This chapter shows you how to write simple XML documents. You'll
see that an XML document is built from text content marked up with text
tags such as <SKU>
, <Record_ID>
, and <author>
that look superficially like
HTML tags. However, in HTML you're limited to about a hundred predefined
tags that describe web page formatting. In XML, you can create as many
tags as you need. Furthermore, these tags will mostly describe the type
of content they contain rather than formatting or layout information. In
XML you don't say that something is italicized or indented or bold, you
say that it's a book or a biography or a calendar.
Although XML is looser than HTML in regard to which tags it allows, it is much stricter about where those tags are placed and how they're written. In particular, all XML documents must be well-formed. Well-formedness rules specify constraints such as "Every start-tag must have a matching end-tag," and "Attribute values must be quoted." These rules are unbreakable, which makes parsing XML documents easier and writing them a little harder, but they still allow an almost unlimited flexibility of expression.
An XML document contains text, never binary data. It can be opened with any program that knows how to read a text file. Example 2-1 is close to the simplest XML document imaginable. Nonetheless, it is a well-formed XML document. XML parsers can read it and understand it (at least as far as a computer program can be said to understand anything).
In the most common scenario, this document would be the entire contents of
a file named person.xml, or
perhaps 2-1.xml. However, XML is
not picky about the filename. As far as the parser is concerned, this
file could be called person.txt,
person, or Hey you, there's some XML in this here
file! Your operating system may or may not like these
names, but an XML parser won't care. The document might not even be in
a file at all. It could be a record or a field in a database. It could
be generated on the fly by a CGI program in response to a browser
query. It could even be stored in more than one file, although that's
unlikely for such a simple document. If it is served by a web server,
it will probably be assigned the MIME media type application/xml
or text/xml
However, specific XML applications may use more specific MIME media types, such as application/mathml+xml
, application/xslt+xml
, image/svg+xml
, text/vnd.wap.wml
, or even text/html
(in very special cases).