Simultaneous Orgasm, Lesson #1

In your grandmother’s day, simultaneous orgasm was ideal. Because these spontaneous mutual combustions rarely happened for lovers who were little educated on clitoral stimulation, they were often faked. The women’s revolution gave us the “ladies first” orgasm via cunnilingus (and then he had his in intercourse).

Interestingly, the simultaneous orgasm still held sway in novels and mainstream movies. Many women secretly crave the experience. Some couples strive for it. If you want to make it happen, you probably can, but timing is crucial.

1. Time how long it takes him to move from arousal to orgasm. Now time her. Dr. Joel Block has it right when he says for most couples it’s an eleven-minute differential.

2. Hang on to your time cards. You will need them for lesson #2 (page 258).


