If you've made it this far, then you should have a good understanding of how to use Python to construct a user-mode debugger for Windows. We'll now move on to learning how to harness the power of PyDbg, an open source Python debugger for Windows. PyDbg was released by Pedram Amini at Recon 2006 in Montreal, Quebec, as a core component in the PaiMei[25] reverse engineering framework. PyDbg has been used in quite a few tools, including the popular proxy fuzzer Taof and a Windows driver fuzzer that I built called ioctlizer. We will start with extending breakpoint handlers and then move into more advanced topics such as handling application crashes and taking process snapshots. Some of the tools we'll build in this chapter can be used later on to support some of the fuzzers we are going to develop. Let's get on with it.

In the previous chapter we covered the basics of using event handlers to handle specific debugging events. With PyDbg it is quite easy to extend this basic functionality by implementing user-defined callback functions. With a user-defined callback, we can implement custom logic when the debugger receives a debugging event. The custom code can do a variety of things such as read certain memory offsets, set further breakpoints, or manipulate memory. Once the custom code has run, we return control to the debugger and allow it to resume the debuggee.

The PyDbg function to set soft breakpoints has the following prototype:

bp_set(address, description="",restore=True,handler=None)

The address parameter is the address where the soft breakpoint should be set; the description parameter is optional and can be used to uniquely name each breakpoint. The restore parameter determines whether the breakpoint should automatically be reset after it's handled, and the handler parameter specifies which function to call when this breakpoint is encountered. Breakpoint callback functions take only one parameter, which is an instance of the pydbg() class. All context, thread, and process information will already be populated in this class when it is passed to the callback function.

Using our script, let's implement a user-defined callback function. For this exercise, we will read the value of the counter that is used in the printf loop and replace it with a random number between 1 and 100. One neat thing to remember is that we are actually observing, recording, and manipulating live events inside the target process. This is truly powerful! Open a new Python script, name it, and enter the following code.

from pydbg import *
from pydbg.defines import *

import struct
import random

# This is our user defined callback function
def printf_randomizer(dbg):

    # Read in the value of the counter at ESP + 0x8 as a DWORD
    parameter_addr = dbg.context.Esp + 0x8
    counter = dbg.read_process_memory(parameter_addr,4)

    # When we use read_process_memory, it returns a packed binary
    # string. We must first unpack it before we can use it further.
    counter = struct.unpack("L",counter)[0]
    print "Counter: %d" % int(counter)

    # Generate a random number and pack it into binary format
    # so that it is written correctly back into the process
    random_counter = random.randint(1,100)
    random_counter = struct.pack("L",random_counter)[0]

    # Now swap in our random number and resume the process

    return DBG_CONTINUE

# Instantiate the pydbg class
dbg = pydbg()

# Now enter the PID of the process
pid = raw_input("Enter the PID: ")

# Attach the debugger to that process

# Set the breakpoint with the printf_randomizer function
# defined as a callback
printf_address = dbg.func_resolve("msvcrt","printf")

# Resume the process

Now run both the and the scripts. The output should look similar to what is shown in Table 4-1.

You can see that the debugger set a breakpoint on the fourth iteration of the infinite printf loop, because the counter as recorded by the debugger is set to 4. You will also notice that the script ran fine until it reached iteration 4; instead of outputting the number 4, it output the number 32! It is clear to see how our debugger records the real value of the counter and sets the counter to a random number before it is output by the debugged process. This is a simple yet powerful example of how you can easily extend a scriptable debugger to perform additional actions when debugging events occur. Now let's take a look at handling application crashes with PyDbg.

An access violation occurs inside a process when it attempts to access memory it doesn't have permission to access or in a particular way that it is not allowed. The faults that lead to access violations range from buffer overflows to improperly handled null pointers. From a security perspective, every access violation should be reviewed carefully, as the violation might be exploited.

When an access violation occurs within a debugged process, the debugger is responsible for handling it. It is crucial that the debugger trap all information that is relevant, such as the stack frame, the registers, and the instruction that caused the violation. You can now use this information as a starting point for writing an exploit or creating a binary patch.

PyDbg has an excellent method for installing an access violation handler, as well as utility functions to output all of the pertinent crash information. Let's first create a test harness that will use the dangerous C function strcpy() to create a buffer overflow. Following the test harness, we will write a brief PyDbg script to attach to and handle the access violation. Let's start with the test script. Open a new file called, and enter the following code.

from pydbg import *
from pydbg.defines import *

# Utility libraries included with PyDbg
import utils

# This is our access violation handler
def check_accessv(dbg):

    # We skip first-chance exceptions
    if dbg.dbg.u.Exception.dwFirstChance:
            return DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED

    crash_bin = utils.crash_binning.crash_binning()
    print crash_bin.crash_synopsis()



pid = raw_input("Enter the Process ID: ")

dbg = pydbg()

Now run the file and take note of its PID; it will pause until you are ready to let it run. Execute the file, and enter the PID of the test harness. Once you have the debugger attached, hit any key in the console where the harness is running, and you will see output similar to Example 4-1.

The output reveals many pieces of useful information. The first portion Crash output using PyDbg crash binning utility tells you which instruction caused the access violation as well as which module that instruction lives in. This information is useful for writing an exploit or if you are using a static analysis tool to determine where the fault is. The second portion Crash output using PyDbg crash binning utility is the context dump of all the registers; of particular interest is that we have overwritten EAX with 0x41414141 (0x41 is the hexadecimal value of the capital letter A). As well, we can see that the ESI register points to a string of A characters, the same as for a stack pointer at ESP+08. The third section Crash output using PyDbg crash binning utility is a disassembly of the instructions before and after the faulting instruction, and the final section Crash output using PyDbg crash binning utility is the list of structured exception handling (SEH) handlers that were registered at the time of the crash.

You can see how simple it is to set up a crash handler using PyDbg. It is an incredibly useful feature that enables you to automate the crash handling and postmortem of a process that you are analyzing. Next we are going to use PyDbg's internal process snapshotting capability to build a process rewinder.

[25] The PaiMei source tree, documentation, and development roadmap can be found at