others are not doing as well as expected. The sporting agents lost a cash cow when they failed to land Jerry McKenzie a few months ago and then there was the time that Sara Mindy pulled out at the last minute.”
“She pulled out because that idiot Michael told her that he could not guarantee her getting the part in that big hit screen movie.”

“I don’t go around casting blames- “
“Maybe you should. Maybe you should start acting like you are in charge here and stop trying to be friends with the boys.”

“How dare you- “
“Please!” she held up a hand. “We all know the politics inside here. It’s a boys’ club and all of you gather on the weekends to so-call brainstorm and I am not invited to your little soiree! But do I get my panties in a bunch about it? No, I don’t! Because you know what? I can do my job without having to have validation from anyone or run my ideas by you all. I am fine doing this solo thing because I get more work done. Who is taking us over?”
“it is all hushed!” he told her tightly.

“When is this takeover supposed to happen?”

“Within the next two weeks.”

“Are our jobs safe?”

“There is no talk about laying off anyone at the moment. The takeover is supposed to be done by a big corporation, that specializes in taking over companies that have the potential to perform well. They are into making profit as the bottom line.”

“Great!” Diana got to her feet and glanced at her watch. “Shit! I forgot that I have a meeting with Jane, our newest author. Did you get a chance to look over the proposal I sent to your email?”

“I have been busy.”

“I need an answer by the end of the day, Jared. I know you are caught up in this take over business, but we still have a job to do. End of the day.” She added as she hurried from the office.


“Thanks, and leave the bottle, girl. I tell you; this has been quite a day.” Diana sipped the red and nodded in approval as she kicked off her heels and tucked her long legs beneath her.

“He told you that your job is secure?” Sadie, her older sister asked as she sat next to her on the porch swing.

“That’s what he said. I have been working at that company for the past fifteen years and thought it was as solid as it could be in this economy. I like working there, in spite of the pass over for seniority and even in spite of the fact that because I am a woman, the pay I am getting is far less than what some of those men who do half the job get! I am pissed off by that and the glass ceiling shit that we as women still face. I promote my authors and try my best to get them the best deal possible and am pleased when a book is given the rating it deserves. Whenever I see a book that I fought for becoming a movie or a television series, it psyches me up, you know? The money part of it takes a backseat.”
“Not to mention the fact that we get to live off Mom’s insurance money.” Sadie pointed out.
“There is that.” Diana turned her head to look at the girl. Sadie was five years older than her which meant that she was forty-seven and had been through a divorce which had almost devastated her! She had a grown-up son who was in his final year at Harvard Law and was staying with her ex-husband in Boston. Both sisters were as different in looks as they could possibly be as siblings! Diana was the beauty of the family with her caramel complexion, thick dark brown hair that went way past her shoulders, slender curves that called attention to her whenever she walked into a room. Sadie, on the other hand, was much simpler with short, brittle black hair and a round face that she had inherited from their dad. Whenever they were in a room together, no one noticed the older woman and she had come to accept that without resentment. There had been a time when Diana had been gawky and awkward but had grown into her looks in her late teens. “Honey are you okay? I know I have not seen you in a couple of weeks, but I have been so busy.”

“Daniel is getting married.”

“Oh honey! I am so sorry.”

Sadie moved her shoulders a little dejectedly. “I had to hear it from David. The spineless bastard did not have the nerve to tell me himself.”

“I still say good riddance.” Diana reached over and closed a hand over her sister’s. “You need to get back out there. It has been five years since the divorce, and you need to move on.”

“You don’t think I have tried?” her sister asked bitterly. “I have been on a couple of blind dates which have not worked out. Not to mention, the many dating sites that I signed onto.”

“Maybe you are trying too hard. This weekend, we should go in the new sports club that just opened up a few weeks ago. There are bound to be some unattached men there for us to examine and decide if they worth our while.”

“It’s easy for you Di, you always have men falling over themselves to be with you. It is not that easy for me. Especially when they find out that I am divorced and have an adult son.”

“No excuses,” her sister told her firmly. “We are going to that club this weekend. How is my nephew?”
“Complaining about his workload.” She said with a whimsical smile. “He is coming to spend the summer with me, and I cannot wait!”

“Neither can I. When was the last time I saw him?”

“Over the Christmas break. But that was over before we knew it. He will be coming home at the end of May and spending a month before going off to Europe with friends.”

“A whole month! God! I cannot believe that I have a grown nephew, and as handsome as he is. Very soon I will be having to vet his girlfriends - does he have one?” She turned to look at her sister.

“A couple of them over the past year. He got his looks from his dad which means that he gets to move from one woman to another.”
“You constantly put yourself down.” Diana said impatiently as she got to her feet and topped up her glass. “You are an attractive woman with a very warm personality. Men are turned off by me because I come across as a driven, career woman.”

“You are a driven career woman.” Her sister pointed out.
“Oh Lord, girl! You are right,” She said with a sigh as she took her seat on the porch swing. “The other day I found myself wondering what it would have been like if I had gotten married and have kids. I sat in my apartment and realized how lonely I am, I actually felt lonely Sadie and I felt the pangs of regret going through my system. Maybe it is just the fact that I just turned forty-two in April and I am beginning to feel my age.”

“You look like you are in your twenties.”

“Do I?” Diana slid her fingers through her thick looseness of her hair. “I found myself searching in the mirror for crow’s feet and wrinkles.”
“With your type of skin, you will not get wrinkles until you are about eighty,” Sadie said dryly. “I started getting them when I was forty. Maybe that was why Daniel left me.”

“Daniel left you for a twelve-year-old, who was probably able to twist her young nubile body into any sexual position he dreamed up in his sick perverted mind. He is an idiot and we have already established that. Stop beating up yourself about a man who doesn’t deserve the time of day.”
“You are right,” Sadie pushed off the swing with her feet against the floor and stared out at the gathering dusk. The scent of begonias and wild red and yellow roses were coming from the gardens that were so carefully tended by her. The four-bedroom house had been left to both of them by their mother, but Diana had preferred to stay in town near to her job than here in this quiet rural neighborhood. “I miss being married, the routine of it. I know that you probably do not want to hear it, but I miss having someone to come home to – I have not had sex in almost a year and it is starting to get to me.”

“I have not had sex in more than a year and I really do not miss it.” She laughed at the expression on her sister’s face. “Maybe it is due to the fact that it was lousy to begin with! Remember that guy from my gym?”
“Ronald something?”
“Ronald Riverstone. Had all these bulging muscles and looked fine of course but did not have one bit of use in bed! Which was a shame because he was a nice enough guy.”
“And you just gave up after that?”
“I did not give up, honey. I decided to take a break and concentrate on my career.” She leaned back against the plump cushions and breathed in the fresh air. “This is what I miss when I am in the city. The chance to exhale and inhale.”
“You should come back and live here. I miss you.”
Diana shook her head. “Weekends and an occasional night or two is more than enough for me. I have to be where the lights are. I love looking out my apartment window and seeing the lights of the city as well as being able to order takeout when I am working and forget to eat. But it is nice and peaceful here, there is no denying that.”

“It was not so peaceful a few nights ago.”

“What happened?”

“Old Mr. Greely caught someone sneaking out of his house in the dead of night.”
“A burglar?”
“Apparently, his middle-aged wife is having an affair with the greengrocer.” Sadie said with a grin.

“You are kidding!”

“I am not.” Sadie then proceeded to tell her the juicy details.


“Your apartment needs a makeover.” Janet Lincoln-Brach murmured as she wandered around the ultra-modern living room, with a critical look on her attractive face. “It looks as if no one lives here.”
“I am hardly here. What’s on your mind?” Henry asked his sister patiently.

“I have not seen you in a couple of weeks. Apart from a brief glimpse of you at that charity function, that’s it. Simone is missing her uncle.”

“Simone spoke to me last week.” He pointed out as he went to pour himself a glass of scotch. “Would you like a glass of red wine?”

“Cabernet, please.” She folded herself gracefully into the teal blue sofa. “She did?”

“Yes,” blue-grey eyes studied her for a moment before he went to sit across from her. “What is really going on?”

“She decided to change her major. She no longer wants to do medicine.”

“She told me that she wanted to go into civil engineering. I do not see anything wrong with that.”

“It is going to set her back several more years.”
“She is nineteen years old, Janet. She has a lot of time.”

“Joel is freaking out about it.”
“Joel needs to chill and stop pressuring her.” Henry said, his mouth tightening. “he was the one who told her that he would love if she would study medicine. He cannot live his life through her.”

“I have told him that.” Janet swirled the liquid in the glass. “he is in fact putting a lot of pressure on her, but he does not listen to reason.” She got up and started prowling restlessly. “You do not have children, Henry, so you would not know what it is to be concerned about one. We just feel that she is confused and does not know what she really wants.”

“I don’t have to be a father to know that at that age, there is a lot of confusion going on. Remember when we were kids? You wanted to be a dancer at one point and an actress at another time.”
“And then I was told by both Dad and Mother that my place was in the company. I should go to college and major in business because it is expected of me.” Janet reminded him grimly.

“You certainly found your place.”
“It has always been easy for you, Henry. You always knew that one day you would be running the show so the most natural thing to do was to major in business and corporate law.”

He settled back against the high back chair and stretched his long legs out, crossing them at the ankle. Henry Elliot Lincoln was forty-two years old with thick russet brown hair and blue-grey eyes that changed depending on his mood. He was tall, topping over six feet three inches and was very athletic. The stamp of cynicism on his face did not detract from how attractive he was, nor was it a deterrent from the women who had desperately tried to change his status from bachelor to husband! He had a very healthy sex drive and would take a woman to his bed but would never pass the physicality of it. No one had ever managed to dent the barrier he had placed over his heart. No one had even come close and he had resigned being a bachelor for the rest of his life. He was currently in a loose relationship that he was getting tired of and was contemplating on how to let her down gently. He was certainly not looking forward to it!

“Now, Simone has a choice.” He reminded her softly. “She does not have the kind of parents we had. Mother and Dad dictated our entire lives. The friends we took home, the ones we hung out with and what we needed to do with our lives. I don’t want that for my niece. Give her freedom of choice. If she has to change courses ten times, then let her and guide her accordingly.”

“I hope you did not say that to her.”

“I told her that I loved her and that it was her life to do as she chooses.” Henry sipped the excellent scotch and watched as his sister played with the stem of her glass. “Darling, something else is bothering you.”

She sat back down, shaking her reddish-brown hair impatiently, her blue grey eyes a little pensive. “Joel has been acting strange.”
“Strange how?”
She shrugged. “He has been coming home later and later each night and when I ask him about it, he is evasive. I know that his law firm is facing this big lawsuit but there is something else going on.” She looked at her brother. “I really do not want to say it, Henry.”
“You think he is having an affair.”

She nodded and stared into her wine. “It was like Simone was the glue holding us together and ever since she went away to college, it is as if we have nothing to talk about. We would lie on bed – him with his laptop open and me with some folders from work.” She bit her lip. “We have not been physical in months.”
“Why don’t you plan a date night? Do something to rekindle the romance? You guys have been married how long?”
“Thirty years.” She drank the wine to parch her dry throat. “Thirty years that we celebrated a month ago. I am fifty years old, Henry and the thought of him leaving me at this point in my life is making me very anxious! I find myself going through his pockets and smelling his clothes for any signs that he is seeing someone.”


“Nothing so far but that does not mean he is not seeing someone else. I have been to his firm and have seen those sharp female lawyers. I cannot compete with them and it is making me very anxious.”

“Why on earth are you trying to compete with them?” Henry asked her impatiently. “You are his wife, for Christ’s sake!”

“You don’t get it.” She told him sadly. “I am a middle-aged woman who has been married to the same man for thirty years. The romance has gone out of the marriage. The novelty, one that we shared when I was twenty and first met is no longer there. He looks at me and does not see that young beautiful girl he married all those years ago. Now he sees a woman who is past her prime.”
“Are you listening to yourself? When did you become this person? Janet, you were top of your class in high school and then in college. You play a mean game of tennis and no one, not even me can outswim you. You are in charge of one of the biggest departments at the company and you handle yourself like a pro in meetings. Other than that, you are a Lincoln and we are known to be a force to reckon with.” He got up and went to pour some more scotch. He had been in the middle of putting together a proposal for a company he was in the process of taking over when she was announced by his doorman that she was on her way up. He shook off the impatience and went to sit next to her. “This is not you darling. You are determined and usually does not put up with foolishness. Take the bull by the horns and talk to your husband, find out what is going on and stop making yourself crazy!”
She smiled slightly and touched his arm briefly. “You are of course right. If Mother was alive, she would be telling me the same thing. I guess when you have been a wife and mother for a period of time, you start thinking of yourself less than you actually are. When Simone was little, I threw myself into her growing up and I guess I kind of push Joel away during those times. I have been asking myself if that is coming back to me now. I need to find a way to get back what we had but I am not sure I will be able to. Maybe it is too late, and we have outgrown each other. Maybe we got married way too soon and the love is no longer there.”

“That’s a lot of maybes, darling.” Henry pressed his hand over hers. “You are not some random woman in his life. You are his wife and you have the authority to demand to know what is going on.”

Chapter 2

Diana went stiff with shock when she saw the man coming into the large conference room! It had been two weeks since Jared had told her that they were being taken over by a large corporation and that they would soon know their fate. She had refused to allow that to affect her work and had gone on with business as usual. He still looked the same, just older and with that cynical look stamped on his very attractive face. Life had been good to him, but then again, he had been born into wealth and that kind of money had a way of softening things up. His blue-grey eyes were wintry, his tanned face cold and impersonal. His russet brown hair picked up the light from above, turning it into more russet than brown. He was incredibly tall with muscles displayed even in the seemingly casual sports jacket he had over a light blue shirt.
His eyes wandered over the group in the room, lingering slightly on the lone female at the table before taking his place at the head of it. “Please be seated.” He gestured towards the woman who had walked in behind him, a svelte brunette with greys threaded through the smooth chignon. The rose-pink suit she was wearing was a designer brand and she looked coolly polite and professional. “This is my assistant, Jessica. And in case any of you do not know who I am, the name is Henry Lincoln. I have been having regular meetings with Jared as to the direction I would like this agency to go. The take-over was smooth, and I promise you that the transition will be as well. Lincoln Industries has no intention of replacing any of the staff at the moment, but I expect to see more improvements in terms of the people the company represents. I have been going over the files and will be meeting with all of you individually to pitch some of the ideas I have.” He cocked a thick eyebrow as Diana’s hand shot up.

“Ms. Malcolm?” he asked without consulting the folders he had before him.

“Do you know anything about what we do here?”

He lifted a hand to stop the sound of protest from Jared. “I have been doing some research.”

“We have been doing this kind of thing for years. What did your research show? Did it tell you how to do a better job than we already do?” she demanded.

A slight smile relieved the hardness of his face, but not the eyes which remained wintry like a cold sky on a winter day. “I am a very acute businessman and have a distinct eye and ear for business. I also have an excellent team and when we are taking over a company, we do an extensive research. If it is not something viable, we do not get involved so to answer your question, Ms. Malcolm, yes, we know what this company is all about.” He swept his glance over the group of men gathered at the table. “I have no intention of telling you how to do your jobs because as Ms. Malcolm just pointed out, I am not an expert in the field the way you are. What I am an expert at is knowing how to raise profit and I am going to be making suggestions on how to do so. That is all for now.” He said with a dismissive nod. He waited until most of the men had filed out before he spoke. “Ms. Malcolm, please stay.”

Diana stiffened but did as she was told. She had a meeting with an author in thirty minutes and had intended to go and prep for it. “Jessica, give us a minute.”
The assistant nodded her poised head and gathering her stuff, left the room, closing the doors behind her.
“You have signed a few bestselling authors.”
“More than a few.” She told him coolly.

He lifted his head to stare at her, his expression impersonal. “Your disapproval of me is glaring.”

“I know about big corporations like the one you own. They gobble up small companies and over time stifle them and turn them into something else. This is a very good company and we do good work. Agencies are not a dying breed as some people think. We are people who take the interests of our clients very seriously, just wanted you to know that.”
“I have no intention of changing what is being done here.” He leaned back in the chair, his blue-grey eyes wandering over the exquisite face and the thick dark brown hair that was now twisted into a neat chignon at the nape of her long, graceful neck. The bronze skirt suit she had on suited her to perfection and her makeup was flawless. He admired beauty and she was no exception. “I am giving you my promise that hardly anything will change. But I think you should have been promoted years ago. Your work is exemplary, and you are dedicated to accomplishing whatever it takes to get the work done. I am an equal opportunity employer, Ms. Malcolm, and I believe in rewarding excellence. Effective immediately, your compensation package will be given detailed consideration.”
She stared at him in surprise. “Thank you.”
He inclined his head slightly. “Please send in Jared. I would like to have a word with him.”


“He does not remember you?” Sadie asked as she handed her sister the glass of lemonade.

“I did not expect him to. You remember how I was back then? Tall and gangly with that horrible braces on. My hair was thick and chunky because Mama refused to let me perm it. I had no shape, no breasts to speak of and no hips. I looked like a frigging tree back then and knew it.”
“Look at you now,” Sadie said with a touch of envy in her voice. “You could have been a model.”

“Models are bodies without minds. I prefer to use my mind. Anyway, back to what I was saying. He did not recognize me. I sat there waiting for even a glimmer of recognition but there was nothing and I was saying to myself, why would he recognize me? I was not in his exalted circle back then.”
“And you had a huge crush on the guy.” Her sister pointed out.

“I think all the girls back then had a huge crush on him. He is still hot by the way.”

“Is it going to be weird working for him?”
“I will not technically be working for him. He is just going to be there a couple of days at the most to make sure that everything is running according to his satisfaction and get this! I am getting a raise.”

“Honey, that’s wonderful news! One that was a long time in coming.”

Diana circled the moisture on her glass absently. “He has never been married.”

“I know. I also read that he changes women the way most people change clothes. He is married to his business and travels a lot. He has real estate all over the world and makes a killing on the stock market. He was born into wealth but since he took over more than fifteen years ago, he has managed to triple the family fortune.”

Diana looked at her sister in surprise.

Sadie shrugged. “I read the society pages a lot. Kind of living vicariously through the lives of the rich and famous.”

“They are people with issues Sadie, probably more than we have.

She nodded. “It makes sense. Do you still have a crush on him?”
Diana stared at her drily. “I am a grown ass woman and as far as I know, we don’t have crushes.”


Henry cut into the veal with a precise movement, trying not to regret his decision to come and have a sit-down dinner with his sister and her husband. The meal was strained at best and he had a feeling that his brother-in-law had not wanted him over for dinner in the first place. The conversation was being carried on mostly by his sister who seemed to be determined to make the most of it, not noticing or choosing to ignore the fact that the two men at the table were not interested.

“Darling, tell us about the agency that you have bought.” Janet suggested, her tone a little desperate.

Henry eyed her for a moment, noticing the strained expression on her attractive face. “It’s pretty routine. The company has the potential to become even bigger than it already is. I have given the PR department the go-ahead with the necessary announcements in the next few days.”

“I will take a look at it first thing in the morning.”

He nodded and was about to make a comment when her phone rang.
“We decided that no calls should be taken during dinner.” Joel said, his mouth a disapprovingly thin line.

“I-It’s Simone.” She said with a strained smile as she pushed back her chair. “I will take it in the next room.”

Henry waited until his sister had left the dining room before he said anything. “What’s going on with you two?”

Joel glanced at the man briefly before sipping his wine. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Henry’s eyebrows lifted and his eyes drifted towards the closed doors. “I get the feeling that I am not welcomed here.”

“Janet invited you when I told her that I had a case that I was working on. She forced my hand and I don’t appreciate being roped in like this.”
“Thanks for being honest.” Henry told him sardonically. “My sister and niece are all the family I have, and I take great care with that. If you are screwing around on her and I find out, you answer to me. Get it?
Joel’s light blue eyes blazed at the man lounging in the chair across from him. “You dare to threaten me in my own home?”
Henry tossed back the wine, not bothering to savor it like usual. Leaning forward, he met the man’s incensed gaze. “You have a beautiful family, one that a lot of men would kill for. I would hate to think that you would blow that by chasing some law clerk in that firm you work at. I am thinking of investing in a couple of firms. Jetson, Metcalfe & Moore could just be my next takeover venture.”

“You son of a bitch!” Joel hissed, his eyes burning.
“if I find out that you are screwing around on my sister, you have me to deal with and brother in law or not, I will make sure you are very sorry.” He got to his feet just as his sister came back into the room. “How is my niece?”
“Looking forward to coming home for the break.” She looked from her brother to her husband who was seated with the glass of wine in his hand. “Everything okay?”
“Yes.” Henry said tossing the man a warning look. “Joel and I were discussing the games. I also told him about the charity event at the club.” He looked at his sister. “I am hoping that the two of you will be able to come.”

She walked over and put her hand on her husband’s shoulder. “What do you think, darling?”
“I will check my schedule.” He told her with a strained smile.

“It’s on Saturday, I think your schedule is wide open.” There was a determined glint in the blue-grey eyes as he stared at the man. “It would be good to have you there and it is for a noble cause.”

“We will be there.” Joel told him coolly.

“Good. Walk me out?” he nodded to his sister.

“I will be right back.” She told her husband.

“I sensed tension in there.” She tucked her hand through his arm as they made their way through the hallway, towards the front doors.
“Your husband is always tense. Lawyers.”

Janet placed a detaining hand on his arm as he made to open the doors. “I did not tell you what I did for you to start playing big brother, darling.”

“I cannot seem to help myself.” He bent and kissed her on the top of her head. “Take care.”


“Jade, Jade I am going to need you to take it down a notch,” Diana motioned with her fingers to stop the flow of excitable conversation the woman was having. “your book is damned good, and I am talking with one of the biggest publishing houses in the country and it looks good.”
“They are talking about rewrites.”

“so, rewrite the damned sections.” She signaled for the check and the waiter came hurrying forward. “Is it that big of a deal?”

“Finding Love is my heart and soul, my entire being. I left Matt because I wanted to dedicate my life to writing a bestseller. I have not had sex in two years, and I am vibrating from the lack of physicality, if you get my drift.”

“I think I do.”

Jade nodded jerkily as she sipped her Bloody Mary. “The rewrites require that I cut out most of the heavy lovemaking scene that had me salivating after writing it. Did you read it? Was I wrong with the salivating part? Were you vibrating?”
“I would not quite put it like that,” Diana told her. “Look Jade, the book is damn good, excellent writing and I have to tell you that you did not waste your time. But Marcia Van Lake is a damn good editor and if she wants you to do a bit of rewriting then I suggest you get on with it.”

“Okay,” she said sulkily. “I will do the damn rewrite.”
“Good, I have to go.” She glanced at her watch with a grimace. “I have a few calls to make as well as several meetings lined up. We will talk.”


“You are back. Again.” Diana was not aware that her tone indicates a trace of resentment and impatience as she looked up from her laptop and saw him hovering inside her doorway. She hung up the phone and sat where she was, watching as he came into the room.

A faint smile curved his sensuous lips. “Good afternoon to you too, Ms. Malcolm.” He murmured as he leaned against the doorjamb. “Do you dislike me on principle, or did I do something to incur your censure?”

“I don’t really know you so it would be foolish of me to dislike you now, wouldn’t it?” she asked him casually.

“You are right, and the thing is this – I own this place now and I pretty much get to come here whenever I please.”
“You are right of course.” She told him politely. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“There is a meeting in the conference room in a couple of minutes. I need you there.”

Henry watched her throughout the meeting as he listened to the various reports and the eager summation of the changes that had been made. He had been coming for the past three weeks and had only seen her twice since the first time because he only required a meeting with Jared and the accounting department. But he had been watching her since the first time he saw her. Her name sounded vaguely familiar but if he had met her, he knew he would have remembered her. She was exquisite! All that pile of thick hair and that face, not to mention the body! Her fiery personality and her ability to say exactly what was on her mind intrigued him. He noticed that she ignored him and wondered if that was deliberate on her part. He never got involved with anyone who was employed to him. He knew firsthand how messy it could be. His father had slept with several of his secretaries and had ended up shelling out money to them so that they could keep their mouths shut about it. There had also been an instant where one of the women had claimed that she was pregnant, but it had turned out to be a lie, fortunately. He had seen the way his dad behaved around the women who worked for him and had sworn that he would operate differently. There were too many females inside his circle for him to be hitting on the ones who worked for him. He had seen the way they looked at him and had never given them the slightest indication that he was interested. But he found that he was more and more intrigued by her and looked forward to coming by and seeing her. He picked up his pen idly and rolled it between his fingers. Sleeping with her was out of the question or was it? He wondered idly. Technically, she did not work for him, but it might still prove to be a problem! He jolted to attention when a question was directed at him and was slightly mortified that he had to ask that the question be repeated. “Let us wrap this up for now. Ms. Malcolm, stay back a bit.”

Diana quelled the impatience as she took her seat.

“The current author you are representing is up for several awards?”

“Yes. But she is balking at doing some rewrites.”
“I have read the manuscript and it is very good. The writing is poignant and nostalgic, the setting excellent.”

Her tapered eyebrows lifted. “Do you read?”
He took no offence at the slur on his character as he responded. “Quite avidly. When I was in high school, I was referred as the jock who knew his way around a book.”
At the mention of his time at the same high school they both had attended, made her stiffened.

“I see.”

He nodded, seeming not to notice the flash of resentment on her face. “I have passed on the manuscript to a producer friend of mine, Zachary Grimaldi and he seems to like it.”
Diana’s eyes widened. She could not help but be impressed. Zachary Grimaldi was the hottest ticket in the movie world and had made a name for himself producing box office hits! “That’s great!”

He inclined his head slightly. “He will be in touch with you to suggest a time to meet and you can go on from there.” He tapped the tip of the pen against the glass. “Like I said before, you are doing a very good job.”
“Thank you. Is that all?”

“Do you like seafood?”
“Excuse me?”

“I was thinking that we could go and have dinner at a nice little out of the way seafood place owned by a friend of mine.”
Diana stared at him for a moment. “You want to take me out on a date?”
“Are you seeing someone?”

“Good, I will pick you up Friday night if that is convenient for you.”
Diana could not believe the sheer arrogance of the man seated across from her! The nerve of him! As if she would ever go out with him.

“One question.”

“Does my accepting or refusing have any bearing on my job?”
He frowned at her and shook his head. “None the least.”
“Then I want to thank you for the invitation, but I will have to say no.” she forced her tone to be polite but barely managed it.

“May I ask why?”
“Of course you may ask but I do not have to give you a reason. Oh no, here is one! I don’t like you Mr. Lincoln, I hope that is reason enough.”
“Have I done something to make you not like me?”
“Apart from just existing? No, not really.”
His blue-grey eyes turned chilly as he stared at her. “A simple no would have sufficed.”
“I don’t think you would take a simple no for an answer. Men like you rarely do.”
His mouth tightened at that. “Men like me. Care to elaborate?”

“Rich, entitled and who believe that they are God’s gift to the female population, that sort of thing.”

“You don’t know anything about me, Ms. Malcolm.”
“Oh, but I do.” She got to her feet. “Was that your intention? Increase my salary, show off the people you know how to get me to go out with you? What was next? A quick roll in the hay and be done with it?”
His body stiffened, and he felt the anger pouring through his body! No one had ever dared to speak to him this way before! “You are stepping over a line that you might not be able to come back from.” His menacing tone shivered along her spine and told her that she had gone way too far!

“Be that as it may, I am simply telling you the truth. Now if you would excuse me?” It took a superhuman effort for her to walk out of the room on her trembling legs!

Chapter 3

Diana sat inside her office and forced herself to stop trembling! No doubt he was going to find a way to get rid of her! She had been unnecessarily rude and had overreacted to a man who had the power to make sure she never worked in her industry again! If she had not been so blindsided by the proposal, she would have done it differently. She would have simply thanked him and told him that she never dated her boss. But she had been taken aback by surprise that he had dared to ask her out! An out of the way seafood place! Which meant that he did not want the relevant people to see them together. Had not wanted the press to get wind of the fact that the great and mighty billionaire Henry Lincoln was going out with a mere employee! It was like she was back in high school again, only this time she would get to go out with him but in secret! He had humiliated and crushed her and now dared to ask her out, thinking that she would gobble up his offer and be eager to go out with him!

She bit her lip as the memories came rushing back! Memories that she had suppressed over the years and had told herself that would never resurface again!

She had been desperately trying out for the cheerleading team for one reason only. She knew she did not belong at Mayfield High but had gotten a full scholarship to attend the school much to her mother’s delight and to her consternation. She wanted to attend the public high school her sister had attended because at least there, she would not be out of place. Besides, the green plaid uniform looked horrible on her and did not suit her in the least! It was as awful as she had suspected that it would be, even from the very first day. It had been apparent that she was a scholarship kid, but the good news was that she was not the only one. A girl by the name of Brenda Faulkner had been there a semester before her and had taken her under her wing. It had been a mostly white population with most of them being entitled and snobbish. Diana had stood out like a sore thumb but even back then she had the ability to take care of herself and speak her mind. She had refused to suck up to anyone so that they would like her and that made it even worse for her! She would never forget the first time she saw him striding into the cafeteria! Even then, he had been tall, topping the boys who followed behind him as if they were his loyal subjects and they had probably been! Henry Lincoln had been fabulously wealthy and entitled back then and with his looks and money, was sure to be popular. He was captain of the football and rugby team and was exemplary at all the sports. Moreover, he was an A student which had been highly unusual. The girls at the school would throw themselves at him but only one had gotten his attention – Glenna Mayfield, the daughter of the man whose ancestors had built the school in the first place. Blonde and beautiful with cornflower blue eyes and a flawless complexion, they were a perfect couple and a brilliant match. They were often seen together and had been the most popular couple in school. Diana knew that she never stood a chance but that did not stop her from falling headlong in love with Henry and hoping against hope that he would at least notice her. Back then, she had been gangly and awkward with braces and the only thing she had going on was her complexion which had been smooth and flawless. Trying out for the cheerleading team had been the only way she knew how to get close to him, but she failed the tryouts, mostly because Glenna had taken one look at her and decided that she was not suitable. Diana had overheard them in the girls’ room talking about her.

“Can you imagine the nerve of that scholarship girl wanting to be a part of the team?” she had asked in her bored rich voice.

“She looks like a stick with clothes on.” Another girl had snickered.

“And did you see the shoes she had on? Hello! Buy one and get the other half off? You did the right thing barring her from the team, Glenna. She really does not belong.”
“All these scholarship kids coming here. They should stay where they belong – public schools. But Daddy says it gives the place a good image – a show of support to those who are less fortunate. They might come here but that does not mean that we have to welcome them with open arms.”

She had fled from the locker room with tears streaming down her face and straight into the solid body of Henry Lincoln who had steadied her, with his hands on her arms. “Whoa there! You need to watch where you are going.”

“I am sorry, I was not paying attention.” She remembered how she had trembled and had blubbered at the sight of him.

“Are you okay?” The blue-grey eyes had looked concerned and right there she had decided that he was not as awful as his girlfriend and the others.

“Just having a bad day.” She had admitted.

“It’s high school,” he had told her dryly. “Be prepared to have a lot of those. I am Henry by the way.”

“I know,” She had said shyly. “My name is Diana Malcolm. We share several classes.”

He had stared at her for a moment as if trying to place her, but she had shaken her head. “It’s fine, the class is full.”

“You are making me feel better at not knowing who you are. That’s decent of you.”

“It’s no big deal.”

To her shock, he had used the pad of his thumb to wipe the moisture from her face, his touch searing her skin! “Don’t let them get to you.”

“Thank you.” She had whispered.

“Nice to officially meet you Diana Malcolm. See you around.” With a mock bow, he had sauntered away, leaving her looking after him stunned and more in love than she had been before!

She had dreamed of him, doodled his name and hers on notepads and had found herself looking for chances where they could talk some more. It did not matter that he was hooked up with that horrible Glenna Mayfield! In her mind, she had the idea that he would see the girl for what she was and decided that he did not want to have anything to do with her. He would come and be with her and they would study together and even though they were miles apart as far as money and social status were concerned, he would not care about that. She kept thinking about the first time they would kiss. It would probably be on the football field after everyone else had left for the day. He would take her into his arms slowly, his huge hands framing her face and he would tell her that he had been noticing her all along and that there would be no other woman for him as long as they both shall live. And then he would kiss her!

The kiss would sear her skin, tremble along her flesh and put goosebumps all over her body! He would press her back against the soft and velvety grass, his lips buried on hers. He would tell her that they had to stop because he was afraid that if he continued, he would not be able to and he wanted to save himself and her for that special day. It had been a ridiculous fantasy, but one that had played over and over in her mind until it had started to appear real! It had been compounded by the fact that he now started to notice her and would smile at her whenever he saw her in classes.

Then, one day while Glenna was absent, he had been her lab partner and they had talked, and he had made her laugh when he mixed up the slides deliberately. She remembered wishing that Glenna would never come back to school, that something bad would happen, some type of debilitating disease that would stop her from coming back so that Henry would finally be hers. But she had come back two days later, and he had not noticed her again until one day at lunch when her apple had rolled over to where he was seated. She had watched as he looked at the fruit at his foot and up at her. She remembered the smile and felt her heart fluttering as he got up and retrieving the fruit, came over and gave it to her. “I thought for one second that we had an orchard somewhere in the cafeteria,” he said with a mischievous grin as he looked at her.

“Thank you.”

“See you.” With that mock salute, he had gone back to his seat. The smile had been wiped off her face when she heard what Glenna said to him.

“Why are you being nice to that scrawny nobody?”
“Someone has to be. She does not belong, and she knows it. It is no big deal.”

She had been used to Glenna Mayfield being the bitch she was, but Henry’s words had shattered her heart and her life! She had gone home that day and had cried her eyes out and pretended to be sick the next day so that she would not go to school. It had taken her years to get over the inferiority complex and the broken heart, but she had done so much! Now everything was rushing back!


He was furious with himself!

It was not something he had ever done before and he had no idea why he had done it in the first place. His only excuse was that she was exquisite and there was something about her that had called out to him, whatever that meant. He had invited her to dinner for crying out loud! Dinner with the idea of maybe taking her back to his place and making love to her.

What the hell had he been thinking? He left the agency without seeing her again and was now back in his office with the time to think over what he had suggested to her. He credited her for having the good sense to turn him down. He was going to chalk it down to temporary insanity and leave it at that. He will probably not have to go there for now and by the time he went back there, both of them would have put the unpleasantness of the situation behind them and moved on. But he could not forget how unbelievably rude she had been. Almost as if she had something against him or what he stood for! Shaking his head, he pressed the intercom and asked Jessica to join him.


“Don’t tell me that you are still hung up on this guy.”

“I am not.” Diana cradled the phone between her shoulder blade and right ear as she sifted through the papers, she had brought home with her. She had a stack of manuscripts that authors had sent her, and she was not making a lot of progress. Besides, her mind was not exactly on work right now. “I waited all day for Jared to call me into his office, to tell me to clear my things out and leave. I am still waiting. I was very rude to him Sadie and that was not acceptable.”
“You told him your mind. You are always frank.”

“I know but there is such a thing as diplomacy. I could have said a polite no and be done with it, but I had to take it up a notch and practically told him off.”

“You never told me what he did that was so horrible! I thought he was one of those who were halfway kind to you.”

Diana stocked the manuscripts on top of each other and placed her hands onto the pile. First, she would find something to eat and then, work on them. “He was worse than the others, because he led me to believe that he liked me and that gave me hope. I know it sounds silly, but I think he encouraged me and led me to believe that he was different from the others. At least they showed me that I was not wanted.”

“Honey, that was more than twenty-five years ago. You never usually hold grudges.”

Diana slid off the bed and went into the kitchen, pulling the blouse out of her skirt. “I know but for some reason, I cannot seem to let this go.” She put the kettle on. “Do you know what I thought about doing?”
“What was that?”
“Go out with him, get him to fall in love with me and then dump his ass.”

She laughed as her sister remained silent. “I know, it’s terrible and I dismissed the idea as soon as it came into my head. Hopefully, he will not be coming to the agency any time soon. The takeover has been completed or so I have heard so there is no need for him to be coming back there. It is not like it is a big company that needs restructuring. I have read up on the other companies he has taken over and the agency is like small fries to him. I doubt that I will seeing much of him from now on. Okay, time to change the subject. How is my nephew?”
“He is coming home this weekend and I have an entire itinerary mapped out for us,” The excitement was evident in her sister’s voice. “I know he is practically an adult and will want to go on about his own business, but I am hoping that he will want to spend time with me. I miss him Di and sometimes I find myself going into his room and just sitting there, staring at his stuff and remembering when he was little. I miss those times with him and realize that I will never get them back. When he finishes college, he is going to want to stay with his Dad and probably get something at the law firm where Daniel is a partner.”
“Honey, you don’t know that.”

“I do. He is already hinting at it.” Sadie sighed heavily. “I wanted to have more kids, but Daniel wanted the one and when it turned out to be a boy, that sealed it for him.”

“Maybe it was a good thing that David was the only one.”

“You are right. I got to go honey, David is calling me.”
“Tell him I love him and that I intend to play the auntie card and I expect to get my share of spending time with him.”

“I will.”

Diana hung up the phone and poured the water over the pouch, sniffing at the herbal flavor. “Okay girl,” She told herself firmly as she took out a packet of fries from the freezer. “It was a long time ago and it is time to put it behind you!”


“Uncle Henry!” the nineteen-year-old girl screamed as she launched herself into her uncle’s arms.

“I see they do not teach decorum at that fancy college of yours.” He said with a grin as he wrapped his arms around her slender body. “Let me look at you,” he held her at arm’s length to study her. “You have put on a little weight since I last saw you.”
“Mom insists on sending all these boxes of food each week as if she is fearing that I am starving myself.” She linked her hand through his arm. “It is so good to be home though. I need a break from all the studying.”

Henry looked up as his sister came into the room bearing a tray. “I sent the housekeeper home early,” She explained as she placed the tray on the table in front of them. “I wanted to have the place to ourselves so that we could talk. Your dad will be home in the next hour or so.” Janet leaned over and squeezed her daughter’s arm. “it is so good to see you, darling.”

“Good to see you too, Mom.” She turned to her uncle. “Are you staying for dinner?” her blue-grey eyes had a pleading note to them as she looked at him.

“I have an engagement that I cannot get out of.” He said regretfully. “But I promise that I will make myself available for the weekend.”
“There is the charity dinner on Saturday,” Janet reminded him as she poured the tea. “Lincoln Industries is responsible for putting it together.”
“I am combining it with the authors’ event.” Henry murmured. “it is a good chance for the authors to meet some of the producers who will be present.” He shook his head when Janet passed him the cup with the steaming tea. “it is not going to be your usual boring function, you should come.” He told his niece.
“Do I get to have a new dress?” She asked with an impish smile.

“Don’t you already have more than enough?” Her uncle asked her dryly.

“You cannot have too many outfits, Uncle Henry.” She chided him.

“We could go shopping tomorrow darling.” Janet told her. “I could do with something new myself.”
“I was thinking of cutting my hair as well.”
“Your dad will never agree to that.” Her mother warned her.

“I know how to work my magic.”

“It is already working on me.” Henry kissed the top of her head as he got to his feet. “I will see you on Saturday.”


The dreams came again! It had been a long time since she had had them and had thought that it was all over. It was the same dream. She was at school, the braces gone, and her curves finally pronounced. Overnight, she had become popular! Everyone there catered to her. She had replaced Glenna as the most popular girl in school and was head of the cheerleading team!

Henry had gone on his knees to ask her for forgiveness and she had told him that she would consider it. He had then begged her and told her that he would do anything if she would forgive him and allow him to be the one to take her to the homecoming dance. He then told her that he was in love with her and would spend the rest of his life making it up to her. He said how sorry he was, and he wanted to show her how much! She always jumped out of her sleep before she gave him her answer and tonight was no exception! She flew up off the pillows, her heart racing, the sweat pooling on her forehead, her mouth dry.

Dragging her fingers through the careful loose bun she had put her hair in before turning in, she swung her legs off the bed and sat there for several minutes before stumbling to her feet, pushing them into the fuzzy bed slippers at the side of the bed. Shivering at the breeze that came through the window she had left open, she went to the kitchen to get herself a cup of water, gulping it down to ease her dry throat. She had been angry for so long! Angry and heartbroken all through high school. It had not just been the treatment at school, but the fact that their dad had left them for a younger woman when they were only little girls. No amount of pleading would have her mother talking about it and she had closed herself off from that conversation with a decided firmness that had deterred Sadie but not her. She had also refused to have anything to do with him again and when he had come around begging for forgiveness and a second chance, her mother had refused to speak to him. He died a year later without them ever speaking to him again. It turned out that he had found out he had cancer and had wanted to make amends. Diana sipped the water and blinked back tears she had not cried in so many years. She blamed her mother for being very hardheaded and not giving him another chance! Visions of her father pleading his case at the front door that night still stayed with her!

Chapter 4

“Come here you!” Diana moved forward to envelop the tall, athletically built young man in a fierce hug!

“Hi Auntie, it is so good to see you.” David murmured with a grin as he returned the hug. “I was just telling Mom that you look more beautiful than when I saw you last.”

“Why, thank you darling.” She leaned back against his arms and looked into his face. He had inherited his father’s looks which meant that he was very handsome with high cheekbones, sloping dark brown eyes and the pale skin associated with his Indian heritage. His hair was a riot of curls around his head and gave him a charmingly careless look that was very appealing. “When are you going to cut that mop of yours?”
“The girls seem to love it.” He said with a cheeky grin as he hugged her again before letting go. “it is so good to be home.”

“How is your dad?” Diana asked as she linked her hand through his arm. She had come over from work to see him and had done so because she was thinking of inviting him to this stupid function she had to go to on Saturday. She had not had a date in months and had no intention of turning up to the thing by herself.

David glanced over at his mother who had busied herself preparing the meal and had gone back into the kitchen. “He is getting married,” he murmured in an undertone as he pulled out the chair for her to sit. “To a woman a few years older than I am.”

“Your dad has always been a dog.” Diana shrugged apologetically as her nephew threw her a glance. “The truth is the truth honey.”
David nodded. “I had an argument with him about it, but he tells me that it is his life and he have a right to live it. I don’t think I want to live there anymore. I have decided that when I am finished, I am coming back here.” He glanced up as his mother came in with the bowl of fried chicken. “I figure that Mom needs me.”

“And I told him that he has his own life to live.” Sadie placed the bowl in the center of the table and bent over to kiss his forehead, a pleased look on her face.

“I know Mom, but I need you too.” He put his arm around her waist. “I have spent too many years away from you. I miss you both.” He included his aunt in his gaze. “You two women need a strong man around to point you in the right direction.” He grinned at the look his aunt gave him.

“I assure you that we can more than take care of ourselves.” Diana told him dryly. “But it would be great to have you back home, honey. And speaking of which, I need a date for Saturday. There is this author’s function, combined with a charity deal that I have to go to. It’s going to be something fancy so you will need a tux.”

“I did not bring one with me.”

“I will rent one or buy one for you. So, do I have a date.”
“I have a feeling that we are going to be the most beautiful couple in the room.” He told her with a grin.

“I see you are still vain, but I think you might be right.”


Henry was in the middle of a discussion with an associate when he saw them enter the hotel ballroom. His voice petered off as he stared at the vision in emerald green! She was on the arm of a man who was definitely younger than she was, and he wondered idly if she was sleeping with him. He felt himself stiffen when the guy leaned down and whispered something in her ear, causing her to laugh and look up at him. There was an air of familiarity between them that suggested that they had known each other a while.

“Yes?” he managed to tear his eyes from the woman and focused on the man in front of him. “I am sorry. You were talking about the infrastructure of the apartment buildings you are thinking of investing in.”

“I was asking you about the damn red tape that is wrapped up into acquiring the place. I trust your judgement, but I have been at this for the past three months and not getting anywhere.”
“Let me talk to someone.” Henry said absently, his eyes going to her again. She was talking to one of her authors and seemed to be deep in conversation. Several producers were already present, and he had spoken to Zachary about the manuscript he had expressed an interest in already. “Excuse me?”
he started to make his way towards her and then hesitated briefly. What the hell was he doing? She had made herself perfectly clear that she was not interested in him in any way and he was still smarting from the insult she had flung at him. But he could not seem to be able to get her out of his mind!
“Uncle Henry,”

He tore his gaze away from her and glanced down at his niece. She looked strikingly grown up in a sparkling rose pink dress that highlighted her delicate beauty. Her thick russet brown hair had been trimmed and styled into an intricate loop at the nape of her neck. “I figured you would have been dancing.” He glanced over at the woman who had caught his attention before looking back at his niece.

“I want to dance with you.” She linked her hand through his arm as he made his way across the room.
“I am afraid I would not be able to keep up with you.” He put his hand over hers and squeezed affectionately. “Where is my sister?”
“Holding court and discussing business,” Simone said with a grimace. “I should have stayed home and curl up with a good book.”
“You are too young for that kind of talk.” He told her mildly. By this time, they had reached the group of people where Diana was standing.
“Who is that?” Simone whispered, her eyes fixed on the handsome young man with the glass of champagne in his hand, trying not to look too bored.

“That’s what I intend to find out. Ms. Malcolm.” His body jerked in response as she turned to look at him. Up close, she was even more exquisite than when he had seen her from afar!

“Mr. Lincoln,” She extended a slender hand and he took it briefly before letting go. “This is Jade, the author of the book we have been talking about.”
“Very nice to meet you Jade. I was telling Ms. Malcolm how much I enjoy the read. I have also told a producer friend of mine about it and he happens to be here tonight.”
“I am psyched to hear that there is a likelihood that my book will be turned into a movie.” The woman said with a warm smile, her eyes assessing the tall, handsome man standing in front of her.

“This is my niece, Simone.” He introduced the girl hanging on his arm, his eyes on Diana.

“This is my nephew, David.” Diana supplied the information.

For the first time since he had come into the room, David’s dark brown eyes lit up with interest! “Very nice to meet you, Simone.” He extended a hand and held on to hers for a little bit before letting go.
“I was just telling Uncle Henry how much I wanted to go onto the dance floor.” The girl said with a pretty smile.

“I hope I will suffice?” David asked with a charming smile as he extended his hand.
The adults watched them walked onto the dance floor and turned as a deep voice boomed behind them! “Who is this lovely creature?”
“Zachary, this is Diana Malcolm, the agent I have been telling you about and this is Jade, the author of the manuscript.”

“My dear, lovely to meet you.” He took Diana’s hand and kissed it lavishly before turning to the woman who was looking at him in awe. “I think we should find ourselves a quiet corner and discuss this manuscript of yours.”

Henry waited until they had moved off before he spoke. “Your nephew and my niece seems to have hit it off.”

“They have.” For a moment, Diana felt shy around him. She saw him when she came into the room. How could she miss him? He was the tallest man and the most distinguished looking, the black tuxedo fitting his muscled body as if it had been made for him. His russet brown hair was brushed ruthlessly back from his forehead and his face had that hard look of cynicism stamped onto it. “He is on break from school and just came home yesterday.”

“Simone, is also on break.” His blue-grey eyes wandered over her face. “You look lovely.”
“Thank you.” Taking a deep breath, she started. “I was very rude to you the other day.”
A small smile hovered at his lips, not quite reaching his eyes. “You certainly were.”
“I am not usually that rude, but I tend to speak my mind.”
He inclined his head slightly. “Can we start over?” he asked, extending a hand.
“I don’t want to go out with you.” She told him firmly as she put her hand inside the warmth of his large one.

“May I ask why?”
Pulling her hand away she barely stopped herself from wiping it down the side of her dress. “You are my boss.”

“Technically I am not.”
“You are my boss’s boss and I don’t date the people I work with or work for.”

“No exceptions?”

“Have I seen you somewhere before?” he asked her quizzically.

Her tapered eyebrows lifted as she looked at him. “Would you have forgotten if you had?”
he laughed softly. “Not a chance. How about a dance? Or is that taboo as well?”

“A dance is allowed.”

“Good,” he reached for her hand and led her onto the dance floor, bringing her up against his body and sending her heart fluttering. He placed his hand at the small of her back and Diana could feel the heat of his fingers going through her skin. “I am still going to ask why you were so defensive when I asked you out the other day.”

She lifted her head and her eyes caught his. “Defensive or rude?”
“More like defensive,” his eyes wandered over her face and lingered on her lips, sending tiny fires throughout her body. She had dreamed of him kissing her so many times when she was a teenager that it was embedded inside her mind!

“I thought you were hitting on me because you had given me that increase. I figured that you thought that I had to pay my dues.”
His thick dark brown brows lifted. “Dues?”
She shrugged her slender shoulders and stared off across the room. She had dreamed of being in his arms for so long and now that she was, it was affecting her far too much! “Maybe dues is not the correct term.”

“You were resentful of me even before I offered you that package.” He pointed out. “I would like to know why.”

Diana almost groaned out loud at that. She knew he was a very astute businessman and should have known that he had the ability to read up on people. “You came into the agency and I was afraid that I would lose my job. Jared told me that some company was taking over the place and I knew that there would be changes.” She improvised.

He studied her for a moment as if trying to gauge whether or not she was telling the truth. “I make changes only when necessary and for the agency there was no need for that and your job is safe, even if you never go out with me. I judge people on the merits of their work.”
“Good to know,” She tilted her head to look at him. “What’s next for you?”

“What do you mean?”
“I am assuming that now that you have finished with the agency, it is time to move on to something else.”

“I have not finished with the agency. I still have meetings to attend and some things to iron out. But right now, I am in the middle of restructuring a mall, the one downtown on Silver Street.”

Diana looked at him curiously. “An entire mall?”
He shrugged broad shoulders. “I love a challenge and Silver Springs Mall has the potential to make a hell of a profit. It is ideally situated and with the development of the downtown area, the takeover is timely.”

“I suppose that sort of thing keeps you busy.”

“Very,” his blue-grey eyes went to her lips again and this time, his look lingered, sending the heat straight to the core of her. His hand drifted up as he pressed her against him. “We could go outside and look at the stars.” He murmured.

“I have already seen the stars on my way in.” She cleared her throat as she curled her fingers into his jacket. “We should- I should go and see what my nephew is up to.”
“Running away?” he asked her silkily, his arm firm against her body.

She could feel the warmth of him against her and knew that if he wanted to kiss her right now, she would not stop him!

“I am not interested.”
“I was not offering anything. Yet.”

“The music has stopped.” Diana could feel the thudding of his heart against the fabric.

“Let’s go somewhere we can talk.”

“You are afraid.”
“Of you?” she lifted tapered brows.

“Of what we are both feeling right now.” He held her tight in the circle of his arms, not caring that they were being stared at or that the music had started back up. “We could skip the party and go straight to my apartment. We are two adults who know what they want.”
“And what do you want?”
“You,” he told her bluntly, his fingers splayed at her back. “I thought that was obvious.”

“I am sure you can have your pick of any of the females here, and I am also sure that they would be more than willing to go back to your place with you.”

“Maybe,” his tone was amused. “Are you saying that you are not one of them?”

“I like to be exclusive.” She told him loftily. She really should insist that he let her go but somehow, she could not find the words!

“I would make sure that you are.” He lifted a hand and curved it at her cheek. “Let me show you how exclusive you would be.”

“Very tempting but I will have to say no. I came here with my nephew.”
“You could take him home and I could wait for you somewhere.” He suggested.

She forced an amused tone into her voice. “I have a feeling that this is the way you behave when you have some business you want to take over. Relentless and single minded.”

“I can be that.” He agreed, his fingers unconsciously kneading her back and sending tremors along her skin. “What do you say?”
She pushed against his solid chest and almost panicked when he did not budge. “Let me go.”

“Do you want me to?”
“I am sure you are used to women falling all over themselves for you, but I am not one of them. Now please let go.”

His blue-grey eyes studied her for a moment before he released his hold on her. “As you wish.” Stepping back, he gave her a mock salute before walking away. Diana closed her eyes briefly. It was the same mock salute that he had given her when she had crashed into him on her flight from the bathroom and the memories came pouring back in a flood! She had to get out of here!


“Simone seems like a really nice girl,” David said casually as they made their way back home. “Not stuck up like the usual rich girls. We have a lot of things in common.”

Diana spared him a glance as she navigated traffic. It had taken some time for her to find him and tell him firmly that she was leaving. “Don’t even think about it.”
“Think about what?”
“Seeing her again, David. I know that you are hot and at this age, your hormones are raging out of control, but she happens to be my boss’ niece and I would hate to see that relationship be damaged because two young people decided to have a fling. Find some other girl to work your charms on.”

“You are overreacting, Auntie,” he told her airily.

“Am I? So, she did not give you her number?”
“We have things in common. We both attend college and have a lot of the same interests. Nothing is wrong with us exchanging numbers.” He argued.

“As long as it remains harmless conversations and nothing else. I mean it, David.”

He glanced at her curiously. “You seem a little uptight. Are you okay?”

“I am.” She glanced at him again. “I just don’t want you to get involved with someone like Simone Brach.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” he demanded. “I would never peg you for a person who would think like that, Aunt Diana. You are always saying that people are people, no matter the amount of money they have in their bank accounts.”

“You are right,” She said with a sigh. “I guess I am a little tired tonight and distracted.”

“Maybe it is because Simone’s uncle seems to be interested in you.” he said wisely.

She looked at him sharply as she pulled up outside the house. “All right wise guy, time to get out of my car.”



“I have always wondered why you never got married and have kids of your own.”

She stared at him in surprise. “Maybe because I spent so much time looking out for you,” She told him drily. “Why do you ask?”

“You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, and I am sure there are men falling over themselves to be with you.”

Her dark brown eyes twinkled in amused fondness. “Is that the kind of thing to say to your kin?”

He shrugged. “Just stating a fact. I saw the way Simone’s uncle was staring at you and he was not the only one.”

“I guess I spent a lot of time forming my career and never had the time for romance.”

“It’s not too late. You are not really over the hills yet.” He told her with a grin.

“Get out of my car before I boot you out!” she grinned as he opened the door quickly and got out. “And stay away from Simone.”


He did not stay long after she left. As soon as she had left, the light had gone out of the party and everything had become dull and boring. He had taken part in a few discussions, but his mind had not been on the conversation. Talks of mergers and acquisitions which had normally challenged him had suddenly become tedious.

She had stirred up something fierce inside him and he was not sure it had been a good idea to take her onto the dance floor to begin with. Biting off an impatient sigh, he strode over to the liquor cabinet, built into the wall of his bedroom and pressed the button. He was flying out first thing in the morning for several days and would be passing through Italy and the UK on business. He had also promised to stop over and pay a quick visit to Francesco and Tiana. It might time to clear his head and consider his next move. He poured himself a scotch and sat at the stool, watching the amber liquid swirled in the glass, his gaze mesmerized. He wanted her! Obviously, there was something between them and he had every intention of exploring it! She was putting up resistances right now, but he was very determined to get her into his bed. He glanced over at the silken coverlet, his housekeeper had put over the lavishly huge bed in the center of the room. He had not been with anyone for months because the last person he was seeing had bored him with talks of settling down. Diana Malcolm will certainly prove to be quite an interesting challenge. She had already fired up his blood. He smiled as he tossed down the drink! It was going to be a very interesting run!

Chapter 5

“I told my mother that I was meeting some guys from school who had blown into town.” David took her hand and guided her to the far corner of the restaurant. “I was warned to stay away from you.”

Simone smiled impishly and shook back her russet brown hair, her eyes sparkling. “I thought you were old enough to do anything you wanted.”

“Your uncle is a billionaire and he look very daunting and protective and my aunt is scary when she gets riled, so…” he looked up as the waiter came forward. “What are you having?”
“A big juicy burger and fries with tons of ketchup and mustard.” She caught his gaze and grinned. “My parents are on a health binge and junk food is not allowed inside the house.”

“The same for me.” He told the waiter and waited until he had left. “My Mom pretty much let me eat anything I want to eat. She realizes that I am a growing boy.” He leaned onto the table, his dark brown eyes assessing her beautiful face. “My aunt is probably right. I should not be seeing you.”
“We are just out on an innocent lunch date. We are two people who hit it off a few nights ago and discovered that we have things in common. No big deal.”
“Your dad is a lawyer.”

“And someday you will be one.”

He shrugged restlessly. “My dad is also a lawyer, but he defends mostly criminals. I want to be a prosecutor, getting the bad guys and locking them up. Dad is not up for that. He said there is no money in being that kind of lawyer.”

“But that is what you want to do.”
David waited until the food had been put before them before he responded. “That is precisely what I want to do.” He swirled his fries around in the ketchup before looking at her. “You changed your major from medicine.”

“I decided that I want to study engineering instead. I discovered that I have a fascination for it. I want to make a difference in the way our country is structured. I know it is going to be tough, but I think I am up for it.”
“I am into my last year at law school and then there is internship which will pretty much last several years.” He popped several fries into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. “I was planning on going to Europe for a couple of weeks, just get school and the thought of work out of my mind. It would be good if we could hook up someplace.”

“My uncle has apartments in Paris and also in London. If I can get my Mom to agree to me going off by myself, we could certainly do that.” She sucked her soda through the straw and eyed him beneath her long lashes. “I am surprised that a guy like you is not involved with anyone.”

“A guy like me?”
“You are hot.” She told him with a laugh. “It’s true! When I saw you the other night, I wanted to tell you straight up that you were.”

“And I wanted to tell you that you looked like an angel. Corny, I know but it’s the truth. You have this roses and cream complexion going and that hair and eyes! I am really glad that I let my aunt talked me into going out with her on Saturday. It was worth it. So why are you not involved with anyone?”
“Who says I am not?”
His thick brows descended into a frown. “I am sorry- “
“I was just kidding!” she told him with a laugh. “You should see the look on your face.”
“Very funny.” He told her darkly. “So why are you single?”

She shrugged her slender shoulders. “My Mom kept her maiden name and passed it on to me. So, I am Simone Lincoln-Brach. People know who I am, and I am afraid that guys would be into me because of who my uncle is. I was seeing this guy a year ago who kept pumping me for information about my uncle and wanted to know if he could meet him. I stopped seeing him after that and have been afraid to start anything because of it. I just do not want to take the chance of that happening again.”

“Do you think that I would be into you because of your uncle?”
“Are you into me?” She asked him innocently.

“Maybe,” a slight smile hovered at his lips. “You are pretty cute and not so bad for a rich white girl.”
“My Dad is pretty protective of me.”
“It is his right.” David sipped his coke and stared at her for a moment. “There is this movie on at the cineplex uptown on Friday. I was wondering if you would like to take it in with me.”

“Are you inviting me to the movie theatre so that we can neck and make out?”
“I never even thought of that.” He told her with a grin. “I am a perfect gentleman.”

“Not too perfect I hope.”


The date was not going too well. She had accepted the guy’s several pleas to have dinner with him in a last-ditch effort to exorcise a certain, tall and ruggedly handsome guy from her mind and her thoughts. Gregory Pritchett was an agent from another company who handled actors and actresses and he was quite successful. They had several things in common and he was not a bad looking guy and was also not a very bright one either from their conversation. He was tall and suave looking and was dressed in a sharp pinstriped suit that looked to cost several hundred dollars. He also insisted on telling her how much he made at his company and how important he was there.

“How about another glass of wine?”

She put her hand over the glass to prevent him from pouring the wine into it. “I am good, thanks.”

He shrugged and topped up his glass. “I hear that the agency has been taken over by the hotshot billionaire, Henry Lincoln.”
“I would prefer to not talk about work, if it is all the same to you.”

“What do you want to talk about?” his dark brown eyes wandered over her exquisite face and Diana had a distinct feeling that he was wondering how soon he could suggest they retire to his apartment. Man was he in for a very big surprise! She thought wryly.

“How are things with you?”
He smiled in a supercilious manner which made her cringe. “Perfect!” he gushed. “I am making a lot of money and living the American dream. I signed Marcy Gibbons a few weeks ago. You might be familiar with her work? “Death of a prostitute”, “Jailbait” to name a couple.”

“I have seen the movies. She is quite talented. Good for you.”

He preened at the compliment as he sipped his wine. “I was thinking that if you are really nice to me, I could put in a good word for you and get you over to our agency. Roswell Agency is going places.”

“I am quite fine where I am but thank you anyway.” Diana was finding it very hard to remain polite and neutral!

“Are you sure? A girl like you deserves the best.”
“I am positive. Look Gregory, I really think that this was a mistake.”
“What do you mean?” There was a puzzled look on his face as he stared at her.

“I mean that this date is a disaster and life is too short for me to be sitting here listening to your excruciatingly boring conversation when I could be anywhere else.”

“You are not having a good time?”

Diana stared at him for a moment in disbelief! The man was more of a moron than she had previously thought! “What gave it away?” She folded the napkin onto the table and got to her feet. “Thanks for dinner and please lose my number.”

“You don’t know what you are missing.”
“Oh, but I do.”


“When did it become this hard?” Diana complained as she kicked off her shoes and sat with her feet tucked beneath her on the comfortable sofa in her sister’s living room. “it’s a jungle out there and you have to do a lot of weeding to get to the good stuff.”
“I told you,” Sadie said with a grim smile as she handed her the glass of wine. “And if it is this hard for you, how is going to be for me? I am divorced with a grown son and just ordinary in the looks department.”
“Or we could do without men and continue on with our lives.” Diana gestured with her glass. “Where does it say that we have to have a man to complete us?”
“I think is says so in the Bible.”

Diana stared at her and burst out laughing! “I am sure it did not say that.”
“In the beginning of the good Book, it says that it was not good for man to be alone and then God created Eve.”
“And look how that turned out.” Diana said drily as she sipped her wine. “I don’t have a man and I am very okay with it.”
“Are you?”
“What does that mean?”
“it means you have been edgy and restless ever since you saw Henry again even after all those years.”

“So?” She shrugged. She had not told her sister about the incident at the party, but David had told her a little of what had taken place. “It’s just residual anger left over from high school.”
“And you have to ask yourself why it is affecting you after so many years. David said the two of you looked intense on the dance floor. Are you going to tell him who you are?”
“I doubt that he would even remember. Besides, I don’t think I will be seeing him again. I made it quite clear that I am not interested.”

Sadie’s eyes sharpened. “He made a pass at you?”

“Not exactly. He is a man and I am a woman so naturally he suggested that we get into something. I am sure he would have said the same thing to any woman at the party.”
“Not to me.” Sadie pointed out.

“There you go again.”

“I did not say it to put myself down but whenever you enter a room, people have a hard time noticing any other females present. I am just stating a fact honey.”

“You are exaggerating and like I said before, I am not going to put myself in a position to have that conversation with him again. The man is obviously a player who cannot help himself! He is in his forties and still trying to get every girl in the room to open their legs to him. I am no longer that scrawny teenage girl who was so into hm that I was a fool! I am a grown ass woman and a sophisticated one.”
“Was that why you went out with Gregory the loser tonight?” Sadie asked dryly.

“Okay girl, I deserve that. I admit that I gave into the pressure and decided that it would hurt to dip my foot into the dating pool. But now that I have done that and have gotten bitten by a piranha, I am withdrawing gracefully and concentrating on my career. The authors I represent takes up all my time anyway. Did you know that Jade called me while I was at dinner tonight, demanding to see me right away? I swear girl- “She shook her head. “If she was not so damn important, I would tell her where to get off. It’s amazing to me how grown-up people can constantly behave like children! Speaking of kids, where is yours tonight?”
“He said he was going out with some guys who came into town. That’s the third time this week.” Sadie complained. He has been at home a week and I am hardly seeing him.”

Diana looked at her sharply. “Guys? Are you sure?”
“That’s what he tells me, and I have no reason to doubt him.”

“What do you want to bet that he is hooking up with Simone Brach?” Diana asked with a glint in her eyes.

“I am sure he is with his friends.” Sadie insisted.

“Do you know what kind of trouble he would get into if he decided to bang the niece of a billionaire?”
“Stop putting that kind of image inside my head.”

“I need to make it real for you. I told him to stay away from her. Don’t you have some sort of tracker on his phone?”
Sadie stared at her in disbelief! “He is twenty years old!”
“Which means that you cannot ground him and tell him to stay in his room.” Diana murmured dryly.

“I trust him, he is a sensible boy.”

“Let’s hope he keeps his libido in check around her.”


Henry was still suffering from jetlag and the time difference was driving him a little crazy! No matter how many times he did this, and he traveled almost every week – it always gets to him, leaving him a little fatigued and vaguely irritated! It had also been exacerbated by the deal that had gone slightly askew in the UK. The quaint little store front that he had taken over a few years ago and had decided to let go of had not gone as planned. The investors into the property had wanted to cry down the market value. He had wasted time negotiating and getting them to buy at the same price he had quoted in the first place. It had not helped that he had been thinking about a certain exotically beautiful woman for the entire time and getting rock hard while he was supposed to be in bed getting some sleep! He had berated himself! He was not a teenager or someone in his twenties or thirties! He had gone forty-two years without feeling the aching physical need for a woman and it pissed him off to know that at this stage in his life, he was aching for one!

“If you drink anymore of our excellent blend, you are not going to wake up in the morning.” Prince Francesco drawled as he came back into the living room to join his friend. “I just stepped out a couple of minutes ago to tuck the boys’ into bed and come back to see the bottle almost empty. Either you are losing the tons of money you have, or this has to do with a woman. My guess is on the latter.”

“You did not have to come back here to babysit me.” Henry growled as he poured some more wine. He had arrived at the palace in the afternoon and had spent some time with Tiana and her twins before having a consult with the king and the eldest prince, heir to the throne. Dinner had been a lavish affair with the conversation veering to business until the princess had insisted that they changed the subject. “If I have to listen to one more talk about mergers and takeover, I am going to scream.” She had said firmly.

“When my wife gets testy, I tend to fall in line.” Prince Francesco had said teasingly, sending her a loving glance.

“I had a feeling that you needed company.” The prince poured some of the wine into the glass he had left on the carved Princess Anne table. It was a balmy June night and Ricci Island had been experiencing cooling rain for the past few days, giving the place a nice feel to it. There was the concern that the days of rain would ruin the wine crops, but it was being carefully monitored. “don’t tell me that the great Henry Lincoln has finally succumbed to the wiles of a female.”

“I have no intention of gracing that with a response.”

“I remember when I was falling in love with my wife,” Francesco mused as he sipped the full-bodied wine. “I was in denial, thinking for one that she was an employee and I should not step down from my lofty throne to have something physical with one such as her. She was beautiful, but there were other beautiful women I could be with. The more I rationalized it, the more I wanted her until it reached a point where I could not think of anything or anyone but her. I figured that she was the forbidden fruit and once I have her, I would be able to move on. The minute I touched her, I knew that it would not be the case and that I was in trouble.” His piercing dark eyes met the blue-grey eyes of his friend. “You are going mad with need for her and she is refusing to be with you.”

“Your psychic power is amazing.” Henry told him mockingly as he lifted his glass in a toast.
“You go back home tomorrow.” Francesco ignored the sarcasm as he continued. “Call her up and do not take no for an answer my friend. Does she feel the same way you do?”
“I don’t know how the hell I feel.” Henry muttered.

“You feel like you are being turned inside out.” Francesco said with a grin. “This woman might just be the one to get you to give up your confirmed bachelor status. It is about time! You cannot take the exorbitant amount of money you have to bed at nights with you or the businesses you keep acquiring. You need a woman’s touch at nights and to lose yourself into the softness of her body. You need to feel her lips on yours after a particularly troubling day in the office.”

“You are putting images inside my head that I really don’t need right now.”

“I want those images to stay in your head my friend until you get it that it is not good for a man to be alone.” He rose to his feet. “Speaking of which; I need to feel the touch of my wife’s body against mine.” He threw Henry a grin. “Can you find your way up the stairs or do you want me to guide you?”
“Kiss my ass.”

Francesco laughed in delight as he put his glass onto the table. “Your disrespect for my title is appalling. But I will let it go this time. Goodnight my friend.”

Henry shook his head as he watched him leave, sinking back into the chair, his expression bleak. Francesco was a pain in the ass, but he was right. He could not sit and pine over her like a lost schoolboy. He was going to have to do something about it!


“How is Simone?” Diana asked casually as they strolled through the park. It was a lovely Saturday afternoon and the smell of summer was pleasant to the senses. The park was filled with picnickers enjoying the day as well as parents pushing babies in their prams. She had called and invited her nephew to take a ride with her and he had agreed.

“Don’t BS me young man. I am not my sister who you can tell a story and she accept it without question. I know you have been seeing Simone Bach and not some friends from college who just happened to be in town. Are you banging her?”

David winced at the crudity. “We are just hanging out.”
“And I am not too old to know that is code for having sex.” She turned and poked him hard in the chest. “Do you remember who she is?”
“Auntie.” David took her hand and guided her to one of the benches. Taking her hands, he looked deep into her eyes. “I don’t know much about your generation but with mine it is quite possible for a guy and a girl to be just friends.”

“In my generation as in yours – when a hot guy and a beautiful girl hook up, it can only mean one thing. Sex, pure and simple. You cannot sit there and tell me that since you have been with her, all you two talked about was the courses you take and feed your minds on matters that are purely innocent. If that is what you do, then I would have to ask the question of whether or not you are gay or just plain shy. I have known you for twenty years and unless you changed your sexual preferences within the last couple of months, I would say you are as straight as the proverbial arrow and I know that you are not shy.”

He grinned at her and shook his head. “We are just hanging out.” He insisted. “She is very easy to talk to and I like her. Nothing wrong with that.”

“As long as you keep it platonic and in case that goes sideways, use a condom.” She warned.

“I cannot believe I am having this conversation with you.” He muttered as he got to her feet and pulled her up.
“Better me than the girl’s parents.” She told him gaily. “Last one to reach the patch of daffodils buys ice cream.”

“I am a student!” he called out as she shot off!

“Nice try buddy!” she shouted as she sprinted away.

Chapter 6

“Did I wake you?” the deep cultured voice dragged the last remnants of sleep from her eyes!

She had managed not to think about him for the past week but had not helped but read the article on his visit to Ricci Island and having his picture taken with the royal family. She also had not been able to stop staring at his picture. He had been dressed in faded denims and a plaid shirt. The camera had managed to capture his careless smile.

“Who is this?”
he chuckled softly. “I guess I deserved that. I will just cut right to the chase. I just got in from my trip and would like to see you tomorrow. We could fly over to New York or Las Angeles where I have apartments, whatever suits you best.”
“Your colossal ego is going to be the death of you one day.” She sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “If this is Henry Lincoln, I believe that I already told you that I am not interested.”

“I don’t believe you.”
“Because you find it hard to believe that there is a woman who is not interested in you?”

“No, because when I held you in my arms on the dance floor, we both felt something.” He averred. “What I want to know is why are you so determined to fight it.”

“There is no fighting going on. I am simply not interested.”
“Give me one night to change your mind.”

Her eyebrows shot up and she almost burst out laughing! “Let me guess- you are going to prove your prowess as an experienced lover to me and thus making it hard for me to stay away from you. Am I right?”

“Something like that.” There was a teasing note in his voice that was making it hard for her.

“I just want to see you.”

“Why me? Why even after I have told you several times that I am not interested, you still insist on calling and asking me out. Is it the challenge? Am I the forbidden fruit, you just have to have?” she eased herself up against the pillows and passed a hand over her hair, realizing that she had not bothered to brush and wrap it the way she usually did. She had left the park with her nephew and had ended spending the rest of the evening and most of the night sitting outside with them in the yard just chilling and eating the steak David had put on the grill. She had been too tired when she came home to do her usual nightly ritual.

“Maybe,” he told her honestly with a faint laugh. “For some reason I cannot seem to get you out of my head.”

“And more than twenty-five years ago I would have been thrilled and excited about that, but I grew up.”
“What does that mean?”

“Mayfield High. Rings a bell?”

“That’s where I went to high school.”
“I went there as well. We shared several classes together. You were captain of the football team, swim team, debate team and lacrosse team as well. I was a scholarship kid who did not belong, and everyone knew it.”

“We went to high school together?” he said slowly. “How come I do not remember you?”
“You would not have. I was a black girl and a scholarship kid as I told you before. And more than that, I was scrawny and had braces on. I had a huge crush on you and felt as if I had died and gone to heaven when you spoke to me a few times. You comforted me when I went rushing out of the locker room after I overheard your back then, girlfriend Glenna taking several bites out of me because I dared to try and join her cheerleading team. You told me that it was high school and that I would have many days like the one I was having then. You made me feel special and I found myself looking for opportunities to talk to you. We were lab partners for one glorious afternoon, and you made me laugh and felt as if I belonged. Then you crushed me one day at lunch in the cafeteria by telling your girlfriend that I did not belong, and someone had to talk to me. I was humiliated and it took me years to get over it. I expected that sort of thing from Glenna and her friends because they were world class bitches, but you spoke to me and made me believe that you were different and that was what got to me.” She took a deep breath to quell the agitation. “Now, do you see why I could never go out with you?”

He did not answer her immediately and Diana realized that he was processing what she had just told him. She had convinced herself that she was over what had happened to her before but seeing him, being in his arms on the dance floor had proven that she was still hung up on the hurt and pain she had felt back then!

“I hurt you,” he said slowly. “I hurt a lot of people in high school because I was hurting myself. I behaved like a colossal dick back then because of the situation at home. My dad was a dictator and controlled everything when it came to me and my sister. That is no excuse for what I did to you and I don’t want to go into it right now. I hurt you and I want to make it up to you.”

“By doing what? Having sex with me?” She demanded.

“No, by taking you out to dinner. We could go on my boat and have a quiet afternoon where we could just talk.”

“We have nothing to talk about.”

“We do.” He said persuasively. “I want to show you that I am not that person anymore, Diana. I want to get to know you.”
“I already know who you are.”
“Not the real me.” He insisted. “Give me the chance to redeem myself. I am begging you for this.”


“Because I am fiercely attracted to you and yes, I want to eventually take you to my bed but first I want us to get to know each other. I am not that person anymore and I am going to show you.”

“Henry- “
“You said my name. I think that’s a start.”

“You are very determined, aren’t you?”
“I am, especially when it comes to this. Please give me a chance. I am not used to begging for anything, but I am begging for this.”

She took a deep breath and dragged her fingers through her hair. “Okay, but just talk. I don’t want anything else.”

“That’s fine with me for now. Do you want me to pick you up?”

“No. I am assuming that the boat is at the harbor?”
“Yes. It is named ‘The Simone’”

“After your niece.”

“I named if after her when she was born. I had just bought it a few weeks before. I have renovated it since. What time?”
“You tell me.”

“Around noon. I will be waiting for you on the pier. Bring a swimsuit.”
“I am not sure- “

“Please. I promise not to do anything you are not up for.”


“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet.” She muttered.

“You have agreed to meet me so yes, I have to say thanks.”

“See you tomorrow.”


Back inside his bedroom, Henry hung up the phone and walked towards the sliding doors that opened up to the balcony attached to the room. It was almost midnight, but he had come home from Italy and had been unable to get to sleep. He had sat on the side of his bed and contemplated whether or not it was prudent to call her. He had spent the entire twelve-hour flight thinking about her and not been able to concentrate on the work he had before him. He leaned against the railing and stared sightlessly out at the star filled sky, not seeing the dazzling lights of the city that he so often enjoyed. He had hurt her in high school and worse than that, he did not remember her or what he had done to her. Back then, he had been hurting himself and careless in his dealings with others. He had been seeing Glenna and had screwed half her friends who had thrown themselves at him. She had found out just before the senior prom and had called him all kinds of names, but had been reluctant to let go of the status of being with a Lincoln – the most popular boy and the wealthiest one in the school, so she had told him that she forgave him and that they could continue as they were. He had lost respect and interest for her then but had agreed to be her date at the prom. They had ended up being prom king and queen which come as no surprise to anyone. He had gone off to Europe for the summer break and had broken off all communications with her. His father had put the pressure on him ever since he was born because he was the heir of the massive Lincoln Industries and he had been groomed ever since he was little to take over the reins.

What was worse, was that he had seen his dad with other women and that had put a cynical stamp on him where women were concerned. They were willing to do anything for the right price and none of the ones he had met or being with had proven otherwise. So, he had gone through life thinking that they were all the same and decided that he would never settle for one just because he wanted an heir. He had his niece and she would be enough! He dragged his hands through his hair and walked over to the padded sofa to take a seat. The balcony had shades that could go down when the weather was bad, but he usually kept it open during the summer. He lived in a fortified building with security at the front desk and his apartment was situated on the seventh floor with no chance of intruders coming inside but he also installed the best alarm system money could buy and he happened to own the company who had installed the alarm to the building. He barely knew the neighbors in the building and had his own private elevator that took him from the underground garage straight up to his apartment. He preferred it that way and guarded his privacy with a vengeance! He was often in the public eye and could not go out somewhere without it being documented and commented on. When he entered his apartment, he was closed off from all that and could enjoy the peace and quiet of being alone. He was never lonely, and he had never felt that way until recently, until he had met her, he realized with a grim smile. There was something about her and it was not just her beauty and that sultry smile, but her confidence and strength had him fascinated with her. She had that hurt and pain alive after all those years which told him that it had cut deep. He knew that Glenna and her merry troupe of followers had been vicious in their ability to cut someone dead and it did not matter if that someone posed a threat to them. They decided who to accept and if they made the decision that someone did not belong, then that someone’s life was made miserable for the rest of the school years. It had been a vicious cycle, rich kids lording it over others and doing their best to make sure that they knew that they were interlopers! And he had been a part of that cycle. He might not have actively given anyone the cut direct but then again, he did not have to! All he had to do was ignore them or say something negative and it would do the trick. And Diana Malcolm had been one of those people! It was funny how life has a way of bringing one back to the past or past encounters. Now he was the one at her mercy, he was the one having to beg for her approval, and he had a feeling that it was not going to be easy getting her to trust him!


Diana stood inside her huge closet, wearing only the skimpy black lace underwear she had donned after her shower. She had got up at ten this morning and made herself a cup of coffee and two burnt toast, the toast had been burnt because she had had been thinking of what the day held. She should have told him a definite no on seeing him. He was the man who had hurt her all those years ago but then again, it had been more than twenty-five years ago, and it was far too long to hold on to grudges. The fact that she was not the type to do so made it even more apparent that she was not just holding onto grudges but to the pain of having her first love crushed and destroyed and she had been unable to move on from it even now, even when she had become this woman who had confidence oozing from every pores! He had said boat but what he had forgotten to mention was that it was not a mere ‘boat’ as he put it but a sleek streamlined yacht that had been featured in the papers a few times. That was what had made it even worse and had brought home the fact that this man was a powerhouse and she was making a big mistake in agreeing to see him! With a long sigh she decided on an almost painted on faded denims and a floral shirt blouse. She donned the outfit and sitting in front of the vanity mirror, stared at her reflection. It had taken her a long time for the jolt of shock to go through her system, each time she looked at herself in the mirror! Almost overnight she had turned into someone she had not recognized! The smoothness of her caramel complexion which had never had an inch of blemish, the large dark brown eyes which had always been her best features, the full bottom lip and her hair which had a thickness and vitality to it that defied description. She had inherited her mother’s look and she remembered when she was a little girl and wishing that she looked like her! She had gone from being the scrawny kid that no one gave a second look to a woman who captured attention whenever she stepped into a room and it still manage to stun her! Taking up the brush, she pulled it through the thick strands, wincing as the bristles connected with some tangled strands. Taking a deep breath, she twisted it into a tidy chignon before putting on big gold hoops and getting to her feet. She hesitated before taking out a white one-piece swimsuit and tucking it into her huge pocketbook. Depending on her state of mind, she might not even be wearing it!


“You neglected to tell me that this was not some mere boat.” She murmured as she allowed him to take her hand and helped her aboard. The wind was picking up speed and whipping the water into whitecapped waves, sending the tangy and slightly saltiness of the sea air into their nostrils. Several boats bobbed against the water and quite a few people were already present.

He kept her hand in his as he guided her towards the deck. “I thought you knew.” His blue-grey eyes searched her face before wandering down her slender body, approving the way the shirt molded her breasts with the whip of the wind. He had promised that he would not do anything she would not approve of and he had every intention of keeping that promise, even if it killed him!

“I had to look it up.” She looked around at the large steering wheels and the tidiness of the area. Even the ropes had been coiled and put to one corner. “You steer this by yourself?”
“I usually have a full complement of staff whenever I am entertaining, but it is just you and me. The tour will come a little later on after we cast off. Shall we?”

“What do you have in mind?” She gripped her pocketbook in front of her like a shield. She had somehow thought that there would be people on board! The idea of them being here all by themselves was a little unsettling!

“I figured you could get a feel of the engine.” He smiled at her easily. “You could help me steer.”

“Oh no! I am not doing that.”
“It is not that hard. Basically, the same as handling a vehicle.” He stepped forward and took her pocketbook, a determined look on his ruggedly handsome face. He was wearing faded denims and a grey t-shirt that outlined his contoured body with the muscles flexing in his forearms. His russet brown hair was tousled by the breeze, giving him a boyish charm and softening the hardness of his face. “I will be right here with you to make sure you do not capsize us.” The grin softened his face even more and brought home the fact of how truly beguiling his charms were.

“I don’t think- “
“I know you are not a coward.” He took her pocketbook and put it away before taking her hand and leading her to the steering wheel. “Put your hands and grip but not too tight.” He stood behind her and made her acutely aware of his aftershave and his subtle cologne, sending tremors along her body. He placed his large hands over hers and brought his body closer to hers. “I have already cast off.” He was tall and her wearing the sandals she had put on with her outfit, made it even more obvious. His breath stirred the hairs at the back of her neck, and she had to take a deep breath to block out the swarm of emotions that had suddenly taken over. “We are going eastward.” He murmured. He could feel the tenseness of her body and had to fight the waves of desire that he was feeling. “There is this patch of island that is situated in the middle of the ocean, a few miles away. It is uninhabited with palm trees and lush green grass. I had considered buying it, but it is owned by the state and they are asking an arm and a leg. I have rented it out for the day. We could have lunch there and take a swim in the ocean or if you prefer, I have a pool on deck. We could use that.”

“What are you doing?” she asked him, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Showing you that I am far from being that disturbed young man I was back then and that I have grown up a lot since then.” He put pressure against her hands as they turned the boat around slowly. “I am trying to impress you with how much I have changed.”
“It’s not important- “
“It is to me. Turn with me. That’s it. It basically steers itself. Can you feel the wind in your hair, against your skin?”

“Yes.” Suddenly nothing else mattered but what she was experiencing right now! She had never done this before, and it was exhilarating! She turned her head to look at him and his blue-grey eyes met and held hers for a moment before she looked away. “I can.”

He smiled at her response and for the next few minutes, taught her the rudiments of sailing, thrilled at the sound of her sultry laugh as they increased the speed. A particularly strong wind whipped her hair out of the chignon she had put it in, scattering pins and whipping the strands against his face. She did not seem to notice but he could not help but wished he could wrap his fingers into the strands and pull her head back, burying his lips on hers!

Chapter 7

“My hair is a mess.” She put her hands to the tangled strands and tried to control the thickness of it.
“It’s perfect,” his deep voice stopped her actions and she lifted her head to look at him for a moment before turning to look at the patch of land. “It’s quiet.”

“The reason I am so enamored.” He told her easily as he reached for her hand to draw her to his side. She thought about resisting for a moment but decided against it. He was right. It was peaceful and had a sort of euphoric feel to it. The only sounds were that of nature, the whistling and calling of birds, the wind against the trees and the sound of the water lapping against the boat. She breathed in the clean air and smiled as she felt the sun against her skin. “Living in the city you get used to the noise and the pollution. This feels so good.”
“It does.” He was watching her. Her face was in profile and he noticed the perfection of her cheekbone and the way her hair tumbled in artless disorder down her shoulders. “When I want to get away from everything, I come here.”

She turned to look at him and found his eyes on her. “I suppose you can afford to get away from it all. But I find myself wondering what you would want to get away from.”

“You would be surprised.” He said lightly as he let go of her hand. “Want the tour now or after?”
“After I think. I am starving.”
“I will go down below and get the basket.” He hesitated a moment before turning away and making his way down.

Diana took the opportunity to compose herself. Wrapping her arms around her waist she took several deep breaths to steady herself and regulate her jumping pulse. He was making her very nervous and acutely aware of him as a man and bringing back feelings that should have died many years ago. After today, she was going to have to stay away from him! No matter what she was feeling, she was going to have to put distance between them! She stiffened as she heard his footsteps coming towards her and forced herself not to turn to look at him. “Ready?”
She nodded and refused the hand he held out to her, deliberately letting on that she had not seen it. He struggled with the disappointment and allowed her to precede him, automatically reaching out as she took the steps and onto the patch of grass that separated the boat from the water.
“It’s beautiful.” She murmured as she looked around.

“I brought a blanket and had my housekeeper packed enough food to feed an army.” He put the basket down and spread the thick dark blue blanket on the thick patch of springy green grass. “I was not sure of your taste, so I erred on the side of caution.” He took her hand and helped her to sit before doing so himself.

“My taste varies,” She murmured as he reached for the basket and opened the lid.
“There is pate here as well as two kinds of salad and a myriad number of sandwiches.” He plucked out a bottle of red wine and she caught a glimpse of the label, her eyebrows lifting as she read it. “Bordeaux Red, isn’t that a little extreme? I am certainly impressed.”

“I am glad you are,” he told her with a faint smile as he took out the glasses that had been packed carefully into one section of the basket. “the company have a few interests in several vineyards, and I have been brought up to know the difference and taste of the blends. My parents were sticklers for doing the right thing and made sure that we were well taught.” He poured the wine and handed her a glass. “Tell me what you think.”
She took a sip and wrinkled her brows as she felt the smooth liquid going down her throat. “It’s very good but a little dry.”
he nodded in approval. “My thoughts too. You know wine.”
She shrugged as she continued to sip. “I have done enough dining with vain and frivolous authors who wanted to show that they have come up in the world by drinking expensive liquors. I learned along the way.”
He handed her a plate loaded with the different sandwiches and thin crusted pate. “whenever we sat down to dinner at home, we had different brands of wine and we were supposed to tell a little about it during dinner.” He broke off a crust of the sandwich and trimmed the edge of it absently. “My sister and I used to dread when it was time for the evening meal which thankfully was not maybe once or twice a week because of our parents’ hectic schedule.”
“What happened if you did not know it?”

His mouth twisted sardonically. “We would not be allowed to leave the table until we answered the questions thrown at us. Mother was a little more lenient but Father not so much. He believed in perfection and demanded it of us whether we liked it or not.”
“That’s dreadful.”
“It was. I would direct the questions away from Janet so that he would concentrate on me. I have a very fertile mind, so it was easy for me to remember things.”
“You are telling me this because you want me to understand why you were the way you were.” She offered quietly.

“I am telling you because I want you to know me and who I was.” He averred. “I was entitled and arrogant. There was no happiness inside my home, so I sought it elsewhere. I had an unlimited amount of allowance and used it to party and entertain my so-called friends. That I was allowed to do. My father was loose when it came to that. He would encourage the entertainment every week, delighted that I was being a ‘man’, but it did not extend to Janet because of course she was a female and the daughter of a Lincoln. Her reputation was supposed to be unsullied. I got free reins when it came to be making an ass of myself and proving to everyone that I was a Lincoln male through and through.” His mouth twisted bitterly. “Robert Lincoln was the perfect example as he would take mistresses and stashed them in one apartment or the other. My mother was aware of what he was doing but as long as he was discreet about it, she did not care. She would be the perfect wife when they went out to functions but in the privacy of our home, it was completely different. More wine?” his sudden change of conversation rattled her, and she jumped a little.

“I- “she looked at her glass and realized that it was almost empty. “Yes, I suppose.” She waited until he had topped up her glass before she continued. “I am sorry to hear about your lousy childhood, but you were not the only one who had been through something like that.”

“I am not making excuses.” He told her with a faint smile. “Far be it for me to do so.”

“I know.” She ran the tip of one finger along the slender rim of the crystal. “My dad left us for a much younger woman and almost destroyed my sister and me, but our mother appeared not to be affected one way or another. She went on about her daily life as if he had just gone on vacation and Sadie and I could not figure it out. She would not talk about it and refused to have us mention his name. He came back after a while and begged her to take him back, but she refused. He died shortly after. It turned out that he had discovered that he had cancer and maybe wanted to make things right. She did not budge. I don’t think my sister and I ever recovered from it.”
“I am sorry to hear that.” He murmured. “I have never talked about what my parents put us through before, not even with Janet.”

“I have only talked about it with Sadie but not in depth.” Taking a deep breath, she plunged on. “You were right to suggest that we meet and talk because now I don’t resent you the way I did before.”
“You knew there was one?”
“Your expression said it clearly.” He told her lightly as he leaned back against the tree behind him and leveled his blue-grey eyes on her.

“I cannot be in a relationship with you.”

“We could become friends before going into a relationship.” He suggested.

“Friends?” her tapered brows lifted.

“The concept of that is impossible to you?”
“Absolutely. Have you ever been friends with a female before?”
“One or two.”
“Let me rephrase that. Have you ever been friends with an unattached attractive female before?”
He pretended to consider it. “I might have been, but I cannot recollect the names.” A shadow of a smile touched his lips. “That does not mean that we cannot give it a shot. How about you? Have a lot of unattached male friends?”
“No, because they tend to hit on me.”

“I will only do that when you tell me to go ahead.”
“That might not happen.”

He shrugged broad shoulders. “Then it does not happen.” His expression became sober. “I am not going to lie to you and pretend that I do not want you in my bed. I am anything but a hypocrite, but I am going to let you direct this thing between us. You call the shots.”


He sipped his wine and met her gaze. “I am attracted to you and want to show you that I genuinely want us to have something together.”
“Until you decide to move onto the next target.”

His mouth twisted a little bit. “Target?” he stared into his glass before meeting her gaze. “I would not quite put it that way. Suffice it to say that I have never felt this way about anyone before and I am not sure it is going away.”

She stared at him in surprise. “What are you saying?”
“I am not sure.” He swallowed some of the wine and poured some more. She noticed that he had not touched much of his sandwich. “I want us to be more than friends. After I have finished proving to you that I am not that asshole from high school, I am hoping that we will come to be more than friends, that you will come to realize that I am not such a bad guy after all.”

“Henry- “
“I like the way my name sounds on your lips.” He murmured.

“Stop.” She said softly. “I spent a lot of years hating you for what you and your friends did to me in high school and I am not certain it is a good idea to be involved with you.”
“Give me the reason.”

“There are several. You are wealthy and you are somewhat of a playboy.”
“I am a man and I have a healthy sexual appetite. I have not seen anyone for several weeks now.”
“Do you have to ask that?”

He played with the rim of his glass. “I met you.” He told her with a mirthless smile. “My question to you is this: why didn’t you go for revenge?”
“What do you mean?”
“You knew who I was from the get-go and I did not recognize you because obviously you have changed. So why didn’t you accept my offer and string me along? You would have gotten your revenge then.”

“I thought about it but dismissed after a couple of minutes. I am not that kind of person.”

He stared at her for a moment. “I am glad you are not. Unfortunately, it makes you more intriguing to me.”

“You are intrigued now but what about later down the road?” she persisted.

“I see it is going to take me some time to convince you that I am not fooling around. I told you that you will be the one to call the shots. After we leave here today, what do you want to do next?”
“I had every intention of telling you that I do not want to see you anymore.” She told him honestly.

“You said had.” He pounced on that. “What about now?”
She shrugged a little restlessly. “I don’t know.” She closed her eyes briefly as she struggled to think. “maybe we could do the friendship thing.”
“And I am fine with that. What does this friendship thing entail?”
She thought for a moment. “Clandestine meetings like this.”
“For how long?”
“I really don’t know. We play it by ear.”

“What about functions? I could invite you and you come along. I could steal a couple of dances with you and no one would be the wiser.”
“I am not there yet.”
“Okay,” he lifted a hand. “You choose the places and I am there. See, it is working already.”

“I am not so sure about that. I thought that I was over what happened to me at high school but seeing you brought it all back and then came the nightmares.”
His eyes flared at that. “You had nightmares?”
“Yes,” she took a sip of the wine. “For years I would dream that you would realize that we really belong together and would ask me to the prom. But it turned out that I had built up this fantasy in my mind and when I got there you were with Glenna and had done all that to humiliate in front of the entire school. I always wake up to the sound of laughter inside my head!”

“Christ!” he whispered as he stared at her. “Now I don’t know whether to pursue this friendship thing or hand you a dagger to drive into my heart.”

“Maybe a dagger through the heart would be a little too extreme.” She told him with a faint smile.

“I am not to so sure.” He finished his wine and got to his feet. “Want to take a walk?” he extended a hand to help her up. Placing her hand in his, she allowed him to help her to her feet. “Please tell me that we will not be startled by wild animals charging out of the thickets.” He had let go of her hand, the moment she got to her feet but stayed next to her. “I promise you that there are only a few coyotes.” He told her with a faint smile.
She stopped and stared at him.

“I am kidding of course.”
“You better be.” She muttered.

“How afraid are you of bears?”
“Stop with the scare tactics.” She ordered.

“I am officially done now.” He told her with a smile. “A few squirrels and some racoons, that’s about it. It’s a small patch of land and flowers grow very wild along the paths. The place is maintained regularly so it is in excellent condition. It is a tiny place actually and we can explore it within half a day.”

“it is so beautiful and serene. Kind of makes you forget that the outside world is so filled with contrariness.”

“That is does.” He took her hand and stopped her, turning her to face him. “I am sorry. I know that is not enough and probably never will be, but I want you to know that I am, and I will do my best to make up for what I put you through.”
She nodded. “What happened to Glenna?”
He dropped his hands and put them inside his pockets. “The last time I heard was that she was on her third marriage. We do not keep in touch.”

“I always figured you for the perfect couple.”
“There is no such thing.” He told her abruptly. “Even back then we were together because of our supposed popularity and as you said, we looked like we were the perfect couple or so it appeared. God!” he dragged his fingers through his tousled hair. “I wish I could go back and do things differently.”
“Would you have been able to?”

He stared at her for a moment and shook his head. “Probably not. Shall we continue?”
She deliberately turned the conversation to the patches of rich vegetations to take both their minds off the past. She realized that he was genuinely shaken up about what had happened back then, and she was not the kind of person to make a person feel worse than they already felt. They talked quietly as they made their way through the little lanes and along the grassy patches. Within the next hour, they decided to turn back and return to where the picnic area was. The sun had gotten lower by then and he realized that it was time for them to go. They packed up the rest of the food in silence and he hefted the basket in his hand and led the way back to the boat. “We did not get to swim.” He said quietly.

“We could save it for next time.”
He looked at her for a moment. “I am glad to know that there is going to be a next time.”

“We are going to explore the friendship thing, remember?”
he nodded with a faint smile.

This time he did not invite her to steer but took control of the wheel while she stood along the rail and allowed the wind to whip the strands of hair into a frenzy. He glanced at her frequently, the desire churning through his body. He had no idea how he was going to keep his desire at bay, but he would do his best! He had not bothered with the tour because he was not sure he could go through with it without touching her and he had to try. He was very quiet on their way back and Diana wondered if he was having second thoughts. Maybe it was for the best! She thought as he anchored the boat, securing the rope in a precise manner which showed that he knew what he was doing. “It’s been a wonderful experience. Thanks.”

He smiled slightly. “You sound as if you are saying goodbye.” He took her hand in his as he guided her off the deck. “I reserve the right to call you every now and then while I await your next move.”
They stopped when they reached her car. “I thought you had changed your mind.”
“What gave you that idea?” he asked her in surprise.

“You were very quiet on the trip back.”
“I was processing.” He kept his hand on hers. “I meant everything I said Diana.”

“Okay,” She knew it was inadequate, but she had no idea what else to say. She twisted her hand in his and he let her go. “I liked the picnic. I figured we could do it again but next time I provide the food and maybe the location.”
“Somewhere clandestine?” he asked her casually.

“That’s the only way I will agree to this. I am still processing it too Henry. “She turned to open her car. “See you around.”
He watched as she shifted into reverse and backed out of the lot. Shoving his hands into his pockets and waited until her car had disappeared around the bend before going to his vehicle. He sat there in the driver’s seat with his hands pressed against the steering wheel, his expression pensive. His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Digging it out of his pocket he looked at the screen and answered it when he saw his niece name displayed. “Hey.”
“Uncle Henry, where are you?”

“At the pier.”

“Doing what?”
“Getting away from nosey nieces.” He told her fondly. “What do you need?”
“To get out of the house. Mom and dad are having one of their silent treatments. It feels like a cold front in here.”
“Don’t you have friends you can call for times like this?”
“None of them are available.”
“Shocking. Okay, I am on my way back from the pier and will swing by and pick you up. How does the park and ice-cream sounds?”
“Like I am twelve which the last time I checked I was not. Dinner and a movie or just dinner.”
“You are paying.”

“You are the one with the money so you will be the one picking up the tab.”

“I will pick it up this time but next time it is on you.” He teased.

“I will be ready and waiting. Please don’t be long.”

“Yes ma’am.” He said with a grin as he pushed the start button.

Chapter 8

“I get it that I am the fun uncle, but you are going to have to go home sometime.” Henry told her mildly as he handed her a glass of orange juice. They were outside on his balcony after just coming back from dinner.
“Do I?” she looked at him pleadingly. “I want to crash here for the night. I will not be in your way because of the number of bedrooms you have empty.” Her blue eyes followed him as he sat across from him. “Don’t you get lonely here?”

“No.” he lied, bringing the glass of orange juice to his lips. “Back to you. What is going on at home?”

She shrugged, settling back against the cushions as she did so. “She is accusing him of seeing another woman.” Her blue eyes sought his. “Do you think he is?”
“How would I know?” he asked her. “And for that matter it is not something you should consider. They have to work it out between them.”

“Marriage is complicated, isn’t it?”

“I think every relationship that matters is complicated. You and I share a complicated relationship. There are times I cannot believe you are related to me.”

Simone eyed him wryly. “I know what you are doing Uncle Henry.”

“And what is that?”
“Distracting me.” She cradled the glass between her palms. “They have not been happy for a long time and I get the distinct feeling that they are holding it together because of me. I find myself thinking about them getting a divorce and I would have to spend time going backwards and forwards from one to the other. If that happens could I stay with you?”
“You are thinking too far ahead darling. You are going to college and will be away for most of the time. I am sure your parents are going to work things out.”
“Is it the reason why you never got married? Because it never lasts?”

“I have a lot of friends who have been married a long time and their relationships are still going strong. I just have never met anyone I wanted to make that kind of commitment with.”

“Do you think you will?”

“Even at your age?”
His eyebrows lifted. “Exactly how old do you think I am?”

“I know exactly how old you are Uncle Henry and for you to find someone and start dating, how old will you be?”
“Are you worried about me?” he asked her lightly as he stretched back in the chair and propped his legs up on the table in front of him.

“Maybe. You are hot and that is not my word. I heard it often, associated with you. I have seen the way the women in our circle behave when you enter a room and that is super cool by the way. I am surprised you have never met anyone you really like that way.”

“Maybe one day.” His thought turned reflectively on the woman he had spent the day with, determined not to think about how far he was still yet to go in order to get her to even acknowledge what was between them!


The headache was vicious! She had spent last night doing a lot of thinking after she had come home last night. She had started having them since she had been in high school and had experienced it for years, but she had stopped having them after a while and had thought they had disappeared for good! She stumbled out of bed at a quarter of eight and realized that she would not be making it to work! What was worse was that she was out of pills! She managed to make a call to the receptionist at the agency and told her that she would not be able to make it there today. “I am going to be turning off my phone for a little bit Carla, so no one will be able to get me.” She had explained before hanging up and crawling back into the bed.


He had thought about calling her all morning to tell her that he would be at the agency today, an impromptu board meeting he had called to sort things out but had decided against it. He was running late because he had bent under his niece’s pleas to let her spend the night. He called his sister to tell her of the situation.

“We need to talk.” He told her abruptly.

“What did Simone say to you?”

“I think you already know the answer to that. I really expect you to argue behind closed doors, Janet. Your daughter is too young to be drawn into the drama. Are you two sorting it out or am I going to have to get involved?”

“You don’t have to,” She had told him swiftly. “We are talking, and I am sorry that Simone had to hear what was said between her dad and me. But married people fight Henry and she is old enough to realize that.”

“And old enough to know when a marriage is leading to divorce. Is that where it’s leading to? She already asked if she could stay with me when that is done.”

“Oh no!” his sister whispered in dismay. “I will talk to her darling. Thank you.”

He strode into the conference room, fully expecting to see her seated there. He waited until the men had filed in before he asked the question. “Where is Ms. Malcolm?” he asked with a frown.

“She called in sick.” Jared spoke up.

He felt the letdown so much that he was barely able to see the meeting through. He ended it after several minutes and strode out of the conference room, dragging his phone out of his pocket and dialing her number which went straight to voicemail. “This is Diana. You know what to do.”

“Hey,” he injected a casual tone in his voice as he left the message. “I hope you are not deliberately staying home to avoid me. I heard you are sick, when you get a chance please give me a call. Part of the friend thing means checking in with each other just to see. Call me.”

He hung up the phone and nodded as he walked past the receptionist and made his way into the elevator. He checked his phone the minute the driver opened the door and he got inside but there was no call.

“Where to sir?” the man asked him politely.
“Midtown- No wait.” He rapped off her address and the man nodded. Settling back against the seat, he called her again and when it went to voicemail again, he left another message. “Hey, if your intention was to avoid me, I am afraid you are going to be very disappointed. I am on my way to you.” He almost hung up then but added. “I want to make sure you are okay.”

He tapped his fingers against his drawn-up knees, a slight frown on his forehead. He was unsure of himself for the first time in his life and he had no idea how to act. He wanted her and he feared that it was much more than that and because it was important to prove himself to her, he was very cautious how he acted. He leaned forward and was about to tell the driver that he had changed his mind but stopped himself.

“Just park here Justin and stay. I will be a couple of minutes.”

“Yes sir.”
At that time, the parking lot was practically empty. He pushed the double doors and made his way to the front desk where the young woman perked up with interest, her eyes sparkling with instant recognition. “Good morning,” he looked at her name tag. “Jaycee, I am here to see Ms. Malcolm, I have been dialing her number, but she is not picking up.”

“Let me try her apartment Mr. Lincoln.” She said politely and proceeded to do just that. It took a couple of tries for her to get through. “Ms. Malcom? Mr. Henry Lincoln is here to see you.”

Henry tensed at the hesitation and almost sighed aloud with relief when she told Jaycee to send him up. “Thank you.” He gave the woman a dazzling smile and almost tipped her!

He rode the elevator up and when he got to her door, discovered that it was open. He pushed it and went inside, closing the door behind him. She was not waiting for him in the living room and the shades had not been drawn. He made his way into one of the bedrooms and found her curled up on her side, the sheets drawn.

“Hey.” He said gingerly on the side of the bed. “Are you contagious?”

“Migraine,” she whispered hoarsely.

“How bad?”

“Ten out of ten.”

“What have you taken?”

“I have nothing in the medicine cabinet.” She closed her eyes against the pain.
“Are you allergic to anything?” he asked, jumping into action as he pulled out his phone.
“Naproxen is the best one and usually works.”

He nodded and dialed the number. “Justin, we passed a pharmacy on our way here. I need you to get some things for me and do it as fast as you can,” he hung up and stood there for a moment. “What about some water?”

“That sounds good.”

He went to get it from the kitchen, coming back to raise her head up gently and helped her to sip it. Settling her back against the pillows he sat back down and started to massage her sides of her head in slow rhythmic motions lulling the headache into something bearable. “I am thinking that this is not your first time doing this.”

“My sister suffered when she was young. I discovered that this helped.”

“it feels good,” She murmured. They heard the doorbell and he got to go and answer it, taking the things from his driver. “Take off for now Justin, I will call you when I need you.”

He went back into the room and shook out two of the pills, popped them into her mouth and gave her the water. She swallowed gratefully and put her head back against and closed her eyes. “Not that I am complaining but what are you doing here?”

“I went to the agency for a meeting and asked about you. I was told that you were not feeling well. I called and left you several messages, but you did not respond, and I decided to take the chance to come and see if you were okay.”
“I turned off my phone.” She reached underneath the pillows and dug it out, going to her voicemail to listen to the messages. She looked at him when she was finished, a faint smile on her lips. “You thought I was avoiding you by stopping from work when I did not even know you were going to be there.”

“My paranoia showing?” he asked her lightly. “How does it feel now?”

“A lot better. The massage and the pills helped.” She looked into the bag from the pharmacy. “You bought out the entire pharmacy.”

“I don’t want you to go through what you just did again.” He placed a hand against her forehead. “Checking for a fever but you are good.” He got to his feet. “Have you eaten?’

“No and suddenly I am feeling hungry.”

“Want me to call and order takeout?”

“Chinese.” She started to remove the sheets with the intention of getting up.
“Whoa, whoa, where are you going?” he pressed her back down.

“To make some tea.”

“I will do it.”

She looked at him dubiously. “Do you know how?”

“How hard can it be? Put the kettle to boil and pour it over a pouch and it’s done.”

“That sounds about right.”
“I will be right back.”

She watched as he made his way out of the room. The headache was disappearing like magic and it was thanks to him. He had left his busy life and had come by her place to make sure she was okay. She bit her lip and had no idea what to make of it. She had been doing a lot of thinking since she had gotten home last evening, hence the migraine and still had not come to a decision where he was concerned. Now he went and make it worse by coming to her place to take care of her.

She heard the whistling of the kettle and knew when he turned it off. He came into the room.
“I ordered Chinese.” He handed her the cup with the saucer and pulling a chair, he straddled it and stared at her.

“Are you trying to move from friend to something else?”

“I have no idea what you mean.” he told her airily. “I am just proving my worth as a friend. Anything wrong with that?”

“Absolutely nothing. Now I am going to have to return the favor.”
“I hardly get sick.” He pointed out.
“Maybe I could do your laundry.”

“It would mean you coming to my apartment. Are you comfortable with that?” he asked her with lifted brows.

She shook her head, her dark brown eyes twinkling. “I know that you have a housekeeper who would probably not be comfortable with me taking over her job.”

He pretended to think about it. “I guess you are right. What else is there?”
“I could cook you dinner. I know how to make a mean pot roast.”
“I will take you up on that.” He told her casually. “Better?”

“Much. Thanks.”

“No problem. That’s what friends are for.” He got up when he heard the doorbell. “That will be our food.”

“Oh Lord!” she whispered. “I am in so much trouble!”


“What’s wrong?” Simone whispered as he jumped off the bed and started to pull his clothes back on. She had called him and told him that she wanted to see him, and he told her that his mother would be out for the day so she could come over. He cooked lunch, a delicious gumbo dish that had her practically licking her fingers. She talked to him about her parents and he told her about his dad and somehow, they found themselves inside his bedroom, with things getting more and more heated as they fought to get rid of their clothes. But he stopped just in time, his aunt’s voice drumming inside his brain. He had been about to make the biggest mistake of his life! Making love to her without even using protection!

“Are you on the pill?” he asked as he dragged his t-shirt over his head.

“No, there was no need for that.” She bit her lip. “I have never done it before.”

He stared at her in disbelief. “You are a virgin?”

“You make it sound as if I have a disease.” She muttered.

“In this day and age, that is not something you discover.” He came and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling the sheets up to cover her up. “You were willing to hand me your innocence just like that. Why would you do that?”

“I like you a lot.”

“I like you a lot too but that is no reason for you to give me something so precious.”

“I feel like such an idiot,” She started to get out of the bed, but he pressed her back. “You are the sweetest woman I have ever met and if this was a few years from now I would go for it. But we just met, and you are not sure I am the man you will want to be with.” He took her hand. I want you to be sure. We go back to school in a couple of months and even though I will never forget you, I am sure I am going to be far from your mind. You want to be an engineer and I am going to cheer you on and hope you will do the same for me. We are going to be super busy with studies and in my experience, sex have a way of crowding things and complicating it. I don’t want this to be complicated for you or for me. I want us to hang out when we can and talk to each other about the stuff we have going on. Is that okay with you?’

“if I tell you it’s not, will you change your mind?’

“No.” he told her softly. He squeezed her hand gently. “I care about you too much to take what you hold so dear and I want you to believe that. Do you?”
She nodded. “You are right of course. This stuff with my parents have me all kinds of crazy. I am sorry.”

“No need for that.” He bent and kissed her softly on the lips, drawing back when she would have prolonged it.

“I had to try,” She told him with an impish smile. He stared at her for a moment before getting off the bed quickly. “I will meet you in the kitchen.”

Simone closed her eyes briefly before climbing off the bed and putting her clothes back on. He was right but somehow it did not make her feel any better!


He made sure she ate everything out of the carton, going for a bottle of water and handing it to her. “Drink as much as you can.” He urged. His phone kept going off and he did not even look at it. Finally, after they had finished eating and it vibrated again, she took it up and handed it to him. “Please answer it. It is driving me crazy and I am sure you have businesses to take over or something like that. You are making me feel guilty.”
He eyed her for a moment before taking it from her. “Please excuse me.” He slid the chair out and punched the button a little impatiently. “Yes, Jessica?” he listened for a moment without saying anything. “Okay, stall them I will be right there.” He turned to look at her. “I am sorry but there is a meeting- “
“No need to explain.”
“Are you sure you will be okay?”
“I have finished my food.” She showed him the empty carton. “And am about to start on yours.”

“Help yourself.” He dialed a number. “How soon can you get here?” he listened and then responded. “Make it ten minutes earlier. I will be out front.” Shoving the phone into his jacket pocket he came over to stand in front of her. “Would you mind if I called you later to find out how you are doing?”
“I would be very offended if you don’t.”

He smiled slightly and taking her hand pressed it with his. “Get some sleep and don’t worry about work.”

“I am fine enough to go back to work. Besides I have meetings lined up.”

“Only if you are well enough.” He said firmly.

He hesitated a moment and then with a nod, headed for the door. “Talk to you later.”

“I am looking forward to it.” She told him softly.

She waited until he had closed the door behind him before she buried her face into her hands. She was definitely in trouble!


“You look like you have been through the wringer. You okay?” David peered into her face quizzically. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“The last time I checked, you were studying law, not medicine.”

He looked at the empty cartons on the table. “You had company?”

“Are you here as a lawyer or as my nephew?” she asked him mildly, throwing a towel in his direction. “Make yourself useful and clean up for me.”

“The guy left all this for you to handle. Should I be talking to him about being a gentleman?” he demanded as he took the cartons and deposited them into the trash can.

“You are going to have me taping your mouth shut if you don’t stop talking. I am going to take a shower and then you tell me what you are doing here.”

He followed her to the bedroom.

“Seriously David! I’m about to strip off my clothes.”
“I know, and I am glad that you had not started. That would have been gross.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “I listened to you.”
“About what?”

“About hooking up with Simone.”
“What does that mean?”

“I was with her today while Mom was at work and things started getting heavy- “
“Back up a minute!!” she held up her hands. “You did what?”
“Nothing happened. You were in my head and I stopped just when- “he shook his head. “I stopped just in time. And it is a good thing too. She is a virgin.”

“Oh Jeez!” she dragged her fingers through her hair. “I am going to take a much-needed shower and then we are really going to talk.”

Chapter 9

She found him seated at the dining table nursing a glass of orange juice, a pensive expression on his handsome face. “I called and told Sadie that you are with me.” Sliding out a chair she sat across from him. “Now tell me everything.”

He started from the beginning, sparing no details. They had always had a very honest relationship, and he had found out at a very early age that he could tell her things he could never tell anyone else.

“So, crisis averted.” She eyed him for a moment. “Or is it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Honey, you went very far with her and for you to go that far, means that there is something between the two of you. What if you find yourself alone with her again and you start groping each other- “
“Very classy Auntie.” He told her dryly.

“I am not shooting for class here. I am putting this thing out there so that you can understand what I am saying. How do you feel about her?”
He shrugged. “I am attracted to her and I like her a lot.”

“Is she someone you can see yourself with in the future? I cannot believe I am asking you this!”

“I cannot see myself that far.” He told her with a faint smile. “I want to be a lawyer more than anything else in the world, to be a part of the justice system and make a difference. I cannot think beyond that.”

“And that is a very good answer, which means that you are going to have to gird up your loins and stay away from the billionaire’s niece. She is a red flag – a glaring one at that.”
“I like her which means that we are going to talk. Her parents are going through some sort of marriage crisis and she told me that she talks to me and her uncle about it.”
“Her uncle?” Diana asked casually.

He nodded. “Apparently they are very close.” He looked at her. “I am not innocent Auntie.”

Her tapered brows lifted. “I was not born yesterday honey. I happen to know that you are kind of a slut and it is a credit to you that you stopped when you did.”
“I am not exactly a slut.” He told her with a wolfish grin. “I like women and enjoy them.”
“You are twenty years old, which means that there is no rush to jump into the sex pool. Live your life and don’t be so hung up on bedding every available female there is. I like that you could stop even though you were probably all riled up.”

He shook his head at her. “Sometimes your bluntness scares the crap out of me.”

“Good.” She reached across and squeezed his hand. “I am not ready to be a grandaunt just yet. Give me another fifteen years when the greys start showing in my hair and my skin starts sagging.”
“You will never get old.” He told her stanchly.

“Good answer, now I know why I put up with you. Are you hungry?”


“I am not cooking. So that leaves you.”

“What do you have in the fridge?”
“I think chicken and beef. I really need to go grocery shopping.”


He called her at eight that night. Her nephew had left half hour ago after they had eaten. She was in bed channel surfing when her phone rang. Taking a deep breath, she reached for it and punched the button.

“I wanted to call earlier but I was hung up in meetings and just getting home. How are you?” his deep cultured voice was doing things to her!

“Better, thanks to you.”

“I am happy for that. Are you sure you can make work tomorrow?”
“I am positive. I checked my messages and got about thirteen of them from authors and another ten from Jared. He sounded desperate.”
“Let him be desperate. The place can manage without you.”

“I am not sure I like the sound of that. I would prefer to think that it is falling apart when I am not there so that I can consider myself to be indispensable.”

“No one is. As much as I am the CEO of the company, if I drop dead tonight, it will have to go on.”

“I know, just wishful thinking on my part. Anyway, thanks for today, it was really kind of you to put aside your business and come and take care of me.”

“You think I was being kind?” he asked her softly.

“You weren’t?”

“I am attracted to you Diana and I am working my way up to being in a relationship with you. I want you to understand that right now. I did what I did today because I care, and I have to prove myself to you. It is that simple.”

She did not respond for a minute as she plucked at the sheets. “I want to believe you and believe that we could actually have one- “
“But you are still hung up on the past.” He ended grimly. “I am not negating what I did and what I put you through but telling you that I am not that person anymore – a spoiled rich kid who used what he had to make people’s lives miserable. I cannot go back and undo what I did, even though I wish I could, but I am an adult now and I am not going to use you and be done with it. I have feelings for you, very strong ones- “he sighed raggedly. “I want to make love to you, Diana, I want to take off your clothes and explore every inch of your flesh and then I want to drive myself into- “he broke off, his breathing uneven. “Anyway, I just called to check up on you. Sleep well.” Before she could respond, he had hung up the phone.

“Oh Lord!” she whispered as she put the phone away. The AC in the apartment was turned up all the way because of the sudden heatwave but she was feeling hot like someone had branded her with a searing iron! Closing her eyes, she removed the sheets off her and sat up on the pillows. He had put images inside her head. Images that were not going to allow her to sleep tonight! Images that had the juices flowing inside her body. Images that made her realize that it was happening all over again, only this time it was more intense!


He was going to have to stop doing this to himself! He decided grimly as he went to the liquor cabinet on the balcony. The air was stifling even at that time of the night and even with the breeze blowing but he did not notice it. He had not meant to tell her all that. All he had wanted to do was to make sure she was okay, but instead he had practically borne his soul to her – almost revealing that she was constantly on his mind and that he wanted to spend every waking moment with her! He splashed bourbon into the glass and withheld the ice. Taking a seat on the padded sofa, he propped his feet onto the table and stared out across the lights in the buildings across from his. He had been in meetings for the entire day, so he had barely given her a thought, maybe once or twice between meetings and had almost picked up the phone and called her. He had shown her his hands, plain and simple and now he had no more cards left to play. He sipped the bourbon slowly and wondered if he should allow her to make the next move. He had told her that everything was up to her, that he would remain in the friend zone until she decided otherwise and now, he had gone and pushed and prodded at her, telling her that he was not willing to wait any longer. He was definitely going to have to wait for her to make the next move, no matter how hard it was going to be!


“Come in.” Simone called out at the knock on the doors.

“Darling, I hope I am not disturbing you.” Her mother said with a smile as she came in and sat on one of the sofas.

“No.” she shook her head as she put away her device. “I was just chatting with Marla and some of the others.”

“I thought you were planning a trip to Europe with them?”

“I thought so too but I am not sure I want to go. Uncle Henry has agreed to let me do a month at the company and I think that is what I need to do. I am also taking a course in entrepreneurship and need some pointers.”

Janet looked at her in surprise. “You did not mention that to me.”

“Things have not been okay here for a while, Mother. Between you and Dad. I know you told me that you are working things out, but you don’t talk to each other.”

Janet folded her hands into her lap and stared down at them for a moment. “We have been married for thirty years darling and when you are with someone that long, there are bound to be factions and disagreements. I love your Dad and there is no doubt about that.”
“Does he feel the same way?” She shook her head. “You don’t have to answer that, it’s none of my business.”

“Come over here.” Janet padded the space next to her and waited until she came over. “Your Dad and I are going through a rough patch, but it does not mean it is going to lead to divorce. We are invested in this union and we have things to deal with is true, but we are going to get past it. This is not the first hitch we have to face, and it will not be the last. So, I do not want you to worry about us. We are going to be just fine. I want you to concentrate on you and what you really want to be in life.”
“I don’t want you to feel that I cannot talk to you Mom but it’s just that I did not know what to think or what to do.”
“I know darling.” Janet squeezed her daughter’s hands. “Now how about you tell me about that young man you have been seeing.”

“What young man?”

Janet’s thin eyebrows lifted. “I have eyes in my head darling and have noticed that you have been absent for quite a few dinners. Who is he? And why have we not met him?”

“He is really just a friend, Mom.” She muttered. “He is someone who listens to me.”
“I want you to come to me whenever you have a question. It does not matter how I feel about what you are asking me, I promise you that I will listen and be as honest as possible. We have not been out to lunch since you got here and since you will be at the company, how about we grab lunch one of these afternoons?”
“I would like that.” Simone told her with a smile. “I am happy we had this talk.”
“Me too.”


“I want you to talk me out of something.” Diana kicked off her sandals as soon as she walked into the living room and shrugged out of her suit jacket. “Wine first and then talk.”
“Fine by me.” Sadie hurried into the kitchen to get to wine and two glasses. She had stepped into the house half an hour ago herself and was in the middle of preparing dinner. “It will just be me and you, David is out with friends.”
“Good.” Diana took the glass of wine from her and sniffed the air. “Smells like chicken.
“Roasted chicken with baby potatoes.” Sadie sat across from her and tucked her feet beneath her. “Work was a bitch today. The accounts are in shambles and the pressure is on.”
“I cannot believe you chose to be an accountant.” Diana said shaking her head.

“What? I love working with figures. It fascinates me. Now what do you want me to talk you out of doing?”
“Sleeping with Henry Lincoln. Technically, we would not be sleeping.”

Her sister stared at her in shock. “I thought you hated him for the way he humiliated you.”
“I don’t hate him per se. I was just mad at him and wanted to bury him.” She took a deep breath. “I have been out with him.”
“Sunday. He took me on his yacht, and we went to this tiny island where no one lives and had a picnic. He brought the basket.”

“Okay,” Sadie said slowly.

“Nothing happened. We just talked and he told me his life story and I told him a bit of mine. Apparently, his father was a dick in the worst way. Anyway, to make a long story short, he told me why he behaved the way he did in high school.”
“That’s no excuse.”

“What I told him too and he said he was not making excuses. Just explaining facts.” Diana sipped the wine. “Anyway, he wants us to be friends and get this! He told me that he will leave it entirely up to me if I want to move it forward.”

“And you believe him?”
Diana shrugged. “I do. I spent all of Sunday night agonizing over everything.”
“So you have decided not to take him up on the offer because of course he just wants to use you.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Diana said dryly.

“Honey, he is this super-hot billionaire and I know that you are beautiful and sophisticated but so are a lot of women in his circle.”
“Those are the arguments I told myself until he came over on Monday and took care of me. I had migraines.”

“David told me you were not feeling well. Why didn’t you call me?”
“I never thought of that. You know how I like to suffer alone and there nothing in my medicine cabinet to combat the pain.”
“So you called him?”

“I did not call him. He went to the agency to a meeting and discovered that I was not there and called me twice, but I had turned my phone off. He came over and get this! He came right into my bedroom because I had left the door open for him and he came and sat on the side of my bed and asked me what was wrong. When I told him, he called his driver and dispatched him to the pharmacy and then he massaged my head. He took care of me more than I would have taken care of myself and even made me tea and ordered food when I felt better.”
Sadie stared at her thoughtfully. “it sounds like he really cares, or this is some elaborate ploy to get you into his bed.”

“He called me last night to find out how I was doing and told me straight up that he wanted more than a physical relationship. Hence the fact that I want you to tell me not to get involved with him.”
“I cannot tell you that.”
“I was afraid you would say that.”
“I cannot tell you that because I think he cares. And he is trying to make up for what he did all those years ago.”
Diana nodded. “I guess I just needed confirmation.”
“What do you feel for him?”
“This is going to sound really crazy.”
“Try me.”
“I fell in love with him in high school and I think I stayed in love with him all these years and I am telling you that it scares the crap out of me! Being with him on Sunday, spending time with him and him being in my apartment yesterday only made me realize it even more. I am the one who is supposed to call him, Sadie and I have never been so scared in my entire life. I keep going back to when I was in high school and how humiliated I was back then.”
“You are not in high school anymore and people have a way of growing up. You want to be into something with him.”
“He is high profile, which means that if I go out with him, the attention is going to be on us. They are going to dig up the connection and they are very good at that sort of thing.”
“Why don’t you take it one step at a time? Go out with him- “
“I want to jump his bones Sadie; in case you were not listening.”
Her sister burst out laughing! “It seems as if your mind is pretty much made up.”
“I guess it is.” She finished the wine and got to her feet. “I am going to call him when I get in the car.”


The meeting was running over and the men seated in the conference room was getting on his nerves! He had not heard from her since he had made such a fool of himself and he could not say that he blamed her. He shook his head to get rid of the train of thought and tried to concentrate on the meeting in progress.

“Gentlemen, I think that we should table the arguments and come up with some new strategies to deal with this. We have been sitting here for the past two hours and have gotten nowhere.”

“This is a matter that needs to be dealt with soon, Henry,” the head of his marketing department told him in a pompous tone. “We are laying the groundwork and revamping the downtown mall which means that several people will think that this is another of Lincoln Industries take over, where people will be out of jobs and be displaced from their businesses. The majority of the store owners have been there since the original mall had been built and are fearing that with the revamping, there will be higher rentals for them. Some of them are barely scraping a profit and would not be able to afford to pay a higher rent. The image that the company has for swooping in and taking over to make a profit is hurting the company. We are going to have to strategize and come up with something to reassure the public.”
“Are you quite finished?” Henry asked the man coolly.

“I did not mean- “
“I have been running this company since before you got here Mason and I assure you that I am quite capable of doing so.” He turned to the other men at the table. “The mall is rundown, and it is going to take a serious injection of capital to bring it back to its original glory.” His blue-grey eyes pinned down mason, causing him to squirm. “I don’t need excuses or reasons as to why you cannot do your job, I want results and for you to find a way to put a positive spin on this. Am I clear?”

“Yes, sir.” Mason muttered. “I will get right on it.”
“Good- “he glanced down as his phone started to vibrate and the blood started heating up inside him when he saw who was calling him. “I need to take this. Meeting dismissed.” He waited until they had filed out and closed the doors behind them before he answered. “Hi.”

“So, I was thinking that we should meet up on Saturday.”
“Is that so?” he had to swallow the lump that had formed inside his throat. “Where do you want to do that?”
“I was thinking your place. Remember I promised to cook for you?”
“I vaguely remember the promise.” His fingers curled into fists at the table. “What time would you like me to pick you up?”

“I will find my way there. In case you were wondering, this is the part where I am pushing the relationship into something more.”
His mouth went dry. “Say that again?”
“I want to feel your body on mine. I want you to make love to me. Maybe it will be before dinner or after, it does not matter.”

Henry could not breathe, nor could he stop the strangle of emotions that was going through his body at her words!

“I am processing.” he told her hoarsely. “Today is Tuesday.”
“I know.”
“How on earth do you expect me to last three more days?”
“I am sure you will. What are you doing?”
“Talking to you.” he told her huskily.
“Besides talking to me.”
“I just finished a meeting.”
“It’s almost 8pm.”

“The meeting ran over. How are you feeling?”
“Confused and a little scared.”
“Of me?”
“Of me and what I am starting to feel.”
“Tell me more.”
“I prefer to show you on Saturday. Bye Henry.”
“Bye Diana.”

He hung up from her and put his head into his hands, his body shaking with emotions!

Chapter 10

He had his housekeeper clean the already spotless apartment from top to bottom. He was behaving like a schoolboy with his first crush or even worse than that. He had spent the last three days vacillating between frustration and acute desire! He had deliberately not called her because he was afraid that he was going to make a further fool of himself by appearing too eager. He was forty-two years old in January and he had never been so nervous or anticipating a person so much in his life! He had told the concierge to send her right up as soon as she came in and he was now nursing a drink at the kitchen counter and waiting for her to come up. He had taken a longer shower than necessary and put on a new cologne that had cost an arm and a leg, an original Romano’s cologne that had come out a few weeks ago. It was ridiculous the lengths he was going through to impress her and his hands were shaking from it.

His phone rang just then and for a moment he thought she was calling to cancel. If she did, he had no idea how he was going to take it! But it was his sister.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Would you like to come over for dinner?”
“I have plans. You okay?”
“I thought we could talk.”
“We could talk for a little bit. What’s going on?”
“I promised Simone that everything was okay with her father and me, but I lied to her.”
“Have you two talked?”
“We argue, and he is not listening to me. He comes in late and when I ask him about it, he claims it is work. I am not sure how much longer I can do this, Henry.”

“You have a daughter to think about!” he bit back a sigh. He seriously did not need this now. Not when he was so riled up by the fact that Diana was coming over! “I don’t want to get involved because if I do, it is going to make things worse. Find a way to make him listen to you Janet. You owe it to yourself and Simone to try and start some sort of communication going.”

“I will do that. You have not been here for dinner in weeks.”
“I have been busy, you know that.”

“Too busy for your sister?”
“I will try and make it next Friday.”

“Take care, Janet.” The minute he hung up he heard the door being opened and taking a fortifying breath he hopped off the stool and went to greet her. The first sight of her inside his doorway sent the desire skittering through his entire body! She was wearing a dress, a simple cotton dress with elastic around the neck, leaving her shoulders and arms bare. Her thick hair was loose around her face and she had no makeup on. She looked like a teenager! And he felt like a dirty old man!

“Hey!” she greeted him with a smile.

“Hey.” He took her light jacket from her along with her pocketbook. “You look nice.”
“Nice.” She laughed up at him as she brushed her hair back.

“For want of a better word.” He indicated that she followed him.

“This place!” she looked around at the high arched ceiling, the silken walls and the thick carpet on the floors. “It’s amazing.”
“Want the tour now?”
she stopped short as they entered the kitchen. One side of the wall was pure glass, a sort of mullioned type that reflected the lights from the chandelier hanging from the high ceiling. It was huge, complete with the most modern appliances she had ever seen. “Wow!”

“I took out chicken breasts.”
She did not respond but wandered over to the fridge that she knew cost several thousand dollars.


“Huh? I am in appliance heaven. I am not enamored of the kitchen and all that, but this guarantees that I would not mind cooking at least three times a week.”

“Is that so?” he asked her in amusement.

She nodded. “Tour later. I figured that by that time I would have gotten my breath back and suitably recovered.”

“Have you decided what you are going to cook?”
“Something simple. I think breaded chicken breasts and a salad. Is that okay with you?”

“It sounds fine. What can I help you with?”
“I have the distinct feeling that you are not able to. You just have to help me find out where everything is.”

“I think I can do that.” He figured it would take his mind off the desperate need he had where she was concerned!

He stayed out of her way after he had helped her locate the things, she needed to prepare the meal. Getting the bottle of wine from the wine cooler, he opened it to allow it to breathe before pouring her a glass and was entertained as she told him stories of some of the people she represented. He watched as she efficiently breaded the chicken and put it into the oven before she started on the vegetables.
“Okay, this one time, the author of Bearing Witness, you remember that hit series that took over the networks a year ago and made such a big splash.” She pointed the knife at him. “Ever watched it?”
“I don’t like series but yes I recalled that it made a big impact.”
“Well, the author was this eccentric asshole who refused to deal with anyone except me. Not even when the producer contacted me and showed an interest and wanted to meet with the guy. He told me that if he was going to meet with the producer, it was not going to happen.”
“He was sweet on you?” he asked as he leaned back against the padded stool with the glass of wine in his hands.

“I thought so, but it turns out that he was really weird and afraid of his own shadow. That was his only book, which is a good thing because he is still making money from it.”
“Some people have only one book in them.”

She shrugged, picking up a piece of lettuce and popping it into her mouth. He tried to look away from her lips, but he found it very hard to do so. “I asked him about it, and he told me that he had not been told by the voices inside his head to proceed to another book.”
“Did he say voices inside his head?”
“He said that.” She told him with a grin. He closed his eyes briefly as she turned and bent a little as she opened the oven door and took the chicken out. “I just need to put some sauce over it, and we are ready to eat.” She looked at him. “Would you mind us eating in here?”
“That’s cool. I will get the plates.”


“We need to talk,” She told him firmly as he got up from the dining table. “Simone is at a sleep over with a friend of hers so I figured that it would be a very good time for us to sort some things out.”
“I have a case file I need to study before I go to court tomorrow.”
“And if you want to still be in this marriage you will sit back down and listen to what I have to say. I am through playing, Joel.”

He sat down and glowered at her. “I am not in the mood for some more of your theatrics Janet.”

“Theatrics?” her thin eyebrows lifted. “That’s what this is to you? Our marriage is on the line and you think this is some daytime drama?”
“What do you want to discuss?”


“Kindly keep your voice down. The housekeeper is right in the next room.”

“Am I embarrassing you?”

“You accused me more than once of cheating on you. Do you honestly think that I have the time to be with someone else?”
“And that’s the only reason for you not cheating? No – I am too much in love with you to even look at another woman? None of that?”
He sighed heavily. “Look, we have been drifting apart for years and we both know it.”

“What do you intend to do about it Joel? Are you just going to give up on thirty years of marriage?” she asked him quietly. “Even our daughter has been asking questions. The tension between us is palpable Joel and everyone around us is noticing it.”
“I suppose you ran to that brother of yours with some sob tale about me stepping out on you.”
Janet stared at him in shock. “Are you listening to yourself?”
“I am sorry,” he muttered. “Look, I am not seeing someone else. The truth is I have been fighting to be a provider for my family.”
She frowned at him. “What do you mean by that?”
He got to his feet and went over to the cabinet to pour himself some scotch before coming back to the table. “When I first met you, I was intimidated by the Lincoln name. I was just someone from a middle-class family, and as you know my family could not compete with yours when it comes to money. When I finished law school, I was determined to prove my worth and not live solely off your money.” He got to his feet and spread a hand around the elegant living room. “This house belonged to your parents and I never wanted to stay here in the first place. I wanted to be the one to buy us a house, but we were bulldozed into the decision by your parents’. I had no say in the matter.”

Janet stared at him in shock. “You never said a word.”

He shrugged. “I did not want to sound ungrateful and it was prudent for us to live here and not spend money buying someplace else. I wanted to please you and I was afraid of your dad and intimidated by your mom. I don’t contribute to this family, my family because everything is taken care of by your trust fund which is ten times what I make in a year.” He drank down the scotch. “I find myself asking the question: What does that mean for me? What am I really doing here?”
“You are my husband! Simone’s dad and the man I am in love with.”

“Is that enough, Janet?” he asked her sadly. “You run to your brother who by the way, is very intimidating. Maybe I don’t understand, being an only child myself but it seems to me that you run to him for everything. I am not begrudging you for the relationship you have with him, but I feel like an outsider, like someone who is not and would never be good enough to be with a Lincoln. You kept the name.”

“I did.” She said slowly.

“I don’t know. I just did.”
“Maybe because it carries a certain amount of weight. The name Bach does not.”
“it is not like that.” She insisted. “I like my family name and that was the reason why I decided to keep it.”
“You are insulated by your family’s money and power; Janet and I am just in the background hanging on.”

“I cannot believe you are thinking that.”

“I am sorry, but you wanted honesty and that is what I am giving to you. I feel as if I don’t belong. Even my daughter behaves more like a Lincoln than a Bach. She runs to her uncle for everything.”
“She loves him, and he loves her!”
“I know. I am happy that they have such a good relationship. We do not see eye to eye, but I respect the way he looks out for her. “he sat back down. “Look, Janet I have to sort out things on my own.”
“I am your wife and I think we should sort it out together. Get everything out in the open. I don’t want to lose my marriage, Joel. I don’t want to lose us.”
He put the glass down and came around to her side, hunching down in front of her. “You are not going to lose me; I swear but I just need a little time to sort things out in my head.”

“You are leaving?”

He shook his head. “Where would I go?” he asked her with a whimsical smile. “I would never hear the end of it from our daughter and your brother would probably hunt me down and have me drawn and quartered.”

“He is intimidating.” She said with a smile.
He took her hands in his. “I think I can handle him.”


“Here we are,” She spread her hands out at her sides as soon as they finished the tour and entered into the sumptuous russet and tan bedroom with the thick dark brown carpet that muffled their footsteps. “That grand piano downstairs, is it just for show?”
“No. I play a little.” He stayed away from her because he wanted to haul her into his arms and crushed his mouth to hers. The anticipation of being with her was killing him slowly.

“There is a balcony?” She exclaimed as she walked towards the opening of the bedroom. “Oh, my goodness! What a view! I can see all the way downtown from here. I bet you sit out here all through the summer.”

“And the winter too,” he touched a button and the shutters came down.


He touched the button again and the shutter went up again.

“We are all the way on the seventh-floor, right?”

“So, we could do anything out here without anyone seeing us?”
“I guess- Wait, what are you getting at?”

With a mischievous smile she started to loosen the tie at her neck. He went still as the dress pooled around her ankles. She had not been wearing a bra and her small breasts were bare to his gaze. His blue-grey eyes wandered down the flat stomach and touched on the flimsy black lace that barely covered her. “I was never coy when I was in my twenties. I am forty-two years old and the need to pretend to be has escaped me and I really don’t think it is necessary, do you?”
He swallowed the lump two times before he could speak. “I agree.”

She walked over to the bed like sofa and got onto it, lying back against the cushions as she waited for him to move. “I am waiting.”

“Of course, you are.” He walked over to her slowly and went on his knees, one hand moving down her arm and felt the smoothness of her skin. “Are you sure about this?” he had to ask.

“You are not?”

“I am positive.” He took her hand in his and kissed the palm sending tingles all over her body. “I won’t disappoint you.” He promised.

“I know you won’t. But you are overdressed.”
“I am.” His hands were trembling slightly as he continued to hold hers. Getting to his feet, he pulled the t-shirt over his head and looped it over a table. Diana’s eyes took in the muscled chest with the sprinkle of light-brown hairs, her eyes drawn to the movements of his fingers as unhooked his denims and pulled the zipper down. She watched mesmerized as he pulled the pants down, her gaze fastened on his obvious erection. Her mouth went dry and she had to tear her gaze away from that area of him as he came and shifted into a position next to her. He was propped up on his elbow, one hand resting flat on her stomach.

“Is that all you are going to do?”
“No,” he bent his head and brushed his lips against hers. Diana brought her hands up and touched the bunched muscles of his shoulders, feeling him quiver. When she opened her lips to deepen the kiss, he lifted his head. “Not yet.” He whispered. He ran his hand over her body, cupping her hip and drawing her closer to him. “I told you that I wanted to explore your body with my mouth. I intend to keep that promise no matter how anxious I am to be inside you. Tell me where you like to be touched.”
“Anywhere. Everywhere.” She shuddered as he kissed the side of her mouth and her chin before going down to her neck, kissing the hollow there as his mouth descended. His tongue touched her nipple and her fingers curled into his shoulders. When he pulled the nipple into his mouth and started sucking, she felt as if everything in her body was being pulled in every direction! His hand pressed against her flat stomach and wandered down until it was pressed against her warm sex. “Oh Lord!” Diana whispered as she moved restlessly. “Henry.” He released her almost sore nipple and lifted his head to look at her.
“I want you,” he told her raggedly.

“I want you too, so much.”

He nodded and slid further down, pressing his lips against her stomach and causing jittery feelings inside her. She squirmed when he headed further down, her fingers clenching into fists as he pressed a closed mouth kiss on the top of her sex. She lifted a leg and turned slightly in faint agitation, almost jumping out of her skin when his tongue touched the swollen flesh. She cried out his name as his teeth scraped against the skin. “God!”

The minute his tongue darted inside her, the climax ripped through her body, taking her off guard by the fierceness of it! She beat her clenched fists against the padded cushions in her helplessness. He was merciless in his ardent desire to give her the utmost pleasure and did not stop until she was almost sobbing beneath him, her body quivering.

He lifted his head, his eyes glittering with passion as he gazed at her. “There is still more,” he told her hoarsely.

“I cannot take anymore.”

“You can.” He hovered over her, his erection stiff and aching, engorged and pulsing with life! He guided himself inside her wetness, his teeth gritted as he pushed into her, feeling the tightness of her wrapped around him. Bending her legs at the knees, he brought her up against him until her buttocks touched his skin. He went still for a moment, trying to fight the passion clamoring inside his body. His heart was racing uncontrollably, his skin heated, his cock throbbing inside her. It was unbelievable! This passion and the intensity of it! Her arms reached up to curl against his chest, her short nails digging into the taut skin. Her dark brown eyes were luminous, already heavy with passion. When he started to thrust into her, his fingers biting into her taut buttocks so that she could match his thrusts, she spiraled out of control! He did not feel anything when she dug into his flesh, drawing blood! He bent his head to hers, his lips seeking hers, his tongue darting into her mouth hungrily, drawing her tongue into his as he deepened the kiss. One hand fisted into the thickness of her hair and held her head still as he plundered her mouth. He was going to ravish her, he thought dazedly as he drove into her, his fingers digging into her flesh. He tore his mouth from hers and pulled out, much to her frustration.
“What are you doing?” She whispered urgently.

“Giving us a minute.” He told her shakily. He placed his palms flat on either side of her face as he stared down at her. “we are about to erupt like a volcano, and I fear that I am hurting you.”

“Do you hear me complaining?” She reached for him and he allowed her to pull him down on top of her.

“Put it in.” he whispered against her mouth. “Please.”

She did, arching her body as he went deep into her. Wrapping her hands around his neck, she brought his head down to hers so that she could take his lips, her tongue darting inside his mouth. He tried his best to slow them down, but it was not possible! They were too far gone for that to happen. He felt when her body stiffened and knew what was coming. He also let the tightening of his flesh and knew that he was not going to last much longer! Lifting his head, he cradled her face, using his thumbs to brush the hairs from her face. “Ready?” he asked her tenderly.

“Yes,” She whispered, arching her body as he drove into her, sending them tumbling over the edge and beyond!

Chapter 11

“Cold?” he asked as he felt her shiver against him.

“Hmm,” she snuggled into his chest, curling her fingers into the warmth of his skin.

He dragged the blanket that was resting on top of the sofa bed and pulled it over them. Darkness had descended by that time, not that they had noticed any of it and the brilliance of the stars and the moon illuminated the area where they were. He was still processing what had happened between them, still having aftershocks from the orgasm that had almost ripped them to shreds! He had slid out of her reluctantly and onto his side, gathering her into his arms as he did so. They had not spoken since then as they waited for the passion to abate somewhat.

“I need to ask you something.”

“What?” She opened her eyes and angled her head up to look at him.

“You were somewhat surprised when you climaxed. I don’t want to inflate my ego, but it seems to me that you never had one before. Is that the case?”

She lowered her gaze for a moment and then returned his gaze. “I did not have sex until I was about twenty-five. I had finished college and decided to take the plunge. That’s how I thought of it – taking the plunge. I had heard girls talking about it and I was curious. I was working at a publishing house as a go to girl. I knew that I wanted to work with books, but I had no idea in what capacity, so I was the one who fetched coffee and that sort of thing. He was an editor and we sort of fell into it and I decided that he would be the one. We did it at my tiny apartment, not the one I am living at now and I set the pace and the tone because you know it was my first time and I wanted it to be special. It was not and I found myself wondering what the big deal was. The relationship lasted three months and I told him that it was not a good idea for us to see each other anymore. I concentrated on my career after that and it took me years. The next relationship was a year ago and it was worse than the first and did not last a month.”
He frowned as he looked at her. “You have only been in two relationships?”
She nodded. “I am afraid so.”
“That’s not possible.”
“It is. I am kind of selective.”
He eased back to stare at her. “You are forty-two.”

“Stop reminding me.”

“You look like you are half that.” He reassured her. “What I am basically saying is that I find it hard to believe that you have only been with two guys. What I am also saying is that it is hard to believe that you are still single.”
“You are.” She pointed out.
“I have never met anyone I wanted to settle down with. Now back to my original question. This is the first time you ever had a climax?”

She nodded. “And I now respect all the hype that surrounds it. That was amazing!”

“I have to ask something else.”

“What is that?”
“When I went down on you, was it your first as well?”

“Yes,” She shrugged a little. “A lot of firsts for me.”

“I am glad.” He murmured. “It makes it special.”
She avoided his eyes by looking at his chest and it was then she saw the bruises there caused by her and the congealed blood. “Crap!” she touched it gingerly. “I am sorry.”

“My battle scars.” He said musingly. “don’t worry about it.”

“Let me put something on it before it gets infected.” She felt the sudden shyness enveloping her and something else. She had never behaved this way before!

“It’s fine Diana.”

“No,” She struggled to get out of his arms. “And it’s getting late, I need to go home.”

He caught her arm. “I would like you to stay.”

“I don’t know- “
“Please stay,” he put pressure on her wrist. “You owe me for taking care of you the other day and the debt is still not fully paid.”

“You are kidding right?”
“No.” he swung his legs off the sofa and pulled her up with him, using the blanket to wrap around her naked body. “I will let you play nurse by cleaning the bruises and after that we share a bottle of Costa Red in bed.” He guided her into the bedroom and slid the glass doors shut behind them. “I will get the wine while you forage in the medicine cabinet for something to put on the bruise.”

She looked at him for a moment and then with a shrug went into the bathroom.
Henry almost sagged with relief, closing his eyes briefly before he went to the cabinet built into one corner of the room. He was still shaken by their lovemaking and was greedy for more. He had every intention of making love to her for the entire night until the sun comes up in the morning and he had a full day planned for them. He selected glasses and the bottle of wine and took it with him towards the bed. He was just pouring it when she came back out with peroxide and cotton balls and a cooling gel.
“Your bathroom takes my breath away.” She told him as she climbed onto the bed. “This whole place is breathtaking.”
“Thank you.” He handed her the glass of wine before sitting next to her. “It was designed by a company I own. ‘Luxury Homes.’”

She stared at him in surprise. “You own it? They design and decorate homes for celebrities.”
He nodded as he sipped the wine. “Lincoln Industries took it over a couple of years ago when it was going bankrupt. We have restructured it since then. How is the wine?”
“It’s very good, slightly sweet and not too dry. I like it.”

“I have an interest in some of their vintage and this is one of them.”

She eyed him over the rim. “I am intimidated.”

“By what?” he asked her with a frown.

“You are a billionaire with vast holdings and piles of money. You were born in wealth and I am a simple girl who had to fight to get where I am right now. I am satisfied with what I have accomplished but you are on a level that I can never wrap my head around.”

“There is no need to feel intimidated. I am just a guy who wants the girl and will do anything to make that happen.”
“Henry- “
“I did not mean to say that.” He shook his head. “That’s not true. I don’t want to be just friends Diana and I think we are way past that now. What we shared on my balcony, neither of us has ever experienced anything like that before. I know I have a long way to go before you completely forgive me for what I did to you in high school, but I am willing to be patient, until you do.”
“Henry,” She placed a hand over her heart which was beating too hard! “I am not sure- “
“You are,” he took the glass from her and put his away, pulling her onto his lap. He was already starting to get aroused and she felt it the minute she touched his flesh. He cupped her small breast. “See that?” he whispered hoarsely. “You react when I touch you and I feel the same way. I have only to look at you and I feel it.” He twisted and pushed her back onto the bed, going on his side next to her. His hand wandered over her flat stomach and watched her quiver. “I feel that.” He shifted so that he could cup her sex and felt when she squirmed.

“Henry- “She bit her lip as he dipped a finger into her moist warmth, her body already on fire. “Oh my!” she dug her fingers into his wrist as he put another finger in and started thrusting into her. He watched her, his expression avid and intense, his eyes going to her parted lips. She was panting, her hips moving urgently in tune to his thrusts. Already, she could feel the build up inside her, the impossible pressure in her lower body and knew what was coming!
“Let go.” He bent his head and brushed his lips against hers lightly. Diana’s arms came up around his neck and she opened her mouth to capture his tongue with hers. He allowed it, closing his mouth over hers in a kiss that stole her breath. He also captured the mewling cries that escaped her as her body surged against his when the climax crashed through her body! He removed his fingers, his lips still on hers as he shifted on top of her, sliding into her and welcoming the glove like tightness as she wrapped around him!


She woke up late the following morning and had no idea where she was, until her eyes became accustomed to the light streaming through the shades that were still closed. The fine Egyptian cotton sheets were tangled around her naked body which still felt a little sore from the all-nighter they had pulled last night. She dragged herself up against the mound of pillows and discovered that he was not next to her. The luminous lights on the bedside clock showed that it was almost noon. Lifting her arms, she dug her fingers through her tangled hair, wincing as she unwittingly dragged at the roots. It had been a night of revelations and reflections which she had not managed to do yet. He had said he wanted her and would do anything to get her but was it just a challenge? Was he trying to prove that even though he had crushed her in high school, he could still manage to be with him? Was he going to move onto the next challenge after this? Pursing her lips for a moment, she got off the bed and looked around for her clothes, choosing one of his t-shirts instead and pulling it over her head. She left the bedroom, taking time to admire the spacious sitting room done up in powder blue and got a peek into his home office. A simple tan and cream décor with a large desk in the middle of the room. She recognized several artworks on the wall as she made her way along the passageway and noticed that they ranged from the very recognizable to some obscure water paintings as well as abstract arts. She descended the spiral staircase and heard the faint sound of a melody she did not recognize coming from the living room. He was seated at the piano, idly playing, his back turned to her and he was not wearing a shirt, just loose sweatpants. The scent of coffee was rich on the air and reminded her that she was hungry. “I don’t recognize that tune.”
She saw when he stiffened before turning around on the bench to face her. “My shirt looks good on you.”

Diana felt the heat churning inside her as she stared at the broad chest with the sprinklings of hair and the flat stomach. His russet brown hair was tousled, giving him a boyish look. “I hope you don’t mind. I could not bother to look for my clothes.”

“it looks better on you.” He murmured as she came further into the room

“What were you playing?”

“A bad rendition of Mozart’s Rondo Alla Turca.”

“I have no idea what that is.” Diana admitted as she stood in front of him. He reached out a hand and pulled her down onto his lap. “I am more of a R&B type of gal with a little reggae in the mix. I am partial to Jeffry Osborne and James Ingram.”

“So am I.” he brushed back the hair from her shoulder, his touch lingering at her exposed neck. “Hungry?”

“Starving,” She was breathless as he bent to kiss her neck, his tongue tasting her skin and sending shivers all over her body!

“Me too,” He whispered. “I have been waiting for you to get up.” He turned her around so that she was straddling him and pulled the shirt over her head, letting it fall to the floor.

“Henry,” her voice petered off into a ragged sigh as he cupped her breasts, his thumbs feathering lightly over the hardened nipples.

“You have such beautiful skin,” he squeezed the nipples gently, sending her heartrate to impossible proportions! “A cross between caramel and a hint of chocolate and so smooth. Do you use anything in particular on your skin?” he was driving her crazy and making her unable to think with the movements of his thumbs.

“What do you use on your skin?” he did not wait for her response as he bent his head and capture a nipple inside his mouth, pulling on the tight bud and sucking it inside his mouth, wringing a cry from her!

“Soap.” Her fingers were digging into his hair and she was squirming on his lap, the evidence of his arousal against her skin.
“Good,” he mumbled as he released the nipple and easing her up, release his erection. “I am sorry, I should let you get something to eat…” he stopped as she sank down on the engorged length of him, taking him deep inside her. His eyes flared and he shuddered, his hands coming up to dig into her hair, fisting strands of it as he yanked her head up so that he could feast on her lips. He had told himself that he would gain some sort of control and that when she got up, he would play it cool. He had behaved like a man who had been starving all his life and was now finding much needed food! He had sat at the piano after making the pot of coffee and had spoken to himself firmly. He would give her space and time to process and would do his best not to crowd her. But the minute he saw her framed in the doorway, wearing nothing but his shirt, everything, every sane thought had fled from his mind! Grasping her hips, he brought her up against him, lifting his body to move against her, the momentum increasing as she rode him frantically! Her fingers dug into his hair as she returned his kisses, her body pressed against his. He slid off the stool, twisting so that he was the one to hit the carpeted floor, bringing her knees up as he drove into her! They came explosively, clinging to each other as the climax slammed into them, taking them completely by surprise again!


He catered to her throughout the day, thinking that if he did so, she would want to spend another night. They ate breakfast out on the balcony, coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice with homemade bread lightly toasted and she included hash browns as well. She had put on back his t-shirt after they had taken a shower together which had ended up with him taking her against the sea green tiles. She had stood at his mahogany dresser and tried to get the tangles out of her hair, and he had come up behind her. Taking the brush from her, he had run it through the strands gently until it was a thick lustrous mass going down her back. Now they were seated on the balcony enjoying the view and the breeze as they ate the meal.

“I take it your housekeeper does not come in on weekends?” she asked as she nibbled at the toast.

“I gave her the weekend off. I was supposed to have gone to my club.”
“You decided to spend the time with me instead.”
“A better trade,” he told her lightly. He had put on an ash grey t-shirt and faded denims and his feet were bare, propped up onto the table in front of him. He had not checked his messages since yesterday and had turned his phone off as soon as she came. He did not care what was happening, right now he had to dedicate the time to be with her. He was anxiously waiting for her to say that she was going home. He had persuaded her to spend last night with him but was sure he was not going to get another chance. “What should we do for dinner?”
She glanced at him sharply. “You know I have to go home right?”
“Do you?” He reached forward and took up his glass of orange juice, bringing it to his lips as he stared at her.

“I have work tomorrow and so do you.” She pointed out.

“You could leave from here and go.”

“Henry, I thought we were supposed to take it slow.”
“And we are passed that. We do not have to go out. We could order in.” He continued hastily before she could voice her protests. “There is this fabulous Italian restaurant a few blocks from here and I have them on speed dial. Diana, I am asking you to give me another night.”
Her hands trembled slightly, and she had to put her glass down. “I used to watch you.”

“What?” he looked at her in confusion.

“Whenever you were playing football or when you were debating.” She smiled whimsically. “You had this thing where you would size up your opponent and go in for the kill. You debated on the merits of marijuana being legalized and you came up with all sorts of logics to your argument that the other team never stood a chance. I loved listening to your voice. Even then it was deep and cultured and mesmerizing. So, I would sit in on every debate, go to every football game and cheer you on.”
“Diana- “he started towards her, his heart pounding inside his chest.

“Please stay right there. I just want to talk and if you come over here and touch me, we will not be doing any talking.”
“Fine.” He held up his hands in defeat, his expression grim. He never wanted her bringing up the past and the way he had behaved in high school, particularly where she was concerned but it could not be avoided.

“I fell in love with you back then. Not just a girlish crush but I actually fell in love with you and I never stopped. Even when I wanted to hate you for what you did to me, I never stopped.”
He moved towards her and this time she did not say anything to stop him. Pushing away the table he knelt in front of her. “Tell me what to do to make it right.” He pleaded. “I will do anything you tell me to. I am so sorry.” His voice was hoarse. “I hate that I put you through all that and I want to make it right. Just tell me what to do.”
She brushed her fingers through his hair. “Nothing.”

His shoulders slumped and he started to move away but she held onto him. “You are not letting me finish. There is nothing you can do because I am still in love with you.”
he went rigid, his eyes flying to her face. “What?”
She smiled slightly. “I have been in love with you since high school and I still am. I told myself that the two relationships failed because I wanted to concentrate on my career, that I was satisfied to be single because – well because I wanted to be, but it has always been you Henry. I could never love anyone the way I love you.”

“You love me.” His tone was hoarse, his expression dazed.

She nodded. “And if you hurt me like that- “
“Never!” he scooped her into his arms and fell backwards with his arms wrapped tight around her waist. His large body was trembling as he buried his face into her hair. Closing his eyes, he inhaled her scent. Lifting his head, he tilted her chin up, an unbelievably tender expression on his face. “I love you Diana. I think I fell in love with you when I took you on my boat and we started talking. I was attracted to you when I first saw you at the agency. I am sorry it took so long for me to realize that it is you. I am sorry that I never saw you in high school, never noticed you. And most of all I am sorry that I hurt you and caused you pain, but I promise that I will spend the rest of my life proving how much I love you!”

Chapter 12

“We could get married in July.”

Diana turned her head to look at him. They had ended up back in bed, where he had made love to her until they were both exhausted. “That’s next month.”
“I have already wasted too much time.” He pushed back the tangle of hairs from her face gently. “I wanted to ask if we could do it this weekend, but I do not want to cheat you out of a proper wedding.”
“There is no rush- “

“There is,” He fisted his fingers into her hair, an intense expression on his handsome face. “I am sorry, you are right, we should wait until you decide on a date.”
“July is fine.” She told him softly. “It will give me enough time to plan- “
“I have someone for that.” He planted a quick kiss on her mouth before releasing her and rolling over to pick up his phone from the table.

“Henry what are you doing?”
“Leesa Wellington knows the best wedding planner- “he held up a hand. “Hey, I hope I am not disturbing your Sunday afternoon.

“Brad and I are out to dinner. What’s up?”

“I am getting married next month, and I would like you to coordinate with the wedding planner to make it happen.”

There was silence on the other end of the line and Henry sent Diana a wry smile. “Leesa is never speechless.”
“Are you talking to the intended bride?” She demanded.

“Put her on please. It is just like you to spring this on us.”

Henry handed her the phone. “Hello?”
“Hi. My name is Leesa Wellington and it is so like a man to leave out details like your name and what you look like.”

“I could switch to video, but I am completely naked.” Diana told her with a smile.

“Of course, you are. Darling, I have never met you, but I already like you. Next question: is this a shotgun wedding?”
“If by that you are asking me if I am pregnant, the answer is no.” she grinned at Henry’s raised brows.

“So why the rush?”
“Henry and I knew each other from high school and to cut a long story short, he never noticed me because back then he was an uppity white guy with too many girls chasing him. I was a scrawny black girl who got through on a scholarship. We hooked up when he took over the agency I am working at.”
“Oh my word!” the woman exclaimed. “A love story like that deserves a fab wedding. I will call Kelly and Monique and have a consult. Let’s meet this coming week to talk about what you would prefer.”

“Thank you.”
“Could you hand the phone back over to your man?”
She did so and settled back against the pillows, watching as he finished up the conversation.

“She is blunt, you are going to get along with her.” He told her as he hung up the phone and turned to her.

“I need to ask you something.”
“Do you want children?”

He stared at her for a moment before he responded. “I never thought I did until I met you. Why?”
“I am forty-two and I am not sure I will be able to.” She admitted.

“It would not matter to me. All I want is you.” He told her simply. “Would you like to try?”
“Over the past year, I have been thinking of having a child.”
“So we are going to try, if that is what you want.”

Taking a deep breath, she moved into his arms and nestled there. “It is.”


It felt strange going back to her apartment and getting ready for work the next morning. She had promised that she would come back to his place after work. She had also promised that he would officially introduce her to his family, something she was not sure she was looking forward to. She had not told him about David hooking up with his niece and wondered if she should. He had insisted on making her coffee before she left and had held her at the door, kissing her until she was weak from need. He had been reluctant to let her go but he had meetings and she had some work to finish up before meeting with her current author. She stood in her closet, trying to decide what to wear and determined not to think about him or what had happened over the weekend. She was getting married! Suddenly it hit her, and her knees buckled, causing her to sink down onto the padded stool inside the closet, her hands trembling. She was getting married to a man she had loved since she was a teenager, one that she had thought she had gotten over years ago. She linked her fingers and pressed tight, taking deep breaths. She knew that as soon as they announced their engagement, the backlash from the press will be upon them and she would be thrown into the limelight. He had assured her that he would be right there with her and that she did not have to answer any questions, she did not feel like answering. She had seen several missed calls from her sister and knew that she was going to have to call her back but not right now. Now, she was running late for work and she had to get ready!


“I want to know what my chances are for fathering a child.” Henry said with preamble as soon as he sat down in his friend’s office. He had called Michael Kearns as soon as he left his apartment Monday morning on his way to work. He had then called Jessica to tell her that he would be running a few minutes late.

The man looked at him in surprise. “This is the first time I ever hear you express an interest in having kids.”
“I met someone.” He got up and shoved his hands into the pockets of his dark blue dress pants and wandered over to the look out the window at the flowers blooming along the picket fence. He turned to face his friend. Michael had gone to high school with him and was from a family of very successful doctors. “Do you remember a girl by the name of Diana Malcolm?”

Michael frowned as he tried to recall the name and then shook his head. “Can’t say I do but wait! I have a yearbook in my desk drawer. Hollie wanted to plan some sort of reunion and dug it up among our things.” He took the book out. “Why do you ask?”
“Just let me see the pic.” He pulled a chair and waited for his friend to open the book to the pages with the pictures and names printed underneath. They skipped several pages before they came to hers and Henry felt a jolt as he looked into the dark brown eyes of the woman he loved!

“No wonder I did not remember her,” Michael said slowly. “She was not very noticeable, was she?”
“No.” Henry took out his phone and went to the gallery. He had taken several pics of her in his kitchen and when she had leaned against the balcony railing, laughing at something he said. He showed them to Michael. His friend stared at the pictures in shock before looking at the picture of the scrawny looking girl with the untidy pigtail and unsmiling face. “That cannot be her.”

“it is,” Henry told him grimly, looking at the photos he had taken of her for several minutes. He ran his finger over the phone as if he could touch her and looked up to see his friend watching him. “I fell in love with her almost from the moment I saw her a month ago. Apparently, she had been in love with me back then and I never noticed her. “It is funny the way life turns out. I have never felt this way about anyone before and now I want to know if we can somehow have a child together. I want a family with her.”
“I see. I don’t think it will be a problem where you are concerned. The last checkup you had showed that you were very healthy and in good shape. I would have to do a series of tests on her to know what kind of shape she is in.”
“We are getting married next month, and you are the first to know by the way. I would appreciate you keeping it to yourself for now.”

“Of course,” he shook his head dazedly. “All this time, those women have been chasing after you, wanting the privilege of being your wives when all along you were somehow waiting on someone from your past.”
“That’s one way to put it. May I have that picture?”
“Of course.” He took it out of the slot. “Are you going to show it to her?”

“I just might, but I want to be able to show our kid the amazing transformation.”


“Did I catch you at a bad time?”
“I was just finishing a sandwich.” She told him as she sat back in her chair. It had been a crazy morning with meetings, and she had not had time to give her sister a call back.

“I miss you. I know what you are going to say. You just left this morning and I will be seeing you later and I am a grown man behaving like a teenager, but I cannot help it. This feels new and bright and I want to cherish it for the rest of my life. I want to cherish you for the rest of your life and mine. Christ! I sound like a demented person.”

“I like that you do,” Diana told him with a smile as she got up to close her door to get some privacy. “I have not told my sister yet so I might stop by her house before I come over.” She walked back to her desk and sat on the edge of it. “This is new for me too Henry and I am still trying to wrap my head around it. Are we really doing this?”
“I am about to announce it in the papers.” He told her teasingly.

“So that’s a yes.”
“A definite yes.” He sighed. “I have a meeting I have to run to. What would you like me to tell the housekeeper to prepare?”
“Anything is fine by me.” She hesitated a moment longer. “I am thinking of getting myself checked to find out if I am capable of having kids and I have to tell you right now Henry, I am scared.”
“We don’t have to go through that if you are.” He said swiftly.

“I want to. Ever since we talked about having a child, I have not been able to put it out of my mind. I want us to try.”
“Then it settled. I have to go. I love you Diana.”
She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I don’t think I will ever get used to you saying that.”
“Can you say it back to me?”
“I love you Henry.”
“Thank you darling. I will see you later.”


“There is a glitch in the operation.”
“What glitch?” Henry asked his contractor.

“The wiring of the mall is faulty, and we are only now discovering that. We are going to have to get a team of electricians to rip out wires.”

“Which will delay the finished work even more,” Henry stifled the annoyance he was feeling. Before he had met Diana and discovered how he felt for her, the end result of the meeting would have been much more different but ever since he had fallen in love with her, he had found a softer side to him that allowed for margins of errors like this one.

“How long have you been working for the company?” he asked James in a mild tone, causing the man to stare at him uncertainly.

“Ten years or more.”
“Twelve. You are experienced and very good at your job and that is why you get paid handsomely and why you are still with the company. Errors like this is costly and we both know it. Getting a team of electricians to rip into walls that have already been coated and painted is going to cost us unnecessary money for something that should have been dealt with before now. How much is it going to set the company back, James?”

The silver haired man shifted nervously in the padded chair. He looked down at his figures and told him.

Henry’s expression did not change which troubled James very much! He reluctantly told him the figure that had been quoted to him. “And the delay?”

“A couple of weeks at the most. Three at best.”

“Why wasn’t this caught in time?”

“The building had been remodeled several years ago and from the blueprint there was every indication that the electrical work was up to date. It was done but it was a shoddy job. I am sorry, Henry. I take full responsibility for this.”

Henry nodded. “Get the electricians on it and see if they can stick to a two-week deadline. The reopening of the mall is supposed to take place in December and I really want to stick as close to that as possible.” His intercom sounded and he pressed the button. “Yes, Jessica?”

“Your 2pm. call is on.”
“Thank you. That’s all James, keep me updated.”

“Yes sir.” The man got to his feet, the relief showing on his craggy face. “I won’t disappoint you again.”

“I know you won’t. Please close the door on your way out.”


“Where is David?”

“Gone back to Boston for a few days. He had some assignment to turn in.” Sadie turned to look at her as she poured the glass of lemonade. “I thought I was going to have to send a search party out to look for you. Where were you over the weekend?”

“With Henry.” She accepted the glass of lemonade gratefully. The weather had taken a turn and the heat was definitely on!

“For the entire weekend?” Sadie sat across from her, a surprised expression on her face.

“I left this morning and just made it home in time to get ready for work.” Diana admitted. “And I want you to hear it from me first. I am getting married next month.”

“Wait! How long were you with him again?”

Diana smiled into her glass. “Two days. Things kind of evolved rapidly.”

“You went from hating this man to accepting a marriage proposal? The sex was that good?”

“More than just good. Great comes to mind but that not even come close. I am going to his place when I leave from here. And I am meeting Leesa Wellington, Kelly Takahashi and Monique Romano Friday night along with a wedding planner to sort out details. I would like you to be my maid of honor and David as my giveaway father. Do you think he is too young for that role?”

Sadie stared at her sister as if she did not know her! “You are getting married to Henry Lincoln.”

“That’s what I said.”


“For the obvious reason. I am in love with him.”

“Is he in love with you?”
“Of course. He said it first. He went down on his knees Sadie and for the entire weekend he catered to my every need. The man was humble and meek as he asked me to give him another chance.”
“And you believe him?” Sadie demanded.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Diana asked impatiently. “You are supposed to be happy for me.”

“I want to be, but this is – it does not feel real. That same guy who humiliated you in high school and crushed you, causing you to have nightmares for years is suddenly in love with you. Maybe he is just pretending so that you would forgive him. Maybe he is clearing his conscience and is doing it this way.”
“By asking me to marry him?” Diana asked dryly. “Wouldn’t that be more than a little extreme?”

Sadie moved her shoulders slightly. “I don’t know how rich folks’ minds work.”
“I am assuming that they work like us not so rich folks.” Diana got to her feet. “You are my sister and best friend and you were the one who told me that it was time for me to let it go and I have and discovered that I am still in love with him. I did not expect you to be jumping all over the place but what I expected was that you would offer me your congratulations. I am finally going to have a family, finally found what I have been looking for at my age and I really did not come here to hear you sprout negativity and try to find some conspiracy theory as to why Henry has proposed to me. I was there and happen to know that he is genuine.” She glanced at her watch. “I have to go. I am going to be stopping at my apartment and picking up some stuff. Let me know when you are on my side.”

“Diana- “Sadie’s voice petered off as her sister strode out of the room.


Before they could make their engagement official, someone saw her going into his building and made the connection. He had called his sister and told her that he wanted them to meet someone over the weekend but had not gone into details. He figured that he would talk to her before she met Diana face to face so that there would be no awkwardness where they were concerned. But that decision was taken out of his hands when an artful reporter who had been sneaking around his apartment building saw them together. In his eagerness, he had decided that they should take a stroll along the grounds to stretch their legs before going back up to eat and he had held her hand as they walked.

His sister brought the paper in to him when he got to the company the next morning. He was still riding on the high of last night! The housekeeper had prepared the meal before she left and they had eaten at the kitchen counter, talking and laughing until they had retired upstairs. He had practically torn her blouse in order to get to her and had lifted her and taken her to his bed where he had made love to her tirelessly until they had fallen into an exhausted sleep.

“Janet.” He looked up from the document he was perusing before he was due for a meeting in the conference room.

“You two looked cozy.” She murmured as she opened the paper to the large glossy photo of him holding hands with Diana. The dogged reporter had done his research and had found out that she was a blast from his past and they both had gone to high school together.

“Dammit!’ he swore softly. “I have to call and warn her.”

She waited until he reached for the phone and dialed her number.

“We have a situation.” He spoke softly. “I am sorry darling, but we are out and in the paper. I am afraid you are going to be getting calls at the agency. I can have my PR people try and direct all the calls over here if that is what you prefer.” He listened for a moment, a smile on his face that had Janet staring at him in shock! The way he spoke to her, the way he looked when he did was something she had never seen before. “Okay, good. How are you? A little tired?” he listened again and chuckled. “I deserve that. I will talk to you later. I love you.” He hung up and caught his sister’s eyes.

“Diana Malcolm is the girl from high school who apparently had a crush on you, and you did not return the affection.” She said slowly.

“Please don’t remind me,” he said with a grimace. “I wanted the family to meet her before any of this got out.”

Janet nodded and folded her hands in front of her. “I have contacted our lawyers and they will be meeting us in the next hour.”

“What the hell for?”
“To draw up a prenup for her to sign, Henry. I take it you thought of that?”
“No.” he bit out, his blue-grey eyes cooling.

“Well it is a good thing I have a clear head and thought about it.”
“I am not getting her to sign a damn legal document!”

“It’s standard procedure and Dad did the same thing when I expressed my desire to marry Joel.”

“That was different.”
“How?” she got to her feet as his phone started to ring. “I will let you know when the lawyers get here.”

Chapter 13

“I have the documents here for you to look at Henry,” Jason Deering said as soon as he strode into Janet’s office where the attorneys had been cooling their heels and waiting for him for the past half hour. “You will see that everything is in order- “
“That won’t be necessary.” He told the men seated at the round table in the corner of the office grimly. “My sister dabbled into something that does not concern you.”
The four men who had been the company’s legal team for years, exchanged glances. “We had the impression that you are about to get married.” Melvin Sharpe, the eldest of them asked politely.”

“I am, but like I told my sister,” his cold blue-grey eyes swung over to the woman sitting behind the desk before turning his gaze to the four men seated at the table. “Like I told Janet before, there is no need for you to be here.”
“Could you give us a few minutes please?” Janet asked the men quietly.

“Of course,” James walked over and placed the thick legal document on her desk. “We passed some delicious looking pastries on our way in her. We will be in the conference room when you need us.”

Henry waited until the men had cleared out before he swung around to look at her, his face like granite. “You overstepped!”

“I am your sister and I have every intention of looking out for you. You would have done the same for me.” She got up from her desk and went to pour a cup of coffee. “Want some?”
“I don’t need a damn drink!” he told her bitingly. “I would however like you to butt out of my affairs.”

“Okay,” She said calmly as she brought the coffee back to her desk and sat back down. “Let me ask you this – is she in love with you?”
“Not that it is any of your business but yes.”
“How do you know?”
He shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “I see what you are doing.” He told her with a grim smile. “Your marriage is on the rocks and you are suspicious of everyone else’s.”

“My marriage is quite fine, thank you. Joel and I are working things out. How do you know that she is in love with you?”

“She told me so and even if she had not, I would have known by the way she is around me.”

“This woman was humiliated by your entire circle and crushed by you – a guy who she had a major crush on and as you told me, went through the trauma of being bullied and jeered for the entire time she was there, now suddenly tells you that she is in love with you?”
“What are you getting at?” he ignored the chills that was starting to invade his body.
“You are the smartest businessman I have ever known, barring none and you have managed for years to avoid the traps set up by the various women in our circle who wanted nothing better than to become Mrs. Henry Lincoln, to enjoy the immense benefits of being your wife. You just connected with Ms. Malcolm a month ago and you proposed to her and she has a sudden change of heart. Don’t you think it’s strange that she went from hating you to loving you in so short a time?”
“Spit it out Janet. Let me hear you say it.”
“She wants revenge.” His sister said quietly. He stared at her for a moment and went over to the large floor to ceiling window to look out at the buildings towering towards the cloudless blue sky. He had to admit that the thought had crossed his mind, but he had dismissed it immediately, but now to hear his sister voiced his fear, it was something he could no longer ignore. “She told me that she had thought about doing that, but it was not in her to do something like that.”

“And you believed her.”
“She is a straight shooter and speaks her mind.”

“All I am asking you to do is have her sign the paper and prove me wrong. If she argues about doing so, then we will know that she is up to something. This company has been in our family for generations and I would hate to think that we lose it because- “

He turned then to look at her, his expression bleak. “Continue.”

“Because you are besotted by a female you really do not know.”

He stared at her for a moment, his expression unreadable.

“I have to be the voice of reason here, darling. I love you and I have no intention of seeing you hurt.”

“Maybe I deserve it after what I did to her.” He said hoarsely.

“You were a kid!” Janet exclaimed. “If she cannot accept that then she does not deserve you and it is better to find out the kind of person she is before you jump into something you will regret for the rest of your life. Call off the wedding for a couple of months and get to know her, find out if she is really someone you want to spend your life with.”
“I cannot do that.”

“Darling, nothing has been done yet. The invitations have not been sent out yet. Just tell her that you both need more time.”
“I am in love with her.” He told her bleakly. “I cannot spend another moment without her in my life.”
Janet stared at him and felt her heart sinking. She had never seen him like this before! He was completely under her spell.
“Get her to sign the prenup darling. I am begging you. It is better to be safe than sorry.”


He sat in the darkened office at his apartment with a drink in one hand and the thick legal document in the other. He had told her that he could not see her tonight. Had lied and told her about several back to back meetings that would probably run over into midnight.

“I am disappointed, and I wanted to talk to you about the reactions at work. They are wondering why I am not wearing a ring.”

“I wanted to surprise you.” He had told her with a forced smile in his voice.

“How about we pick one out together?” she had suggested.

“I think that’s a good idea.”

“Are you okay?” she had asked him. “You sound a little off?”
“Just tired and am going to have to prep for these meetings.”
“Will I see you tomorrow?”
“Most definitely. I cannot go two days without seeing you.”

Now as he sat behind his desk, he felt the despair filling him and overflowing. This was his second glass and it was doing nothing to fill the emptiness inside him. His sister’s words reverberated inside his head and he had to close his eyes as it hammered at him. What if she was right? What if this was some elaborate scheme to get back at him – at them for what they had done to her. It was perfect! The ugly duckling had turned into a swan and had captured his attention, turning him into a lovesick fool who had told her that had told her that he would do anything to make it right. She had been the one to initiate the contact after telling him that she did not want a relationship. She was the one to reach out to him and told him that she wanted to come over after she had been so adamant that she could not forget what had been done to her.

He threw the document onto the desk and emptied his glass, getting up to refill it before sitting back down. His sister had been calling him for the past hour, but he had not answered the call. What if she was playing him? What if she had been thinking about getting revenge for a long time? He shook his head. She had not known about the takeover so that is not logical. But what if on seeing you enter the conference room, she started hatching her plans from that time? The voice whispered inside his head. Was she lying when she told him that she had loved him then and loved him even now? How could she love him after what he had done to her? How could she not want payback for what was done to her? She was a beautiful, sophisticated woman who had come a very long way and had only been into two relationships. Had she been waiting for the moment she could get her revenge? He swallowed down the liquor and felt it burning a path down his stomach. if that was her intention, it was certainly working because there was no way he could ever be with anyone else but her!


“Hi.” Her tone was deliberately cool.

“Hi. I hope I am not disturbing you or taking you away from your time with Henry.”

“I am actually at my place. He had to cancel because of meetings.”
“I can get a chance to apologize for what I said.”
“You said what was on your mind, Sadie, no need for apologies.”
“I was concerned that you were doing this for the wrong reasons.” She said in a persuasive tone. “You have to admit that this is very quick Di and I am surprised he does not think you are into him for revenge.”
“Fortunately, for me he is very smart.”
“I deserve that. Look, I wish you all the best and I am certainly happy for you. I would like to be your matron of honor if you still wish that.”

“I will think about it.” She said loftily and then burst out laughing. “Of course, you can still be my matron of honor! Who else would it be?”
“One of your rich friends you will be meeting with to discuss the wedding.” Sadie said in relief. “do you have any idea how much your life is going to change?”
“I got some idea. People kept looking at me at work after our picture came out in the paper this morning and Jared came right out and ask me what was going on and if I was going to be in charge of the agency now that I am going to be married to the boss.”
“Are you going to be?”
Diana shrugged and went into the kitchen to put the kettle on. “I have not thought about it. Don’t get me wrong. I have dreams of one day owning my own agency but not this way.”
“He is a billionaire honey and I am sure he is going to want to know what your plans are. Doesn’t it feel strange to you to have him falling in love with you after what happened at that school and the way it affected you? Don’t you feel some sort of triumph?”
“I happen to love him too Sadie and I honestly do not look at it as if I have won some sort of prize.” She admitted honestly as she took out the box of tea and took out a pouch.

“Don’t you feel like rubbing it in Glenna Mayfield’s face?”
“I do actually,” She admitted with a grin. “I looked her up on Facebook and she really has been married three times already and get this- she has four children and looks like hell. All that blonde hair that I envied so much looks stringy. I doubt that she remembers my name to associate it with that girl from back then. People like that barely remember people who they consider beneath them.”

“And you are the girl getting the guy.”

“I am the girl in love with the guy.” She said with a deep sigh. “I really do love him Sadie and I cannot wait to be his wife.”


“You could have told me that your aunt was seeing my uncle,” Simone accused him as he sat down at the table. She had called him to meet her this morning. She had also called her uncle, but he had not picked up and had not gotten back to her. “Was that why you did not want to be with me?”

David signaled for the waiter and placed his order before responding. “I did not want to be with you because of who you are and what you represent, and I had no idea that there was a relationship. I am as surprised as you are.”

“Maybe it is a good thing we did not do it.” Simone said moodily as she sipped her lemonade. “It would have complicated things.”

“It would have. My aunt wants me to give her away at the ceremony.”
“I have yet to meet her officially. They are supposed to be coming over for dinner Friday night. But don’t you find it weird that they are getting married so quickly?”
David shrugged. “They are in love and from what I gathered, they knew each other from high school.”
“Yeah and my uncle did not give her the time of day then.”

“He is certainly giving her more than the time of day now. How could he not? My aunt is pretty hot!” he said with a grin.

“Do you think she really loves him?”
What do you mean?”

Simone shrugged. “It is strange that she suddenly wants to be with him after what he put her through back then.”
“Love has a strange way of making people forgive each other. Can we drop the subject now? I really do not want to talk about it anymore.”

“I will after I tell you how weird it is that we are now going to be a family.”
He grimaced at that. “Now I am happy more than ever that we did not do anything we would have regretted.”


“Hey, you have not called me. Are you having second thoughts?”

“Not a chance,” he told her lightly. “I have been in and out of meetings and I had to take a quick trip downtown to look at the progress myself. How are you?”
“I could not sleep last night because you were not next to me. How about you?”
“I could not sleep either.” He did not tell her that it was an entirely different reason.

“Am I seeing you later?”
“Of course. How about we go out to dinner?”
“I would love that. Is it somewhere fancy? Would I have to go home and change out of my work clothes?”
“Remember the seafood place I was telling you about?”
“We could go there.”
“Want me to meet you?”
“That would be a good idea.”
“Okay, see you later then. I love you.”

“Me too. I have to go; my intercom is lighting up.”

“Okay and there is something I would like to discuss with you when I see you.”

Looking forward to it. “he murmured before hanging up. Dragging his hands over his face, he tried to blink away the weariness and despair. He had avoided his sister since he came in, locking himself inside his office and burying himself in work. He had not called her because he had no idea what to say to her. He had spent last night agonizing over the situation and had barely gotten any sleep, but he knew he did not want to spend another night without her!


He got to his feet as Eric guided her to the private booth, he had secured for them. He felt his heart picking up the beat and his body reacting as he saw her. She was wearing a dark blue cotton pants suit with a red inside blouse and her hair was loose around her shoulders. He saw when heads turned as she walked into the crowded room and felt the pang of love and aching despair took over.

“She is a looker my friend.” Eric told him with a grin.

“Your friend is quite the charmer.” Diana said as she walked into his arms. “Hi.”

“Hi,” he tore his eyes away from her parted lips and addressed Eric. “The house special.”
“Coming right up and a bottle of our best wine. I understand that congratulations are in order.”
“Thanks Eric.” He waited until the man had left before brushing his lips lightly over hers, feeling the tremor that went through her body. “You look lovely,” he brushed back tendrils of hairs from her face, his touch lingering.

“Thank you.” She leaned into him for a moment before pulling back and taking her seat. “I never knew this place existed.”
“It’s a well-kept secret.” He took his seat across from her. “How was your day?”

“A little exhausting.” She said with a laugh that had his eyes going to her parted lips. “I had a lunch appointment with an author and a few people came over to ask if I was the one in the photo with the hot billionaire.”
“What did you say?”
“I told them that I have that kind of face.”
“Did they believe you?”
“I have no idea. I just wanted to finish the lunch and get out of there. How was your day?”
“Exhausting,” his smile came fleetingly. “You said you wanted to discuss something with me?”
“Yes.” She waited until the waiter placed the platter of seafood in front of them. “This looks delicious.”
“It is.”
“The wine, sir.” The man said in a respectful tone. “Would you like me to pour?”
“Not it’s fine. I will do it.”
She tasted the meal as he waited for her reaction. “What do you think?”
“it’s heaven!” she agreed.

He poured the wine and waited for her to tell him what was on her mind.

“I have always wanted to own my own agency.” She began. “it is something that I have been dreaming of and when Jared asked me if I was going to be taking over, it came back to me.”
Henry kept his expression carefully bland as he sipped his wine. “Do you want to be in control at the agency?”
She moved her shoulders a little restlessly. “I would not want to take it away from Jared.”
“It belongs to me and it is up to me to do as I see fit.”

“Still…” she sipped her wine and eyed him over the rim. “I would like something that I built for myself.”
“You want your own. What would you require from me?” he kept his tone light but inside him was dying a slow death! She was definitely moving in fast!

“Maybe your business input as well as some financial aid.”

“I see,” he made a production of cutting into his lobster, something he did in order to hide the bleakness of his eyes. “How much are we talking about?”
“I have no idea. I just thought I would run it by you first. What do you think?”
“As long as you have done your research and identify a suitable location. What would you offer that the others are not offering?”
“The personal touch. ‘Diversity’ is a fine agency and offers a lot of potential and opportunities, but I would mostly concentrate on books – getting little known authors to capitalize on their talents. I want to represent people who don’t have a chance of getting published by traditional publishing houses. Books that are very interesting but because the authors are not well-known, they get lost in the shuffle. I want to dig out those hidden talents and sell them to producers and television networks. People are always looking for a good story and there are quite a few out there that has not been noticed.”
He stared at her for a moment and had to admire her passion. “It sounds like a very good idea.”

“You think so?” She asked in relief. “So, I am not chasing a pipe dream?”
“Even if you are, your enthusiasm is very infectious.”

“You are not just saying that because I am going to be your wife?”
“I am a businessman and even though I am in love with you, I would not tell you something is a good idea just because I am.” He told her soberly. “Do some more research and get back to me.”
“I would kiss you right now, but I am enjoying this meal too much.” She told him with a delighted laugh.

“I will collect on that later tonight.” He told her softly, his eyes drawn to her lips. He felt the stir of desire inside him and knew that as soon as they reached his apartment, he was going to have her! God help him if she proves to be a treacherous bitch!

Chapter 14

Diana fell in love with the three ladies as soon as she saw them at Kelly’s uptown trendy new restaurant, ‘Eclectic’, with its sumptuous décor and as the name suggests – portrayed a variety of food from all over the world. The three women made a stunning trio as they got to their feet the minute the Maître D brought her over to the table reserved for them.

“Thanks Jean-Paul.” Kelly said with a wave of one slender hand. “We will order in a short while. Darling, so nice to meet you!” she held out both hands and pulled Diana in for a hug. “Your pic does not do you justice. You are stunning!” she turned to the others. “Isn’t she just gorgeous ladies?”

“She is. I am Leesa and this is Monique.” They take turns in hugging her.

“It is still strange to hear those adjectives associated with me.” Diana said with a grin as she took her seat.

“Why is that?” Monique asked curiously with her calm smile.

“You should see the before pic. I happen to have one here in my purse.” She opened her pocketbook and taking out her purse slid the high school picture out and passed it to them. “This is you?” Leesa looked up from the picture to the stunningly beautiful woman with the thick head of gorgeous hair and caramel complexion in shock.

“I looked like that all through high school.”

“Henry said you went to the same school?”

Diana nodded. “I went there because I got a scholarship and I was made aware of it every single day. I had this huge crush on Henry the very first day I saw him, all the girls did.”

“Let me guess?” Leesa drawled in amusement. “He did not give you a second look.”

“Or he did and realized under that god-awful braces and untidy mop of hair, you had the potential of becoming a beauty.” Kelly said with a teasing smile.

Laughter erupted around the table, bringing attention to the four stunning black women seated there! Diana waited until the delicious seafood was served before, she responded. “He spoke to me yes. The first time was after I overheard his girlfriend dogging me out in front of her friends after I signed up to sign on the cheerleading team. He said something to me that I never forget. I told him I was having a bad day and he told me that it was high school, and I should get used to it.”

“I was a cheerleader in high school,” Kelly mused, with a mischievous look on her exotic face. “And I was a terror who put the fear of God in the rest of the girls.” She held up her hands. “I was not a bully because I for one think that they are cowards. I was just aggressive in the worst way.”

“I was also a cheerleader,” Leesa said airily as she cut into her shrimp delicately. “The highest kicker on the squad and I dated the captain of the football team,” She waved her fork in reflection. “His name was Gary Fuller, this fine-looking white guy who was as cocky as hell and I almost gave into the pressure of giving him my virginity.”
“What stopped you?” Diana asked in fascination.

“The fact that he was betting that he could get me to open my legs before prom. He got a black eye for thinking that he could do that to me.”

Laughter erupted again, drawing more eyes to their table. Monique waited until the laughter had subsided before she spoke. “I was a mouse in high school, afraid of my own shadow. I was a nerd who was more into books than anything else.”
“And here you are married to a powerhouse brand.” Diana pointed out, staring at the classically beautiful woman in admiration. “I have a few of Romano’s originals but had to save up a few months before I could purchase something. And you are married to that gorgeous man that had me drooling when I saw his pic in the fashion magazine a year ago.” She looked at Kelly and Leesa. “How does it feel to be such a powerhouse?”
“Wonderful!” Leesa spoke for them. “I was a model for many years and even though I worked the big bucks, there was always something missing from my life and that was love which I found when I met Brad. Like you, I was in love with that man for years and he would not notice me. I had to act and get him to notice me. It’s not about the money, which goes a long way because we get to do all these things to help make the world a better place. It is about love and family which I have to say are more important than anything else.”
“it is the same way for me,” Kelly lifted a hand to a woman who was waving cheerfully at her from across the room. “I have been a model for many years of my life and suddenly it hit me! I was in Milan on a shoot and was about to fly to Paris for another one when it struck me that I really do not want to be doing this for much longer. I wanted a husband, kids but most of all, I wanted an epic love that will see me through whatever times, good or bad that I am facing.” She smiled whimsically. “The moment I met Kane, I knew that I had found the man of my dreams and I did not let his stoic resistance get in the way of getting what I wanted.”
“I was the exact opposite.” Monique said dreamily. “I saved up for the trip to Italy for the summer, determined to enjoy the experience, only to meet Lorenzo at a café where I was trying to order something in very bad Italian. I had no idea who he was and suffice it to say that things got out of control the minute he touched me. There was no going back for me and before I knew it, I was falling headlong in love with this man who just wanted to have sex with me and be on his way.” She turned her gaze to look at Diana. “I have to ask- you had your young heart crushed by Henry when you were in high school and now you find yourself with him, after all these years. Don’t you have the urge to rub it in his face?”

Both Leesa and Kelly turned to look at her quizzically.

“I thought about it,” Diana told them honestly. “When I saw him come into the conference room and realized who he was, I felt everything I thought I had gotten rid of – came rushing back! When he asked me out, I thought about saying yes and having him fall in love with me and then crushing him, the way he did me.”
“Why didn’t you or are you telling us that is what you are doing?” Leesa’s voice had turned cool. “I have to tell you darling that as much as I really like you, Henry has been friends with Brad and I for years and I would not sit by and see him hurt like that.”
Diana stared at her for a moment and then nodded. “I love him.” She said simply. “I think I always did and that was why I am forty-two years old and never found anyone I wanted to be with and have a family before. Ever since I owned up to it, there is nothing I want more than to be his wife and please God, have a child or two. And I am being sincere about it.”
“Of course, you are darling.” Kelly shook her head at Leesa. “We are just making sure that your motives are clear and that you are really in love with that man. He might have been a jerk in high school and being born with a gold spoon in your mouth tends to do that to most people, but Henry is a wonderful man.”
“I know.” Diana said softly. “That is one of the reasons why I love him.”

“Okay, let’s get down to business.” Monique said briskly, going into business mode. “I have some ideas that I made note of in my memo.”


“You two met in high school.” Janet murmured as she passed the salad bowl to her brother to pass it along. Diana had driven to Henry’s apartment after work and had brought her things with her and had gotten dressed from there. He had been a little quiet in the drive over and when she had asked him about it had told her that he was a little preoccupied with the mall. Simone had just been leaving out when they got there, managing to greet them before she left to go out with friends. Diana felt a coolness when Janet greeted her but did not let it bother her. The husband, Joel was quiet and offered her a sincere smile.

“You already know that Janet,” Henry sent her a warning look which was ignored.

“I do. I went to the same high school, but I think I graduated before you were there. At what age did you start?”

“When I was fourteen.”

“And you had a crush on my brother?”
“All the girls did,” Diana said with an easy laugh as she cut into the succulent veal.
“But he never noticed you.” Janet pointed out.
“Janet- “
“It’s fine,” Diana placed a hand over his tensed forearm before turning to look at the woman. “he never noticed me and yes, I went those two years hoping against hope that he would.”
“It’s funny how life turned out.” Janet mused as she picked up her glass. “The hot guy who never noticed you in high school is now yours.”

“Life has a way of coming full circle.” Diana’s dark brown eyes met blue-grey ones. “Is there something you want to ask me?”

Janet shook her head. “Just thinking out loud. Henry told me the wedding has been pushed back to August?”

Diana turned her head to look at the silent man next to her. “It is supposed to be in July. Henry?”
“I just thought we should go on a few dates before.” He sent his sister a cold look. “I was going to suggest it to you when we were back at my place.”
“And yet you find time to tell your sister.”

“I wanted to check with Henry about the invitations and that was when the subject came up.” Janet said with a faint smile.

Henry pushed back his chair. “Janet, could I see you in the living for a minute?”

“Of course. Please excuse me.” She got up and folding her napkin on the snowy white tablecloth hurried out after her brother.

Diana stared at them for a moment in puzzlement.

“They are a mystery you do not want to solve.” Joel spoke for the first time since they were at the table. “Welcome to the Lincoln family.”


“What the hell are you doing?” Henry barely waited until she closed the door to lash into her.

“I am assuming that you did not get her to sign the document?”

“You are stirring up trouble, Janet and getting into something that does not concern you.”
“I am not the one you are angry with.” She eyed him in concern. “You are angry with yourself for facing what you are.”
“And what is that?”
“You are in love with this woman and torturing yourself with the possibility that she might be using you.”
“Shut up!” she jumped as he slammed his palm against the wall next to him. “You don’t know her.”
“And you do?” She approached him cautiously. “Why are you afraid of letting her sign the prenup Henry? Is it because you have an idea what she will say? How she will react?”
“Damn you!” his eyes glittered as he looked at her. “It does not matter if she signs it or not. It is not going to change the way I feel about her.” He turned on his heels abruptly and strode over to the window to look out at the gathering dusk. “I have to believe that she is in love with me or else – “he dragged a hand at the back of his neck wearily. “I have to believe it.”


“Do you want to tell me what all that was about with you and your sister?” Diana asked him quietly as they made their way back to the apartment. “The two of you came back into the room looking like you had gone a round or two. What are you not telling me Henry?”
“It was business.” His hands tightened on the wheel and he forced himself to remain neutral. “I told you about the hold up at the mall and the PR side of it is becoming a nightmare.”

“I am sorry.” She said softly, placing a hand on his thigh. A frown etched her forehead when he flinched at her touch. “Are you sure that is all?”
“What else is there?” he asked her lightly as he made his way into the underground garage. “How was lunch with the girls?”

“Illuminating. They are down to earth and real. I like them.”
He unbuckled his belt and got out, shaking his head as the guard came running over to them. Opening the door, he took her hand and held onto it as they made their way towards the elevator. “We will not be coming back out for the rest of the night George.”
“Right sir.” The man doffed his cap respectfully.

“Does it ever seem strange to you?” She murmured as they rode up in the elevator.

“What?” he asked distractedly. He had her hand in his and his fingers were linked with hers.

“The number of people you have working for you and the show of respect.”

He guided them out as the elevator came to a stop, opening the door before he responded. “I never thought about it.” He said truthfully. “Would you like some wine?”
“No,” she turned into his arms. “I would prefer some of you or all of you.” She was busy with the buttons on his shirt.

“I think you might have all of me,” he caught her slender wrists in a hard grip. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“How much of you do I have?”

“Take a wild guess.” She tugged and he released her, standing still as she unbuttoned his shirt and went on her toes to slide it off his shoulders. “I love seeing the way the muscles in your arms bunch.”

“How much?” his hands lifted to frame her face.

“Everything. Are we going to go into the bedroom or stay right here?”
“The bedroom.” His eyes glittered as he stared down at her. “I want to love you all over and hear you call out my name in the throes of your climax. I want to take you over and over again and lose myself inside you.”
“What are you waiting for?” She asked him, her mouth dry.

“I am not waiting.” She squealed as he bent and lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he took the stairs two at a time, not slowing down until he reached the bedroom suite. Pushing the doors open, he walked rapidly through the sitting room until he came into the bedroom where he kicked the door shut. He did not put her dawn until he put her onto the bed. Stepping back, he took off the dress she had worn for dinner, dropping it on the carpet. Running his hands over her stomach, he pressed against it as if by doing that he could already feel his child planted inside her. He had not used anything when he was with her and he told himself that she had not insisted on him doing so which meant that she really wanted to start a family with him. Didn’t that mean she loved him and was not into him for some sick revenge or for his money? Deliberately shaking off the troubling thoughts, he hurriedly shed his clothes and joined her on the bed, pushing back the hairs from her face. “You are so beautiful.” He whispered achingly. He was so hard that it was impossible for him not to just take her right now. “So perfect.”
“I am not perfect.” She put her hands on his chest, feeling the quiver when she touched him. “Far from it.” She let her fingers wandered over his chest, feeling the crispness of the hairs there.
“I don’t care what you are.” He shifted so that he was on top of her. She had wriggled out of her panties when he was taking off his clothes and the feel of his muscular body on hers was sending heat radiating through her! Bending his head, he took her lips with his lightly, his tongue easing into her mouth, exploring and capturing her tongue, slowly pulling it into his mouth and sucking on it. Diana’s arm came up around his neck as she moved her body beneath his. He reached between them, he eased his aching erection into her, hovering at the opening of her for a moment, tormenting her as he circled his hips on top of her. Diana lifted her legs and wrapped them around his trim waist, forcing him to drive into her. He stiffened as she wrapped around him like a glove, his heart hammering inside his chest, drowning out the despair he had been feeling since his sister had confronted him. Surely this had to be real! He dragged his mouth from hers, and stared down at her, fisting his fingers into her thick hair as he held her head still. “Love me.” He whispered hoarsely.

“I do.”
“I don’t care about anything else but that you love me. Please.” He ran his fingers through her hair restlessly, his eyes glittering with an intense light. “Just love me.” He did not wait for her to respond but started to thrust into her with a force that had her head connecting with the headboard. It was his control had disappeared and he was operating under an impulse that was not his own. His lips bruised hers, but she welcomed the almost animalistic urge that seemed to be driving him. It was as he wanted to prove something to himself and to her and would not stop until it was done!

Her fingers dug into the bunched muscles of his shoulders as she heaved her body up against his, her heart almost bursting from her chest! The climax came with such a vicious force that it sent her body arching towards his frantically, her fingers clawing at his chest and down his back. He drove into her, his mouth devouring hers with an intensity that threatened to suffocate her. Dragging his mouth from hers, he turned and brought her with him so that she was astride him, her body weak and trembling, her fingers curling into his chest. He lifted her knees up, his fingers biting into her hips as he drove into her. She bent her body to his and using one hand guided a hardened nipple toward his mouth. Lifting his head, he captured the tight bud, sending her spiraling again, her body jerking against him as he sucked on her nipple. “Henry!” she cried out, her back arching as emotions crashed inside her, sending darts of fire throughout her body.
He stiffened beneath her as he felt the heaviness invading his body. Pushing deep into her, he flooded her with his semen, his large body shuddering against her as he went weak!

Releasing her nipple, he sank back against the pillows in exhaustion, his arms wrapped around her as she sagged against his chest. He kissed the top of her head and waited a few minutes before easing out of her and moving away.

“Where are you going?”

“I need a couple of minutes.” He reached for his robe and put it on, his eyes wandering over her curves and going up to her face, his body stirring at the provocative mouth, swollen from his kisses. Her hair was tangled and spread over the pillows. She looked like a woman who had been well loved and sated from it. He wanted to believe that she loved him more than anything, but something was nagging at him and he could not shake it. “Go to sleep.”

“Henry, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he said with a faint smile. “Just go to sleep.”

Chapter 15

Diana waited a few minutes to see if he was coming back and when he did not, she got off the bed and searched for something to put on. She had brought an overnight bag with her but realized that she had not brought a nightgown. Not that it made a difference, she thought with a faint smile as she went over to the highboy to get a t-shirt from one of the drawers. She always ended sleeping naked anyway. The first drawer she pulled out had socks folded neatly, rows upon rows of socks, some with tags still on them. Shaking her head, she ran her fingers over them. She thought she had clothes, but he bested her when it came to that area. She remembered asking him when he got time to wear the stuff in his vast closet and he had told her with a laugh that he was required to do a lot of entertaining.

“You would be surprised at the number of deals that have been closed drinking expensive champagne and caviars.”

She closed the drawer and opened the next one. She was definitely going to have to find space for her things when they were married. He had told her that his housekeeper would rearrange things and if not, he would buy more furniture. The room was sparsely furnished anyway, making the already large room, larger. She was about to pluck out a folded shirt when a folded document caught her eyes. She would have ignored it and pushed the drawer shut but there was a note on top of it. Curious, she opened the note and ran her gaze over it, stiffening at the endearment at the top of it. She had never asked him about anyone he was seeing and had assumed that whatever relationship he had been in had ended when he started pursuing her. “’Darling,’” the note began. “I know you think that she is the ‘one’, but I urge you to be cautious. Ms. Malcolm is back in your life for a reason and I know you are realizing that she is out to get revenge and get a healthy slice of your money. You said she asked you to invest in an agency of hers and that just proved my point. Get her to sign the prenup, I beg you. I know this is hard for you to come to grips with but please be sensible about this. As I said before, you have avoided traps set out by women in our circle for years. It would be too sad if you let your guard down and fall for this one. I am your sister and I am looking out for you.”

Diana read the note again, her heart breaking into little pieces! She had figured out that something was wrong! The signs were all there! The way he had gotten quiet on her, the questions that his sister kept asking her and his pushing back the wedding until August! He did not trust her and had not said anything about that lack of trust to her! She sank down on a padded stool with the documents in her hands. Apparently, her word was not enough for him. He thought that she was after him for revenge and for his money. No doubt he was going to tell her that it was over. She would not let him kick her first! Taking a deep breath, she got to her feet and went to get dressed, dragging out a cotton dress she had brought to put on for whatever they would be doing tomorrow and using the brush, yanked it through the strands, welcoming the pain as she blinked back the tears. She was through crying over the bastard! Packing up her clothes she put her shoes on and grabbing the document and letter, marched out of the suite and made her way downstairs. She found him in the living room, a drink in his hands, his gaze fixed on the silken wallpaper. He looked up when he sensed her presence. “Why are you dressed?”
“I am going home.” She walked further into the room and handed him the papers.

He took them and glanced up at her. “It’s not what you think.”

“Isn’t it? I don’t want you to get the impression that I was snooping. I was actually looking for one of your shirts to put on so that I could come and find you to ask you what was going on. But fortunately for me, the answer is all there.” She pointed to the papers in his hands. “Why didn’t you let me sign it?”
“I did not want you to.”
“Instead you discuss me with your sister and decided that I was a gold digging, revenge seeking bitch. Let me ask you this: did you ever have any intention of marrying me?” she was so angry and hurt that she was finding it hard to breathe!

“I love you_”

Her shrill laughter interrupted him. “Do you even know what that means!” she cried, putting her hands on her hips, her dark brown eyes flashing. “There cannot be love without trust, you bastard! If you had doubts about me, the best person to come to was me! You could have come to me and ask me all those questions. You could have been honest with me and let me sign the damn prenup! I would have done so gladly because I was not in this for the fricking money. I told you that I loved you from the first time and even though you cut my heart out and stamped on it with your expensive sneakers back then, I still loved you. Stay the hell away from me!” she backed up when he got to his feet.

“Please let me explain- “
“You think you can talk your way out of this?” her arched eyebrows lifted. “I am done Henry- “she held out her left hand. “There is no ring on this finger. I wondered about it, but I remembered telling you that I wanted us to pick it out together. No ring to throw back into your face, nothing that you gave me so that I have to give it back to you. Just empty words of love and promises you had no intention of keeping. Stay back! I mean it. If you touch me, so help me God, I am not going to be responsible for my actions.” She folded her arms under her breasts and fought the tears. She would not break down in front of him!

“Diana, please let me explain. You have to admit that it is a logical reason. What Janet thought, what she said to me had some merit to it. You suddenly decided to be with me after telling me that you could never be in a relationship with you. You were the one who initiated the contact, and suddenly you told me that you were in love with me and wanted to marry me.” He held out his hands to her pleadingly. “At least look at it from my point of view- “
“You are right,” She said calmly. “It looks suspicious. I might not look the way I did in high school but underneath I am still the scholarship girl who dared to think she can be your equal.” She said scoffing. “What was it your sister said in the note: ‘You have evaded the traps set out by women in your circle, it would be very sad if you get caught in it now,’ and I am paraphrasing – get caught by some poor girl who did not belong. That was what I was always told when I was going to that school – you don’t belong here. Thank you, Henry, for reminding me of that.”
“Diana, please hear me out.”
“I think I have heard enough. I don’t want to see you, don’t text or call, as a matter of fact lose my number and do me a favor – if you have to come to the agency do so when I am not in office. I will be looking elsewhere for employment, but until I do, stay the hell away from me!” he watched her walk out of the room and out of his life and could not do a damned thing about it!


She slowly picked up the pieces of her life, after spending the entire weekend with the phone turned off and the sheets pulled up over her head as she sobbed into her pillows. She heard the calls from the front and the knocks on the door and ignored them. By Sunday night she was relatively okay and was able to check her phone, fresh tears coming to her eyes when she listened to his many messages. With a deliberate movement, she deleted them and returned the calls to her sister, choosing not to tell her what happened. She was not ready to talk about it yet and she made some excuses about being busy with work for the weekend and would not be available for dinner. But the rest of the week loomed large and empty before her – as a matter of fact, the rest of her life because she had no idea how she was going to move on from him!


“What the hell do you want?”

“You have no right to speak to me that way- “

“You did your job, Janet. She found the note that you wrote and the prenup. So, it is over. I hope you are happy.”

“You think that was what I wanted?” she asked him incredulously.

“It does not matter,” he told her wearily. It was Sunday night and he was still at his apartment, not having left since she was gone. He had spent the entire night doing a lot of agonized thinking and giving her some time to cool off before he insisted on her listening. But today in the cold light of day, he had no idea what to say to her, how to convince her that he did not care about anything else but being with her! “Just leave me alone.”

“I am sorry- “

He hung up before she could finish and went to sit at the piano. He had left her many messages and when he had tried to call her, the phone had gone straight to voicemail. He will just have to give her a few days to cool down before he tried again, because the thought of losing her was beyond him!


“Six weeks pregnant? How did I not know?” She asked dazedly. It had been two weeks since the awful scene at Henry’s apartment and she had spent those two weeks concentrating fiercely on work and avoiding the questions from her sister. The most painful part of it was when Leesa and Kelly had called and asked her to give them some details and she had to tell them that the wedding was off. When they had tried to drill her for information, she had told them that she could not talk about it now.

Dr. Gibbons smiled at her slightly. “You are also suffering from exhaustion as well, so the signs were masked. You have not had your period?”
“My period is irregular.” Diana said slowly. “I had meant to get checked because I was wondering if I would be able to conceive. Now- “she shook her head. “Is there any danger in regard to the baby?”

“You are very healthy, and I don’t foresee any problems. How bad is the nausea?”

“Not bad. Just a little queasiness. So, I am looking at March delivery?”

“Thereabouts or late February. I would like to keep a close eye on this pregnancy.”

“Of course.” Diana said automatically.


She let herself inside her apartment and immediately went to the kitchen to make a pot of tea. She had gone to the doctor after getting concerned about the dizziness and the hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach. She figured that it was stress and the fact that she was not sleeping well at nights. Pregnant! Burying her head in her hands, she closed her eyes wearily. She was going to have his baby! And she was going to have to tell him! She opened her eyes and went to turn off the kettle. She did not have it in her to keep it from him. She just had to decide how to tell him. She took the tea with her around the table and booted up her laptop to do some research on pregnancy in the forties. Frowning, she clicked on an email that popped up on the screen, her heart skittering when she noticed that it was from him! She almost deleted it but decided against it, clicking on it to open. “I have tried various ways to get to you and almost came over to your apartment a few times but lost the nerve. You have a right to be angry with me and maybe I do not deserve you. I hurt you all those years ago and I have done it again. Maybe it is something that I cannot help, and I am horrified to even think that because I love you so much! Ever since you walked out that door, I am just a shadow. I get up in the mornings because my alarm keeps ringing and I go to the office, but I have not contributed much. The apartment is empty, my heart is empty, and I see my life stretching before me without any joy, any sense of purpose. If you are no longer in my life, then I am afraid it is not worth living. I am a man in my forties and have just discovered love for the first time in my life. I wish I could go back a couple of weeks ago and do things different. I do not only want you Diana, I need you more than my last breath, more than the food I eat. I don’t know what to do to make you forgive me but if you tell me, I will do it without hesitation! I love you Diana! So much that I am scared by it – overwhelmed by the thought of never being with you again. I am hoping that you read this darling, hoping against hope that you give me another chance to prove how much I adore you.”

Diana read it again and never realized that she was sobbing until she felt the tears spilling against her cheeks. What was she doing? She loved him and whatever it was, they could work it out together! Stumbling to her feet, she went to get her phone from her pocketbook. Her hands trembled as she scrolled through and looked for his number, dialing it immediately. He answered on the first ring, his deep voice sounding inside her ear. “Diana?”
“Get over here and make it fast!” she whispered hoarsely.


She was waiting for him by the door when he arrived and opened it immediately as soon as he knocked. He stood there framed inside the doorway, his blue-grey eyes wandering over her face, his expression intense, his face gaunt. He did not move for a moment, neither of them did but just stood there staring at each other.

“Aren’t you going to come in?” she asked him huskily.

“Yes,” he came in and shoved the door shut behind him. “How are you?”
“I am good, considering.” She could not believe that they were standing here shooting the breeze! “You?”

“I have been better.” His smile came and went as he stared at her. “I want to touch you.”
“You don’t need permission. But we have to talk- “
“I need to feel you against me before we do.” He finally reached out and pulled her into his arms. It took only that for her control to break! His mouth crushed hers, his fingers biting into her waist as he pulled her up against him. He swallowed her moans, his body molding itself against hers and hardening immediately into an aching throbbing life of its own! He finally dragged his lips from hers, his hands trembling as they framed her face. “The bedroom.” He said thickly.

She nodded and taking his hand led the way. He took off the old t-shirt she had donned when she took her shower, almost whimpering as he stared at her naked flesh. “I realized that it was a waste of time to put underwear on.”
“Thanks.” His hands cupped her breasts, his eyes flying to her face when she moaned.

“Now,” She whispered. “Please.”

He lifted her and put her on the bed, stepping back so that he could take off his clothes. He climbed onto the bed next to her, his hands racing over her body, his hands trembling. “When you called, my heart stopped. I think I might have broken a few traffic rules on my way over here. You read my email?”
“I did,” her hands came up and curled against his chest. “It’s pretty heavy stuff.”

“I meant every word.” He bent his head and tasted her lips hungrily. He was like a starving man getting his first taste of food in a long time and it tasted damned good! His tongue darted into her mouth, his hand easing her legs aside so that he could cup her sex. He pressed down hard, causing her to squirm. When his fingers dipped into her, she was ready! It did not take long for his thrusting fingers to bring her to a violent climax that had her clinging to him. He waited her out and then eased out of her so that he could come on top of her. Dragging his lips from hers, he took several deep breaths before he could guide his swollen dick inside her. “Diana,” he whispered against her mouth, driving into her, his hands fisting into her thick hair as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She came again, her body shuddering from the impact of the orgasm that slammed into her. She dug her fingers into his muscled shoulders. He came in the middle of hers, his large body shuddering on top of hers. He continued kissing her even as the tremors racked their bodies. He dragged his lips from hers reluctantly and eased out of her, going to his side to pull her into his arms, cradling her gently.
“I suppose we should talk now.”

She nodded and pulled away from him so that she could look into his face. “I have something to tell you.”

“Please don’t tell me that you are breaking up with me.” He said half-teasingly. “If you are, I have to tell you right now that I am not leaving.”

She touched his face tenderly. “You need a shave.”

“it was not on the top of my list the last couple of weeks.” He pressed his hand against hers. “I have been in torture and unable to work.”

“So, I have not been feeling well the past few days.”
His eyebrows met in a frown. “What’s wrong?”
“I am just coming back from the doctor.” She lifted her head and brushed her lips against his. “I hope you are prepared to start losing sleep at nights and doing diaper duties.”
He went still, his blue-grey eyes narrowed as he stared at her. “Spell it out for me,” he said huskily.

She took his hand and put it between their bodies, pressing it against her flat stomach. “Maybe late February or early March we will be three instead of two.”
He closed his eyes briefly before opening his eyes to stare at her. “You are pregnant with my baby.”

“Yes,” She swallowed at the look on his face. “I am assuming that you are pleased?”
“Pleased is not quite the word.” His fingers dug into her hair, angling her face up to his. “Marry me. Now.”

“We can wait- “
“No!” he pressed his head against hers. “I messed up before and I am so sorry, but I am not going another day without putting a ring on your finger. Unless you want the fuss of a large wedding and then I will be forced to wait. Marry me Diana. I cannot be comfortable, be happy until you are my wife.”

“Tomorrow is Wednesday.” She said weakly.
“I could get a special license and be at the courthouse by noon. Please say yes.”
“This is crazy!”
“Say yes.” He took her lips with his and stole her breath in the process. When he lifted his head, his breathing was shallow, and his hands were trembling. “I am going to have a family, after years of thinking that it would not happen for me and I did not care that it would not. Marry me, Diana.”

Chapter 16

They talked way into the night, telling each other things they had never told a soul before. The conversation was interrupted several times by lovemaking which left them exhausted but sated. Henry realized that he could not keep his hands off her.

“I want to buy you the biggest agency in the world.” He told her huskily as she curled into his arms.

“I hope you realize that I am not into you for your money.” She said as she lifted her head to look at him.

“I know,” he brushed back her hair tenderly. “Even if you were, I would not care. I cannot live without you. I tried it for a couple of weeks and it damn near killed me. I was prepared to storm the apartment and get you to talk to me. I was looking into buying the place to get access.”

Her eyes widened. “You are joking.”
“If you think I am, you underestimate how much I love and need you and forgetting that I have the means to do it.” He said with a twinkle in his eyes. “I would have done anything, barring nothing to get your attention darling.”

“Oh Henry,” She breathed.
“For the first time in my life, I am in love so please bear with me. I was thinking on a grand scale. You said you wanted an agency that would represent authors who never got noticed even though they are talented, and I think that is a very good idea. You don’t have to go back to work. We get married tomorrow and we take off for Ricci Island and have our honeymoon there. Spend the rest of the week and come back over the weekend. Put in or call in your resignation tomorrow.”

“That’s going to give me a bad employment record.” Her head was reeling from everything he said.

“So what?” he kissed her roughly, stirring her senses. “You are going to be an employer now. Anything you want, Diana.”

“What about the prenup?”

“To hell with it! I am not going to let you sign a piece of paper that indicates our marriage is going to end at some point. I am warning you right now baby, that I am not letting you go. You are stuck with me until death. Is that something you are comfortable with? No divorces, no matter how hard it gets between us. We talk things over, no matter what and we do not go a day angry at each other.”

“I agree,” She told him huskily. “I love you, Henry.”

“I will never get tired of hearing it.”


In the end he agreed to include their families. “if they cannot make it to the courthouse, we do this without them, I mean it baby.” He told her firmly.

It was amazing how tons of money could get the wheels turning! He acquired the license the next morning and left her only so that he could go back to his apartment to get dressed for the wedding. She called her sister and told her of the plan and Sadie agreed to call off work and bring David with her.
She then called Leesa, Monique and Kelly and told them the plan. “I am sorry ladies, but Henry insisted it has to be today. I have no idea what I am going to wear.”

“I am getting a dress for you,” Monique told her firmly. “I have the perfect one for the occasion and shoes as well as accessories. What is the stone in your ring?”
“I have no idea,” Diana said with a shaky laugh. “Henry is taking no chances. And girls I am pregnant.”

There were screams of delight at that. “Stay put darling. It is after nine now so there is still enough time to put everything together. I am going to call Bryce for him to come over and do your hair and makeup. It is not a society wedding but that does not mean you don’t get to look damned good!” Leesa told her.

“And we are coming to the wedding.” Kelly told her.
“Thank you.” Diana said gratefully.

“It’s what we do darling.” Leesa announced. “We will see you in a bit.”


“Are you coming or not?” Henry asked her coolly as he stood at his desk, shifting through his messages. He had come to the office only to let Jessica know that he would be unavailable for the rest of the week and the reason for it and had called his sister inside his office.

“Look, I know you are angry with me- “

“I am over that. Diana is going to be my wife and we are going to have a baby, so I am in a forgiving mood.”
“All I am saying is that you do it the right way.”
“I am getting married today,” He looked at her and she stepped back at the blaze from his blue-grey eyes. “It is up to you if you want to be a part of it. I already told Simone to go home and get ready. One of the drivers will take you to the ceremony which begins precisely at noon. The pilot is on standby to take us to Ricci Island as soon as we are married. I am standing here wasting time arguing with you when I need to call my barber to get a shave and trim and put some clothes on. In or out, Janet?”
“I am in,” She walked over to him and placed a reconciliatory hand on his arm. “You are my brother and I love you very much. I thought I was protecting you.”
His expression softened as he looked at her. “I appreciate that, but I love this woman to pieces and my life does not mean a damn without her. Also, she is not signing a prenup.”

Janet nodded. “I will go home and get ready and meet you at the courthouse. I also have some apologizing to do when I see my future sister-in-law.”

Henry nodded and squeezed her hand. “I have to get some things done before I leave.” He waited until she had left to take out the black velvet box out of desk drawer and opened it to stare at the exquisite diamond and sapphire set that had set him back thousands, but he had wanted the best for her. Only that would be good enough!


By twelve thirty they were pronounced husband and wife. He had been surprised to see the three women there along with their husbands, men who were members of his club but was pleased that they had made the effort to be there. He had arrived there before her, resplendent in an ash grey suit with a shell pink shirt and a single red rose in his lapel and had stared in shock at the woman walking into the courthouse! The dress was a pastel creation with thin straps and bodice that hugged her lovingly. It had a full skirt that swirled around her long legs every time she moved, and her hair was a glorious shiny mass that had been brushed and coiled into an intricate style on top of her head. Diamonds sparkled at her lobes and throat and her makeup was flawless. Henry felt his heart slammed clear into his chest as he stared at the vision standing next to him. He reached for her hand and held it the entire time as they repeated their vows in front of friends and families and before long, thy were declared husband and wife. His eyebrows lifted in surprise when she produced a plain gold wedding band and slid it onto his finger. “To make sure everyone knows that you are taken.” She told him with a wicked smile.

“I am thinking of taking out an ad.” He said with some gravity as he lifted her left hand and kissed it tenderly before taking her into his arms, sealing their union with an achingly tender kiss.

There was a flurry of activities as she was officially welcomed into the ‘family’ of women who had done it before. Married to men who belonged to the same club, women who had gone onto becoming powerhouses around the world! Women who were in love with their husbands and whose husbands adored them! Women and men setting new precedents where love and relationships were concerned.

“I want to apologize and welcome you to the family. “Janet told her quietly as she waited her turn to offer her congratulations. “Henry told me that you guys are flying off to Italy in a few minutes. I am hoping that you would allow me to host a dinner for you as soon as you get back.”

“Thank you,” Diana inclined her head formally, still not yet ready to forgive the woman who had sent her world crashing down.

“Look, Diana” Janet took her hands and led her to one corner of the room away from the crowd. “I made a huge mistake and almost destroyed my brother’s life. I want to make up for it.”

Diana stared at her for a moment and then nodded. “I have the man I love with my entire being and am wearing his ring and carrying his child, I am certainly inclined to be mellow.”

“Thank you.” She said with a dazzling smile, turning it towards the man who came up next to her and pulled her into his arms.

“We have to go baby.” He bent to kiss the top of her head, his eyes going to his sister. “Thanks for coming.”

“Where else would I be?” she asked, tears shimmering in her eyes. “I am so happy for you.”


She was dazzled by the interior of the luxury private jet that looked more like a five-star hotel! They had refreshments served to them by a middle-aged woman dressed professionally in burgundy and gold uniform and a pink champagne cake that Henry had ordered.

He took her into the bedroom, along with the rest of the meal and slices of the cake. Sitting on the side of the bed. He pulled her between his legs. “The flight is about eleven hours and we are making a stop in Paris before we go on to Italy. I want to show you the sights and we might stay overnight at an apartment we have there.” He pulled her onto his lap and started to take out the pins from her hair, watching as it fell in luxuriant waves past her shoulders and down her back. “I love you Mrs. Lincoln,” he said huskily. “You have turned my life around and for that I will always love you.”
She wrapped her hands around his neck, her fingers running through his hair. “You have done the same for me.” She murmured huskily as she leaned into him. “Are we going to christen the bed?”
“Most definitely,” he told her with a grin. Plucking her off his lap, he placed her on the bed and turned to run his hands through her hair, loosening the curls. “You are so beautiful.” He whispered. “I thought I was dreaming when I saw you standing next to me. You do realize that you are stuck with me, right?”
“There is no one I would rather be stuck with than you.” She ran her fingers over his clean-shaven jaw. “You got rid of the growth.”

“I could not very well show up at my own wedding looking bedraggled now, could I?” he responded, his eyes twinkling in amusement. “I certainly would not deserve to stand next to the most exquisite creature in the world.”
“You are exaggerating.”

“I am not.” He shifted away from her so that he could take of his jacket and shirt. She helped him with his belt and unbuttoned his pants. Getting to his feet he finished the job and came back to take off her dress. “We won’t be disturbed.” He whispered as he unhooked her bra and slid it over her shoulders. “Not for anything.” He finished undressing her, running his hands over her body and lingering against her flat stomach. “I feel like pinching myself.”


“I cannot believe that you are here with me as my wife.”
She gasped as his fingers found her sex and sank into the warmth of her. “Believe it.” She gripped his wrist, her fingers digging into the skin when he went in deep and started thrusting into her.
“I cannot seem to get enough of you.” Bending his head, he took a nipple inside his mouth. She cut off the scream, her free hand coming up to grip his head as she moved her hips in response to the thrusts of his fingers.

The flame was starting to lick at her, the heat almost impossible to bear! She cried out his name as the climax slammed into her at a rapid pace! He did not stop until she was a trembling mass against him, his mouth pulling at her nipples urgently, sending darts of fire throughout her body. Easing his fingers out, he released her nipple and moved back a little to lubricate his throbbing erection with the moisture from her. She watched through slumberous eyes, her body still vibrating, her nipples wet from his mouth and aching from the touch. Climbing on top of her, he hovered there for a moment, his eyes burning into hers. He shuddered in surprised delight when she reached between them and closed her hand over him, pulling back the skin and touching the tip of him, her finger probing the hollow there. He moved against her hand, his breathing ragged, his body taut with need. Taking her cue from him, she closed her fist around him and moved her hand up and down the length of him.

“Sweetheart,” His voice was thick, his throat dry. “Enough.”
“Not yet.” She whispered as she increased the speed. With a shaky laugh, he removed her hand and guided his erection inside her, pushing into her, his hands coming up to frame her face. “I was close to spilling all over your hand baby.” His head bent and he took her lips with his, capturing her moans as he drove into her, his control splintering!


Her first meeting with the royals almost had her tongue tied, especially the formidable looking man that Tiana had married to and who her husband addressed informally as Francesco instead of using his title. The King was not there, nor were the younger princes as they were off on a European tour for the summer. The stopover to Paris had been magical and they had ended up spending two days there, barely making it out of bed to go on a tour. Now they were at the palace for the weekend and from the moment they stepped off the plane, she was enchanted with the place. It was the height of summer and the scent of vines blossoming as well as varied vegetations lend a kind of magical feeling to the very clean air. Tiana was charming and welcomed her with open arms. Francesco was a little formal and greeted her by taking her hand and pressing it but greeting Henry with a grin and a slap on the shoulder. The twins were sweet and beautiful, and Diana found herself falling in love with them. Dinner was a formal affair where they had to dress in evening wear for the seven-course meal, served by several uniformed maids. Diana went up with Tiana after dinner to sit in her private sitting room and talk while the men stayed downstairs to play pool and catch up.

“No doubt they are using the opportunity to talk business,” Tiana said with a shake of her head. “Those two are impossible.” She squeezed Diana’s hand. “it is so good to meet you. We were supposed to have been invited to the wedding, but Henry explained what had happened. I know your story of course,” Amusement danced in her dark brown eyes. “My husband told me that you gave him a run for his money.”
“Not as much as I had wanted to.” Diana said with a laugh, relaxing back against the silk cushions. “I am afraid that I was too in love with him to carry out my plans for making me suffer like that.”
“Love have a way of making us very forgiving.” Tiana said soberly. “Francesco was such an idiot when we met. He had this thing inside his head that he could not get involved with an employee and ignored the signs that we were supposed to be together. He went out of his way and got engaged to a woman he thought was suitable, just to prove a point. It created quite a scandal, something that could have been avoided if he was not so stubborn.”

They continued talking a little bit before both men came upstairs to retire.
“I reminded Francesco that we are still on our honeymoon,” Henry said as he pulled her up gently and wrapped his arms around her. “And that I would much rather be spending time with my lovely wife than talking business with him. Besides, I was trouncing him at the pool table and felt sorry for him.” His blue-grey eyes met those of Tiana’s. “You need to get someone to teach him the game.”

“I am very good at it,” Tiana said with a laugh as she went over to link her hand through her husband’s arm. “His ego will not allow him to let me teach him the game.”

“My wife lets me win each time. You should take a page from her book.” Francesco told him with a lift of his dark eyebrows.

“I am not into making you feel good.” Henry told him with a laugh. “See you in the morning.”


“Happy?” he whispered later that night after he had finished making love to her and rolled to his side, gathering her into his arms.

“Impossibly so.” She snuggled into his arms, breathing in the scent of his spicy cologne and loving the feel of him against her skin. “I never that happiness like this exists and I want to celebrate each day with you.”
“We will.” He whispered against her lips. “Every single day, my darling wife.”


Their son, Evan Henry was born the second Saturday in March on a particularly wintry day with piles of snow from the day before settling on the ground. The birth was surprisingly easy, with the labor lasting five hours before the beautiful baby boy with the curly dark brown hair and eyes came into the world, uttering cries of indignation! The private hospital room was crowded with Henry’s sister, her husband and Simone who had taken the weekend off from school to come and meet her baby cousin as well as Sadie and David.
“He is so beautiful,” Simone whispered as she finally got her chance to cradle him in her arms. “I think he has your nose Uncle Henry and your mouth Aunt Diana.” She had gotten close to the woman her uncle had married right after they had come back from their honeymoon last July and had started coming over for dinner almost every Sunday. Simone had ended up spending a lot of time with her as her pregnancy progressed and she had been unable to go anywhere much. Henry had insisted on hiring a professional to do the design of the nursery because he had told her that he did not want her to lift a finger. He had surprised her right after they came back from their honeymoon by presenting her with a building uptown where she could have her own agency which was doing very well. She had hired an assistant and had persuaded her sister to quit her job and come and work for her.

“Okay, I insist that we let my wife get some rest.” Henry told them firmly as he took his son from Simone. “The doctors said she should be going home tomorrow but she needs to get some sleep.” He handed his son to one of the nurses and waited until everyone had left the room before closing the doors behind them and coming back to take his place on the bed next to her. “You need to get some sleep.” He murmured as he kissed the top of her head.

“Let me bask in my role as a mother for a few more minutes.” She said as she snuggled against him. “he is beautiful, isn’t he?”
“With a mother like you, there is no helping that.” He brushed back her hair and placed his chin on top of her head. “We should hire someone.”
“Not yet. I want to spend some time with him first.”

He shifted so that he was lying against the pillows and cradling her head on his chest. “Have I told you lately, how much I love you?” he asked her tenderly.

“Not since I delivered our son.”
“I love you, Diana Stephanie Lincoln.”
“And I adore you, Henry Elliot Lincoln, always and forever.”

The end... but wait:

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A sexy over 40's royal romance by J A Fielding of BWWM Club.

Although she’s happy with her life, 42-year-old Elaine has never found a fulfilling relationship.

In fact, she’s recently got out of a relationship with someone who was supposed to go with her on a much-needed vacation to Greece.

But now she’s going alone!

It was supposed to be her dream vacation…

But never did she imagine that she would fall in love with the prince of Greece himself, Alexander Giannopoulos!

His cheeky charm and good looks intrigue Elaine…

And Alexander is smitten by her as well!

Spark fly between them…

But one glaring problem is this: they come from two completely different worlds!

Will they both be able to follow their heart?

Or will they risk further heartbreak?

Find out in this emotional yet sexy romance by J A Fielding of BWWM Club.

Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll start dreaming about your own prince charming!

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Also available: You Make Me Whole by Cadence Williams:


A sexy marriage romance by Cadence Williams of BWWM Club.

Billionaire Cameron Aldrin is a famous celebrity and the host of a popular TV show, whose life

completely flips when he’s caught on camera swearing up a storm after breaking a tooth!

With his job now on the line, the dental emergency lands him in the office of specialist Anais Hutcherson.

Little did Cameron know that his gorgeous dentist already has a crush on him!

And lucky for Anais, Cameron is completely smitten by her too!

But Cameron and Anais come from two completely different worlds…

And their careers have always been the most important thing in their lives…

Will they be able to make their relationship work?

Or will it just remain a casual fling?

Find out in this emotional yet sexy romance by Cadence Williams of BWWM Club.

Suitable for over 18s only due to sizzling hot sex scenes that are sure to make you sweat!

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