{115} Glossary
Characters are ordered by their total number of strokes, then by lesson of first occurrence; compound expressions may be found under the first character.
一 yi (pronounced yī alone, changes to yí in front of a syllable with a fourth tone, changes to yì in front of any other tone) n., one L8
人 rén n., others, other people L3; n., people, persons L7
力 lì n., strength, power L4
入 rù s.v., to enter L12
子 zǐ n., the Master L1; n., -master (honorific following a family name); n., son; s.v., to be a son, to act as a son (should) L2; n., daughter L6; n. you (honorific second-person pronoun) L10
子貢 Zǐgòng n., Zigong (style [字] of a disciple of Kǒngzǐ; 姓端木。名賜。) L8
也 yě g.p. (comes at end of sentences to mark nominal sentences; often indicates a generalization) L1; 也 yě g.p. (vocative particle—follows name of person addressed) L8
山 shān n., mountains L3
之 zhī n., him, her, them, it (third-person pronoun, must be the object of a verb or preposition) L4; g.p., (subordinates one nominal phrase to another, showing possession or specification) L6
之謂 zhī wèi exp., is what is called L13
{116} 士 shì n., aristocrat, scholar, warrior L7
己 jǐ n., self, oneself (can be used to attributively of nouns) L7
已 yǐ s.v., to stop L7
巳 sì n., sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches (part of a traditional calendrical system); contrast 己 jǐ, oneself, and 已 yǐ, to stop) L7 (supplement)
上 L10
大 dà s.v., to be big L11
曰 yuē v., to say (used to introduce a direct quotation; contrast 日 rì) L1
公 gōng n., duke (highest hereditary title below the king) L2
公冶 Gōngyě n., Gongye (a two-syllable family name, literally “Duke’s Smelter” or “Dukesmith”) L6
孔 Kǒng n., Kong (the family name [姓] of 孔子 Kǒngzǐ, Master Kong, better known in the West as “Confucius”; 名丘。字仲尼。) L2
父 fù n., father; s.v., to be a father, to act as a father (should) L2
不 bù (tone changes to bú before a word in fourth tone) adv., not (negates verbs or verbal phrases) L2
不亦 . . . . . . 乎 bú yì . . . hū exp., is it not . . .? L7
仁 rén s.v., to be fully human; s.v., to be benevolent; n., humaneness; n., benevolence L3
水 shuǐ n., water; n., rivers L3
中 zhōng n., middle, midst L6
以 yǐ v., using, taking, by means of L6
{117} 以為 yǐwéi exp., to take it as, to regard it as L7
予 yú n., I L8
勿 wù adv., do not . . . it (imperative mood) L8
夫子 Fūzǐ n., the Master L8
文章 wénzhāng n., external manifestations of a cultivated character L9
文辭 wéncí n., eloquent words L9
天 tiān n., Heaven (an impersonal higher power); s.v., to be of Heaven, Heavenly L9
日 rì adv., daily L9
云 yún v., to say (used to introduce an embedded quotation) L10
云者 yún zhě exp., was said (used to mark the end of a quotation or paraphrase) L10
月 yuè n., moon L11
今 jīn g.p. (indicates counterfactual mood) L12
井 jǐng n., well L12
心 xīn n., heart; n., feeling L12
分 fēn n., distinction L13
化 huà n., transformation L13
由 Yóu n., You (personal name [名] of a disciple of Kǒngzǐ; 姓仲。字子路。) L4
乎 hū g.p. (comes at the end of a sentence, transforming it into a question; roughly like 嗎 ma in Modern Chinese) L4; g.p. (vocative particle; follows name of person addressed) L8; prep., on, from, of L9
{118} 可 ke v., can be . . .-ed L6
可以 kěyǐ v., can, may L7
母 mǔ n., mother L6
弘 hóng s.v., to be broad (metaphorically or literally) L7
去 qù t.v., to forsake, to abandon L7
出 chū s.v., to go out, to leave L8
外 wài n., the outside L9
本 běn n., root, basis; s.v., to be fundamental L9
世 shì n., world; n., era L11
生 shēng n., life L11
乍 zhà adv., suddenly L12
四海 sì hǎi n., the Four Seas; n., the inhabited world L12
必 bì adv., must, necessarily L13
臣 chén n., minister; s.v., to be a minister, to act as a minister (should) L2
安 ān n., peace, safety; t.v., to regard as peaceful L3; adv., how . . .? from where . . .? L10
汝 rǔ n., you (second-person singular pronoun, used to address subordinates) L4
自 zì n., self, oneself (reflexive pronoun) L4
自然 zìrán s.v., to be natural (literally, “self-so”); n., naturalness L9
有 yǒu t.v., to have L4; t.v., there is, there are, there exists L5
如 rú conj., if; t.v., to be like L5
好 hào t.v., to be fond of L5; s.v., to be good, to be pleasing L5 (note)
{119} 名 míng n., name; t.v., to give a name to L6
在 zài t.v., to be in L6
任 rèn n., responsibility L7
亦 yì g.p., (emphatic particle, indicating that something is so also, particularly, or only of the thing in question) L7
而 ér conj., and (joins verbal phrases) L7
而後 érhòu conj., and only then L7
而已矣 éryǐyǐ exp., and that is all L8
死 sǐ s.v., to die L7
多 duō adv., to do V of many things L8
行 xíng t.v., to put into effect L8
共 gòng adv., jointly, as a group L9
至於 (至于) zhìyú exp., When it comes to . . . L9
全 L10
光 guāng s.v., to shine L11
地 dì n., earth; ground L11
充 chōng t.v., to fill up; t.v., to make complete L12
此 cǐ n., this L13
近 jìn s.v., to be close L1
君 jūn n., ruler, lord; s.v., to be a ruler, to be a lord, to act as a ruler (should) L2
利 lì n., profit, benefit; t.v., to treat as profitable, to treat as beneficial L3
吾 wú n., I; n., my, mine L5
{120} 言 yán n., words, maxim L8; t.v., to put into words, to create maxims; t.v., to mean L9
何 hé n., what (interrogative pronoun) L8
矣 yǐ g.p., (modal particle, indicating action or state described by the verbal phrase is complete in time or degree) L8
見 (见) xiàn s.v., to be visible L9; jìan, t.v., to see L12
罕 hǎn adv., seldom L9
我 L10
床 chuáng n., bed; n., wellhead L11
低 dī t.v., to lower L11
忍 rěn t.v., to be unfeeling toward L12
忍者 rěnzhě n., ninja L12 (note)
足 zú s.v., to be sufficient L12
志 zhì n., intentions, goals L13
性 xìng n., nature (as in “human nature” or “the natures of humans”) L1
於 (于) yú prep., from, of L2
知 zhī t.v., to know, to understand, to appreciate; zhì n., wisdom; s.v., to be wise (N.B.: When it is a noun or a stative verb 知 is pronounced zhì, but when it is a transitive verb 知 is pronounced zhī.) L3
者 zhě g.p. (follows a verbal phrase, transforming it into a nominal phrase describing the subject of the verbal phrase: “those who . . .” or “that which . . .”) L3; g.p. (transforms verbal phrase, V, into a gerund, V-ing) L5; g.p. (marks expression being defined or characterized) L9
{121} 明 míng s.v.. to be enlightened L4; s.v., to be bright L11
非 fēi v., is-not (used to negate nominal sentences) L6; s.v., to be wrong, to be mistaken L8
物 wù n., thing; n., kind of thing L6
始 shǐ n., beginning L6
長 Cháng n., Chang (a personal name) L6
妻 qì t.v., to give a wife to L6
其 qí n., his, her, its, their L6; n., the (as in “the Way,” “the man”) L7
其 . . . . . . 乎 qí . . . hū exp., Is it not . . .? (expects answer “It is . . .!”) L8
所 suǒ g.p. (transforms following transitive verb into a nominal phrase describing the object of the verb) L7
所以 suǒyǐ conj., because of this, therefore L11; exp., that by means of which, the reason why L12
門人 (门人) ménrén n., disciples (literally, “gate people”) L8
忠 zhōng n., loyalty, dutifulness L8
受 shòu t.v., to receive L9
固 gù adv., definitely L9
若 ruò s.v., to be like L11
臥 wò s.v., to sleep L11
孟 Mèng n., Meng (family name [姓] of a great Confucian philosopher, 孟子 Mèngzǐ, Master Meng, sometimes known in English as “Mencius”; 名軻。) L12
怵惕 chùtì n., alarm, fear L12
苟 gǒu conj., if only L12
事 shì n., to serve (especially a superior) L12
{122} 昔者 xī zhě adv., in the past, once upon a time L13
周 Zhōu n., Zhou (personal name [名] of a great Daoist philosopher, 莊子 Zhuāngzǐ, Master Zhuang; 姓莊。字子休。) L13
相 xiāng adv., to each other L1
政 zhèng n., government, governing L2
為 (为) wéi v., to act as L4
是 shì n., this L4
哉 zāi g.p. (exclamatory particle; usually found at the end of sentences) L5
信 xìn adv., truly, genuinely L5; t.v., to have faith in, to have confidence in, to believe in L12
食 shí t.v., to eat L5
恆 (恒) héng s.v., to be constant L6
重 zhòng s.v., to be heavy L7
怒 shù n., reciprocity, sympathy L8
施 shī t.v., to bestow something on someone (usually done by a superior to a subordinate) L8
威儀 (威仪) wēiyí n., august bearing L9
皆 jiē adv., all L9
則 (则) zé g.p., (contrastive topic marker) L9; conj., then L13
既 L10
前 qián n., the front L11
思 sī t.v., to think longingly of L11
故鄉 (故乡) gùxiāng, n., hometown (literally, old town) L11
{123} 胡為 hú wèi exp., for what (reason) L11
胡蝶 húdíe n., butterfly L13
保 bǎo t.v., to protect L12
俄 é s.v., to be sudden L13
莊 (庄) Zhuāng n., Zhuang (family name [姓] of a great Daoist philosopher, 莊子 Zhuāngzǐ, Master Zhuang; 名周。字子休。) L10
能 néng v., to be able to L12
書 (书) shū n., the Documents; n., book, writings L12
栩栩 xǔxǔ s.v., to be lively L13
習 (习) xí n., practices L1
問 (问) wèn t.v., to ask someone (indirect object) about something (direct object) L2; adv., questioningly, as a question L8
得 dé t.v., to get, to obtain; v., to succeed in V-ing L7
得而 dé ér exp., to succeed in V-ing L5
欲 yù t.v., to desire L7
處 (处) chǔ t.v., to dwell in, to remain in L7
貧 pín n., poverty L7
貫 (贯) guàn t.v., to bind together L8
終身 zhōngshēn exp., to the end of one’s life (literally, “end self”) L8
終日 zhōngrì adv., all day (literally, “end day”) L11
{124} 參 (参) Shēn n., Shen (personal name [名] of a disciple of Kǒngzǐ; 姓曾。字子輿。) L8
唯 wéi v., is-so, yes (suggests prompt and unhesitating agreement) L8
理 lǐ n., Pattern, Principle L9
梁 L10
魚 L10
從容 cōngróng s.v., to be easygoing L10
望 wàng t.v., to look at L11
將 (将) jiāng v., will, shall, going to L12
景 jǐng s.v., to be bright, shining; n., Jing (honorific posthumous name) L2
勝 (胜) shèng t.v., to defeat, to conquer L4
强 (強) qiáng s.v., to be strong, to be powerful L4
善 shàn s.v., to be good L5
粟 sù n., grain L5
道 dào n., a path; n., a way (of living); n., the right way to follow, the Way; n., a linguistic account of a way; n., the metaphysical foundation of the universe; t.v., to give a linguistic account of something L6
無 (无) wú t.v., to lack, to not have L6
萬 (万) wàn n., ten thousand, myriad L6
曾 Zēng n., Zeng (family name [姓] of a disciple of Kǒngzǐ; 名參。字子輿。) L7
富 fù n., wealth L7
{125} 貴 (贵) guì n., esteem L7
惡 (恶) wù t.v., to dislike, to hate L7
然 rán s.v., to be so, to be this L8; v., -ingly (follows a stative verb, converting it into an adverb) L11
惠 Huì, n., Hui (family name [姓] of a philosopher known for his clever arguments, 惠子 Huìzǐ, Master Hui; 名施。) L10
遊 L10
循 L10
勞 (劳) láo t.v., to belabor, to make work for L11
惻隱 (恻隐) cèyǐn n., sympathy, compassion L12
猶 yóu v., to be like, to be similar to L12 (notes)
喻 yù t.v., to understand L13
遠 or 遠 (远) yuán s.v., to be far L1
愛 (爱) ài t.v., to love L3
罪 zuì n., crime, fault L6
與 (与) yǔ conj., and (joins nouns) L7; yú g.p. (sentence-final interrogative) L8; yú g.p. (sentence-final exclamatory) L13
夢 (梦) mèng n., dream L11; t.v., to dream (that) L13
楹 yíng, n., pillar L11
齊 (齐) Qí n., Qi (name of a state in what is now 山東 Shāndōng Province) L2
對 (对) duì adv., respondingly, in response L2
誨 huì t.v., to teach someone about something L4
{126} 聞 (闻) wén t.v., to hear L9
實 (实) shí n., reality (as opposed to appearance or manifestation) L9
疑 yí t.v., to suspect that, to wonder whether L11
端 duān n. tip; n. sprout L12
盡 (尽) jìn adv., wholly, completely, fully L12
緒 xù n., tip, end point L12 (notes)
適 (适) shì t.v., to satisfy L13
樊 Fán n., Fan (family name [姓] of a disciple of Kongzi; 名須。字子遲。) L3
遲 (迟) Chí n., Chi (part of the style [字] of a disciple of Kongzi; 姓樊。名須。字子遲。) L3
樂 (乐) lè t.v., to delight in L3; yuè n., music L3 (grammar notes)
諸 zhū g.p. (equivalent to 之乎 zhī hū, “. . . it?”) L5
毅 yì s.v., to be resolute L7
賤 (贱) jiàn n., low prestige, low social status L7
賜 (赐) Cì n., Ci (personal name [名] of a disciple of Kongzi; 姓端木。字子貢。) L8
德 dé n., Virtue, political charisma generated by a good character L9
請 L10
醉 zuì s.v., to be intoxicated (may indicate a variety of states in between being mildly tipsy and being thoroughly drunk) L11
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謂 (谓) wèi t.v., to say something of someone or something L6
學 (学) xué s.v., to study, to learn L8
舉 (举) jǔ t.v., to lift L11
頭 (头) tóu n., head L11
頹 (颓) tuí s.v., to slump, to sprawl L11
雖 (虽) suī conj., although, even though L5
縲絏 (缧绁) léi xiè n., fetters, ropes for binding prisoners L6
濠 háo n., Hao (name of a river) L10
鯈 L10
霜 shuāng n., frost L11
孺子 rúzǐ n., baby; n., toddler L12
識 (识) zhì t.v., to remember L8
蘧蘧 qúqú s.v., to be sudden L13
覺 (觉) jué s.v., to be conscious L13
體 (体) tǐ n., Substance (technical term in Confucian metaphysics; roughly, the 體 is what something is in itself, while its 用 yòng, Function, is how it manifests itself in action; the eye is 體, seeing is its 用; water is 體, waves are its 用) L9