16+1 initiative, 252

78020 (cyberwarfare unit), 184

Abe, Shinzo: and Chinese submarine, 135; and constitutional changes, 156; election of, 155; and Modi, on South China Sea, 147; and nationalist sentiment, 151; and Xi Jinping, 15657

Academy of Military Science of the People’s Liberation Army, 140

Act East policy, 144

Agreed Framework, 18687

AIIB. See Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Air Defense Identification Zone, 155, 244

Akihito, 149

Alexander, Danny, 25455

Allison, Graham, 21920

American Foreign Policy Council, 145

Amnesty International, 124

AMTI report, 157

Anatomy of Failure: Why America Loses Every War It Starts, The (Ullman), 222

Anderlini, Jamil, 189

Apple, 19, 240, 257

Aquino, Benigno, 72, 73

Aquino, Corazon, 73, 84, 88

Aquino, Ninoy, 73, 83

Arroyo, Gloria Macapagal, 73

Art of War, The (Tzu), 30

ASEAN. See Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Ashok, A. A., 12223

Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, 29, 53, 104, 157

Asia-Pacific Affairs Subcommittee, 98

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit, 157

Asian Development Bank (ADB), 252, 253

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), 142, 25256, 263

Asian Relations Conference, 113

Association of Southeast Asian nations (ASEAN), 56, 61, 63, 64, 68, 231

Ateneo de Manila University, 160

Atlantic, The, 219

Australia, Joint Intelligence Committee of, on China, 5052

Avery, William H., 138

Azar, Masood, 144

Bajo de Masinloc. See Masinloc

Ban Ki-Moon, 219

Bangladesh: and China, port construction of, 139; creation of, 4748; and gross domestic product per capita, 112; and Indian initiative, 141; and Pakistan, nuclear development of, 129; and rebellions, 116; and slavery, 115

Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal Initiative, 141

Beatles, 174

Becoming a Great Maritime Power: A Chinese Dream (McDevitt), 221

Beijing, Convention of, 37

Beijing, description of, 257

Being the Other: The Muslim in India (Naqvi), 126

Belt and Road Initiative, 19, 28; and AIIB, 255; and Beijing summit on, 23637; Carrie Gracie on, 239; and India, 141; and Lee Hsien Loong, 67; and London train, 240; and Marshall Plan, 237; and Pakistan, 141; and Panama Canal, 258; and Scarborough Shoal, 70; and String of Pearls, 142

Bennett, Bruce W., 17576, 178

Bernanke, Ben, 253

Bhaba Atomic Research Center (BARC), 128, 132

Bharatiya Janata Party, 125, 126, 128

Bhatia, Shyam, 130

Bhattacharjee, B., 132

Bhutan, 141, 143, 146, 147

Bhutto, Benazir, 130

Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 129

bin Laden, Osama, 130

Blackwill, Robert, 128

Blair, Dennis, 24142, 24445

Bocconi University, 230

Boeing, 240

Boney M, 100

Bou, Zhou, 140

Bremmer, Ian, 254

Brennan, Elliott, 51

Bretton Woods, 224

Brexit, 231

BRICS, 142

Bridging Troubled Waters: China, Japan, and Maritime Order in the East China Sea (Manicom), 158

Broccoli Islands, 33

Brookings Institution, 219

Brown, Kerry, 228

BRP Gregorio del Pilar, 195

BRP Sierra Madre, 71

Bush, George W., 128, 18587, 201

Caine, Michael, 232

Cam Ranh Bay, 98, 144

Cambodia, 59, 6163, 9799

Camp Lemonnier, 139

Campbell, John, 176

Campbell, Kurt M., 69, 21718

Canada, 51, 182, 231, 252

Carter, Ash, 219

Center for International Business Ethics, 223, 227

Center for Naval Analysis 221

Center for Strategic and International Studies, 29, 172, 241

Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, 66

Century of Humiliation, 18; and First Opium War, 32, 35; and Great Hall of the People, 159; and Japan, 148; and South China Sea project, 261

Chagos Islands, 247

Changzheng 2, 135

Chellaney, Brahma, 146

Chelsea Bridge, 32

Chen, Edward, 193

Chen Zebo, 194

Cheonan, 188

Chhaupadi, 114

Chiang Kai-Shek, 43

China: and American history, similarities to, 21617; and antipiracy, 140; and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, 25354; and buffers, 35; and cyberattack, blitzkrieg-style, 183; imports from, and nationalism, 230; and India, 4647, 142; and insurgencies, 66; and international law, 246; and International Monetary Fund, 24344; and Japan, 33; and labor camps, 239; and marine environment, 19699; and maritime militia, 19496, 221; and military base, overseas, first, 34; and North Korea, 18991; and nuclear arms, 48; and overseas communities, 60; and Pivot to Asia, 218; and reclaimed land, 34; and Russia, 248; and social inequality, 238; space program of, 182; and Taiwan, 2023; and three warfares, 204; and Trans-Pacific Partnership, 39; and World Trade Organization, 39, 251

China Center for Collaborative Studies of the South China Sea, 227

China Institute of International studies, 35, 237

China Maritime Studies Institute, 28, 140

China National Offshore Oil Corporation, 92, 94

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, 140, 14445

“China Power: Up for Debate,” 241

Chinese Dream, 30

Chinese Invasion Threat: Taiwan’s Defense and American Strategy in Asia, The (Easton), 203

Ching, Frank, 38

Christensen, Tom, 241

Chung-Hua Institute for Economic Research, 205

Churchill, Winston, 258, 262

Civil Rights Act, 216

Clark Air Base, 77, 85

Clinton, Bill, 175, 185, 232

Clinton, Hillary, 6869, 217

Cohen, William, 219

Colantone, Italo, 230

Colgan, Jeff D., 88

“comfort women,” 155, 163

Confucius, 19, 60

Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization (Khanna), 239

Cordesman, Anthony H., 17172

Cow’s Tongue, 52

Creative Screenwriting, 185

Cuaresma, Leonard, 9192

Cuarteron Reef, 52, 54

Cuba, 47, 13435, 171, 189

Culora, Tom, 167, 170, 180, 221

Cultural Revolution, 33, 48, 216

Cyber Warfare Guidance Bureau, 185

Dalai Lama, 42, 45, 145, 146

Danzhou Militia, 195

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 182

Delta 4 (rocket), 182

Democratic People’s Party (Taiwan), 2002, 205

Deng Xiaoping, 152, 228

Department of Homeland Security, 184

Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap? (Allison), 219

Dhulakia, Rajendra, 11920

Dialu Nial, 11519

Diaoyu Islands. See Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands

Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, 15152; and Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, 159; and Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone, 155, 224; and Chinese military policy, 222; and Pivot to Asia, 218; and Sea Palace, 259; and Taiwan, 193; and Trump, 157

Diego Garcia, 247

Dinh Thi Phuong, 103

Djibouti, and Chinese base, 34, 13940

Doklam Plateau, 143, 146

Dongsha Atoll National Park, 197, 199

Dongsha Island, 31, 19299, 207

Duterte, Rodrigo, 73; and antidrug operation, 74; and China, 7677, 89; and Guardian Brotherhood, 87; and insurgencies, 8182, 89; and Islamic State, 81, 89; and military, 8889; and Obama, 7475; and Scarborough Shoal, 3031, 71; and South China Sea, 72, 74; and US bases, 78

Dutton, Peter, 28, 140

East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 186, 217

Easton, Ian, 203

Eastphalia, 22627, 236, 254

EDSA revolution, 84

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 44, 102

Elliot, John, 113, 143

Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, 77

EP-3 Orion, 243

Erawan Shrine, 64

Erickson, Andrew, 194, 203

Estrada, Joseph, 73

Eternal Prosperity Land, 55

Etzioni, Amitai, 222

European Union, 61, 140, 178, 225

Everrich Golden Lake Hotel, 21314

Every Nation for Itself: What Happens When No One Leads the World (Bremmer), 254

Fiery Cross Reef, 54

Financial Times, 189

First Opium War, 32, 3537, 161

fish, and cynide, 198

Five-Eyes intelligence network, 51

Ford, Henry, 229

Foreign Affairs, 88, 18789, 241

Foreign Military Sales program, 142

Foreign Policy, 6869

four-plus-one scenario, 222

Foxconn, 240

Frankental, Peter, 124

Freedom House, 29

Friendship, Peace, and Cooperation, Treaty of, 78

G-Zero, 254

Gandhi, Mahatma, 112

Gandhi, Indira, 137

Gandhi, Rajiv, 137

Gaven Reefs, 54

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 263

Gertz, Bill, 18385

Gladstone, William, 3637

Global Times, 146, 147, 224

globalization, 22931, 235, 236

Goldstein, Lyle J., 158

Goodbye Shahzadi: A Political Biography of Benazir Bhutto (Bhatia), 130

Gove, Michael, 231

Government Communications Headquarters, 184

Gracie, Carrie, 238, 239

Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 238

Great Barrier Reef, 197

Great Leap Forward, 48, 216, 258

Griffiths, Andy, 121

Guardians of Peace, 185

Guningtou, Battle of, 41, 210

Gwadar, 13941

hacienda Luisita, 73

Han, 18, 145, 212

Harold, Scott Warren, 158

Harris, Harry, 245

Harrison, Selig, 187

Hau, Lu Chu, 36

Hawaii, 77, 164, 168

Herberg, Mikkal E., 93

Heydarian, Richard Javad, 160

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, 154

Hitler, Adolph, 72, 229

Ho Chi Minh, 94, 102

Hokushin-ron, 162

Holmes, James, 215

Honasan, Gregorio, 72, 79, 8390

Hong Kong, 37, 67

Hsu Shao-liang, 19798, 207

Hughes Reef, 54

Human Rights Watch, 239

Hun Sen, 63, 98

Implosion: India’s Tryst with Reality (Elliott), 113

India: and American relationship with, 46, 108; and Belt and Road Initiative, 141, 236; and Bhuton, 146; and bonded labor, 11424; and charities, 125; and China, trade with, 142; and China, invasion of, 4647; and corruption, 112; and Dalai Lama, 42, 4546, 146; defense industry of, 142; and Japan, 147; and labor contractors, 117; and Line of Control, 145; and Modi, 125; and Muslim population, 127; and nuclear capability, 48, 12832; and Nuclear Suppliers Group, 144; and poverty, 112, 11424; and the Quad, 51; and Sino-Indian War of 1962, 40, 4647; and social tensions, 12627; and Sri Lanka, 13438; and UN Security Council, 250; and US-built coalition, 108; and Vietnam, 108; and war with Pakistan, 47

India: China’s Nightmare, America’s Dream (Avery), 138

Indian National Congress, and Nehru family, 126

Indo-Pacific, 148

Indonesia, 2021, 34; and ASEAN, 61; and Chinese community, 60, 65; and Muslim community, 6465, 127; and North Natuna Sea, 56; and South China Sea, 6668

Ing-wen, Tsai, 45, 199200, 249

Institute for China-America Studies, 242

Institute for Security and Development Policy, 51

International Court of Justice, 247

International Criminal Court, 24748

International Justice Mission, 115, 119, 121

International Labour Organization (UN), 115

International Maritime Judicial Center, 249

International Space Station, 182, 183

International Studies Institute, 70

Interview, The, 185

Iran: and cyberwarfare, 180; and four-plus-one scenario, 222; and frozen assets, 189; nuclear program of, 130, 181; and UN Security Council, 248

Ishihara, Shintaro, 151

ISIS. See Islamic State

Islamic State: and four-plus-one scenario, 222; and Kashmir, 145; and Philippines, 81; and Xinjiang, 144,

Island of the Dead, 192

Israel, 42, 131, 142, 181, 205, 248

Itu Aba Island, 50, 249

iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age (Gertz), 183

Iwo Jima Memorial, 33, 101, 229

Jaish-e-Mohammed, 144

Jammeh, Yahya, 248

Jammu, 47, 127

Japan, 39; and ADB, 253; and AIIB, 252; and America, attack on, 16768; and America, relationship with, 165, 171; and Belt and Road Initiative, 236; and China, economic relationship between, 153; and China, invasion of, 33; and India, 144, 147; and Indochina, 167; and international law, 127; and International Space Station, 182; and Korea, 16263; and Meiji era, 161; and Nanjing, 33, 159; and Port Arthur, 164; and Senkaku, 151–52 155; and Taiwan, 200; and the Quad, 51; and Trans-Pacific Partnership, 157; and Donald Trump, 157

Jardine, William, 37

John L. Thornton China Center, 219

Johnson Reef, 34, 53, 56

Juche, 173

Kahuta, research center of, 129

Kanagawa Treaty, 16162

Kapunan, Red, 84

Kelly, James, 15859, 186

Kennedy, John F., and India, 46

Keohane, Robert O., 88

Khan A. Q., 12930

Khan, Mohammed Ayub, 47

Khanna, Parag, 23940

Khmer Rouge, 97100

Khrushchev, Nikita, 44, 46

Killing Fields, The, 97

Kim Il-sung, 42, 17274, 180

Kim Jong-il, 172, 188

Kim Jong-un, 172, 174, 176, 181, 185, 188, 189

Kinmen Island, 41, 4344, 20714

Kinmen National Park, 198

Kissinger, Henry, 225

Klingner, Bruce, 18889

Koxinga, 2089

Krishna, Aeshalla, 12122

Kung, T’ai, 2930

Kuomintang party (Taiwan), 201, 205, 212, 251

Land Below the Winds, 32

Lardy, Nicholas, 223

Lee Hsien Loong, 67

Lee Kuan Yew, 57, 58, 62

Lee Su-ching, 19396

Lee, Roy Chun, 205

Lee, Sung-Yoon, 18889

Liaoning, 199

Liberal Democrats, 254, 256

“Liberal Order Is Rigged, The” (Colgan/Keohane), 88

liberty, diminishment of, 29

Lieberthal, Kenneth, 219

Lin Cheng-yi, 192, 206

Lin, Chong-pin, 202, 205

Lincoln, Abraham, 233

Liu Baocheng, 227, 223

Long March 5, 182

Luce, Stephen B., 165

Ly Son, 1038, 195

Mainland Affairs Council, 206

Malaysia, 62, 64; and China, 64; and Islam, 64; and Nine-Dash Line, 52; and Singapore, 60, 62; and Spratly Islands, 31, 54, 246

Mallik, Madhiri, 122

Manchuria, 35, 42, 162

Manicom, James, 158

Mao Zedong, 23, 4148, 178, 259

March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam (Tuchman), 229

Marcos, Ferdinand 8283, 8485

marine environment, 19699

Marine Protected Area, 247

maritime militia, Chinese, 67, 19497, 221. See also Danzhou Militia, Sanya City Militia, and Tanmen Militia

Marshall Plan, 237

Masinloc, 2527, 3031, 34, 71, 91

Masinloc Fishing Association, 30, 91

Massacre Memorial Hall, 159

Mastro, Oriana Skylar, 190

Matheson, James, 37

McDevitt, Mike, 221, 241

McKinley, William, 80, 82, 166

Meiji Restoration, 161

Military History Museum (Vietnam), 1005

Miller, Edward, 168

Mischief Reef, 18, 3334, 53, 54, 71, 194, 261

Modi, Narendra, 73, 88, 12526 and Japan, 147; and United States, 14445

Molina, Guillermo A., Jr., 8990

Monroe, James, 134, 216

Monroe Doctrine, 134, 21516

Monument to the Martyrs of the People, 259

moon, 173

Moro fighters, 8081

Mota family, 11415

Motorola, 240

Musharraf, Pervez, 130

Mutual Defense Treaty, 71

Nanjing Massacre, 33, 15253 159, 167

Nanking, Treaty of, 37

Nanshin-ron, 162

Naqvi, Saeed, 126

Natanz, 181

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 182

National Bureau of Asian Research, 93

National Cyber Security Centre, 184

National History Museum (China), 258

National Institute for South China Sea Studies, 242

National Maritime Museum (Britain’s), 37

National Security Agency (NSA), 184

National Security and Defense Committee, 72

natural gas, 9293

Naval Command College (China), 227

Navarro, Peter, 204

Navigation Act, 215

Neak Leung, 99

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 46, 109, 113, 126

New Development Bank, 142

New Emperors: The Power and the Princelings in China (Brown), 228

New Komeito Party, 156

New People’s Army (Philippines), 89

New Zealand, 5152, 204

Ngo Xuan Lich, 107

Nguyen Can Dong, 52

Nguyen Xuan Phuc, 107

Nguyen, Tran Ngoc, 103

Nicaragua, 139, 247

Nichols, Tom, 231

Nimitz, Chester W., 169

Nine-Dash Line, 52 68, 1035

Nixon, Richard M., 47

Nobuko Shoda, 154

Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Treaty of, 128

North American Free Trade Agreement, 231

North East Cay, 54

North Korea, 172; and China, 18991, 224; and Bill Clinton, 175; and cyberwarfare, 181, 18485; and four-plus-one scenario, 222; and Korean War, 42; and long-range missile test, 171; and moon, 173; and nuclear weapons, 175, 179, 18688; and sanctions, 18889; and Sony Pictures, 185; and South Korea, 191; and Donald Trump, 174, 189; and UN Security Council, 248

North Natuna Sea, 56, 67

Northern Expansion Doctrine, 162

nuclear strike, 4344

Nuclear Suppliers Group, 128, 144

Obama, Barack: and China, 28; and Chinese Maritime Militias, 195; and Duterte, 7475; and G20 summit in China, 76; and North Korea, 17980, 185; and Pivot to Asia, 69; and South China Sea, 14647, 245; and Spratly Islands, 245; and Trans-Pacific Partnership, 157

Occupational Hazards: My Time Governing in Iraq (Stewart), 225

Odierno, Ray, 176

Office of Personnel Management, 184

oil, 9293

One China policy, 47, 199200; and Kinmen, 44; and Taiwan, and diplomatic relations, 206; and Trump, 45

opium, 36

Opium War and Sea Battle Museum, 3637

Opium War Museum, 3839

Opium Wars, 36–39 161; and Century of Humiliation, 32, 35; and Japan, 161

Ortega, Daniel, 139

Oson, Jurrick, 2531

Oxfam, 230

P-8A Poseidon, 246

Paduka Pahala, 81

Pakistan, 112; and China, 127, 14041, 143; and India, 47, 145; and Islamist terrorism, 127, 144;and Khan, 12930; and North Korea, 179; and nuclear capability, 131; and slavery, 115; and West Pakistan (Bangladesh), 4748

Panama Canal, 139, 257

Panasonic, 15253

Paracel Islands, 55; and Amphitrite, 102; and Australia, 50; and China, military bases of, 31; and Danzhou Militia, 195; and oil, 93; and Vietnam, 96, 1057

Paris, of Treaties, 262

Pearl Harbor, 165, 16768

Pei, I. M., 157

Permanent Court of Arbitration: and Britain 247; and Philippines, 52, 74, 246, 249; and Taiwan, 249

Perry, Matthew, 161

Peterson Institute for International Economics, 223

Petraeus, David, 219

Pew Research Center, 232

Phan Din, 106

Phan Thi Hue, 106

Philippines, 7193; and American dominance, 7982; and ASEAN, 61; and Guardian Brotherhood, 8788; and Mischief Reef, 71; and Muslims, 59, 8081; and Second Thomas Shoal, 54, 71. See also Duterte, Rodrigo and Scarborough Shoal

piracy, 140

Pivot to Asia, 19, 6870, 217, 252

Pivot: The Future of American Statecraft in Asia, The (Campbell), 21718

Pol Pot, 97, 99, 178

Polaris program, 247

Poling, Gregory B.: on international law, 29; and reefs, militarization of, and China, 5355; and Vietnam, 104

Port Arthur, 16264

Prabhakaran, Velupillai, 137

Pratas Island, 192

Prayas Center for Labor Research Action, 121

Preparing for the Possibility of a North Korean Collapse, 176

Puri, Hardeep Singh, 248

Purnama, Basuki Tjahaja, 65

Qionghai 02096, 194

Quad, 51

Quemoy, 209

Rajak, Najib Tun, 64

Rajan, Rosean, 12022

Rajapaksa, Mahinda, 138

Raleigh, Walter, 13

RAM boys, 83

Ramos, Fidel, 73, 88

Rand Center for Asia Policy, 158

RAND Corporation: on China, 169, 22021; on North Korea, 176, 178

Reagan, Ronald, and Broccoli Islands, 33

Reform the Armed Forces Movement, 83

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, 252

Repsol, 95

Rice, Susan, 45

Roehrig, Terence, 176

Roosevelt, 162, 163, 167

Rosen, Mark E., 246

Rumsfeld, Donald, 186

Russia, 108, 142,; and American history, similarities to, 217; and China, and international law, 248; and cyberwarfare, 180, 181, 185; and four-plus-one scenario, 222; and International Space Station, 183; and Japan, 162, 164

“salami slicing,” 30

San Francisco, Treaty of, 262

Sanya City Militia, 195

Saudi Arabia, 64, 93, 139

Scarborough Shoal, 27; and Belt and Road Initiative, 28; and Benigno Aquino, 7172; and Chinese expansion, 70; and Chinese Maritime Militia, 19495; and Chinese military planning, 31; and Chinese military strategy, 2930; and clams, 19697; and oil, 93; and Permanent Court of Arbitration, 52; and Rodrigo Duterte, 30. See also Masinloc

School of International Studies, 219

Sea Palace, 259

Second Opium War, 37, 161

Second Thomas Shoal, 54, 71

Senkaku Islands. See Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands

Shan State, 66

Shanghai Cooperation Organization, 252

Sihanouk, Norodom, 63

Singapore, 59, 60, 6263, 67

Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship, 152

Sino-Vietnamese War, 9798

Sirisena, Maithripala, 138

Six Secret Teachings on the Way of Strategy, The (Kung), 2930

Smith, Jeff M., 145

Solarz, Stephen, 9899

Sony Pictures Entertainment, 185

South Korea: and AIIB, 252; and Cheonan, 188; and cyberwarfare, 185; and North Korea, 19091; and US anti-missile defense system, 179

South West Cay, 54

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 61

Southern Expansion Doctrine, 162

Spanish-American War, 164

Speer, Albert, 257

Spratly Islands, 15, 54; and Australia, 50; and China, military bases of, 18, 31, 33, 49, 52; and China, military expansion policy of, 222; and clam poachers, 196; and “freedom of navigation” operation, 245; and Ly Son, 105; and Nine-Dash Line, 52, 104; and oil, 93; and Permanent Court of Arbitration, 246, 249; and Repsol, 95; and shipping, 244; and Trường Sa, 104; and Vietnam, 54. See also Johnson Reef and Mischief Reef

Sputnik, 182

Sri Lanka, 116, 13439

Stanig, Piero, 230

Stanton, Joshua, 18889

Star Wars project, 183

Steinbeck, John, 238

Sterling, Dan, 185

Stewart, Rory, 225

Stiglitz, Joseph E., 253

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 131

Strategic Defense Initiative, 183

String of Pearls, 142

Stuxnet, 181

Subi Reef, 34, 5254, 78

Summers, Lawrence, 253

Sun Yat-sen, 163, 22627

Sun Zhu, 203

Taiping, 50, 249

Taiping Rebellion, 39

Taiwan, 21, 4041; and China, 43, 67, 2023; and defense industry, 205; and Democratic People’s Party, 200; and Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, 193; diplomatic relations of, 206; and Japan, 162; and Kuomintang party, 201; and One China policy, 45, 199, 206; and Permanent Court of Arbitration, 249; and Singapore, joint exercises with, 67; and Spratly Islands, 31, 54, 249; and Donald Trump, 45, 199; and United Nations, 201, 202; and Xi Jinping, 201–2. See also Dongsha Island and Kinmen Island

Taiwan National Museum, 43

Tamil minority, 136

Tamil Tigers, 13637

Tanmen Militia, 194

Tawang, 47, 14546

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, 179

Thailand, 59, 61, 6364, 66, 130

Thatcher, Margaret, 9899

three warfares, 204

Thucydides Trap, 220 “Thucydides Trap: Are the US and China Headed for War?, The” (Allison), 219

Tiananmen Square, description of, 259

Tibet, 42, 4546, 143, 14546

Tillerson, Rex, 224

Time, 245

Tran Cong Truc, 107

Trans-Pacific Partnership, 39, 15758, 231, 252

Trilateral Highway Project, 141

Trump, Donald: and North Korea, 17475, 179, 18890; and One China policy, 45 199200; and Spratly Islands, 245; and Taiwan, 199201, 206; and Trans-Pacific Partnership, 231, 252; and Xi Jinping, 45

Trường Sa, 104

Tsai Ing-wen, 200; and defense, 205; and One China Principal, 201; and Spratly Islands, 249; and Trump, 45, 199

Tuchman, Barbara, 229

Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, 99

Tzu, Sun, 30

Uighur, 64

Ullman, Harlan, 69, 222

UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, 52, 246, 247

UN Security Council, 132, 137, 248, 250, 251

Unit 121, 185

Unit 61398, 184

United Nations (UN): and bonded laborers, 11415, 122, 123, 239; and India, and nuclear weapons, 128; and Indian-Pakistani war, 47; and Khmer Rouge, 98; and North Korea, 42, 171; and One China policy, 44; restructuring of, 263; and Scarborough Shoal, 27, 52. See also UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and UN Security Council

US Center for Naval Analyses, 221, 241, 246

US Computer Emergency Readiness Team, 184

US Cyber Command, 184

US National Intelligence Council, 218

US Naval War College, 158, 165; on China’s Maritime Militia, 194, 221; and Japan, 163, 167; on Monroe Doctrine, 21516; and North Korean scenario, 17678; and Taiwanese defense, 203; and War Plan Orange, 16364

US-India Strategic Partnership, 127

USNS Impeccable, 195

Vatikiotis, Michael, 66

Venecia, Jose de, Jr., 92

Verma, Richard, 145

Versailles, Treaty of, 262

Vienna, Congress of, 225, 262

Vietnam, 70, 94108; and “comprehensive and strategic cooperation” agreement, 108; and Cambodia, 97; and defense, 108; and France, 1012; and Ly Son, 1037; and Nine-Dash Line, 52, 68, 1034; and oil, 92, 95; and Paracel Islands, 52, 5556; population of, 20; and Sino-Vietnamese War, 9798; and South China Sea, 102; and Soviet Union, 98; and Spratly Islands, 31, 54, 56, 246; and the Necessary War, 1023; and Trường Sa, 104

virtual private network, 257

Vo Nguyen Giap, 101

Vo Van Chuc, 1057

Vo Van Giau, 1056, 195

VPN, 257

Vu Vanh King, 107

Wang Jisi, 219

Wang, Isaac, 21113, 240

War Plan Orange (Miller), 168

War Plan Orange, 163, 16470

War with China: Thinking Through the Unthinkable, 169, 22021

Watson, Thomas, 229

West Philippine Sea, 28

Westphalia, Treaty of, 225, 226, 232

White Horse Village, 23839

Wickrama, Priyath B., 136

Wingfield-Hayes, Rupter, 19697

Woody Island, 55

World Bank, 224, 25253, 255

World Order (Kissinger), 225

World Trade Organization, 39, 231, 251, 263

World War I: and Japan, 166; and League of Nations, 22425

World War Two, and current world order, 224

Wu Shengli, 165

Wu Shicun, 24245

Wuxi New Town, 239

Xi Jinping, 19, 38; and Abe, 15657; and Belt and Road Initiative, 2829, 70, 23637; and Cambodia, 63; and Massacre Memorial Hall, 159; on Opium Wars, 38; and Taiwan, 2012; and Thucydides Trap, 220; and Donald Trump, 45, 189; and Two Guidances, 236; and World Economic Forum, 235

Xiamen, 44, 20711, 257

Xinjiang, 18, 35, 42, 47, 64, 141, 14344

Xu Detan, 194

Xu Guangyu, 46, 2034, 22122

Yamamoto, Isoroku, 165, 167, 168

Yang Jiechi, 68

Yasay, Perfecto, 9091

Ye, Milton Nong, 39

Yeltsin, Boris, 252

Yeo, George, 60

Yeongpyeong Island, 188

Yogi Adityanath, 126

Yonxing, 55

Yu Ning, 194

Zexu, Lin, 36

Zha Daojiong, 241

Zheng Chenggong, 208

Zhongnanhai, 259

Zhongzhe, Ruan, 237

Zhu Feng, 226

Zongze, Ruan, 35, 70, 249