Her Multiple Os #2: Sequential

Women can experience four types of multiple orgasms. On page 71, I explained compounded single orgasms, perhaps the most common. They are separated by sufficient time for arousal to have subsided substantially between orgasms.

Sequential multiples are orgasms that are fairly close together—anywhere from two to ten minutes apart—with little interruption in sexual stimulation or level of arousal.

Women most often report them during cunnilingus. Her lover can encourage them by:

• Constant, concerted stimulation on and around the clitoris (which does not work for every woman)

• Alternating sucking the clitoral area with licking and flicking the shaft

• The Flame: Pretend the tip of your tongue is a candle flame.
In your mind’s eye, see that flame flicking in the wind. Move your tongue rapidly around the sides of her clitoris, above and below it, as the candle flame moves.
