1. Petrovich, Elemental Energy, 71.
1. Stone, When God Was a Woman, 9.
2. Monaghan, Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, x.
3. Gimbutas, Language of the Goddess, 316.
4. Farrar and Farrar, Witches’ Goddess, 57.
5. Stone, When God Was a Woman, 19.
6. Gimbutas, Language of the Goddess, 318.
7. Gimbutas, 318.
8. Gimbutas, 319.
9. Hieronimus and Cortner, Secret Life of Lady Liberty, 87.
1. Campbell, Goddesses, 36.
2. Farrar and Farrar, Witches’ Goddess, 31.
3. Farrar and Farrar, 19.
4. Farrar and Farrar, 21.
5. Valiente, “The Charge of the Goddess,” Charge of the Goddess, 12–13.
6. Gimbutas, Language of the Goddess, 6–9.
7. Gimbutas, 282.
8. Gimbutas, 265.
9. Gimbutas, 97.
1. Gienger, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, 22.
2. Gienger, 35–36.
3. Farrar and Farrar, Witches’ Goddess, 35.
4. Gienger, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, 36.
5. Group of 5, Eight Crystal Alliances, 31.
6. Gienger, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, 38.
7. Franks, Stone Medicine, 114.
8. Group of 5, Eight Crystal Alliances, 7.
9. Pearson, Crystals for Karmic Healing, 88.
1. Morgan, Deed without a Name, 155.
2. Rankine, Crystals, 94.
3. This grid is adapted from one found in Grant, Second Book of Crystal Spells, 112–13.
1. Gillotte, Sacred Stones of the Goddess, 86.
2. Hall, Crystals and Sacred Sites, 97.
3. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 67.
4. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 66.
5. Rankine, Crystals, 159.
6. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 71.
7. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 16.
8. Simmons, Stones of the New Consciousness, 126.
9. Twintreess, Stones Alive! vol. 1, 20.
10. Hall, 101 Power Crystals, 22.
11. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 86.
12. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 69.
13. Woodfield, Drawing Down the Sun, 76.
14. Woodfield, 81.
15. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 70.
16. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 24.
17. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 47.
18. Lecouteux, 48.
19. Pearson, Seven Archetypal Stones, 171.
20. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 99.
21. Philip Rahtz in McNamara, Star-Crossed Stone, 81–82.
22. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 165 and 245.
23. Lecouteux, 245.
24. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 75.
25. Rankine, Crystals, 179.
26. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 50.
27. Beyerl, Gem and Mineral Lore, 22.
28. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 282.
29. Lecouteux, 283.
30. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 50.
31. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 283.
32. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 51.
33. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 129.
34. Melody, 129.
35. Gienger, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, 246.
36. Raphaell, Crystalline Transmission, 84.
37. Hall, Crystal Bible 2, 86.
38. Roeder, Crystal Co-Creators, 79.
39. Raphaell, Crystalline Illumination, 27.
40. Dow, Crystal Journey, 190.
41. Hall, Crystal Bible 3, 92.
42. Hall, 92.
43. Raphaell, Crystalline Transmission, 95.
44. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 62.
45. Knuth, Gems in Myth, Legend, and Love, 60.
46. Hall, Crystal Bible 2, 67.
47. Hall, 68.
48. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 99.
49. Knuth, Gems in Myth, Legend, and Love, 63.
50. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 66.
51. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 99.
52. Rankine, Crystals, 195.
53. Raphaell, Crystalline Illumination, 46.
54. Raphaell, 41.
55. Franks, Stone Medicine, 195.
56. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 195.
57. Costelloe, Complete Guide to Crystal Astrology, 200.
58. Raphaell, Crystalline Illumination, 113.
59. Raphaell, 114.
60. Gienger, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, 254.
61. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 67.
62. Gienger, Healing Crystals, 23.
63. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 68.
64. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 50.
65. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 68.
66. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 82.
67. Rankine, Crystals, 197.
68. Pelikan, Secrets of Metals, 142.
69. Pelikan, 149.
70. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 154.
71. Pelikan, Secrets of Metals, 137.
72. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 154–55.
73. Cunningham, 155.
74. Monaghan, Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, 253.
75. Walker, Book of Sacred Stones, 113.
76. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 114.
77. Lecouteux, 114.
78. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 86.
79. Stein, Healing with Gemstones and Crystals, 76.
80. Rankine, Crystals, 204.
81. Hall, Crystal Bible 2, 109.
82. Ahsian, Crystal Ally Cards, 78.
83. Simmons, Stones of the New Consciousness, 168.
84. Kynes, Crystal Magic, 101.
85. Gienger, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, 273.
86. Monaghan, Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, 346.
87. Rankine, Crystals, 215.
88. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 297.
89. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 91.
90. Hall, 101 Power Crystals, 124.
91. Hall, 124.
92. McNamara, Star-Crossed Stone, 22–23.
93. McNamara, 123.
94. Valiente, ABC of Witchcraft, 149.
95. McNamara, Star-Crossed Stone, 127.
96. Grey, Apocalyptic Witchcraft, 97.
97. McNamara, Star-Crossed Stone, 179–80.
98. Beyerl, Gem and Mineral Lore, 68.
99. Walker, Book of Sacred Stones, 128.
100. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 88.
101. Caldecott, Crystal Legends, 119–20.
102. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 87.
103. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 98.
104. Grant, Second Book of Crystal Spells, 23.
105. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 166–67.
106. Grant, Second Book of Crystal Spells, 165.
107. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 107.
108. Roeder, Crystal Co-Creators, 100.
109. Walker, Book of Sacred Stones, 129.
110. Grant, Book of Crystal Spells, 112.
111. Rankine, Crystals, 122.
112. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 39.
113. Lecouteux, 156.
114. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 100.
115. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 41.
116. Valiente, ABC of Witchcraft, 175.
117. Leland, Aradia, 45.
118. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 116.
119. Rankine, Crystals, 247.
120. Gillotte, Sacred Stones of the Goddess, 128.
121. Tibón, El Jade de México, 14. Translation by author.
122. Tibón, 45.
123. Tibón, 23.
124. Tibón, 24.
125. Rankine, Crystals, 243.
126. Calverley, Crystal Yoga, 232–33.
127. JaneAnn Dow in Calverley, Crystal Yoga, 233.
128. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 233.
129. Cora Anderson in Faerywolf, Betwixt and Between, 293.
130. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 233.
131. Kynes, Crystal Magic, 140.
132. Katz, Gemstone Energy Medicine, 326.
133. Walker, Book of Sacred Stones, 140.
134. Guhr and Nagler, Crystal Power, 116.
135. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 179.
136. Kynes, Crystal Magic, 140.
137. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 123.
138. Kunz, Curious Lore, 229.
139. Mathews, “Metaphysical Properties of Ocean Jasper.”
140. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 287.
141. Rankine, Crystals, 251.
142. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 124.
143. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 104.
144. Rankine, Crystals, 253.
145. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 105.
146. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 148.
147. Cabrera, Otan Iyebiyé, 101.
148. Rankine, Crystals, 256.
149. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 149.
150. Lecouteux, 148.
151. Hall, Crystal Bible 2, 167.
152. Hall, 167.
153. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 406–7.
154. Kynes, Crystal Magic, 152.
155. Rankine, Crystals, 262.
156. Farrar and Farrar, Witches’ Goddess, 106.
157. Monaghan, Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, 35.
158. Monaghan, 42.
159. Guhr and Nagler, Crystal Power, 119.
160. Farrar and Farrar, Witches’ Goddess, 219.
161. Rankine, Crystals, 261.
162. Guhr and Nagler, Crystal Power, 119.
163. Rankine, Crystals, 263.
164. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 229.
165. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 228.
166. Gienger, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, 316.
167. Rankine, Crystals, 271.
168. Woodfield, Drawing Down the Sun, 154.
169. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 112.
170. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 268.
171. Simmons and Ahsian, 268.
172. Hall, Crystal Bible, 195.
173. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 275.
174. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 498; Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 274.
175. Costelloe, Complete Guide to Crystal Astrology, 86.
176. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 515.
177. Auryn, “Origin of the Veil Between the Worlds.”
178. Guhr and Nagler, Crystal Power, 129.
179. Kunz, Curious Lore, 148.
180. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 244.
181. Beyerl, Gem and Mineral Lore, 113.
182. Gillotte, Sacred Stones of the Goddess, 134.
183. Gillotte, 135.
184. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 244.
185. Lecouteux, 244.
186. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 121.
187. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 535.
188. Franks, Stone Medicine, 402.
189. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 535.
190. Pearson, Crystals for Karmic Healing, 124.
191. Gienger, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, 342.
192. Rankine, Crystals, 293.
193. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 158.
194. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 220.
195. Rankine, Crystals, 292.
196. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 123.
197. Walker, Book of Sacred Stones, 158.
198. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 123–24; Rankine, Crystals, 295.
199. Cunningham, 123.
200. Katz, Gemstone Energy Medicine, 148.
201. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 116.
202. Katz, Gemstone Energy Medicine, 147.
203. Ahsian, Crystal Ally Cards, 98.
204. Rankine, Crystals, 296–97.
205. Rankine, 297.
206. Rankine, 343.
207. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 239.
208. Katz, Gemstone Energy Medicine, 287–88.
209. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 241.
210. Knuth, Gems in Myth, Legend, and Lore, 176.
211. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 121.
212. Lecouteux, 123.
213. Caldecott, Crystal Legends, 85.
214. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 121.
215. Raulet and Boucheron, Rock Crystal Treasures, 22.
216. Purna, “Tara.”
217. Haerer, personal communication, December 13, 2017.
218. Hall, Crystals and Sacred Sites, 96.
219. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 155.
220. Hall, Crystal Bible 2, 255; Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 619.
221. Hall, Crystal Bible 2, 256.
222. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 154.
223. Simmons and Ahsian, 154.
224. Raphaell, Crystalline Transmission, 162.
225. Pinch, Egyptian Mythology, 150.
226. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 235.
227. Lang and Sherry, “New Lemurians.”
228. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 627.
229. Melody, 628.
230. Morton, “Moon Quartz and Purple Tourmaline.”
231. Katz, Gemstone Energy Medicine, 330.
232. Hall, Crystal Bible 3, 188.
233. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 216.
234. Simmons and Ahsian, 216.
235. Hall, Crystal Bible 2, 167–68.
236. George Rapp in Kynes, Crystal Magic, 193.
237. Walker, Book of Sacred Stones, 168.
238. Parsons, “AE Rose Quartz.”
239. Walker, Book of Sacred Stones, 171.
240. Knuth, Gems in Myth, Legend, and Lore, 192.
241. Coquet, Stones of the Seven Rays, 219.
242. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 285.
243. Katz, Gemstone Energy Medicine, 187.
244. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 342.
245. Rankine, Crystals, 323.
246. Kunz, Curious Lore, 107.
247. Rankine, Crystals, 225.
248. Monaghan, Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, 263.
249. Kynes, Crystal Magic, 224.
250. Beyerl, Gem and Mineral Lore, 157.
251. Franks, Stone Medicine, 249.
252. Raphaell, Crystalline Transmission, 63.
253. Kynes, Crystal Magic, 208.
254. Hall, 101 Power Crystals, 182.
255. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 134.
256. Lembo, Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones, 316.
257. Hall, Crystal Bible, 261.
258. Hall, 261.
259. Hall, Encyclopedia of Crystals, 39.
260. Kunz, Curious Lore, 80.
261. Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 339.
262. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 135.
263. Rankine, Crystals, 326.
264. Lecouteux, Lapidary, 245.
265. Lecouteux, 245.
266. Pelikan, Secrets of Metals, 169.
267. Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia, 170.
268. Cunningham, 169.
269. Pelikan, Secrets of Metals, 172.
270. Woodfield, Drawing Down the Sun, 96.
271. Rankine, Crystals, 338.
272. Woodfield, Drawing Down the Sun, 165.
273. Rankine, Crystals, 338.
274. Knuth, Gems in Myth, Legend, and Lore, 224.
275. Coquet, Stones of the Seven Rays, 229.
276. Coquet, 231.
277. Knuth, Gems in Myth, Legend, and Lore, 226.
278. Knuth, 223.
279. Monaghan, Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, 285.
280. Hall, Crystal Bible, 312; Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 835.
281. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 423.
282. Group of 5, Eight Crystal Alliances, 227.
283. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 422.
284. Hall, Crystal Bible, 313; Melody, Love Is in the Earth, 835.
285. Conway, Crystal Enchantments, 246.
286. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 423.
287. Pearson, Crystal Healing for the Heart, 240.
288. Hall, Crystal Bible 2, 348.
289. Simmons and Ahsian, Book of Stones, 428.
290. Andraes, Ye Ming Zhu, 80–81.
291. Andraes, 15–18.