Using Script Runner with OS X

OS X has a little application called Script Runner that you can use to run your scripts. Figure 1-8 shows what the open Script Runner looks like on the OS X desktop. You can find Script Runner in the AppleScript folder inside the Applications folder. Open the program by double-clicking it. If you want to add your own scripts to the Script Runner menu, choose “Open Scripts Folder” from the Script Runner menu. This opens a Finder window on to the following directory: /Users/yourname/Library/Scripts/. Then drag any compiled scripts (they have to be saved as compiled scripts) into this window. You can of course add compiled scripts to this /Scripts folder by navigating to it yourself (i.e., not using the Script Runner “Open Scripts Folder” menu command). After you close and restart Script Runner, you can run these scripts by choosing them in the Script Runner menu. If you create folders in the /Scripts folder, then Script Runner will display these folders as sub-menus. This is a good way to categorize and present lots of different scripts in the Script Runner menu.

Script Runner on OS X