Arab Sex #4:
Ejaculatory Control

Take the Art of Brinksmanship (page 57) a little further. Learn how to control, or at least more strongly influence, your ejaculation timing. The techniques aren’t difficult, but they do require practice.

Muscle Control

• Practice squeezing and releasing the sphincter muscle (the one you use to eliminate body waste) to make it stronger.

• Strengthen your PC muscle (the one that controls the stop and start of urination) by doing Kegels.

• Use those stronger muscles to slow down intercourse. When you feel ejaculation is imminent, stop thrusting, squeeze your sphincter, and flex your PC several times.

The Three-Finger Draw

This works for some men, but not others. (It may induce rather than inhibit ejaculation. Try and see.) Using the three longest fingers of one hand, cup the area of your perineum. Press lightly.
