Note: page numbers that are in bold type refer to figures, tables and boxes; page numbers that are in italics refer to on-page definitions.
Abduh, Muhammad 318
legalization of 226
Adib-Moghaddam, A. 307
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud 319
al-Afghani, Sayyid Jamal al–Din 301, 308
al-Banna, Hassan 301
al-Qaradawi, Yusuf 314, 317, 320
al-Sistani, Ali 319
Alexander III, Tsar 211
Allende, Salvador 97
anarchism 137
authority, anarchists’ perspective on 201
democracy, anarchists’ perspective on 41
economy, anarchists’ perspective on the 106
equality, anarchists’ perspective on 102
freedom, anarchists’ perspective on 29
human nature, anarchists’ perspective on 68
individualist anarchism 151, 152, 153–4
egoism 154
nation, anarchists’ perspective on 170
nature, anarchists’ perspective on 250
origins and development of 138–9
religion, anarchists’ perspective on 302
‘roads to anarchy’ 157
anarcho-pacifism 159
society, anarchists’ perspective on 71
Spanish Civil War, and 149
tensions within
individualist anarchism and collectivist anarchism 156
Anderson, Benedict 172
Anthony, Susan 220
anti-capitalism 161
anti-colonial nationalism 187, 188–9
anti-Semitism 211, 211, 212, 213–15
Arendt, Hannah 8
Aristotle 39
Atkinson, Ti-Grace 239
Attlee, Clement 107
authoritarian conservatism 74, 74, 75
authoritarian corporatism 208
perspectives on 201
Bakunin, Mikhail 99, 138, 144, 145, 147, 153, 157
Baran, Z. 307
Barruel, Augustin 163
Barry, Brian 296
Baumann, Z. 19
Beard, C. 38
Beasley, C. 241
Beck, U. 19
Bentham, Jeremy 30, 42, 45, 46, 50, 52, 70
Bergson, Henri 198
Berman, Paul 309
Bernstein, Eduard 111, 124, 126–7
bin Laden, Osama 314
Bismarck, Otto von 74
Black, A. 309
Black Blocs 158
Black Muslims 275
Black Panther Party 275
Black Power 275
Blanqui, Auguste 108
Bobbio, N. 15
Bohr, Niels 252
Bookchin, Murray 144, 263, 264, 265, 266, 270
Boulding, Kenneth 254
Bourne, Randolph 142
Brownmiller, Susan 239
Buddhism 260
Buddhist economics 256
Bukharin, Nikolai 120
Burke, Edmund 63, 66, 70, 75, 79, 84
Bush, George W. 63
Butler, J. 241
Multiculturalism Act (1988) 288
capitalism 97
anti-capitalism 161
‘green capitalism’ 261, 261, 263
industrial capitalism 17, 25, 48, 49, 96, 327
managed capitalism 325
‘planned capitalism’ 78
‘welfare capitalism’ 325
Carnot, M. F. S. 157
Cartesian–Newtonian paradigm 251, 252, 261
Catholic social theory 81
Chamberlain, H. S. 211, 212, 213, 214
Charvet, J. 239
Chauvin, Nicolas 182
chauvinism 165, 165, 182–3, 185, 187
Chesterton, G. K. 66
Chomsky, Noam 161
Christian democracy 80, 80, 81
federalism 82
social market economy 81, 81, 82
Christian socialism 125
Christoyannopoulos, A. 145
Churchill, Randolph 77
ethnocultural nationalism, and 175
civil liberty 39
civil society 39
‘clash of civilizations’ 20, 276, 295, 308, 310, 310, 328
‘class consciousness’ 113, 113
class system 6
see also social classes
classical liberalism 26, 26, 42–3
modern liberalism, and 57
Social Darwinism 48
classical Marxism
politics 118
Clinton, Bill 132
Clinton, Hillary 135
Club of Rome 246
collectivism 99
individualist anarchism, and 156
colonialism 166
anti-colonial nationalism 187, 188–9
postcolonial nationalism 189–90
collapse of 19
social democracy, and 127
see also Marxism
communitarian liberalism 131
communitarianism 131
‘compassionate conservatism’ 78
Confucianism 60
‘consciousness raising’ 238, 238
conservatism 62
authoritarian conservatism 74, 74, 75
authority, conservatives’ perspective on 201
Christian democracy 80, 80, 81
federalism 82
social market economy 81, 81, 82
‘compassionate conservatism’ 78
conservative nationalism 92, 92, 180–2
hierarchy and authority 70, 71–2, 72
human imperfection 67, 68, 68–9
culture, conservatives’ perspective on 281
democracy, conservatives’ perspective on 41
economy, conservatives’ perspective on the 106
equality, conservatives’ perspective on 102
freedom, conservatives’ perspective on 29
gender, conservatives’ perspective on 227
history, conservatives’ perspective on 326
ideology, conservatives’ perspective on 8
libertarian conservatism 78, 79–80
multiculturalism, and 295, 296
nation, conservatives’ perspective on the 170
nature, conservatives’ perspective on 250
New Right 64, 64, 69, 70, 82–3
neoliberalism 83, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87–8
origins and development of 63–4
paternalistic conservatism 75–6
One Nation conservatism 76, 77, 78
religion, conservatives’ perspective on 302
state, conservatives’ perspective on the 141
tensions within
libertarian conservatism and paternalistic conservatism 79
neoconservatism and neoliberalism 89
Toryism 77
constitutionalism 36, 37, 37, 39
US constitution 38
written constitutions 36, 36, 37
consumer sovereignty 263
consumerism 160, 160, 161, 258
cooperatives 101
Corbyn, Jeremy 135
cosmopolitan multiculturalism 291, 292, 293, 294
creationism 306
‘creative destruction’ 198
Crick, Bernard 8
cultural globalization 20
cultural nationalism 167, 167, 174
Cultural Revolution (China) 104, 109
perspectives on 281
see also multiculturalism
‘culture of dependency’ 87
Daly, Mary 267
Darré, Walter 215
de Beauvoir, Simone 228, 236, 237
de Gaulle, Charles 181
‘de-ideologized’ party politics 330
de Pisan, Christine 220
decolonization 187
deep ecology 249, 250, 251, 267, 268–70
‘shallow’ ecology, and 251
democracy 36
developmental democracy 42
direct democracy 151
liberal democracy 39, 40, 40, 41, 41–2, 57, 58
perspectives on 41
protective democracy 41
totalitarian democracy 202, 202
democratic centralism 120, 120
‘democratic fascism’ 217
Descartes, René 251
Destutt de Tracy, Antoine 5
developmental democracy 42
developmental individualism 28
Dewey, John 9
dialectical materialism 114, 114
difference feminism 228
equality feminism, and 231
‘difference principle’ 54
direct democracy 151
positive discrimination 283, 283, 284, 285
‘reverse’ discrimination 284
Dolgoff, D. 149
Donne, John 99
Drake, J. 240
Dupuis-Deri, F. 158
Durkheim, Émile 69
Eatwell, Roger 197
ecologism 247
deep ecology 249, 250, 251, 267, 268–70
modernist ecology 256, 256, 260–1, 263, 267
social ecology 256, 256, 263, 267
tensions within
‘shallow’ ecology and ‘deep’ ecology 251
‘transpersonal ecology’ 259–60
see also green ideology
economic globalization 20
economic liberalism 45, 46–7, 79, 79
Buddhist economics 256
‘happiness economics’ 258
economy, the
perspectives on 106
‘luck egalitarianism’ 33
egoistical individualism 28
Ehrenfeld, David 247
Ehrlich, P. 246
Einstein, Albert 252
Elshtain, Jean Bethke 223, 237
Enayat, H. 312
endism 324
decline of the left/right divide 327–8
‘end of ideology’ 325
key figures in 329
replacement of ideology by rationalism 328, 329–30
Engels, Friedrich 5, 96, 107, 108, 114, 115, 116, 134, 233, 234
counter-Enlightenment thinking 197, 198
environmentalism 247, 247, 247
equality 32, 32, 33, 101, 102, 102–3
perspectives on 102
difference feminism, and 231
equality of opportunity 277, 277
Erdoğan, Tayyip 321
ethical individualism 28
ethnic nationalism 167, 167, 175, 176
ethnicity 168
ethnocultural nationalism 176, 275, 275
civic nationalism, and 175
European People’s Party (EPP) 80, 82
expansionist nationalism 182–3, 184, 185, 187
liberal nationalism, and 179
Eysenck, H. 17
Fabian Society 110
Facta, Luigi 206
Faraj, Muhammad abd-al-Salam 317
fascism 194
leadership and elitism 200, 200, 201, 201–2
culture, fascists’ perspective on 281
democracy, fascists’ perspective on 41
‘democratic fascism’ 217
economy, fascists’ perspective on the 106
equality, fascists’ perspective on 102
fascism and the state 204
freedom, fascists’ perspective on 29
gender, fascists’ perspective on 227
history, fascists’ perspective on 326
human nature, fascists’ perspective on 68
ideology, fascists’ perspective on 8
March on Rome 206
nation, fascists’ perspective on 170
nature, fascists’ perspective on 250
origins and development of 195–6
Nazi race theories 211, 212, 213–15
politics of race 209, 210, 211
religion, fascists’ perspective on 302
society, fascists’ perspective on 71
state, fascists’perspective on the 141
tensions within
fascism and Nazism 215
types of 205
Faure, Sébastien 140
Feminine Mystique (Friedan) 232
feminism 219
equality and difference 229–30
redefining ‘the political’ 222–3, 223, 224
sex and gender 225, 227, 227, 228–9
culture, feminists’ perspective on 281
difference feminism 228
equality, feminists’ perspective on 102
first-wave feminism 220, 220, 231
human nature, feminists’ perspective on 68
Islamic feminism 230
legalization of abortion 226
multiculturalism, and 296
nature, feminists’ perspective on 250
origins and development of 220–2
‘pro-woman’ feminism 229, 229–30
second-wave feminism 221, 221, 232
society, feminists’ perspective on 71
state, feminists’ perspective on the 141
tensions within
equality feminism and difference feminism 231
liberal feminism and radical feminism 235
liberal feminism 222, 231, 232–3, 239
radical feminism 221, 235, 236, 237–8, 239, 239–40
socialist feminism222, 233–5, 239
Figes, Eva 237
first-wave feminism 220, 220, 231
Fourier, Charles 96, 100, 115, 125, 234
free market 46–7, 47, 78, 79, 83, 84, 85
Freeden, Michael 13
‘fear of freedom’ 196
perspectives on 29
French Revolution
Friedman, David 155
Friedman, Milton 84, 85, 87, 144
Front National (France) 93
Fukuyama, Francis 58, 122, 325, 326, 327, 329
fundamentalism 305
see also religious fundamentalism
fundamentalist socialism 107, 107
future generations 258
‘futurity’ 257
Gaitskell, Hugh 128
Gallie, W. B. 13
Gandhi, Indira 315
perspectives on 227
German Ideology (Marx and Engels) 5, 116
Social Democratic Party (SPD) 111
see also fascism
Giddens, Anthony 19, 130, 133, 328, 329
Gilmour, Ian 76
cultural globalization 20
economic globalization 20
liberalism, and 56, 57, 58, 59
multiculturalism, and 297
neoliberal globalization 86
political globalization 20
Gobineau, Joseph Arthur 212, 212, 213
Godwin, William 138, 139, 143, 151, 152, 155, 159
Goldman, Emma 142
Goldsmith, Edward 246
Goldwater, Barry 63
Goodhart, D. 296
Goodin, R. E. 258
Goodman, Paul 140
government 35
Gramsci, Antonio 6–7, 12, 113, 121, 125
Great Depression 55
‘green capitalism’ 261, 261, 263
green ideology 245
from ‘having’ to ‘being’ 258, 259–60
sustainability 254, 255, 255, 256, 256, 257
democracy, greens’ perspective on 41
ecologism 247
economy, greens’ perspective on the 106
environmentalism 247, 247, 247
equality, greens’ perspective on 102
freedom, greens’ perspective on 29
human nature, greens’ perspective on 68
ideology, greens’ perspective on 8
key figures in 265
nature, greens’ perspective on 250
origins and development of 246–7
Rio ‘Earth Summit’ 262
tensions within
‘shallow’ ecology and ‘deep’ ecology 251
modernist ecology 256, 256, 260–1, 263, 267
social ecology 256, 256, 263–4, 266, 267, 267–8
see also ecology
Greer, Germaine 221, 237, 237, 238, 242
Gregor, A. J. 197
Grimm, J. 174
Grimm, W. 174
Guevara, Che 109
Habermas, Jürgen 122
Haeckel, E. 248
Hamid, S. 306
‘happiness economics’ 258
‘hard’ Wilsonianism 90
Hardt, M. 310
Hardy, Thomas 246
Harriman, R. 246
Harvey, D. 310
Hashmi, S. 314
Hayek, Friedrich von 12, 78, 84, 84, 85
Hegel, G. W. F. 115, 116, 154, 205, 207
Heisenberg, Verner 252
Henry, Emile 158
Herder, Johann Gottfried 174, 184, 280
Herzl, Theodore 176
Heywood, L. 240
historical materialism 115, 115, 115, 116
perspectives on 326
Hitler, Adolf 2, 75, 195, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 207, 209, 213, 213, 214, 215, 216
Ho Chi Minh 188
Hobbes, Thomas 35, 44, 67, 84, 143, 154
Hobhouse, L. T. 50
Hobson, J. A. 50
Holland, T. 309
Horkheimer, Max 121
horseshoe-shaped political spectrum 16, 16
human imperfection 67, 68, 68–9
perspectives on 68
see also natural rights
humanitarian intervention 59, 59
Huntington, Samuel P. 20, 276, 295, 310, 328, 329
Hutton, W. 82
hyphenated nationality 289
ibn Saud, Muhammad 316
ibn Wahhab, Muhammad 316
identity politics 21, 282, 282
contrasting ideological structures 13
definition of ideology 10
endism 324
decline of the left/right divide 327–8
‘end of ideology’ 325
key figures in 329
replacement of ideology by rationalism 328, 329–30
features of ideologies 10, 11, 11
fusing thought and action 12–13, 14
fusing understanding and commitment 11–12
ideological transformation 17–21
ideology, truth, and power 14
left/right divide in politics 15, 15, 16, 17
non-Marxist views of ideology 7, 8, 9–10
origins of the term ‘ideology’ 5
perspectives on ideology 8
Ideology and Utopia (Mannheim) 7
immigration 93, 180, 181, 192, 210, 269, 276, 283, 284, 285, 296, 297
imperialism 166, 182, 183, 187, 188, 189, 209, 210, 217
independence 186
indigenous peoples 283, 284, 285
individualism 19, 19, 27, 28, 28
developmental individualism 28
egoistical individualism 28
ethical individualism 28
methodological individualism 28
individualist anarchism 151, 152, 153–4
collectivist anarchism, and 156
egoism 154
industrial capitalism 17, 25, 48, 49, 96, 327
industrialism 254
institutions 144
international organizations 20, 179, 191
internationalism 178
liberal internationalism 178, 179
‘Islamic Revolution’ 303
Iran–Iraq war 319
Islamism 299
fundamentalism and modernity 305, 306–7
revolt against the West 309, 310–11
freedom, Islamists’ perspective on 29
gender, Islamists’ perspective on 227
history, Islamists’ perspective on 326
ideology, Islamists’ perspective on 8
Iran’s ‘Islamic Revolution’ 303
Islamic feminism 230
key figures in 317
origins and development of 300–1, 302, 304
religion, Islamists’ perspective on 302
state, Islamists’ perspective on the 141
kibbutz system 100
Italian Socialist Party 202
March on Rome 206
see also fascism
James, William 9
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) 63–4
Jefferson, Thomas 43, 44, 52, 155
anti-Semitism 211, 211, 212, 213–15
jihad 304
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 186
John Paul II, Pope 126
Johnson, Lyndon 54
Jost, J. 15
Kant, Immanuel 27, 30, 52, 58, 179
Katzenstein, P. J. 328
Keddi, N. 308
Kennedy, John F. 54
Keynes, John Maynard 2, 55, 55, 56
‘Khalistan’ 189
Khamenei, Ali 319
Khomeini, Rudhollah 64, 303, 305, 307, 317, 319
kibbutz system 100
Koran 306
Kristol, Irving 85
Kropotkin, Peter 100, 144, 146, 150, 151, 153, 264, 264, 266
Kuhn, Thomas 11
Laclau, Ernesto 123
‘land ethic’ 268
Lassalle, Ferdinand 111
law 34
Layard, R. 258
Le Pen, Marine 93
left/right divide in politics 15, 15, 16, 17
Lenin, Vladimir Ilich 2, 6, 96, 107, 108, 113, 119, 124, 138, 189
Leo XIII, Pope 81
Leopold, Aldo 268
Lewis, Bernard 313
liberal corporatism 208
liberal democracy 39, 40, 40, 41, 41–2, 57, 58
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) (Japan) 63–4
liberal feminism 222, 231, 232–3, 239
radical feminism, and 235
liberal internationalism 178, 179
liberal multiculturalism 287, 289, 294
liberal nationalism 177, 178, 179–80
expansionist nationalism, and 179
liberalism 24
authority, liberals’ perspective on 201
classical liberalism 26, 26, 42–3
Social Darwinism 48
communitarian liberalism 131
concept of 24
culture, liberals’ perspective on 281
economy, liberals’ perspective on the 106
equality, liberals’ perspective on 102
gender, liberals’ perspective on 227
globalization, and 56, 57, 58, 59
government and democracy
constitutionalism 36, 37, 37, 38, 39
liberal democracy 39, 40, 40, 41, 41–2, 57, 58
green ideology, and 261
history, liberals’ perspective on 326
human nature, liberals’ perspective on 68
ideology, liberals’ perspective on 8
modern liberalism 26, 26, 48–9
multiculturalism, criticisms of 294–5
nation, liberals’ perspective on 170
nature, liberals’ perspective on 250
origins and development of 25–6
religion, liberals’ perspective on 302
society, liberals’ perspective on 71
state, liberals’ perspective on the 141
tensions within
classical liberalism and modern liberalism 57
universalist liberalism and pluralist liberalism 295
liberation theology 126
libertarian conservatism 78, 79–80
paternalistic conservatism, and 79
liberty see freedom
linear political spectrum 15, 15, 16, 17
Lipset, S. 195
List, Friedrich 81
Liu Shaoqi 104
Locke, John 12, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 52, 143, 154
Louis XVI, King 164
‘luck egalitarianism’
Lukács, Georg 121
Lyotard, Jean-François 123, 327
MacIntyre, Alasdair 282
Macpherson, C. B. 28
Maistre, Joseph de 74
managed capitalism 325
Marcuse, Herbert 7, 122, 125, 207
Margalit, A. 309
Marinetti, Filippo 209
Maritain, Jacques 81
market 46
free market 46–7, 47, 78, 79, 83, 84, 85
Marshall, P. 139
Marx, Karl 2, 5, 14, 96, 103, 107, 108, 114, 124, 134, 138, 188, 304, 328
Marxism 114
classical Marxism
politics 118
collectivist anarchism and 147
dialectical materialism 114, 114
forms of 115
ideology, Marxist views of 5–7
Maslow, Abraham 259
dialectical materialism 114, 114
historical materialism 115, 115, 115, 116
Maududi, Abul Ala 309, 314, 317
Maurras, Charles 183, 185, 203
Mazzini, Giuseppe 177, 178, 184
McKinley, W. 157
McLellan, David 4
Merchant, Caroline 265
methodological individualism 28
Metternich, K. von 165
migration, international 275–6
Miliband, Ralph 134
Mill, John Stuart 12, 29–30, 34, 40, 42, 49–50, 53, 178, 220, 231, 232, 261
Millett, Kate 221, 222–3, 224, 236, 237, 238
Milton, John 34
minimal state 43, 49, 78, 84, 155
polyethnic rights 283
representation rights 283
self-government rights 283
Mintz, F. 149
Mitchell, Juliet 235
modern liberalism 26, 26, 48–9
classical liberalism, and 57
modernism 327
modernist ecology 256, 256, 260–1, 263, 267
monarchy 66
moral cosmopolitanism 191
More, Thomas 96
Morland, D. 144
Morris, William 125, 246, 263, 266
Morsi, Mohamed 318
Mouffe, Chantal 123
Mubarak, Hosni 318
multiculturalism 274
Multiculturalism Act (1988) 288
culture and identity 280, 280, 281, 282
politics of recognition 277–80
globalization, and 297
opposition to 294
conservate criticisms of 295, 296
feminist concerns about 296
social reformists’ criticisms of 296
origins and development of 275–6
society, multiculturalists’ perspective on 71
cosmopolitan multiculturalism 291, 292, 293, 294
liberal multiculturalism 287, 289, 294
particularist multiculturalism 291
pluralist multiculturalism 289, 290, 291, 294
Murray, Charles 88
Muslim Brotherhood 318
Mussolini, Benito 75, 194, 195, 198, 199, 201, 202, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 213
Naess, Arne 249, 260, 265, 268, 270
Napoleon III, Emperor 75
Nasser, Gamal 318
nation 164, 168–9, 170, 171, 171
perspectives on 170
nationalism 163
chauvinism 165, 165, 182–3, 185, 187
nation 164, 168–9, 170, 171, 171
cultural nationalism 167, 167, 174
ethnic nationalism 167, 167, 175, 176
ethnicity 168
ethnocultural nationalism 176, 275, 275
independence for India and Pakistan 186
origins and development of 164, 165, 166–7
political nationalism 167, 167
society, nationalists’ perspective on 71
tensions within
civic nationalism and ethnocultural nationalism 175
liberal nationalism and expansionist nationalism 179
anti-colonial nationalism 187, 188–9
conservative nationalism 92, 92, 180–2
expansionist nationalism 182–3, 184, 185, 187
liberal nationalism 177, 178, 179–80
postcolonial nationalism 189–90
natural aristocracy 71
see also human rights
perspectives on 250
fascism and Nazism 215
Nazi race theories 211, 212, 213–15
see also fascism
need-satisfaction 103
Negri, A. 310
neoliberalism, and 89
neoliberal globalization 86
neoliberalism 47, 56, 83, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87–8
neoconservatism, and 89
neo-Reaganism 90
neo-revisionism 130, 131, 132–3
New Right 64, 64, 69, 70, 82–3, 160
neoliberalism 83, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87–8
Newton, Isaac 251
Nicholas I, Tsar 74
Nietzsche, Friedrich 154, 197–8, 200, 201, 212
noblesse oblige 77
normative 10
Northern Ireland
religious division 169
Nozick, Robert 78, 85, 88, 155
Nyerere, Julius 100
Oakeshott, Michael 9, 67, 69, 85
On Liberty (Mill, J. S.) 29, 34, 49–50
One Nation conservatism 76, 77, 78
Ortega y Gasset, J. 40
orthodoxy 316
Owen, Robert 95, 96, 100, 115, 124, 125, 234
Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza 303
Paine, Thomas 43
independence 186
Pankhurst, Christabel 220
Pankhurst, Emmeline 220
papal infallibility 75
‘particular’ ideologies 7
particularist multiculturalism 291
paternalistic conservatism 75–6
libertarian conservatism, and 79
One Nation conservatism 76, 77, 78
patriotism 164
People’s Will (Russia) 158
Pettit, P. 279
physics 252
Pius IX, Pope 75
‘planned capitalism’ 78
Plekhanov, Georgi 114
pluralist liberalism
universalist liberalism, and 295
pluralist multiculturalism 289, 290, 291, 294
Podemos 134
Pol Pot 109
Poland 173
political cosmopolitanism 191
political globalization 20
political lesbianism 239
political nationalism 167, 167
political repression 109
political systems 3
polyethnic rights 283
population control 269
populism 75, 75, 92, 92–3, 135, 332
left-wing populism 135
right-wing populism 93
positive discrimination 283, 283, 284, 285
postcolonial nationalism 189–90
Powell, Enoch 210
power 6
pragmatism 9
‘pro-woman’ feminism 229, 229–30
dictatorship of the proletariat 118, 118
protective democracy 41
Protestantism 81
fundamentalism 305
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 137, 138, 142, 144, 145, 148, 151, 152, 159
public morality 89
public–private divide 308
race 204
Nazi race theories 211, 212, 213–15
politics of race 209, 210, 211
radical feminism 221, 235, 236, 237–8, 239, 239–40
liberal feminism, and 235
Rafsanjani, Hashemi 319
Rand, Ayn 155
replacement of ideology by rationalism 328, 329–30
Rawls, John 30, 33, 53, 54, 287
Raziq, Ali Abdel 311
neo-Reaganism 90
recognition, politics of 279, 280
redistribution, politics of 278, 279
refugees 276
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke 284
religion 300
offence, and 284
perspectives on 302
see also under individual religions
religionization of politics 300, 301
see also Islamism
religious fundamentalism 188, 189–90
modernity, against 306
politics, and 306
scriptural literalism 306, 306
see also Islamism
representation rights 283
‘reverse’ discrimination 284
revisionism 127
neo-revisionism 130, 131, 132–3
revisionist socialism 108, 108, 126–7, 128–9
revolutionary party 119
revolutionary socialism 108–10
Rida, Rashid 301, 311, 312, 320
Rio ‘Earth Summit’ (1992) 262
‘Rochdale Pioneers’ 101
Roe v. Wade226
Rohm, Ernst 203
Roosevelt, F. D. 54
Rothbard, Murray 153, 155, 156
Rouhani, Hassan 319
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 30, 42, 143, 164, 172, 177, 184
Rushdie, Salman 284
Bolshevik Revolution 108, 119, 120
Ruthven, M. 188
Sandel, Michael 282
Sanders, Bernie 135
Schumacher, Ernst Friedrich 254, 256, 259, 265
Scott-Dixon, K. 241
scriptural literalism 306, 306
Seabright, Paul 25
second-wave feminism 221, 221, 232
secularization thesis 300, 300
self-government rights 283
Seneca Falls convention 220
‘deep’ ecology, and 251
Shaw, George Bernard 110
Sil, R. 328
simple living 270
Singer, Peter 257
Smiles, Samuel 48
Smith, Adam 2, 30, 45, 46, 47, 52, 79, 81, 83
Smith, Anthony 171
Smuts, Jan 252
‘politics of recognition’ 279, 280
‘politics of redistribution’ 278, 279
social anarchism see collectivist anarchism
working class 72, 96, 112, 123, 150, 165, 203
social democracy see socialism
social-democratic liberalism 54
Social Democratic Party (SPD) (Germany) 111
social ecology 256, 256, 263, 267
social market economy 81, 81, 82
social order 89
social reformists
criticisms of multiculturalism 296
socialism 95
authority, socialists’ perspective on 201
see also Marxism
core themes 98
Cultural Revolution (China) 104, 109
culture, socialists’ perspective on 281
democracy, socialists’ perspective on 41
democratic socialism 112
economy, socialists’ perspective on the 106
freedom, socialists’ perspective on 29
fundamentalist socialism 107, 107
gender, socialists’ perspective on 227
history, socialists’ perspective on 326
human nature, socialists’ perspective on 68
ideology, socialists’ perspective on 8
nation, socialists’perspective on 170
nature, socialists’ perspective on 250
New Left 121
origins and development of 96, 97–8
religion, socialists’ perspective on 302
social democracy 97, 123, 123, 325
‘crisis’ of social democracy 129–30
neo-revisionism 130, 131, 132–3
revisionist socialism 108, 108, 126–7, 128–9
society, socialists’ perspective on 71
state, socialists’ perspective on the 141
tensions within
communism and social democracy 127
social democracy and the ‘third way’ 132
socialist feminism222, 233–5, 239
perspectives on 71
solitaristic theory 295
South Africa
‘spaceship Earth’ 254
Podemos 134
Spanish Civil War 149
Spooner, Lysander 154
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 220
state 35
minimal state 43, 49, 78, 84, 155
perspectives on the state 141
welfare state 51, 51, 54, 87–8
statism 204
suffragettes 220
Sumner, William 48
Sun Yat-Sen 177
sustainability 254, 255, 255, 256, 256, 257
Tawney, Richard 103, 125, 125, 126
Taylor, Harriet 231
Thatcher, Margaret 70, 73, 87, 91
theocracy 313
‘third way’ 130, 130, 131, 132–3
social democracy and the ‘third way’ 132
Thoreau, Henry David 153, 154, 155, 269
Tocqueville, Alexis de 40
toleration 33, 33–4, 286, 286, 287
Tolstoy, Leo 159
Toryism 77
‘total’ ideologies 7
totalitarian democracy 202, 202
tragedy of the commons 255, 255
transnational communities 191, 191
transnational corporations (TNCs) 56, 56
‘transpersonal ecology’ 259–60
Trevor-Roper, Hugh 196
‘tribal socialism’ 100
Tsipras, Alexis 134
Tully, James 293
two-dimensional political spectrum 17, 17
‘tyranny of the majority’ 40
United Nations
Only One Earth 246
United States
US constitution 38
universalist liberalism
pluralist liberalism, and 295
Victor Emmanuel III, King 206
Vincent, Andrew 14
Voltaire, F. M. A. de 33
voluntarism 209
Wallerstein, Immanuel 134
Warren, Josiah 148, 152, 154, 155
Watkins, Gloria Jean (bell hooks) 237
Webb, Beatrice 110
Webb, Sidney 110
Weber, Max 201
‘welfare capitalism’ 325
welfare state 51, 51, 54, 87–8
Wells, H. G. 110
Wilson, Woodrow 58, 90, 166, 177, 178, 179, 184
Wolf, Naomi 242
Wolff, R. 151
Wollstonecraft, Mary 220, 231, 232, 236
women’s movements see feminism
Woolf, S. 196
working class 72, 96, 112, 123, 150, 165, 203
world-systems theory 134
written constitutions 36, 36, 37
Zapata, Emiliano 157