Hack #78. Customize Pop-up Image Windows

Have your thumbnails open slick, customizable pop-up windows.

There are times when it pays to have a compulsive personality, which you probably like to call "attention to detail."

On eBay, for instance, "attention to detail" makes your listings look more professional and will likely compel you to more carefully describe and photograph your items, both of which are good ways to inspire trust with your bidders [Hack #8] and set a proper expectation [Hack #50] . But why stop there?

If you're including clickable thumbnails [Hack #77] or video clips [Hack #58] in your listings, you can customize the pop-up windows that appear using JavaScript.

Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it sounds. On most other web sites, you could do this quite simply with the window.open JavaScript statement, but as described in the Preface, eBay displays the "Your listing cannot contain JavaScript" error if you try to submit a description containing the window.open statement in any context.

Instead, a slightly more complex script is needed. Start by placing the following JavaScript code in the beginning of your listing description:

<script language="JavaScript"> 
     var w = window;
     var whack = w.open;
     function ohack(url, name, attributes) { return (new Object()); } 
     w.open = ohack;

     var objImage = new Image();

     function showpic(url) {

    objImage.src = url;
   width = objImage.width;
     height = objImage.height;

     if (width == 0) {
       retry = 'showpic("' + url + '")';
       setTimeout(retry, 300);
       } else { 
    var flags = "width=" + width + ",height=" + height + 
                ",resizable=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no" + 
				",status=yes,location=no,alwaysraised=yes" + 

    var contents="<html><head><title>Photo Viewer</title></head>" + 
                "<body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 " +
				"bottommargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0><img src=" +
				url + "></body></html>";
    popup = whack('', "mywindow", flags); 
      // --></script>

Then, set up each of your thumbnails [Hack #77] to call the script, like this:

	<a href="javascript:showpic('http://www.your.server/bigphoto.jpg');"><img 

where http://www.your.server/thumbnailphoto.jpg is the full URL of the thumbnail image and http://www.your.server/bigphoto.jpg is the full URL of the full-size version.

To try it out, just click the thumbnail image. The full-size version will appear in a slick, minimalist window—perfectly sized to fit the image—like the one in Figure 5-12.

The first thing the script does (lines to ) is fabricate a new function, whack, which is merely an alias for the window.open statement. This allows the script to work in eBay listings.

The rest of the script consists of the showpic routine, called whenever someone clicks one of your images.

In order to size the window properly, the code pre-loads the image into the objImage object , and then sets the width and height variables to the dimensions of the image. Since the image may take a second or two to load, the script checks the width variable before continuing; if width is zero, the code retries the showpic routine roughly three times per second until width is nonzero, indicating that the image has loaded successfully. (A nice sideeffect of this is that the window will never open if the image is missing or corrupt.)

Next, the flags variable specifies the attributes of the pop-up window so that it's not cluttered with toolbars, menus, or scrollbars, and so that it is sized to fit the image.

Rather than just opening the window to the provided URL, the script creates a little page on the fly to hold the picture . This allows all the margins to be set to zero, which ensures that the image appears snug against the sides of the window.

At long last, the code opens a new window and fills it with the prepared content .

There are a bunch of different things you can do to customize the link, as well as the window it opens: