If you’re like most people, you’ve probably never given your blood sugar a second thought unless you have diabetes. But doctors and researchers have recently discovered a shocking truth: If your blood sugar levels regularly soar and crash like an out-of-control drone, your body may sustain damage, just as the unmanned vehicle does over time. Of course, in your case, the damage will occur on the inside, where you can’t see it. The consequences, like low energy or weight gain, can be bothersome—or they can be deadly.
Whether or not you have diabetes, a diet loaded with foods that send blood sugar up high and down low can jack up your risk of heart disease by damaging your blood vessels and raising your cholesterol. It may even chip away at your memory and increase the risk of certain cancers. You may not notice a problem, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. You may have started on a path that can shave years off your life.
It’s no longer just certain people who need to worry about their blood sugar. It’s pretty much everyone.
This realization is nothing short of a revolution in the way we understand diet and health. Fortunately, none of the damage happens overnight, and even modest changes in the foods you eat every day can start you on a healthier path and make you feel more alert, alive, and energized right away.
When you need a quick pick-me-up, what do you reach for? Maybe a candy bar, a handful of crackers or pretzels, or a box of raisins. It makes sense. These “fast-acting” foods take no time at all to dissolve in your stomach. Quick as light, they race into your bloodstream, flooding your body with blood sugar (glucose), and you’re raring to go! The trouble is, the surge doesn’t last long. In fact, it’s over just as quickly as it started, leaving you feeling worse off than before—and hungry again well before your next mealtime.
Without knowing it, you may even be starting your day with foods that fizzle out in a hurry, leaving you in a slump. Think back to the last time you ate a bagel for breakfast, or a bowl of cornflakes, frozen waffles with syrup, or white toast with jam. You probably felt fine at first, but later in the morning, you may have noticed your energy level beginning to sink. Maybe you started to get irritable. Once your energy hit bottom, you may have found yourself hungry again—no, starving! So naturally, you ate a big lunch and probably a fast-acting one to boot: maybe a sandwich on an oversized white roll, with a few handfuls of pretzels, a large soda or fruity drink to wash them down, and a cookie (or two) for dessert. And the cycle started over again.
Unfortunately, our diets are chock-full of foods that send us for a wild ride on the blood sugar roller coaster. It’s no wonder most of us have less energy than we’d like and feel listless too often. It’s also no wonder most of us weigh more than we want to. Yes, eating too much and exercising too little get the lion’s share of the blame, but the blood sugar roller coaster contributes by setting in motion a chain of events that eventually sends you shopping for “fat jeans.”
Sound bad? Low energy and weight gain are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what happens when your blood sugar swings high and low.
High blood sugar after meals can, over time, damage the body, even if it NEVER leads to full-blown diabetes.
For most of us, even when blood sugar skyrockets after a big meal, our bodies can bring it back to normal in a few hours with no problem. Only people with untreated diabetes have blood sugar levels that stay quite high most of the time. Thus, for a long time, doctors thought that only those people needed to be concerned about the effect of food on blood sugar.
Now we know that even in healthy people, high blood sugar after meals can, over time, damage the body, even if it never leads to full-blown diabetes.
In short, it’s no longer just certain people who need to worry about their blood sugar; it’s pretty much everyone. It should concern you even if you’re thin and healthy, and especially if you don’t get much exercise (Does that describe you? It describes most people.) or you carry extra weight around your middle.
By now you’re wondering, “How can I get off the roller coaster?” Take heart: It’s not that difficult—and the book you’re holding will show you how. Later, we’ll get into much more detail about how our diets contribute to unstable blood sugar (Hint: Too many foods like white bread, white rice, potatoes, and sugary drinks are major culprits.) and which foods can help solve the problem. But for now, let’s take a deeper look at why you should care and how you stand to benefit from this book.
Diets full of fast-acting carbs like these send blood sugar on a wild ride, which wreaks havoc on the body.
Eating makes you feel full, right? Well, actually, that depends.
When you eat a big meal, especially one with a lot of refined starchy or sugary foods, the food makes its way through your stomach and intestines and then is converted into glucose, the main fuel for your muscles and even your brain. Voilà, instant energy!
But a big refined starchy meal can give the body more glucose than it needs. In fact, it can raise blood sugar levels twice as much as another, healthier meal would.
Most people’s bodies can bring blood sugar down fairly quickly, within an hour or two of eating. The body does this by releasing insulin, a hormone produced by beta cells in the pancreas. Insulin signals the body to let that blood sugar into cells to use as fuel and to store the rest in the muscles.
But if you eat a huge pile of French fries or too much bread, your body has to deal with a serious flood of blood sugar, so it overreacts, pumping out too much insulin. If you’re overweight, it may pump out even more. All that extra insulin brings blood sugar down—sometimes too far. And it hangs around a long time, keeping your blood sugar low for hours. As a result, you can fall into a semi-starved state. In some cases, your blood sugar may be even lower than it was before you ate! Now you’re really dragging. Your energy is low. You may get a headache.
Your body recognizes that your blood sugar is too low, so it reverses course, spewing out hormones that raise blood levels of sugars and fats (the kind that could trigger a heart attack). Your brain also sets in motion signals that tell you that you’re hungry. Even though you ate more calories at lunch than you really needed, your blood sugar is so low that your body thinks it needs more food. Those doughnuts in the conference room sure look attractive right now.
It’s not just low blood sugar but also rapidly falling blood sugar that triggers a powerful hunger signal. In 16 studies, 15 of them found that meals that raise blood sugar quickly resulted in feeling hungrier before the next meal. For example, in a study of 65 women, those whose meals were designed to keep blood sugar stable reported feeling less intense hunger and less desire to eat, especially during the afternoon.
Meals that boost blood sugars increase levels of leptin, a hormone that decreases hunger (and boosts fat burning) and lowers levels of ghrelin, a hormone that increases hunger. The women who ate these meals reported that they felt hungrier sooner.
In many studies, people who ate blood sugar–boosting meals also ate more at the next meal. In a study of overweight teenage boys, the boys ate 500 more calories within 5 hours after eating blood sugar–boosting breakfasts and lunches than they did when they ate meals that were kinder to their blood sugar. In other studies, the differences were more modest, about 150 calories. Still, eating even 100 extra calories a day may mean the difference between losing weight and gaining it.
Now, you can lose weight on any diet that cuts calories. But losing is only half the battle—and often, it’s the easiest part. Sticking to a healthy eating plan that lets you keep the weight off is the hard part. Eating plenty of Magic foods is a key solution.
When you eat a meal that really bumps up your blood sugar, your body pumps out lots of insulin to bring it down, as you’ve just learned. But it also stops burning fat for fuel so it can use up the blood sugar instead. Your belly (or butt or thighs) pays the price. People whose diets boost blood sugar the most tend to have more body fat, especially around the abdomen, the most dangerous place for it to accumulate.
Getting off the blood sugar rollercoaster can make losing that spare tire a lot easier. In studies involving everyone from obese men to pregnant women to children, a blood sugar–stabilizing diet led to more body fat loss (or, in the case of the pregnant women, less body fat gain during the pregnancy).
People whose diets boost blood sugar the most tend to have more body fat, especially around the ABDOMEN.
In a cruel twist of fate, a diet that causes your blood sugar to spike and dive may even slow your metabolism. Compared to a diet that keeps blood sugar levels stable, it lowers the rate at which you burn calories when you’re sitting still. In a study of 39 overweight men and women, the difference worked out to about 80 fewer calories burned each day. That’s an extra pound (0.5 kg) gained about every six weeks, or more than 8 pounds (3.5 kg) a year. The more overweight you are, the greater the difference may be.
It’s fairly easy to imagine how a diet that’s rough on your blood sugar can contribute to weight gain. It’s a little harder to understand how it can also contribute to a heart attack—yet it can. It can lead to clogged arteries and higher blood pressure, and it can raise the level of inflammation in the body, which doctors now know is intimately connected with heart attack risk.
High blood sugar produces unstable forms of oxygen called free radicals. These nasty molecules damage the arteries, making it harder for blood vessels to do their job of keeping blood pressure normal and making cholesterol more likely to stick like glue to artery walls.
The high levels of insulin that your body needs to tame all this blood sugar are pretty nasty, too. They can set in motion changes that raise blood pressure, make blood more likely to form heart-threatening clots, and increase inflammation—all of which raise your heart disease risk.
All carbs raise blood sugar. But some carb foods, like white potatoes and white rice, raise it higher and faster than others, like sweet potatoes and barley. Higher peaks mean steeper drops—your blood sugar may sink lower than before you ate—and that’s when energy stalls and hunger strikes anew.
slow-acting CARBS
fast-acting CARBS
Over time, meals that cause blood sugar to spike also tend to lower “good” HDL cholesterol and raise triglycerides, fats that are toxic to cells, increasing the risk of heart disease—and of sudden cardiac arrest.
Big major studies have shown how powerful these damaging effects can be to the heart. In a study of more than 43,000 men age 40 and older, those whose diets boosted blood sugar the most were 37 percent more likely to develop heart disease in the following 6 years. In the Nurses’ Health Study of more than 75,000 middle-aged women, those whose diets boosted blood sugar the most were twice as likely to develop heart disease over 10 years. For overweight women, such a diet was even more threatening. For instance, their triglycerides were 144 percent higher than those of women who ate a healthier diet, compared to 40 percent higher for women who weren’t overweight.
Fortunately, the phenomenon works in reverse, too: The kinder your meals are to your blood sugar, the kinder they’ll be to your heart. Several studies have found that people who ate the fewest blood sugar–boosting foods had higher levels of HDL cholesterol, lower triglycerides, and fewer heart attacks.
It’s even harder to imagine how seesawing blood sugar levels could possibly lead to cancer, but high insulin levels seem to promote an environment that makes it easier for certain tumors to grow. Research is still ongoing, and, unlike with heart disease and diabetes, it’s too early to make strong statements about the connection between blood sugar levels and cancer. But there is cause for concern with the following cancers.
Colon and rectal cancer. In the Health Professionals Follow-up Study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health and involving more than 50,000 middle-aged men, those whose diets were most likely to raise blood sugar fast and high were 32 percent more likely to develop colon or rectal cancer over 20 years. The heavier the men, the stronger the effect. In the Women’s Health Study, funded in part by the U.S. National Cancer Institute, the rise in cancer risk was an astounding 185 percent higher over 8 years. In 2017, the combined results of 36 studies that involved more than 2 million people found that those with diabetes (high blood sugars) were less likely to survive colon and rectal cancer.
Breast cancer. In the Women’s Health Study, sedentary women who followed a blood sugar–boosting diet were 135 percent more likely to develop breast cancer over 7 years than women whose diets were more blood sugar friendly. These women had not yet entered menopause. On the other hand, a Canadian study of nearly 50,000 women found no link to breast cancer before premenopause, but among postmenopausal women, there was an 87 percent increase in breast cancer risk—and it was even higher if the women did little or no vigorous exercise. A Mexican study comparing women who got breast cancer with those who didn’t found the risk was 62 percent greater with blood sugar–boosting diets. A similar Italian study found an 18 percent increase. The results of 16 studies concluded that diabetes (high blood sugar) significantly increases the risk for breast cancer, particularly in women after menopause.
Endometrial cancer. In the Iowa Women’s Health Study, which involved more than 23,000 postmenopausal women, those who didn’t have diabetes and followed blood sugar–spiking diets were 46 percent more likely to get this cancer over 15 years. An Italian study that compared women who developed endometrial cancer with a similar group of women who didn’t found a 110 percent increase in risk linked to this type of diet. A study on 177 women in 2011 found that those with higher levels of blood sugars were more likely to have cervical cancer.
Prostate cancer. An Italian study looked at men ages 46 to 74 who developed prostate cancer and compared their diets with those of a similar group of men who didn’t get the cancer. Those whose diets were most likely to spike blood sugar were 57 percent more likely to have prostate cancer. A similar Canadian study found a 57 percent increase in risk.
Pancreatic cancer. Even the organ that produces insulin may be more prone to cancer if it’s constantly bathed in that hormone. A study using data from the Nurses’ Health Study over 18 years found that women whose diets raised blood sugar the most were 53 percent more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than women whose diets raised it the least. Women in the first group who were overweight and physically inactive were 157 percent more likely to get the cancer than similar women in the second.
We began this chapter by showing how a meal that raises blood sugar fast and furiously can leave you dragging like a willow in a windstorm. Not surprisingly, it doesn’t do much for your mood, either.
Our moods are intimately affected by the levels of hormones in our systems, including the hormone insulin. These hormones in turn affect neurotransmitters, chemical messengers in the brain. The different types of nutrients we eat, including carbohydrate and protein, affect these transmitters differently, triggering drowsiness or alertness. But the brain may be most sensitive to one simple compound: blood sugar.
Unlike muscles, the brain can’t store sugar. It needs just the right amount of it at all times to function best, so it’s not surprising that it’s very sensitive to even very small differences in the amount of blood sugar available. A steady supply—which the foods in this book will help you achieve—is by far the best.
Both low and high levels of blood sugar can cause trouble when it comes to your mood and memory. People report feeling more symptoms of depression when their blood sugar is low. Memory is affected, too. In one study, people with diabetes had more trouble processing information, remembering things, and paying attention—besides being in a bad mood—when their blood sugar was low. In people with type 2 diabetes, blood sugar swings are linked not only with poor memory but also, over time, with cognitive decline and dementia.
High blood sugar levels spell trouble, too. Long before they cause diabetes, they can impair the brain, shrinking a part that stores memories and increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. In one study at New York University, researchers found that in people who tended to have high blood sugar levels after meals, a part of the brain called the hippocampus, which is most associated with long-term memory, was smaller than in people whose postmeal blood sugar levels were lower.
On the positive side, keeping your blood sugar on an even keel can help you feel better and stay mentally sharp. People with diabetes who control their blood sugar well report better moods, less depression, and less fatigue than those who don’t. Careful studies have found that the better they control their blood sugar, the better they are able to recall a paragraph after reading it and to remember words from a list.
In general, eating a good breakfast is the best way for anyone to improve mental functioning later in the day. Studies regularly show that eating breakfast improves mood, mental alertness, concentration, and memory. Eating the right breakfast, one that keeps blood sugar on an even keel until lunch, is likely to work even better.
Perhaps the worst thing about eating meals heavy on fast-acting foods is that, over time, they can greatly increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, the kind that’s largely related to lifestyle. In type 2 diabetes—which we’ll just call diabetes from now on—your body can’t make enough insulin or doesn’t use it well to keep your blood sugar levels under control.
In major long-term studies, eating fast-acting meals increased the risk of diabetes by 40 percent in middle-aged men and by a whopping 50 percent in middle-aged women. Fortunately, it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s not as if you eat a jelly doughnut on Tuesday and wake up with diabetes on Wednesday. It takes years, even decades, for your body to get to the point where it can’t keep blood sugar under control on its own.
Most of us, though, are headed in the wrong direction.
The good news is that the slow journey toward diabetes can be redirected at any point along the path. The earlier you start, of course, the easier and more effectively you can change direction. Eating meals that are gentler to your blood sugar is key.
Ever strip a screw when you’re in the midst of a do-it-yourself project? Suddenly, you need to use real elbow grease to turn it just a little bit. And the more it gets stripped, the harder it is to turn.
Your body can be a little like that. The more foods you eat that spike your blood sugar, the more insulin your body has to pump out to handle the load. Over time, repeated surges of insulin can strip your cells’ insulin receptors, figuratively speaking, so they don’t work as well, and the insulin can’t be used as efficiently. When that happens, your body has to pump out more insulin to do the same job. This condition is called insulin resistance.
In the West, where the mega-meal and the electric recliner are all too pervasive, insulin resistance is increasingly common. More than a third (33.9 percent) of adults have it. And if you’re overweight and over 45, the chances that you have it are nearly one in two. You’re much more likely to develop insulin resistance if you’re overweight and sedentary.
If you have insulin resistance, your blood sugar levels may still be normal, although they may be on the high side after meals. You don’t have diabetes—yet. But you are going in a direction that’s putting a lot of stress on your blood sugar control system, and you’re doing some damage along the way.
The extra insulin your body has to churn out can raise blood pressure, cause cholesterol problems, and even make it easier for certain cancers to grow. It also paves the way for weight gain. And here’s a real scare: There’s growing evidence that the brain itself can become insulin resistant, which impairs the function of nerves and leads to the buildup of toxic deposits, increasing the risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.
And of course, insulin resistance increases the risk of diabetes. High blood sugar and extra insulin can damage the beta cells in the pancreas—the ones that make insulin—so they become fatigued or die off. When that happens, you have diabetes.
Insulin resistance starts slowly, furtively, silently. It has no symptoms. But once you develop it, it’s easier to become even more insulin resistant. In a vicious cycle, the more insulin your body has to produce to keep blood sugar down, the more insulin resistant you become—unless you do something to reverse the trend. Fortunately, changing your eating style to include more of the slow-acting foods in this book is one of the biggest keys to preventing or reversing the condition. (For other ways, see “Fighting Insulin Resistance”.)
Insulin resistance on its own can be dangerous, as you’ve just discovered. But there’s worse news: If you have it, you may also have a host of related problems that tend to cluster together like birds on a telephone wire. Each of these problems on its own raises your risk of heart disease, but if you have three or more of them, your risk is double what it would be if you had only one. You’re practically a heart attack waiting to happen, even if your levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol are normal.
If you have metabolic syndrome, you’re an excellent candidate for DIABETES, even if your blood sugar levels aren’t high yet.
This cluster of problems is known as metabolic syndrome. If you have this condition, you’re also an excellent candidate for diabetes, even if your blood sugar levels aren’t high yet. Indeed, 85 percent of people with type 2 diabetes have metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome is incredibly common here, affecting about one in three adults. Anyone can develop it, but you’re much more likely to get it as you get older. In one large study of men and women age 50 and older, 44 percent had it. If you’re carrying extra pounds, you’re even more likely to have it.
Getting older, gaining weight, and being sedentary all contribute to the syndrome, but in many ways, this is a condition that you eat your way into. Diets low in fiber, high in calories, full of saturated fat, and loaded with foods that boost blood sugar quickly all contribute. In the Framingham Heart Study, one of the longest and largest studies of diet and disease, people whose diets tended to send blood sugar the highest after meals were 40 percent more likely to have metabolic syndrome than those who usually ate foods like the ones in this book.
According to the U.S. National Institute of Health’s National Cholesterol Education Program, you have the syndrome if you have three or more of these problems.
Belly fat. A big belly isn’t just somewhere you’ve put on extra weight. From your body’s standpoint, fat around the middle is a very different kind of fat than, say, fat on your thighs. It’s easier for this kind of fat to get into the bloodstream, where it can wreak havoc and increase the risk of heart disease. Indeed, researchers now suspect a large waist may be a better marker for heart disease risk than being overweight or obese in general.
High triglyceride levels. These fats are stored in the blood, ready to be broken down for energy. Even a mild elevation can increase your risk of heart disease.
Low HDL cholesterol levels. You’ve probably heard a lot of talk about “good” HDL cholesterol. It’s the kind your body uses to pull “bad” LDL cholesterol out of the blood and transport it back to the liver, where it’s broken down. Levels of HDL are often low in people with metabolic syndrome.
High blood pressure. Blood pressure is also often elevated in metabolic syndrome. It may not be high enough for your doctor to diagnose you as having high blood pressure, but along with the other factors, it’s bad for your heart.
High fasting glucose levels. Your blood sugar may not be high enough to qualify you as having diabetes, but it still increases your risk of developing both diabetes and heart disease. The cause is insulin resistance.
Even if you have insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, a test of your blood sugar in a doctor’s office may show perfectly normal levels. For a while—for years, really—your body may be able to cope with too much blood sugar after meals by pumping out extra insulin.
In some people, though, the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas just can’t keep up. They become less effective (exhausted is the word doctors use), and some of them die. Then your body just can’t make enough insulin to keep blood sugar levels under control.
Your blood sugar may be a little high when you wake up in the morning. A normal level after a fast, that is, after 8 hours of not eating anything, is between 70 and 100 milligrams (mg) of glucose for every 10th of a liter (dL) of blood/ 4.0 to 5.5 millimoles (mmol) of glucose for every liter (L) of blood. If yours is between 100 and 125 mg/dL (5.5 and 7.0 mmol/L), you have prediabetes. You don’t have full-blown diabetes yet, but you’re on the train that takes you there.
Your chances of developing diabetes are very high over the next few years—but you can still get off the train. That was proven in a major study, called the Diabetes Prevention Program, of more than 3,000 men and women in 27 U.S. medical centers. Their ages ranged from 25 to 85, with an average of 51. All were overweight. All had prediabetes. About 11 percent of those in the study who did nothing to change their lifestyles went on to develop diabetes in each year of the three-year study. That is, about a third got diabetes.
Those who switched to healthier diets and lost weight, however, didn’t suffer the same fate. Over three years, they started walking about 30 minutes a day, ate healthier meals, and lost about 15 pounds (7 kg) each. Although some did develop diabetes, there was a 58 percent reduction in the overall incidence of the disease.
If insulin resistance has damaged your pancreas so much that you have prediabetes, and you do nothing to change your lifestyle, it’s almost inevitable that you will develop diabetes. Your beta cells are exhausted and just can’t produce nearly enough insulin to do their job. Your blood sugar levels are above 125 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) even when you wake up in the morning.
The train may have left the station, but you can still get off at the next stop. Your diet is an essential part of your treatment plan. You’ll work with your doctor to take the right medication to improve your insulin sensitivity and insulin production. Losing weight, exercising, and choosing foods that are gentle to your blood sugar levels are key to the effectiveness of those medications. Take this book to your doctor or nutritionist and discuss how to work our recommendations into your lifestyle plan. Working with your doctor, you may be able to reduce the medications you take. In some cases, under medical supervision, you may be able to stop taking them entirely.
The nation’s secret health crisis—insulin resistance and the closely related threats of diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems—is a secret no more. The way we’ve been eating affects our moods, our appetite, our weight, and, in the end, our longevity. But once you know what to do, you can make changes without a lot of fuss that will help you feel better and be healthier in the next 20 minutes and the next 20 years.
Diabetes Quick-Fix with Magic Foods isn’t a radical diet. It doesn’t turn basic nutrition upside down. You’ll find many of the same building blocks of a healthy diet here that you’ve heard about for decades: whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, eggs, lean meats and poultry, seafood, and low-fat dairy products. But we’ve improved this time-honored advice to help you keep your blood sugar in balance before, during, and after each meal. And you’ll do it with the Magic foods you’ll discover in Part 2, the meal makeovers you’ll discover in Part 3, and the recipes and meal plans you’ll find in Part 4.
The differences between the Magic foods approach and a basic healthy diet are subtle but powerful. Whether you’re young or not so young, thin or not so thin, with normal blood sugar levels or high ones; whether you are insulin resistant or not; and indeed, whether you have diabetes or not, this way of eating can make all the difference in the world to your health. Read on to learn more.