To get the most from your Linux hacking system, you need to understand environment variables and be adept at managing them for optimal performance, convenience, and even stealth. Among the areas that Linux newcomers find problematic, however, managing the user environment variables might be the most difficult to master. Technically, there are two types of variables: shell and environment. Environment variables are system-wide variables built into your system and interface that control the way your system looks, acts, and “feels” to the user, and they are inherited by any child shells or processes. Shell variables, on the other hand, are typically listed in lowercase and are only valid in the shell they are set in. To avoid over-explanation, I just cover some of the most basic and useful skills for environment and shell variables in this chapter and don’t go too deeply into the differences between them.
Variables are simply strings in key-value pairs. Generally, each pair will look like KEY=value. In cases where there are multiple values, they will look like KEY=value1:value2. As with most things in Linux, if there are spaces in the value, it needs to be contained in quotation marks. In Kali Linux, your environment is your bash shell. Each user, including root, has a default set of environment variables that determine how the system looks, acts, and feels. You can change the values for these variables to make your system work more efficiently, tailor your work environment to best meet your individual needs, and potentially cover your tracks if you need to.
You can view all your default environment variables by entering env into your terminal from any directory, like so:
kali >env
PATH=/usr/local/sbin :usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin/bin
Environment variables are always uppercase, as in HOME, PATH, SHELL, and so on. These are only the default environment variables that come on your system. A user can also create their own variables, and as you will see, we need a different command to include those in the output.
To view all environment variables, including shell variables, local variables, and shell functions such as any user-defined variables and command aliases, use the set command. This command will list all environment variables unique to your system, which in most cases will give you an output so long you won’t be able to view it all on a single screen. You can request to view each variable, line by line, in a more accessible fashion using set and piping it to the more command, as follows:
kali >set | more
Now the list of variables will fill up one screen, line by line, and then stop. When you press ENTER, the terminal advances to the next line, taking you to the next variable, so you can scroll through by pressing or holding ENTER. As you might recall from Chapter 2, whenever you use the more command for output, you can enter q to quit (or exit) and return to the command prompt.
Although using set with more gives more manageable results than looking through the huge chunk of variable names you get with set alone, it can still be rather tedious if you’re looking for a particular variable. Instead, you can use the filtering command grep to find your variable of interest.
Let’s use the variable HISTSIZE as an example. This variable contains the maximum number of commands your command history file will store. These commands are any ones you’ve previously typed into your command prompt in this session and can be recalled with your up- and down-arrow keys. Note that HISTSIZE doesn’t store the commands themselves, just the number of them that can be stored.
Pipe your set output with grep to find the HISTSIZE variable, like so:
kali >set | grep HISTSIZE
As you can see, this command finds the variable HISTSIZE and displays its value. The default value of this variable is probably set to 1000 on your system. This indicates that the terminal will store your last 1,000 commands by default.
Now let’s see how to change a variable’s value. As noted, the HISTSIZE variable contains the value of the number of commands to store in the history file. Sometimes, you won’t want your system to save past commands—perhaps because you don’t want to leave any evidence of your activity on your own system or a target system. In that case, you can set the HISTSIZE variable to 0 so the system won’t store any of your past commands. Because this variable has a single value, to change it, you assign it a new value in the familiar way shown in Listing 7-1.
kali >HISTSIZE=0
Listing 7-1: Changing the value of HISTSIZE
Now, when you try to use the up- and down-arrow keys to recall your commands, nothing happens because the system no longer stores them. This is stealthy, although it can be inconvenient.
When you change an environment variable, that change only occurs in that particular environment; in this case, that environment is the bash shell session. This means that when you close the terminal, any changes you made are lost, with values set back to their defaults. If you want to make the changes permanent, you need to use the export command. This command will export the new value from your current environment (the bash shell) to the rest of the system, making it available in every environment until you change and export it again.
Variables are strings, so if you run on the cautious side, it isn’t a bad idea to save the contents of a variable to a text file before you modify it. For example, since we’re about to change the PS1 variable, which controls the information you display in the prompt, first run the following command to save the existing values to a text file in the current user’s home directory:
kali >echo $HISTSIZE> ~/valueofHISTSIZE.txt
This way, you can always undo your changes. If you want to be even more cautious and create a text file with all the current settings, you can save the output of the set command to a text file with a command like this one:
kali >set> ~/valueofALLon01012017.txt
After you’ve changed a variable, as we did in Listing 7-1, you can make the change permanent by entering export and then the name of the variable you changed, as shown here:
kali >export HISTSIZE
Now the HISTSIZE variable will still be set to 0 when you leave this environment and enter another environment. If you want to reset the HISTSIZE variable to 1,000, simply enter this:
kali >HISTSIZE=1000
kali >export HISTSIZE
This code snippet will set your HISTSIZE variable’s value to 1,000 and export it to all your environments.
Your shell prompt, another environment variable, provides you with useful information such as the user you’re operating as and the directory in which you’re currently working. The default shell prompt in Kali takes the following format:
If you’re working as the root user, this translates to the following default prompt:
You can change the name in the default shell prompt by setting the value for the PS1 variable. The PS1 variable has a set of placeholders for information you want to display in the prompt, including the following:
\u The name of the current user
\h The hostname
\W The base name of the current working directory
This is very useful if you happen to have shells on multiple systems or are logged on as multiple accounts. By setting different \u and \h values for different shells or accounts, you can tell at a glance who you are and what your current system is.
Let’s have a little fun and change the prompt in your terminal. For example, you could enter the following:
kali >PS1="World's Best Hacker: #"
World's Best Hacker: #
Now, every time you use this terminal, you’ll be reminded that you are the “World’s Best Hacker.” But any subsequent terminal you open will still have the default command prompt, because the PS1 variable only holds values for your terminal session. Remember, until you export a variable, it is only good for that session. If you really like this new command prompt and want to see it in every terminal, you need to export it, like so:
kali >export PS1
This will make the change permanent across all sessions.
How about a little more fun? Say you really want your terminal to look like a Windows cmd prompt. In this case, you could change the prompt name to C: and keep the \w to have the prompt show your current directory, as shown in Listing 7-2.
kali >export PS1='C:\w> '
Listing 7-2: Changing the prompt and showing the current directory
Having your prompt show your current directory can be generally useful, particularly to a beginner, so it’s something to consider when you change your PS1 variable.
One of the most important variables in your environment is your PATH variable, which controls where on your system your shell will look for commands you enter, such as cd, ls, and echo. Most commands are located in the sbin or bin subdirectory, like /usr/local/sbin or usr/local/bin. If the bash shell doesn’t find the command in one of the directories in your PATH variable, it will return the error command not found, even if that command does exist in a directory not in your PATH.
You can find out which directories are stored in your PATH variable by using echo on its contents, like so:
kali >echo $PATH
These are the directories where your terminal will search for any command. When you enter ls, for example, the system knows to look in each of these directories for the ls command, and when it finds ls, the system executes it.
Each directory is separated by a colon (:), and don’t forget to add the $ content symbol to PATH.
You can probably see why it’s important to know what is in your PATH variable: if you downloaded and installed a new tool—let’s say newhackingtool—into the /root/newhackingtool directory, you could only use commands from that tool when you’re in that directory because that directory is not in the PATH variable. Every time you wanted to use that tool, you would first have to navigate to /root/newhackingtool, which is a bit inconvenient if you want to use the tool often.
To be able to use this new tool from any directory, you need to add the directory holding this tool to your PATH variable.
To add newhackingtool to your PATH variable, enter the following:
kali >PATH=$PATH:/root/newhackingtool
This assigns the original PATH variable plus the /root/newhackingtool directory to the new PATH variable, so the variable contains everything it did before, plus the new tool directory.
If you examine the contents of the PATH variable again, you should see that this directory has been appended to the end of PATH, as shown here:
kali >echo $PATH
Now you can execute newhackingtool applications from anywhere on your system, rather than having to navigate to its directory. The bash shell will look in all directories listed for your new tool!
Adding to PATH can be a useful technique for directories you use often, but be careful not to add too many directories to your PATH variable. Because the system will have to search through each and every directory in PATH to find commands, adding a lot of directories could slow down your terminal and your hacking.
One mistake commonly made by new Linux users is assigning a new directory, such as /root/newhackingtool, directly to the PATH variable in this way:
kali >PATH=/root/newhackingtool
kali >echo $PATH
If you use this command, your PATH variable will only contain the /root/newhackingtool directory and no longer contain the system binaries directories such as /bin, /sbin, and others that hold critical commands. When you then go to use any of the system commands, you’ll receive the error command not found, as shown next, unless you first navigate to the system binaries directory when you execute the command:
kali >cd
bash: cd: command not found
Remember that you want to append to the PATH variable, not replace it. If you’re in doubt, save the contents of the variable somewhere before you modify it.
You can create your own custom, user-defined variables in Linux by simply assigning a value to a new variable that you name. This may be useful when you are doing some more advanced shell scripting or find you’re often using a long command that you get tired of typing over and over.
The syntax is straightforward: enter the name of your variable, followed by the assignment symbol (=), and then the value to put in the variable, as shown here:
kali >MYNEWVARIABLE="Hacking is the most valuable skill set in the 21st century"
This assigns a string to the variable MYNEWVARIABLE. To see the value in that variable, use the echo command and the $ content symbol with the variable name, as we did earlier:
Hacking is the most valuable skill set in the 21st century
Just like our system environment variables, user-defined variables must be exported to persist to new sessions.
If you want to delete this new variable, or any variable, use the unset command. Always think before deleting a system variable, though, because your system will probably operate much differently afterward.
kali >
As you can see, when you enter unset MYNEWVARIABLE, you delete the variable along with its value. If you use echo on that same variable, Linux will now return a blank line.
You might find environment variables foreign, but it’s worth getting to know them. They control how your working environment in Linux looks, acts, and feels. You can manage these variables to tailor your environment to your needs by changing them, exporting them, and even creating your own. In some cases, they may be useful for covering your tracks as a hacker.