

Title Page



Preface to the Anniversary Edition


Author’s Note

Chapter 1 - Brave New World

Chapter 2 - Say You Want a Revolution

Chapter 3 - Growth of a Nation: From the Creation of the Constitution to Manifest Destiny

Chapter 4 - Apocalypse Then: To Civil War and Reconstruction

Chapter 5 - When Monopoly Wasn’t a Game: The Growing Empire from the Wild West to World War I

Chapter 6 - Boom to Bust to Big Boom: From the Jazz Age and the Great Depression to Hiroshima

Chapter 7 - Commies, Containment, and Cold War: America in the Fifties

Chapter 8 - The Torch Is Passed: From Camelot to Hollywood on the Potomac

Chapter 9 - From the Evil Empire to the Axis of Evil

Appendix 1 - The Bill of Rights and Other Constitutional Amendments

Appendix 2 - Is the Electoral College a Party School? A Presidential Election Primer

Appendix 3 - U.S. Presidents and Their Administrations

Selected Readings




Also by Kenneth C. Davis


About the Publisher