‘Making a positive diagnosis of IBS has several important implications: to reassure the patient; to make him or her feel confident about future decisions; to direct treatment and use resources in a logical manner.’
Mearin and Lacy20
It may at first seem strange that two people with IBS will be prescribed different medicines and given different advice about managing their illness. However, even though two people may have the same diagnosis, they could have had different triggers for IBS and there may also be different mechanisms leading to IBS symptoms in different people (this will be explored in Chapter 9). Even within one person, symptoms can vary from day to day, week to week or seem to change with the seasons. Therefore, you may need to try a number of options to find the best route for you. In addition, since at present there is no ‘cure’ for IBS, medical practitioners often advise targeting the symptoms separately. You may need to be patient when searching for effective treatments and once again it would be beneficial to complete an IBS diary so that any improvements or deterioration following treatments can be recorded. But don’t lose hope – it is possible to find a combination of medicines and treatments that will allow you to start living a full life again.
Before we start to outline the medicines used to treat IBS symptoms, it’s important to appreciate that these are not ‘magic pills’ – they are not cures in themselves (we wish it were that straightforward). Nevertheless, medications can be used in conjunction with other strategies (covered in Chapters 5, 6 and 7) to restore daily life. The effectiveness of these medications may depend on whether you have IBS-D, IBS-C, or an alternating pattern of diarrhoea and constipation. Most drugs have side effects and might interact with other medications you are taking. For instance, a lot of the medications discussed below have sedative effects. That means that taking alcohol with these drugs could increase the sedative effect. Driving or operating machinery could therefore be dangerous in such cases. Your doctor or pharmacist should tell you about any possible side effects of prescribed and over-the-counter medicines and each medication will list potential side effects in its information sheet. If you’re unclear or concerned about side effects of medicines, discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist.
Some medications have been found to be effective for people who have diarrhoea, constipation and/or an alternation of the two. These are: tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and antispasmodic medications.
People sometimes think, when their GP suggests trying anti-depressants, that the GP believes they are depressed. However, these medications can improve all the symptoms of IBS, whether the patient is depressed or not. A typical tricyclic antidepressant is amitriptyline, which calms the bowel and improves abdominal pain (you can also use over-the-counter pain relievers – discuss with your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking other medications, and always follow the dosage advice). In fact, this drug can be used to treat intense pain and therefore is often prescribed for people with chronic conditions such as ME/CFS or fibromyalgia. This medication may be prescribed in one dose at night, which helps sleep. If you are prescribed it for use during the day, note that these drugs have the sedative effect I mentioned before, so you will need to get used to their effects on your body before driving or operating machinery. Most drugs have side effects that affect some people and not others. The most common side effect from taking a TCA is a dry mouth, but you will find others listed in the patient leaflet that comes with the drug.
SSRIs are a newer form of antidepressant than tricyclic antidepressants and have fewer side effects. Like TCAs, they may be prescribed for people with IBS regardless of whether the patient is depressed. As their name suggests, they block the reuptake of a substance called serotonin in the brain; serotonin is a neurotransmitter associated with positive mood and relaxation.
These drugs reduce the spasms in your gut, so are often used to help IBS. Although peppermint oil isn’t a drug, it also seems to help people with different types of IBS. It can improve abdominal pain, incomplete evacuation, urgency to have a bowel movement and bloating.
There are other drugs that also help reduce gut spasms and improve IBS. Buscopan is a common one and is often prescribed for people with IBS and can also be purchased without a prescription at chemists in the UK. (In some countries this medication is prescription only.) Buscopan is now marketed as IBS Relief but it does not tackle all the symptoms of IBS, just the abdominal cramps, pain and discomfort, so you will need other strategies or medications to deal with constipation and diarrhoea.
‘Buscopan IBS Relief has been a breakthrough. Discovering that it can take away the one thing that I felt I had no control over and just had to bear, was brilliant!’
Another type of antispasmodic medication often prescribed for IBS is Mebeverine. Antispasmodic medicines have similar side effects to TCAs. Again you should allow time to get used to the effects of these medications before you drive or operate machinery.
Loperamide is a fast-acting drug which slows down activity in the bowel and is thus useful for IBS-D. It has also been found to improve abdominal pain and overall symptoms. In the UK this is an over-the-counter drug, and most individuals with IBS do not report any adverse side effects. However, if you take too much of this medication you might then find you have constipation.
Bulk-forming agents, such as Ispaghula (see below), are also helpful for diarrhoea.
With all treatments for constipation you should drink plenty of water. Many people find that a laxative works for a certain time – maybe weeks or months – but after that it seems to become ineffective. Once they try a different laxative, all is well again – for a while. This is because most laxatives are not supposed to be used for extended periods of time because people can develop a tolerance to them which means the medication will stop working. So it might take some time to find what works best. If you find you cannot comfortably have a bowel movement after taking laxatives for some time, talk to your GP.
As the name suggests, these laxatives work by increasing the volume of bulk going through the gut. Bran products, and products such as Ispaghula, are taken after a meal; they are not absorbed but pass through the gut, drawing in a large volume of water which makes it easier for the faeces to pass through the gut, and therefore easier to have a bowel movement.
Stimulant laxatives, as the name suggests, stimulate the gut, which speeds up the passage of waste matter through it, leaving less time for water to be absorbed. Thus faeces are more liquid, which makes it easier to have a bowel movement. These laxatives take around 10 hours to work. Ask your pharmacist to show you their range of stimulant laxatives, which may include products such as Dulcolax and Senokot.
Most remedies for constipation are not suitable for long-term use (these include the ones mentioned above). This is because they can cause an imbalance of fluids and salts and can lower potassium levels in your blood.
Osmotic laxatives increase the amount of fluid in the bowels; this fills up the bowels and thereby stimulates muscle contractions which move the faeces along the gut. A common osmotic laxative is Lactulose, which can be bought over the counter. You might experience some adverse effects when you first start taking osmotic laxatives; these are typically flatulence and stomach pains, but they should disappear as you continue the treatment. It might take a few days before the laxatives work properly. Magnesium citrate is also an osmotic laxative; this can be obtained from health stores or online retailers. However, magnesium can disturb the balance of electrolytes if taken too long and/or in large amounts. Electrolytes are minerals such as salt (sodium chloride) and magnesium (taken in through foods and drinks) between which the body works to maintain a healthy balance. If you take extra supplements – for example, magnesium – then the electrolyte balance can become disturbed and give you symptoms, such as abdominal pain.
However, a solution called polyethylene glycol electrolyte (PEG) is rapidly becoming the most frequently used osmotic laxative. This is because it is not absorbed into the body. It contains potassium, sodium and other minerals to replace electrolytes which are lost from the body during defecation. There are several names for this substance depending on which country you are in. In the UK this is called Movicol or Macrogol. In the US it is called Miralax or Glycolax.
Time and time again in media reports we are told how important physical exercise is and how most people don’t do enough of it, and indeed exercise is important in maintaining both physical and psychological health. However, the relationship between exercise and the gut isn’t completely straightforward, as intense, strenuous exercise has been linked to a number of gastrointestinal symptoms, such as heartburn and diarrhoea21. Around 20–50% of endurance athletes experience these symptoms, although this is usually transient and does not develop into IBS. There is a lack of published research on the benefits of exercise in IBS but there is an increasing understanding of the effects of exercise on the GI system that we can consider. However, as with any major lifestyle change, if you want to start exercising and haven’t done so before you should discuss this with your healthcare practitioner first and also introduce physical exercise gradually.
A group of researchers from the Netherlands divided 43 physically inactive middle-aged people into two groups; one group simply carried on as they normally would (receiving standard treatment from their GPs) and the other group received a 12-week exercise programme. The people who were asked to exercise did 30 minutes of brisk walking and 11 minutes of home-based physical exercises a day. After three months of regular exercise, the men and women in this study saw improvements in three out of four of the criteria for constipation (percentage of incomplete defecations, percentage of defecations requiring straining and percentage of hard stools), which meant that fewer people had a diagnosis of constipation at the end of the research22. The time taken for food to be digested after eating and its waste excreted (known as ‘transit time’) also decreased in those who exercised regularly. Therefore, if you have IBS-C, you might want to consider a daily low or moderate level of exercise, such as a walk, swim or bike ride (if you’re able to do these with your current IBS symptoms).
Although low or moderate amounts of exercise seem to be good for otherwise healthy people with constipation, strenuous exercise appears to trigger bouts of diarrhoea. You may have heard the term ‘runners’ trots’, or remember long-distance runner Paula Radcliffe having to take an unscheduled stop in the 2005 London Marathon. Paula went on to win the race so this urgent attack didn’t seem to hamper her progress too much but it was undoubtedly embarrassing and she must have been fed up with journalists asking her about it afterwards. This doesn’t appear to happen when exercise is at a lower level and most people who run or jog moderately will never experience this type of exercise-induced diarrhoea.
One questionnaire study looked at whether women with IBS exercised more or less than those without the condition. In one study, more women without IBS exercised regularly (71%) than those who had IBS (48%). When just looking at the women with IBS, those who were more physically active were less likely to report incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement and less fatigue, although overall GI symptoms didn’t seem to differ in women who did and those who did not exercise23. Even though this study is interesting, because it compared different people at one point in time rather than looking at symptoms before and after an intervention (such as an exercise programme), it’s impossible to say whether the physical activity led to the promising findings or on the other hand, if having IBS led over time to the women doing less exercise. The latter would be understandable as exercise, particularly group exercise, may seem a terrifying prospect to someone with severe IBS symptoms. Nevertheless, this research does support some of the results from non-IBS studies in the sense that physical activity appears to help with constipation.
Physical activity has also been shown to protect against the development of colon cancer, gall stones and possibly inflammatory bowel disease21. Also, there is a huge amount of evidence that shows how regular exercise can help to lift our mood and increase general well-being. We certainly need some more specific studies to investigate the benefits, or otherwise, of physical activity in IBS so that specialist programmes can be created and integrated into care if positive results are found. However, if your primary IBS symptom is constipation, a 30-minute daily brisk walk could be something to include in your overall symptom-management strategy.
In Chapter 2 we briefly explored the relationship between sleep quality and IBS. There are several ‘sleep hygiene’ recommendations that can help you to get a better night’s sleep. These include:
It may take a little time to develop good quality sleep and sleeping habits; persist with the above advice for a number of weeks to give your body a chance to become accustomed to your new sleep routine. Sound sleep can benefit numerous areas of life so it is worth ditching the TV, smartphone and late-night chocolate. But bear in mind that everyone needs slightly different amounts of sleep – if you need more than your partner that’s okay. If you feel fine on less sleep than your friends, don’t worry and try to force yourself to sleep more; getting enough is important (quantity) but quality is also key to feeling refreshed.
If you’ve tried all the hints and tips above and are still having difficulties with your sleep, you may want to try a technique called ‘sleep restriction’. During this method you drastically reduce your time in bed in an effort to re-set your body clock and increase your body’s internal drive for sleep. Sleep restriction needs commitment for it to be successful, but the benefits can be better quality sleep, decreased fatigue and less daytime sleepiness.
Before you start reducing your time in bed, you must calculate your personal sleep efficiency. Sleep efficiency is the time you are asleep divided by the time you spend in bed at night (not including any daytime naps – these should be avoided when attempting sleep restriction) and then this figure is multiplied by 100 to give a percentage:
(time asleep ÷ time in bed) x 100 = % sleep efficiency
People without sleep disorders, chronic illness and/or other health problems generally have a high level of sleep efficiency, for example:
(7.25 hrs ÷ 8 hrs) x 100 = 91% sleep efficiency
However, if you have a condition that disturbs your sleep this can be much lower:
(5.5 hrs ÷ 9 hrs) x 100 = 61% sleep efficiency
You can simply calculate your sleep efficiency by noting down the time you think you fell asleep and woke up, excluding any period of wakefulness in the night; but you can also use a smartphone app or sleep tracker. The latter is usually included in an activity-monitoring package, but these can be expensive so it’s perfectly fine to calculate your sleep efficiency manually. These calculations need to be collected over a two-week period so that you can find out your average sleep efficiency, which will balance out any very bad (or good) nights. Simply add all the sleep efficiency percentages and divide by the number of nights (e.g. 14 for two weeks) and you’ll have your average figure.
In the next stage of this technique, you need to decide a time to wake up which is suitable and natural for you and get up at this time for a week. This is important in order to start resetting your personal body clock so don’t feel you need to set a time that’s consistent with anyone else. If you naturally rise at 06:00 every day for a week then this is your wake time. For this reason, and because sleep restriction can be taxing at first, you may want to do this at a time when you have relatively few commitments (if this is possible).
Next, the restriction starts with you only spending the time in bed that you’re actually asleep. If we go back to the example above of 61% sleep efficiency where only 5.5 hours of the 9 hours spent in bed was time asleep, here you would need to go to bed at 00:30. and set your alarm for 06:00 so that you are in bed for only the same time as you actually slept in the previous two weeks (5.5 hours). This may feel quite hard at first if you’ve previously been going to bed at 21:00 (presumably because you’re very tired and want to get some rest) so you need to be disciplined at this stage. However, if you do find it’s just too difficult then adjust the time you set your alarm and go to bed a little earlier - for example, go to bed at 23:30 and wake at 05:00. But ideally, you should be getting up at your natural time.
You need to recalculate your sleep efficiency with this new restricted time in bed. So, it may be on your first night of reduced time in bed:
(4 hrs ÷ 5.5 hrs) x 100 = 73% sleep efficiency
Even if you feel tired, the point here is that your sleep efficiency increases from 61% to 73% and this is the start of a process that can take several (usually six) weeks – it will get easier. If the percentage does indeed increase, keep to this sleep schedule for one week. If your sleep efficiency doesn’t improve, reduce the amount of time in bed for the next night to the amount of time you slept the night before, meaning you’ll be spending even less time in bed and going to sleep later.
If you find that you sleep the entire 5.5 hours (or most of it) for a full week, then the next stage is to increase your time in bed by 15 minutes, so go to bed at 00:15 and set the alarm for 06:00. Do this for at least two weeks and calculate your sleep efficiency to make sure you’re sleeping for the increased amount of time. If your sleep efficiency starts to dip again, reduce the time in bed back to the time slept once again for one week. However, if after a week you’re sleeping for the increased time, you can add another increment of 15 minutes, or more if you wish. Do bear in mind though that the sleep restriction method is a gradual process so large jumps in time spent in bed may reduce your sleep efficiency and put you back to square one, which can be frustrating.
Once you have reached an adequate sleep efficiency percentage you should be sleeping most of the time you are in bed. There is no hard-and-fast rule here so if you have a chronic illness like IBS that can disturb your sleep you may not want to aim for percentages in the 90s. Nevertheless, increasing your sleep efficiency will enable you to get a better quality of sleep and reduce daytime tiredness which can lead to a more stable mood, better concentration and an improved ability to cope with the challenges of IBS.
As well as fostering a good sleep routine, setting a regular schedule can help you cope with the unpredictability of an illness like IBS. In addition to eating, waking up and going to bed at fixed times, it can be helpful to arrange other parts of your day with some consistency. IBS can feel like a rollercoaster and sometimes it may seem like everyday life is out of control, so by keeping an ordered timetable a sense of control can be regained. Of course this is not always possible, which is why flexibility should undoubtedly be central to every aspect of life. Think of your routine along the lines of ‘fixed but flexible’, like tree branches that bend with the wind but stay firmly attached to the tree trunk. For instance, you may have included a 30-minute walk in your day in order to exercise moderately but your symptoms flare up after breakfast (even if you have had your normal diet – sometimes there appears no rhyme or reason for flare-ups); if you need to skip the walk for a day don’t worry too much or feel downhearted. But also don’t give up on it. Similarly, if you want to go to a party this will probably mean you will eat foods you would not normally eat. These foods may increase your symptoms but trust that they will pass as you are doing so many positive things to manage your IBS.
This chapter has outlined medications that might alleviate the symptoms of IBS and some other recommendations that can help not only improve your IBS symptoms but also your overall health. Each person needs to test these medical treatments as IBS varies from person to person; there are no definitive treatment guidelines that will work immediately for everyone diagnosed with IBS. (This is often the case with long-term conditions.) Also, IBS can alter over time so you may need to tweak your treatment regime if you find your health starts to deteriorate. If this does happen, please do go back to your doctor and discuss the changes as these could be due to something other than IBS.