are symbols that programmers use to perform operations in AppleScript
code, such as in mathematical expressions or equality tests.
Operators (e.g., =
, +
, *
) are familiar to
programmers in other languages (such as Java and Perl), as well as
young math students. In the following AppleScript code fragment, the
and the =
characters are the
2 * 10 = 20
With the exception of parentheses,
AppleScript’s operators (listed in Table 4-1) are binary operators,
meaning that each operator takes an operand, such as a number,
variable, or expression, on either side of it. In the previous code
fragment, the 2 is the left-hand operand and the 10 is the right-hand
operand for the *
operator. Operators can also be
used to test two expressions for equality or to combine two strings
into one string
, as in these two code fragments:
Set eq to (56.5 >= 56) (* the eq variable is set to true; the >= ("greater than or equal to") operator is used to test two values for equivalence *) Set twostrings to ("two strings" & " are now one string.") (* using the & string-concatenation operator *)
A distinguishing element of AppleScript is that its operators can be
either symbols, such as &
, +, or ≥ , or human-language
words such as equals
, does not equal
, or is greater than
. As a
scripter, the choice is entirely up to you whether to use is less than
or the <
symbol, for
instance. The latter two operators are synonyms and have the same
meaning in code. Table 4-1 lists the operators
that are covered in this chapter, but not all of the possible
synonyms (e.g., is less
comes before
, is not greater than
). The synonyms for each operator are listed in the
Synonyms heading of the sections (described in alphabetical order in
the remainder of this chapter) on each operator.