
I wish I could say the idea for this book came to me in bed at 3:00 a.m. or in the shower or in a spontaneous Bon Jovi Blaze of Glory, but all credit actually goes to my editor, goddess Debbie Stier: part life coach, part tech queen, part friend and blue ribbon/gold medal/plaque–covered chalice winner for Most Charismatic Person Ever. Your enthusiasm is infectious and encouragement a gift. Thank you, Debbie. So effin’ much.

Mega shoutouts also to the whole new posse at HarperCollins/William Morrow: Kathryn Ratcliffe-Lee, Christine Maddalena, Seale Ballenger, Lynn Grady, and Liate Stehlik. To Jenn Joel, überagent, agent, and possessor of best shoe collection ever, you rule. Thanks also to Clay Ezell, Nancy Tan, John Kotik, Aja Pollock, Steven Beer, Mary Miles, and the incomparable Carol Bell and Barbara Martin.

Merci mille fois à Pamela Berkovic, amie and photographer who feared I looked too ugly on the cover. I told her I was trying to look funny, not pretty, but chérie thank you for allowing les “eedeous” photos!

My first reader, as always, was Dr. Lisa Turvey, who gave notes while nursing a newborn. Now that’s fuckin’ friendship. And to my other chéres: Vanessa Eastman, Jeannie Stern, Dana Wallach Jones, and Lauren Duff—this book couldn’t have been written without you.

Thanks also to my other close friends and supporters who have helped me so much along the way: Trip Cullman, Michael Jones, Dan Allen, Laura Tanny, Tara Lipton, Alexis Mintz, the Heinzes, Michael and Marisa Fox Bevilacqua, Michael Kovner and Jean Doyen de Montaillou, Vern Lochan, Carrie Karasyov, Julia Van Nice, Robyn Brown, Jacky Blake, Lynn Biase, Kelley Ford Owen, Jenn Linardos, Marcie Pantzer, Jeanne Polydoris, Daniel Wiener, Abby Gordon, Jonathan Prince, Lisa Fallon, Konstantin Grab, M. B. Regan, Nick Oram, Erica Kasel, Rebekah McCabe, Andrew Saffir, Daniel Benedict, Richard Sinnott, and all the Kargmans and Kopelmans.

And to all those who tortured me along the way—thanks for the character building! (Assholes.)

Lastly to my kiddos and Harry: thanks for letting me work away on this—I love you so much. And to my mom, dad, and Willie: you three shaped how I see the everything and everyone, and I’m so grateful for all our stories.