Chapter 14

Working with Your iCloud Account

You can get a free iCloud account, which is a web-based service that gives you e-mail, an address book, and a calendar. You can also use iCloud to automatically synchronize data between iCloud and your Mac (as well as your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch).


Create an Apple ID

Sign In to iCloud

Set Up iCloud Synchronization

Generate a Website Password

Send and Receive iCloud Mail

Work with iCloud Contacts

Manage Your Schedule with iCloud

Locate and Lock a Lost Mac, iPod, iPhone, or iPad

Create an Apple ID

To use iCloud, you need to create a free Apple ID, which you use to sign in to iCloud on the web and to synchronize your Mac and other devices. An Apple ID is an e-mail address. You can use an existing e-mail address for your Apple ID, or you can sign up for a new iCloud e-mail address, which uses the domain name. If you use an existing e-mail address, you are required to verify via e-mail that the address is legitimate.

Create an Apple ID


001 Click System Preferences (9781118683231-ma006.tif).

The System Preferences window appears.

002 Click iCloud.

The iCloud preferences appear.


003 Click Create an Apple ID.

The Create an Apple ID dialog appears.


004 Click the Location pop-up menu and choose your country.

005 Click the three Birthday pop-up menus and choose your month, day, and year of birth.

006 Click Next.


007 Select Get a free iCloud email address (9781118683231-ma003.tif changes to 9781118683231-ma004.tif).

A If you prefer to use an existing address, select Use an existing email address (9781118683231-ma003.tif changes to 9781118683231-ma004.tif) instead.

008 Type the address.

009 Type your name.

010 Type the password.

011 Click Next.

Create an Apple ID


012 For each security question, click 9781118683231-ma009.tif to select a question and then type an answer.

013 If you want to supply Apple with an emergency e-mail address, type it in the Rescue Email box.

014 Click Next.


015 Select the I have read and agree to the iCloud Terms of Service check box (9781118683231-ma001.tif changes to 9781118683231-ma002.tif).

016 Click Continue.

OS X prompts you to choose which iCloud services you want to use.


017 If you do not want to sync your data to iCloud, click Use iCloud for contacts, calendars, and bookmarks (9781118683231-ma002.tif changes to 9781118683231-ma001.tif).

018 If you do not want to use iCloud to locate your Mac, click Use Find My Mac (9781118683231-ma002.tif changes to 9781118683231-ma001.tif).

019 Click Next.

If you elected to use Find My Mac, OS X asks you to confirm.


020 Click Allow.

OS X sets up your iCloud account on your Mac.

Note: If you have trouble enabling Find My Mac, see the Tip in the section Locate a Lost Mac, iPod, iPhone, or iPad.

Sign In to iCloud

Before you can use the features associated with your iCloud account, you must sign in to the service. iCloud is a web-based service, so you access it using a web browser. Most modern browsers should work fine with iCloud, but Apple recommends that you use at least Safari 6, Firefox 16, Internet Explorer 9, or Chrome 23.

You can also sign in to iCloud using a Mac, and for that you must be using OS X Lion 10.7.5 or later. You can also access iCloud using a Windows PC, and in this case the PC must be running Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 or later.

Sign In to iCloud


001 In your web browser, type

002 Press ret.eps.

The iCloud Login page appears.


003 Use the Apple ID text box to type your Apple ID.

004 Use the Password text box to type the password for your Apple ID.


A If you want iCloud to sign you in automatically in the future, click Remember me in (9781118683231-ma001.tif changes to 9781118683231-ma002.tif).

005 Click Sign In (9781118683231-ma114.tif).

The first time you sign in, iCloud prompts you to configure some settings.


006 Click Add Photo, drop a photo on the dialog that appears, and then click Done.

007 Click Done.

Set Up iCloud Synchronization

You can ensure that your Mac and your iCloud account have the same data by synchronizing the two. The main items you will want to synchronize are Mail e-mail accounts, contacts, calendars, reminders, and notes. However, there are many other types of data you may want to synchronize to iCloud, including Safari bookmarks, photos, and documents. If you have a second Mac, a Windows PC, or an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you can also synchronize it with the same iCloud account, which ensures that your Mac and the device use the same data.

Set Up iCloud Synchronization


001 Click the Apple icon (9781118683231-ma007.tif).

002 Click System Preferences.

Note: You can also open System Preferences by clicking its icon (9781118683231-ma006.tif) on the Dock.

The System Preferences window appears.


003 Click iCloud.

The iCloud preferences appear.


004 Select the check box beside a type of data you want to sync (9781118683231-ma001.tif changes to 9781118683231-ma002.tif).

A OS X sets up the sync.

005 Repeat step 4 for each type of data you want to sync.

006 If you do not want to sync a type of data, click its check box (9781118683231-ma002.tif changes to 9781118683231-ma001.tif).

OS X asks if you want to keep or delete the iCloud data that you are no longer syncing.


007 Click here to keep the data on your Mac.

B If you do not want to keep the data, click Delete from Mac.

Your Mac synchronizes the data with your iCloud account.

Generate a Website Password

You can make it easier and faster to navigate many websites by using Safari to generate, and iCloud to store, passwords for those sites that require you to log in. Many websites require you to set up an account, which means you must log in with a username and password. Good security practices dictate using a unique and hard-to-guess password for each site, but this requires memorizing a large number of passwords. To enhance security and ease Web navigation, you can use Safari to automatically generate for each site a unique and secure password that is stored safely with your iCloud account.

Generate a Website Password

Turn on iCloud Keychain

001 Click System Preferences (9781118683231-ma006.tif).

The System Preferences window appears.


002 Click iCloud.

The iCloud preferences appear.


003 Select the Keychain check box (9781118683231-ma001.tif changes to 9781118683231-ma002.tif).

OS X prompts you for your Apple ID password.

004 Type your password.

005 Click OK.

OS X activates iCloud Keychain.

Generate a Website Password

001 In Safari, navigate to a web page that requires a new password.


002 Click inside the password field.

A Safari displays its suggested password.

003 Click the password.

OS X asks if you want to keep or delete the iCloud data that you are no longer syncing.

Use a Generated Website Password

001 In Safari, navigate to a web page that requires you to log in using a previously generated password.


002 Begin typing the username.

B Safari displays the full username.

003 Click Use password from “website, where website is the name of the site.

Safari fills in the website password.

Send and Receive iCloud Mail

You can use the iCloud Mail feature to work with your iCloud e-mail account online. Using either your Mac or any computer or device with web access, you can access iCloud using a web browser and then perform your e-mail tasks. These include checking for incoming messages, replying to messages you receive, forwarding a received message, and composing and sending a new message. You can also configure iCloud Mail to send blind courtesy copies and to automatically send vacation messages.

Send and Receive iCloud Mail

Display iCloud Mail

001 Sign in to your iCloud account.

Note: See the section Sign In to iCloud earlier in this chapter.

002 If you are using another section of iCloud, click iCloud (not shown).


003 Click Mail (9781118683231-ma116.tif).

Get Incoming Messages


001 Click Get Mail (9781118683231-ma100.tif).

A iCloud Mail checks for incoming messages and, if there are any, displays them in the Inbox folder.

Reply to a Message


001 Click the message.

002 Click Reply, Reply All, Forward (9781118683231-ma117.tif).

003 Click Reply.

004 In the message window that appears (not shown), type your message and then click Send.

Send a New Message


001 Click Compose new message (9781118683231-ma143.tif).

The New Message window appears.


002 Click the To text box and type the recipient’s e-mail address.

003 Click the Subject text box and type the subject of the message.

004 Type your message.

005 Click Send.

Work with iCloud Contacts

You can use iCloud to store information about your friends, family, colleagues, and clients. Using the Contacts app, you can store data such as the person’s name, company name, phone numbers, e-mail address, and street address.

The Contacts app also enables you to write notes about a contact, store extra data such as the person’s job title and birthday, and assign a picture to a contact. If you already have contacts in your Mac’s Contacts app, you can synchronize them with iCloud. See the section Set Up iCloud Synchronization earlier in this chapter.

Work with iCloud Contacts

Display iCloud Contacts


001 Click iCloud.

002 Click Contacts (9781118683231-ma146.tif).

Create a Contact


001 Click Create a new contact (9781118683231-ma150.tif).

002 Click New Contact

003 Type the person’s first name and last name.

004 Type the person’s company’s name.

005 Click here and then click a phone number category.

006 Type the phone number.

007 Click an e-mail category.

008 Type the person’s e-mail address.

009 Click Add new address (not shown).


010 Click a street address category.

011 Use the text boxes in this section to type the person’s street address.

012 Click Done.

iCloud saves the contact.

Display a Contact


001 Use the scroll bar to locate the contact.

002 Click the contact.

A iCloud displays the contact’s details.

B You can also type part of the contact’s name in the Search box.

C To e-mail the contact, click the address.

D To make changes to the contact, click Edit.

To remove the contact, click Edit and then click Delete Contact.

Manage Your Schedule with iCloud

You can use iCloud to manage your schedule. Using the Calendar application, you can add events (appointments and all-day activities) and reminders. For events, you can specify the date and time they occur, the event name and location, and notes related to the event.

You can also use the Calendar application to display your schedule by day, by week, or by month. If you already have events in your OS X Calendar application, you can synchronize them with iCloud. See the section Set Up iCloud Synchronization earlier in this chapter.

Manage Your Schedule with iCloud

Display iCloud Calendar


001 Click iCloud.

002 Click Calendar (9781118683231-ma147.tif).

Navigate Calendar


001 Click Month.

002 Click Next Month (9781118683231-ma141.tif) and Previous Month (9781118683231-ma142.tif) to select the month you want.

003 Click the date.

A To see just that date, click Day.

B To see the date in the context of its week, click Week.

C To return to today’s date, click Go to today.

Create an Event


001 Navigate to the date when the event occurs.

002 Click the calendar you want to use.

003 Click Week.

004 Position the 9781118683231-ma005.tif at the time when the event starts.

005 Click and drag the 9781118683231-ma005.tif down to the time when the event ends.


D Calendar adds the event.

006 Type the event name.

007 Type the event location.

E If the event lasts all day, click all-day (9781118683231-ma001.tif changes to 9781118683231-ma002.tif).

008 Adjust the start time, if necessary.

009 Adjust the end time, if necessary.

010 Fill in the other event details as needed.

011 Click OK.

Note: To edit the event, double-click it.

Locate and Lock a Lost Mac, iPod, iPhone, or iPad

You can use iCloud to locate a lost or stolen Mac, iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad. Depending on how you use your Mac, iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad, you can end up with many details of your life residing on the device. That is generally a good thing, but if you happen to lose your device, you have also lost those details, plus you have created a large privacy problem because anyone can now see your data. You can locate your device and even remotely lock the device using an iCloud feature called Find My iPhone, which also works for Macs, iPod touches, and iPads.

Locate and Lock a Lost Mac, iPod, iPhone, or iPad


001 Click iCloud.

002 Click Find My iPhone (9781118683231-ma148.tif).

Note: If iCloud asks you to sign in to your account, type your password and click Sign In.


003 Click All Devices.

004 Click the device you want to locate.

A iCloud displays the device location on a map.

005 Click Lost Mode.

The Lost Mode dialog appears.


006 Click a four-digit lock code.

007 Enter the lock code again to confirm (not shown).

iCloud prompts you to enter a phone number where you can be contacted.


008 Type the phone number.

009 Click Next.

iCloud prompts you to enter a message to display on the device.


010 Type your message.

011 Click Done.

iCloud locks the device and sends the message, which then appears on the device screen.