
Much of magic is based upon the idea, usually understood by all but perhaps unsaid, that the universe is a single living conscious being within whose body all things exist.

—Donald Tyson70

Over the last fifty years, archeologists have discovered thousands of paintings and carvings on the walls of caves and the surfaces of rocks in Europe, Africa, Australia, and North America that date from the Paleolithic era.71 From studying the cultural models of the few tribes still existing in various parts of the world, we learn that the cave paintings were vital to community ritual magic and that such a practice is called sympathetic magick. In studying Congo Pygmy archeological research, we learn that cave paintings were used as a form of prayer that involved securing the name or physical likeness of an object in order to control that object and bring about the desired result. In the case of the Congo Pygmy, this meant a successful hunt. These ritual prayers usually required the proper combination of words (chanted, sung, or spoken) and visual images and gestures such as dance—elements we still find in modern-day magick.72 Some historians, however, feel that basing what- may-have-been on what-is-now might be a bit of a stretch. As Ronald Hutton notes,73

It is still generally thought that Paleolithic cave paintings were generated for, or as parts of, rites of religion and magick, but the idea that this was specifically sympathetic magic went out in the 1970s: see Peter Ucko and Andree Rosenfeld, Paleolithic Cave Art (1967). The current favorite interpretation is that the paintings were of shamanic spirit doubles or helpers, though this is unlikely even to be proved and is controversial. For the classic user-friendly argument in favor, see Jean Clottes and David Lewis-Williams, The Shamans of Prehistory (Abrams, 1998).

At the dawn of time, magick, religion, and daily community functions were one. Reading through this book, you have discovered that many of the spells, incantations, and practices used today in modern magick (though changed somewhat to keep pace with the times) came to us from Egypt, Mesopotamia, and several other ancient civilizations, and it is amazing to think that the practice of magick has remained with us (in view of recent anthropological discoveries) since the dawn of the human era.74 Indeed, it is the investigation into magick that brought us the science of heliocentrism, the infinity of worlds, and led to the discovery of how blood circulated in the body.75

From the earliest times of civilization, political power was linked with spiritual power and superhuman abilities. It was believed that divine power flowed from the gods to their royal agent, who, as theocratic monarch, represented heaven’s will on earth. Linking politics, magick, and religion together ensured the ruler’s “right” to rule.76 This was an ancient mind-game that worked quite well for thousands of years, and unfortunately although the idea of magick as a valid practice has been shoved aside, the partnership of politics and religion as a vehicle to control the populace still works in many parts of the world. In the thirteenth century, it was believed that the ruling monarch could touch you and, by divine power, make you well.

Over the centuries, magick was dropped because it was a vehicle that the common person could employ for personal and political gain—not good for those in power should they rule unwisely (which oodles of them did and still continue to do) or who feared the loss of such power. And while they were at it, they threw out divination (can’t let them know what we’re up to) and astrology (what do you mean, you can see the movement of what I’m most likely going to do by looking at the heavens? Eeek! Gotta stop that.). Where the belief in magick was not destroyed, its history was rewritten to take on completely religious associations where the individual had no power, but occasionally that-which-runs-the-universe kindly did a miracle or two. The Christian Church in particular wrote canons (laws) as fast as a machine gun ejects cartridges in hopes of destroying any known traces of magick that tried to bubble out of their historical past, and converted all acts of positive magick to miracles. Judaism took a different stance, steeping magickal practices in rabbinical teachings reserved only for the vaunted few. When history spoke of the real magicians (and they did exist), they rewrote that history to indicate the magi was really a rabbi all along. The result, especially in Europe, was a total lockdown on information. Unfortunately, there was one thing they didn’t count on, and that was the fact that magickal abilities are an inherent part of every human being, to a greater or lesser degree, depending upon their life purpose. To become a great artist, one draws. To become a great musician, one plays music. To become a great magi, one practices magick. It is as simple as that.

Throughout this book we’ve talked about how magick managed to reassert itself in the last three hundred years. I have written about William Lilly (the sixteenth-century astrologer), Agrippa, and Paracelsus (known as the father of homeopathy). We’ve mentioned Dion Fortune, Madame Blavatsky (a Russian aristocrat and founder of the Theosophical Society, a movement that heralded the New Age and alternative religious beliefs), and their magickal lodges of the late 1800s and early 1900s. We touched on the Golden Dawn and Israel Regardi. We spoke of Gerald Gardner and Doreen Valiente, the birthparents of modern Craft practices. Granted, we missed a lot of history and had to gloss over a great deal of information due to the size and nature of this book, but in these discussions one thing is perfectly clear: Magick is the ability to use one’s will to create change in our environment. How this is done, to the outside world, is a mystery. You, however, do not have this problem.

When learning modern Witchcraft, we discover that the word magick is used as both a noun and a verb, and many times no one bothers to differentiate between the two. On one hand, the word magick is used to express a way of doing something, and therefore is a system of practice—a noun. To change something through the use of magickal applications (the mental process also referred to as magick) produces the alteration we desire. That mental process, then, is the verb.

Whether we are discussing Honi the circle maker in 65 b.c.e. or what you’re doing in your bedroom as you cast a spell, the constant is the ability of the human mind to reach beyond the gates and walls of disbelief and manifest your desire. Whether it’s rain or a new pair of shoes, the activity remains the same, and one thing we know for sure, it is natural—not diabolical, twisted, or evil. Acts of magick are as integral to your system as breathing. Magick is nothing more than quantum physics.

I particularly like the following, written by Kurt Seligmann in his History of Magic and the Occult, first copyrighted in 1948:

. . . a system that prevailed in society for thousands of years hardly needs an apology. The fact remains that magick upheld the great civilizations of the ancient world. Its predominance did not prevent man from leaving behind him works of continuing value, from tolerating his neighbor, cherishing his family, [or] doing the adequate thing at the right time. Magick was a stimulus to thinking. It freed man from fears, endowed him with a feeling of his power to control the world, sharpened his capacity to imagine, and kept alive his dreams of higher achievement.77

It did so then, and it does so now.

And no one has the right to take it from you.

Magick and Rules of Conduct

Over the years I’ve learned that the rules of magickal conduct are governed by the following circumstances:

• Your personality.

• Your past, including your environment, cultural taboos and laws, socialization skills, parental support, religious belief system, etc.

• The type of magick you are learning—folk or ceremonial (to be general), affiliations with magickal groups, contacts with online friends, and reading material you prefer.

Just looking at these three factors, we already know that every person will have their own individual way of processing and practicing any type of study, which includes magickal applications. The problems arise when confronting ego—ours, our friends, that of our parents, those who run religious organizations, those involved in magick, etc. We find that, for good or ill, not everyone’s rules are the same, and not all rules apply the same way to everyone, not because one person is better than the other, but because each individual is unique and processes information in a different way and will embrace the rules of conduct most familiar to them.

In my own study I’ve seen lots of rules about magick and how it should be done. Some of these rules are excellent and to the point, where others seem to have grown from someone’s battle with their own desires or with the dictates of their religious choice. Cultural taboos or re-quirements are an excellent example, where social rules have seeped into magickal ones. For example, a culture that says you “can only wear blue when practicing magick” might have socio-political reasons for making this rule that have nothing to do with the magick itself. It’s darned hard for the new student to determine which rules should be followed, which thrown out, and which ones might be valid in a certain situation. It is also hard to understand why one rule may be okay for a ceremonial magician but not accepted by the rank and file of Witches (or vice versa).

Magick Is a System,
Not a Religion

In the brief introduction I’ve given you on the history of magick, you learned that the ability to work magick is a natural one, and that magick, religion, science, and politics were linked together from the dawn of humankind to enhance tribal survival and flourished together during the reign of many ancient civilizations. There have always been rules (some good and some stupid) on how those experienced in the art and science of magick should behave, and how they should use their skills within the confines of the religious/political law. This tells us that some rules in magick are not a part of the system itself, but a part of the religious or political environment that encourages the use of that magickal system.

Many people turn to Witchcraft because of its stories of magick rather than its religious teachings. Others come to the Craft for the religious support (especially the belief in the Goddess), and magick is seen as secondary. This happens because Wicca is one of the few religions that overtly says magick is an okay thing to do, and encourages personal transformation through both religious and magickal practices. In Wicca, science, religion, and magick have fused back together—only politics remains the lone dog, because magick is not accepted by current political parties (who are wrapped up in other religions). Confusion arises among practitioners of the Craft because although the general consensus is that Wicca is the religion, the magickal system used within that religion may differ from person to person. For example, I may use Pow Wow (a German system of magick) quite frequently, where a friend in a Southern state may use Hoodoo, which is another magickal system. Both systems can fit comfortably into Witchcraft until we reach the discussion of ethics. As both systems do not include ethics—they are procedures, not moral dictates, sort of like stereo instructions—the student is left wondering, “What is the right thing to do?” That is what the religion is for—to guide you on those moral issues. Contrary to what other religious leaders tell you, Witchcraft does indeed have its own moral code.

Finally, Witchcraft, in some cases, has produced its own brand of magick; or should I say the Craft presents practices that fit comfortably within the belief system. In this type of teaching, a full system complete with trappings and taboos is not presented, only pieces that fit into generally accepted guidelines and encourage the student to look beyond the five senses. If an individual chooses to move deeper into magickal practices other than what is given in the Wiccan religion, they must search for a system that they feel will enhance their current magickal needs.

If, so far, you find this discussion confusing, don’t feel bad. Most magickal practitioners today are more worried about getting their lives in shape rather than wrestling with categorizing what came from where and why. I know I was more worried about daily problems and how I could solve them when I first entered the Craft. I could have cared less that the Pygmies in the Congo practiced sympathetic magick or that correspondences we use originally came from the Sumerians, or that the Chaldeans (from present-day Iraq) gave us a compendium of astrological and magickal knowledge that is the foundation of what we use today. Wicca is a young religion and, because it is the fastest-growing spiritual faith in America, we would expect that a higher percentage of practitioners would be “using” it in a practical way, rather than mulling over the theory and history, or trying to quantify (define) the religion while munching on breakfast corn flakes before they dash off to work or school. At some point, however, you will be pressed for answers to questions you may never have thought of—and the biggest question you will wrestle with deals with the validity of your magickal practices. You know they work, but trying to explain the process to another person becomes a nightmare because that other person has most likely not studied anything past his or her own field of interest, which leaves you trying to pack 10,000 years of history into a single sound bite. All this mumbling on my part leads you to the following: Contrary to what some individuals might try to tell you, Witchcraft is a religion and is not a stand-alone system of magick; therefore, if one calls themselves a Wiccan or a Witch, he or she is an adherent of the Wiccan religion—he or she is a Witch who practices an earth-centered religion. If a person practices magick, but does not follow the religion of the Craft, its rules, etc., then he or she is definitely not a Witch, he or she is a practitioner of magick, or may adhere to a different magickal religion, such as Druidism, Voodoo, Santería, or mystical Christianity.

Therefore: Witchcraft is a religion, it is not a system (or a cult, or any other such nonsense), and it definitely does not ascribe to Christian dogma (which is an entirely different religion altogether).

Knowing that magick is a system and that Wicca/Witchcraft is a religion now makes it easier for us to answer some of those rather sticky questions that have arisen within our community (and outside of it) over the last fifty-odd years, and gives us a firm foundation when trying to understand the different codes of conduct you might read about in various books on Wicca, other magickal religions, or in those books that present only a system of magick without religious overtones.

The General Rules of
Successful Magick

1. Every action has an equal reaction. This is not a moral law, it is a scientific one, therefore the Witch should think long and hard before doing any magick. To help choose what action to take, many Witches use a divination tool before casting any spell or performing a working ritual. Within this rule lie two others: Never target the innocent, and never use magick to take something from someone else. In both cases the repercussions are vast and rightly cruel. It’s just not worth it, from anyone’s standpoint.

2. The longer you practice magick, the more adept you will become. No one is ever an instant magi. You can’t read one book, do three spells, and become an expert. Practice, study, and hard work makes close to perfect. There are no exceptions.

3. As best you can, keep your thoughts and actions pure. Yes, everyone makes mistakes, everyone gets angry, and everyone has bad days where nothing seems to go their way—that’s life. However, the purer your intentions, the more guarantee you have of success. To teach students about purity and the need for it, the Wiccan religion incorporates such practices as cleansing, consecration, empowerment, circlecasting, and sacred space. Learning how to successfully accomplish these procedures also helps you reach the purity of mind needed and enforces the focus necessary to perform fast, accurate magicks when you need them.

4. What you think, you create. We’ve talked a lot about this one already. Your mind is the key that opens the door to unlimited magickal applications. This is why the Wiccan religion urges you to release negative thoughts on a daily basis, learn to think positively rather than negatively, and teaches its students creative visualization, meditation, and energy work, and tries to concentrate on harmony rather than chaos.

5. What you believe, you will manifest. This rule is linked to the one above. Like my former Pow Wow teacher, Preston Zerbe, told me, “Belief is the key.” You can do all sorts of magick, make petitions to that-which-runs-the-universe, and drum until your arms ache, but if you don’t believe that a change can manifest, it won’t. Belief is a knowing, a certainty, that what you desire will occur. If this is confusing, think about something you truly believe in or about. How do you feel when you think of those things? That millisecond of comfortability, that feeling of perfect peace is belief and your connection to the divine, and that’s what you want to capture in each and every spell or ritual.

6. Magick works better if added to a spiritual foundation. In my experience, you will be able to manifest your desires faster if you attach magick to some sort of spiritual anchor—like Wicca, Druidism, Voodoo, Santería, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, etc. Some of these religions, like Witchcraft, fit well with magick, where others, like Christianity, require the seeker to wade through a tremendous amount of dogma to find sure footing. This is not to say you can’t be a Christian and work magick—ceremonial magicians do it all the time. The choice is ultimately yours.

7. Magick does not replace hard work. You can’t do a spell and expect the world to bow at your feet. If you want a good grade on your homework, then you have to do the research, write out what is required, and hand it in on time. You can, however, use magick to persevere, find information, and remove any stress associated with that work.

8. Do not use magick for illegal gain, and don’t use anything in circle that might have been stolen. It literally dirties the magick and will backfire on you.

Magickal Rules of the Craft

The following are the most common rules you will find in Wiccan magickal practices:

• Cast a magick circle in preparation for magick or ritual work.

• Use a divination tool before working magick.

• Always walk clockwise within the magick circle.

• Be respectful in circle. Honor the gods and those within the circle. If you are angry with someone, either solve the problem before entering the circle, put aside your argument, or simply do not stand in circle with that person.

• Never attack the innocent.

• Try your best to work for the highest good. When in doubt, ask Spirit to guide your thoughts.

• Do not mess with another person’s free will. Now this one, like the “an’ it harm none” rule, is also a sound-bite representation of a rather large idea. For example, if you wanted to be editor of the school newspaper and the position was open, you would compete with others for the slot. If we took this rule literally, then you could not work magick to get the editor job because other people want it, too. Your work would technically be against their free will. However, this rule basically means that you can’t work to take something away from someone (as in someone else has the job and you want them to lose it so you can have it), or make them do something they don’t want to do (as in making a person love you by using magick).

• Never call anything into the circle that you have not researched first, which goes along with the adage you’ve also read in this book of not calling up what you can’t put down.

As I mentioned earlier, you’ll find lots of rules in the Craft—some that refer to ethics, some to magick, and others that relate to the government of a coven or magickal group. Regardless of the religion you use to sustain you throughout your life, if the rules make sense to you and appear to have been made to help you, then those rules are most likely sound and you can work with them. If the rules seem absurd, are against your moral judgment, or are somehow distasteful, then take a second look at these rules and try to find out where they came from and why they are in practice. Such rules may not be general ones that most adherents of that faith follow, and are simply there because of someone’s folly (either in the past or present). For rules related to Wiccan magick and government, you’ll find a longer discussion in my book To Light a Sacred Flame.

Why Magick Sometimes Fails

The most important factor you must remember about magick is this:

Magick is inherently designed to first change your perception on the issue. From that expansion of your personal viewpoint, the work can begin.

If you do not step away from narrow-mindedness, you will not succeed, simply because you do not believe, deep inside, that change is possible. This is why Witches know not to work negative magick, because by altering your perception to accept negativity you open the door to greater problems than you already have. Is this the only reason your rituals and spells may fail? No, but it is by far the biggest cause of magickal work falling short of its intended mark. Other reasons for failure can be the following:

You lost your focus during the spell or ritual. This is why most Craft teachers urge their students to keep notes of all spellwork and ritual. That way, the student can look back over his or her writings to determine why a spell didn’t perform in the manner expected. Questions to ask yourself are: Did you lose your focus? Did someone interrupt you during the spell? Did you miss a step? Did you remember to cast a magick circle? (Sometimes that makes a big difference.) Did you notice a positive change in the atmosphere of the circle? Did you experience any natural phenomena (the wind picking up a little is an excellent cue that you did it right, so something else must be happening with the work). Did you feel good when you finished the spell? Did you plan your spell with astrological timing in mind? (Sometimes an astrological occurrence will muck up your work, though if your intent was strong, this is rare.) Did you take time to plan your work, or did you just slap it together? (Advance planning means that you put more focus and more energy into the work, which results in smoother spellcasting abilities.) How was your mental health? Your physical health? Thumbs down on either one can affect your working. Are you subconsciously afraid that once you get what you asked for, the change will be too great to handle, or you won’t really want what you asked for? Has someone beat into your head that you don’t deserve to be successful? Are you battling a self-esteem problem? This can take the gumption right out of magick.

You are being too impatient. Magick doesn’t make things all better in the blink of an eye. For change to occur, energy must move freely, and any blocks in the way have to go. Sometimes freeing the pathway for success is more time-consuming than we realized—I’ve had certain spells, especially those involving injustices that needed to be righted, take up to nine months, or even a full year! If you are nervous that “this is taking too long,” you can always support the original working by doing it again at selected intervals, or by doing a different spell or ritual with the same statement of intent.

You received your wish, but it was so smooth and so quiet (no bells and whistles) that you didn’t realize it. Perhaps the situation has changed, but not in the way you originally hoped, or thought, it would. In this case, you asked for change, and you got it, but you were too blind to notice. New students especially have difficulty seeing the magick. Instead, they believe it was coincidence. However, if you don’t like how the situation has played out, look back at your notes to see exactly what you said in the magick circle. The key to understanding may lie in your wording.

Magick that somehow touches groups of people takes longer than magick that is focused on a single item or person. When you have so much energy from so many people, your work does not have a straight shot to success. It has to change quite a bit, and move through various blocks, and so on, to manifest. In this case, keep working.

Magick cannot replace physical action. Sometimes it is far easier to do the “normal thing” than it is to work magick. Each has their time and place. The universe could be telling you to get off your duff and start doing some work.

The magick somehow interferes with your spiritual plan. Believe it or not, there are checks and balances in the universe, and on occasion Spirit will say, “Nope. Nothing doing. You are not going there!” Yes, we have free will, but what if you’ve been working for three months to bring harmony into your life and then you cast a spell that would shoot the heck out of all the work you’ve done, but you are so angry or upset at this moment that you don’t care? It is highly possible that if Spirit feels you don’t need a lesson in what it is like to backslide, then the magick you’ve done before will override what you are doing now. This is only one example and we could probably talk about this topic all day, but you get the idea.

All magick strives to create balance; therefore, sometimes a situation has to get worse before it gets better. Read Harmony in Part 5 for a complete explanation. Again, your perception has a lot to do with what is, and what is not, harmony in your life, and the way you view the situation may have to change before the work is completed.

Finally, as the old saying goes, Sometimes shit happens, which means there is no magickal or occult reasoning for failure. You bombed. Get over it. Try something else.

Magick: The Cat That Leaps
Is Not the Cat That Lands

Spirits of the crossroads, show yourselves,

Let us walk the lonely mile together,

And let us share the dream of the Hidden God,

Who lies deep within my body.78

And we are back to holographic quantum physics. Quantum mechanics was developed early in the twentieth century to explain certain anomalous phenomena associated with light and atoms.79 By the 1930s its mathematical structure had evolved almost to the point where it exists today as the major theoretical tool of physics and chemistry. Calculations using the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics have been tested against countless laboratory measurements for almost a century, without a single failure. From this study we’ve gained lasers, transistors, computer chips, superconductors, plastics, thousands of new chemicals, computers, and nuclear power. Although we are obviously using quantum mechanics, we still don’t exactly understand it, because—oh, my—the human brain might be an integral part of it, something mystery teachers the world over have been trying to tell humankind for thousands of years. Today, we know that the math is right, now we’re trying to figure out the rest of it (scientifically speaking).

In the 1950s David Bohm, an eminent physicist, had several spirited discussions with Albert Einstein. From those discussions he proposed a new field of quantum physics he called quantum potential. He theorized that this potential pervaded all of space. He realized that quantum potential had a number of features that seemed at odds with the current orthodox scientific thinking. He believed that quantum physics could prove true and operated on the importance of the wholeness of the universe (just what the ancient mystery teachers were trying to say all along). Where classical science says that the interaction of the parts creates a whole, quantum theory was proving that the behavior of the parts was organized by the whole—which supports the mystical statement that we are all one and is an indicator of the possible vastness of any group mind. Bohm also felt that the things that we perceive as disordered aren’t disordered at all—that there is a hidden order in all things, a sublevel that only quantum physics could prove. Bohm called this deeper level of reality the implicate order.80 When we practice magick, we are unfolding our desire from the implicate order of quantum potential into our level of existence (called the explicate or unfolded order).

In our study of alchemy, we learn that quantum potential is known as “the void.” It is a cosmic sea with attitude, that attitude being the potential to morph into anything at any time. An even more surprising feature of the quantum potential is its implications for the nature of location. At the level of our everyday lives things appear to have very specific locations (unless you move them or knock them down, of course). However, Bohm said that in the subquantum level (the void), location ceased to exist. All points in space became equal to all other points, and nothing is ever separate from anything else. Indeed, when Christ said your brother is yourself, he wasn’t kidding. In physics this lack of taking up space is called nonlocality. This means, technically, that we can manifest anything, anywhere, anytime because everything is everywhere all the time. We just need the right key-code (if you will) to access it, which is what magick is all about—finding the right key-codes for each individual.

Therefore, the vibrations that a magickal action creates unlock the subquantum level, pull through the pattern that we need, activate it to stabilization, and relock the subquantum level, allowing the manifestation to stabilize. Granted, this is a very rough view of the process and not entirely correct but it will certainly give you something to think about. That “pulling through to manifestation” is what the crossroads is all about in magick. The crossroads is the vortex of manifestation. If we throw in superimposition, the spiral spin, and holographic unfolding of patterns, the cat that leaps is not the cat that lands—it is a different cat, a successive cat, which is how Martha Raymond could have a tumor as big as her fist on Tuesday and by Tuesday three weeks the later the tumor is gone. It is how miracles have always occurred. It is how Jesus changed water into wine, how Honi was able to make it rain (or not) and cure snake bites, how Mary Magdalene turned the white egg to red, and how Moses changed his staff into a snake.

It is science.

And it is faith, but it is NOT dogma.

Every pattern, from people to events, is a series of holographic unfoldments. Quite frankly, some physicists are having heart failure over the idea that we do indeed create our own reality, and believe that current philosophers are only making a fad out of quantum physics mixed with their search for the meaning of life and making some bucks in the process. Although that very well could be true, as a magickal person you will discover that quantum physics answers a whole lot of those “why” questions that may have endlessly nagged you. If you are brave, you can study more about quantum physics and run your own experiments. What frightens some physicists is that the ability to manipulate our reality appears to be a natural phenomenon, meaning we don’t realize the level of control we already have. We don’t think about breathing, but we do it. It is the same with the ability to manifest all sorts of things, from that new computer we want so badly to poltergeist activity. And, while we’re on the subject, Craft teachers have always taught that time is not linear; indeed, the Celtic knot is an example of how the ancients believed time manifested. Time, as the new physics postulates, is only a series of “nows” that loops in and on itself.

Removing Magick from
a Project or Item

Most spellcasting procedures use some form of material, hands-on approach to help the practitioner create the intended desire. When the goal has been reached, such items (spell bottles, coins, crystals, cords, etc.) should be cleansed and released with appropriate honor unless the spell specifically indicates the fate of the object within the procedure. The idea is to “unmanifest” the item—releasing a pattern and sending it back to the subquantum level. Sometimes we will want to keep the tools we used and other times we will want to discard them. Releasing energies is just as important as conjuring them, and shows your respect of the universal energies. A tidy Witch is a successful Witch.

If a spell does not give instructions for disposal of an item, you may wish to use the following guidelines:

Crystals and gems: Cleanse in running water after each use and place in moonlight for at least five hours.

Food and consumable liquid (such as juice): Dispose of immediately by placing outside and saying: “Blessings of the gods upon me,” unless otherwise directed.

Spellcasting projects: These are items you have put together yourself, such as a conjuring bag filled with herbs and stones, a sigil on a piece of paper, etc. that you have kept until the goal manifested. Now that you have obtained your desire, you will need to dispose of the item in a sacred way. Check your notes to see exactly what type of ritual you did and from what or whom you asked assistance. In ritual circle, thank those energies, then lay your hands over the item, and say:

The future has come, my desire was granted
Your work is now finished,
no longer enchanted.

Air will disperse, and fire combust.

Water joins Spirit, earth turns to dust.

Though you must depart,
your gift shall remain

blessings upon you in Goddess’ name.

Break apart the project. Release your circle in the normal way. Cleanse those objects you will use again in holy water and store. Bury or burn all other items. This mini-ritual is sometimes called “License to Depart.”

Tools or objects made of metal or wood: Cleanse with holy water in a magick circle and place in moonlight or sunlight for about five hours. This should be done at least once a month.

Locks, Keys, and
Subquantum Crossroads

Locks and keys can be used for a variety of purposes, from unlocking a tightly bound situation to slamming the brakes on unwanted energies by locking them out of your life. The Key/ Lock/Unlock correspondence gives your subconscious mind an appropriate analogy as a springboard for the conscious focus. Keeping the idea of the holographic quantum physics information you read in the last section, try this spell, not only to further your own goals but as a mental exercise to fine-tune your abilities.

Key to Success Spell

Supplies: One brand-new padlock and key; one small, red, terra-cotta pottery dish (the kind that you place under plants)—the color red is important; white paint; a brush; a taglock or representation of the success you wish to achieve; herbs to match your intent; taper candle in the color that matches your intent. Write a statement of intent on a small piece of paper. I would also like you to practice saying the vowels of the English language (a,e,i,o, and u), connecting the sound of each letter to the next. Do this at least twenty or thirty times, until you are comfortable with the sound.

preparation: Determine whether “success” in this instance refers to locking or unlocking the energies. If you will be unlocking something, begin with the lock closed. If you want to lock something, begin with the lock open. Plan your ritual according to this choice and the Moon quarter (see page 23). Paint the Spirit circle (see page 9) or a pentacle (see page 9) on the inside of the dish. Allow to dry.

spell: Cleanse, consecrate, and empower all items. Whether the lock will be opened or closed, place the key in the lock. It must remain there throughout the spell. Make sure that your statement of intent is clear. Cast the magick circle and all the quarters. Breathe deeply several times, then ground and center. State your intent aloud. Begin chanting the vowel sounds you practiced in the preparation phase. Place the red dish in the center of the altar. Stare at the dish, envisioning the quantum physics idea of the crossroads between this level of reality and the subquantum level. Imagine these crossroads opening, providing you with the ability to change your reality. Keep chanting “A-E-I-O-U” until the image of the dish wavers or your eyes get a little swimmy.

Continue chanting the same sounds as you place the paper on the red dish. Sprinkle your chosen herbs on top. Continuing to chant, empower the candle and light it. Finally, add the picture, taglock, etc. on top of the herbs. Continue to stare at the dish while chanting, envisioning the pattern of what you want coming together and rising out of the vortex of the crossroads. When you feel you are ready, pick up the lock and either open it or close it with a flourish. Stop chanting. Place the lock on top of all the items in the dish. Say very loudly:

I know my wish has been granted.
May this spell not reverse or place upon me any curse,
and may all astrological correspondences be correct for this working.
So mote it be!

Allow the candle to completely burn.

Close the quarters. Take up the circle.

Twenty-four hours later, cast your circle again and call the quarters. Begin the chant again. Burn all items in the dish in a fire-safe cauldron or pot, believing that what you desire is in the process of manifestation. Visualize it rising from the vortex painted on the red dish. Stop chanting when the fire dies or when you are sure your visualization is complete. Take the key out of the lock. Wear it around your neck until your desire has manifested. Release the quarters and take up the circle. Scatter the ashes to the winds. Bury the cold candle end on or off your property, depending on whether you were drawing something to you or pushing something away. When your desire has manifested, de-magick the lock and key. You can use it again for the same type of working.

Recommended Reading

The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot

Three Roads to Quantum Gravity by Lee Smolin

The Unconscious Quantum: Metaphysics in
Modern Physics and Cosmology
by Victor J. Stenger

Physics and Psychics: The Search for a World
Beyond the Senses
by Victor J. Stenger

The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics by Julian Barbour

Schrodinger’s Kittens and the Search for Reality: Solving the Quantum Mysteries by John Gribbin

In Search of Schrodinger’s Cat by John Gribbin