- ABA. See American Bar Association
- absolutes, 124
- acceptance rates, 26
- ad hominem attacks, 93
- add-a-rule questions, 40
- open ordering games, 61
- overview, 42–43
- agreement/disagreement questions, 81, 105–107
- assessing, 105–106
- examples of, 105–107
- alumni network, 27
- American Bar Association (ABA), 26
- approved law schools, 28
- ranking of schools, 28
- analogy arguments, 86, 97–98
- analytical reasoning section, 8, 35–45
- duration of, 35
- game board/box chart
- creating, 37, 49, 68–69
- taking time to develop, 44
- grouping games, 63–75
- analyzing rules/conditions, 65–68
- classification grouping games, 64, 72–75
- complex grouping games, 64, 72–75
- creating game board/box chart, 68–69
- identifying, 63
- ordering games vs., 36
- in/out grouping games, 64, 69–72
- listing elements, 36–37, 49
- myth that some people can’t do analytical reasoning, 388
- ordering games, 47–62
- analyzing rules/conditions, 49–56
- answering questions, 56–58
- creating game board/box chart, 49
- grouping games vs., 36
- identifying, 47–48
- listing elements, 49
- open ordering games, 59–62
- overview, 9–10
- percentage of score, 10
- Practice Exam 1, 161–165, 195–208
- Practice Exam 2, 266–269, 293–305
- Practice Exam 3, 329–332, 362–373
- practicing for, 45
- purpose of, 36
- questions, 36, 40–45, 56–58
- add-a-rule questions, 40, 42–43
- answering questions out of order, 45
- completely determined order questions, 58
- deciding which to confront first, 45
- eliminating answers, 44
- maintaining perspective, 45
- open questions, 40, 43–44
- possible listing/assignment questions, 40–41
- quantity questions, 40–42
- skipping questions, 44
- staying calm, 45
- substitute condition questions, 56–57
- reading facts, 36
- rules/conditions, 36–39, 65–68
- arranging rules, 51–52
- combining rules, 53–54
- consequential truths, 38
- contingencies, 54–55
- expanding rules, 52–53
- if/then rules, 67–68
- joining rules, 66–67
- possible listing/assignment questions, 40–41
- rule shortcuts, 37–38
- spacing rules, 50–51
- target rules, 37, 49–50, 65–66
- temporary conditions, 42–43
- appeals to authority, 93
- appeals to force, 93
- arranging rules, 51–52
- assumptions, 81, 91–92
attrition rate, 27
- bandwagon approach, 93
- bar pass rate, 27
- big picture questions, 121, 134
- box chart (game board)
- creating, 37
- grouping games, 68–69
- ordering games, 49
- taking time to develop, 44
- business law, 391
- calculators, 21–22
- campus life, 27
- Candidate Referral Service, 15
- career placement services, 25
- careers in law, 391–394
- business/corporate law, 391
- criminal law, 391–392
- domestic relations/family law, 392
- employment/labor law, 392
- intellectual property law, 392
- international law, 392–393
- litigators, 391
- personal injury/insurance defense law, 393
- real estate law, 393
- tax law, 394
- transactional work, 391
- trusts and estates/probate law, 394
- CAS (Credential Assembly Service), 11, 15, 31
- cause-and-effect arguments, 86, 96–97
- cell phones, 21–22
- circular reasoning, 93
- civil lawsuits, 393
- claims, 81, 113–114
- classification grouping games
- defined, 64
- practice problems, 72–75
- clothing, 22
- combining rules, 53–54
- completely determined order questions, 58
- complex questions, 93
- conditions (rules), in analytical reasoning section, 36–39, 65–68
- arranging rules, 51–52
- combining rules, 53–54
- consequential truths, 38
- contingencies, 54–55
- expanding rules, 52–53
- if/then rules, 67–68
- joining rules, 66–67
- possible listing/assignment questions, 40–41
- rule shortcuts, 37–38
- spacing rules, 50–51
- target rules, 37, 49–50, 65–66
- temporary conditions, 42–43
- contingencies, 54–55
- contingency fees, 393
- contrapositive statements, 67–68
- corporate law, 391
- Credential Assembly Service (CAS), 11, 15, 31
- criminal law, 391–392
- customary international law, 393
- deductive reasoning, defined, 85, 108
- dictionaries, 22
- Digital LSAT, 1, 8–9
- prep materials and practice tests, 13–14
- reading comprehension section, 127–128, 130
- direct information questions, 122
- discrepancies, 81, 103–105
- examples of questions involving, 104–105
- identifying discrepancy questions, 103–104
- domestic relations law, 392
- drinks, 21
- eating, 21–22
- eliminating answers, 20
- analytical reasoning section, 44
- logical reasoning section, 83–84
- reading comprehension section, 124, 128, 132
- employment law, 392
- erasers, 20, 22
- exception questions
- reading comprehension, 125
- strengthen- or weaken-the-argument questions, 100–102
- expanding rules, 52–53
extremes, 124
- fallacies
- of ambiguity, 93
- of analogy, 93–94
- of presumption, 93
- of relevance, 93
- of weak induction, 93
- false dichotomies, 93
- family law, 392
- fees
- contingency fees, 393
- law schools, 30
- LSAT, 12
- flawed argumentative strategy (flawed reasoning strategy)
- pattern-of-reasoning questions, 108–109
- questions involving, 81, 92–94
- game board (box chart)
- creating, 37
- grouping games, 68–69
- ordering games, 49
- taking time to develop, 44
- Get Acquainted With LSAT Writing tool, 145
- grading practices, 27
- GRE, 7
- grouping games, 63–75
- classification grouping games
- defined, 64
- practice problems, 72–75
- complex grouping games, 64, 72–75
- creating game board/box chart, 68–69
- defined, 36
- identifying, 63
- ordering games vs., 36
- in/out grouping games
- defined, 64
- practice problems, 69–72
- possible assignment questions, 40–41
- rules/conditions, 65–68
- if/then rules, 67–68
- joining rules, 66–67
- target rules, 65–66
- guidance offices, 25
- hasty generalizations, 93
- humanities reading passages, 119–120
- identification, 20, 22
- if/then rules, 67–68
- inductive reasoning, 85–86
- analogy arguments, 86, 97–98, 108
- cause-and-effect arguments, 86, 96–97, 108
- defined, 85–86, 108
- statistical arguments, 86, 98–99, 108
- inference questions, 122–124
- inferences, 81, 89–90
- in/out grouping games, 64, 69–72
- insurance defense law, 393
- intellectual property law, 392
- international law, 392–393
- joining rules, 66–67
- Juris Doctor (JD), 391
- labor law, 392
- law practice, types of, 391–394
- business/corporate law, 391
- criminal law, 391–392
- domestic relations/family law, 392
- employment/labor law, 392
- intellectual property law, 392
- international law, 392–393
- litigators, 391
- personal injury/insurance defense law, 393
- real estate law, 393
- tax law, 394
- transactional work, 391
- trusts and estates/probate law, 394
- Law School Admission Council (LSAC), 7
- administering LSAT, 14
- aiding in law school applications, 15
- Candidate Referral Service, 15
- Credential Assembly Service (CAS), 11, 15, 31
- defined, 14
- increasing minority representation, 15
- law school forums, 15
- prep materials, 15
- ranking of schools, 28
- website, 1, 8–9, 12–14, 22, 26, 45, 62, 75, 307
- Law School Admission Test (LSAT). See also analytical reasoning section; Digital LSAT; logical reasoning section; reading comprehension section; writing sample section
- arriving early, 21
- eating, 21–22
- fees, 12
- free samples, 9
- keeping records, 24
- myths about, 387–390
- B is the best letter to guess, 20, 389
- finishing a section is better than concentrating on two thirds, 389
- great scores guarantee admission to great schools, 390
- LSAT has nothing to do with law school, 387
- LSAT is only used for admissions, 390
- no one reads the writing sample, 389
- retaking LSAT won’t improve your score, 390
- some people can’t do analytical reasoning, 388
- you can spot difficult questions before you work them, 388–389
- you can’t study for the LSAT, 388
- you need to take prep courses, 388
- overview, 7–8
- Practice Exam 1, 157–231
- analytical reasoning (section I), 161–165, 195–208
- answer key, 230
- answer sheet, 159–160
- computing score, 231
- logical reasoning (section II), 166–175, 208–215
- logical reasoning (section IV), 184–192, 222–229
- reading comprehension (section III), 175–183, 215–222
- writing sample, 193–194
- Practice Exam 2, 233–306
- analytical reasoning (section IV), 266–269, 293–305
- answer key, 306
- answer sheet, 235–236
- logical reasoning (section I), 237–245, 273–280
- logical reasoning (section III), 256–265, 287–293
- reading comprehension (section II), 246–255, 280–287
- writing sample, 270–271
- Practice Exam 3, 307–384
- analytical reasoning (section III), 329–332, 362–373
- answer key, 309–310
- answer sheet, 383–384
- logical reasoning (section I), 311–319, 345–354
- logical reasoning (section IV), 333–341, 374–382
- reading comprehension (section II), 320–328, 354–361
- writing sample, 342–343
- preparing for, 13–14
- checklist, 20–21
- myths about, 388
- PrepTests, 14
- quick and dirty approach, 13
- simulated test-day conditions, 14, 157, 233, 307
- slow and careful approach, 13
- registering for
- changing test date, 12
- deadlines, 12
- fees, 12
- picture, 12
- test center code, 12
- when to register, 12
- repeating/retaking, 11, 23, 390
- scores
- average, 11
- calculation of, 11
- cancelling and retrying, 11, 23
- myth that great scores guarantee admission to great schools, 390
- percentage per section, 9–10
- ranking of schools, 28
- small differences in, 12
- unscored section, 8
- waiting for, 22
- sections of, 8
- sleep, 21
- strategies for, 17–22
- answering all questions, 18
- answering questions out of order, 18–19
- budgeting time, 18
- guessing, 20
- ignoring other test takers, 18
- process of elimination, 20
- skipping questions, 18–19
- staying focused, 18
- taking breaks, 19
- taking your time, 18
- timing, 8
- waiting for results, 22
- what to bring, 20–22
- clothing, 22
- drinks, 21
- eraser, 20, 22
- identification, 20, 22
- pencils, 20, 22
- prohibited items, 21–22
- sharpener, 21–22
- snacks, 21–22
- zip-lock bag, 20–21
- law school forums, 15, 26
- law schools, 25–32
- applying to, 29–32
- components of complete application, 31
- early, 30
- factors considered by admissions committees, 31–32
- fees, 30
- financial aid, 32
- multiple schools, 30
- choosing, 25–29
- acceptance rates, 26
- alumni network, 27
- attrition rate, 27
- bar pass rate, 27
- campus life, 27
- cost, 26
- curriculum, 27
- grading practices, 27
- information resources, 25–26
- location, 26
- opportunities for practical experience, 27
- place of residence, 27
- public vs. private, 26
- quality of life, 27
- ranking, 28–29
- reputation, 26
- myth that great scores guarantee admission to great schools, 390
- law-related reading passages, 120
- litigators, 391
- LLM (Master of Laws), 394
- logical conclusions, 81, 88–89
- choosing from multiple plausible conclusions, 88–89
- drawing from a series of premises, 88
- identifying the statement that constitutes the conclusion, 88
- logical reasoning section, 8, 79–94, 103–114
- arguments
- accuracy of, 82
- defined, 80
- elements of, 84
- identifying conclusion, 81, 84, 87
- premises, 84
- reading, 81
- duration of, 79–80
- overview, 10
- percentage of score, 10
- Practice Exam 1
- purpose of, 79
- questions, 81–84, 88–90, 92–114
- agreements/disagreements, 81, 105–107
- answering questions out of order, 83
- assumptions, 81, 91–92
- breaking down, 80–84
- claims, 81, 113–114
- discrepancies, 81, 103–105
- eliminating answers, 83–84
- formulating answers, 82–83
- inferences, 81, 89–90
- logical conclusions, 81, 88–89
- number and length of answer choices, 80
- paradoxes, 81, 103–105
- patterns of reasoning, 81, 107–109
- principles, 81, 110–111
- reading, 81
- reasoning flaws, 81, 92–94
- strengthening arguments, 81, 95–102
- structure of argument, 81, 111–113
- taking your time, 83–84
- types of, 81
- weakening arguments, 81, 95–102
- types of reasoning, 84–86
- deductive reasoning, 85
- inductive reasoning, 85–86
- LSAC. See Law School Admission Council
- LSAT. See Law School Admission Test
LSAT Logic Games For Dummies (Zegarelli), 36, 62, 75
- Master of Laws (LLM), 394
- natural science reading passages, 118–119
- online resources
- Cheat Sheet (companion to book), 3
- LSAC, 1, 8–9, 12–14, 22, 26, 45, 62, 75, 307
- registration for book, 3
- Wiley Technical Support, 3
- open ordering games, 59–62
- open questions, 40, 43–44
- ordering games, 47–62
- analyzing rules/conditions, 49–56
- arranging rules, 51–52
- combining rules, 53–54
- contingencies, 54–55
- expanding rules, 52–53
- spacing rules, 50–51
- target rules, 49–50
- answering questions, 56–58
- completely determined order questions, 58
- substitute condition questions, 56–57
- creating game board/box chart, 49
- defined, 36
- grouping games vs., 36
- identifying ordering questions, 47–48
- listing elements, 49
- open ordering games, 59–62
- possible listing questions, 40–41
- outside knowledge and opinion, 10, 80, 89–90, 118, 124
- paradoxes, 81, 103–105
- examples of questions involving, 104–105
- identifying paradox questions, 103–104
- Parmenides, 85
- passages, in reading comprehension section
- identifying outline, 130
- sample, 133–134, 138–139
- types of, 118–120
- humanities, 119–120
- law-related, 120
- natural science, 118–119
- social science, 119
- patent law, 393
- pattern-of-reasoning questions, 81, 107–109
- examples of, 107–109
- flawed argumentative strategy, 108–109
- types of reasoning, 108
- pencils, 20, 22
- perfume, 22
- personal injury law, 393
- possible listing/assignment questions, 40–41
- Practice Exam 1, 157–231
- analytical reasoning (section I), 161–165, 195–208
- questions/answers 1–7, 161–162, 195–197
- questions/answers 8–12, 162, 198–201
- questions/answers 13–19, 163–164, 201–204
- questions/answers 20–26, 164–165, 204–208
- answer key, 230
- answer sheet, 159–160
- computing score, 231
- logical reasoning (section II), 166–175, 208–215
- question/answer 1, 166, 208
- question/answer 2, 166, 209
- question/answer 3, 167, 209
- question/answer 4, 167, 209
- question/answer 5, 167, 209–210
- question/answer 6, 167–168, 210
- question/answer 7, 168, 210
- question/answer 8, 168, 210
- question/answer 9, 169, 210–211
- question/answer 10, 169, 211
- question/answer 11, 169, 211
- question/answer 12, 170, 211
- question/answer 13, 170, 212
- question/answer 14, 170, 212
- question/answer 15, 170, 212
- question/answer 16, 171, 212–213
- question/answer 17, 171, 213
- question/answer 18, 171, 213
- question/answer 19, 172, 213
- question/answer 20, 172, 214
- question/answer 21, 172, 214
- question/answer 22, 173, 214
- question/answer 23, 175, 215
- question/answer 24, 173, 214–215
- question/answer 25, 173, 215
- logical reasoning (section IV), 184–192, 222–229
- question/answer 1, 184, 222–223
- question/answer 2, 184, 223
- question/answer 3, 185, 223
- question/answer 4, 185, 223
- question/answer 5, 185, 224
- question/answer 6, 185–186, 224
- question/answer 7, 186, 224
- question/answer 8, 186, 224–225
- question/answer 9, 186, 225
- question/answer 10, 187, 225
- question/answer 11, 187, 225
- question/answer 12, 187–188, 225–226
- question/answer 13, 188, 226
- question/answer 14, 188, 226
- question/answer 15, 188, 226
- question/answer 16, 189, 227
- question/answer 17, 189, 227
- question/answer 18, 189–190, 227
- question/answer 19, 190, 227
- question/answer 20, 190, 228
- question/answer 21, 190, 228
- question/answer 22, 191, 228
- question/answer 23, 191, 228
- question/answer 24, 191, 228–229
- question/answer 25, 192, 229
- reading comprehension (section III), 175–183, 215–222
- questions/answers 1–7, 175–177, 215–217
- questions/answers 8–13, 178–180, 217–219
- questions/answers 14–18, 180–181, 219–221
- questions/answers 19–25, 181–183, 221–222
- Practice Exam 2, 233–306
- analytical reasoning (section IV), 266–269, 293–305
- questions/answers 1–5, 266, 293–295
- questions/answers 6–12, 267, 295–298
- questions/answers 13–18, 268, 298–302
- questions/answers 19–25, 268–269
- questions/answers 19–26, 302–305
- answer key, 306
- answer sheet, 235–236
- logical reasoning (section I), 237–245, 273–280
- question/answer 1, 237, 273
- question/answer 2, 237, 273–274
- question/answer 3, 237, 274
- question/answer 4, 238, 274
- question/answer 5, 238, 274
- question/answer 6, 238, 274–275
- question/answer 7, 239, 275
- question/answer 8, 239, 275
- question/answer 9, 239, 275
- question/answer 10, 240, 276
- question/answer 11, 240, 276
- question/answer 12, 240, 276
- question/answer 13, 241, 276
- question/answer 14, 241, 276–277
- question/answer 15, 241, 278
- question/answer 16, 242, 278
- question/answer 17, 242, 278
- question/answer 18, 242, 278–279
- question/answer 19, 243, 279
- question/answer 20, 243, 279
- question/answer 21, 244, 279–280
- question/answer 22, 244, 280
- question/answer 23, 244, 280
- question/answer 24, 245, 280
- logical reasoning (section III), 256–265, 287–293
- question/answer 1, 256, 287
- question/answer 2, 256, 287
- question/answer 3, 256, 287
- question/answer 4, 257, 288
- question/answer 5, 257, 288
- question/answer 6, 257, 288
- question/answer 7, 258, 288
- question/answer 8, 258, 289
- question/answer 9, 259, 289
- question/answer 10, 259, 289
- question/answer 11, 259, 289
- question/answer 12, 260, 289–290
- question/answer 13, 260, 290
- question/answer 14, 261, 290
- question/answer 15, 261, 290
- question/answer 16, 261, 290
- question/answer 17, 262, 290–291
- question/answer 18, 262, 291
- question/answer 19, 262, 291
- question/answer 20, 263, 291
- question/answer 21, 263, 291
- question/answer 22, 263, 292
- question/answer 23, 264, 292
- question/answer 24, 264, 292
- question/answer 25, 265, 292–293
- reading comprehension (section II), 246–255, 280–287
- questions/answers 1–6, 246–248
- questions/answers 1–7, 280–281
- questions/answers 7–13, 248–250
- questions/answers 8–13, 281–283
- questions/answers 14–19, 250–253, 283–285
- questions/answers 20–26, 253–255, 285–287
- Practice Exam 3, 307–384
- analytical reasoning (section III), 329–332, 362–373
- questions/answers 1–6, 329, 362–364
- questions/answers 7–12, 330, 364–367
- questions/answers 13–18, 330–331, 367–369
- questions/answers 19–25, 331–332
- questions/answers 19–26, 369–373
- answer key, 309–310
- answer sheet, 383–384
- logical reasoning (section I), 311–319, 345–354
- question/answer 1, 311, 345–346
- question/answer 2, 311, 346
- question/answer 3, 312, 346
- question/answer 4, 312, 346–347
- question/answer 5, 312, 347
- question/answer 6, 313, 347
- question/answer 7, 313, 348
- question/answer 8, 313, 348
- question/answer 9, 314, 348–349
- question/answer 10, 314, 349
- question/answer 11, 314, 349
- question/answer 12, 315, 349–350
- question/answer 13, 315, 350
- question/answer 14, 315, 350
- question/answer 15, 316, 350–351
- question/answer 16, 316, 351
- question/answer 17, 316, 351
- question/answer 18, 317, 351–352
- question/answer 19, 317, 352
- question/answer 20, 317, 352
- question/answer 21, 318, 352–353
- question/answer 22, 318, 353
- question/answer 23, 318, 353
- question/answer 24, 319, 353–354
- question/answer 25, 319, 354
- logical reasoning (section IV), 333–341, 374–382
- question/answer 1, 333, 374
- question/answer 2, 333, 374
- question/answer 3, 334, 374–375
- question/answer 4, 334, 375
- question/answer 5, 334, 375
- question/answer 6, 335, 376
- question/answer 7, 335, 376
- question/answer 8, 335, 376
- question/answer 9, 336, 377
- question/answer 10, 336, 377
- question/answer 11, 336, 377
- question/answer 12, 337, 378
- question/answer 13, 337, 378
- question/answer 14, 337, 378
- question/answer 15, 338, 379
- question/answer 16, 338, 379
- question/answer 17, 338, 379–380
- question/answer 18, 339, 380
- question/answer 19, 339, 380
- question/answer 20, 339, 380–381
- question/answer 21, 340, 381
- question/answer 22, 340, 381
- question/answer 23, 340–341, 381–382
- question/answer 24, 341, 382
- question/answer 25, 341, 382
- reading comprehension (section II), 320–328, 354–361
- questions/answers 1–7, 320–322, 354–355
- questions/answers 8–14, 322–324, 356–357
- questions/answers 15–21, 324–326, 358–359
- questions/answers 22–27, 326–328, 360–361
- preparing for LSAT, 13–14
- checklist, 20–21
- myths about, 388
- Practice Exam 1, 157–231
- Practice Exam 2, 233–306
- Practice Exam 3, 307–384
- PrepTests, 14
- quick and dirty approach, 13
- simulated test-day conditions, 14, 157, 233, 307
- slow and careful approach, 13
- principles, 81, 110–111
- defined, 110
- examples of questions involving, 110–111
- probate law, 394
- prohibited items, 21–22
- quantity questions, 40–42
- questions
- analytical reasoning section, 36, 40–45, 56–58
- add-a-rule questions, 40, 42–43
- answering questions out of order, 45
- completely determined order questions, 58
- deciding which to confront first, 45
- eliminating answers, 44
- maintaining perspective, 45
- open questions, 40, 43–44
- possible listing/assignment questions, 40–41
- quantity questions, 40–42
- skipping questions, 44
- staying calm, 45
- substitute condition questions, 56–57
- logical reasoning section, 88–90, 92–114
- agreements/disagreements, 81, 105–107
- answering questions out of order, 83
- assumptions, 81, 91–92
- breaking down, 80–84
- claims, 81, 113–114
- discrepancies, 81, 103–105
- eliminating answers, 83–84
- formulating answers, 82–83
- inferences, 81, 89–90
- logical conclusions, 81, 88–89
- number and length of answer choices, 80
- paradoxes, 81, 103–105
- patterns of reasoning, 81, 107–109
- principles, 81, 110–111
- reading, 81
- reasoning flaws, 81, 92–94
- strengthening arguments, 81, 95–102
- structure of argument, 81, 111–113
- taking your time, 83–84
- types of, 81
- weakening arguments, 81, 95–102
- reading comprehension section, 10, 121–125
- big picture questions, 121
- direct information questions, 122
- exception questions, 125
- inference questions, 122–124
- number of questions, 117
- style and tone questions, 123
- skipping (answering out of order), 18–19
- analytical reasoning section, 44–45
- logical reasoning section, 83
- reading comprehension section, 128, 131
- ranking of schools, 28–29
- accreditation and, 29
- importance of, 28–29
- reading comprehension section, 8, 117–125, 127–142
- duration of, 117
- percentage of score, 10
- Practice Exam 1, 175–183, 215–222
- Practice Exam 2, 246–255, 280–287
- Practice Exam 3, 320–328, 354–361
- questions, 10, 121–125
- big picture questions, 121
- direct information questions, 122
- exception questions, 125
- inference questions, 122–124
- number of, 117
- style and tone questions, 123
- sample passages, 133–134, 138–139
- sample questions, 134–142
- strategies for, 127–133
- answering questions out of order, 128, 131
- eliminating answers, 124, 128, 132
- highlighting or underlining, 130–131, 133, 138
- identifying author’s tone, 129–130
- identifying main point, 129
- identifying passage’s outline, 130
- not spending too much time on any one question, 128–129, 132
- skimming questions, 128
- starting with questions, 128, 131–132
- using digital tools, 130–131
- types of passages, 118–120
- humanities passages, 119–120
- law-related passages, 120
- natural science passages, 118–119
- social science passages, 119
- real estate law, 393
- red herring, 93
- registering for LSAT
- changing test date, 12
- deadlines, 12
- fees, 12
- picture, 12
- test center code, 12
- when to register, 12
- repeating/retaking LSAT, 11, 23, 390
- restrictions, 49–50
- role-played-by-a-claim questions, 81, 113–114
- rule shortcuts, 37–38
- rules (conditions), in analytical reasoning section, 36–39, 65–68
- arranging rules, 51–52
- combining rules, 53–54
- consequential truths, 38
- contingencies, 54–55
- expanding rules, 52–53
- if/then rules, 67–68
- joining rules, 66–67
- possible listing/assignment questions, 40–41
- rule shortcuts, 37–38
- spacing rules, 50–51
- target rules, 37, 49–50, 65–66
- temporary conditions, 42–43
- scores
- average, 11
- calculation of, 11
- cancelling and retrying, 11, 23
- myth that great scores guarantee admission to great schools, 390
- percentage per section, 9–10
- ranking of schools, 28
- small differences in, 12
- unscored section, 8
- waiting for, 22
- seeking-assumptions questions, 91–92
- sharpeners, 21–22
- skipping questions (answering out of order), 18–19
- analytical reasoning section, 44–45
- logical reasoning section, 83
- reading comprehension section, 128, 131
- sleep, 21
- snacks, 21–22
- social science reading passages, 119
- spacing rules, 50–51
- spot-the-flaw questions, 81, 92–94
- statistical arguments, 86, 98–99
- strengthen/support-the-argument questions, 81, 95–102
- analogy arguments, 97–98
- cause-and-effect arguments, 96–97
- examples of, 99–100
- exception questions, 100–102
- identifying questions involving, 95–96
- statistical arguments, 98–99
- steps for, 96
- structure-of-argument questions, 81, 111–113
- examples of, 112–113
- identifying, 112
- style and tone questions, 123
- substitute condition questions, 56–57
- syllogisms, 85
- target rules
- defined, 37
- in grouping games, 65–66
- in ordering games, 49–50
- tax law, 394
- temporary conditions, 42–43
- transactional work, 391
- trusts and estates law, 394
U. S. News & World Report, 26, 28–29
- watches, 21–22
- weaken-the-argument questions, 81, 95–102
- analogy arguments, 97–98
- cause-and-effect arguments, 96–97
- examples of, 100
- exception questions, 100–102
- identifying questions involving, 95–96
- statistical arguments, 98–99
- steps for, 96
- writing sample section, 9, 145–149
- importance of, 11, 145
- keeping audience in mind, 146
- myth that no one reads it, 389
- Practice Exam 1, 193–194
- Practice Exam 2, 270–271
- Practice Exam 3, 342–343
- recent topics, 146
- sample essays, 148–149, 152–154
- choosing a law school, 152–153
- German shepherd vs. Pekingese, 148–149
- sporting goods store funding, 154
- sample topics, 146, 151–153
- choosing a law school, 151–152
- German shepherd vs. Pekingese, 146
- sporting goods store funding, 153
- strategies for, 146–147
- body paragraphs, 147–148
- conclusion, 148
- five-paragraph structure, 147–148
- four-paragraph structure, 148
- introduction, 147
- language to avoid, 146
- making outlines, 147
- pointing out weaknesses, 148
- setting priorities, 147