Understanding and Interacting with Koreans
Abeoji 아버지 The “Father” Culture
Aeyok 애욕 Eroticism in Korean Life
Anae 아내 Wives: The Inside People
Arirang 아리랑 The Korean Soul Song
Baek Il 백일 The Hundredth Day Party
Bipyeong 비평 The Pitfalls of Criticism
Bohojuui 보호주의 Protectionism Korean Style
Bojeungkeum 보증금 Paying “Key Money”
Bok/O-Bok 복/오복 Blessings from the Spirits
Chaebeol 재벌 The Industrial Colossi
Chae-myeon 체면 Saving Everybody’s Face
Chakeupjajok 자급자족 The Self-Sufficiency Syndrome
Chameulseong 참을성 You Gotta Have Patience!
Chebeol 체벌 Collective Punishment
Chimsul 침술 Needling Cosmic Power
Chung 충 Loyalty in a Korean Setting
Dabang 다방 Coffee Shops and Cafés
Dangol 단골 Creating Special Customers
Dodeok 도덕 Circumstantial Morality
Dongchang Hoe 동창회 Alumni Groupism
Dongnip 독립 Independence vs. Tradition
Haekgajok 핵가족 Two-Generation Families
Haengbok 행복 The Pursuit of Happiness
Haksaeng 학생 The World of Korean Students
Han 한 The “Force” Is with Them
Han Yak 한약 The Herbal Way to Health
Hangeul/Hanja 한글/한자 Korea’s Writing Systems
Hanguksaram 한국사람 The Korean People
Hanguk Yeoksa 한국역사 Korea: A Historical Saga
Hanjeong Shik 한정식 A Korean Meal
Hankuk Mal 한국말 The Korean Language
Hwangap/Jingap 환갑/진갑 Celebrating Sixty/Seventy Years
Hyo 효 The Power of Filial Piety
Ilbonsaram 일본사람 The Japanese Factor
In’gan Kwan’gye 인간관계 Interpersonal Relations
Injong 인종 Affection and Compassion
Innae 인내 A Culture of Enduring
Isangajok 이산가족 The Divided Families
Jeomjaengi 점쟁이 The Fortune-Tellers
Jeongmal 정말 The Color of Truth
Jeongshik 정식 Doing Things by the Book
Jeongui 정의 Justice Korean Style
Jeontu/Ssa-um 전투/싸움 Fighting at the Drop of a Hat
Jiwi 지위 Paying Attention to Rank
Jiyeok Kaldeung 지역갈등 The Scourge of Regionalism
Jonggyo 종교 Faces of Korean Religions
Jongyeong 존경 Paying Proper Respect
Josang Sungbae 조상숭배 Ancestor Worship
Joseon 조선 Land of Morning Calm
Juche 주체 Searching for Self-Reliance
Juso 주소 Finding the Right Place
Kamdong 감동 When Emotions Were Taboo
Kanan 가난 Taking Comfort in Poverty
Kateun Sosui Bap 같은 솥의 밥 Eating from the Same Rice Bowl
Keomdo 검도 The Way of the Sword
Kidokyo 기독교 Christianity in Korea
Kongja 공자 The Master of Masters
Kongson 공손 Courtesy vs. Morality
Kukje Kyeolhon 국제결혼 International Marriages
Kukkajuui 국가주의 Korean Nationalism
Kunsa Munhwa 군사문화 The Military Culture
Kwageo 과거 Selecting the Brightest
Kwalli 관리 “Management Korean Style”
Kwallyojui 관료주의 Bureaucratic Authoritarianism
Kyeongjaeng 경쟁 Competition Korean Style
Kyojesul 교제술 Business Drinking
Matbeoli bubu 맞벌이 부부 Two-Income Families
Munhak 문학 Literature and Culture
Myeongham 명함 Playing Your Name Cards
Myeongye 명예 The Need for Honor
Namja/Nampyeon 남자/남편 The Outside Person
Noemul 뇌물 Bribery vs. Gift Giving
Nolli 논리 Beware of Being Logical
Norae 노래 Singing Your Way to Success
Noye 노예 The Pre-modern Slave Culture
Nunchi 눈치 Korea’s Cultural Telepathy
Oegugin 외국인 Encounters with Foreigners
Ondol 온돌 Hot Times on the Floor
Pi Si Bang (“PC Bang”) 피시방 Getting Online
Po Teol 포털 Korean Internet/Portal Sites
Pulda 풀다 Eliminating Office Stress
Pumjil 품질 Quality as a Cultural Thing
Pungsu 풍수 Keeping in Cosmic Harmony
Sagwa 사과 The Role of the Apology
San 산 Korea’s Sacred Mountains
Sayang 사양 Keeping a Low Profile
Segyehwa 세계화 Korean-Style Globalization
Seodo 서도 Writing as a Cultural Discipline
Seonbae/Hubae 선배/후배 Seniors and Juniors
Seonmul 선물 Gift Giving as “Social Oil”
Seulpeum 슬픔 Sadness in Korean Culture
Shinyong 신용 Operating on Trust
Shipiji 십이지 Living by the Numbers
Silhak 실학 The Coming of Practical Learning
Sogae 소개 Limiting Introductions
Sogaejang 소개장 Letters of Introduction
Sujupeum 수줍음 The Shyness Syndrome
Tae Kwon Do 태권도 Hand-and-Foot Combat
Tong Il 통일 The Great Reunification Dream
Uiri 의리 The Burden of Obligations
Uishik 의식 Contents of the Korean Mind
Ujeong 우정 Friendships in Korean Life
Unmyeong 운명 The Demise of Fate
Uri Nara Saram 우리나라사람 Our Country’s People
Wonmang 원망 The Grudge Syndrome
Yangban 양반 The Mandarins of Korea
Yatpoda 앝보다 Underestimating Koreans
Yeobo/Yeoboseyo 여보/여보세요 Hey There, Darling, Hello!
Yeoldeunguishik 열등의식 The Fading Inferiority Complex
Yeolshimhi Hapsida 열심히 합시다 Let’s Do Our Best!
Yeon/Yeonjul 연/연줄 Relationships and Connections
Yeongeo 영어 The Language Burden