""" (comment) characters, 190
# (comment) character, 83
#! (shebang) characters, 82
-? (help) command, 9
.. (move up level) command option, 7
/ (forward) command, 25
32-bit/64-bit CPU types, xxv
: (return true) command, 84, 90
[ (conditional test) command, 91
access. See also permissions
access lists. See also wordlists, 125
access points (AP), 31, 154, 155–156, 157
Advanced Packaging Tool (apt), 40–44
aireplay-ng command, 159
Apache Web Server service, 122–125
apt (Advanced Packaging Tool), 40–44
apt-cache command, 40
ARM architecture, xxvi
arrays, 191
at daemon, 69
automount, 106
backup scheduling task, 176–177
bad blocks table, 108
banner-grabbing, 194–195, 199–201
banners, 194
bash (Bourne-again shell)
Bcast (broadcast address), 30
bg (background) command, 90
defined, 2
in Linux filesystem, 5
search commands, 10
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), 34
black hat hackers, 86
Bluetooth SIG site, 162
bootloader, xxxiv
break command, 90
broadcast address
changing, 32
information, 30
broadcast command option, 32
BSSID (basic service set identifier), 154, 158–159
bunzip2 command, 97
Butler, Max “Max Vision”, 86–87
bzip2 command, 97
case sensitivity, 2
cat (concatenation) command, 13–14, 22, 167
cd (change directory) command, 7
channels (CH), Wi-Fi, 154, 158, 158–159
character devices, 105
chgrp (change group) command, 51
chmod (change mode) command, 52–55, 56, 58
chown (change owner) command, 50
classes and subclasses, 193–194
command line interface (CLI), 2
compress command, 97
configuration files, 5
continue command, 90
copy commands
file, 15
cp (copy file) command, 15
CPU types, xxv
createuser command, 137
cron daemon, 174
dark web, 142
databases. See also MySQL databases
db_status command, 137
Debian distribution, xxv
denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, 31
describe command, 134
device drivers, as hacking target, 171
df (disk free) command, 107–108
dhclient command, 33
dhcp daemon, 32
DHCPDISCOVER request, 33
DHCPOFFER request, 33
dict statement, 197
dictionaries, 197
directories. See also filesystems
changing, 7
creating, 15
Linux filesystem, 5
naming, 2
present working, 6
removing, 16
dmesg command, 171
DNS (Domain Name System), 33–35
email encryption services, 150
email, 150
with VPNs, 149
wireless security (ENC), 158
env (environment) command, 72
environment variables. See also shell variables
espionage, xxiii, 141, 148, 149
ESSID (extended service set identifier), 154, 158–159
/etc/apt/sources.list file, 43
/etc directory, 5
/etc/fstab file, 107
/etc/hosts file, 36
/etc/init.d/rc file, 179
/etc/logrotate.conf file, 115–117
/etc/proxychains.conf file, 144
/etc/rsyslog.conf file, 112–115
/etc/shadow file, 57
/etc/sysctl.conf file, 167, 168
eth0 interface, 30
eval (evaluate expression) command, 90
exception handling, 201
exec command, 90
execute permissions, 55–56, 57–58, 83–84
exit command, 90
fdisk utility, 104
fg (foreground) command, 68–69, 90
file content. See text
files. See also log files; text
naming, 2
removing, 16
storage devices in, 102–106, 107
filtering with keywords, 12–13, 22–23, 63–64, 73
for loop, 199
frequency, Wi-Fi, 154
fsck (filesystem check) command, 108–109
getopts command, 91
github, 46
Google internet tracking, 140
Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB), xxxiv–xxxv
grep command, 12–13, 22, 24, 63, 73
GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader), xxxiv–xxxv
and scripting skills, 183
hard drive partitions, xxxiii
hciconfig command, 161
hcidump command, 161
head (view file) command, 20–21, 23
hidden file switch, 8
HISTSIZE (history file) variable, 73
hosts file, 36
HWaddr. See MAC address
IDEs (integrated development environments), 187
ifconfig command, 29–30, 31–32, 154–155
if...else statement, 198
import statement, 192
init daemon, 179
insmod (insert module) suite, 169
IP (Internet Protocol) addresses
changing, 31
domain name mapping, 36
.iso file extension, xxx
iterable lists, 191
iwconfig command, 30–31, 155, 157
jobs command, 91
overview, 2
kernel modules. See also loadable kernel modules, 166, 169–171
KEY statements, 72
kill signals, 67
LAMP tools, 123
/lib directory, 5
libraries, 5
advantages of, xxiv
case sensitivity, 2
distributions, xxv
runlevels, 179
LKMs. See loadable kernel modules (LKMs)
lo (loopback address) information, 30
loadable kernel modules (LKMs). See also kernel modules, 166, 169–171, 171–172
localhost, 30
locate command, 10
logging systems
concepts, 111
configuration and rules, 112–115
login checking, 6
loopback address, 30
lossy vs. lossless compression, 94
lsblk (list block) command, 105–106
lsmod (list modules) command, 169
MAC address
spoofing, 32
man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, 166, 168
managed mode, 31
manual pages, 9
Mask information, 30
master mode, 155
message logging. See logging systems
military hacking, xxiii
MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks, 166, 168
mkdir (make directory) command, 15
mobile devices, xxiv–xxv, xxvi
modinfo command, 170
modprobe command, 169, 170–171
more command, 25
mount points, 106
mounting/unmounting devices, 106–107
mv (move/rename) file command, 16
MySQL Scanner script
National Security Agency (NSA), 139, 143
netmask command option, 32
network connection scripts, 194–197
network intrusion detection system (NIDS), 19
network manager, 156
network mask
changing, 32
display, 30
networks. See also Wi-Fi networks
nfnetlink module, 169
nice (process priority) command, 65–66
NIDS (network intrusion detection system), 19
nl (number lines) command, 22, 23
nmap (network map) command, 86, 87–88
nmcli (network manager command line interface) command, 156
object-oriented programming (OOP), 192–194
octal digits, 53
.onion addresses, 142
OOP. See object-oriented programming (OOP)
pairing Bluetooth, 160
defined, xxxiii
passwd command, 4
changing, 4
root user, xxxii–xxxiii, 132–133
penetration testing, xxiii
pip (Pip Installs Packages) manager, 184–185
banner-grabbing script, 199–201
PostgreSQL (Postgres) databases, 135–137
power (PWR) and Wi-Fi, 154, 158, 158–159
privilege escalation, 58
/proc/version file, 167
background and foreground, 68–69
scheduling, 69
.profile file, 57
promiscuous mode, 31
properties, 193
ProtonMail, 150
choosing, 148
ps (processes) command, 12–13, 62–63
PS1 (shell prompt) variable, 75–76
PSK (pre-shared key), 154
pwd (present working directory) command, 6
Python language
comments, 190
modules, 192
Python Package Index (PyPI), 184
Raspberry Pi
architecture, xxvi
Raspbian operating system, 126, 129
raspistill application, 129
readonly command, 91
resource usage, 64
rm (remove) command, 16
rmdir (remove directory) command, 16
rmmod (remove module) command, 169
/root directory, 5
root user
defined, 2
passwords, xxxii–xxxiii, 130–131, 132
runlevels, 179
/sbin directories, 76
with at, 69
SDP (Service Discovery Protocol), 163
sdptool command, 163
security. See also permissions
and loadable kernel modules, 171–172
and surveillance, 142–143, 148, 149
Wi-Fi protocol, 154
sed (stream editor) command, 23–24
SELECT command, 135
Service Discovery Protocol (SDP), 163
defined, 121
scheduling at startup, 179–181
starting, stopping, restarting, 122
.sh file extension, 85
shebang (#!), 82
shift command, 91
show command, 134
software managers and installers, 40, 45–46
software packages
defined, 39
SQL (Structured Query Language) commands, 131
SSID (service set identifier), 154
sticky bit permission bit, 58
monitoring and checking, 107–109
mounting and unmounting, 106–107
strip() function, 202
su (switch user) command, 136
surveillance concerns, 142–143, 148, 149
Synaptic Package Manager, 45–46
syslogd daemon, 112
system administrator. See root user
tail (view file) command, 21–22, 23
.tar file extension, 95
test command, 91
.tgz file extension, 96
times command, 91
top (resource usage) command, 64, 66
traceroute command, 140
trap command, 91
try/except statements, 201–202
type command, 91
UGO (user, group, and others) syntax, 54–55
umask (unmask) values, 56–57, 91
umount (unmount) command, 107
uname command, 167
uncompress command, 97
update-rc.d command, 179
USB flash drives, 104–105, 106
use command, 134
user land, 165
user types, 50
variables. See also environment variables
virtual machines, concepts and installation, xxvi–xxvii
virtual private networks (VPNs), 148–149
installation and setup, xxvi–xxix
virtualization software, xxxi
VPNs (virtual private networks), 148–149
vulnerability assessments, xxiii
wait command, 91
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) protocol, 154
whereis command, 10
which command, 10
while loops, 198
white hat hacking, xxiii
whoami command, 6
wildcards, 12
Windows vs. Linux, xxiv–xxv, 101
wireless network devices, 30–31, 153
wireless range, 154
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) protocol, 154
WPA2-PSK protocol, 154