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Aaron, Hank, 406

abolitionists, 45, 104, 113–14, 152, 162, 174, 194, 197–201, 203–6, 208, 214–19, 229–30, 242, 248, 334–35

Abrams, Elliot, 526, 527

Abu Ghraib, xxvii, 607

Acheson, Dean, 404

Adams, Abigail, 95, 334

Adams, John, 66, 69, 70–71, 75, 78–79, 82, 95–96, 100, 103, 109, 113, 126, 130, 133, 138, 141–43, 160, 334, 658, 659

Adams, John Quincy, 160–62, 164–66, 176, 177, 571, 654, 659, 660

Adams, Samuel, 66–67, 69–70, 78–79, 81–84, 110, 127

Addams, Jane, 299, 300

affirmative action, 535, 588–89

Afghanistan, 554, 596–97; Soviet war in, 103, 533, 534, 591–92, 596; U.S. war in, xii, 538, 542, 590, 595–603, 627

Agnew, Spiro, 477, 482, 501, 503, 663–64

Aguinaldo, Emiliano, 290, 292

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 590, 608

AIDS/HIV, 528–32

AIG, 620, 622

Alabama, 163, 615

Alden, John, 30

Aldrin, Buzz, 494

Alexander, James, 59

Algonquian Indians, 24, 40, 41, 655

Ali, Muhammad, 489–90

Alien and Sedition Acts, 133, 142

Alien Registration (Smith) Act, 329, 372

Allen, Ethan, 71, 85, 97

Allen, Frederick Lewis, 346

Almagro (conquistador), 18

Al Qaeda, 533, 590–92, 595–98, 604

Altgeld, John, 277

Altman, Dr. Lawrence K., 528–29

Alvarez, Everett, Jr., 467, 471

Ambrose, Stephen, xxiii

America First movement, 325, 342

American Federation of Labor, 278, 301, 355

American Railway Union, 277

American Recovery and Investment Act, 621, 626

American Revolution, xvii, 38, 47, 49, 64–105

Ames, Aldrich, 583

Ames, Oakes, 267

Amherst, Jeffrey, 63

Andagoya, Pascual de, 18

Anderson, “Bloody Bill,” 234

André, John, 76, 98–99

Anthony, Susan B., 335

anti-Communism, 55, 264, 301–2, 328–29, 348, 354–55, 357–58, 362–63, 402–4, 406–12, 414–18, 422, 434, 443, 448–49, 453, 466–69, 515, 524

anti-Federalists, 85, 88, 127–28

Antimasonic Party, 123, 660

anti-Semitism, 340–42, 357, 362–63, 410, 446, 576

Anti-Slavery Society, 104, 194, 197

antiwar movement, 456, 473, 475, 477, 490, 493, 495, 497–98

Apache Indians, 259, 260

Apple, R. W., Jr., 525

Appomattox Court House, surrender at, 15, 239

Arapaho Indians, 259

Arawak Indians, 4, 5, 18, 145

Arizona, 193, 314, 586

Arkansas, 179, 218, 219, 225, 234, 377, 431–32, 548, 550, 551, 572; Territory, 164

Arlington National Cemetery, 218, 248

Armstrong, Neil, 494, 519

Army Reorganization Act, 313

Arnold, Benedict, xxii, 71, 73, 76, 79, 85, 97–99

Arthur, Chester A., 662

Articles of Confederation, 74, 88, 99–100, 109, 112, 133, 222–23

Ashcroft, John, 580–81, 631

Ashe, Arthur, 531

Atahualpa, Inca ruler, 18

Atlantic Charter, 375

Attucks, Crispus, 66

Atzerodt, George, 247

Austin, Stephen, 176–78

Australian route, 13

Austria-Hungary, 306, 310, 319

Aztecs, 13–14, 18

Azzam, Abdullah, 592

Babcock, Orville, 268

Bacon, Nathaniel, 51–52, 109

Badoglio, Pietro, 382

Bahamas, 4–6, 8

Bajoria, Jayshree, 592

Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de, 17–18, 293

Bamford, James, 595

Bamiyan statues, 597

banks, 558–67; crisis of 1980s, 544; crisis of 2007–9, 618–22

Bank of the United States, 137, 175

Barkley, Alben W., 663

Barton, William, 126

Baruch, Bernard, 318

Bataan Death March, 377, 378, 395

Batista, Fulgencio, 450

battles: Alamo, 177–79; Antietam, 228–29, 243; Britain, 360, 373; Bulge, 386, 390; Bull Run, 225–26, 228; Bunker (Breed’s) Hill, 71, 84, 90, 93; Chancellorsville, 231–32; Chickamauga, 234; Coral Sea, 378; Fort Ticonderoga, 71, 72, 73, 85, 87, 93, 97; Gettysburg, 195, 232–33, 243, 269; Kasserine Pass, 380; Khe Sanh, 475–76; Little Bighorn, 258–61; Long Island, 72, 86, 102; Marne, 307, 308, 311, 317; New Orleans, 156, 159–60; San Juan Hill, 290–91; Saratoga, 73, 85, 89, 98; Shiloh, 227; Spotsylvania, 236; Tarawa, 382–83; Tora Bora, 598; Wilderness, 235; Yorktown, 77, 86, 88, 90, 92, 99

Bay of Pigs invasion, 448–53, 502

Bear Stearns, 621–22

Beaumont, Gustave de, 171

Beauregard, Pierre T., 195, 224, 225

Beirut hostages, 522–23

Belin, David W., 462

Bell, John, 661

Bellamy, Edward, 434

Bellamy, Francis, 264

Bellow, Saul, 402

Benton, Thomas Hart, 208–9

Bentsen, Lloyd, 654

Bering “land bridge,” 12, 13

Berkeley, Lord John, 39, 51–52

Berkman, Alexander, 270, 329

Berlin, 383, 386, 388–90, 392, 452; airlift, 406; Wall, 534, 539

Bermudez, Juan, 17

Bernanke, Ben, 558, 621

Berry, Halle, 589

Bible Riots, xiii, 181

Biden, Joseph, 664

Bill of Rights, 56, 60, 111–12, 115, 128–29, 131–33, 211, 629–37, 651

bin Laden, Osama, 554–55, 589, 592–93, 596–98, 600, 603

Birmingham church bombings, 484

Bismarck, Chancellor, 304

Black, Hugo, 358

Black Codes, 247

Black Coyote, 262

Black Elk, 263

Black Hawk, Chief, 169, 213

Blackmun, Harry A., 499–500

Black Panthers, 494–95

blacks: American Revolution and, 66, 104–5, 110; black power movement, 486, 490; Constitution and, 113–14, 116; corporations and, 588–89; farmers’ alliance and, 279; FDR and, 357, 378, 381, 393; first black president, xii, 622–27; free, 114, 116, 124, 202–3; interracial marriage and, 611–13; Korean War and, 416, 424–25; labor movement and, 276; Lee on, 209–10; lynching and, 233, 252–53, 284–85, 325–27, 330; Masons and, 123–24; Panama Canal and, 295; progress of, 588–89. See also civil rights movement; race; racism; segregation; slaves and slavery; voting rights; and specific court cases and individuals

Blackwater, 607

Blaine, James G., 662

Blanco, Kathleen, 616

Bloomer, Amelia, 335

Boggs, Lilburn, 181

Boggs, T. Hale, 461

Boies, David, 614

Bolívar, Simon, 161

Bonus Army, 349–52

Booth, John Wilkes, 239, 244

Booz, E. C., 176

Bork, Robert, 504, 547, 551

Bosnia, 555–56, 568

Boston, 33, 34, 70–72; Massacre, 65–66, 78, 84, 87; Tea Party, 66–68, 79

Bowie, Jim, 178

Bozeman Trail, 259

Bradbury, Ray, 434

Braddock, Edward, 63, 88, 89

Bradford, William, 30, 32, 49

Bradley, Bill, 568

Brady Bill, 547

Bragg, Braxton, 234, 235

Breckinridge, John C., 660, 661

Bremer, L. Paul, 606–7

Brewster, William, 30

Breyer, Stephen, 573

Britain (England), 4, 5, 8, 10–11, 17–30, 33–44, 137, 140, 603, 604; American Revolution and, 49, 64–68, 70–79, 94–95, 99, 102–3; Civil War and, 229–30; French and Indian Wars and, 60–63; War of 1812 and, 153–61; women’s suffrage and, 335–36; WW I and, 306–14, 317–19; WW II and, 360–61, 364–65, 367, 369–77, 380–87, 390–92

British East India Company, 67

Brodie, Fawn, 151

Brooks, Gwendolyn, 425

Brooks, James, 267

Brooks, Van Wyck, 196

Brown, B. Gratz, 661

Brown, Dee, 263

Brown, Henry, 282

Brown, James, 489

Brown, John, 200, 208, 215–17

Brown, Michael, 615–17

Brown, Rev. Oliver, 426

Brown, Pat, 447

Brown v. Board of Education, 424–28, 430, 433, 641; Brown II, 430

Bruno, Greg, 592

Bryan, William Jennings, 281, 303, 309, 312, 337, 662

Buchanan, James, 208–12, 216–17, 660

Buchanan, Patrick, 569–72

Buckley, William, 522–23

Buis, Dale, 469

Bull Moose Party, 303–4

Bunche, Ralph J., 425

Bunyan, John, 299

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 576, 578–80

Bureau of Indian Affairs, 260, 268

Burgoyne, John, 73, 98

Burnside, Ambrose, 230, 231, 237

Burr, Aaron, 57, 82, 87, 124–25, 141–42, 148–50, 273, 654, 659

Burr, Aaron, Sr., 57

Bush, George H. W., 66–67, 515, 521, 523–24, 526–27, 533, 534, 539–46, 557, 566, 603, 604, 616, 626, 650, 664

Bush, George W. , xii, xiv, 447, 527, 568–75, 585, 588, 589, 592–93, 597, 599–609, 613–17, 620–21, 623–24, 631, 639, 650, 652, 664

Bush, Jeb, 570

Bush, Neil, 544

Bush v. Gore, 571, 573–75, 614

Butler, Pierce, 115

Butterfield, Alexander, 503

Cabot, John, 10, 40

Cabot, Sebastian, 21

Calhoun, John C., 164–65, 200–202, 205, 224, 659, 660

California, 103, 145, 180–81, 191–94, 201–2, 206, 208, 221, 259, 313, 324, 350–51, 426, 484, 586; Proposition 8, 613–15

Callender, James Thomson, 139, 150, 151

Calley, William L., 480, 491–93

Calvert, Cecil, Lord Baltimore, 33

Cambodia, 469, 477, 479, 482–83, 509

Cameron, Simon, 226

Campbell, Judith, 447, 450, 461

Canada, 21, 61, 63, 68, 85, 97, 99, 155, 156, 159, 191, 199, 203, 547, 597, 602

Canby, Edward R.S., 101, 240

capital punishment, 330, 410, 635–36

Capone, Al, 332

Caporeal, Linda, 55

Carlyle, Thomas, 628

Carmichael, Stokely, 484

Carnegie, Andrew, 258, 267, 269–73

carpetbaggers, 250–53

Carranza, Venustiano, 305

Carroll, Charles, 120

Carson, Rachel, 454

Carter, Jimmy, 424, 444, 483, 507, 510, 513–16, 522, 524, 550, 563, 655–56, 664

Carter, Robert, III, 134–35

Carter, Robert “King,” 134

Carteret, George, 39

Cartier, Jacques, 39–40

Carver, John, 30

Casablanca Conference, 380, 391

Casement, Sir Roger, 313

Casey, William, 522, 524

Cass, Lewis, 201

Castro, Fidel, 161, 447, 449–52, 459–61, 502

Catholics, xiii, xv, 181

Cavis, John W., 663

census: (1624), 28; (1790), 134, 189; (1820), 164; (1860), 189, 221–22; (1980), 263; (2000), 585–88, 648

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), xx, 369, 379, 422–23, 447, 449–52, 461–62, 466, 470, 497, 498, 501–2, 509, 510, 513, 522–26, 576, 583–85, 593, 596–98, 607, 627, 610

Cervera, Admiral, 291

Challenger disaster, 517–20

Chamberlain, Neville, 371, 373

Chambers, Whittaker, 407–9

Champlain, Samuel de, 40–41

Chaney, James, 464, 484

Charbonneau (trapper), 147

Charles I, king of England, 33–35

Charles II, king of England, 38, 39, 44

Charles VIII, king of France, 7

Chase, Salmon P., 230, 250, 253

Chauncey, Isaac, 157

checks and balances, 117–19, 144, 250, 358, 527

Cheney, Dick, 552, 607, 650, 664

Chernow, Ron, xxiii, 269

Cherokee Indians, 169–70, 265, 275

Cheyenne Indians, 259, 260

Chiang Kai-shek, 390, 392, 396, 417

Chibcha Indians, 18

Chicago Seven, 479

Chickasaw Indians, 169–70, 275

China: Communist, 390, 406, 413–19, 480, 534; Nationalist, 366, 390, 392, 406, 415, 417, 418; westward route to, 5–7, 10, 21, 36, 40; WW II and, 361, 364, 366–67, 375, 384, 392, 396

Chinese, in pre-Columbus America, 10

Chisholm Trail, 265

Choctaw Indians, 169–71, 275

Chouart, Medard, 41

Christianity, 23, 41, 54, 119–24, 429, 576

Chrysler rescue, 620

Church, Angelica Schuyler, 139

Church, Dr. Benjamin, 79

Churchill, Winston, 368, 369, 371, 373, 375, 380, 383, 386, 390–92, 396, 402

Citigroup rescue, xii, 620

Civil Rights Act: (1866), 247; (1964), 456, 458, 464, 641, 649

civil rights movement, 302, 304, 424–32, 455–56, 464–66, 483–84, 486, 495, 612, 622

Civil War, 109, 188–90, 195, 197–98, 200, 207, 208, 220–43, 245, 248, 269, 275, 287, 334, 641, 642

Clark, George Rogers, 75, 81, 85

Clark, William, 146–48

Clarke, Richard, 603

Clarridge, Duane, 526

Clay, Henry, 155, 163–65, 175, 190, 201, 205, 206, 659–60

Clayton, Will, 404

Clayton Antitrust Act, 304

Cleveland, Grover, 271, 277, 280–81, 287, 568, 640, 654, 662

Clifford, Clark, 476

Clines, Thomas G., 526

Clinton, Bill, xviii, 223, 509, 545–56, 566, 568, 572–73, 578–79, 589, 592, 593, 613, 626, 652, 664

Clinton, DeWitt, 659

Clinton, George, 127–28, 149, 659

Clinton, Henry, 74, 76–77, 98–99

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 509, 548, 549, 551, 553, 554, 623, 625

Clinton, James, 75

Coelho, Tony, 543

Coercive Acts, 68, 69

Cohn, Roy, 412

COINTELPRO, xx, 494–96

Cold War, xxi, 390, 398, 402–4, 406–10, 423, 425, 434–37, 443, 510; end of, xii, 534–35, 539, 563, 628

Cole attack, 592

Colfax, Schuyler, 267, 661

Collier, John, 263

Colson, Charles, 498, 507

Columbia space shuttle, 519

Columbus, Christopher, xxii, 3–10, 13–18, 145, 168, 258

Comanche Indians, 259

Committees of Correspondence, 67

communism, 55, 278, 301–2, 328, 348–49, 358, 361–63, 392, 402–4, 406–10; demise of, 533–35, 539, 555

Compromise of 1850, 201–3, 205–7, 211

Concord, 70, 71, 80, 84, 93

Confederacy, 187, 200, 209, 217–40, 242–44, 247–48, 252, 275, 283, 290, 425; Army, 210, 224–40, 242, 244; Constitution of, xxii, 222–24

Confiscation Act, 228

Connally, John, 460

Connecticut, 34, 46, 128, 163, 586, 613, 644

Connecticut (Great) Compromise, 114

Conscription Act, 229, 231; Confederate, 227

Constitutional Convention, 86, 111–17, 133. See also Bill of Rights; U.S. Constitution

containment, xxi, 403–4, 413, 417, 423, 437

Continental Army, 71–78, 81, 83, 88, 91–93, 101–3, 105, 110

Continental Congresses, 113; First, 68–69, 78, 91, 93; Second, 70–75, 78, 80–84, 87, 90–93, 95–103, 105, 109, 124

Coolidge, Calvin, 323, 324, 338, 339, 343, 662, 663

Cooper, John S., 461

Copley, John, 66

Copperheads, 242, 244

Cornwallis, Charles, 76–77, 86, 88–89

Coronado, 19

corporations, xxiii–xxv, 269–72, 278, 282–283, 338, 345, 349, 357, 421, 456, 457, 487, 505, 543, 558–59, 562–63, 567, 588–89, 602; bailouts, xii, xxv, 619–22

Cortés, Hernán, 18

Cosby, Bill, 508

Cosby, William, 59

Cosway, Maria, 151

Cotton, John, 36

Coughlin, Father Charles, 363

Council on Foreign Relations, 592, 596–97

Cox, Archibald, 504

Cox, James M., 338, 662

Craft, William and Ellen, 203

Crane, Stephen, 300

Crawford, William H., 164–65, 659

Crazy Horse, 259–61

Crédit Mobilier scandal, 267, 338

Creek Indians, 158, 168–70, 178, 275

Crippen, Robert L., 519

Crockett, Davy, 178

Crook, General, 260

Cuba, 4, 10, 16, 189; Bay of Pigs, 449–52, 502; missile crisis, 452–53; Spanish-American War, 286–94

Curtis, Charles, 663

Custer, George A., 259–61

Czolgosz, Leon, 293

Dabney, Virginius, 151

Dadullah, Mullah, 600

Dallas, George M., 660

Darrow, Clarence, 337

Daugherty, Harry, 338

Davis, Benjamin O., 377–78

Davis, Jefferson, 192, 217–19, 227, 239, 240, 244

Davis, John W., 663

Dawes, Billy, 70

Dawes, Charles G., 663

Dayton, Jonathan, 113

Dayton Accord, 555

D-Day, xviii, 383, 550

Dean, John, III, 282, 503, 510

Debs, Eugene V., 277–78, 301, 304, 316, 320, 338, 662

Decatur, Stephen, 148, 156

Declaration of Independence, xviii, xx, xxiv, 52, 72, 78–82, 95–97, 111, 115, 117, 119, 120, 124, 126, 156, 162, 176, 189, 220, 637

Decoration Day, 248–49

Deerfield raid, 56–57

Defense of Marriage Act, 613, 614

de Gaulle, Charles, 373, 385

Deism, 120–21

DeLancey, James, 59

De las Casas, Bartolomé, 5

Delaware, 46, 128, 163, 221, 425

Delaware Indians, 21, 63, 273

Delaware River, Washington crosses, xvii, 73

Democratic Party, 119, 138, 167, 175, 190–92, 201, 206–9, 212–13, 215, 280–82; Civil War and, 242, 246–47; Convention of 1912, 303–4; Convention of 1968, 472, 477; elections of 2000 and, 568–75; elections of 2008, and first black president, 622–25; FDR and, 351–53, 355, 357; Iran-Contra and, 523; National Committee break-in, 480–81, 497, 501–4, 507; post-Civil War, 250–52; Southern, 206–7, 209, 212, 215, 251–52, 271, 280, 336, 431, 515; Vietnam War and, 477, 481, 497

Democratic Republican Party, 82, 138, 141–44, 164

De Soto, Hernando, 19

Dessalines, 145

Dewey, Rear Admiral, 289–91

Dewey, Thomas, 386, 426, 663

Dias, Bartholomew, 6

Dickenson, Susanna, 178

Diem, Ngo Dinh, 466, 469–70, 497, 508

Dienbienphu, 468–69, 475

DiIulio, John J., Jr., 573–74

Dinwiddie, Governor, 61–62

Displaced Persons Plan, 404

Dixiecrats, 431

Dodd, Samuel C. T., 271

Dole, Robert, 551, 652, 664

Dominican Republic, 4, 16, 145, 173, 298

Doniphan, Alexander, 193

Donovan, William, 379

Doolittle, James, 378

Dos Passos, John, 323

Douglas, Stephen, 207, 213–15, 661

Douglass, Frederick, xxv, 196–200, 216, 229, 234, 284, 334

Douglass, Helen Pitts, 198

Douglass, Lewis, 233–34

Downing Street memo, 605

Drake, Sir Francis, 19, 22

Dred Scott case, 210–15, 218, 282, 574, 641

DuBois, W. E. B., 124, 302–3, 324

Dukakis, Michael, 66–67, 654, 664

Dulles, Allen, 407, 423, 449–50, 461

Dulles, John Foster, 407, 423, 449

Duong Van Minh, General, 470, 471

Dustin, Hannah, 51

Dutch West India Company, 37. See also Netherlands

Dylan, Bob, 443

Earhart, Amelia, 359–60, 455

Early, Jubal, 236, 238

Eastern Europe, 320, 290, 392, 401–2, 406, 510, 534–35, 555

Easter Uprising, 313

economics and finance: bonds, 559, 560–61; budget deficits and surplus, 515, 517, 533, 539, 544, 547, 559–60, 566, 651; coins, motto on, 126–27; consumer price index, 560; credit, easing or tightening of, 516, 561; crisis of 1980s, 539, 544; crisis of 2007–9, xii, xiv, 617–23, 625–26; discount rate, 559, 560; dollar bill, 123, 127; financial reform and, 626–27; first paper “greenbacks,” 230; fiscal policy, 561; gross domestic product, 561; growth, 557–58; inflation, 348, 396, 512–16, 543, 557–58, 560–63, 565; interest rates, 345, 516, 543, 546, 559–63, 565–66; junk bonds, 539, 559; monetary policy, 557, 560, 562; producer price index (PPI), 560; productivity, 562; recession, xii, xxv, 516, 543, 545, 557, 561–62, 566, 618–19, 621, 624–28; stagflation, 513; stocks, 562; Treasury bills, bonds, notes, 559; unemployment, 347, 355–56, 516, 543, 558, 563, 589, 621, 635. See also Great Depression; Great Recession; panic; stock market

education, 435; colleges founded, 58; school desegregation, 424–32; reform of, 626; school segregation, 282, 284–85

Edwards, Jonathan, 57, 58, 124

Egypt, 381, 423, 511, 513, 541, 591

Ehrlichman, John, 482, 501, 503, 505, 507, 510

Einstein, Albert, 372, 396

Eisenhower, Dwight, xx, 350, 382, 385, 388, 392, 401, 407, 412, 414, 418–22, 426, 431–32, 436–37, 445–46, 449, 450, 468–69, 663

elections, xxiii, xxv; caucuses, 655–56; Constitution and, 116; first, 130; of first black president, 622–27; primaries, 556; process, 142, 638–39, 652–57; turnout, 176, 338, 652–53; of 2000, 447, 567–75, 603, 614, 624. See also specific candidates

Electoral College, xxiii, 82, 129–30, 568–70, 572–75, 586, 639, 646, 648, 652–55, 661, 662

Elizabeth, queen of England, 17, 20, 22, 30

Ellison, Ralph, 424

Ellsberg, Daniel, 480, 496–98, 503, 505, 507

Ellsworth, Elmer, 225

Emancipation Proclamation, 228–30, 242, 249

Embargo Act, 153–54

Emerson, Dr. John, 210–11

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 183, 196, 217

England. See Britain

Enlightenment, 64, 96, 115, 120–23, 146

Enron scandal, xxiv

environmental movement, 454, 512, 546, 569

Environmental Protection Agency, 572

E pluribus unum, 126–27

Eriksson, Leif, 8–9

Ervin, Sam, 502–3

Espionage Act, 316

Essex Junto, 148

Evers, Medgar, 484

Fairbanks, Charles Warren, 662

Fall, Albert B., 339

Falwell, Jerry, 515

Fannie Mae, 617, 619–20, 622

Farmer, John, 592–93, 595

Farragut, David, 227, 237

fascism, 361–64, 371

Faubus, Orville, 432

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), xiii, xx, xxii, 327, 329, 369, 409, 461–62, 464–66, 484, 494–96, 498, 501–3, 506, 509, 510, 548, 551, 552, 576–85, 591, 593

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 620

Federal Emergency Management Agency, 615–16

federal government: growth of, 355–56; states vs., 113–16, 117–19, 133, 136–39, 223–24

Federalist Papers, 86, 127–29, 553

Federalist Party, 82, 87–88, 125, 127–30, 138, 141–44, 148–50, 160, 164, 175

Federal Open Market Committee, 559–61

Federal Reserve, 304, 345, 516, 543, 546, 556–67, 617, 620, 621; Board of Governors, 555, 558–60

Feith, Douglas, 603

Ferdinand, Archduke, 306, 310, 346

Ferdinand, king of Spain, 4, 16

Ferguson, Charles, 603, 610

Feynman, Richard P., 519

Field, Noel, 409

Fiers, Alan, Jr., 526

54th Massachusetts Volunteers, 231, 233–34

Fillmore, Millard, 202–3, 205, 209, 660

Fisk, James, 268

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 323, 332

Five Civilized Tribes, 169–70, 275

Fleming, Thomas, xxiii

Florida, xiii, 10, 18, 19, 40, 46, 63, 145, 164, 169–70, 217, 325–27, 567–74, 586, 615, 661

Flynt, Larry, 552

Foch, Ferdinand, 317

Fonda, Jane, 508

Ford, Gerald, 444, 482–83, 503, 505–7, 510, 513, 553, 564, 663–64

Ford, Henry, 339–42, 347–48, 363, 628

Foreman, George, 490

Fort Caroline, 19, 40

Fort Sumter, 195, 217, 224

Foster, Vincent, 548

Fourteen Points, 316–17, 318

Fox, George, 43, 44

Fracastoro, Girolamo, 8

Frame of Government, Penn’s, 45

France (French), 4, 7, 11, 19, 29, 36, 39–43, 49, 56–57, 140, 142, 144–46, 229; American Revolution and, 72, 74, 78, 82–84, 87–88, 90, 102–3; and Indian War, 60–64, 84–85, 88–89, 91, 168; Indochina War, 320, 468–69; Iraq War, 597; Revolution, 82, 124, 135, 142, 145, 171; WW I and, 306–8, 310, 316, 318–19; WW II and, 364–65, 371–73, 385, 388–90, 392, 404

Franco, Francisco, 362, 363, 371

Frank, Barney, 209, 622

Franklin, Benjamin, 58, 74, 79–80, 83, 93–96, 99, 103, 113, 120–23, 125, 126, 128, 129, 653

Franklin, Temple, 80

Franklin, William, 80

Frazier, Joe, 490

Freddie Mac, 617, 619–20, 622

Frederick II, king of Prussia, 122

Freedmen’s Bureau, 247

Freemasons (or Masons), 122–24, 250

Free Soil Party, 201, 206, 209

Frémont, John C., 208, 226, 238, 660

Frick, Henry Clay, 270

Friedan, Betty, 454–47

Frobisher, Martin, 21

Fuchs, Klaus, 398, 409–10

Fugitive Slave Act, 202–3

Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act, 557

Gage, Thomas, 68–71

Gall, Chief, 258, 260

Gallo, Dr. Robert, 530

Galloway, Joseph, 69

Gama, Vasco da, 6

Gandhi, Mahatma, 196, 429

Garay, Juan de, 18

Garfield, James A., 267, 662

Garner, Jay, 606

Garner, John Nance, 351, 663

Garrison, William Lloyd, 174, 194, 197, 219, 229, 334

Garrow, David J., 430, 457–58

Garvey, Marcus, 458

Gary, Romain, 495

Gaspee arsonists, 67

Gates, Gary Paul, 521

Gates, Horatio, 76, 85–86, 92, 98

Gates, Robert, 608, 609

gay rights, xiii, 209, 531–32, 546–47, 627–28; same-sex marriage, xii, xiii, 611–15

Geithner, Tim, 621

General Motors, xii, 341, 344, 421, 487, 620, 626

George II, king of England, 62

George III, king of England, 63, 64, 68, 93, 94, 99, 102

George, Clair, 526

Georgia, 46, 69, 74, 128, 163, 170, 217, 235, 236, 586, 644

Gephardt, Richard, 656

Germany, 597; East, 434; West, 404; WW I and, 307–20; WW II and, 358–66, 371–76, 378–93, 396, 398; reunification, 534, 539

Geronimo, 260

Gerry, Elbridge, 115, 156–57, 659

Gettysburg Address, 234–35, 241

Ghost Dance, 261–62

Giancana, Sam, 447, 450

Giap, General, 469

Gibbon, Edward, 628

GI Bill, 384

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 21, 22

Gingrich, Newt, 548–49, 552

Ginsberg, Allen, 475

Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 573

Goering, Hermann, 342

Goethals, George W., 295

gold, 4–6, 16–18, 20; market, 268–69; rush, 194, 259–60; silver vs., 280–82

Gold, Harry, 409–10

Goldman, Emma, 270, 329

Goldwater, Barry, 464, 466–67, 472, 546, 663

Gompers, Samuel, 277–78

Good, Sarah, 53

Goodman, Andrew, 464, 484

Goodwin children, 55

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 534, 539

Gordon-Reed, Annette, 151–52

Gore, Al, 447, 545–46, 568–75, 614, 624–25, 652, 664

Gorgas, Dr. William, 295

Gosnold, Bartholomew, 11, 26

Gould, Jay, 258, 268, 276–77

Granger, Gordon, 249

Granges, 279

Grant, Ulysses S., 190, 195, 227, 231–36, 239, 242–43, 250, 267–68, 271, 293, 338, 661

Grasse, Admiral de, 77, 90

Gray, L. Patrick, 503, 509

Great Awakening, 57–58, 120, 124

Great Depression, xiv, 262, 324, 340, 342, 344, 346–59, 361–62, 391, 393, 394, 512, 515, 618–20

Great Recession, xii, xxv, 618–19, 621, 625–27

Great Seal of the United States, 123, 126–27

Great Society, 463, 516

Greece, 347, 374, 402, 404

Greeley, Horace, 194, 219, 661

Greene, Nathanael, 71, 76, 86

Greenglass, David and Ruth, 409–10

Greenhow, Mrs. Rose, 209

Green Party, 569, 571, 573

Greenspan, Alan, 546, 556–58, 562–67, 617–18

Gregory, Dick, 485

Grenada, 524

Grew, Joseph, 367, 375

Grier, Robert, 211

Guam, 292, 359, 370, 376, 384, 385

Guantánamo, 591, 626, 627

Guatemala, 423, 450

Guevara, Che, 450

Guinier, Lani, 547

Gulf of Mexico oil spill, xiv

Gulf War, first, xii, xxi, 105, 540–42, 555, 592, 603. See also Iraq War

gun control, xxii, 132, 547–48, 630–31

Haig, Alexander, 474

Haiti, 145, 173, 302

Hakim, Albert, 525

Haldeman, H. R., 482, 503, 506–7, 510

Hale, Nathan, 72, 80

Hall, Prince, 124

Halleck, Henry W., 227, 235

Halperin, Mark, 624

Halsey, Adm. William, 380

Hamilton, Alexander, xxiii, 82, 86–87, 103, 115–16, 121, 127–30, 135–42, 145, 148–50, 257, 553, 637

Hamilton, Andrew, 58–59

Hamilton, Lee, 591

Hamlin, Hannibal, 661

Hancock, John, 67, 69–70, 81, 84, 96, 122

Hancock, Winfield Scott, 195, 662

Handler, Ruth, 437

Hanna, Mark, 281–82, 292, 294

Hanson, John, 112

Hanssen, Robert, 583–84

Harding, Warren G., 316, 323, 338–39, 662, 663

Harlan, John Marshall, 283

Harpers Ferry, 200, 216

Harris, Dr., 104

Harrison, Benjamin, 272, 280, 568, 654, 662

Harrison, William Henry, 154, 157, 175–76, 640, 660

Haun’s Mill Massacre, 181

Hauptmann, Bruno, 342

Hawaii, 287, 292, 365, 370, 375, 393

Hawkins, John, 29

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Bill, 348

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 183, 196

Hayes, Rutherford B., 271, 293, 640, 654, 661

Haymarket Square riot, 276–77

Hays, Mary McCauley, 89

Haywood, “Big Bill,” 301, 328

Hazard, Oliver, 157

health-care reform, 544, 548, 626–27

Hearst, William Randolph, 287–88, 351, 447

Hefner, Hugh, 438

Heilemann, John, 624

Hein, Piet, 37

Heller, Joseph, 443

Hemings, Eston, 151

Hemings, Sally, xiii, xxii, 150–52

Hemingway, Ernest, 310, 323

Henderson decision, 426

Hendricks, Thomas A., 662

Henry, Patrick, 67, 69, 81–82, 113, 127

Henry VII, king of England, 10

Henry the Navigator, 6

Herjolfsson, Bjarni, 9

Hersey, John, 446–47, 454

Hersh, Seymour, 492, 611

Heyerdahl, Thor, 13

Hickok, James B. “Wild Bill,” 265

Hill, Anita, 544

Hill, Frances, 55, 56

Hill, Joe, 301

Hirohito, Emperor, 375

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 389, 395–98

Hispanics, 3, 588, 625, 626

Hispaniola, 4, 5, 15–16, 145

Hiss, Alger, 407–10

Hitler, Adolf, 14, 324, 342, 358, 360–64, 369, 371–72, 375–76, 379, 381, 385, 388, 390, 393–96, 569

Hobart, Garret, 662

Ho Chi Minh, 319, 468, 478

Hoffman, Abbie, 479

Hojeda, Alonso, 15, 17

Holmes, Larry, 490

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 407

Holmes, Steven, 619

Holocaust, 390, 393, 404, 511, 589, 590

Homestead Act, 246

Homestead steel strike, 270

Hood, John B., 236–38

Hooker, Joseph, 231, 232

Hooker, Rev. Thomas, 34

Hoover, Herbert, 324, 331, 343, 345, 347–52, 356, 361, 515, 663

Hoover, J. Edgar, xxii, 328–30, 409–10, 458, 461, 465, 494–96

Hopkins, Harry, 356

Hopkinson, Francis, 101

House, Edward M., 311

Houston, Sam, 178, 219

Howe, Robert, 74

Howe, Sir William, 71–74

Howells, William Dean, 300

Hudson, Henry, 21–22, 36

Hudson, John, 22

Hudson, Rock, 530–31

Hudson Bay Company, 22, 41

Huerta, Victoriano, 305

Hughes, Charles Evans, 313, 662

Huguenots, xiii, 19, 40, 84

Hull, Cordell, 375

Hull, William, 156

Humphrey, Hubert, 472, 477, 663

Hungary, 319, 390

Hunt, E. Howard, 451, 481, 498, 500–504, 508–10

Huron Indians, 39–41

Hussein, Saddam, 539–42, 603–8

Hutchinson, Anne, 34

Hutchinson, Thomas, 65, 67

Icelandic sagas, 9

Illinois, 163

immigration, 172, 188–89, 207, 222, 257–58, 266, 272, 274, 299, 327–30, 586, 598

Immigration and Nationalization Service, 576

impeachment, 118, 119, 523, 525; Clinton and, 509, 550–56; Johnson and, 249–50, 553; Nixon and, 504, 506–9, 553

impressment, 153–55, 159

Incas, 13, 18, 19

Indiana, 163

Indians, xxix, 588: arrival of, 11–14; colonies and, 31–32, 34–38, 40–44, 49–52, 56–57, 61–63; early nation and, 112, 116, 133; Europeans and, 4–5, 7–8, 10–11, 14–18, 21–28; land taken from, 275; legal rights for, 116, 248, 262–63; Lewis and Clark and, 146–48; massacres of, 146, 154–55, 157–58, 162, 167–71, 175, 258–63

Industrial Revolution, 160, 188, 257

Insull, Samuel, 344, 347

Interstate Commerce Commission, 271, 279, 297

Intolerable Acts, 68

Iowa, 613, 635, 655–56

Iran, xx, 422–24, 590, 602–3, 608; -Contra affair, 522–27, 533, 546; hostage crisis, 423–24, 444, 512–14, 517

Iraq, xii, xiv, xxvii, 319, 512, 523, 539–43, 592; War, 599, 601–11, 620, 623, 627. See also Gulf War, first

Iraq Study Group, 608

Irish, 9, 181, 188, 276, 308–10, 313

Iroquois Indians, 14, 40–41

Isabella, queen of Spain, 4, 15, 16

Islam: fundamentalists, 424, 513, 533, 584, 590–92, 596–97, 608; Shiite vs. Sunni, 608; Wahhabism, 596

isolationism, 308, 325, 340, 342, 360–61, 363–64, 366, 368, 374

Israel, 510–11, 513, 522, 541, 592

Italian immigrants, 3, 276

Italy, 10–11, 15, 317–18, 324, 327, 359, 362–66, 371–72, 374–76, 381–83, 404, 602, 604

Iwo Jima, 387–88

Jackson, Andrew, 138, 158–60, 164–72, 174–79, 192, 209, 211, 259, 304, 654, 659, 660

Jackson, Henry, 508

Jackson, James T., 225

Jackson, Rachel Robards, 166

Jackson, “Stonewall,” 226–28, 232, 242

Jackson State killings, 479

Jamaica, 16, 18

James, Jesse, 234, 265

James I, king of England, 23

Jamestown, xii–xiii, xxi, 17, 20, 23–29, 45

Japan, 7, 205, 298, 311, 317, 435, 511, 512, 534; WW II and, 359–62, 364–70, 374–98, 416, 447, 468

Japanese-Americans, internment of, 376, 393, 426, 589

Jarvis, Gregory B., 518

Jaworski, Leon, 504, 505

Jay, John, 69, 103, 128, 129, 135

Jefferson, Maria, 151

Jefferson, Martha Wayles Skelton, 151

Jefferson, Thomas, xiii, xxii, xxvii, 49, 67, 69, 78, 82, 93, 96–97, 110–11, 113, 120, 124–26, 128, 135–39, 141–55, 162–64, 167, 187, 189, 654, 658, 659

Jemmy (slave revolt leader), 173

Jesuit missionaries, 19, 41, 57, 63

Jewell, Richard, 581–82

Jews, 8, 14, 231, 329, 341, 342, 510–11, 569; WW II and, 362–63, 381, 390, 393, 404

Jim Crow, 283–85, 295, 304, 432

Jimenez de Quesada, Gonzalo, 18

John Paul II, Pope, 535

Johnson, Andrew, 239, 240, 243, 246–47, 249–50, 271, 550, 553, 661

Johnson, Eliza, 246

Johnson, Lyndon B., 264, 447, 458, 460–61, 463–64, 466–47, 470–77, 497, 505, 624, 626, 647, 656, 663

Johnson, Magic, 531

Johnson, Richard M., 660

Johnson, Samuel, 152

Johnston, Albert S., 227

Johnston, Joseph E., 225, 232, 236, 239

Jolliet, Louis, 41–43

Jolson, Al, 324

Jones, Christopher, 29

Jones, Jennifer, 531

Jones, Jim, 579

Jones, John Paul, 73–75, 87

Jones, Mary Harris “Mother,” 301

Jones, Paula Corbin, 551, 554

Jones, Thomas K., 517

Jordan, Michael, 406

Joseph, Chief, 260

Josephson, Matthew, 266

Judiciary Act, 144

Juneteenth, 249

Kaczynski, Ted, 581

Kagan, Elena, 626

Kansas, “Bloody” wars, 207–9, 234

Kaplan, Lewis A., 627

Karlsefni, Thorfinn, 9

Karzai, Hamid, 598, 600, 601

Katrina, Hurricane, xii, xiv, 595, 615–18, 620

Kaufman, Irving R., 410

Kean, Thomas, 591

Kearney, Stephen Watts, 192

Keller, Helen, 301, 320

Kennan, George F., xxi, 403

Kennedy, Anthony, 573

Kennedy, Edward, 626

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 447, 460, 462

Kennedy, John F., 394, 435–36, 443–54, 455, 464, 466, 470, 484, 496, 505, 508, 515, 551, 568, 647, 663; assassination, 459–63, 470, 484

Kennedy, Joseph P., 344, 354, 446–47

Kennedy, Randall, 406

Kennedy, Robert F., 446, 448, 452, 465, 476, 477, 656

Kennewick man, 12

Kent State killings, 479

Kentucky, 85, 163, 221, 231

Kerensky, Aleksandr, 314, 316

Kerouac, Jack, 402

Kerry, John, 608, 613, 625, 664

Key, Francis Scott, 159

Khadaffy, Muammar, 522

Khanh, General Nguyen, 471

Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 424, 513, 524

Khrushchev, Nikita, 445, 452–53

Kimmel, Admiral, 376

King, Coretta Scott, 446, 478

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 196, 429–30, 446, 457–58, 465–66, 477, 478, 483–84, 486; assassination of, 477, 485, 489

King, Martin Luther, Sr., 446

King, Rodney, 544, 588

King, Rufus, 659

King, William R., 659

King George’s War, 61

King Philip’s War, 36, 49–51

King William’s War, 61

Kissinger, Henry, 479, 480–82, 496–97, 563

Kleindienst, Richard, 505–6

Knapp, Elizabeth, 55

Knights of Labor, 276–77, 279

Know-Nothings, 207–9

Knox, Henry “Ox,” xvii, 87–88, 135

Kohl, Helmut, 534

Korea, 298, 367, 389, 391, 474; North, 413–19, 476, 586, 602–3; South, 413–417, 474, 535; War, 401, 410, 413–20, 422, 424–25

Koresh, David, 548, 578–79

Kosovo, 555–56

Kotouc, Eugene, 493

Krakauer, Jon, 599–600

Krock, Arthur, 447

Krogh, Egil, Jr., 497, 505

Krstic, Radislav, 556

Krueger, Ivar, 344, 347

Ku Klux Klan, 252, 325, 329–30, 332, 464

Kurlansky, Mark, xxiii, 9, 10

Kuwait, 512, 540–43, 603

Ky, Nguyen Cao, 472, 473

labor movement, 258, 270, 276–80, 297, 328, 340, 354–55, 362, 419

Lafayette, Marquis de, 73, 77, 88, 122

Lafayette Escadrille, 310

Lafitte, Jean, 159

Laird, Melvin, 481

Landon, Alf, 357, 663

Lane, Harriet, 209

Langguth, A. J., xvii, 493

Laos, 469, 470, 476, 479

La Salle, 42

Laud, William, 35

Lawrence, James, 157

League of Nations, 317, 318, 320, 338, 361

Leary, Timothy, 501

Lease, Mary Elizabeth, 280

Lebanon, 319; hostages, 522, 591

LeClerc, General, 385

Lee, Anne Carter, 210

Lee, Charles, 72, 88–89, 92

Lee, Henry “Light-Horse Harry,” 75, 210

Lee, Mary Custis, 209–10

Lee, Mother Ann, 180

Lee, Richard Henry, 67, 82, 95

Lee, Robert E., 195, 209–10, 216, 225, 228–30, 232–33, 238–39, 243

Lee, Wen Ho, 582

Legal Tender Act, 230

Lehman bankruptcy, 622, 624

Leisler’s Rebellion, 52

Lend-Lease Act, 360–61, 365, 374–75

Leno, Jay, xviii

Leonhardt, David, 626

Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 293

Levitt, William J., 401

Lewinsky, Monica, 549–52, 554

Lewis, John L., 355

Lewis, Meriwether, 146–48

Lewis, Michael, 620

Lewis, Sinclair, 323–24

Lexington, 70, 80, 84, 93

Libby, Lewis “Scooter,” 607

Liberty Party, 190

Liddy, G. Gordon, 481, 498, 501–4, 509

Lieberman, Joseph, 569

Lincoln, Abraham, xxvi, 33, 147, 172, 187–88, 190, 195, 197, 205, 213–18, 220, 222–43, 249, 661; assassination of, xv, 239, 243–47

Lincoln, Benjamin, 110

Lindbergh, Anne Spencer Morrow, 342

Lindbergh, Charles A., 339, 341–43, 361, 363

Lindbergh, Charles, Jr., kidnapping, 342

Lippmann, Walter, 351

Little Rock school crisis, 431–32

Liuzzo, Viola, 484

Livingston, Robert, 95, 145, 549

Locke, John, 116, 120

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 286–88, 291–92, 446

Logan, John, 248

Longstreet, James, 195, 228, 243

Long Term Capital Management, 565

Lon Nol, 479

Lott, Trent, 555

Louisiana, 46, 163, 217, 615, 644, 661; Hurricane Katrina, 615–17; Purchase, 144–46, 160, 161, 163, 190; Territory, 42, 145

Louis XIV, king of France, 41

Louis XVI, king of France, 72, 102

L’Ouverture, Toussaint, 145, 173

Loving, Mildred, 611–12

Loving v. Virginia, 611–14

Luce, Henry, 401, 414, 447

Lusitania, sinking of, 308–9, 311–12

Lynch, Jessica, 606

Lynn shoe strike, 276, 334

MacArthur, Douglas, 316, 350, 368, 376–78, 386, 389–91, 395, 413–19

Madison, Dolley, xix, 158–59

Madison, James, 57, 114, 124, 126–29, 131, 136, 138, 143–44, 154–60, 651, 659

Mafia, 447, 450, 462

Magellan, 7

Mahan, Alfred, 286

Mailer, Norman, 402, 475

Maine, 163, 614

Maine, sinking of, 288

Malcolm X, 458–59, 484, 489

Maliki, Nouri al-, 608–10

Malone, Dumas, 135

Manchuria, 361, 389, 417

Manhattan, sold by Indians, 37–38

Manhattan Project, 372, 389, 391, 396, 409, 519

Manifest Destiny, 179–80, 190, 194, 206, 208, 259, 287

Mao Zedong, 390, 406, 414, 480

Marbury v. Madison, 143–44

Mardian, Robert, 507

Mariana Islands, 359–60, 384, 385

Marion, Francis “Swamp Fox,” 89

Marquette, Jacques, 41–43

Marshall, George C., 317, 369, 397, 403–4

Marshall, James, 194

Marshall, John, 143–44, 149

Marshall, Thomas R., 662

Marshall, Thurgood, 124, 425–26, 544

Marshall Plan, 403–4

Mary, Queen of Scots, 20

Maryland, 33, 46, 120, 128, 163, 221

Mason, George, 111–13, 115, 553

Mason, James Murray, 202

Massachusetts, 45, 67–71, 109–10, 128, 134, 156, 163, 613, 635; Bay Colony, 33–36, 44–45, 51, 53, 55–57, 61; Regulating Act, 68

Massasoit, 32, 50

Massoud, Ahmed Shah, 597

Mather, Cotton, 56

Mather, Increase, 54

Mayas, 13

Mayflower Compact, xviii, 31–32

McAuliffe, Anthony, 386

McAuliffe, Christa, 518–20

McCain, John, 568, 622–25, 664

McCarthy, Eugene, 476, 656

McCarthy, Joseph, 55, 328, 410–14

McChrystal, Stanley A., 601

McClellan, George, 195, 226–30, 238, 243, 661

McCloy, John J., 461

McCord, James W., 502

McCormick, Cyrus, 187

McCormick Reaper strike, 277

McCorvey, Norma, 499

McCullough, David, xxiii, 295

McFarlane, Robert, 518–22

McGovern, George, 481, 502, 663

McHenry, William “Jerry,” 203

McKinley, William, 281–82, 286–95, 303, 662; assassination of, 293

McKissick, Floyd, 484

McLaurin decision, 426

McNair, Ronald E., 513

McNamara, Robert S., xix, 473, 476, 496

McNeill, William H., 7, 8

McPherson, James M., xxiii, 219, 240

McVeigh, Timothy, 580–81, 636

Meade, George, 232, 233

Medicaid and Medicare, 464

Medici, Lorenzo, 14

Medina, Ernest, 491, 493

Mello, Sergio Vieira de, 607

Mellon, Andrew, 349

Melville, Herman, 183

Memorial Day, 248–49

Menand, Louis, 220

Mencken, H. L., 323, 337, 351

Menéndez de Aviles, Pedro, 19, 40

Mennonites, 45

Metacom (King Philip), 50–51

Mexico, 10, 13–14, 18, 19, 149, 161, 302–3, 562; War, 176–79, 191–94, 196, 201, 206

Michigan, 179, 586; Territory, 164

Middle East, xx, 306–7, 319, 423, 510–14, 524, 539–40

military draft, 222, 227, 229, 231, 233, 242, 269, 316, 380, 415, 473, 475, 477, 478, 481, 483, 640, 651

Miller, Arthur, 55

Miller, Merle, 419

Milosevic, Slobodan, 556

Minuit, Peter, 37, 39

Minutemen, 69, 70, 71, 84

Miranda, Ernesto, 488

Miranda v. Arizona, 488

Mississippi, 163, 217, 464–65, 586, 615

Mississippi River, 19, 42–43

Missouri, 163, 219, 226; Territory, 164

Missouri Compromise, 161–63, 179, 207, 211

Mitchell, John (attorney general), 497, 502, 505, 507, 508, 510

Mitchell, John (labor leader), 297

Mitchell, Margaret, 188

Modoc myth, 9–10

Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh (KSM), 591

Mohawk Indians, 57

Mohegan Indians, 34

Mohican Indians, 21, 50

Moley, Raymond, 357

Molly Maguires, 276

Mondale, Walter, 664

Monitor (ship), 226, 227

Monroe, James, 128, 139, 145, 160–62, 164, 659; Doctrine, 160–61, 298

Monroe, Marilyn, 438

Montezuma, emperor of Aztecs, 18

Montgomery, Bernard, 380–81

Montgomery bus boycott, 428–30

moon landing, 494

Morgan, Daniel, 76, 89, 97, 98

Morgan, J. P., Jr., 269, 345, 348

Morgan, J. P., Sr., 258, 266, 269, 271, 281, 287, 297, 312, 328

Morin, Relman, 431

Mormons, 180–81; Trail, 179–80

Morris, Dick, 549

Morris, Errol, xix

Morris, Gouverneur, 115, 116

Morris, Lewis, 59

Morris, Robert, 104, 113

Morristown mutiny, 76

Morse, Samuel, 187

Morse, Wayne, 467

Morton, Levi P., 662

Morton, Nathaniel, 34–35

Moscoso, Luis de, 19

Mossadegh, Mohammad, 422–23

Mott, Lucretia, 334

Moulitsas Zuniga, Markos, 625

muckrakers, 150, 298–301

Murrow, Edward R., 412

Muskie, Edmund, 477, 508, 524

Mussolini, Benito, 324, 361–63, 372, 381–82, 394

My Lai massacre, xxvii, 476–77, 478, 480, 491–93

Nader, Ralph, 300, 486–87, 569, 571–73, 624

NAFTA, 547

Nagin, Ray, 165, 616

Napoleon, 144–45, 150, 153, 156, 158–60, 173

Narragansett Indians, 34, 35, 50

NASA, 517–20

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 423

Nast, Thomas, 274

Natick Indians, 66

Nation, Carrie, 331–32

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 124, 302, 425–26, 429, 484

National Industrial Recovery Act, 354–55

National Organization for Women, 456

National Recovery Administration, 354–58

National Rifle Association, 631

National Security Agency, 409, 595

National Security Council, 593, 603

Nation of Islam, 458–59, 489

Nativists, 181, 207, 209, 325

Navajo Indians, 259

Netherlands (Dutch), 20–21, 29, 36–39, 45, 46, 49–51, 61, 77, 102–3, 136, 364, 373, 404, 602

Neutrality Act, 363–64, 372

Nevada, 193, 586

New Amsterdam, 37–39, 46, 49–50

New Deal, xxv, 324, 353–59, 455

New England, 26, 33–37, 41, 50–57, 61, 124; Confederation, 34

Newfoundland, 9–10, 22, 40

New France, 41

New Hampshire, 46, 85, 128, 163, 573, 613, 656

New Jersey, 39, 46, 72–73, 75, 128, 130, 163, 613, 614

New Jersey Plan, 114

New Mexico, 19, 192, 193, 202, 305

New Orleans, 145, 159, 227, 284, 615–18

Newport, John, 23

New Sweden, 39, 45, 46

Newton, Sir Isaac, 120

New World, named, 15, 17

New York, 36–39, 46, 72, 74, 75, 85, 88, 127–31, 134, 163; draft riots, 233, 269

Nez Perce Indians, 260

Nicaragua, 161, 287, 294, 305; Contras, 522–27

Nichols, Terry, 580

Nimitz, Chester, 376, 383

Nixon, Richard, 252, 406–8, 419–21, 442–47, 450, 477–82, 492–93, 496–98, 500–510, 513, 525, 546, 553, 568, 663–64

Noonan, Fred, 359

Noriega, Manuel, 543

Norris, Frank, 300

Norris, George W., 315

Norse sailors, 8–9

North, 187–89, 218–22

North, Lord, 68, 77

North, Oliver, 523–27

North Atlantic route, 12–13

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 403, 536, 555–56, 598–600, 602

North Carolina, 46, 75, 76, 89, 163, 218, 219, 225, 586

Northern Alliance, 597, 598

Northwest Ordinance, 211

Northwest Passage, 21–22, 37

Nova Scotia, 41, 77

Obama, Barack, xi, xii, 601, 602, 609, 612, 620–27, 664

Objectivism, 564

Occaneechee Indians, 52

O’Connor, Sandra Day, 573

Oglethorpe, James, 46

O’Higgins, Bernardo, 161

Ohio, 163, 572–73, 586, 624

oil, xiv, xx, 269–71, 363, 422, 540, 542, 604, 606; crisis, 444, 510–13, 516

Oklahoma, 170, 325–26, 586; Land Rush, 275

Oklahoma City bombing, 580–81, 585

Olney, Richard, 277

Olson, Barbara, 614

Olson, Ted, 614–15

Olympics: (1960), 489; (1968) 490; (1980), 596; (1996), 581–82

O’Neill, Tip, 569

Onizuka, Ellison S., 518

OPEC, 444, 510–13, 516

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 396

Oregon, 221, 661: Territory, 159, 164, 179–80, 190–91, 201; Trail, 179

Osburn, Sarah, 53

Osceola Indians, 170–71

O’Sullivan, John L., 179

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 460–73, 499

Otis, James, 64, 82–83

Ovnard, Chester, 469

Oxbow Route, 180

Pacific coastal route theory, 12

Pacific Ocean: sighted, 17; route to, 43

Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza , 422–24, 444, 450, 513

Paine, Thomas, 72, 83, 94, 127, 205

Pakistan, 591, 596, 598

Palestine, 319; Arabs, 425, 510–11

Palin, Sarah, 624, 692

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 328; Raids, 329

Panama, 161, 543; Canal, 293–95, 305

Panama, Isthmus of, 16, 17

panic: (1837), 176; (1869), 268–69; (1873), 253

Pankhurst, Emmeline, 336

Paris peace talks, 477, 479, 481

Parker, Alton B., 662

Parkinson, Kenneth, 507

Parks, Rosa, 428–30

Parris, Betty, 53

Parris, Samuel, 53

Patterson, Orlando, 152

Patton, George, 350, 380–81, 385, 386, 392

Paul, Alice, 336

Paulson, Henry, 617, 620, 621

Paxton Boys, 52, 110

Peace Corps, 448–49

Peace Democrats, 242

Peale, Norman Vincent, 401

Pearl Harbor attack, 365–70, 375–76, 393

Pelham, Henry, 66

Peninsular Campaign, 227–28

Penn, William, 43–45

Pennsylvania, 12, 43–46, 52, 72–74, 128, 130, 163, 164, 188, 232, 586

Pentagon Papers, 480, 496–98, 503, 507, 508

Pequot Indians, 49–50; War, 34

Perkins, Anthony, 532

Perkins, Frances, 455

Perot, H. Ross, xxv, 545–46, 551, 566, 569, 571, 652, 664

Perry, Matthew C., 205

Perry, Oliver, 157

Pershing, John J., 306, 316–17

Petraeus, David, 601, 609

Phelps, Rev. Fred, 627–28

Philadelphia, Mississippi, 465

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 43–45, 70–74, 79, 101, 112–13, 134, 137, 558

Philbrick, Nathaniel, xxiii

Philip II, king of Spain, 20

Philippines, 289–90, 292, 298, 370, 375–78, 386, 387, 389, 415, 474

Phips, William, 53, 54

Pierce, Franklin, 206, 208, 660

Pierce, Samuel, 522

Pilgrims, xiii, 29–35, 49–51, 119

Pinckney, Charles C., 142, 659

Pinckney, Thomas, 141–42

Piñeda, Domenico de, 18

Pine Ridge reservation, 262, 263

Pitcher, Molly, 89

Pitt, William, 63

Pizarro, Francisco, 18

Plame, Valerie, 607

Pledge of Allegiance, 263–64

Plessy v. Ferguson, 282–84, 425–27, 574

Plunkitt, George Washington, 274–75

Plymouth, 32–34, 45, 49; Company, 23

Pocahontas, 3, 25–27

Poe, Edgar Allan, 182–83

Poindexter, John M., 525–27

Poland, 319, 364, 371–72, 381, 390–92, 555

political parties, 130, 138, 140, 205–6, 639, 655–57

Polk, James K., 190–92, 205, 660

Polo, Marco, 6, 7

Ponce de León, Juan, 10, 17–18

Pope, John, 228

Populists, 279–82, 337

Port Bill, 68

Portugal, 4–6, 14, 15, 17, 29, 37, 40

Posner, Gerald, 462–63

Potsdam Conference, 396–98

Potts, Larry, 577

Powell, Colin, 535, 542, 588, 606

Powhatan, 23–27

Prescott, Samuel, 70

president(s): accidental, 176; Confederate constitution and, 223; Constitution and, 115, 116; disability and succession, 649–50; limited term, 153, 414–15, 647; list of, 658–64; oath of office, 131; powers of, 118, 175, 510; rules of assuming office, 644–46; rules of choosing, 638–40. See also Electoral College; impeachment

Presley, Elvis, 439

Prince Hall Masons, 124

Princip, Gavrilo, 306, 310

Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 235

Progressive Party, xxv, 303

Prohibition, 323, 330–33, 343, 351–52, 643–44, 646–47

Prosser, Gabriel, 173

Protestantism, xvi, 19, 20, 30, 33–34, 46, 57–58, 119–20

Pueblo Indians, 259

Puerto Rico, 10, 18, 290–92, 626

Pulitzer, Joseph, 287, 288

Pullman strike, 277

Pumpkin Papers, 406–8

Pure Food and Drug Act, 298, 300

Puritans, 30, 33, 36, 44, 49–51, 53–58, 85, 119, 196

Putnam, Ann, 53

Putnam, George, 359

Putnam, Israel, 90

Quakers, 36, 43–45, 120, 199, 203

Quantrill, William C., 234

Quartering Act, 68, 132

Quayle, J. Danforth, 664

Quebec, 40, 97, 98

Quebec Act, 68

Queen Anne’s War, 61

Quigley, Joan, 520

race: -baiting, 218; capital punishment and, 635–36; census and, 587–88; riots, 325–27, 485–86. See also Jim Crow; segregation

Radical Republicans, 242, 244, 246–51

railroads, 221, 222, 252, 257–59, 266–72, 277, 279; segregation, 282–84, 426; strikes, 276

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 22–23

Rand, Ayn, 564

Rankin, Jeannette, 336, 376

Ray, James Earl, 486

Ray, Robert, 554

Reagan, Ronald, 143, 153, 209, 252, 264, 442, 444, 487, 499, 504, 514–27, 533–35, 539, 543, 548, 550, 563–64, 650, 664

Reconstruction, 239, 243, 246–48, 250–53, 271, 283, 285; Acts, 247–48, 253; Amendments, 640–42; end of, 661

Red Cloud, Chief, 259

Redpath, James, 248

Red Scares, 55, 328–29, 332, 406, 410–14

Reform Party, xxv, 546, 551, 569, 571

Regan, Donald, 520

Regulator Rebellion, 52

Rehnquist, William H., 554, 573, 631

religion, xxii; Confederate Constitution and, 223; Founding Fathers and, 119–26; freedom of, 124; “In God We Trust” and, xxiv, 230; separation of church and state, 35, 58, 132. See also specific religions

Remington, Frederic, 287

Reno, Janet, 579

Republican Party: Clinton and, 547–56; elections of 2000 and, 568–75; FDR and, 356–58; Lincoln and, 213–15, 218, 242; Obama and, 621–27; origin of, 205–9, 212–13, 215; Reconstruction and, 244, 246–47, 250–53

Resnik, Judith A., 518

Revere, Paul, 49, 66, 70, 84, 122

Revolution of 1800, 141–43, 659

Reynolds, James, 139

Reynolds, Maria, 139

Rhee, Syngman, 416

Rhode Island, 34–36, 44, 46, 67, 75–77, 86, 112, 163, 331, 644, 658

Riboud, Barbara Chase, 151

Rice, Condoleezza, 588, 604, 605

Rice, Thomas Dartmouth, 283

Richardson, Elliot, 504

Richmond, Virginia, 99, 227–28, 239

Rickey, Branch, 405

Ricks, Thomas E., 604

Ride, Sally, 519

Ridenhour, Ronald, 491

Ridgway, Matthew B., 418

Riesman, David, 402

Riis, Jacob, 299

Riot Act, 110

Roanoke Island lost colony, 22–23

robber barons, 266–73

Robertson, Rev. Pat, 57, 123

Robinson, Jackie, 405–6

Rochambeau, Comte, 76, 90

Rockefeller, John D., 258, 270–71, 301, 328

Rockefeller, Nelson, 506, 664

Rockingham, Lord, 77

Rockwell, Norman, 381–82

Rodino, Peter, 504

Roe v. Wade, 499, 637

Rogers, William P., 519

Rolfe, John, 27

Rommel, Erwin, 380–81

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 352, 357, 393–94, 455

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 33, 123, 143, 153, 262, 324, 338, 342, 351–61, 363–78, 380–84, 386–89, 391–94, 396, 406–7, 423, 647, 663

Roosevelt, Kermit, 423

Roosevelt, Theodore, xxiv, 38, 161, 230, 258, 262, 264, 274, 286–95, 297–304, 313, 444, 662

Rosecrans, William, 234

Roselli, John, 447, 450

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 409–10, 413, 418

Rosewood race riots, 325–27

Ross, Elizabeth Griscom “Betsy,” 100–101

Rostow, Walt, 467, 470

Rowland, Dick, 325

Rubin, Jerry, 479

Ruby, Jack, 460–63

Ruby Ridge, 576–78

Ruckelshaus, William D., 504

Rudolph, Eric Robert, 582

Rumsfeld, Donald, 599, 603, 606, 608

Russell, Richard B., 461

Russia, xx, 12, 166, 173, 306, 310, 319, 341; Japanese War of 1905, 298; post-Soviet, 536, 565; Revolution, 301, 306–7, 317, 328. See also Soviet Union

Russo, Anthony J., 503

Rutherford, Lucy, 393

Rutledge, John, 113

Sacagawea, 147, 148

Sacco, Nicola, 327–28

Sachs, Alexander, 372

Sac tribes, 169

Sadr, Moktada al-, 610

St. Augustine, 19

St. Brendan, 9

St. Mary’s colony, 33

Saipan, 359, 384

Salem, 33, 35; witch trials, 53–57

Salinger, J. D., 402

Samana Cay, 4

Samarra mosque bombing, 608

Samoset, 32

Sampson, Deborah “Robert Shurtleff,” 90

Sánchez, José María, 176–77

Sandinistas, 523

Sanger, Margaret, 333, 455

San Martín, José de, 161

San Salvador, 4

Santa Anna, 178, 192–93

Santa Fe, 19; Trail, 179

Santo Domingo, 16

Saudi Arabia, 511–12, 519, 523, 540–41, 554, 591–92, 596

Scalawags, 251

Scalia, Antonin, 573, 631

Schechter v. United States, 358

Schine, David, 412

Schorr, Daniel, 508

Schuyler, Philip, 86, 98, 139

Schwerner, Michael, 464, 484

Scobee, Francis R. “Dick,” 518

Scopes trial, 337–38

Scott, Dred, 210–15, 218

Scott, Winfield, 157–58, 170, 192–93, 206, 225–26, 660

Scowcroft, Brent, 525

Scripps, John G., 241

Seberg, Jean, 495

secession, 202, 209, 218–20, 246, 253

Secord, Richard, 524, 525

Securities and Exchange Act, 354, 358

segregation, 282–84, 304, 330, 484, 588; armed forces and, 322–25, 377–78, 393, 416, 424–25; FDR and, 393; Robinson and, 405–6; struck down, 424–30, 433–34

Selective Service Acts, 316, 374

Selfridge, Thomas, 296

Seminole Indians, 169–71, 275

September 11, 2001, attacks (9/11), xi–xii, xiv, xv, xx, xxi, 369, 424, 527, 542, 584–85, 589–97, 503, 602–3, 605

Sequoya, 170

Serbia, 306, 310, 555

Seward, William, 202, 243

Seymour, Horatio, 250, 661

Shadrach, 203

Shakers, 180

Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 591

sharecropping, 252, 353–54

Shawnee Indians, 154–55

Shays’s Rebellion, 109–11

Sheehan, Neil, 480, 496

Sheridan, Philip, 238, 239

Sherman, James S., 662

Sherman, John, 272, 282

Sherman, Roger, 95, 114

Sherman, William T., 232, 235–39, 242, 258

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 272, 297

Shinngass, Chief, 63

Shinseki, Eric, 605–6

Shorto, Russell, xxiii

Shriver, Sargent, 448

Shultz, George, 523, 527

Sihanouk, Prince, 479

Simpson, Varnado, 492

Sims, Thomas, 203

Sinatra, Frank, 447

Sinclair, Upton, 299, 454

Sioux Indians, 258–60, 262

Sirhan, Sirhan B., 477

Sirica, John, 502

Sitting Bull, 260, 262

slaves and slavery, xiii, xix, xxii; abolished, 249, 640; American Revolution and, 66, 96, 104–5; citizenship and, 214, 247, 640–41; Civil War and, 220, 229; Compromise of 1850 and, 201–3; Confederate Constitution and, 223, 224; Constitution and, 112–14, 133–34; Douglass vs., 196–99; Dred Scott and, 210–12; economy of South and, 189; Founding Fathers and, 133–35, 141, 150–53; freed during Civil War, 228–30, 232, 249; Fugitive Slave laws and, 202–3; Indians and, 50–51; John Brown and, 215–17; Lee on, 209–10; Lincoln-Douglas debates and, 213–15; Masons and, 124; Mexican War and, 194; Missouri Compromise and, 162–63; names of, 458, 489; Reconstruction and, 247–53; reparations and, 589; revolts by, 145, 173–74; Texas and, 179, 249; trade, 29, 37, 57, 96, 114, 162, 189, 202, 212; Uncle Tom’s Cabin and, 203–6; Underground Railroad and, 199–200

Sloat, John, 192

smallpox, 18, 63, 529

Smith, Al, 343, 351, 663

Smith, Howard W., 456

Smith, Hyrum, 181

Smith, John, 2, 3, 24–27, 32

Smith, Joseph, 180–81

Smith, Kirby, 240

Smith, Margaret Bayard, 168

Smith, Michael J., 518

Sobell, Morton, 409, 410

socialism, 328, 349, 355

Socialist Party, 278, 301–2, 304, 316, 320

Socialist Workers Party, 494

Social Security, 614

Society of the Cincinnati, 88

Solomon, Gerald, 555

Sorensen, Theodore, 447

Sorkin, Andrew Ross, 620–22

Sotomayor, Sonia, 626

Souter, David, 573, 626

South: American Revolution and, 72, 75–76, 89; Constitution and, 113–15; Decoration Day and, 248–49; desegregation and, 427–31; economy of, 189, 221–22; Hayes and, 271; North vs., 162–64, 179, 187–90, 199–212; population of 1790, 134; Reconstruction and, 246–48, 250–53; religion and, 119–20; secession of, 218–20; slave revolts and, 173–74

South Carolina, 12, 46, 52, 75–76, 78, 86, 89, 128, 163, 173, 217, 224, 425, 644, 646

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 430, 484

Southern Homestead Act, 251

“Southern Manifesto,” 433

Soviet Union, 301, 329, 402–4, 406–10, 413–15, 422, 433–36, 443–44, 446, 452–53, 461, 517, 582–83, 596–97, 599; Afghanistan War and, 103, 533, 534, 591–92, 596; collapse of, 533–36, 539, 555; nonagression pact with Germany, 364, 375; WW II and, 363, 379, 388–92, 397–98

space program, 433–36, 517–20

Spain, 4–5, 8, 15–21, 26, 29, 40, 75, 78, 145, 161, 169, 604; Civil War in, 362–64, 371

Spanish-American War, 285–92, 450

Spence, Gerry, 577–78, 585

Spencer, George, 251

Spinks, Leon, 490

Spock, Dr. Benjamin, 401, 475, 477

spoils system, 128, 165, 167

Squanto, 32

Stalin, Joseph, 383, 386–89, 391–92, 395–98, 402, 406, 540, 567

Stamp Act, 65, 80; Congress, 83

Standard Oil, 270–71, 299, 303

Standish, Miles, 30

Stanford, Leland, 267

Stans, Maurice, 505

Stanton, Edwin, 226, 244, 249

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 334–35

Starr, Ellen Gates, 299

Starr, Kenneth, 551–52, 554

states: elections and, 130; free vs. slave, 162–64, 179, 201–2, 208–9; ratify Constitution, 112, 116, 128–31; rights, 115, 127, 222–23, 573, 629, 637; thirteen original, 45–46, 109

Statute for Religious Freedom, 124–26, 135

Steffens, Lincoln, 299

Steinbeck, John, 356

Steuben, Baron von, 74

Stevens, John, 295

Stevens, John Paul, 573

Stevens, Thaddeus, 246, 251

Stevenson, Adlai, 419, 421, 452, 460, 663

Stockman, David, 518, 520

stock market, xiii, 214, 253, 268, 323; bubble of 1990s, 557–58, 563, 566–67, 627; crash of 1929, 343–47, 564, 567; crash of 1987, 564–65, 627; crash of 2008, 618–24. See also economics and finances; panic

Stockton, David, 192

Stone, Oliver, xix, 459–60

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 203–5, 283, 334

Strachan, Gordon, 507

Strong, Josiah, 285–86

Stuart, J. E. B., 216

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 473, 478

Stuyvesant, Peter, 39

Sudetenland, 319, 364, 371

Suez Canal, 293, 308, 381

Sugar Act, 64–65

Sullivan, Anne, 320

Sullivan, John, 75, 92

Sumner, Charles, 246

Surratt, Mary, 244

Susquehannock Indians, 52

Sutter, Johann, 194

Sweatt decision, 426

syphilis, xxiii, 7–8

Taft, Robert A., 361

Taft, William Howard, 295, 303–4, 662

Taino Indians, 15–16

Taliban, 596–98, 600–602

Tammany Hall, 88, 141, 268, 273–75

Taney, Roger, 211–13, 218

Tanzania, U.S. embassy attacks, 592

Tarbell, Ida M., 299

taxes, 136–37, 140, 148, 194, 514–17, 533, 543–45, 547, 559, 621, 626, 627; Articles of Confederation and, 100, 109; income, 226, 279, 304, 642; poll, 284, 614–15, 648–49; representation and, 52, 64–65, 69, 83, 111

Taylor, Elizabeth, 531

Taylor, Frederick W., 340

Taylor, Maxwell, 470

Taylor, Richard, 240

Taylor, Zachary, 191–92, 201–2, 205

Tea Party movement, 621

Teapot Dome scandal, 323, 338–39

Tecumseh, 154–57, 176

Teheran Conference, 383, 391

Tennessee, 163, 165, 218, 219, 225, 227, 572

Tenskwatawa, the Prophet, 154

Tenure of Office Act, 249

terrorism, xv, xxi, 252, 369, 444, 527, 533, 554, 580, 584–85, 590–93, 596–98, 602–5, 627–28, 636; war on, 590, 600

Tet Offensive, 475–76

Texas, 19, 42, 145, 176–79, 190–91, 194, 202, 217, 219, 249, 314, 586

Texas v. White, 253

Thatcher, Margaret, 456, 534

Thieu, President, 482

Tho, Le Duc, 479, 481–82

Thomas, Clarence, 544, 551, 573

Thomas, George H., 234

Thompson, Hugh C., 492

Thompson, William, 425

Thomson, Charles, 126

Thoreau, Henry D., 183, 194–96, 217, 352, 429

three-fifths compromise, 114, 162

Three Mile Island, 513

Tilden, Samuel J., 271, 274, 640, 654, 661

Tillman, Pat, 599–600

Tinian, 359, 384, 385

Tituba (slave), 53

tobacco, 4–5, 27, 487

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 171–72, 187, 402

Tojo, Hideki, 367

Toland, John, 367

Tompkins, Daniel D., 659

Tonkin Resolution, 466–67, 471, 497

Tower, John, 524; Commission, 524–25

Townshend Acts, 65, 66

Trail of Tears, xxvii, 168–70, 275

Transcendentalists, 180, 196

Travis, William B., 178

Treaties: Ghent, 158–60; Guadalupe Hidalgo, 193–94; Jay’s, 137, 142; Oregon, 194; Paris (1763), 63; Paris, (1782), 78, 103; Versailles, xx, 318–19, 359, 362–63, 468

Triana, Rodrigo de, 4

Tripp, Linda, 551

Trist, Nicholas P., 193

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 620

Truman, Harry S, 378, 388–89, 394–98, 404, 413–19, 422, 426, 468, 647, 663; Doctrine, 402–3, 406

trusts, 268, 271–72, 278–79, 297

Truth, Sojourner, 334

Tubman, Harriet, 200, 216, 334

Tulsa race riots, 325–27

Turner, Nat, 173–74, 217

Tuskegee Airmen, 377–78

Twain, Mark, 257, 331

Tweed, William “Boss,” 128, 273–74, 567

Tyler, John, 176, 190, 660

Underground Railroad, 199–201, 204, 334

Union Army, 195, 225–40, 244

United Arab Emirates, 591

United Auto Workers, 421

United Fruit, 423

United Mine Workers, 297, 301, 355

United Nations, 9, 302, 386, 390–92, 407, 414–19, 460, 472, 529, 540, 542, 556, 597–99, 603, 605–7

U.S. Congress: census and, 134, 585–86; design and powers of, 117–19, 130; first woman elected to, 336; pay raises of, 651; terms of assuming office, 644–46

U.S. Constitution, 82, 85–87, 111–26, 133–34, 162; Confederate vs., xxii, 222–24; Electoral College and, 129–30, 653–55; impeachment and, 118–19, 553–54; ratification, 127–31, 133–34; religion and, 119–26

U.S. Constitutional Amendments: First, 125, 132, 133, 230, 497–98, 628, 630; Second, xiii, 132, 630–31; Third, 132, 632; Fourth, 132, 577, 632; Fifth, 132, 211, 338, 409, 488, 501, 612, 633; Sixth, 133, 633–34; Seventh, 133, 634; Eighth, 133, 634–36; Ninth, 133, 636–37; Tenth, 133, 637; Eleventh, 638; Twelfth, 143, 638–40, 646, 654; Thirteenth, 247, 640; Fourteenth, 247–48, 272, 282, 612, 640; Fifteenth, 250, 640, 642; Sixteenth, 304, 642; Seventeenth, 304, 643; Eighteenth, 331–32, 643–44, 646; Nineteenth, 337, 455, 642, 644; Twentieth, 639, 644–46; Twenty-first, 630, 644, 646; Twenty-second, 153, 414, 647; Twenty-third, 647; Twenty-fourth, 648–49; Twenty-fifth, 503, 521, 649–50, 660, 664; Twenty-sixth, 650–51; Twenty-seventh, 629, 651

U.S. House of Representatives: creation of, 114, 116; District of Columbia and, 648; Judiciary Committee, 482, 504–6, 509, 550, 553; presidential elections and, 129, 142, 164–65, 638–39, 646, 654; states’ seats in, 134, 162, 585–86; terms, 644–45; Un-American Activities Committee, 407, 411

U.S. Senate: creation of, 114, 116; direct election of, 304, 643; Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, 502, 503

U.S. Supreme Court, xiii, xxv, 117, 124, 135, 143–44, 170, 210–11, 214–15, 223, 272, 277, 282–83, 304, 316, 425–28, 430, 432, 480, 488, 490, 497–99, 506,

U.S. Supreme Court, (cont.)
544, 570–75, 611, 612–14, 626–28, 630–32, 636, 637, 641, 642; FDR packs, 356–59; powers of, 118–19

United States v. Miller, 631

Upham, James B., 264

USA PATRIOT Act, 597–98

Utah, 181, 193, 202

U Thant, 472

Valley Forge, xvii, 49, 74, 75, 85, 121

Van Buren, Martin, 169, 175–76, 179, 190, 201, 273, 540, 660

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 268

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 327–28, 342

Venezuela, 16, 512

Venona traffic, 409, 410

Vergennes, Comte de, 102

Vermont, 85, 163, 613

Verrazano, Giovanni de, 11

Vesey, Denmark, 173

Vespucci, Amerigo, 14–15, 17

Victor Emmanuel, king of Italy, 382

Victoria, queen of England, 225

Vidal, Gore, 149

Vietnam, 319–20; War, 102, 103, 414, 443–44, 453, 464–85, 490–93, 496–98, 508, 651; War Memorial, 483

Villa, Pancho, 305

Vinson, Fred M., 426

Virginia, xii–xiii, xxi, 22–32, 45, 51–52, 61–62, 75, 77, 81–82, 129, 134, 163, 218, 224–25, 611–13, 644; Declaration of Rights, 111; House of Burgesses, 27–29, 31, 67, 81, 82; Statute for Religious Freedom, 124, 135

Virginia Plan, 114–15

Volcker, Paul, 516, 563

Volstead Act, 331

Voltaire, 116, 122, 628

von Braun, Dr. Wernher, 384, 385

Voorhis, Jerry, 408

voting rights, 110, 114, 116, 130, 167, 175, 304, 547–75, 647–49; blacks and, 114, 116, 247–48, 250–51, 284, 334, 464–65, 484, 648–49; 18-year-olds and, 650–51; Indians and, 116, 248, 263; women and, 116, 248, 331, 333–37, 644

Voting Rights Act, 464, 484, 649

Wade, Ben, 246

Wade, Henry, 499

Wainwright, Jonathan, 377–78

Wałesa, Lech, 535

Walker, Arthur, 582–83

Walker, John, 582–83

Walker, Vaughn R., 614

Walking Purchase, 44

Wallace, George, 477

Wallace, Henry, 663

Wallace, Lew, 236

Walsh, Lawrence, 526–27

Walton, J. C., 330

Wampanoag Indians, 32, 50

Wappinger Indians, massacre of, 50

War of 1812, 155–60

War Powers Act, 482

Warren, Earl, 426–28, 430, 488, 612; Commission, 459–62, 505

Warren, Joseph, 84

Warren, Mercy Otis, 84–85

Washington, Booker T., 285, 293, 302, 304

Washington, Denzel, 589

Washington, George, xvii, 49, 60, 62–63, 71–83, 85–94, 97–102, 104, 112–13, 115, 120–22, 125, 128–31, 135–41, 653, 658

Washington, Jack, 62

Washington, Martha Custis, 91, 131

Washington, D.C., 137; burned, 158; voting in, 647–48, 654

Watergate scandal, 444, 480–82, 498, 500–510, 513, 525, 553, 664

Watts riots, 483–86

Waxman, Henry, 617

Wayles, John, 151

Wayne, Anthony, 75, 77

Weaver, Randall, 576–77, 585

Webster, Daniel, 175, 201, 205–6

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, 499

Weems, Mason Locke, 90–91

Weinberger, Caspar W., 523, 526, 546

Welch, Joseph, 412–13

welfare, 516, 548, 549; Reform Act, 587

West: migration to, 147, 162, 179–81; myth of, 264–65

West, Benjamin, 93

Westmoreland, General William, 471, 475–76

West Point, 76, 98, 210, 377–78

West Virginia, 221, 232, 572, 635

Wheeler, Joseph, 290

Wheeler, William A., 661

Whigs, 175–76, 190–92, 201, 206

Whiskey Rebellion, 140

Whiskey Ring scandal, 267–68

White, Edmund, 532

White, Hugh, 175

White, Ryan, 527–28, 530

Whitefield, George, 58, 120

Whitman, Walt, 245

Whitney, Eli, 160, 162, 187

Whitney, William, 271

Wicks, Hamilton S., 275

WikiLeaks, 601–2

Wilhelm, Kaiser, 307

Wilkinson, James, 149–50, 157

Williams, Eunice, 57

Williams, Forman, 594–95

Williams, Rev. John, 56–57

Williams, Roger, 34–36, 44, 50

Williamson, Hugh, 121

Willkie, Wendell, 663

Willingham, Thomas, 493

Wilson, Charles “Engine,” 421

Wilson, Edith Galt, 316, 334

Wilson, Henry, 267, 661

Wilson, Joseph, 607

Wilson, Woodrow, 295, 303–5, 309–16, 318, 328, 336, 338, 468, 662

Winfrey, Oprah, 589

Winslow, Edward, 30

Winthrop, John, 33, 34

Wirt, William, 123, 660

Wirz, Henry, 240

Wobblies, 301, 328

Wolfe, James, 63

Wolfowitz, Paul, 606

women: American Revolution and, 85, 89, 90, 95, 10–101; Constitution and, 133; discrimination outlawed, 455–56; Earhart and, 359–60; first elected to Congress, 336, 376; “gender gap” and, 544; Masons and, 123; movement of, 454–57; voting by, 116, 610; voting rights (suffrage) movement, 334–36; WW II and, 381–82

Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), 331, 335

Wood, Leonard, 289, 290, 312

Woods, Rosemary, 504

Woods, Tiger, 406

Woodward, Bob, 520, 526, 546, 555, 565

Works Progress Administration, 355–56

World Trade Center: bombing of 1993, 580, 584, 591; collapse analyzed, 593–95. See also September 11, 2001, attacks

World War I, 301, 306–20, 346, 349–50, 361

World War II, 360–61, 363–98, 422, 426, 468

Wounded Knee massacre, xxvii, 261–63

Wright, Jim, 539

Wright, Lawrence, 595

Wright, Orville and Wilbur, 295–96, 341

Wyatt, Thomas, 28

Wyoming, 193–94, 635, 648

Yakovlev, Anatoli, 410

Yalta Conference, 386, 390–92, 406–7

Yeardley, Governor, 28

York, Duke of, 39, 44

York (slave), 147

Young, Brigham, 181

Young, John W., 519

Younger, Cole, 234

Yugoslavia, 306, 319, 374, 555–56

Zapata, Emiliano, 305

Zenger, John Peter, 58–60

Zhou Enlai, 480

Ziegler, Ron, 500

Zimmermann Telegram, 309, 314