Foreword by John Grant
Introduction: A moment in time
1 The science of sport
2 The more things change . . .
3 An image for the ages
4 Cast in bronze
5 Fame and infamy
6 Different era, different world
7 The makings of high achievement
8 Shaping a generation
9 A matter of timing
10 A cocky wee Gordon
11 War with England
12 The Wallaby hop
13 From Killer to Cameron
14 A touch of English class
15 Magpies and millionaires
16 The subtle shades of greatness
17 The generation gap
18 Days of green and gold
19 Right place, right time
20 England swings
21 The coaching dilemma
22 A team for the ages
23 Boys will be boys
24 A time for heroes
25 The mentor challenge
26 Sharks on the prowl
27 Call of the bush
28 Wild ways at Wagga Wagga
29 Rules and other disasters
30 Shaping the game
31 A working life
32 Afternoon conversations