Table of Contents

The Politics of Academic Labor in Communication Studies: A Re-Introduction

Jonathan Sterne

Academic Labor and the Literature of Discontent in Communication

Thomas A. Discenna

The Contingency of (Some) Academic Labor: Communication Studies and the Cognitariat

Toby Miller

The Uneasy Institutional Position of Communication and Media Studies and Its Impact on Academic Labor

Michael Griffin

First They Came for Everyone: The Assault on Civil Society is an Injury to All

Victor Pickard

Who’s Sitting in the President’s Box?: Development and the Neoliberal University

Carol Stabile

Reflecting on Academic Labor from the Other Side

Fernando P. Delgado

Confessions of a Reluctant Manager in the Academic Labor System


Administration in the Neo-Liberal World


Four Myths About Academic Labor

Amy M. Pason

Of Careers and Curricula Vitae: Losing Track of Academic Professionalism

Kathleen F. McConnell

Feminist Labor in Media Studies/Communication: Is Self-Branding Feminist Practice?

Sarah Banet-Weiser, Alexandra Juhasz

PowerPoint and Labor in the Mediated Classroom

Ira Wagman, Michael Z. Newman

Canned Courses: Lecture Capture, Podcasting and the Transformations of Academic Labor

Mark Hayward

The Visible College

Ted Striphas

Negotiating Labor and Management in the French Context

Jayson Harsin

Media Pranks: A Three-Act Essay

Kembrew McLeod

Product UG and Critical Visioning in Communication Studies

Joel Saxe

Getting to “Not Especially Strange”: Embracing Participatory-Advocacy Communication Research for Social Justice

Michelle Rodino-Colocino