Handling Her Desire Curve

Women are hit harder by their fall from the top of the Desire Curve (pages 177 and 336) than men are. Why? Three reasons:

1. New Relationship Euphoria (NREU) gives women the bigger kick because sex, especially if it includes intercourse and orgasm, adds large amounts of the attachment chemical oxytocin to the rush of neurochemicals already bathing her fevered brain. Women are also more affected by oxytocin than men are because it works in concert with estrogen and is somewhat subdued by testosterone. Intercourse produces more oxytocin in women than cunnilingus and other sex acts do.

2. Women confuse desire and arousal and ignore the signs of their own arousal. The myths surrounding “Lady Libido” (page 320) only confuse the situation more.

3. Culturally, women still link love and sex more than men do. The flip side of romanticizing lust and confusing it with love is confusing a fall from NREU with falling out of love.

When you understand the Desire Curve, you can relax and be grateful for the natural hormonal cycles that make you crave again. And remember: Nothing tricks the lust brain like a change of sexual habit. This book is all about beating the Desire Curve.
