ARD: Germany’s main public broadcaster

HWA: Hessian Business Archives

NARA: National Archives and Records Administration, Washington

NDR: North German Broadcasting

NMT: Nuremberg Military Tribunals

NND: Designation for declassified documents

OMGUS: United States Office of Military Government for Germany

OSS: Office of Strategic Services

STAM: State Archives Munich

SWR: Germany’s Southwest Broadcasting

TG: The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels (Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels)

USACA: United States Allied Commission for Austria

USHMM: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington

Prologue: The Meeting

“And there they stand”: Éric Vuillard, The Order of the Day (London: Picador, 2018, trans.), 17.

about two dozen: For two (incomplete) attendance lists, see Dirk Stegmann, “Zum Verhältnis von Großindustrie und Nationalsozialismus, 1930–1933,” Archiv für Sozialgeschichte 13 (1973), 478, 481; Henry Ashby Turner Jr., German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), 468 n81.

“explain his policies”: NMT, Vol. VII, “The IG Farben Case” (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1953), 557,

In tow was Walther: Stegmann, “Verhältnis,” 478.

settle the struggle: NMT, Vol. VII, 557–60.

“Private enterprise”: NMT, Vol. VII, 558.

“We must first gain”: NMT, Vol. VII,560.

“the last election”: NMT, Vol. VII, 561.

“for having given us”: NMT, Vol. VII, 562.

“that with political pacification”: NMT, Vol. VII, 561–62.

Göring’s conclusion: NMT, Vol. VII, 562.

election campaign fund: Stegmann, “Verhältnis,” 480.

“And now, gentlemen”: Cited in Louis Lochner, Tycoons and Tyrant (Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1954), 146–47.

twelve million reichsmarks: Günter Ogger, Friedrich Flick der Grosse (Bern: Scherz, 1971), 132.

The largest donations: NMT, Vol. VII, 567–68.

“Göring brings the joyful”: Elke Fröhlich (ed.), TG (Munich: De Gruyter Saur, 1993–2008), Feb. 21, 1933.


“I am a capitalist”: Verena Bahlsen, “About the Future of Cookies,” Online Marketing Rockstars, May 15, 2019, Youtube video, 18:53,

“That was before my time”: “Zwangsarbeiter-Zoff um Keks-Erbin,” Bild, May 12, 2019.

seven hundred coerced workers: “Bahlsen During National Socialism, 1933 to 1945,” July 1, 2020,

Spiegel magazine dug in: Felix Bohr, Jürgen Dahlkamp, and Jörg Schmitt, “Die Bahlsens und die SS,” Der Spiegel, May 17, 2019; Nils Klawitter, “So wurden die NSZwangsarbeiter bei Bahlsen wirklich behandelt,” Der Spiegel, July 5, 2019.

attempted to flee: Rob van den Dobbelsteen, “De Engelandvaarders die het niet haalden,” Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant, Oct. 9, 1993.

separated during the war: Peter de Waard, Schoonheid achter de Schermen (Amsterdam: Querido, 2014), 105–19, 192–95.

dynasty descended from: David de Jong, “Nazi Goebbels’ Step-Grandchildren Are Hidden Billionaires,” Bloomberg News, Jan. 28, 2013.

goal of “openness”: Rüdiger Jungbluth and Giovanni di Lorenzo, “NS-Vergangenheit der Quandts: Man fühlt sich grauenvoll und schämt sich,” Die Zeit, Sept. 22, 2011.

soon promoted her: “Bahlsen Announces ‘Next Generation’ Leadership,” March 11, 2020,

Part I: “Perfectly average”

millions from the war: Joachim Scholtyseck, Der Aufstieg der Quandts (Munich: C. H. Beck, 2011), 57.

“happy years”: Herbert Quandt and Harald Quandt (eds.), Günther Quandt Erzählt sein Leben (Munich: Mensch & Arbeit, 1961), 27.

barred from marrying her: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 36; Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 41–42.

“This is where I will”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 70–72.

“something irretrievable”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 111.

“Magda, this is where”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 112.

“I had invited in”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 114.

On just their third date: Hans-Otto Meissner, Magda Goebbels: The First Lady of the Third Reich (New York: Dial Press, 1980, trans.), 28–30.

Her Jewish ties: Anja Klabunde, Magda Goebbels (London: Sphere, 2001, trans.), 37–38.

“Religion doesn’t matter”: Cited in Klabunde, Magda, 46.

“unmissable conference”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 197–98.

“fundamentally he was”: Meissner, First Lady, 34.

“tired and battered”: Citations in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 198.

forty-five million: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 86.

“I had nothing to say”: Quotes in Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 88.

straw men: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 118–19.

an anonymous ad: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 97–99.

raiders emerged victorious: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 120–22.

“a little Krupp”: Trial minutes, May 13–14, 1948, denazification court Starnberg, STAM, denazification court documents, Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4.

was in dire shape: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 142–46.

He alleged that: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 185–88.

Now Flick paced: Thomas Ramge, Die Flicks (Frankfurt: Campus, 2004), 56.

stately office building: Norbert Frei, Ralf Ahrens, Jörg Osterloh, and Tim Schanetzky, Flick: Der Konzern, die Familie, die Macht (Munich: Pantheon, 2009), 51–52.

enabled Flick to marry: Frei et al., Flick, 18–19; Kim Christian Priemel, Flick: Eine Konzerngeschichte vom Kaiserreich bis zur Bundesrepublik (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2007), 49–52.

financed a stealthy takeover: Frei et al., Flick, 27–33.

transformed the firm: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 87 ff.; Frei et al., Flick, 36–85.

“seized with the spirit”: Felix Pinner, Deutsche Wirtschaftsführer (Berlin: Weltbühne, 1924), 99.

began bribing journalists: See Ogger, Grosse, 25–27; Frei et al., Flick, 15.

control the entire VSt: Detailed account in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 121–48.

“He belongs to those”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 159.

Günther had been looking: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 152–63.

“See, dear, how wrong”: Cited in Meissner, First Lady, 47.

“I would have so gladly”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 176.

“I lost my dear”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 176.

some suspected: See Meissner, First Lady, 59–60; Klabunde, Magda, 73, 85–86.

“Everything he was destined”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 178.

a visual disability: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 73–74; Wilhelm Treue, Herbert Quandt (Bad Homburg: Varta/Altana, 1980), 29–31.

grand Severin estate: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 92–94.

“always be kind”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 175.

giving her an allowance: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 197.

“Read and approved”: Cited in Klabunde, Magda, 48–49.

overtures from the Nazi Party: Kurt G. W. Ludecke, I Knew Hitler (New York: Charles Scribner, 1937), 316–17.

“I lunched with him”: Ludecke, I Knew Hitler, 317.

and more money: Meissner, First Lady, 61–66.

marriage was dissolved: Certified copy of court decision, July 13/17, 1929, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 47; Meissner, First Lady, 67, 95.

“In summer 1929”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 230.

“With all the stress”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 180,

“Even when our ways”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 111.

“in greatest harmony”: Statement Herbert Quandt, Nov. 10, 1947, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 42; Meissner, First Lady, 67, 75–78.

“With nothing to do”: Ludecke, I Knew Hitler, 317.

“after consuming considerable”: Citations in Klabunde, Magda, 113.

Joseph Goebbels: Peter Longerich, Goebbels (London: Vintage, 2015, trans.), 3–151.

“Magda was inflamed”: Cited in Rüdiger Jungbluth, Die Quandts: Ihr leiser Aufstieg zur mächtigsten Wirtschaftsdynastie Deutschlands (Frankfurt: Campus, 2002), 108.

joined the Nazi Party: Meissner, First Lady, 79–81.

“Who was that”: Cited in Klabunde, Magda, 118.

“A beautiful woman”: Fröhlich, TG, November 7, 1930.

“It was supposedly”: Quotes in Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 230–31.

“She became the most”: Trial minutes, May 13/14, 1948, denazification court Starnberg, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4.

“admiration and gratitude”: Statement, Herbert Quandt, Nov. 10, 1947, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 42.

“A picture of misfortune”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 68–69.

Society for the Study: See Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 122; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 263–64.

At the club: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 264.

On Sunday morning: Henry Ashby Turner Jr. (ed.), Hitler — Memoirs of a Confidant (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985, trans.), 232–37.

Wilhelm was a financier: See Bernhard Hoffmann, Wilhelm von Finck (Munich: C. H. Beck, 1953); “Neun Nullen,” Der Spiegel, May 18, 1970,

“conjured up the specter”: Turner, Big Business, 150.

“absolutely convinced”: Turner, Confidant, 237.

“the kind of power”: Turner, Confidant, 237.

at twenty-five million: Turner, Confidant, 238, 243.

“I can’t say that Hitler”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 233.

“The youngest Hitler Youth”: Turner, Confidant, 239–40.

“a Frau Quandt”: Turner, Confidant, 240.

“Even at first glance”: Turner, Confidant, 241.

“Magda Quandt comes”: Fröhlich, TG, Feb. 15, 1931.

“Magda … goes home late”: Fröhlich, TG, March 10, 1931.

“Magda, the lovely”: Fröhlich, TG, March 15, 1931.

“Magda … shoos”: Fröhlich, TG, March 22, 1931.

“A lot of work”: Fröhlich, TG, March 26, 1931.

“In the afternoon”: Fröhlich, TG, March 12, 1931.

“a useful boy”: Fröhlich, TG, June 14, 1931.

loved Harald “idolatrously”: Fröhlich, TG, Aug. 12, 1932.

“Harald looks so sweet”: Fröhlich, TG, Oct. 19, 1931.

Magda spoiled Goebbels: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 115.

“She stood by me”: Fröhlich, TG, April 9, 1931.

“Small quarrel with Magda”: Fröhlich, TG, June 26, 1931.

the couple’s favorite getaway: Meissner, First Lady, 95; Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 233.

“Now we are clear”: Fröhlich, TG, May 31, 1931.

“Magda … had a talk”: Fröhlich, TG, Sept. 14, 1931.

kept on flirting: Longerich, Goebbels, 157–58.

“she could represent”: Turner, Confidant, 255–59; quote on 255.

“the arrangement”: Longerich, Goebbels, 157–60.

“Nausea: Mr. Günther Quandt”: Fröhlich, TG, Sept. 12, 1931.

According to Günther’s: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 233–35; quote on 235.

“Our views were so”: Trial minutes, May 13/14, 1948, denazification court Starnberg, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4.

“instinctively felt”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 232.

“a tactless lout”: Fröhlich, TG, Nov. 30, 1931.

“Günther Quandt came”: Fröhlich, TG, Dec. 11, 1931.

“from start to finish”: Meissner, First Lady, 95.

Thus the wedding: Meissner, First Lady, 95–96.

Günther later wrote: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 232–33, 236.

“furious like a lioness”: Fröhlich, TG, Dec. 29, 1931.

“over the moon”: Fröhlich, TG, Feb. 19, 1932.

“an idea of the public”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 235.

“slightly retarded”: Fröhlich, TG, April 24, 1932.

“a real prole”: Fröhlich, TG, Oct. 13, 1932.

“the capitalist” Werner: Fröhlich, TG, Aug. 6, 1934.

to be wiped out: For the most detailed account of the Gelsenberg affair, see Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 220 ff.

wanted financial backing: For accounts of the meeting, see Turner, Big Business, 235–36; NMT, Vol. VI, “The Flick Case” (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1952), 349,

decorated navy veteran: See Frei et al., Flick, 39, 58, 150.

he first met Hitler: Frei et al., Flick, 717.

he managed to sell: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 236–46.

“Giving money to Nazis”: Turner, Big Business, 254–57; quote on 257.

“who will be at our”: NMT, Vol. VI, 285.

“the wind was blowing”: NMT, Vol. VI, 349.

“Goebbels … got it into”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 245.

“talked to G. Quandt”: Fröhlich, TG, Nov. 4, 1932.

Christmas break: Fröhlich, TG, Dec. 24, 25, 27, 30, 31, 1932.

“Mr. Quandt came”: Fröhlich, TG, Feb. 5, 1933.

forty thousand reichsmarks: Stefan Aust and Thomas Ammann, Die Porsche Saga (Cologne: Bastei Lübbe, 2016), 73–74, 85–86.

terminated twice: See Hans Mommsen and Manfred Grieger, Das Volkswagenwerk und seine Arbeiter im Dritten Reich (Düsseldorf: Econ, 1996), 72–74; Wolfram Pyta, Nils Havemann, and Jutta Braun, Porsche: Vom Konstruktionsbüro zur Weltmarke (Munich: Siedler, 2017), 20–22, 28.

“unemployable perfectionist”: Bernhard Rieger, The People’s Car (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013), 61.

turned down a job: Ferry Porsche and John Bentley, We at Porsche (New York: Doubleday, 1976), 49–53.

“whose genius creates”: Cited in Aust and Ammann, Saga, 84.

“As the creator of many”: Cited in Aust and Ammann, Saga, 85.

“We express the hope”: Cited in Pyta et al., Porsche, 59.

Porsche’s first contact: Pyta et al., Porsche, 65.

On May 10, 1933: For accounts of this meeting, see Aust and Ammann, Saga, 116–17; Pyta et al., Porsche, 69–73.

“at the first possible”: August von Finck interrogation, Sept. 22, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

Flick donated royally: NMT, Vol. VI, 389.

The smallest contribution: NMT, Vol. VII, 567–68.

Günther Quandt joined the Nazi: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 125–26.

1.6 million Germans: Ian Kershaw, Hitler (London: Allen Lane, 2008), 291.

“disapproving attitude”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 232.

“never belonged to”: Günther Quandt response to public prosecutor’s indictment, Feb. 8, 1948, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 38.

“insane disadvantages”: Trial minutes, May 13/14, 1948, denazification court Starnberg, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4.

“Received Dr. Quandt”: Fröhlich, TG, April 29, 1933.

Günther was handcuffed: Unless otherwise noted, this account is based on Günther Quandt response to public prosecutor’s indictment, Feb. 8, 1948, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 38; Trial minutes, May 13/14, 1948, denazification court Starnberg, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 253–60.

allegedly “prevented”: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 254.

“in a courtly manner”: Günther Quandt response to public prosecutor’s indictment, Feb. 8, 1948, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 38.

“buy impunity from”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 259.

“the year 1933 formed”: Günther Quandt response to public prosecutor’s indictment, Feb. 8, 1948, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 38.

“lightheartedly and shamefully”: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 314.

“It became clear”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 237.

“Günther Quandt arrested”: Fröhlich, TG, May 5, 1933.

the “G. Quandt case”: Fröhlich, TG, May 7, 1933.

“Detention warrant”: Fröhlich, TG, June 14, 1933.

“Goebbels said he knew”: Trial minutes, May 13/14, 1948, denazification court Starnberg, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4.

The same couldn’t be said: Klabunde, Magda, 193–99.

“downright torturous”: Cited in Treue, Herbert, 37.

“That danger wasn’t small”: Cited in Treue, Herbert, 63.

“a blank page”: Cited in Treue, Herbert, 64.

Herbert then married: Treue, Herbert, 70–72.

did Herbert sign up: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 766–67.

“was anxious for”: Gerald D. Feldman, Allianz and the German Insurance Business, 1933–1945 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 73.

he quickly resigned: Feldman, Allianz, 102.

“outlook on the world”: Kurt Schmitt interrogation, July 15, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

“exercised on him”: Hans Schmidt-Polex interrogation, Sept. 22, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

“that he believed”: Hans Hess interrogation, Sept. 17, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

“felt that his contributions”: Edgar Uexküll interrogation, June 9, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

“You are my man”: Cited in “Neun Nullen,” Der Spiegel, May 18, 1970.

On October 15, 1933: Ines Schlenker, Hitler’s Salon (Bern: Peter Lang, 2007), 50.

“millions of decent”: Cited in Rieger, People’s Car, 57.

a twelve-page memo: Pyta et al., Porsche, 161–64.

taken inspiration from: See Paul Schilperoord, The Extraordinary Life of Josef Ganz (New York: RVP, 2012), 112–24.

Hitler summoned Porsche: Pyta et al., Porsche, 168–70.

Hitler had read somewhere: Aust and Ammann, Saga, 91.

Porsche’s citizenship: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 91.

“I really don’t see”: Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 76.

Goebbels complained: Fröhlich, TG, April 13, 1934.

“We’ll now bring out”: Fröhlich, TG, April 13, 1934.

“fight for Harald”: Fröhlich, TG, April 18, 1934.

“They both support”: Fröhlich, TG, April 20, 1934.

“I won’t put up”: Fröhlich, TG, May 5, 1934.

“Now Günther Qu.”: Fröhlich, TG, May 9, 1934.

“Old fool!”: Fröhlich, TG, June 5, 1938.

Part II: “The National Socialist haunt will soon pass”

his sixtieth birthday: Table setting for the sixtieth birthday of military economy leader Dr.-Ing. E. h. Günther Quandt, Hotel Esplanade, Berlin, July 28, 1941, Federal Archive Berlin, 8119 F/P 1112; 60. Geburtstag Dr. Günther Quandt, July 28, 1941, Material Nr. 2240, Film archive Karl Höffkes Agency, 13:17,

a “brilliant speech”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 279.

“accomplished something”: Cited in AFA-Ring, Accumulatoren-Fabrik AG Berlin’s workers community magazine, Year 8, Issue 5, September 1941, 9, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1363/6.

skyrocket by 300 percent: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 178.

more than half the country: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 77.

secretly buying up: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 179; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 591–95.

a 60 percent stake: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 411.

“Military cloth, accumulators”: Cited in Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 164–65.

“He almost certainly won’t”: Cited in Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 183.

nineteen-year-old Harald: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 279–80.

he held a reception: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 191–93.

about ten paintings: Jonathan Petropoulous, Göring’s Man in Paris (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2021), 139.

As a birthday present: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 297.

“the lynchpin of”: Cited in Petropoulous, Göring’s Man, 138.

“You were able to make”: Cited in AFA-Ring, factory magazine of AFA Berlin’s workers community, Year 8, Issue 5, September 1941, 5, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1363/6.

financial stimulus package: Adam Tooze, The Wages of Destruction (London: Penguin, 2006), 53–56.

pursuing a dual strategy: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 365.

“It took no small effort”: Vereines deutscher Ingenieure (ed.), 50 Jahre Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken (Berlin: VDI, 1939), I.

DWM’s arms complex: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 133–35; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 366–68, 439, 447.

“shackles of Versailles”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 374.

“dream come true”: Cited in Wolfgang Seel, Mauser (Zurich: Stocker-Schmid, 1986), 112.

Dürener was renowned: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 143, 440.

new industrial empire: Johannes Bähr, Alex Drecoll, Bernhard Gotto, Kim Christian Priemel, and Harald Wixforth, Der Flick-Konzern im Dritten Reich (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2008), 77–84.

like a weapons catalog: Frei et al., Flick, 190.

invited von Blomberg: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 137.

“extraordinarily kind”: NMT, Vol. VI, 236.

“extremely agitated”: Cited in Frei et al., Flick, 191.

“should not hesitate”: NMT, Vol. VI, 237.

expropriation of Donauwörth: See Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 344–45; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 142–43; Frei et al., Flick, 194–95.

classified a “state pest”: Citations in Frei et al., Flick, 194.

so-called Montan scheme: See Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 345–48; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 143–47; Frei et al., Flick, 195; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 368.

interested in buying Simson: See Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 349–52; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 302–3; Frei et al., Flick, 196–97.

“smooth cooperation”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 350.

“if for general national-political”: Cited in Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 302.

“excess profits”: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 350.

“We as a private group”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 351.


made no impact: Turner, Big Business, 244–45.

many familiar faces: For the guest list, see Reinhard Vogelsang, Der Freundeskreis Himmler (Göttingen: Muster-Schmidt, 1972), 149–50.

nicknamed “SS-Bank”: Cited in Tobias Bütow and Franka Bindernagel, Ein KZ in der Nachbarschaft (Cologne: Böhlau, 2004), 53.

“physically impressive”: Cited in Feldman, Allianz, 77.

as a “mirror image”: Cited in Vogelsang, Freundeskreis, 24.

in zeal for Hitler: Jürgen Finger, Sven Keller, and Andreas Wirsching, Dr. Oetker und der Nationalsozialismus (Munich: C. H. Beck, 2013), 123.

work as peasant farmers: Heather Pringle, The Master Plan (London: HarperCollins, 2006), 40.

hundreds of thousands: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 141–49.

profitable regional newspaper: Rüdiger Jungbluth, Die Oetkers (Frankfurt: Campus, 2004), 139–42; Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 178–90.

who invited him: Jungbluth, Oetkers, 142–43; Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 191, 195.

Every second Wednesday: Vogelsang, Freundeskreis, 78–81.

Dachau concentration camp: Account of the visit in NMT, Vol. VI, 303–5.

“very carefully prepared”: NMT, Vol. VI, 305.

“For the SS and my other”: Cited in NMT, Vol. VI, 326.

“special account S”: NMT, Vol. VI, 238.

Millions soon flowed in: Vogelsang, Freundeskreis, 158.

Kaselowsky was present: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 197.

“If … you can’t turn out”: Cited in Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 76.

1.75 million reichsmarks: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 83–84.

“race defilement”: Aust and Ammann, Saga, 87.

neared 170,000 reichsmarks: Pyta et al., Porsche, 90.

“It was held against me”: Adolf Rosenberger to Hermann Bienstock, Feb. 18, 1950. Cited in Eberhard Reuß, “Der Mann hinter Porsche—Adolf Rosenberger,” ARD/SWR, June 24, 2019, Youtube video, 43:57.

“protective custody”: Aust and Ammann, Saga, 87.

did nothing to secure: Reuß, “Rosenberger,” ARD/SWR; Pyta et al., Porsche, 135; Aust and Ammann, Saga, 87.

remained a foreign representative: Pyta et al., Porsche, 124–25.

presented two test cars: Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 91–92.

“The way these Volkswagens”: Henry Picker, Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier (Stuttgart: Seewald, 1977), 374.

“pudding prince”: “Der Puddingprinz,” Der Spiegel, Dec. 17, 1957.

“the most valuable thing”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 345.

She spoiled the boy: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 343–44.

a Nazi family: See Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 120, 352, 354.

“a fun party”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 346.

“It’s out of the question”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 224.

below their market value: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 225–26.

Lipmanns, a Jewish couple: Jungbluth, Oetkers, 169–71; Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 226–29.

“desperate emigration efforts”: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 227.

“After lengthy negotiations”: Cited in Jungbluth, Oetkers, 170.

a few “friendly words”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 349.

“must have suffered”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 353.

“We thought nothing”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 353.

a Jewish arms executive: For the Sachs saga, see Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 315–18.

“I’ll decide who’s a Jew!”: Cited in Bryan Mark Rigg, Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2002), 21.

at least 40 percent: Tooze, Wages of Destruction, 339.

despite his “dark spot”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 317.

“in the interest of”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 317.

“old Quandt” proved: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 318.

“foreign or Jewish capital”: Leistungsbericht Kriegsjahr 1941/42, Dürener Metallwerke AG, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 54.

received the title: See Frei et al., Flick, 202; Wolfgang Fürweger, Die PS-Dynastie (Vienna: Ueberreuter, 2007), 73.

Günther later said: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 270–71.

decided not to attend: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 290.

“an unpleasant thing”: Fröhlich, TG, August 1, 1936.

“I’m very depressed”: Fröhlich, TG, August 2, 1936.

were taking a stroll: Fröhlich, TG, June 3, 1936; Longerich, Goebbels, 317–18.

“national-socialistic model”: Jungbluth, Oetkers, 156–57.

to Aryanize assets: On these Oetker Aryanizations, see Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 213–14, 231–35.

“extremely favorable”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 213.

stakes in three companies: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 235–46.

Nacher’s Bavarian estate: Frei et al., Flick, 211, 711–12.

“white sausage temple”: “Neun Nullen,” Der Spiegel, May 18, 1970.

got their checkbooks out: Schlenker, Salon, 41–42.

“They have hung works”: Fröhlich, TG, June 6, 1937.

“display such muck”: Fröhlich, TG, June 7, 1937.

the chancellor was happier: Longerich, Goebbels, 349.

“The car has fabulous”: Fröhlich, TG, Sept. 7, 1937.

“Dr. Porsche delivers”: Fröhlich, TG, Dec. 9, 1937.

Quandt robbed another: On the Herny Pels Aryanization, see Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 393–401, 951 n224; Hans-Dieter Nahme, Ein Deutscher im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert (Rostock: Hinstorff, 2007), 219–23.

“heroic death for”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 396.

“the National Socialist haunt”: Nahme, Deutscher, 220.

Günther had discovered: Treue, Herbert, 74–76.

“struggle for life”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 73.

“The principle of”: Letter from Sept. 6, 1938, in Günther Quandt, Gedanken über Südamerika. Briefe in zwangloser Folge, Vol. I, Sept.–Dec. 1938.

“for some time”: Cited in Frei et al., Flick, 211.

bought three estates: Frei et al., Flick, 211, 711–13.

The Bavarian estate: Benjamin Engel, “Der Beraubte Bierbaron,” Süddeutsche Zeitung, Oct. 11, 2020.

the Austrian hunting grounds: “Habe Rottenmann lieben gelernt,” Kleine Zeitung, Aug. 24, 2015.

the Lübeck blast furnaces: On the Lübeck Aryanization, see Ogger, Grosse, 161–73; Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 371–83; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 307–21; Frei et al., Flick, 213–23.

“The discussion with this”: Cited in Ogger, Grosse, 168.

“seems to be a little”: Cited in Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 320.

“to accept a bill”: Cited in Ogger, Grosse, 171.

“You’re lucky to get”: Cited in Ogger, Grosse, 172.

controlled about 65 percent: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 322.

“matter of life”: Citations in Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 326.

“making trouble for”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 394.

“created an outright parasitic”: Quote and citation in Frei et al., Flick, 229.

“Four Year Plan”: See Tooze, Wages of Destruction, 219 ff.

follow-up meeting: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 327.

with “angry silence”: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 328.

complicated ownership structure: See Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 392.

the “Petschek problem”: See NMT, Vol. VI, 442–60; Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 396–98; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 331–33; Frei et al., Flick, 230–31.

“calming atmosphere”: Cited in Frei et al., Flick, 231.

“orders from top quarters”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 400.

“German problem”: Cited in Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 334.

under constant surveillance: Frei et al., Flick, 232.

“threatened … by the same”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 401.

More political pressure: See NMT, Vol. VI, 469–71; Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 404; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 338; Frei et al., Flick, 233.

“the spirit of all”: Citations in Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 339–40.

“the interests of his”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 405 n64.

managed to sell: See Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 384–85.

almost $600,000: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 408.

“rather good deal”: Cited in Frei et al., Flick, 229.

NSDAP and personal accounts: Ingo Köhler, Die “Arisierung” der Privatbanken im Dritten Reich (Munich: C. H. Beck, 2005), 307.

He first attacked: Köhler, Arisierung, 366.

“Today, the German”: Cited in Köhler, Arisierung, 367.

seized during Kristallnacht: Köhler, Arisierung, 371–73.

responsible for the liquidation: Harold James, Verbandspolitik im Nationalsozialismus (Munich: Piper, 2001), 181.

Von Finck’s first Aryanization: For more on the Dreyfus Aryanization, see Köhler, Arisierung, 305–11; Christopher Kopper, Zwischen Marktwirtschaft und Dirigismus (Bonn: Bouvier, 1995), 257–59.

Julius Kaufmann estimated: Köhler, Arisierung, 503.

“friendly negotiations”: Georg Siebert, Hundert Jahre Merck Finck & Co. (Munich: 1970), 45.

“pure German blood”: Citations in Köhler, Arisierung, 310.

“bank of the Führer”: Gerhard Lück interrogation, Oct. 17, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

further “dejewification”: Köhler, Arisierung, 311.

the chance to Aryanize: Peter Melichar, Neuordnung im Bankwesen (Vienna: Oldenbourg, 2004), 397–98.

Louis was arrested: Giles MacDonogh, 1938: Hitler’s Gamble (New York: Basic Books, 2009), 61, 69–71.

“undoubtedly goes back”: Emil Puhl interrogation, Oct. 23, 1947, OMGUS, NARA, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

“to discuss possible solutions”: August von Finck interrogation, Sept. 23, 1947, OMGUS, NARA, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

“up to tackling”: Cited in Harold James, The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi Economic War Against the Jews (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 137.

private bank Anton Kohn: Köhler, Arisierung, 414–15.

“Jewish clientele”: Cited in Köhler, Arisierung, 415.

Aryanization of Simon Hirschland: See James, Nazi Economic Wars, 77–81; Köhler, Arisierung, 374–89.

Rothschild out of trusteeship: Melichar, Neuordnung, 399–402.

the bank’s estimated value: See report on German External Assets in Austria: Private Bank E.V. Nicolai & Company S.M. V. Rothschild in Liquidation, March 19, 1947 ff., NARA, USACA, RG 260, M1928, roll 13.

After the sale: Erich Gritzbach interrogation, Oct. 24, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

closer to Göring: See August von Finck interrogation, Sept. 23, 1947; Erich Gritzbach interrogation, Oct. 24, 1947, both in NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7; Ogger, Grosse, 131–32.

Von Finck later claimed: James, Verbandspolitik, 183.

paid some $21 million: “Baron Louis de Rothschild Dies; Freed by Nazis for $21 Million,” New York Times, Jan. 16, 1955.

most of the capital: Melichar, Neuordnung, 401–2.

He was recommended: Egon von Ritter interrogation, Oct. 10, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

“aggressive and elbowing”: Hans Schmidt-Polex interrogation, Sept. 22, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

assets quickly quadrupled: See indictment by public prosecutor J. Herf, Nov. 3, 1948, STAM, denazification court documents August von Finck, carton 409.

“established itself as”: James, Verbandspolitik, 183–84.

“I hate the word”: Cited in Rieger, People’s Car, 72.

two hundred million: See Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 155–65.

morning of the ceremony: See Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 182–86; Rieger, People’s Car, 71–72.

“In the cordoned-off”: Rieger, People’s Car, 71.

“thousands and thousands”: Cited in Rieger, People’s Car, 72.

inundated with love letters: Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 113.

in the midst of an expansion: Pyta et al., Porsche, 91, 215–17.

a Jewish family, the Wolfs: The Porsche firm later paid restitution to a Wolf heir. See Pyta et al., Porsche, 131–34.

“on higher authority”: Hans von Veyder Malberg to Adolf Rosenberger, June 2, 1938. Cited in Reuß, “Rosenberger,” ARD/SWR, June 24, 2019.

suggesting two ways: Pyta et al., Porsche, 126.

shared their ideology: See Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 915 n19; Pyta et al., Porsche, 308–9.

“Dr. Porsche has told”: Cited in Pyta et al., Porsche, 126–27.

“My company does not”: Cited in Pyta et al., Porsche, 126.

a ménage à trois: See Longerich, Goebbels, 391–92; Meissner, First Lady, 177–79.

“I’ve come to some very”: Fröhlich, TG, Aug. 16, 1938.

“Everything depends on”: Fröhlich, TG, Oct. 11, 1938.

the “divorce mania”: Fröhlich, TG, Feb. 3, 1937.

“terrible heart pains”: Fröhlich, TG, Oct. 18, 1938.

“carry out my difficult task”: Fröhlich, TG, Oct. 25, 1938.

no longer allowed to work: Longerich, Goebbels, 395.

“I’m not talking to”: Fröhlich, TG, Oct. 22, 1938.

“It appears that he”: Longerich, Goebbels, 394.

“Hanke has proven”: Fröhlich, TG, July 23, 1939.

who brought her affair: Longerich, Goebbels, 420–21.

quarter billion reichsmarks: See Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 410.

“These people want to”: Cited in NMT, Vol. VI, 458.

across holding companies: See Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 392.

“attitude is completely indifferent”: NMT, Vol. VI, 485–86.

Dietrich also drafted: See NMT, Vol. VI, 480–84; Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 411; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 343–45; Frei et al., Flick, 236–37.

670 million: See Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 412–14.

he was “very displeased”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 410.

a swap of brown coal: For more about the saga of the coal swap, see Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 414–26; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 345–70; Frei et al., Flick, 239–47.

“Decree Concerning the Utilization”: NMT, Vol. VI, 498–503.

more than one-third: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 366–67.

around 280 million: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 198–200, 1032.

Porsche dared show him: Volkswagen, Place of Remembrance of Forced Labor in the Volkswagen Factory (Wolfsburg: Volkswagen, 1999), 18.

massive red-brick façade: Rieger, People’s Car, 81–82.

dusty barracks camp: See Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 283–311.

relationship with Flick: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 429–30.

“The effort of a forced”: NMT, Vol. VI, 569–70.

an angry response: Frei et al., Flick, 176.

Flick’s taxable income: See Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 162–63.

“Most disturbing news”: Citations in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 366.

“I didn’t believe”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 11–12.

“The German people”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 274.

Günther projected that: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 419 for AFA, 421–22 for DWM.

“If there’s war, there’s”: Cited in Treue, Herbert, 80.

“sober corporate strategy”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 417.

Part III: “The children have now already become men”

sat together in: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 248.

a palatial residence: Longerich, Goebbels, 404–5.

“had experienced”: Fröhlich, TG, Oct. 28, Oct. 29, 1939.

“Talked to Magda”: Fröhlich, TG, Nov. 2, 1939.

“across battlefields”: Fröhlich, TG, Nov. 2, 1939.

“Especially my presentation”: Fröhlich, TG, Nov. 3, 1939.

DWM received trusteeship: See Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 573–76.

started an internship: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 243.

“behaving fabulously”: Fröhlich, TG, Jan. 14, 1940.

girls, motorcycles, and cars: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 147.

Harald’s record in Nazi: See Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 143–46; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 248.

“because of school difficulties”: Cited in Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 145.

“as far as possible”: Trial minutes, May 13/14, 1948, denazification court Starnberg, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4.

“Nothing is not keeping me”: Cited in Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 151.

to be “properly honed”: Fröhlich, TG, July 21, 1940.

got himself a girlfriend: See Günther Reinhardt Nebuschka to Telford Taylor, Nov. 3, 1947, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/1.

Harald’s paratrooper training: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 151.

“The military has straightened”: Fröhlich, TG, Oct. 13, 1940.

Harald returned to Berlin: Fröhlich, TG, Nov. 5, 1940.

Christmas Day: Fröhlich, TG, Dec. 26, 1940.

massive country house: Longerich, Goebbels, 405–6.

“her horrible husband”: Fröhlich, TG, Nov. 5, 1940.

“particularly dark chapter”: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 518.

drawn up a “wish list”: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 565.

member of the Nazi Party: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 766.

“When the war came”: Cited in Treue, Herbert, 79.

“Industrial firms or factories”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 529.

“Bureau Hackinger”: See Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 493–96, 992 n394.

they were wrong: See Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 519–21.

five failed: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 521–28.

the Aryanized Hirschfeld: See Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 528–30.

majority stake in Dreyfus: See Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 530–31.

the “best … object”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 530.

“Since that time …”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 242.

expand it they would: See Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 537 ff.

“Green is our parachute”: Cited in Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 153.

“Harald has messed up”: Fröhlich, TG, Feb. 12, 1941.

probably pulled some stunt: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 153.

“really out of line”: Fröhlich, TG, Feb. 13, 1941.

“The issue is solved”: Fröhlich, TG, Feb. 20, 1941.

“Never was a more”: Winston Churchill, The Second World War (London: Bloomsbury, 2013), 429.

“with a fiery heart”: For Harald’s report on the Crete invasion, see AFA-Ring, factory magazine of AFA Berlin’s workers community, Year 8, Issue 5, Sept. 1941, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1363/6.

widespread resistance: See Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 156.

“The German Air Corps”: Churchill, Second World War, 429.

awarded the Iron Cross: Fröhlich, TG, June 14, 1941.

heard of mutilations: Fröhlich, TG, May 31, 1941.

“Harald’s bravery”: Fröhlich, TG, June 16, 1941.

promoted to under officer: Fröhlich, TG, Sept. 14, 1941.

“Operation Crete has shown”: AFA-Ring, factory magazine of AFA Berlin’s workers community, Year 8, Issue 5, Sept. 1941, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1363/6.

“already made a lethal”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 274.

write an important letter: Frei et al., Flick, 280–81.

four years earlier: NMT, Vol. VI, 192–94.

his “crown prince”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 735.

“A boy from a normal”: Cited in Ramge, Flicks, 56.

forced him to drop out: Ogger, Grosse, 218.

got into a fierce dispute: Frei et al., Flick, 282.

Flick family “daredevil”: Cited in Ramge, Flicks, 114.

Rudolf was advancing: Frei et al., Flick, 281.

hit hard by Rudolf’s death: See Frei et al., Flick, 752; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 257 n428.

“the little lad”: Cited in Ramge, Flicks, 174.

sent Otto-Ernst to Lorraine: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 452.

Ferry Porsche arrived: Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 141; Ferry Porsche and Günther Molter, Ferry Porsche (Stuttgart: Motorbuch, 1989), 123.

Kübelwagen (the bucket car): See Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 383–405.

weapons and military vehicles: See Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 453 ff.

Increasingly, forced labor: Volkswagen, Remembrance, 23.

“more sympatico”: Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 141.

Ferry later claimed: Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 162; Porsche and Molter, Ferry, 124–25.

applied to the SS: Pyta et al., Porsche, 307–8, 458 n16; Jens Westemeier, Himmlers Krieger (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014), 540-541.

Soviet prisoners of war: Volkswagen, Remembrance, 35.

“some interesting reports”: NMT, Vol. VI, 694.

“economic dictator”: Cited in Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 419.

proposed a joint venture: See Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 459–68; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 420–30; Frei et al., Flick, 317–23.

It wasn’t your average: NMT, Vol. VI, 695–98; quotes on 696, 698.

Wehrmacht’s catering service: See Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 355–58.

“still alive at all”: Citations in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 357.

accepted as a volunteer: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 358.

“married his money”: Cited in Michael Bloch, Ribbentrop (London: Abacus, 2003), 19.

They became fast friends: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 351.

started his application: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 358.

deployed as ground infantry: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 250.

“That’s all nonsense”: Cited in Veit Harlan, Im Schatten meiner Filme (Gütersloh: Mohn, 1966), 140.

“interesting things”: Fröhlich, TG, July 23, 1942.

“vigorously” resisted: Fröhlich, TG, Oct. 18, 1942.

“get through the coming”: Fröhlich, TG, Oct. 13, 1942.

“living more dangerously”: Cited in Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 200.

“trouble with Soviet partisans”: Fröhlich, TG, March 9, 1943.

Goebbels received a letter: Fröhlich, TG, Feb. 24, 1943.

“Total war” was declared: See Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 200–201; Longerich, Goebbels, 559–60.

“A fairly barbaric procedure”: Fröhlich, TG, March 27, 1942.

He wanted to finance: See Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 421 ff.

“no longer justifiable”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 423.

“use of unskilled workers”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 427.

issued a new bond: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 426.

The labor shortage: See Tooze, Wages of Destruction, 513–17.

“one of the largest”: Tooze, Wages of Destruction, 517.

prisoners in concentration camps: See Marc Buggeln, Slave Labor in Nazi Concentration Camps (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2014, trans.), 20–21.

At least twelve million: See Mark Spoerer and Jochen Fleischhacker, “Forced Laborers in Nazi Germany: Categories, Numbers, and Survivors,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History, vol. 33, no. 2 (Autumn 2002): 197, 201.

Slave labor collaborations: Tooze, Wages of Destruction, 531–32.

“worked long and intensively”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 239.

“largest single battery”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 790.

began to produce: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 435–36.

from a concentration camp: On AFA’s Hannover subcamp, see Hans Hermann Schröder et al. (eds.), Konzentrationslager in Hannover (Hildesheim: August Lax, 1985), 50 ff.; Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 190–99; Marc Buggeln, Arbeit & Gewalt (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2009), 71–74, 188–92, 307–12; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 638–43, 664–70, 682–87.

“less than slaves”: See Benjamin Ferencz, Less Than Slaves (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002).

“provide the detainees”: Cited in Buggeln, Slave Labor, 71.

Instead of money: Schröder, Konzentrationslager, 74–76, 80–104.

“while fully conscious”: Cited in Schröder, Konzentrationslager, 83.

“beat the prisoners”: Cited in Schröder, Konzentrationslager, 60–61.

discussing political developments: Unless otherwise noted, this account is based on trial minutes, May 13/14, 1948, denazification court Starnberg, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4; Günther Quandt response to the indictment by public prosecutor, Feb. 8, 1948, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 38; Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 202–4.

“performed excellently”: Fröhlich, TG, June 20, 1943.

“the only sensible thing”: Trial minutes, May 13/14, 1948, denazification court Starnberg, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4.

would be “finished”: Trial minutes, May 13/14, 1948, denazification court Starnberg, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4.

“a heartfelt personal telegram”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 578.

“in the right light”: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 283.

“peasant forebears”: Quotes in NMT, Vol. VI, 183–84.

The asset value: See Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 495–96.

That year’s tax assessment: Frei et al., Flick, 396.

forced or enslaved: See Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 511; Frei et al., Flick, 328.

subcamp for “foreign Jews”: Cited in Frei et al., Flick, 359.

in favor of the immediate murder: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 492.

at the Rombach steelworks: On Rombach, see Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 447–52; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 451–61; Frei et al., Flick, 299–306.

a “quality program”: Cited in Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 459.

“that the business couldn’t”: Citations in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 449.

working conditions at Rombach: see Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 495–97; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 527–28, 546–48; Frei et al., Flick, 307–9.

“among the worst”: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 497.

“a mixture normally”: Cited Frei et al., Flick, 308.

was beaten to death: Frei et al., Flick, 308–9.

“committed the crimes”: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 548.

“Austrian national economy”: Citations in Pyta et al., Porsche, 315.

in his new job: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 453–76.

named “Work Village”: See Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 496–515; Volkswagen, Remembrance, 81, 84; Buggeln, Slave Labor, 66–67.

“spontaneous musical procession”: Quote and following citation in Volkswagen, Remembrance, 58.

Piëch “bluntly declared”: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 756.

“laced kitchen leftovers”: Rieger, People’s Car, 83.

“Nursery for Foreign Children”: See Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 762–65; Volkswagen, Remembrance, 52.

“defied belief”: Cited in Rieger, People’s Car, 83–84.

Himmler had invited: For program and guest list, see NMT, Vol. VI, 273–75.

“immense disappointment”: NMT, Vol. VI, 366.

“dull … despite”: Cited in “Treue im Chor,” Der Spiegel, Oct. 12, 1965.

Flick wondered whether: NMT, Vol. VI, 336.

“According to the”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 201.

More than half a billion: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 286, 288 ff.

Kaselowsky had become: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 199–200.

In a joint venture: See Jungbluth, Oetkers, 186–88; Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 311–24; Buggeln, Slave Labor, 67–68.

found it “quite gratifying”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 318.

had been “shielded”: Citations in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 365.

ideological instruction: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 358–64.

“only words of contempt”: Fröhlich, TG, Jan. 13, 1944.

“The experience at the front”: Fröhlich, TG, Jan. 17, 1944.

fed up with the war: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 205.

“Harald causes us”: Fröhlich, TG, Feb. 13, 1944.

“behaved anything but”: Fröhlich, TG, March 15, 1944.

“very unhappy” with: Fröhlich, TG, March 16, 1944.

“very stern letter”: Fröhlich, TG, April 19, 1944.

“Keep your chin up”: Cited in Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 206.

Cegielski weapons complex: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 576–84.

twenty-four thousand people: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 680–81, 695–99, 709.

“The Wartheland is proud”: Reinhardt Nebuschka to Telford Taylor, Nov. 3, 1947, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/1; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 578.

“to finish me off”: Reinhardt Nebuschka to Telford Taylor, Nov. 1, 1947, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/1.

“a red glow of fire”: Porsche and Molter, Ferry, 145.

hundreds of coerced workers: See Pyta et al., Porsche, 319–25.

“lovely” sixteen-year-old: Citations in Pyta et al., Porsche, 321.

his reign of terror: See Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 766 ff.; Volkswagen, Remembrance, 88 ff.

only female prisoners: On the Pertrix subcamp, see Gabriele Layer-Jung and Cord Pagenstecher, “Vom vergessenen Lager zum Dokumentationszentrum? Das ehemalige NS-Zwangsarbeiterlager in Berlin-Schöneweide,” Gedenkstätten-Rundbrief 111 (March 2003), 3; Gabriele Layer-Jung and Cord Pagenstecher, “Das Pertrix-Außen-lager in Berlin-Niederschöneweide” (May 2004), 1–2; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 647–48, 673–74, 690.

his own estate, Niewerle: Treue, Herbert, 93.

“with really only very few”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 705.

a sub–concentration camp: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 648–49.

“Taken from us by”: Jungbluth, Oetkers, 196–98, citation on 198.

Rudolf-August had been: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 360.

“I couldn’t imagine”: “Einen besseren Vater könnte ich mir nicht vorstellen,” Welt am Sonntag, Nov. 22, 1998.

“He’s the real heir”: Cited in Jungbluth, Oetkers, 199.

“As is well known”: Cited in Jungbluth, Oetkers, 198.

“The beautiful evening”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 201.

“for the time being”: Fröhlich, TG, Sept. 10, 1944.

captain from Harald’s battalion: Fröhlich, TG, Nov. 10, 1944.

Goebbels received a telegram: Fröhlich, TG, Nov. 17, 1944.

“very worried” about Harald: Fröhlich, TG, Dec. 2, 1944.

“One always feels deeply”: Fröhlich, TG, Jan. 23, 1945.

Part IV: “You will live on”

Harald Quandt was sitting: Wolf Jobst Siedler, Ein Leben wird besichtigt (Berlin: Siedler, 2000), 317.

“strict self-discipline”: Cited in Treue, Herbert, 103.

“My beloved son”: Magda Goebbels to Harald Quandt, April 28, 1945, Robert E. Work collection, USHMM; letter reproduced in Rolf Hochhuth (ed.), Joseph Goebbels: Tagebücher 1945 (Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1977), 549–50.

“My dear Harald”: Joseph Goebbels to Harald Quandt, April 28, 1945, USHMM; letter reproduced in Hochhuth, Tagebücher 1945, 547–48; Robert E. Work, last letters from Hitler’s Air Raid Shelter, Nov. 1, 1945, USHMM. The sons of the air force captain donated the original letters to the museum in 2019.

the evening of April 28: On the events in the Führerbunker, see Hanna Reitsch, Fliegen Mein Leben (Munich: Ullstein, 1979), 324–29; Ian Kershaw, Hitler (London: Penguin, 2008), 938 ff.; Rochus Misch, Hitler’s Last Witness (London: Frontline, 2017, trans.), 176–81; Longerich, Goebbels, x–xi, 686–87; Hochhuth, Tagebücher, 550–56.

kept the original letters: Steve Johnson, “How Goebbels’ Final Letter Made Its Way from Hitler’s Bunker to a Chicago Family — and at Last to the Holocaust Museum,” Chicago Tribune, April 24, 2019,

a “frozen” face: Misch, Witness, 177.

“She was pale and spoke”: Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich (London: Phoenix, 1995, trans.), 643. Originally published in 1970.

visited her best friend: For the Dresden episode, see Meissner, First Lady, 239–43.

“We have demanded”: Meissner, First Lady, 239–42.

“business meetings”: Karl Bernd Esser, Hitlers Gold (Munich: 2004), 403.

“business-friendly” policies: Citations in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 730.

“the only right thing”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 731.

forced or slave labor: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 709.

“one of Germany’s leading”: Quandt, Günther, April 18, 1945, Cornell Law Library, Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection, vol. 17, sec. 53.051,

“without great noise”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 731.

US Treasury Department: See Bernd Greiner, Die Morgenthau-Legende (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 1995), 238; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 732.

Günther had planned to sflee: Treue, Herbert, 90; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 714, 730.

more horror was unfolding: On the AFA Hannover subcamp evacuation and Gardelegen massacre, see Herbert Obenaus et al. (eds.), Konzentrationslager in Hannover (Hildesheim: August Lax, 1985), 493 ff.; Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 197–99; Buggeln, Arbeit & Gewalt, 638–40, 650–51; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 668–70.

“Some will say that”: Cited in Gardelegen, USHMM,

The living arrangements: Treue, Herbert, 90 ff.; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 714, 790–92, 822–23.

“tool of his father”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 822.

couldn’t stand the fact: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 823–24.

“the shadow of his great”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 765–66.

“I believe that it was”: Cited in Treue, Herbert, 85.

Friedrich Flick fled: Frei et al., Flick, 464, 712–13.

still owned by: Engel, “Beraubte Bierbaron.”

Just before Allied forces: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 452; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 460.

the Gröditz weapons plant: On Gröditz slave labor, see NMT, Vol. VI, 770–88, 815–16, 828–29, 835–37; Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 493–94; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 530, 553–56; Frei et al., Flick, 359–60.

appointment backfired: Frei et al., Flick, 386.

another major promotion: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 509–10.

“The Russian eats a lot”: Cited in Frei et al., Flick, 358.

“a bad thing”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 488.

about 185 prisoners: On the Gröditz massacre, see NMT, Vol. VI, 778–81; Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 494; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 530–31, 554–55; Frei et al., Flick, 360.

so-called Tölzer program: On Flick’s asset transfers and seizures, see Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 554–55, 591–615; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 579–609; Frei et al., Flick, 388–89, 448–71.

“the most powerful”: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 878–79, 883.

moved to Kransberg: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 603.

“Germany’s most powerful”: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 883.

“democratization, denazification”: Kim Christian Priemel and Alexa Stiller (eds.), Reassessing the Nuremberg Military Tribunals (New York: Berghahn, 2014), 5.

a possible second trial: For further reading, see Telford Taylor, The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials (New York: Knopf, 1992), 151–61; Donald Bloxham, Genocide on Trial (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2001), 24–25; Kim Christian Priemel, The Betrayal (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2016), 152–55; Priemel and Stiller, Reassessing, 166.

Otto-Ernst seized the chance: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 603–5; Frei et al., Flick, 467–68.

“expressed a desire”: August von Finck interrogation, Sept. 25, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

his knack for looting: See preliminary report on Deutsche Heraklith AG; original exhibits Alpenländische Bergbau Gmbh, USACA Section 1945–1950, NARA, RG 260, M1928, rolls 22, 46, 47; Siebert, Hundert Jahre, 47–48.

Günther deeply admired: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 135–36.

awaiting their arrival: “Neun Nullen,” Der Spiegel, May 18, 1970.

“Scrutinize especially”: Suggestion regarding removal of bank officials, Major Peery to Lt. Ladenburg, Denazification: Policy and Directives, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1925, roll 3.

even more suspect: See Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 1044 n46; Frei et al., Flick, 403.

“Even during the latter”: Kurt Schmitt interrogation, July 15, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

“he remained a convinced”: Hans Schmidt-Polex interrogation, Sept. 22, 1947, NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 7.

“the holder and trustee”: Guide for Investigation of Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, May 31, 1945, Appendix B, 78, NARA, OSS, RG 226, M1934, roll 5. Soviet propaganda alleged: Siebert, Hundert Jahre, 49.

“a pro-Nazi in every respect”: Cited in James, Verbandspolitik, 300 n72.

“a somewhat tricky customer”: Cited in James, Verbandspolitik, 301 n88.

had been liquidated: See German External Assets in Austria: Private Bank E. V. Nicolai & Company S. M. V. Rothschild in Liquidation, USACA, RG 260, M1928, roll 13; Melichar, Neuordnung, 404–8.

“understandable reluctance”: Cited in Köhler, Arisierung, 502.

“if the roles”: Citations in Köhler, Arisierung, 502.

“very frosty” mood: Köhler, Arisierung, 503–6, citation on 505.

However, the deal: See affidavit Willy Dreyfus, Dec. 22, 1948, STAM, denazification court documents August von Finck, carton 409; Frank J. Miller to Albert F. Bender Jr., March 6, 1947, Deutscher Reichsanzeiger Re: J. Dreyfuss [sic] & Co. and Merck, Finck & Co., NARA, OMGUS, RG 260, M1923, roll 3.

The Nazis began using: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 798–99, 901–2; Volkswagen, Remembrance, 95, 100, 133.

not before stealing: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 926–27.

“This sum likely laid”: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 643.

Allied investigation team: Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 180–82; Pyta et al., Porsche, 341.

“Porsche was entrusted”: Porsche, Ferdinand, May 17, 1945, Cornell Law Library, Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection, vol. 17, sec. 53.048,

“Hitler’s support was”: Cited in Georg Meck, Auto Macht Geld (Berlin: Rowohlt, 2016), 79.

continued sending invoices: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 927–28, 940–41.

Rudolf-August entertained: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 374–77.

“Suddenly some guys”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 376.

“very depressed”: Citations in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 377.

work ban “frustrating”: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 385–87, citation on 385.

considering a move to Hannover: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 736–37.

“The Republicans won’t”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 731.

“the American version”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 732.

“Political Persecution”: Supplementary Sheet to Questionnaire Military Government of Germany, March 1, 1946, STAM, denazification files Günther Quandt, carton 1363/7.

“Quite a few gentlemen”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 733.

registered as “wanted”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 733.

“reactionary capitalist”: Opinion Sheet, Denazification Panel District Hannover, Aug. 6, 1946, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1363/7.

working on his defense: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 737.

“Goebbels took every”: Affidavit Eleonore Quandt, Aug. 27, 1946, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/1.

a hand in drafting: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 218.

“no promises or mention”: Günther Quandt to Werner Quandt, Jan. 5, 1947, HWA, dept. 2017, folders 36/37.

“I was never a member”: Certified statement Harald Quandt, Aug. 27, 1946, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/1.

He considered traveling: Günther Quandt to Lieselotte Dietermann, Oct. 11, 1946, HWA, dept. 2017, folders 36/37; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 253.

“It’s just not fun”: Cited in Liselotte Dietermann to Günther Quandt, Feb. 5, 1947, HWA, dept. 2017, folders 36/37.

“I feel for Quandt”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 320.

“generous financial arrangement”: Affidavit Georg Sachs, Feb. 10, 1947, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/2.

“It sufficed”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 111–26, 167–80, 191–92, 230–32, 240–44; quote on 241.

“America! How often”: Quotes in Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 139, 184, 238–39, 245–46.

“I admit that these”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 247–49.

was “bad” but also: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 731.

Life in the Moosburg camp: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 252–53.

“pondering his fate”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 733.

“Tibet 3x, East Africa 2x”: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 252–53.

“Central heating, large”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 734.

“guest of the U.S.”: Günther Quandt, Circular Christmas letter, Dec. 5, 1947, HWA, dept. 2017, folders 36/37.

“not very satisfactory”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 605.

Flick senior was portraying: See Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 627–31; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 582–85, 608–15; Frei et al., Flick, 410–11.

“almost too beautiful”: Citations in Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 611–12.

threatened him with: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 582, 610; NMT, Vol. VI, 261–62.

appointed Telford Taylor: Taylor, Anatomy, 274–92.

“greatest single power”: Cited in Frei et al., Flick, 409.

“the modern self-made”: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 897.

after the final verdicts: Taylor, Anatomy, 587–624.

wasn’t going to happen: See Bloxham, Genocide, 28–32; Priemel, Betrayal, 156–57; Telford Taylor, Final Report to the Secretary of the Army on the Nuernberg War Crimes Trials Under Control Council Law No. 10 (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1949), 22–27, 73–85, 271–81,

“a Soviet-dominated”: Priemel and Stiller, Reassessing,167.

“detract from the real”: Bloxham, Genocide, 30.

with a government: On the French episode, see Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 189 ff.; Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 942; Pyta et al., Porsche, 342 ff.

save the family business: Pyta et al., Porsche, 335–38, 362–63.

split the family business: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 937–38; Pyta et al., Porsche, 328–30, 364–67.

a thousand dollars: Reuß, “Rosenberger,” ARD/SWR, June 24, 2019.

Günther Quandt was told: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 734.

“Among the first 30”: “U.S. War Crimes Unit Seeks to End Task Early in ’48,” Associated Press, Oct. 27, 1947.

indictment against Günther: Indictment by the public prosecutor, denazification court Starnberg, Sept. 25, 1946, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/1.

priorities began to shift: For further reading, see James F. Tent, Mission on the Rhine (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), 254–318; S. Jonathan Wiesen, West German Industry and the Challenge of the Nazi Past (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001), 43–44; Frank M. Buscher, The US War Crimes Trial Program in Germany (New York: Greenwood Press, 1989), 49–50; Jean Edward Smith, Lucius D. Clay (New York: Henry Holt, 1990), 378–87, 425–44; Frederick Taylor, Exorcising Hitler (New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2011), 277–331.

German denazification courts: For further reading, see Taylor, Final Report, 14–21, 54–56; Buscher, War Crimes, 30–31; Taylor, Anatomy, 278–87, Priemel and Stiller, Reassessing, 249–71; Office of Military Government for Germany, Denazification (Cumulative Review): Report of the Military Governor (1 April 1947–30 April 1948), no. 34; John H. Herz, “The Fiasco of Denazification in Germany,” Political Science Quarterly, vol. 63, no. 4 (Dec. 1948), 569–94.

kept in Dachau: Arrest warrant Günther Quandt, denazification court Dachau, Oct. 24, 1947, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/1.

a letter to his lawyer: Günther Quandt to Herman Alletag, Oct. 11, 1947, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/1.

lessened the charge: Memo Dr. Carl Reiter, denazification court Starnberg, Dec. 13, 1947, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/1.

“imprisoned for over”: Günther Quandt to denazification court chairman Starnberg, Jan. 10, 1948, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/1.

Günther was released: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 739.

“stone-cold logician”: “Wie’s den Ehemännern geht,” Der Spiegel, June 21, 1950.

“biting wit, sharp”: “Wie’s den Ehemännern geht,” Der Spiegel, June 21, 1950.

small perfumed cloth: Henriette von Schirach, Der Preis der Herrlichkeit (Munich: Herbig, 2016), 216.

filed a revised indictment: Indictment by the public prosecutor, Feb. 8, 1948, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/3.

pressured Laval to sell: On the Tudor and Laval case, see Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 537–62; Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 180–81.

one inexperienced lawyer: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 741.

“pseudo-arguments”: Günther Quandt response to the indictment by public prosecutor, Feb. 8, 1948, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 38.

a small prefab house: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 742–43.

he was laboring: Treue, Herbert, 103.

“never actively supported”: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 767–68, citation on 767.

first to testify: Trial minutes, denazification court Starnberg, May 13/14, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4.

no perfect witness: Trial minutes, denazification court Starnberg, June 3, 4, 26, 1948; July 15, 1948, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4. Laval’s dislike of Günther: See Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 225; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 743–44.

“complete rehabilitation”: Günther Quandt to Heidi von Doetinchem, June 29, 1948, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 35.

In his closing arguments: Public prosecutor plea, July 16, 1948, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/2.

In its ruling: Ruling denazification court Starnberg, July 28, 1948, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/1.

“It’s the intoxication”: Prosecutor statement, annex to the appeal minutes, Munich, April 29, 1949, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/5.

upheld the lower court’s: Ruling appeals chamber Upper Bavaria, April 29, 1949, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/4.

upheld the decision: Bavaria’s cassation court ruling, Dec. 2, 1949, STAM, denazification court documents Günther Quandt, carton 1362/5.

“most brilliant judgment”: Günther Quandt to Heidi von Doetinchem, April 18, 1950, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 35.

came under investigation: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 748–49.

“a so-called Judenlager: Günther Quandt to Eckhard König, January 5, 1950, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 27.

“precise knowledge”: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 705, 765.

ruled to rehabilitate: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 749.

quadrupled the balance sheet: Indictment by public prosecutor, Nov. 3, 1948, STAM, denazification court documents August von Finck, carton 409.

“suffered indignities”: Cited in Köhler, Arisierung, 310–11 n375.

The agreement was off: See affidavit Willy Dreyfus, Dec. 22, 1948, and trial minutes, denazification court X Munich, Dec. 22, STAM, denazification court documents August von Finck, carton 409.

von Finck’s indictment: Trial minutes, denazification court X Munich, Dec. 22, 1948, STAM, denazification court documents August von Finck, carton 409; “Neun Nullen,” Der Spiegel, May 18, 1970.

series of strange turns: Trial minutes, denazification court X Munich, Dec. 22, 23, 24, 27, 1948, denazification court documents August von Finck, carton 409; “Neun Nullen,” Der Spiegel, May 18, 1970.

“for reasons of state”: Otto von Dewitz to Julius Herf, Jan. 14, 1949, STAM, denazification court documents August von Finck, carton 409.

“who knew a lot”: “Neun Nullen,” Der Spiegel, May 18, 1970.

“Gay Jules”: “Wie’s den Ehemännern geht,” Der Spiegel, June 21, 1950.

“betrayed knowledge of”: “Neun Nullen,” Der Spiegel, May 18, 1970.

Rumors circulated about: “Wie’s den Ehemännern geht,” Der Spiegel, June 21, 1950.

claiming to believe: Trial minutes, denazification court X Munich, Dec. 22, 27, 1948, STAM, denazification court documents August von Finck, carton 409.

denazification court ruled: Ruling denazification court X Munich, Jan. 14, 1949, STAM, denazification court documents August von Finck, carton 409.

same veiled threats: “Neun Nullen,” Der Spiegel, May 18, 1970.

terse one-sentence note: Withdraw of appeal, Feb. 24, 1949, STAM, denazification court documents August von Finck, carton 409.

applied for amnesty: Fritz Berthold to Ludwig Hagenauer, April 19, 1949; Kurz to Ludwig Hagenauer, June 28, 1949, STAM, denazification documents August von Finck, carton 409.

Herf was suspended: “Wie’s den Ehemännern geht,” Der Spiegel, June 21, 1950; R. R. Bowie to Hans Weigert, Aug. 31, 1950; Sept. 27, 1950, NARA, RG 260, NND 775035. after flirty letters: Julius Herf to Lorenz Willberger, April 29, 1950; Julius Herf to Günther Griminski, May 25, 1950, NARA, RG 260, NND 775035.

refused to hear the case: Eric Schnapper and William Schurtman, Willy Dreyfus, Petitioner, v. August Von Finck et al. (Washington, DC: Gale, 2011).

bogus defense: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 360–61, 378–80.

“no one noticed”: Cited in Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 379.

back in control: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 379–80, 386–87, 394.

wait out a trial: On French proceedings, see Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 942–44; Pyta et al., Porsche, 357–58.

initial remuneration contract: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 939.

Nordhoff had been appointed: Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 973; Rieger, People’s Car, 109–10.

how to remunerate: On the Bad Reichenhall pact, see Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 215–16; Mommsen and Grieger, Volkswagenwerk, 938; Meck, Auto, 110–13, 116.

“I mourn my Stuttgart”: Cited in Pyta et al., Porsche, 376.

a heated legal battle: Pyta et al., Porsche, 377–78; Reuß, “Rosenberger,” ARD/SWR, June 24, 2019.

proposed a settlement: Aust and Ammann, Saga, 234–35; Reuß, “Rosenberger,” ARD/SWR, June 24, 2019; property control report of property transactions, Stuttgart, Oct. 26, 1950.

“Professor Porsche has”: Cited in Pyta et al., Porsche, 311.

“I was entbräunt”: Cited in Pyta et al., Porsche, 389.

teamed up with Albert Prinzing: Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 222–23; Pyta et al., Porsche, 379–82.

“how hard you worked”: Cited in Pyta et al., Porsche, 381.

charged with war crimes: NMT, Vol. VI, 9–25.

as high as 100,000: Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 531.

No other tycoon had: Harold James, Krupp (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012), 172–225; Taylor, Final Report, 22–27, 78–79, 184–201 ff.

“A dictatorship is”: NMT, Vol. VI, 32–33.

“The story of this”: NMT, Vol. VI, 114–15.

But it wasn’t easy: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 640–41; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 627–30; Frei et al., Flick, 426.

Dix spoke about: NMT, Vol. VI, 115–34.

industrialist defended himself: NMT, Vol. VI, 217–25, 382–83, 405 ff., 1015–16; Frei et al., Flick, 420.

“I was glad if I”: NMT, Vol. VI, 222–23,

“an advocate” of: NMT, Vol. VI, 133.

“howling with the wolves”: Cited in NMT, Vol. VI, 997.

an array of strategies: See Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 635–41; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 635–39; Frei et al., Flick, 421–23; NMT, Vol. VI, 4, 202 ff., 285 ff.

“best cooks in the world”: Cited in Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 638.

The presiding judge: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 640.

testified about “strolling”: Citations in Frei et al., Flick, 422.

“a mere anachronism”: NMT, Vol. VI, 974.

“every indication of”: NMT, Vol. VI, 1034–35.

“The defendants lived”: NMT, Vol. VI, 115, 1172.

the “large scope”: NMT, Vol. VI, 1117–18.

“I am here as”: NMT, Vol. VI, 1186–87.

monster of a trial: NMT, Vol. VI, 3–4.

The judgment was: For the ruling, see NMT, Vol. VI, 1187–228.

“exceedingly (if not excessively)”: Taylor, Final Report, 187.

“A sale compelled”: NMT, Vol. VI, 1214.

“a blank check”: NMT, Vol. VI, 1221.

His conviction stood: NMT, Vol. VI, 1225–33.

complex negotiations: See Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 661–71; Frei et al., Flick, 476–86.

McCloy’s decision: Kai Bird, The Chairman (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992), 359–75; Priemel, Betrayal, 352–68.

“embodiment of political”: Telford Taylor, “The Nazis Go Free,” The Nation, Feb. 24, 1951, 171.

Flick was released: Ogger, Grosse, 254; Frei et al., Flick, 445–46.

“My court was clearly”: “Der Eisenmann,” Der Spiegel, Sept. 16, 1958.

undergone denazification: Frei et al., Flick, 436–37.

quite successfully: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 671–702; Frei et al., Flick, 486–522.

Part V: “Nine Zeros”

harder than ever: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 256–57; Treue, Herbert, 125.

“a little death”: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 238.

“Deutschland, Deutschland”: Cited in Liz Crolley and David Hand, Football and European Identity (London: Routledge, 2006), 70.

economy had quadrupled: Werner Abelshauser, Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte (Munich: C. H. Beck, 2011), 152–81.

“He never submitted”: Citations in Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 238–39; see also Abs’s and Pavel’s full speeches in “In Memoriam Günther Quandt geb. 28.7.1881, + 30. Dec. 1954.”

“prepared his actions”: “In Memoriam Günther Quandt geb. 28.7.1881, + 30. Dec. 1954.”

retained many assets: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 253–56; Treue, Herbert, 92–94, 106–9, 131–33, 141; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 785–821.

restitution proceedings: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 801.

“There wasn’t a single”: Interview with Gerhard Wilcke, April 21, 1978, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 82.

filed a restitution claim: For more about the Eisner saga, see Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 401–3, 953 n245.

“The power of the great”: Kurt Pritzkoleit, Männer-Mächte-Monopole (Frankfurt: Karl Rauch, 1953), 70, 88.

Dynastic and entrepreneurial: Treue, Herbert, 103, 114, 120, 123, 130–33.

Günther left behind: Estate of Dr. Günther Quandt, HWA, dept. 2017, folder 44; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 159–70, 834–38.

larger than 55.5 million: Rüdiger Jungbluth, Die Quandts: Deutschlands erfolgreichste Unternehmerfamilie (Frankfurt: Campus, 2015), 199.

“To what extent the securities”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 160.

“With all due reverence”: Cited in Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 838.

“The battle for Daimler”: Ogger, Grosse, 281.

went head to head: On their battle and deal for Daimler, see Ogger, Grosse, 281–96, 300–303; Treue, Herbert, 141–46; Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 243–46; Frei et al., Flick, 524–26, 535–38.

found themselves on opposing: On their battle for BMW, see Ogger, Grosse, 296–300; Treue, Herbert, 146–56; Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 246–56; Frei et al., Flick, 538–42. decade-long restructuring: Treue, Herbert, 156–76; Jungbluth, Quandts (2015), 219–24.

kept inviting them: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 275–76; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 769–70.

“The same man who”: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 275.

“a clever fellow and not”: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 276.

Ferry surrounded himself: Jens Westemeier, Joachim Peiper: A Biography of Himmler’s SS Commander (Surrey, UK: Schiffler Military History, 2007, trans.), 175–81.

stood for “Super-Sport”: Cited in Westemeier, Peiper, 181.

“You see … I silently”: Cited in Westemeier, Peiper, 180.

new sales record: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 404, 423.

worldwide conglomerate: Jungbluth, Oetkers, 212 ff.

Hugo Ratzmann: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 410; Jörg Osterloh and Harald Wixforth (eds.), Unternehmer und NS-Verbrechen (Frankfurt: Campus, 2014), 269–97.

“convinced me to stay”: Rudolf von Ribbentrop, My Father Joachim von Ribbentrop (Barnsley: Pen & Sword, 2019, trans.), 428–30; quote on 430.

Rudolf-August first gave: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 410.

Rudolf-August bought: Jungbluth, Oetkers, 306.

responded radically: On the battle for Allianz, see “Kampf um Die Allianz,” Der Spiegel, Dec. 14, 1954; Feldman, Allianz, 490, 496; Johannes Bähr and Christopher Köpper, Munich Re (Munich: C. H. Beck, 2016, trans.), 295–98.

“The year 1945”: “Kampf,” Der Spiegel, Dec. 14, 1954.

wheeling and dealing: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 724–29; Frei et al., Flick, 572–75.

decision to rearm: Wolf Perdelwitz and Hasko Fischer, Waffenschmiede Deutschland (Hamburg: Gruner + Jahr, 1984), 143–64; Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 263–66, 272; Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 805–17.

“has a deep aversion”: Cited in Ogger, Grosse, 333.

Flick’s weapon-production: Frei et al., Flick, 565–71, 647–48.

two of its cofounders: Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 230–31, 245–46.

Ferry now once again: Porsche and Molter, Ferry, 203–4.

an enormous success: Frei et al., Flick, 648, 664–65; Porsche and Molter, Ferry, 207.

“We never know”: Porsche and Molter, Ferry, 208.

led another consortium: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 266.

amphibious cars: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 272; Porsche and Molter, Ferry, 204–6.

success making land mines: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 267–70.

Harald Quandt’s Beechcraft King: On Harald’s death and memorial, see “In Memoriam Harald Quandt, Geb. 1. Nov. 1921 — Gest. 22. Sept. 1967,” HWA, dept. 2017, folder 85; “Die Stille Gruppe,” Der Spiegel, Oct. 1, 1967; Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 284–85; Jungbluth, Quandts (2015), 241.

“filled with horror”: “In Memoriam Harald Quandt, Geb. 1. Nov. 1921 — Gest. 22. Sept. 1967,” HWA, dept. 2017, folder 85.

Harald always prized: On Harald’s postwar life, see Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 271–86.

“Among the excited”: Helene Rahms, Die Clique (Bern: Scherz, 1999), 156.

When a lawyer representing: Willi Winkler, Der Schattenmann (Berlin: Rowohlt, 2011), 102.

“It isn’t difficult”: Neun Nullen,” Der Spiegel, May 18, 1970.

four wealthiest businessmen: Michael Jungblut, Die Reichen und die Superreichen in Deutschland (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1973), 65–97.

“like the fairy tale”: “Neun Nullen,” Der Spiegel, May 18, 1970.

politician for the NPD: Jungbluth, Oetkers, 215; Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 409.

Rudolf-August privately met: “Trinkgeld für Ober,” Der Spiegel, Feb. 12, 1967.

NPD’s corporate backers: “Neonazis im Vormarsch,” Die Zeit, May 3, 1968.

public museum opened: Jungbluth, Oetkers, 245–48, 337–45; Osterloh and Wixforth, Unternehmer, 331–61.

supporter of the Nazis: Marc Wortman, “Famed Architect Philip Johnson’s Hidden Nazi Past,” Vanity Fair, April 4, 2016,

met with Ferry: Reuß, “Rosenberger,” ARD/SWR, June 24, 2019.

“After the war, it seemed”: Porsche and Bentley, We at Porsche, 227–29.

helped Rosenberger’s parents: Pyta et al., Porsche, 306–7.

“vowed to each other”: Treue, Herbert, 123.

a separation of assets: Treue, Herbert, 227–32, 279–80; Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 296–305.

Inge was ill-suited: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 310–11.

sold the stake: Treue, Herbert, 232–34; Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 301–2.

“was the most good-natured”: Citations in Frei et al., Flick, 620–21.

Otto-Ernst sued his father: “Von Friedrichs Gnaden,” Der Spiegel, June 4, 1963.

Otto-Ernst lost two trials: Frei et al., Flick, 632–41.

“has always been talented”: Cited in Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 737.

He controlled the nation’s: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 727–28.

Jewish Claims Conference: Ferencz, Less Than Slaves, 158–69.

negotiations for restitution: For the proceedings, see Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 703–15; Bähr et al., Flick-Konzern, 678–719; Frei et al., Flick, 588–604.

“left to more objective”: Cited in Frei et al., Flick, 669.

wasted no time: Frei et al., Flick, 670–77; Ramge, Flicks, 188–206.

Friedrich Karl now ruled: Frei et al., Flick, 672–73; Ramge, Flicks, 207–12.

The tax exemptions: Frei et al., Flick, 678–86; Ramge, Flicks, 212–16.

almost twenty-six million: Frei et al., Flick, 687–88; Ramge, Flicks, 218–35.

“cultivating the political”: “Die gepflegte Landschaft,” Der Spiegel, Dec. 12, 1999.

“the bought republic”: “Die gekaufte Republik,” Der Spiegel, Nov. 29, 1983.

In the inquiry: Frei et al., Flick, 689–90, 697; Ramge, Flicks, 235–47.

The Price of Silence: Eberhard von Brauchitsch, Der Preis des Schweigens (Berlin: Propyläen, 1999).

ceased to exist: Frei et al., Flick, 692–93; Ramge, Flicks, 249–51.

“the enormous fortune”: Priemel, Konzerngeschichte, 788.

The bank did so: James M. Markham, “Company Linked to Nazi Slave Labor Pays $2 Million,” New York Times, Jan. 9, 1986.

Porsche-Piëch clan: Meck, Auto, 147–55, 162–63.

threat of abduction: Jungbluth, Oetkers, 262–75.

“penny-pinching tyrant”: Louis S. Richman, “The Germans Survivors of Tumultuous Times,” Fortune, Oct. 12, 1987.

“leading a dishonorable”: Cited in Markus Schär, “Vermögen mit Verfalldatum,” Die Weltwoche, Jan. 8, 2015.

“a combination of”: See Gerhard von Finck, sales representative:

split the estate: On the von Finck inheritance dispute, see Henryk Hielscher, “Schlammschlacht ums Milliardenerbe,” Wirtschaftswoche, July 27, 2010; Sören Jensen, “Millionäre gegen Milliardäre,” Manager Magazin, Oct. 20, 2011; Leo Müller, “Ein Erbstreit sondergleichen,” Bilanz, Dec. 8, 2015; “Urteil im Erbschaftsdrama,” Juve, Sept. 13, 2019.

much of his fortune: Treue, Herbert, 286; Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 312–17. “remained in his innermost”: “In Memoriam Herbert Quandt 22. Juni 1910–2. Juni 1982,” HWA, dept. 2017, folder 85.

contrasting outlooks: See Astrid Becker, Johannes Jansen, Martina Padberg, and Sonja Pöppel, Kunst im Harald Quandt Haus (Bad Homburg: Harald Quandt Holding, 2008); Jungbluth, Quandts (2015), 252, 384.

stunning historical reckoning: For Colleen-Bettina Rosenblat’s various accounts of her path to Judaism, see Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 334–36; Bianca Lang, Andreas Möller, and Mariam Schaghaghi, “Heimat sind Rituale,” Der Spiegel, Sept. 29, 2017; Yvonne Weiss, “Das Schwere Erbe der Colleen B. Rosenblat-Mo,” Hamburger Abendblatt, Oct. 18, 2018.

“In the end, the whole”: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 335.

“Quandt, this name”: Dagmar von Taube, “Colleen B. Rosenblat; Klare Ansichten,” Welt am Sonntag, Dec. 20, 1998.

Part VI: The Reckoning

Germany’s wealthiest family: Christoph Neßhöver, “Die Reimanns sind die reichsten Deutschen,” Manager Magazin, Oct. 1, 2019.

clan of shareholders: See JAB Holding Company,

“I am horrified”: Adam Luck and Alan Hall, “Nazi Slavery Past of Family Buying Pret A Manger — Which Was Founded by Jewish Businessman — for £1.5 Billion,” Mail on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2018.

reclusive Reimann shareholders: David de Jong and Annette Weisbach, “Billionaires Unmasked as Coty Persists in Pursuit of Avon,” Bloomberg News, April 9, 2012; David de Jong and Matthew Boyle, “The Caffeine Fix,” Bloomberg Markets, Feb. 11, 2015.

A Bild reporter had: Maximilian Kiewel, “Die Nazi-Vergangenheit von Deutschlands Zweitreichster Familie: Die SS-Liebe von Else Reimann,” Bild am Sonntag, March 30, 2019.

“The Jew Karl Marx”: Citations in Maximilian Kiewel, “Sie sind 33 Milliarden Euro Reich: Die Nazi-Vergangenheit der Calgon-Familie,” Bild am Sonntag, March 24, 2019.

“should have gone”: Maximilian Kiewel, “Reimann-Vertrauter Peter Harf zu den Enthüllungen: Es gibt nichts zu beschönigen,” Bild am Sonntag, March 24, 2019.

“Krispy Kreme”: Chris Isidore, “Krispy Kreme Owners Admit to Family History of Nazi Ties,” CNN Business, March 25, 2019.

“I Found Out”: Devra First, “I Found Out Nazi Money Is Behind My Favorite Coffee. Should I Keep Drinking It?” Boston Globe, June 4, 2019.

“This Is Embarrassing”: Rebecca Saltzman, “This Is Embarrassing, but It Turns Out Our Fake Jewish Bagel Chain Was Funded by Nazis,” McSweeney’s, March 27, 2019.

the Reimanns’ fortune: On Harf and JAB, see de Jong and Boyle, “Caffeine Fix”; Franziska Scheven, “Buying into Success,” Handelsblatt, Aug. 4, 2018; “A Peek Inside JAB Holding,” Economist, June 20, 2020; Sven Clausen, “Clan ohne Klasse,” Manager Magazin, April 23, 2021.

“By assuming responsibility”: Peter Harf to author, June 30, 2021.

forced German businesses: See Osterloh and Wixforth, Unternehmer, 365–79; Susanne-Sophia Spiliotis, Verantwortung und Rechtsfrieden (Frankfurt: Fischer, 2003), 25–67; Mary Fulbrook, Reckonings (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2018), 343–44.

Piëch was an inappropriate: Dietmar Hawranek, “Porsche and Volkswagen’s Nazi Roots,” Der Spiegel, July 21, 2009.

received much less money: Frei et al., Flick, 671, 677, 694.

following his initial donation: Alan Montefiore and David Vines (eds.), Integrity in the Public and Private Domains (London: Routledge, 1999), 205 ff.; Frei et al., Flick, 762–63.

“total abhorrence”: Citations in Montefiore and Vines, Integrity, 215–16.

could leave him “destitute”: Jenni Frazer, “Flick: Payment ‘Possible’ to Survivors,” Jewish Chronicle, March 22, 1996.

following an agreement: Osterloh and Wixforth, Unternehmer, 379–90; Fulbrook, Reckonings, 344–45. For further reading: Spiliotis, Verantwortung, 69–179.

“In this way, the German”: Fulbrook, Reckonings, 345.

Between 2001 and 2006: Facts and figures, EVZ, Dec. 31, 2020,; Spiliotis, Verantwortung, 181–91; Osterloh and Wixforth, Unternehmer, 384–86; Fulbrook, Reckonings, 345.

wrote an open letter: Dagmar Ottmann, “Die Ausstellung Verschieben! Ein offener Brief,” Die Zeit, August 5, 2004.

donated millions: Ramge, Flicks, 12–13; Frei et al., Flick, 768–70.

surrounded by bodyguards: Michael Swersina, “Ingrid Flick im Gespräch mit den Unterkärtner Nachrichten,” Unterkärtner Nachrichten, March 6, 2019.

“Finally, my husband”: Paul Sahner, “Jetzt redet die schöne Witwe,” Bunte, Jan. 7, 2010.

world’s youngest billionaires: David de Jong, “The World’s Youngest Billionaires Are Shadowed by a WWII Weapons Fortune,” Bloomberg News, May 3, 2018.

“I help wherever”: Swersina, “Ingrid,” Unterkärtner, March 6, 2019.

“a very substantial amount”: Major Gift for Tel Aviv Museum of Art from Ingrid Flick,” Artnet News, May 22, 2014.

Ingrid’s “main concern”: Friedrich Flick Förderungsstiftung Gremien,

purposes of whitewashing: Tim Schanetzky, Regierungsunternehmer (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2015), 8–9.

Ingrid Flick took over: Friedrich Flick Förderungsstiftung Geschichte und Förderungszweck, Flick’s name was removed: Thilo Schmidt, “Der Mann der Kreuztal nicht zur Ruhe kommen lässt,” Deutschlandfunk, March 20, 2017; see also

Since 2015, the Friedrich: Statement provided by Goethe University spokesman Olaf Kaltenborn, July 19, 2021.

German student scholarship: Deutschlandstipendium sponsors, Goethe University, 2016,

The Flick money: “Barry Eichengreen Appointed Visiting Professor for Financial History 2019,” Goethe University, Oct. 4, 2018,

has earned a seat: Goethe University’s foundation board of trustees, March 2, 2021,ät.

“Adolf Messer is in no way”: “Zur Geschichte der Messer-Werke im NS,” Feb. 28, 2018,

lounge was renamed: Daniel Majic, “Umstrittene Lounge in Goethe-Uni wird umbenannt,” Frankfurter Rundschau, Feb. 15, 2019.

rechristened its foundation: The foundation is now named for Adolf Messer’s son, Hans Messer.

are more transparent: Alfried Krupp Stiftung,; Fritz Thyssen Stiftung history,

“The kids have to learn”: Sahner, “Jetzt,” Bunte, Jan. 7, 2010.

are the Quandts: Eric Friedler, “Das Schweigen der Quandts,” ARD/NDR, Sept. 30, 2007, Youtube video, 59:26, dark part of the Quandts’ history: Susanne and Stefan Quandt did comment in the biography on other things: see Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 350 ff. Two of Harald’s daughters did comment in it about their father and their grandmother Magda in relation to the Nazi era: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 275, 334–36.

“Whenever I dream”: Friedler, “Schweigen,” ARD/NDR, Sept. 30, 2007.

“Since we recognize”: Cited in Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 344.

“They reacted harshly”: Friedler, “Schweigen,” ARD/NDR, Sept. 30, 2007.

Varta eventually did: Jungbluth, Quandts (2002), 343.

“We must try to forget”: Friedler, “Schweigen,” ARD/NDR, Sept. 30, 2007.

“to treat our history”: Cited in Eric Friedler, “Das Schweigen der Quandts” ARD/NDR, Nov. 22, 2007, Youtube video, 1:29:45,

“an almost pathological”: “Nach Kräften Mies,” Der Spiegel, Dec. 8, 1974.

“in a climate of fear”: Speech, Stefan Quandt, Herbert Quandt Medien-Preis, June 22, 2008,

he could have left: Quandt and Quandt, Günther, 245–46.

from a sordid affair: Jungbluth, Quandts (2015), 331–41.

“A light has been cast”: Lorenz Wagner, “Susanne Klatten — Die Unbekannte,” Financial Times Deutschland, Nov. 21, 2008.

“inseparably” linked: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 763.

“left no room for”: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 849.

“The family patriarch”: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 843.

“lightheartedly and shamefully”: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 314.

“Doubts about the legitimacy”: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 406, 537.

“There can be no doubt”: Scholtyseck, Aufstieg, 766

“It hurts. Günther Quandt”: Rüdiger Jungbluth and Giovanni di Lorenzo, “NS-Vergan-genheit der Quandts: Man fühlt sich grauenvoll und schämt sich,” Die Zeit, Sept. 22, 2011.

more than five million: M. Backhaus and B. Uhlenbroich, “Die Quandt Familien brechen ihr Schweigen,” Bild am Sonntag, Nov. 6, 2011.

“I don’t see any”: Jungbluth and di Lorenzo, “NS-Vergangenheit,” Die Zeit.

“As with other important”: Biografie Herbert Quandt, (Last accessed this version of the biography on Monday, October 25, 2021. The biography was replaced on the website between October 26 and October 29, 2021.)

In mid-October 2013: Rüdiger Jungbluth and Anne Kunze, “August Oetker: ‘Mein Vater war Nationalsozialist,’” Die Zeit, Oct. 17, 2013.

had been denied access: Jungbluth, Oetkers, 388–91.

individual billionaires: David de Jong, “Nazi-Forged Fortune Creates Hidden German Billionaires,” Bloomberg News, Feb. 3, 2014.

prompted the Oetkers: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 17; “Wie geht Oetker kommunikativ mit seiner NS-Vergangenheit um, Herr Schillinger?” Pressesprecher, Dec. 17, 2013.

“Kaselowsky, and with him”: Finger et al., Dr. Oetker, 415.

“My father was”: Jungbluth and Kunze, “Mein Vater.”

“We have always agreed”: “Oetker-Witwe kritisiert Historiker der Nazi-Studie,” Neue Westfälische, Oct. 22, 2013.

a power struggle: Simon Hage and Michael Machatschke, “Schiedsgericht soll Machtkampf bei Oetker entschärfen,” Manager Magazin, Jan. 23, 2014.

The dispute revolved around: Maria Marquart, “Pizza, Pudding, Beef,” Der Spiegel, March 16, 2019.

nightmare came true: Dr. August Oetker KG, “Oetker Group to Be Split,” July 22, 2021.

“reinforcing its commitment”: “Porsche Creates the Ferry Porsche Foundation,” Porsche AG, May 16, 2018,

“Dealing with one’s own”: “Ferry Porsche Foundation Endows First Professorship for Corporate History in Germany,” University of Stuttgart, March 8, 2019,

“As bad as these”: Porsche and Molter, Ferry, 192.

“if you are made”: Porsche and Molter, Ferry, 124.

indeed voluntarily applied: Pyta et al., Porsche, 307–8, 458 n16; Westemeier, Krieger, 540-541.

“exposing the denial”: Pyta et al., Porsche, 308.

funded by the company: Pyta et al., Porsche, 15.

became a full subsidiary: Gywn Topham, “Volkswagen Swallows Porsche,” The Guardian, July 5, 2012.

$250 billion in sales: Volkswagen Group’s annual report, 2020, March 16, 2021,

grown to $21 billion: Christoph Neßhöver, “Knapp 80 Milliarden mehr für die reichsten Zehn,” Manager Magazin, Sept. 30, 2021.

In fact, the reason: “Ferry Porsche Foundation Endows,” University of Stuttgart, March 8, 2019.

a documentary about: Reuß, “Rosenberger,” ARD/SWR, June 24, 2019.

“there was no hesitation”: Pyta et al., Porsche, 313.

“one cannot shake off”: Pyta et al., Porsche, 131.

more than $9 billion: Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Nov. 28, 2021.

assets are said to include: Anna Jikhareva, Jan Jirat, and Kaspar Surber, “Eine schrecklich rechte Familie,” Die Wochenzeitung, Nov. 29, 2018.

oddball thriftiness: Roman Deininger, Andreas Glas, and Klaus Ott, “Der Frontmann des Herrn Baron,” Süddeutsche Zeitung, March 26, 2021.

“To the right of Gustl”: “Milliardär in Vaters Schatten,” Der Spiegel, July 4, 1993. convicted for tax evasion: Berthold Neff, “Der Freie Bürger und sein Edelmann,” Süddeutsche Zeitung, Oct. 10, 2002.

All other donations: Kassian Stroh, “Spendables Imperium,” Süddeutsche Zeitung, Jan. 30, 2009.

coalition parties successfully: “Große Geschenke erhalten die Freundschaft,” Der Spiegel, Jan. 17, 2010.

“Mövenpick party”: “Hohn und Spott für die Mövenpick Partei,” Der Spiegel, Jan. 19, 2010.

he donated millions: Christian Ricken, “Der geheime Finanzier,” Manager Magazin, Dec. 14, 2005.

is based at the von Finck: Ludwig von Mises Institute Deutschland,

the trademark rights: Simone Boehringer, “Recycling der edlen Sorte,” Süddeutsche Zeitung, Nov. 11, 2011;

SS became one of its: Peter Hayes, From Cooperation to Complicity (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 175–94, 272–300.

Degussa gold and silver: List of Degussa shop locations,

the “engine room”: Jakob Blume, “Chef von Goldhändler Degussa wettert gegen EZB,” Handelsblatt, Nov. 9, 2019.

speculated in a memo: Nico Lange and Theresa Saetzler, “Die neue Partei “Alternative für Deutschland,” Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, April 16, 2013.

published immediately: Political party financing above 50,000 euros, July 2002–currently,; Germany’s political party financing law,

followed the money trail: Melanie Amann, Sven Becker, and Sven Röbel, “A Billionaire Backer and the Murky Finances of the AfD,” Der Spiegel, Nov. 30, 2018.

designed by Goal: Sven Becker and Sven Röbel, “Die Swiss-Connection der AfD,” Der Spiegel, Sept. 10, 2016.

to be Goal’s address: Friederike Haupt, “Internationale Solidarität für die AfD,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 24, 2017.

campaigns are notorious: Guy Chazan, “The Advertising Guru Harnessing Europe’s Immigration Fears,” Financial Times, Dec. 30, 2016.

Segert’s modern villa: Christian Fuchs and Paul Middelhoff, Das Netzwerk der Neuen Rechten (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2019), 222–23.

“There’s danger ahead”: Cited in Amann, Becker, and Röbel, “Billionaire.”

Bendels has claimed: Fuchs and Middelhoff, Netzwerk, 217–21.

fined more than 400,000 euros: Sven Röbel, “AfD muss 400.000 Euro Strafe Zahlen,” Der Spiegel, April 16, 2019.

the AfD’s national treasurer: Ann-Katrin Müller and Sven Röbel, “Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen AfD-Schatzmeister,” Der Spiegel, April 19, 2019.

investigation is still ongoing: Markus Becker, Sven Röbel, and Severin Weiland, “Staatsanwaltschaft beantragt Aufhebung der Immunität von AfD-Chef Meuthen,” June 23, 2021.

almost a million euros: List of confirmed AfD fines provided by LobbyControl, July 21, 2021.

“Hitler and the Nazis”: “AfD’s Gauland Plays Down Nazi Era as a ‘Bird Shit’ in German History,” Deutsche Welle, June 2, 2016.

rising in Germany: Frank Jordan and David Rising, “German Officials Say Far-Right Crime Rising as Police Arrest Alleged Neo-Nazi,” Associated Press, May 4, 2021.

had recently joined: Susanne Lettenbauer, “Symbolpolitik im Bayerischen Wald,” Deutschlandfunk, Jan. 22, 2020.

legal “consulting fees”: Deininger, Glas, and Ott, “Frontmann.”

“often given some”: This and following quotes from Katrin Bennhold, “Nazis Killed Her Father. Then She Fell in Love with One,” New York Times, June 14, 2019.

is transparent about: The Story of the Alfred Landecker Foundation,

The magazine estimated: Neßhöver, “Reichsten Deutschen.”

siblings control about: BMW Group report 2020, March 17, 2021, 181.

“Our potential stems”: Dietmar Student and Martin Noe, “Wer würde denn mit uns tauschen wollen?” Manager Magazin, June 20, 2019.

“We don’t spend all day”: Jungbluth and di Lorenzo, “NS-Vergangenheit.”

“Protect Private Property!”: Stefan Quandt, “Schützt das Privateigentum!” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 22, 2019; Rede Stefan Quandt, 2019,

joined the newspaper’s: “Solide in die Digitale Zukunft,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 29, 2019.

of which thirty million: Financial assets,

“responsible leadership”: Our mission,

“secured the independence”: Statement of BMW Herbert Quandt foundation to author, July 20, 2021; Foundation,

“profited from the Nazi”: Julian Raff, “Offenes Geheimnis,” Süddeutsche Zeitung, March 26, 2021.