The Legend of the Yoni

Yoni is a Sanskrit word that can mean source, origin, womb, or vulva—a lot of meanings for one small word. In Hindu mythology, the goddess Shakti embodies the divine feminine energy, centered in the vulva, the yoni. She is Shiva’s primary consort. Worship of her is worship of the yoni. Like Shiva, who is inseparable from his penis/lingam, she is her yoni/vulva.

In one myth, her body was cut to pieces—and her yoni fell to earth at Manobhavaguha Cave at Mount Nila, a cave protecting a yoni-shaped cleft, a place that is still held sacred today and is known as Kamakhya Pitha.

Although phallic worship has been studied extensively worldwide, vulva worship has not. But we can trace yoni worship throughout Hindu culture. You can find some of the most impressive monuments to the yoni in Kerala, India. Devotees still leave fruits, nuts, seeds, shells, and flowers to honor the goddess.

Worship at your pussy altar today (see page 67). Bring fresh flowers. Light the candles. Burn the incense. Let him fall to his knees and worship the vulva in the way most pleasing to her.
