
Abbey, Aaron, vii
aberration of starlight, 144, 182
abjuration, 23, 165, 167, 168, 16970, 174, 217, 218
acceleration: and force, 225;
and tides, 1458
accommodation, principle of, 97, 179, 212
accuracy, 68, 152;
empirical, 7, 82, 84, 85, 97;
factual, 117, 156, 181, 190
ad hoc, 49, 52, 87, 141
Adriatic Sea, 7, 145
aesthetic aspect of Dialogue, 1514, 164
aether, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 57, 64, 130, 236
air, 35, 36, 61, 136;
as an element, 14, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 57, 64, 130;
weight of, 187;
and wind, 134
Ajalon, valley of, 65
Albergotti, Ulisse, 94
Alvarez, Carlos, vi
Amorites, 65, 98, 102
analogies, 62, 89, 131, 146, 236, 252
annual motion, 14, 40, 47, 49, 68, 85, 102, 128, 13744, 234, 243
anthropomorphism, 196
anti-clerical myth, 12, 23, 21617, 251
anti-Copernican decree of 1616, 10, 89, 99, 11719, 119, 120, 125, 126, 127, 173, 204, 206, 2067, 208, 21617, 253
anti-Galilean myth, 1213, 2223
antipodes, 178
Apelles, 56
apocryphal letter, and bad-theologian myth, 189
Apologia pro Galileo (Campanella), 20814, 260, 264
approach, Galileo’s, 25, 20910, 2256, 2468, 2568
apriorism, 135, 222, 247, 249, 250
Aquarius, 43
Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 106, 211, 212, 213
Arcetri, 11, 168, 197
Archimedes, 8, 228
argument: defined explicitly, 245. See also critical reasoning; critical thinking; rational-mindedness; reasoning
arguments against Earth’s motion: biblical or scriptural, 65, 96108, 20814;
Church Fathers, 66, 67, 94, 101, 104, 105, 112;
contrariety argument, 33, 1301;
deception of the senses, 557, 1334, 2356, 2378;
divine omnipotence, 66, 125, 126, 128, 149, 1567, 160, 161, 163;
Earth-heaven dichotomy, 314, 57, 81, 845, 12831, 152, 2356, 246;
extruding power of whirling, 63, 135, 23842, 246, 273n7;
gunshots, 612, 1523, 234;
lunar-orbit argument, 81;
Mars’s appearance, 589, 141, 235, 246;
natural motion, 645, 1301, 2323;
neutral motion, 74, 88;
parallax of fixed stars, 5960, 87, 1424, 1823, 236, 2423;
Riccioli’s Galilean argument against Galileo, 1856;
ship’s mast experiment, 623, 74, 1357, 234;
Venus’s phases, 578, 1412, 235, 246;
vertical fall, 602, 22835, 246
arguments for Earth’s motion: annual path of sunspots, 85, 13841, 234;
Bessel’s stellar parallax, 60, 144, 182;
Bradley’s stellar aberration, 144, 182;
Copernicus’s, 4754;
explanatory coherence, 4954, 878, 235;
Foucault’s pendulum, 1823, 192;
Galileo’s, 12649;
Guglielmini’s eastward deflection, 1834;
Hagen’s isotomeograph, 183;
heliocentrism of planetary motions, 1378;
law of revolution, 1323;
Newton’s celestial mechanics, 182;
simplicity, 489, 1313;
tidal, 11, 73, 8890, 1449, 186
arguments pro and con Galileo’s condemnation: anti-Galilean myth, 1213;
bad-theologian thesis, 190, 218, 222, 261;
Caccini’s charges, 95, 109, 1667;
Campanella’s theological defense, 20814;
complaints about the Dialogue, 15560;
conflict vs. myth in the subsequent affair, 21419;
Duhem’s criticism, 13, 176, 1924, 218, 251, 255, 261;
Feyerabend’s criticism, 13, 171, 1957, 218;
“Galilean” defense of Galileo, 2528;
Galileo as a model of critical thinking, 12550, 191, 22548;
Galileo as a sophist, 16, 11012, 223, 23843;
Galileo’s legal culpability, 1902;
Galileo’s rhetorical faults, 1504;
harmony vs. conflict in original affair, 2038;
illegitimacy of Seghizzi’s injunction, 11517, 11722, 155, 1612, 167, 181, 190, 200, 255;
John Paul II’s rehabilitation, 2, 1756, 188, 189, 222, 223;
Leo XIII’s hermeneutical vindication, 12, 17, 1067, 1789, 188, 205, 222, 264;
Lorini’s charges, 94, 109, 166;
pastoral criticism of Galileo, 176, 189;
re-trials of Galileo, 18594
Aries, 43
Aristarchus, 48, 142, 247
Aristotle, 14, 45, 69, 70, 73, 91, 133, 151, 1523, 207, 247;
authority, 4;
Earth-heaven dichotomy, 12831;
Earth’s roundness, 26;
extrusion argument, 242;
human rationality, 243;
physics, 8, 645, 135, 228, 2323, 235, 253;
vs. Ptolemy, 25;
sense experience, 12930
artificial instruments, 3, 4, 1415, 17
ascension, 38
Assayer (Galileo), 6, 123
assessor, in Inquisition bureaucracy, 22, 113, 161, 164
Aston Magna Academy, v
astronomy, in the geostatic world view, 3745
atomic bomb, 194
Attavanti, Giannozzo, 109, 112
Attorri, Mark, vii
Augustine, Saint, 105, 106, 107, 179, 188, 207, 211, 212, 213, 269, 271
authority of Scripture, 12, 3, 10, 15, 17, 19, 66, 166, 170, 187, 221, 222, 237, 251;
anti-Copernican argument, 65;
Campanella’s account, 20814;
Foscarini’s account, 969, 21214;
Galileo’s account, 95, 99108, 18890, 2057, 21214, 253, 254;
axis: defined, 43;
of Earth, 1, 3, 13, 47, 48, 49, 55, 61, 63, 64, 65, 74, 87, 102, 131, 139, 147, 172, 181, 182, 225, 22930;
of ecliptic, 43;
of Sun, 77, 85, 102, 129, 140, 141, 213
bad-theologian thesis, 190, 218, 222, 255, 261
balanced approach, 5, 23
Baliani, Giovanni Battista, 86, 90, 187
Barberini, Antonio, Jr., 158
Barberini, Antonio, Sr., 158
Barberini, Francesco, 158, 168, 191
Barberini, Maffeo, 10, 123, 124. See also Urban VIII
begging the question, 95, 191, 232, 234
Bellarmine, Robert, 20, 114, 123, 127, 156, 193, 216, 251, 259;
certificate to Galileo, 11922, 1613, 167, 169;
and Commissary Seghizzi’s injunction, 11517, 155;
as an epistemologist, 1923, 1956;
and Index’s Decree, 11719;
letter to Foscarini, 99, 110, 193, 195, 247;
and Pope Paul V’s orders, 11315;
report to Inquisition, 119;
warning to Galileo, 10, 11922, 1613, 167, 169, 190, 191, 200, 248, 253, 255
Beltrán Marí, Antonio, 259, 270, 273
Benedict XIV, 171, 174
Benedict XV, 21, 174
Benedict XVI, 195, 1967, 200, 259. See also Ratzinger, Joseph
Benítez, Hermes, 259, 273
Beretta, Francesco, 259, 267
Berti, Domenico, 181
Bessel, Friedrich, 60, 144, 182
Biagioli, Mario, 259, 267
Bible, anti-Copernican argument, 65, 96108, 20814
biographical highlights of Galileo’s life, 511
Blackwell, Richard, 259, 260, 262, 268
book of nature, 211
Borgia, Gaspare, 168
Boscaglia, Cosimo, 94
Bradley, James, 144, 182
Brecht, Bertolt, 13, 171, 172, 194, 260
Brewster, David, 218, 251, 260, 272
Brooke, John, 260, 264, 272, 273
Bruno, Giordano, 689, 261
Bucciantini, Massimo, 260, 268, 271
Caccini, Tommaso, 95, 109, 166
Caetani, Bonifacio, 208
Calabria, 96
Calandrelli, Giuseppe, 182
Camerota, Michele, 260, 269n2, 271n26, 271n28
Campanella, Tommaso, 207, 260, 264;
comparison with Galileo and Foscarini, 21213;
theological defense of Galilean science, 20812
Cancer, 43
Canis Major, 39
canon law, 21, 172, 263
capable of being proved, 1035. See also demonstrable; provable
Capricorn, 43
cardinal-inquisitors, 21, 122, 164;
Robert Bellarmine, 10, 113, 121, 200
Castelli Benedetto, Galileo’s letter to, 10, 94, 95, 96, 99, 110, 121, 170, 178, 204, 206, 209, 215, 260, 265, 271n28;
and Caccini’s deposition, 109;
Inquisition consultant on, 112, 269n2;
and Lorini’s complaint, 109;
summary, 95, 102;
two versions, 269n2
Catholic Counter-Reformation, 19, 112
Catholic University of Milan, 176
celestial sphere, 26, 29, 37, 38, 43, 44, 47, 52, 59, 102. See also stellar sphere
centrifugal force, anti-Copernican argument, 63, 182, 239, 240. See also extruding power of whirling; extrusion argument
Cesi, Federico, 82, 83, 157
Chiaramonti, Scipione, 133
Christina of Lorraine, Galileo’s letter to, 10, 96, 10910, 121, 178, 206, 207, 209, 215, 246;
attitude toward Copernicanism, 902;
comparison with Foscarini and Campanella, 21214;
criticism of biblical argument, 99108;
criticisms of Galileo’s argument, 188;
and Leo XIII’s encyclical, 1789
Church Fathers, anti-Copernican argument, 66, 67, 94, 101, 104, 105, 112
circular motion, 30, 33, 34, 40, 64, 70, 94, 129, 130, 131, 239, 240
Clavelin, Maurice, 260
Colombe, Ludovico delle, 93
Colombe, Raffaello delle, 95
Columbus, Christopher, 26
column commemorating Galileo in Rome, 12, 21923
comets, 18, 1234
commissary, in Inquisition bureaucracy, 11315, 163;
definition, 22;
Maurizio Olivieri, 1867;
Michelangelo Seghizzi, 11522, 155, 161, 167, 181, 190, 200, 255, 270n5;
Vincenzo Maculano, 161
complaints about Dialogue, 15560
complexity, 141, 149, 188, 192;
vs. simplicity, 24952
composition of motion, 2, 187, 233, 253.
Comte, Auguste, 172
conceptual distinctions, in studying the Galileo affair, 1217
confession, by Galileo at trial, 151, 1634, 167, 16970, 218
conflict thesis, regarding religion and science, 2038, 21419
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 21, 175, 196
conservation and innovation, dialectic of, 189, 2068, 216, 21819, 249, 2501, 252, 255
conservation of motion, 62, 63, 65, 135, 136, 187, 2334, 239, 253
“Considerations on the Copernican Opinion” (Galileo), 110
constellation, 39, 43, 182
consultants, in Inquisition bureaucracy, 10;
Copernicanism report, 112, 113;
defined explicitly, 22;
Foscarini report, 99;
report on Dialogue, 163, 193;
report on “Letter to Castelli,” 112, 269n2
Conti, Carlo, 934
contrariety, and change, 33, 1301
Copernicanism: condemnation of doctrine, 10922;
condemnation of Galileo’s defense, 15570;
Copernican controversy, 5476;
“Copernican Revolution” as a useful label, 226;
Copernicus’s innovation, 4754;
and critical thinking, 22548;
Galileo’s defense, 12354;
Galileo’s indirect pursuit, 6976;
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, 70, 225, 260, 273n7;
pre-Copernican world view, 2546;
re-assessment, 77108;
and religion, 20324;
responses to Copernicanism, 679
Copernican Revolution. See Copernicanism
Copernicus, Nicolaus. See Copernicanism
Cosimo II de’ Medici, 94
cosmology, in the geostatic world view, 2534
Council of Trent, 19, 208
Counter-Reformation, 19, 112
cowardice, Galileo accused of, 218
Coyne, George, 261
critical empiricism, 134
critical reasoning, 127, 151, 246;
defined explicitly, 245;
by Galileo, 2468;
in Galileo affair, 2528;
and human rationality, 2436. See also argument; critical thinking; rational-mindedness; reasoning
critical thinking, v, 11, 187, 252;
defined explicitly, 2456;
and human rationality, 22548. See also argument; critical reasoning; rational-mindedness; reasoning
criticism, and human rationality, 2268, 2445
current cultural developments, 194201
D’Alembert, Jean, 172
Dante Alighieri, 151
death of Galileo, 11
deception of the senses, anti-Copernican argument, 557, 1334, 2356, 2378
declination, 3841
deferent, 502
demonstrable, vs. demonstrated, 106, 21213. See also capable of being proved; provable
demonstrative ideal, 1934
demonstration, 70, 82, 121, 183, 213, 240;
vs. confirmation, 912, 93, 106, 247;
and demonstrative ideal, 1934
denying the consequent, 229
depositions, in Inquisition trials, 23;
Caccini’s, 109;
Galileo’s, 11, 1615, 2478
Descartes, René, 2, 171, 172
D’Este, Alessandro, 110
DiCanzio, Albert, 260, 271n16
Diderot, Denis, 172
“Discourse on the Tides” (Galileo), 89, 110, 125, 193. See also tidal argument
Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations on Two New Sciences (Galileo). See Two New Sciences
disobedience thesis, 1902
diurnal motion, 13, 141;
in Copernican system, 4767;
in Galileo’s Dialogue, 128, 1317;
in geostatic system, 2545;
and gunshot arguments, 1523;
and Joshua miracle, 102;
and tidal argument, 1479;
in Tycho’s system, 68
Divine Comedy (Dante), 151
divine omnipotence, anti-Copernican argument, 66, 125, 126, 128, 149, 1567, 160, 161, 163
Dog Star, 39
Dominicans, 20, 186
Drake, Stillman, 260, 270n13, 271n16
Draper, John, 203, 215, 261
Dubrovnik, 145
Duhem, Pierre, 13, 176, 1924, 218, 251, 255, 261
Dulwich Picture Gallery, vi
dumbing down, avoidance of, vi
earth, as an element, 14, 2834, 57, 64, 130
Earth, shape of, 256, 183
Earth-heaven dichotomy, anti-Copernican argument, 314, 57, 81, 845, 12831, 152, 2356, 246
eccentric, 52, 83
Ecclesiastes, 65, 98, 210
eclipse, 44, 85
ecliptic, 38, 423, 5960, 13840, 142, 243
Einstein, Albert, 2, 12, 175, 203, 217, 222, 226, 251, 261
element, in geostatic world view, 14, 2833, 57, 59, 64
ellipse, 69
empiricism, 134, 221
Encyclopedia (Diderot and D’Alembert), 172
Enlightenment, 215
epicycle, 502, 589, 83
epistemology, 23, 67, 68, 73, 92, 110, 112, 127, 150, 204, 218, 253, 257;
arguments against Copernicanism, 556, 66, 1334;
bad-epistemologist thesis, 1924, 1957, 223, 255;
defined explicitly, 34;
demonstrable vs. demonstrated, 1056;
in Inquisition’s sentence, 1667;
issues in Galileo affair, 1317, 678;
lessons from Galileo, 22548;
science vs. religion in Galileo’s trial, 2038;
science vs. religion in subsequent affair, 21419;
theology as queen of sciences, 1034, 105, 112. See also authority of Scripture; hermeneutics; methodology; theological issues
equator, 27, 39, 43;
celestial, 378, 412;
solar, 140;
terrestrial, 37, 63, 182, 229, 240
equinox, 412
equivocation, 195, 197, 221
Erickson, Raymond, v
ex cathedra, papal pronouncements, 101, 176
exegesis, 100, 222
experiments, 2, 5, 154, 193, 241, 247;
dropping rock from tower, 2304;
Galileo’s father, 67;
Galileo’s legacy, 3;
proving Earth’s motion, 172, 1824;
ship’s mast, 623, 74, 1357
explanatory coherence, 4954, 878, 235
explanatory structure of arguments, 14750. See also explanatory coherence
exsecant, 240
external factors, 23, 75. See also non-intellectual factors
external force, 35, 62, 133
extrinsic denomination, principle of, 989
extruding power of whirling, anti-Copernican argument, 63, 135, 23842, 246, 273n7. See also centrifugal force
fair-mindedness, 127, 228, 23843, 2458, 253, 256, 257, 262;
defined explicitly, 245. See also judiciousness; open-mindedness
faith and morals, vs. science and natural philosophy, 2, 17, 101, 104, 108, 205, 21213
fallacies, 112, 195, 241
fallibility, 2268, 244, 245, 246, 253
Fantoli, Annibale, 261
Father of Modern Science, 2, 205
Feldhay, Rivka, 261, 272n6
Feyerabend, Paul, 13, 171, 1957, 218
financial situation of Galileo, 1819, 150
fire, as an element, 2934, 57, 64, 130
firmament, 27
fixed stars, 8, 14, 26, 28, 37, 47, 50, 80, 152, 246;
apparent positions, 5960, 1424, 236, 2423;
vs. planets, 3940;
planets’ motion, 434, 524;
sun’s apparent motion, 413
Florence, 5, 9, 11, 18, 78, 95, 125, 127, 150, 155, 157, 160, 168, 179, 180, 198, 209
forced motion, 347, 65. See also violent motion
forgery issues: Gaetani’s apocryphal letter, 189;
Seghizzi’s injunction memorandum, 117, 181
formal heresy, 1, 22, 23, 160, 166, 251. See also vehement suspicion of heresy
Foscarini, Paolo, 118, 119, 121, 173, 174, 204, 207, 209;
Bellarmine’s letter, 110, 193, 195, 247;
comparison with Galileo and Campanella, 21214;
theological re-assessment of Copernicanism, 969
Foucault, Léon, 1823, 192
Francis, Pope, 200
Franklin Institute, vi
fundamentalism, 1878
Gaetani, Onorato, 189
Galilei, Vincenzo, 5
Galileo’s Mistake (Rowland), 194
Galluzzi, Paolo, 263, 266
Gassendi, Pierre, 185, 263
Gatti, Hilary, 261
Gebler, Karl von, 181, 186
Gemini, 43
Genoa, 86
genus, and species, 153
geocentric, definition of, 14
geokinetic, definition of, 14
geokinetic arguments. See arguments for Earth’s motion
geostatic, definition of, 14
Ghisilieri, Federigo, 111
Gibeon, 65, 237
Gingerich, Owen, 3, 13, 263, 267n3
Grassi, Orazio, 18
gravitation, 65, 145, 149, 183, 186, 225
gravity, in geostatic world view, 312, 35
great circle, 37, 38, 42, 44, 140
greatest scandal in Christendom, 1, 263
Greece, 48
Gregory XV, 123
Gregory XVI, 174
Guerrini, Luigi, 263, 268n22
Guglielmini, Giambattista, 1834
gunshots, anti-Copernican arguments, 612, 1523, 234
Gustavus Adolphus, 1920
Hagen, J. G., 183
harmony thesis, regarding religion and science, 2038, 21419
Hawking, Stephen, 2, 226, 262, 263, 267n2, 273n2
heat theory of tides, 1534
heaven, definition of, 27
heavenly bodies, definition of, 278
heavenly spheres, definition of, 278
heavy bodies, definition of, 32
Heilbron, John, vi, 263
heliocentric, definition of, 14
Henry, John, 265
hermeneutics: 17, 246, 257;
history of, 21314;
issues in Galileo’s trial, 15, 166, 189, 218;
Hill, David, 263, 273n7
History and Demonstrations Concerning Sunspots (Galileo), 9, 74, 83, 109
Holland, 77
Holy Office, Congregation of the, 21, 164, 1745, 177, 180. See also Inquisition
Holy Roman Empire, 1920
horizontal motion, 63, 136, 183, 234
Horky, Martin, 93
house arrest of Galileo, 11, 12, 168, 219, 221
Huygens, Christiaan, 2
hypothesis, concept of, 156
hypothetical argument, 54, 89
hypothetical discussion, 118, 125, 126, 156, 161, 163, 174
ignoratio elenchi, 2412
imprimatur, 157, 174
imprisonment of Galileo, 12, 115, 117, 161, 165, 167, 168, 216, 217, 220, 221. See also house arrest
Index, Congregation of, 10, 21, 118, 120, 121, 168, 174, 200, 208, 216
Index of Prohibited Books, 21, 22, 173, 174
Index’s decrees: of 1616 against Copernicanism, 10, 89, 99, 11719, 119, 120, 125, 126, 127, 173, 204, 206, 2067, 208, 21617, 253;
of 1620 revising Copernicus’s book, 11819, 120, 123;
of 1634 banning Galileo’s Dialogue, 168, 173
inductive argument, 89, 90
inertia, 2, 65, 87, 141, 187, 225, 233, 239
inferior planets, retrogression of, 534
Ingoli, Francesco, 125, 135
innovation and conservation, dialectic of, 189, 2068, 216, 21819, 249, 2501, 252, 255
Inquisition: history and procedures, 213;
and the Index, 735;
proceedings of 1615–16, 10922;
proceedings of 1632–33, 15770
Inquisition proceedings in Galileo’s trial: abjuration, 1678, 16970;
Bellarmine’s certificate, 11922, 1613, 167, 169;
Bellarmine’s report, 119;
Caccini’s deposition, 95, 109, 166;
consultant’s report on “Letter to Castelli,” 112, 269n2;
consultants’ report on Copernicanism, 10, 112, 113;
consultants’ report on Dialogue, 163;
Galileo’s depositions, 11, 1615, 2478;
Index’s decree against Copernicanism, 10, 11719, 2047, 21617, 253;
Lorini’s complaint, 94, 109, 166;
Paul V’s orders, 11315, 155, 167;
pro-Copernican decrees of 1820–22, 174;
rigorous examination, 1645, 170;
Seghizzi’s injunction, 11517, 1556, 167, 181;
sentence, 11, 1659, 173, 206, 253;
special commission’s report on Dialogue, 158
instantaneous motion, 35
instrumentalism, epistemological, 15, 67, 68, 69, 1923, 255. See also hypothesis; hypothetical discussion; saving the appearances
internal force, definition of, 135
International Year of Astronomy, vi
Israel, 65, 98, 102, 237
Italy, 7, 199, 220
Jerome, Saint, 106
Jesuits, 20, 1778, 198
John Paul II: and harmony thesis, 2036, 21415;
rehabilitation of Galileo, 2, 1756, 188, 189, 222, 223
Joshua miracle, 65, 93, 95, 989, 1012, 188, 212, 213, 237
judgment. See judiciousness
judicious-mindedness. See judiciousness
judiciousness, 189, 219, 238, 2468, 253, 256;
defined explicitly, 245. See also fair-mindedness; open-mindedness
Jupiter, satellites of, 3, 8, 77, 80, 81, 83, 85, 87, 90, 93, 132, 236
Kant, Immanuel, 226
Kelly, Henry, 263, 269n10
Kepler, Johannes: and Galileo, 69, 723, 745, 82, 145;
put on the Index, 173, 174;
and Tycho, 69
kinesthetic sense, 56, 133
kinetic energy, 252
Koestler, Arthur, 1, 13, 171, 194, 263
Kuhn, Thomas, 264
Lagalla, Giulio, 93
Lamalle, Edmond, 177
last will and testament of Galileo, 161
Lateran Council, Fifth, 112, 211
latitude, 63, 182;
defined, 38
law of revolution, argument for Earth’s motion, 1323
learning from Galileo. See legacy of Galileo
legacy of Galileo, vi, 15, 198, 2038, 22548
legal issues, 17, 213, 113, 177, 179, 185, 190, 256, 257;
Galileo’s legal culpability, 1902, 255;
Seghizzi’s injunction, 11618, 122, 156, 181;
vehement suspicion of heresy, 1, 11, 223, 166, 169, 205
Leibniz, Gottfried, 172
Leo X, 211
Leo XIII, 12, 17, 1067, 1789, 188, 205, 222, 264
Leo, constellation of, 43
Lepanto, 7
L’Epinois, Henri de, 181
Lerner, Michel, 264, 272n9
levity, in geostatic world view, 32, 57
liberalism, 215
Libra, 43
Libri, Guglielmo, 217, 251, 264
light bodies, in geostatic world view, 32, 131
limited scriptural authority, principle of, 1, 2, 978, 210
Lincean Academy, 823, 1234, 157, 199
Lindberg, David, 264
literal interpretation of Scripture, 4, 66, 97, 1005, 172, 1789, 1878, 206, 21213, 218
literary aspect of Dialogue, 1514, 164
Locher, Johannes, 133
longitude, definition of, 389
Lorini, Niccolò, 94, 109, 166
Louis XIV, 172
luminaries, 39, 97
lunar-orbit argument, 81
Luther, Martin, 19, 93
Maculano da Firenzuola, Vincenzo, 161
magnitude of heavenly bodies, apparent, 39, 83, 1423
Mallet du Pan, Jacques, 189, 218, 222, 251, 264
manner of reasoning, Galileo’s, 20910
Mars: anti-Copernican argument, 589, 141, 235, 246;
heliocentric orbit, 83, 137
Masini, Eliseo, 264, 267nn913, 270n7
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, vi
master of the sacred palace, 174
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Newton), 182, 225
mathematics, 7, 8, 18, 71;
approach to nature, 3, 4, 182, 225;
epistemological instrumentalism, 15, 678, 119, 192;
extruding power of whirling, 23941
mausoleum for Galileo, 179
mechanics, 54, 67, 92, 112, 127, 152, 182, 235, 253;
anti-Copernican arguments, 605, 72, 1345, 187;
extruding power of whirling, 23842;
ship’s mast argument, 1357;
tidal argument, 1449;
vertical-fall argument, 22934
Medicean planets or stars, 80, 86
Medici, 17, 150;
Giuliano de’, 82;
Villa, 12, 168, 21923
Mediterranean Sea, 7, 146
medium, motion through, 35
Menon, Latha, vi
Mercury, 27, 39, 44, 48, 82, 83, 137
meridian, 38
Meriwether, John, vi
Mersenne, Marin, 185
metaphysical, 68, 69, 72, 75
methodology: attraction as occult property, 145;
Campanella’s emphasis, 20910, 213;
complexity vs. simplicity, 249;
critical vs. naïve empiricism, 134;
definition, 4, 244;
divine-omnipotence argument, 66, 1567;
Galileo’s contributions, 3, 4, 11, 12, 73, 75, 104, 106, 127, 142, 150, 187, 213, 226, 235, 238;
gradualism vs. holism, 85;
Inquisition sentence, 1667;
issues, 3, 1317, 23, 172, 206, 221, 223;
logic of explanation, 149, 1567;
provable vs. proved vs. unprovable, 1056;
and rhetoric, 1501;
Michelangelo, 5, 179
Milky Way, 9, 77
Milton, John, 172, 216, 251
miracle, Joshua, 65, 95, 98, 101, 102, 204, 212, 237
missing signatures, from Inquisition’s sentence, 1689
mixed motion, 30
Modena, 110
momentum, 62, 65, 233
Moon: in geostatic world view, 14, 27, 28, 31, 33, 39, 40, 44, 94;
lunar-orbit argument, 81;
mountains on, 3, 8, 778, 81, 1289, 2356;
and tides, 145, 1534, 186
Morpurgo-Tagliabue, Guido, 265, 270n1, 271n18
musicology, v, 56
myths: anti-clerical, 12, 23, 251;
anti-Galilean, 1213, 2223;
bad theologian, 190, 218, 222, 261;
concept, 221, 222, 260, 273n39;
empiricist, 221;
prison, 168;
pro-clerical, 219, 251;
pro-Galilean, 219;
rehabilitation, 223, 259, 273n41;
in subsequent affair, 21419;
Villa Medici, 12, 168, 21923
naïve empiricism, 134
name-calling, 153
Naples, 96, 208
Napoleon Bonaparte, 181
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), vi
natural circular motion, 33, 64, 130
natural motion, anti-Copernican arguments, 645, 1301, 2323
natural philosophy, 10, 93, 107, 108, 166, 182, 210, 212, 213, 216, 225
natural place, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 74
natural state, 30, 34, 232
nebulas, 9, 77
nested spheres, 34, 44
neutral motion, 74, 88
nepotism, 158
Newman, John Henry, 172
Newton, Isaac, 2, 145, 149, 182, 186, 225, 226
non-intellectual factors, in Galileo’s trial, 1823
non-sequitur, 213
North Star, 39
notary, in Inquisition bureaucracy, 115, 155, 161, 167;
defined, 22
Nov-antiqua (Galileo), 106. See also Christina of Lorraine, Galileo’s letter to
novas, 18, 129
Numbers, Ronald, 264, 265
observability of truth, methodological problem, 14, 15, 56, 2378
Olivieri, Maurizio, 1867
omnipotence. See divine omnipotence
On Motion (Galileo), 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 262
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (Copernicus), 8, 47, 70, 225, 260, 273n7
open-mindedness, 127, 238, 246, 247, 248, 253, 254, 256;
defined explicitly, 245. See also fair-mindedness; judiciousness
opposites, in geostatic world view, 2933
orb, 90, 141
original vs. subsequent affairs, 170, 1713, 21419, 24958
Ortega y Gasset, José, 226, 265, 273n2
Osiander, Andreas, 67, 68, 193
Ottoman Empire, 7
out-of-court settlement, 1634
overarching thesis, 256, 258
Padua, 7, 19, 21, 30, 70
Pagano, Sergio, 200, 265
Palazzo Firenze, 161, 219
Palmieri, Paolo, 74, 265, 268n1, 273n4, 273n7
parabola, 231
parallax of fixed stars, anti-Copernican argument, 5960, 87, 1424, 1823, 236, 2423
parallel (on a spherical surface), 423, 140;
defined, 38
Paris, 181, 182
Pascal, Blaise, 172, 187
Paschini, Pio, 1778, 191
pastoral aspect of Galileo affair, 176, 189
patronage, 18, 19, 150
Paul III, 21
Paul V, 11315, 122, 123, 155, 167, 251
Peiresc, Nicholas Claude Fabri de, 191
pendulum: Foucault’s, 1823, 192;
Galileo’s discoveries, 2, 3, 136
penitential psalms, 1678
Pesce, Mauro, 265, 269
Philosopher and Chief Mathematician, 9, 19, 160, 219
philosophical play, 191
physics: anti-Copernican arguments, 605, 67;
Aristotelian or traditional, 347;
Galilean or new, 2, 8, 11, 37, 75, 86, 1346, 185, 186, 225, 22835, 23842, 253
piety, 177, 204, 211, 222
Pisa, 5, 7, 69, 70, 94
Pisces, 43
Pitts, Derrick, vi
plague, 157, 160, 161
Plato, 70, 127, 215, 268n3
plea bargaining, 11, 1634, 165
poetic license, in the Dialogue, 1504
Polaris, 39
Pontifical Academy of Sciences, 175, 176, 177, 199
Pontifical Lateran University, 176, 198
Popper, Karl, 12, 203, 222, 265
Poupard, Paul, 175, 176, 223
Prague, 82
precession, 87, 141
primary vs. secondary causes, 1489
primum mobile, 102, 132
priority of demonstration, principle of, 103, 105, 107, 179, 213
priority of Scripture, 1078
probability issues, 11, 15, 84, 8892, 97, 102, 108, 127, 132, 156, 1667, 187, 192, 193, 253, 257
projectile motion, 2, 367, 61, 1345, 136
Protestants and Protestantism, 1920, 66, 75, 158, 216
provable assertions, 108, 163, 187, 253. See also capable of being proved; demonstrable
Providentissimus Deus (Leo XIII), 12, 1067, 1789, 188, 205, 222, 264
Psalms, 65, 168
Ptolemaic system: anti-Copernican arguments, 5467;
astronomy, 3745;
cosmology, 2534;
and retrograde motion, 502;
physics, 347
Ptolemy, Claudius, 14, 25, 45, 73, 86, 91, 133, 157, 207, 242, 247, 273n7
Pythagoras, 14, 25, 48, 82, 94, 96, 97, 98, 173, 207
quantitative invalidity, 241
Querenghi, Antonio, 11011
quintessence, 30
rationality, v, 11, 172, 22548, 250, 252
rational-mindedness, 2438;
defined explicitly, 245. See also argument; critical reasoning; critical thinking; reasoning
Ratzinger, Joseph, 1967. See also Benedict XVI
realism, epistemological, 15, 68, 1923, 255
reasoning: defined explicitly, 244. See also argument; critical reasoning; critical thinking; rational-mindedness
rectilinear motion, 32, 33, 65, 73, 139. See also straight motion
Reeves, Eileen, 266
rehabilitations of Galileo, 2, 171, 173, 17581, 188, 189, 192, 1945, 198, 199, 204, 223
relativity of motion, 2, 132, 134, 135, 187, 253
religion vs. science: in Galileo’s trial, 2038;
in subsequent affair, 21419
“Reply to Ingoli” (Galileo), 125, 135
resistance to motion, 356
responses to Copernicanism, 679
retrograde motion, 504, 137, 234
Rheticus, Georg, 93
rhetoric: conflicting meanings, 150, 223;
in Dialogue, 1504;
in Galileo’s trial, 157;
and myth-making, 2512
Riccioli, Giovanni Battista, 1856, 1878
“rigorous examination” of Galileo, 1645, 170. See also torture of issue
Roman College, 182
Ross, Alexander, 217
Rowland, Wade, 266
Russell, Bertrand, 12, 203, 266
Rutgers State University, v
Sagittarius, 43
Sagredo, 126, 151, 152
Salviati, 126, 127, 142, 151, 152, 247
Santa Croce, Church of, 177, 180
Saturn, 27, 39, 40, 44, 48, 84, 137
saving the appearances (or phenomena), 119, 120, 121
Scheiner, Christoph, 18, 856, 138
science vs. religion: in Galileo’s trial, 2038;
in subsequent affair, 21419
Scientific Revolution, 2256
Scorpio, 43
Scripture, anti-Copernican argument, 65, 96108, 20814. See also authority of Scripture; hermeneutics
secant, 240
secondary vs. primary causes, 1489
Seghizzi, Michelangelo, 116, 270n5. See also Seghizzi’s injunction; Seghizzi’s precept
Seghizzi’s injunction, 11517, 11722, 155, 1612, 167, 181, 190, 200, 255. See also special injunction; Seghizzi’s precept
Seghizzi’s precept, 113, 116, 117, 122, 155, 156, 167, 169, 255. See also Seghizzi’s injunction; special injunction
Segre, Michael, 266
self-contradictory argument, 131
sense experience, methodological problem, 556, 67, 92, 103, 106, 134, 142, 235, 247
sentence against Galileo, Inquisition’s, 11, 12, 23, 169, 173, 174, 176, 205, 206, 217, 253;
detailed summary, 1659
Settele, Giuseppe, 174
Shakespeare, William, 5
Shea, William, 266, 273n36
ship’s mast experiment, anti-Copernican argument, 623, 74, 1357, 234
Sidereal Messenger (Galileo), 8, 801, 86, 93, 209
Siena, 168
simpleton, 151, 157
Simplicio, 126, 151, 152, 247;
alleged caricature of Pope Urban, 1567
simplicity: in Copernican controversy, 48, 54, 83, 878, 130, 1312, 138, 234;
in study of Galileo affair, 24952
Simplicius, 151, 157
Sirius, 39
Sizzi, Francesco, 93
Sleepwalkers (Koestler), 172, 195, 263
Slezak, Peter, vi
Socrates, 4, 150, 217
solstice, 412, 198
sophistry, 16, 11012, 223, 23843
Spain, 19, 20
special commission on Galileo’s Dialogue, 158
special injunction, 155, 161, 163, 169, 190, 200, 255. See also Seghizzi’s injunction;
Seghizzi’s precept
species, and genus, 153
Speller, Jules, 266, 269n5, 270n4, 272n6
stellar sphere, 26, 27, 29, 31, 34, 424, 49, 54, 68, 701, 133. See also celestial sphere
straight motion, 30, 31, 32, 64, 70, 94, 1301, 229, 232. See also rectilinear motion
Strasbourg, 215
straw-man fallacy, 242
strict demonstration, 91, 193
sublunary, 14, 312, 129
subsequent vs. original affairs, 170, 1713, 21419, 24958
summons issued to Galileo, 10, 11, 160
sunspots: annual paths, 85, 13841, 234;
and heavenly changes, 3, 9, 18, 79, 837, 90, 94, 95, 129. See also History and Demonstrations Concerning Sunspots
Sunspots Letters (Galileo). See History and Demonstrations Concerning Sunspots
superior planet, retrogression of, 523
superlunary, 14, 312
superposition of motions, 62, 63, 135, 136, 233. See also composition of motion
Sweden, 19
symmetry, between original and subsequent affair, 2528
Syracuse, 8
tangent, 23940
Targioni Tozzetti, Giovanni, 180
Taurus, 43
teleology, 196
telescope: and anti-Copernican arguments, 5660, 12831, 2423;
discoveries and implications, 7792, 13744;
and Galileo’s judiciousness, 2358
testament, Galileo’s last will and, 161
theological issues: anti-Copernican arguments, 657;
apologias of Galileo’s condemnation, 18794;
criticism of anti-Copernican arguments, 96108, 20814;
rehabilitations of Galileo, 17581;
science vs. religion in Galileo’s trial, 2038;
science vs. religion in subsequent affair, 21419;
theology as queen of sciences, 1034, 105, 112.
third motion, of Earth, 87
Thirty Years’ War, 19, 158, 169
tidal argument, 11, 73, 8890, 1449, 186. See also “Discourse on the Tides”
tides. See tidal argument
Tiraboschi, Girolamo, 189, 190
Tolosani, Giovanni, 93
Torricelli, Evangelista, 187
torture issue, 23, 1645, 217, 263, 269n10
trade winds, 89, 110
Treatise on the Sphere, or Cosmography (Galileo), 25, 73
Trent, Council of, 19, 208
Tuscany, 5, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 80, 160, 216, 219
Two New Sciences (Galileo), 11, 187
two-cultures thesis, 194
Tycho Brahe, 68, 69, 72, 74, 86, 88, 133, 137, 143, 185, 218
unbanning Copernican books, 1735
University of New South Wales, vi
Urban VIII, 10, 1920, 1235, 150, 15860, 165, 205, 216;
allegedly caricatured as Simplicio, 157;
and divine-omnipotence argument, 66, 128, 156, 160, 161, 163;
Duhem’s instrumentalist interpretation, 193;
and hypotheses, 156, 161, 163
vacuum, 35
Van Helden, Albert, 266
Vatican Astronomical Observatory, 175, 177, 183
Vatican Commission on Galileo, 1756
Vatican Council, Second, 177, 204
Vatican Radio, 176
Vatican Secret Archives, 181, 199
vehement suspicion of heresy, 1, 11, 223, 166, 169, 205. See also formal heresy
Venice, 7, 93, 145, 146
Venus: anti-Copernican argument, 578, 1412, 235, 246;
heliocentric orbit, 82, 83, 84, 85, 1378;
phases, 3, 8, 9, 77, 79, 82, 84, 86, 87, 90, 236
vertical fall: anti-Copernican argument, 602, 22835, 246;
and deception of the senses, 1334;
and Guglielmini’s eastward deflection, 1834;
and ship’s mast experiment, 62, 1357
Villa Medici, 12, 168, 21923
violent motion, 30, 34, 35, 64, 74, 135. See also forced motion
Virgo, 43
Voltaire, François, 1, 12, 172, 203, 21617, 251
wandering star, 41, 80;
defined, 39
water, as element in geostatic world view, 14, 2834, 57, 64, 130
Westman, Robert, 266
White, Andrew, 203, 215, 266
wind: anti-Copernican argument, 1334;
pro-Copernican argument, 89, 110
Wolfe, Kenneth, vi
Ximenes, Ferdinando, 109, 112
Zacchia, Laudivio, 1689
zodiac, 434