
Although the Tarot cards are not a prerequisite in learning the mechanics of Witchcraft, it does seem to be one of the most popular divination tools used among modern-day Crafters. With the variety of decks currently available, take your time in choosing the deck that resonates with you. When I teach the Tarot I don’t allow my students to read any books on the subject for the first three weeks of training. Instead, I encourage them to work with the cards and gather intuitively what they may mean. Interestingly enough, even though their initial meanings for the cards don’t “go by the book,” what they intuitively gather often matches the circumstances perfectly. This “no book” technique, coupled with daily meditations on the cards, encourages students to allow their psychic senses to open in a comfortable way. Below you will find a keyword table of standard meanings of the cards, though I do encourage you to meditate and work with the cards each day, and to read books dedicated solely to the subject.

The Tarot may have appeared in Europe as early as the twelfth century and hasn’t changed that much over the successive years. There are seventy-eight cards divided into two distinct sets: The Major Arcana, consisting of twenty-two major trumps, and the Minor Arcana, made up of four suits of fourteen, totaling fifty-six individual cards. I have been reading cards since I was thirteen years old—meaning I’ve been reading the Tarot for the last thirty-three years. Below you will find my personal interpretations for the cards; however, feel free to use your own research and intuition.

Major Arcana

0, the fool

Potential; starting something new; childlike innocence; learning by experience; taking risks.
Astrological association: Uranus.

1, the magician

Having the power to change thought into form; creative control and mastery; time to take action and seize opportunities; skill and initiative.
Astrological association: Mercury.

2, the high priestess

Mysteries revealed; occult teachings and study; often shows up right before an epiphany or initiatory experience; secrets; intuition; the subconscious; wisdom; the symbol for alchemy and the goddess Sophia.
Astrological association: Moon.

3, the empress

Heralds pregnancy in body, mind, or spirit; abundance; fertility; motherhood; nurturing experience; gardening; female entrepreneurship; Gaia; domination over the Earth. Astrological association: Venus.

4, the emperor

Leadership capabilities; business pursuits; male entrepreneurship; authority; ceos, bosses; responsibility; fatherhood; power.
Astrological association: Aries.

5, the hierophant

Tradition; need for approval of others; stuck in dogma; conformity; spiritual guidance; search for enlightenment.
Astrological association: Taurus.

6, the lovers

A choice; a contract; love and desire; temptation; struggle between love and infatuation; working toward harmony.
Astrological association: Gemini.

7, the chariot

Balance; victory after a struggle; possible purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle requiring repairs; achievement; success; control; self-discipline; greatness; movement in life/career; travel.
Astrological association: Cancer.

8, strength

Speech or the written word over forceful actions; inner strength; quiet determination; using your talents to your best advantage; integrity; courage.
Astrological association: Leo.

9, the hermit

Self-analysis; solitary search for the truth; philosophical pursuits; self-reflection; solitude; meditation.
Astrological association: Virgo.

10, the wheel of fortune

Unexpected change in fortune or luck; a new chapter in an old project; new choices; new circumstances; learning to flow with circumstances without being a victim.
Astrological association: Jupiter.

11, justice

Justice; equality; being fair; court cases or legal proceedings; finding reasonable solutions to difficulties; impartial judgment.
Astrological association: Libra.

12, the hanged man

Sudden reversal in thought; surprising others with your actions; postponement of plans; letting go of people, places, or things that no longer serve you well; suspending issues.
Astrological association: Neptune.

13, death

Change; transformation; communicating with the dead; abrupt ending; release of outmoded life patterns followed by new growth; new ideas and opportunities.
Astrological association: Scorpio.

14, temperance

Your guardian angel watches over you; learning to be patient; self-control; making sound decisions; working with groups of people; compromise; happy partnerships.
Astrological association: Sagittarius.

15, the devil

Constricted; bound to something for good or ill; drug/alcohol addiction; personality disorders of all kinds; unethical behavior; abuse of power; avoiding responsibility; temptation; denial.
Astrological association: Capricorn.

16, the tower

Feelings of guilt; being in the wrong place at the wrong time; disaster that brings enlightenment; overthrow of plans; shattered illusions; learning humility; breaking down of an existing structure to rebuild.
Astrological association: Mars.

17, the star

Hopes, dreams, and wishes; the interest in astrology; understanding; clarity of thought; renewal of faith; insight; harmony; optimism; success ahead; positive guidance; promise given.
Astrological association: Aquarius.

18, the moon

Intuition; deception; night work; hidden dangers; instinct; struggle for sanity; change; possible confusion; magick; gossip; stuck between a rock and a hard place; self-esteem issues; empathic.
Astrological association: Pisces.

19, the sun

Success; the will; happiness; pleasure; good partnership or marriage; positive attitude; creativity; action oriented.
Astrological association: Sun.

20, judgment

Things coming back to haunt you; revisiting and taking responsibility for one’s actions (past or present); spiritual awakening; forgiveness; facing consequences; learning from experience; reaping what you have sown.
Astrological association: Pluto.

21, the world

Conclusion of a cycle; success and fulfillment in any project; completing anything; alchemy; spiritual understanding; movement and travel; searching for the philosopher’s stone; the study of science and quantum physics.
Astrological association: Saturn.


Money, property, and things you value
Astrological association: Earth
Season for timing: Winter

ace of pentacles

Abundance; wealth, a monetary contract; accomplishment; good news; a new start, especially in financial and property matters; gifts; positive material gain; new business proposition.

two of pentacles

Juggling money; robbing Peter to pay Paul; balancing situations that often involve money or property or something that you value; competition; conflict of interest; a little money coming; learning to be flexible in financial and business affairs; possible monetary partnership that requires added responsibility but may not be financially lucrative.

three of pentacles

Going to school, especially college or work-related courses; specializing in something that will bring monetary success in the future; skill; artistic achievement; initial stages of a project have successfully begun; approval or recognition for hard work that could involve a raise, a certificate of achievement, or other financial perks.

four of pentacles

Beginning a garden; adding on to a building; purchasing property; home and property renovations; setting down roots of a project; prosperity; stability; working toward ambitions.

five of pentacles

Unexpected financial difficulties or problems with something that you value; feeling emotionally out in the cold; setbacks; distress; disappointments; solving problems brought on by divorce or death in the family; probate difficulties; legacy problems; financial loss; lack of detail in finances.

six of pentacles

Generosity of yourself and others; prosperity; kindness; deserved reward; acquiring a benefactor; gifts of all kinds.

seven of pentacles

Investing to reap later; progress and gain. A change in luck based on your performance. Success revolving around something you value. Career changes coming that will positively affect you if you have worked hard. Change in direction that involves financial planning or projects having to do with finances. Decisions now will have far-reaching impact on your financial standing.

eight of pentacles

Mastery of a skill; pleasure in your work; handicrafts and the arts; reaping what you sow; completing a cycle in finances or business; apprenticeship; new directions in career planning possible; taking a more profitable road without hesitation.

nine of pentacles

Obtaining wisdom; being happy and worthy; an appreciation of what you have; material and financial security; building a legacy for your children or loved one; monetary gratification.

ten of pentacles

Material fulfillment; efforts rewarded; completion of a particular job, project, or settlement on a home or property; a happy conclusion; security assured. Solid foundation.

page of pentacles

Harbinger of good news involving money, property, or rewards. A young person with new, creative ideas.

knight of pentacles

The coming or going of any matter relating to money or property. Endurance and patience. Dedication to a particular cause.

queen of pentacles

A down-to-earth woman known for her financial acuity; nurturing; one who enjoys the out-of-doors and gardening; one who saves; financial fertility; putting practical ideas to good use.

king of pentacles

Experienced, successful businessman or leader. One who saves and is reliable, steadfast, and often resourceful. Good planner. Down-to-earth personality.


Communications, thoughts, and ideas
Astrological association: Fire
Season for timing: Spring

ace of wands

New venture, idea, project or trip. Translating ideas into action. Using one’s imagination. Creativity. Aces always stand for beginnings.

two of wands

A new partnership; using leadership to solve communication difficulties; meetings; resolving conflicts; appropriate mitigation of circumstances; business merger; success; using one’s initiative to overcome obstacles.

three of wands

Possible travel over water, such as a vacation or traveling sales, or a career that involves travel; international trading; business savvy; the initial completion of a project; looking at overseas investments or travel; working with others in a leadership position. The “idea person” of a group. Conferences, symposiums, and trade shows.

four of wands

Setting prosperity; peace; joy; setting down creative roots; attending or participating in a marriage ceremony; festivals; picnics; holiday fun; celebrations of all kinds including birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, and accomplishments. Building a gazebo and buying outdoor or patio furniture or accouterments; romance, but look at the other cards surrounding this one.

five of wands

A meeting of the minds through conflicts; debate; verbal conflicts that result in new ideas; competition; mental struggle; rebellion (check the surrounding cards); delays and frustrations; difficulty deciding between will and desire.

six of wands

Victory and success; feelings of triumph; receiving public or outward recognition for your hard work; overcoming all obstacles; winning; promise of fulfillment is genuine.

seven of wands

Going where angels fear to tread; fulfillment through courageous action; challenges but they can be overcome; uncertainty and risk; success after extreme difficulties.

eight of wands

Messages; communications; Internet surfing and business; e-mails; phone calls; faxes; long-distance travel; hasty action; letters of love and passion; action and excitement; forward pursuit of one’s goals; much can be accomplished if you think before you act.

nine of wands

Taking the bull by the horns and moving forward; action; the ability to inspire others in a positive way; liberation in thinking; acquiring a position with leadership; determination in the face of opposition; travels, journeys, and moves.

ten of wands

Overworked; carrying too many burdens; too many family or work responsibilities; feeling like a project will never end, but you are advised not to give up—the end is closer than you believe. Trying to hold on to outdated or outmoded situations. Trying to accumulate too much too fast.

page of wands

Messages having to do with information, career, or creative ideas. A young person who is impulsive and enthusiastic.

knight of wands

Coming and going of issues involving your career, projects, or ideas that you may have. Well-intentioned though often unreliable young man.

queen of wands

Success in family, career, and outdoor recreational pursuits; love of beauty; intelligent, quick-thinking woman.

king of wands

Creative individual with an eye for beauty; oft times impulsive but friendly. Helpful in business or communicative pursuits.


Astrological association: Water
Season for timing: Summer

ace of cups

Beginning of a romance or something that you love; overflowing with happiness; productivity caused by emotional pleasure; a gift of beauty; a new project full of potential that pleases you. Landing a project or situation that you feel will be emotionally fulfilling.

two of cups

Partnership based on positive emotions; new friendship; an affair; harmony and balance.

three of cups

Joining a group of like-minded individuals; emotional celebrations of all kinds; positive group mind; comfort; a happy outcome of an emotional situation; good luck; emotional fulfillment of something long awaited.

four of cups

Too much of a good thing; emotional indecision; apathy; making the wrong choice due to emotional dissatisfaction or emotional baggage; weariness; histrionics (making a mountain out of a molehill); boredom; refusing to see the good in a situation and concentrating on the negative.

five of cups

Emotionally hurtful conflict; a change brought on by loss or regret; pay attention to the positive things that you have left; emotional disappointment; loss of a friend; foolish regret.

six of cups

Living in the past; not willing to let the past go; the study of history or genealogy; a discovery about the past; meeting someone from your past; learning about a legacy; a gift from an admirer (usually supported by other cards); nostalgia; the possibility of a lover returning (again, look at surrounding cards). Actions of the past bear emotional fruit in the present; sentimental journey.

seven of cups

All that glitters isn’t gold; read the fine print; concentrating on illusion—whatever that may be; illusionary magick; imagined success; self-deception; possible personality disorder; denial; wearing many faces but not allowing yourself to be the “real you.” The warning with this card is: “To your own self be true. Look at the writing on the wall and read it.” Possible poison in your choices—beware, someone is trying to trick you.

eight of cups

Walking away from people, places, or things that no longer spiritually serve you. Taking a fresh look at yourself and moving on to brighter horizons. Disappointments in love. Moving to a higher level of spirituality. Time to do emotional housecleaning; purposefully changing one’s lifestyle to create spiritual harmony; death of unwanted or unneeded emotional tags.

nine of cups

All your wishes will be granted. One of the best cards in the deck. Prosperity, oodles of love, and emotional satisfaction. Just be careful what you wish for. Success in magickal endeavors.

ten of cups

Success; lasting happiness; a happy home environment; loving friends and partners; excellent friendships and great love; contentment and emotional reward.

page of cups

Message of an emotional nature. An artistic, imaginative student. An emotionally expressive and creative child.

knight of cups

The coming or going of any emotional matter. Possible message or invitation. Fickle young male. Young person emotionally striking out on their own.

queen of cups

Secretive, creative woman. Oft times “the other woman” in an illicit affair. Gossipy and vindictive. Emotional.

king of cups

Emotional, self-possessed individual. Creative. Emotional. Not particularly stable. Ill-tempered. Wears many faces but owns none. Possible cheater and trickster.


Intellect, health issues
Astrological association: Air
Season for timing: Fall

ace of swords

A striking new idea; using your intelligence to attack a problem in a new way; a personal victory.

two of swords

Can’t see forward and can’t see backward; stuck between two opposites; coming to grips with the duality of a situation; dealing with gossip; indecision; a search for balance.

three of swords

Grief and pain. Querent has definitely experienced some sort of loss in the recent past (although sometimes they are in denial about this, though this is rare). Emotional agony, disappointment, betrayal; quarrels and separations.

four of swords

The need for rest and relaxation; the need for a stress-free environment; time to take a vacation, preferably around nature; a welcome release or a change for the better.

five of swords

Theft by a friend; loss or defeat; humiliation; the inability to defend oneself; unfairness; understanding one’s limits before success can be achieved; up against a bully.

six of swords

Moving away from illness, pain, or sorrow; recovery; taking action to overcome one’s problems; better times ahead so keep going; a journey often planned due to unhappy circumstances; the need to “get away.”

seven of swords

Theft by a stranger; possible move of house; a setback; a cycle of bad luck; tact is necessary in any situation; partial success that will not justify the risks involved.

eight of swords

Bound by the garbage everyone is feeding you; low self-esteem caused by the negative comments of others; crisis point; imprisonment with eventual release; restrictive surroundings; learn to think for yourself.

nine of swords

Nightmare; bound by your own fears; difficulty sleeping at night; personally imposed misery or disappointment; worrying needlessly; being disappointed in someone; possible danger—check surrounding cards.

ten of swords

The desire to escape from pain and unhappiness; it’s always darkest before the dawn—this situation will change; feeling like you’ve been stabbed in the back; mental anguish; emotional detachment to protect the self.

page of swords

Messages of a fact-finding nature. Young, intelligent individual. A flair for secrets and spying. Individual with an impressive network that can relay information.

knight of swords

The swift coming and going of any matter. Fearless defender of justice.

queen of swords

Loyal, decisive, business-minded woman. No funny business. Logical. Smart and intense. Sometimes lives alone, but not always. Aggressive, occasionally emotionally detached; sees through plots, cons, and other nefarious dealings. An excellent friend and unbeatable foe.

king of swords

Strong, powerful authority figure. Loyal, intelligent, often involved with law, the courts, the military service, or dangerous occupations such as police officer or EMT personnel. Good doctors and surgeons. An excellent friend and unbeatable foe.

Reading the Cards

Cleanse the cards with a bell, holy water, or other magickal device before, after, and between readings. Shuffle the cards (here Tarot cards readers are at odds, some say to have the querent, or person asking the question, to shuffle the cards, others say not to allow anyone to touch the cards but the reader. As I usually do multiple readings in one day, I prefer to shuffle the cards myself.). The number of times the cards are shuffled also varies. Most just shuffle the cards until they think they should stop or until it feels right. Asking the querent to concentrate on the question being asked while you shuffle is appropriate. If they are busy blabbing, all sorts of strange stuff can enter the reading.

Next, the cards are cut into three separate piles. Some readers will turn over each stack and read the three cards. This is called reading the cut. Others simply place the stacked cards backed together—right stack on top of left stack on top of the center stack. The cards are then laid out in the spread the reader chooses to use. (see Part 3 for a discussion on divination techniques and reading for clients.) Since the Celtic Cross Spread is most often used in reading Tarot cards, I have given it as follows:


Celtic cross spread.

The Celtic Cross Spread

Choose one card from the deck before it is shuffled that most represents the person for whom you are doing the reading. For example, I am always represented as the Queen of Swords, and my husband always comes up in a variety of readings as the King of Swords, therefore, we use those cards to represent ourselves. If you are unsure, close your eyes and think of the individual’s face and personality, then allow your mind to do a bit of free association. The card chosen is usually a court or major arcana card.

You can also choose a card that matches the situation. For example, if you know that your friend has an abusive husband and she wants to know the outcome of the current events, you could begin with the Devil card and move from there, though I don’t advise this practice until you feel very comfortable with your skill level.

Card 1 (significator) is placed vertically on top of the querent’s representative card. This will represent the influence that covers the querent’s life at the present moment.

Card 2 (card that crosses) is placed horizontally on top of the first card. This will represent the influences that cross or oppose the querent at present.

Card 3 (conscious mind) is placed vertically beneath the first two cards. This represents a past influence beneath the querent that caused the current situation in the querent’s life.

Card 4 (subconscious) is placed to the right of the first and second cards. This will represent an influence that has just recently passed or is on the way out of the querent’s life.

Card 5 (past) is then placed above the first and second cards. This card indicates the influence that is coming into being in the querent’s life, as this is what “crowns” the querent.

Card 6 (immediate future, 1–2 weeks) is placed to the left of the first and second cards. This card shows the future influence that will act upon the querent’s life.

Cards 7, 8, 9, and 10 are then laid out in a vertical line going from the bottom to the top.

The seventh card (future 4–6 weeks)
represents the querent’s fears on the

The eighth card (what others think of you,
not necessarily what you know of
yourself) represents the friends, family,
and environment in the querent’s life
that will have an influence on the
outcome of the situation.

The ninth card (fears and wishes) represents
the querent’s hopes within the present

The tenth card (outcome, six months) is the
final outcome for good or bad that the
querent will experience in the situation.

Cards 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15:

The eleventh card represents action to take
using earth energy.

The twelfth card represents action to take
using air energy.

The thirteenth card represents action to take
using fire energy.

The fourteenth card represents action to
take using water energy.

The fifteenth card represents action to take
to encourage spiritual transformation.

Note: It is important to remember that the meaning of each card is interpreted in relationship to the position it falls within in the spread. Try to make the reading an interesting story in the querent’s life but read all events as pertaining to the querent. Remember that there are several interpretations of the positions in the Celtic Cross. This example is merely one of them.

Tarot and Astrology

There are two types of spreads that lend themselves well to the Tarot: the Planetary Spread and the Astrological House Spread (see diagram on page 216).


Planetary spread. Card 1: Sun, 2: Moon, 3: Mercury, 4: Venus, 5: Mars, 6: Jupiter, and 7: Saturn.

The Planetary Spread

The Planetary Spread works particularly well if you want to focus on a specific person and understand what energies, emotions, and circumstances they are currently dealing with in respect to recent life choices.

Shuffle the deck. To begin, lay out two cards in the nine positions, facedown in a fan pattern, as shown. When reading, the first card in each pile tells the past/present, where the second card may tell the future.

Position 1 is the sun. It shows where the individual is focusing most of his or her thoughts, feelings, actions, and recent choices—where he or she is placing his or her “will” at the moment.

Position 2 is the moon. This position lets you know how the person is currently dealing with the emotional ups and downs of life. It is highly possible that when reading this position, the person will say, “No, that’s not how I feel,” because you are reading the subconscious (that which is hidden), and we don’t always acknowledge what is deeply buried within us.

Position 3 is Mercury. This is how the person is communicating, and what type of verbal interplay he or she is involved in at the moment. Cards, letters, e-mails, and faxes are also included in this category, as well as travel plans.

Position 4 is Venus. This tells you about the person’s love life and social skills. It can also hint at educational pursuits.

Position 5 is Mars. Here we see the type of energy the person is actively using. He or she may be aggressive or complacent; recent events they have had to deal with often pop up here.

Position 6 is Jupiter. This position tells you where the person is expanding in his or her life at the moment. Sometimes it speaks of hopes and dreams that they are working on, or added responsibilities that they feel are fulfilling. If these responsibilities are stifling, then they will appear under the Saturn category. You can also tell if a person’s faith in something is right on target or misplaced.

Position 7 is Saturn. This is a category of endings, rules, restrictions, limitations, structure, parental influence, and sometimes honor (especially if the sun card falls here). It can also focus on sickness and recovery.

Position 8, at the bottom of the fan, tells you what is the next best move in relation to all the other cards.

Position 9, at the top of the fan, tells you where your focus should be for the next six months in regard to your spiritual path.

Note: If you want to spend more time with this type of reading, you can lay out positions for Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (the outer planets). Uranus says where you should focus your humanitarian contributions. Neptune is the type of overall vision you need to accomplish your goals. Pluto discusses both power and regeneration. The three outer planets often cover what is happening in your environment (school, town, community, country) and your place within those changes. Use these three cards for meditation purposes.


Roman antiquity house relationships.

The Astrological House Spread

You can use the diagram on page 216, or you can use the classical interpretation shown above, employed by Roman astrologers in the fourth century a.d.

house one: house of life—
eastern rising

Here is the vital spirit of the querent, how he or she thinks about themselves and what is “rising” in his or her life. Future trends and ways of new thinking will fall here. The basic character of the person at this point in time will be revealed. Normally the first house connects with all the others and will show a theme throughout the reading.

house two: house of value—
rising from the underworld

What is most important to the querent in terms of value will appear here. Sometimes this will be about material things, but other times it may be about intangible aspects of the individual. This placement will also show you how the person has risen above recent experiences or overcome events. Personal addictions sometimes appear here.

house three: house of
brothers—home of the goddess

The impact of the actions of siblings, short-distance travel, and the type of communication currently enjoyed by the querent will be found here. Goddess-centered studies, magicks, and rituals that can be performed to help the querent sometimes appear in this position.

house four: house of parents—alchemical lower heaven

The current relationship with parents and family might be clarified by the cards in this house. Depending on how this chart is read, the dominant parent would be in the tenth house and the more submissive or supportive parent in the fourth. This is also the house of endings, therefore after the entire spread is read, any cards in this placement can give you a specific end to the matter. The Alchemical Lower Heaven shows what efforts the querent is making to build toward a better future in the realm of “home base,” and relates to bringing thought into form.

house five: house of children—good luck

If the individual has children, the impact of their actions fall here. If one has a pet that is considered a family member, you’ll find this friend in the fifth house too. Opportunities of future good luck and people who bring good fortune toward the client will also appear in this house. Affairs or chance encounters and hobbies also show up in this placement.

house six: house of health and sickness—bad luck

General health issues (both good and bad), psychological recovery, and daily tasks are ruled by the cards placed here. Any recent unfortunate circumstances that would be considered a “wrong place, wrong time” scenario will be found here. As to the future, this is the house of warning, letting the querent know what can be changed to avoid disaster should such circumstances be looming on the horizon.

house seven: house of
marriage—western setting

Any type of long-lasting partnership, whether in marriage, schooling, or business, appears here—from best friends to live-in lovers to future marriage prospects. This is also the house of open enemies, meaning those people who purposefully bring bad luck to your doorstep. Finally, the house of western setting lets us know what is beginning to move out of the querent’s life. What is finished will show up in the next house.

house eight: house of death—descending to the underworld

This is by far the most interesting house in the Roman spread, as it tells us what we should have finished, what is finished (but we are too stubborn to admit it), and what we may be burying in our subconscious so that it can percolate awhile. “Cast off thy raiments” is a very good analogy for this placement. What is left when all is gone? Only your own true self, which will emerge in the second house in a later reading.

house nine: house of journeys—home of the god

Long-distance travel and higher education are found here. How the querent reacts to the laws of the land or school (or whatever) may also be discovered. One’s current social class and faith, in the self and in others, might also be shown. This is the home of the God (Sun God), and in that respect speaks of any rituals, magicks, or studies that relate to this energy.

house ten: house of honors—highest alchemical heaven

This position shows where the querent has the highest influence, and who may have influence over him or her. If the querent is experiencing a psychological dysfunction, it may appear here. Career, recent and future achievements, and the dominant parent are also under the rulership of this house.

house eleven:
house of friends—good spirit

The querent’s connections to people and groups of all sorts can be found here, as well as possible hopes and dreams. Information about one’s guardian angel/spirit guide might also be found. In the Roman system, one’s association to Spirit and faith are also shown here.

house twelve:
house of enemies—bad spirit

The character of enemies (open and hidden) can sometimes be discerned through the cards that fall here, or those groups or organizations that carry ill will toward the querent. Hidden physical illnesses (bad spirits) might be discovered by reading this placement. This is also the house of one’s undoing—meaning it is another warning house that can let the querent know where not to tread in the future, or what to change to provide a better outcome of a particular situation.

Magickal Purposes and Some
Suggested Tarot Cards

Carrying the magickal meditation further, you can perform complete rituals with your divination tool. First, choose which cards (runes, lots, etc.) you feel are appropriate to the situation. Cast a circle and call the quarters, then call your favorite divine energy into the circle. State the purpose of the ritual. Slowly lay out the cards, indicating aloud what each is for. Once you have placed all the cards on the white cloth, hold your hands over the cards and activate them by thinking of what you would like to occur. Be specific. Try not to let your mind wander. Some magickal practitioners like to listen to a favorite piece of music while they concentrate on the desired outcome. When you are finished, blow once lightly on the cards, visualizing the energies of the cards swirling with power, then draw an equal-armed cross in the air over the cards to seal the spell. The cards should remain untouched until the desire has manifested.

I asked my daughters to compile a general idea of what they have worked magick for during their teen years to give you a list of corresponding cards that would meet your needs. We’ve also included the moon phase associated with the intended magick and the best days of the week, giving you a choice if your need does not match the current moon phase. You don’t need to use all the cards under any category.

Magickal Tarot Correspondences

arts, creativity, music

Cards: The Moon, the Star, the Sun, the Hermit, the High Priestess, the Magician, the Empress, 3 of Pentacles.

Moon phase for spell: Waxing and full.

Day of the week: Sunday (success), Monday (intuition), or Friday (love and pleasure).

business success, finding a job, winning an election, getting good grades, passing driver’s test

Cards: The Sun, the Star, the World, the Empress, the Emperor, the Wheel of Fortune, the Chariot; Ace, 2, 3, or 4 of Wands; 3 or 9 of Cups; Ace of Swords; Ace, 4, 8, 9, or 10 of Pentacles.

Moon phase for spell: Waxing or full.

Day of the week: Sunday (success), Tuesday (action and to win), Wednesday (interviews and studying), Thursday (money and expansion).

career success, choosing classes, graduation, choosing and purchasing a car, receive an award, scholarship

Cards: The Sun, the World, the Star, the Empress, the Emperor, the Wheel of Fortune, the Chariot, the Lovers; Ace, 2, 4, or 6 of Wands; 3 or 9 of Cups; Ace of Swords; Ace, 3, 4 6, 8, 9, or 10 of Pentacles.

Moon phase for spell: Waxing or full.

Day of the week: Sunday (success), Tuesday (action and to win), Wednesday (talking to counselor or your parents, and interviews), Thursday (money and expansion).

dating (successful evening)

Cards: The Sun, the Star, Ace or 2 of Cups.

Moon phase for spell: Waxing or full.

Day of the week: Sunday (success), Wednesday (communication), Friday (love).

emotional healing

Cards: Use the High Priestess for a woman and the Emperor to represent the man, and a page to for a child, then add any of the following: The Star, Temperance, Strength, Justice, the Empress, the Hermit, the Magician, the Sun, the World, Judgment; 7 or 9 of Wands; Ace, 3, or 6 of Cups; 2, 4, or 6 of Swords; 2 of Pentacles.

Moon phase for spell: Waning to banish negativity; full to promote healing.

Day of the week: Saturday (to banish); Sunday (success); Friday (healing with love).

family happiness

Cards: The Empress, the Emperor, the Star, the World, Ace or 4 of Wands; 10 of Cups; 10 of Pentacles; court cards to represent the people involved.

Moon phase for spell: Waning to banish negativity in the home; full to promote happiness.

Day of the week: Sunday (success); Monday (family); Wednesday (communication); Friday (love); Saturday (to banish).

gossip (to stop)

Cards: Emperor, High Priestess, Strength,Justice, Ace of Swords.

Moon phase for spell: Waning or dark.

Day of the week: Saturday.

legal action, detentions, suspensions, difficulties with teachers and the school administration in general, parental divorce, child custody matters

Cards: Emperor, High Priestess, Strength, Temperance, the Star, Justice, Ace of Swords.

Moon phase for spell: Waning or dark.

Day of the week: Saturday (to banish offending issue or party); Sunday (success); Monday (child custody); Tuesday (war day); Wednesday (open lines of fair and logical communication); Thursday (legalities); Friday (love and harmony).


Cards: The Lovers; the Empress; the Sun; 4 of Wands; Ace or 2 of Cups; any court card that resembles the type of partner you desire but not a specific person.

Moon phase for spell: Waxing or full.

Day of the week: Sunday (success); Monday (family love); Friday (love).


Cards: The Sun, the Empress, the Star, the Emperor, the Wheel of Fortune; 2 or 9 of Wands; 3 or 9 of Cups; Ace, 9, or 10 of Pentacles.

Moon phase for spell: Waning to lessen bills and push away poverty; waxing and full to promote prosperity.

Day of the week: Saturday to banish debt; Sunday (success); Tuesday (to take action); Wednesday (to sign contracts); Thursday (to expand prosperity).

party (successful)

Cards: The Sun, the Magician, Wheel of Fortune, the Star; Ace, 2, or 6 of Wands; Ace, 3, 9, or 10 Cups; Ace or 3 of Pentacles.

Moon phase for spell: Waxing or full.

Day of the week: Sunday (success), Wednesday (communication); Friday (socialization).

physical healing

Cards: The Sun, Strength, Temperance, 9 of Wands; 3 of Cups; 6 of Swords. Choose a court card to represent the person, and the Strength card to represent an animal.

Moon phase for spell: Waning and dark to banish illness; waxing and full to promote healing.

Day of the week: Saturday (banish sickness); Sunday (general health); Monday (family health); Thursday (to expand good health); Friday (healing with love).


Cards: Use the Empress and the Emperor to represent you and your date, then add the Sun, the Magician, the Chariot, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, the Star; and the Ace or 3 of Cups.

Moon phase for spell: Waxing or full.

Day of the week: Sunday (success); Friday (love).


Cards: The Emperor, the Chariot, Strength; 3, 6 , 7, or 9 of Wands; Knight of Swords.

Moon phase for spell: Waning or full.

Day of the week: Saturday (to banish evil), Wednesday (to find a criminal); Thursday (to bring justice).

psychic powers

Cards: The High Priestess, the Moon, Tthe Hanged Man, the Hermit, the Magician.

Moon phase for spell: Waxing or full.

Day of the week: Monday (intuition); Wednesday (communication); Friday (socialization).


Cards: The Sun, Strength.

Moon phase for spell: Waxing or full.

Day of the week: Sunday (success); Tuesday (excellence of movement and action).

Recommended Reading

Authors I would recommend for Tarot books include Sasha Fenton, Rachel Pollack, and Janine Renée.


