Poppets and Dollies

Poppets are doll-like representations of the human form used for magickal and spiritual purposes. They appear in the history of almost every culture throughout the world. The ancient Egyptians believed that magickal powers resided in certain persons, and the greater the person, the greater the life-force: mana, or magick. As the Egyptians had theocratic monarchs (see part 4, Magick), this belief makes sense—their king was the representation of God on Earth. To make a statue of him and put it in your living area was to bring the divine light to the supper table. The Egyptians also believed that if you were to make a statue of a powerful person, then you could share in that power, too, because the image formed a link between the worshipper and the divine energy of the universe as manifested in that person. In the fertile area of the Nile, images (or statues) were treated as living, active beings whose occult powers could affect the natural world,44 and herein lies all the grumbling about “graven images” and “worshipping idols” that comes directly from the ancient Jewish belief system that taught its followers that God was so vast that he/she had no form. They were so adamant about this fact that they forbade any images (governmental or deity) to be erected in their cities and had to pose a sit-down strike more than once against the Roman government to prove their point. Sometimes they won and sometimes they lost. Masada, in Jewish history, is the ultimate bloody conclusion of such a strike.

Ancient Egyptians used soft substances such as clay, wax, animal fats, and bread doughs to create figures of gods and enemies alike. One of the earliest discussions on poppet magick occurs in an Egyptian text of the Middle Kingdom— 2133–1786 b.c.45—which means that the formal use of poppet magick is at least four thousand years old. These small images were stuffed with herbs or tiny magickal scrolls, indicating the spellcaster’s intent. In some cases, the desire was written on papyrus and attached to the neck of the doll with a cord. Later in the ancient world, Greek city officials in the fourth century b.c. used poppets in public binding ceremonies in an effort to psychologically gather the people together to overcome their enemies46—and yes, this is a good look at early propaganda.

The legendary Nectanebo is said to have repelled invasions by making wax models of his own ships and men and those of the invaders. After placing them all in a bowl of water, Nectanebo would wave his ebony rod and invoke gods to animate the wax models and sink the enemy ships.47 However, it is important to note that in Egyptian society, as in the structure of Witchcraft, the use of magick rarely took the place of more practical action. Animal poppets also figured in Egyptian magick, including a spell for a scorpion bite that required the wax image of a cat to be placed onto a person who had been bitten by the scorpion. As cats were the natural enemies of the scorpion (and the snake), and sacred to the Egyptian pantheon, it was believed that the cat would destroy the dangerous venom and assist in the healing of the patient.48 Life was breathed into the poppet through the use of sacred breath and various incantations.

In other cultures, poppets were made from cloth, straw, corn husks, willow fronds, and vegetable material including carrots, turnips, potatoes, and mandrake root, or fruits such as lemons, oranges, mangos, and apples. Who hasn’t seen the dried apple dolls so popular in American harvest celebrations? Items used to fill such objects included a taglock (something belonging to the person the doll represents), herbs associated with the magickal intent, magickal symbols or objects, or small pieces of paper containing the name of the person as well as a simple rhyme or spell (just like the ancient Egyptian practice). Today’s Witches often use photographs in place of a poppet, where others believe that the energy spent handcrafting the poppet is as important as the photograph and use both. Skill in sewing is not required as the intent is more important than the quality of the finished product. If you don’t want to venture into needle and thread territory, you can always visit an arts and crafts shop that carries material for doll making, or purchase the small, ready-made variety for under five dollars. In modern Witchcraft, poppets are used primarily for healing and workings of harmony and personal success. Corn dollies figure prominently in harvest festivals as representations of the Lord and Lady (depending upon the tradition you follow).49

It is important to note (since you want to be an expert on magick) that the Voodoo doll is a direct product of Hollywood and the tourist trade of New Orleans. You will not find this interesting little beastie in other forms of Voodoo (of which there are several popular varieties). However, you will find Money Dollies and paquettes (stuffed geometric objects representing the gods, covered with sequins) in Haitian and Louisiana Voodoo.

General Rules of Poppet Magick

• You should have a taglock (something belonging to the individual for whom you are working the magick). If you can’t get your hands on something, use a photograph. Last ditch: use their name, and be sure it is correctly spelled and you have spent time holding the paper and visualizing the face of your friend or family member in an effort to make a good connection.

• Choose herbs, oils, and incenses that match the intent of the working (love, money, health, protection, and so on).

Always work in a magick circle, especially if you are performing healing magicks. The cleaner the area, the purer the magick.

If you are working on a chronic condition or long-term medical care, remember that the person did not get sick in a day, therefore they will most likely not get well in a day. Continue to work with the same poppet, renewing the spellwork on critical days as well as every thirty days thereafter.

Once the link has been forged between the person and the poppet, keep the poppet in a safe place. Finding it in your pet rat’s nest would not be a good thing.

When your magick has reached the desired end, de-magick the poppet by cutting the tie between the person and the poppet and sprinkling the doll with holy water. Dismantle the doll and burn everything, asking that harmony and healing continue for that person.

Well Dollies—poppets empowered only for healing without attachment to a person or animal—can be given as get-well gifts to friends and family members. Use Well Dollies in place of taglocked poppets if there is any possibility that the doll might be torn, lost, or given to the family pet as a play-toy.

Birthing Dollies contain a taglock from both prospective parents, and are empowered with seven gifts to the prospective newborn (love, intelligence, compassion, discernment, health, wealth, and protection). Many women take these fertility dollies into the delivery room with them, and then hand the doll over the bed of the newborn child for added protection.

Money Dollies are stuffed with at least three pieces of paper money and one each of the coinage used in your country, as well as your name, herbs associated with money and success, and a lodestone or magnet. Each week (or month), the doll should be reactivated with incense and prayer, and a fresh piece of paper money should be safety-pinned to the body of the doll. This doll should also be hidden for two basic reasons: To protect the integrity of your work, and to keep people from tearing off the bills when they desperately need money. If someone does take the money off the doll, you will have to dispose of that doll and make a new one.

Animal toys (such as catnip mice and dog chews) can be empowered for the health and safety of your favorite pet. As they will be destroyed, don’t link the animal’s energy to the toy; rather, empower it to release healing energy as it naturally disintegrates.

Ritual to Empower
a Poppet or Dolly

Supplies: Two white illuminator candles; the poppet; herbs and incense of choice; representations of the four elements; taglock; perfume; needle and thread; scissors; picture of the individual you are working for as well as a small piece of paper with their complete name on it.

Instructions: Based on your choice of moon phase and moon flavor (or perhaps the day of the week), gather together all your supplies and place them on the altar. Ground and center. Sprinkle the illuminator candles lightly with the perfume. Light the illuminator candles, saying:

Out of the darkness came the birth of creation, just as I will create (state your purpose) this night (day).

Cast the magick circle and call the quarters. Cleanse and consecrate the doll with the four elements. Conjure the herbs using the conjuration in Part 4, under Charms. If you have any doubt on the ritual format, check the one listed as Silver’s Spellcasting Ritual in Part 3’s Spells section. Stuff them in the doll, along with the taglock and the person’s name on the paper. Sew the doll shut. With each stitch, repeat your intent (for example, healing, prosperity, and so on) and visualize the person for whom you are making the doll.

Hold the photograph of the person and the doll together in both hands (you can lightly tie the doll and picture together with colored ribbon matching the intent). Pass the doll and photo through the four elements again, saying:

Earth links you to (say the person’s name).
Air links you to
(repeat the name). Fire links you to (name).
Water links you to

Hold the doll in both hands over the altar, and say:

The bond is forged. The doll and (person’s name) are one,
the link cannot be broken until I so choose or,
in Spirit’s eyes, the work is complete.

Breathe slowly on the doll three times, saying each time:

The breath of life around you. The breath of life within you. So mote it be!

Carry the doll and picture to the center of the circle. Hold the doll high and ask for blessings of Spirit (or your patron deity) on your intention. Take the doll to each quarter, beginning in the north, asking that each elemental energy bless this working. Return the doll to your altar. Ground and center. Thank deity. Release the quarters in a counterclockwise direction, and then release the circle in the same manner. You can take the energy from the circle and place it in the doll, if you desire.