When information on the Craft became publishable, Wiccan groups found themselves at a loss as to how to handle the large numbers of individuals who were curious about Witchcraft and wanted to try it, but weren’t sure they wanted to immerse themselves totally in the religion. Up until that point, an individual came into the Craft as a dedicant, served a year and a day, and was then initiated or, in some groups, were initiated immediately without a waiting period (the idea of immediate initiation has been almost completely dropped in modern Craft, with groups opting for the waiting period of the year and a day). From the point of initiation, they worked through various stages of development until they reached clergy status, which took approximately four to seven years, depending upon the group, and the power of the lineage was passed. Although most Craft children were wiccaned (baptized) when young and then dedicated around the age of sixteen, they were not initiated until the age of twenty-one, or the age at which the parents felt that the child understood the nature of the religion and it was felt that the child could make an informed choice for him- or herself. The age was not the important factor—maturity was the basis for the decision. Witchcraft, remember, is a religion, not something cool to try on for a few months and then discard when you’re bored. Once you take your vow at your initiation, that’s it—there is no turning back.
Widespread publication of Wiccan material brought a new phenomena to the Craft world: the solitary Witch. This new kind of Witch—one who learns on their own, using material found in books, without the benefit of a living, breathing teacher or a group that can provide adequate training—presented a few problems in the hierarchy of the then-Craft structure. Granted, the definition of the solitary practitioner has since expanded, but right now, for the sake of keeping explanations short and reasonable, this is as far as I’m going to take it. As the solitary practitioner did not have a teacher who could initiate them into the Craft, Wiccan writers sort of drummed their fingers, thinking, “What to do. What to do.” Raymond Buckland published the first dedication ceremony that showed readers how, without the help of a teacher or group, one could dedicate themselves to solitary Craft training. The initial portion of the dedication covered the standard year-and-a-day timeframe. Once the individual had “done the time,” he or she could rework the same ritual to dedicate themselves for life. My book To Ride a Silver Broomstick also contains a self-dedication ritual, as do several others currently on the market. However, self-dedication for life by an individual is not like an initiation ritual provided by a group that connects you to a specific lineage and the group mind of that coven, tradition, or clan, as I explained earlier in this book—though both ceremonies are designed as an opening to power and your acceptance of that link to deity.
This idea worked very well until the advent of Teen Witch, which publicly opened Craft training to teens. As readers would be coming from different backgrounds and various levels of maturity, the dedication ceremony was not tailored to fit the wide range of differences among readers—differences that included age, religious background, parental preferences and guidelines, educational level, and something very new to be considered: culture. Because Teen Witch is published in several languages and is read by people all over the world, something else had to be written—a prelude to the dedication, something just for teens that didn’t sign, seal, and deliver them permanently to Witchcraft.
The seeker ceremony is much like that of the dedication—it is a declaration of intent, provides a protective net while one studies, is totally spiritual in nature, and holds for one year and a day. The difference lies in the wording. Where a Wiccan dedication focuses totally on the religion of Witchcraft, the seeker ceremony is more liberal, allowing the student to move toward the Craft philosophy at a pace selected for the growing teen. If the teen truly loves Witchcraft, then he or she can progress with a self-dedication ceremony when he or she feels ready to do so. At the teen seeker level, the individual has not taken the steps to cement him- or herself into the life of a Witch. For some that occurs at the dedication ceremony, and for others at the time of formal initiation.
Teen Seeker Ceremony
when to perform: When you feel ready. You might like to choose a special day, such as your birthday, a Wiccan holiday (Beltane is a good one), or other day that has importance to you. Some teens like to wait for a full moon, a new moon, or a Sunday. Your timing doesn’t matter as much as your intent.
where to perform: Wherever you wish. Some teens like to go to the beach, the forest, a favorite fountain, etc., or you could stay in your back yard, or do the ritual in your room.
Supplies: These depend a great deal on the permissiveness of your parents and your living environment (such as a dorm room). In reality, you don’t need any supplies to tell Spirit that you feel you are ready to walk the path of spiritual enlightenment, but humans like to use things to represent important moments in their lives. You may like to put a little cauldron on your altar with a tea candle (as this ritual does), or use a particular kind of incense. The choice of supplies will be up to you. You might like to buy yourself a small token to represent the ceremony—a necklace, bracelet, or small item to carry in your pocket.
what to say and what to do: This, again, is up to you. Although I provide a ritual outline here, I recommend that you say what comes from the heart—that’s the best way to talk to Spirit, whether you choose to do the seeker ritual or a ritual of healing for a friend. The seeker ceremony follows a basic Wiccan structural format.
the day of the ceremony: Gather all of your things together, such as your incense, what you would like to wear, the token for yourself, any items you will use to place at the quarters or on your altar, etc. Place everything on your altar and ask for the blessings of the elements. You can pass incense over the items to represent east, a red candle for the south, holy water for west, and a bit of salt for north, saying:
I cleanse and consecrate these items in preparation for my seeker ceremony. May no evil or negativity abide in thee. May the blessings of the Lord and Lady (or Spirit) descend upon this altar and these things. So mote it be.
If you plan to transport your props to another site, pack them carefully in a picnic basket, a duffle bag, backpack, or other type of carrying item. Include something to eat and drink for communion.
the ritual: Set up the ritual site and your altar. Remember that your altar can be temporary. Don’t forget to check the quarter alignments with a compass, and place markers at the quarters so you know exactly where they are. If you have chosen to do your ritual outside, be sure to walk the area and ask the faeries and devas of the land to accept and protect you while you perform the ritual. When you feel ready, devote the altar by passing the four representations of the elements, one by one, over the altar surface, cleansing and consecrating the area as you have been taught. Take your time and enjoy this sacred moment. You are about to take a very big step in your life—a leap toward personal spirituality. Don’t forget to ground and center before you begin.
When you are ready, cast your circle, saying:
I conjure thee, O circle of power, so that you will be for me a boundary between the world of humans and the realms of the mighty ones—a meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace and joy, containing the power I will raise herein. I call upon the elements of the east, the south, the west, and the north to aid me in this consecration. In the name of the Lord and the Lady thus do I conjure thee, O great circle of power!
Remember that you can cast the circle by walking clockwise three times around while reciting the words, or walking around only once. When finished, tap the ground and say: “This circle is sealed!”
Move to the north quarter (don’t forget the hand motions I taught you earlier, in Quarter Calls), and say:
Guardians of the north, element of earth, welcome to my seeker ceremony. Powers of earth, lend your strength and stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.
Move to the east quarter, and say:
Guardians of the east, element of air, welcome to my seeker ceremony. Powers of air, lend your strength and stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.
Move to the south quarter, and say:
Guardians of the south, element of fire, welcome to my seeker ceremony. Powers of fire, lend your strength and stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.
Move to the west quarter, and say:
Guardians of the west, element of water, welcome to my seeker ceremony. Powers of water, lend your strength and stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.
Move to the center of the circle, and stand in the God position. Close your eyes and feel the power of the God enter your body. Now take the Goddess position stance, and say:
Holy Mother, Divine Lord, I welcome you into this circle cast for my seeker ritual. Come to me and bless me with thy divine presence. Gift me, please, with your special powers. I have come this day (eve) to proclaim my interest in spirituality and the Craft of the Wise.
Kneel, place your hands on the altar, and say:
I, (your full name), do solemnly swear by my Mother’s lineage and by all that I hold sacred and holy that I will honor and respect Spirit and the brothers and sisters of the Craft of the Wise. I will work hard to serve Spirit in every way, and I will try to learn all aspects of the Craft. I will not use my knowledge of the Craft to purposefully cause harm, nor will I require the payment of money, goods, or services when I pray for people or work magick for them beyond a fair exchange of energy. When I have learned sufficiently, I may choose to dedicate myself to the Lord and Lady, or I may walk away and follow another spiritual path. I will do my best to work in harmony for myself and for others, always. I will respect other religions as I respect my own. Spirit has now
witnessed my oath. On this day, (name the day), I claim my power! So mote it be.
Stand up and light the tea candle in the cauldron. Take the token you have purchased or found for yourself and hold the item over the altar, saying:
Lord and Lady, please bless this token
of my faith. May it provide protection
as I walk the path of the Wise.
Take the token to each quarter and ask for the energies of that quarter to bless and energize the object. Return to the altar, hold out the token again, and say:
This object represents my testament to this day and to my vow. I will wear it in honor of the Lord and Lady. So mote it be.
As you put the token on your person, say:
At this moment I am reborn in body, mind,
and spirit. So mote it be!
Seal the ceremony with your personal communion. Hold your hands over the drink, and say:
From the moon to the land, from the land to the vine, from the vine to the berry, from the berry to the juice, I consecrate this drink in the name of the Lord and the Lady. May their blessings shower upon me through eternity. So mote it be.
Drink some of the juice, then pour the rest on the ground (or into a bowl if you are in your room) as a libation to Spirit, saying: “To the gods!”
Hold your hands over the cake, cookies, or bread, and say:
From the sun to the land, from the land to the stalk, from the stalk to the grain, from the grain to this bread, I consecrate this food in the name of the Lord and Lady. May their blessings shower upon me through eternity. So mote it be.
Eat some of the cake and drop the rest to the ground (or in the bowl) as libation to Spirit, saying: “To the gods!”
When you are finished, spend some time in meditation. To close, move to the center of the circle, and say:
Great Mother, Divine Father, I thank you for attending my seeker ceremony. Guard and guide me until I decide to become part of the community of the Craft of the Wise, or choose to seek another path. Help me to do the divine work given to me, and help me in all of my choices.
So mote it be.
Move to the western quarter, and say:
Guardians of the west, element of water, thank you for your participation in my seeker ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Powers of water, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like.
Hail and farewell!
Move to the southern quarter, and say:
Guardians of the south, element of fire, thank you for your participation in my seeker ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Powers of fire, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like.
Hail and farewell!
Move to the eastern quarter, and say:
Guardians of the east, element of air, thank you for your participation in my seeker ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Powers of air, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell!
Move to the northern quarter, and say:
Guardians of the north, element of earth, thank you for your participation in my seeker ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Powers of earth, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell! Everything comes from the north!
Begin at the west, releasing your circle as you walk widdershins around the circle area. When you finish, pound the ground with your hand, and say:
This circle is open, but never broken.
Merry meet and merry part until we merry meet again. For we are the people, the power,
and the change. So mote it be!
You have just completed one of the most important ceremonies of your life! Be proud of the step you have made toward personal spirituality. It’s time now to clean up the ritual area, making sure that nothing remains of your presence (especially if you are outside). If you did your ceremony inside, take the libation bowl outside and pour the contents on the ground, saying: “To the gods!”
The Self-Dedication Ceremony
Okay, you’ve gone beyond the teen seeker ceremony and you are ready to make a commitment to the Craft of the Wise and practice Witchcraft (not some other religion) for a year and a day. This means that you fully wish to integrate the art, science, and religion of Witchcraft into your life in every way possible for twelve full months and one day. After that, you intend to seek initiation into a group or permanent dedication through the repetition of the ceremony given here. Note: If you find this ceremony confusing or bothersome in any way, then you are not ready to take your dedication. Give yourself time. The Lord and Lady will always be there. Rushing yourself only causes problems later on. Also, I have not listed the supplies necessary for this ritual, as I feel you should be able to go through the ritual and make a list of what you will need. If you plan to become a Witch, you will have to learn how to do this at some point—might as well begin now.
phase one: For nine weeks prior to your selected date, you should burn a white candle every Sunday (or the day that matches the day you were born), saying the following prayer:
Guardian of the Gates, I welcome you. Protect me on my path toward dedication and initiation and by your will, open the gates between the worlds so that my request may be heard and acted upon without harm to myself. Guardian angel, come to me, come to me. I need you. I invite you. Protect and guide me on my path toward dedication and initiation. Whatever I need for the ceremony, provide the way for me. So mote it be.
Special note: If you forget to perform this function on the given day, then you must start all over again because you have broken the momentum toward this special future event.
These nine weeks are to be used for setting up your sacred space, building/erecting your altar, collecting and making the sacred tools of the art, stocking your magickal cabinet with necessary supplies, choosing your permanent magickal name, and sewing or purchasing a ritual robe (you will find a great deal of the preliminary information needed for your dedication in my book To Ride a Silver Broomstick). You should spend at least fifteen minutes a day in meditation throughout this time period. These ceremonies are often performed on a new moon; however, you can choose a date for your dedication that will mean something special to you—perhaps your birthday or the first day of spring. During the nine weeks you should buy a new Book of Shadows and copy the dedication ritual given below in the book. Take your time. It doesn’t have to be done all in one night. Copying the ritual in your “own hand of writ” helps to prepare you for the acceptance of the divine energies you will receive during the ceremony, especially if you plan to work as a solitary Witch. A week or two before the ceremony (possibly sooner), you will feel a “quickening” of your spirit. It is hard to explain—a sort of a fluttery, expectant feeling. Some people feel a slight pressure on the top of their head. Don’t worry, this is normal. Energies are moving into place to set the stage for this new life choice.
phase two: On the night of the ceremony, take a spiritual bath. Towel-dry with a fresh towel. Dress in your ritual robe (no jewelry). If you plan to transport your props to another site, pack them carefully in a picnic basket, a duffle bag, backpack, or other type of carrying item. Include something to eat and drink for communion. Use the basic altar setup (see Part 2, Altars) as your guide. Place your favorite jewelry in the north section of the altar. Turn off the phone and lock your doors (if you are staying home) to ensure that you will not be disturbed. Spend at least a half hour meditating before you go further. Think hard about why you want to do this, what benefits you wish to derive, and what positive changes you desire to make in your life. Immediately before beginning the ceremony, cleanse, consecrate, and empower all supplies that will be used. Pass the four elements over the items, saying:
I cleanse and consecrate these items in preparation for my dedication ceremony. May no evil or negativity abide in thee. May the blessings of the Lord and Lady descend upon this altar and these things. So mote it be.
Set your Book of Shadows by the altar where you can clearly read it. Using a book light is acceptable during the ritual.
phase three: Create sacred space by carrying a representation of each of the elements around to the four quarters in a clockwise direction. Sweep the area with a new, empowered broom in the same manner (clockwise). Place a votive candle at each quarter along with flowers or appropriate items (your choice) that match the quarter. Once you have cast the circle for the self-dedication, it is best not to cut a door. Double-check your altar setup. Do you have everything you need? Did you remember the items for communion? The lighter?
phase four: Begin the ritual by casting the circle and calling the quarters, as you did in the teen seeker ritual.
I conjure thee, O circle of power, so that you will be for me a boundary between the world of humans and the realms of the mighty ones—a meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace, and joy, containing the power I will raise herein. I call upon the elements of the east, the south, the west, and the north to aid me in this consecration. In the name of the Lord and the Lady thus do I conjure thee, O great circle of power!
Remember that you can cast the circle by walking clockwise three times around while reciting the words, or walking around only once. When finished, tap the ground and say: “As above, so below. This circle is sealed!”
Tap your foot or your staff on the ground three times. Stand in the center of the circle, and say:
Guardian of the Gates of Dedication, I welcome you. Protect me during my dedication ceremony and by your will, open the gates between the worlds so that my request may be heard and acted upon without harm to myself. Guardian angel, come to me, come to me. I need you. I invite you. Protect and guide me on during this dedication ritual. So mote it be.
Move to the north quarter, and say:
Guardians of the north, element of earth, and all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (state your name), do summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space. Welcome to my dedication ceremony. Powers of earth, lend your strength and stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.
Move to the east quarter, and say:
Guardians of the east, element of air, and all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (state your name), do summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space. Welcome to my dedication ceremony. Powers of air, lend your strength and stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.
Move to the south quarter, and say:
Guardians of the south, element of fire, and all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (state your name), do summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space. Welcome to my dedication ceremony. Powers of fire, lend your strength and stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.
Move to the west quarter, and say:
Guardians of the west, element of water, and all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (state your name), do summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space. Welcome to my dedication ceremony. Powers of water, lend your strength and stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.
Move to the center of the circle, and stand in the God position. Close your eyes and feel the power of the God enter your body. Now take the Goddess position stance, and say:
Holy Mother, Divine Lord, I, (state your real name, followed by your magickal name), welcome You into this circle cast for my dedication ritual. Come to me and bless me with Thy divine presence. Gift me, please, with Your special powers. I have come this day (eve) to proclaim my desire to dedicate myself to the Craft of the Wise. I desire to learn and study to be a practicing Witch. Help me in this year and a day to understand what it means to be a spiritual person and give me the strength I will need to continue on this sacred path, for I know and understand that I have much to learn.
Walk to the north quarter, and say:
Hail, guardians of the north, I, (state your real and magickal name), come to you seeking dedication into the Craft of the Wise. I invoke the powers of earth to teach me what I must know.
Light the votive candle that you placed in that quarter. Visualize the energies of the north filling your body, helping you to prepare for your sacred journey. Walk to the east quarter, and say:
Hail, guardians of the east, I, (state your real and magickal names), come to you seeking dedication into the Craft of the Wise. I invoke the powers of air to teach me what I must know.
Visualize the energies of the east filling your body, helping you to prepare for your sacred journey. Walk to the south quarter, and say:
Hail, guardians of the south, I, (state your real and magickal names), come to you seeking dedication into the Craft of the Wise. I invoke the powers of fire to teach me what I must know.
Visualize the energies of the south filling your body, helping you to prepare for your sacred journey.
Walk to the west quarter, and say:
Hail, guardians of the west, I, (state your real and magickal names), come to you seeking dedication into the Craft of the Wise. I invoke the powers of water to teach me what I must know.
Visualize the energies of the west filling your body, helping you to prepare for your sacred journey.
Walk to the altar. Repeat the blessing below as you dab holy water on each of the eight points of your body:
Blessed be my feet that walk the path of spiritual service. Blessed be my knees that kneel at the sacred altar. Blessed be my womb (phallus) that gives forth life. Blessed be my heart formed in beauty and strength. Blessed be my lips that speak only the truth and wisdom of the Lord and Lady. Blessed be my eyes so that I may see the abundance of the earth. May I be cleansed, consecrated, and regenerated in the service of the Craft of the Wise. So mote it be!
Take three deep breaths and visualize yourself filled with holy, divine light. Kneel at your altar. Place your Witch’s blade on the center of the altar. Place your hands over the blade and repeat the oath below:
I, (your full name), do solemnly swear by my Mother’s lineage and by all that I hold sacred and holy that I will honor and respect the Lord and the Lady and the brothers and sisters of the Craft of the Wise. I will work hard to serve the Lord and Lady in every way, and I will try to learn all aspects of the Craft in preparation for my initiation. I will not use my knowledge of the Craft to purposefully cause harm, nor will I require the payment of money, goods, or services when I pray for people or work magick for them beyond a fair exchange of energy. When I have learned sufficiently, I may choose to seek initiation or permanent dedication, or I may walk away and follow another spiritual path. I will do my best to work in harmony for myself and for others, always. I will respect other religions as I respect my own. I will not disrespect the work of those that have gone before me, and I honor each individuals’ contribution to my faith and learning. I will not reveal those brothers and sisters who are forced to practice in secret and, should I break this oath, I shall with full knowledge suffer the consequences. I will reach for the perfection in the universe and I shall obtain it. Thus said, I give myself to the religion of Witchcraft. Spirit has now witnessed my oath. On this day, (name the day), I, (say your magickal name), claim my power! So mote it be.
Stand up and light the tea candle in the cauldron. Take the token you have purchased or found for yourself and hold the item over the altar, saying:
Lord and Lady, please bless this token
of my faith. May it provide protection
as I walk the path of the Wise.
Take the token to each quarter and ask for the energies of that quarter to bless and energize the object. Return to the altar, hold out the token again, and say:
This object represents my testament to this day and to my oath. I will wear it in honor of the Lord and Lady. So mote it be.
As you put the token on your person, say:
At this moment I am reborn in body, mind, and spirit! So mote it be!
Seal the ceremony with your personal communion. Hold your hands over the drink, and say:
From the moon to the land, from the land to the vine, from the vine to the berry, from the berry to the juice, I consecrate this drink in the name of the Lord and the Lady. May their blessings shower upon me through eternity. So mote it be.
Drink some of the juice, then pour the rest on the ground (or into a bowl if you are in your room) as a libation to Spirit, saying: “To the gods!”
Hold your hands over the cake, cookies, or bread, and say:
From the sun to the land, from the land to the stalk, from the stalk to the grain, from the grain to this bread, I consecrate this food in the name of the Lord and the Lady. May their blessings shower upon me through eternity. So mote it be.
Eat some of the cake and drop the rest to the ground (or in the bowl) as libation to Spirit, saying: “To the gods!”
When you are finished, spend some time in meditation. To close, move to the center of the circle, and say:
Great Mother, Divine Father, I thank you for attending my dedication ceremony. Guard and guide me until I decide to become part of the community of the Craft of the Wise, or choose to seek another path. Help me to do the divine work given to me, and help me in all of my choices. So mote it be.
Move to the western quarter, and say:
Guardians of the west, element of water, and all ye in the realm of Faery! Thank you for your participation in my dedication ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Powers of water, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell!
Move to the southern quarter, and say:
Guardians of the south, element of fire, and all ye in the realm of Faery! Thank you for your participation in my seeker ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Powers of fire, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell!
Move to the eastern quarter, and say:
Guardians of the east, element of air, and all ye in the realm of Faery! Thank you for your participation in my dedication ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Powers of air, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell!
Move to the northern quarter, and say:
Guardians of the north, element of earth, and all ye in the realm of Faery! Thank you for your participation in my dedication ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Powers of earth, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell! Everything comes from the north!
Begin at the west, releasing your circle as you walk widdershins around the circle area. When you finish, pound the ground with your hand, and say:
This circle is open, but never broken. Merry meet and merry part, until we merry meet again. For we are the people, the power, and the change! So mote it be!
Congratulations, you have made a definitive step toward becoming a Witch. Just remember, it is the journey, not the path, that is important.
Helpful Ritual Hints
I’ve been practicing magick and ritual since my teen years and I’ve learned a few helpful hints I’d like to pass along to you. Granted, you don’t have to follow them, but if you do take the time to try them out, I think you’ll find that your magickal applications will move along a little smoother.
• Ritual and magick are personal, therefore it is a good idea to practice in a private area where you will not be disturbed. I felt really silly when I first started because I wasn’t sure if the magick would work, and I didn’t want anybody to see me doing something that they might think was dumb. After a while, you won’t feel self-conscious, but it is still a good idea to keep your activities to yourself. If someone makes fun of you, it is disrespectful and it will lower your self-esteem.
• Gather everything you need ahead of time, rather than running around looking for something you’ve forgotten in the middle of a ritual or spellcasting procedure. That way, you don’t scatter the energies or the focus of what you are doing.
• Never work magick or ritual when you are angry. Count to ten. Wait a few hours. Cool off. Think about it. Later on in the book, I’ll give you positive ways to work out anger (see Part 5, Anger and Conflict Resolution).
• If you mess up a spell or ritual, don’t worry about it. Some students are afraid that if they do something wrong, then bad things will happen. Nope. The worst thing that could occur is that your goal simply won’t manifest. The walls of the house will not crumble, the basement will not flood, demons will not crawl out from under the bed and snatch your sister from her crib, Poe’s telltale heart will not beat beneath the floorboards, nor will a tornado blow through the trailer park and whisk you away to Oz because you made a boo-boo. Everybody makes mistakes. Acknowledge the error and go on.
• Fear is your worst enemy. A long time ago, I read a book called A Course In Miracles from the Foundation of Inner Peace, currently published through Viking Press. Their motto is: “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” Study those words and think about them. Write them down on a 3 by 5-inch card and tack them to your bedroom mirror. Never forget them; they will serve you well. When you read the section on magick and holographic quantum physics, these words will leave you much to ponder.
Do rituals work? Absolutely! Whether we are talking about now or a thousand years ago, the drama and complexity of ritual clearly functions as an excellent antidote to feelings of depression, persecution,56 loneliness, and fear, regardless of the magickal components. In a way, ritual is just as psychological as it is spiritual, and indeed is a melding of quantum physics and mental health.
Modern Witchcraft Ritual
If you study formal Craft ritual (of which not all sects participate), you will learn of the parallels also found in Freemasonry and their initiation and celebratory rituals. I happened upon this fact about fifteen years ago when I read a 1920 copy of the Masonic Rites found in someone’s attic. These parallels include initiation; the degree system; challenge; admission; presentation; oath-taking; ritual tools, each with their own symbology; geometric glyphs; code words; station acknowledgement (we call them quarters); the five-fold kiss; and a system of governmental hierarchy. Indeed, I was a member of the Rainbow Girls, which is the teen female faction of the Masons, and these elements were also in our rituals. In fact, we lived for ritual because it was so beautiful. Oh, my station? I was the chaplain. Now some of you quick thinkers are saying, since she was a Rainbow Girl, then her father had to be a Mason. Yes, he was and still is, but he wasn’t the one that gave me the book, and the book did not belong to him. Indeed, their oath of secrecy is so strong that he was extremely chagrined when I waved the book under his nose. Is there anything bad in that book? Nah. Here again, the Masons and the Crafters have something very important in common—their oath of secrecy to their individual orders, which permeates training, ritual, and socialization with-in the group mind.
Modern ritual ceremonial magick (of which you will find some elements in modern Craft) owes much of its current format to a Frenchman by the name of Alphonse Louis Constant, better known as Eliphas Zahed Levi,57 born in 1910. It is from Levi that we have the word “occult,” which has gone in and out of fashion in response to social temperatures. He also postulated something I told you in the very beginning of this book—you don’t “get” powers, you already have them. The Craft merely provides a mode of study, encourages practice, and provides triggers that may work for you. Levi believed that over time we allowed many of our true gifts to take a back seat in our lives, and that we needed only training and study to enhance what we already had. Our scientists today actually agree (in part) to Levi’s theory when they tell us that humans use only a small percentage of their brain power and, if we encouraged ourselves to expand our thinking, we would be able to accomplish many times more than what we currently achieve. It is the Golden Dawn, however, that placed the four ceremonial “elemental weapons”58 (the chalice, the pentacle, the dagger, and the wand) on the Craft altar. For more information about ritual, read the sections on Esbat (Part 1), Spellcasting (Part 3), and the Wheel of the Year (Part 1).