Gimme Five, Rocky

    1. In 1 Thessalonians 5:9–11 while addressing the church at Thessalonica, Paul wrote, “For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (NIV).

          According to this passage, why do we encourage one another and build up each other?

          What is the difference, if any, between encouraging each other and encouraging each other in Christ?

    2. The Greek word for encouragement is parakaleo.1

          What does para mean in the Greek, and what does kaleo mean?

          Based on these meanings, how did Jesus intend for us to encourage other people?

    3. Jesus exemplified this type of encouragement when Peter said that he believed Jesus was the Son of the living God.

          How did Jesus respond to Peter in Matthew 16:17?

          How would you feel if Jesus encouraged you in this way?

    4. Max cites a study that found “healthy homes enjoy a positive-to-negative ratio of five to one” (p. 19).

          What would you estimate is the ratio of positive to negative comments in your home, workplace, or circle of friends?

          If you tend to hear or say more negative comments, why do you think that is the case?

          If you tend to hear or say more positive comments, why do you think that is the case?

    5. In what area of your life have you experienced a “discouragement conspiracy”? On social media? In the news? With your family, friends, or church?

          How has this discouragement affected you personally?

          How has it affected the way you view the world and others?

    6. Look up the following verses: 2 Corinthians 12:9; Galatians 4:7; Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 2:9.

          What do these verses say about who we are in Christ?

          How could these truths help you fight the discouragement conspiracy?

          Which one of these do you need to focus on to encourage yourself today?

          Which one of these could you use to encourage someone else?

    7. Max lists two ways we can encourage others in order to “call forth the Rocky within them” (p. 22–24). First, we listen intently.

          How can listening encourage someone?

          How do you think the bleeding woman in Mark 5:33 felt as she told Jesus her story and he listened?

          When a friend confides in you, what is your reaction? Are you quick to speak, or do you primarily listen? Why is this your reaction?

          When was the last time someone listened intently to you? How did that make you feel?

          Identify a person you could encourage by listening intently.

The next way we encourage each other is by praising abundantly.

          The Greek word for encouragement that we discussed earlier, parakaleo, is used 110 times in the New Testament. What does the frequency of this word indicate about the instruction to praise one another?

          How do you feel when you receive words of encouragement? Do you relish the experience, or does it make you uncomfortable? Why do you think you react that way?

          How do you feel about Max’s suggestion to call a friend simply to encourage him or her? Would this come naturally for you? How would you feel if someone did this to you?

    8. Max shared a story about a man in his congregation, Charles Prince, who encouraged him in his ministry.

          How did Charles’s encouragement affect Max?

          Do you currently have a Charles Prince in your life? If so, who is it, and how does that person encourage you?

          Did you have a Charles Prince in the past? How did that person encourage you?

    9. Pick one person you will encourage this week in a way that calls forth the Rocky within.

          How will you encourage that person? By listening intently? By praising abundantly?

          Note how you feel afterward. Did making someone else happy through biblical encouragement make you happy as well?