Astrology, we are told, is the oldest science (as astronomy and astrology were once wed as a single entity), and it has had an incredible impact on human history. Given this information, we can easily assume that both astronomy (the study of the heavenly bodies in defining weight, speed, mass, and how that body interacts with the other bodies of the universe) and astrology (the study of the movements of the heavenly bodies and how these movements relate to human activity and consciousness) have enormously changed over centuries of study because they are no longer seen as one entity.
In magickal studies, having a sense of our history is important as we build for the future. We are living history and the choices we make for our future are often made on the experiences of our past (or on the experiences of someone else’s past). In astrology, a snapshot in time be-comes the living history of the birth of a person, place, or thing. Even though all things are destructible, that point in time will live on. This is why charts of famous people can still be read for present-day occurrences in their personal chronicle of pain and pleasure. For example, the release of the story of William Wallace through the movie Braveheart would be apparent in Wallace’s astrological chart, even though his physical existence passed from this Earth centuries ago. More recently, Princess Diana’s chart will continue to reflect media releases about her life, times, and family. So, too, your natal chart will reflect your past, your present, and your future opportunities for choice.
The study of natal astrology is the contemplation (called delineation) of patterns of energy brought into this dimension by your birth, and the manipulation of that energy by yourself throughout your life. When we view astrology in this manner, we realize that nothing is fixed or fated, save what we make it that through past, present, and future choices. A life lesson can be learned through many approaches. It is our actions and our reactions that will determine what type of experience we will manifest in order to grasp this lesson. Sometimes we must go through several experiences of the same nature until we get it right! Our natal astrological chart is a mystery puzzle, and only we, the individual who massages the energies in the chart through daily choices, are the Chart Master. Indeed, we hold the keys to the secrets of ourselves and the brass ring of our success. An event chart, in the same manner, shows your upcoming energy patterns—and by your own choice, you can be there or be square! (Pun intended.) Your higher self, for all intents and purposes, is still in control, and if you let your conscious mind analyze the data of the chart, you can manifest the best choice possible for you. You have only two main requirements: making the effort to learn the language of astrology and, once integrated into your head, using the information to create a better lifestyle for yourself and those around you. Sounds just like real magick, doesn’t it?
In the occult, the student is taught “the mysteries,” which vary from group to group, order to order, and teacher to teacher; however, many of the building blocks of these teachings have remained the same over the centuries. Astrology is (and always will be) a part of the mysteries. We can trot it out into a new arena, slap politically safe words on it, gussie it up and make it acceptable to even the most discriminating of minds (and I don’t mean minds of good taste), and it will still be a mystery teaching. We can make it scientific, we can make it psychological, or we can make it spiritual. A rose by any other name is still a rose. And a mystery, by the very nature of it, is created with the sole purpose of being solved, and in that resolution comes enlightenment. A mystery teaching is named so not because the information is special, but because the information is not mass taught. Think about it. Christianity and other standard religions began as mystery teachings, but are not considered as such in our current lifestyle.
The guts of today’s astrological study focuses on eight of the known planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—our moon (which is a satellite), and our sun (which is the only star in our solar system). Although astrologers speak of the ten planets (as listed above, including the sun and the moon), don’t say that to an astronomer or in science class! The sun and moon are not scientifically classified as planets, yet they are seen as such for the purposes of astrology. (You still need to know the difference!) The sun and moon are sometimes called the Greater and Lesser Lights (the sun associated with the “greater” and the moon with the “lesser”). In many ancient religious teachings, the sun and moon were likened to the illumination of god/dess, gracing our world with light and life—two halves of a whole—the will and emotion married to create ultimate, positive energy. Does not our own Pagan spiral dance reflect the birth of the universe? We spiral in to focus, and we move out in a circular pattern to manifest the joy of the human soul as it marries the heavenly divine. From the physical to the spiritual, illumination carries enlightenment.
Religion aside for the moment, most historical accounts of astrology agree on the following:
Various studies of astronomy/astrology birthed out of different areas of the world independently. One of the first to surface was the Chaldeans (then Babylonia, now Iraq), developing around 3000 b.c. By 2000 b.c., the Chinese had their own variety of astrology. Others included India and the Maya of Central America. This affirms my belief that astrology is a gift from Spirit, introduced into the minds of different cultures to make sure everyone got a copy.
Around 500 b.c., astrology became a part of Grecian study, with philosophers such as Pythagoras and Plato incorporating their own expertise into the subject. Although condemned by some individuals in the Christian church (not all), astrology continued to be practiced through the Middle Ages and was often used by royalty for planning events and studying the possible ups and downs of favorite notables. Natal astrology was not the favorite study of the day, as few people knew the exact time of their birth (only the rich people or, in tribal times, the sons and daughters of the ruling hand had that privilege); therefore, if you wanted to know something about your life path, you relied on horary or electional interpretations.
Pliny the Elder (23 c.e.–79 c.e.), a Roman scholar, wrote an amazing number of texts, including the great Encyclopedia of Nature and Art (thirty-seven books). The volumes covered a compendium of subjects covering astronomy, geography, human physiology, etc., and it is felt by some that he was the foremost authority on science and history in ancient Europe. Pliny indicates that the Chaldeans were moon worshippers, and that their system of astrology was based on the movements of the moon—a zodiac system known as the houses of the moon (lunar mansions) and of which some information can be found today in the Picatrix. He further stated that the study of the heavens was “traditionally the business of women.”14 There is evidence that the astrology of Babylon and Egypt was moon-oriented and, even in Roman times, the Emperor Augustus used not his sun sign but his moon sign, Capricorn, on his coinage.15
Between 161 c.e. and 139 c.e., a man by the name of Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy) set about the task of writing down that which had been studied for centuries. Encompassing a four-volume series, the Tetrabiblos was the first material available in book form on astronomy/astrology. He also catalogued over 1,022 stars called paranatellonta, which were first seen as a device for locating objects in the heavens, and then grew into points that carried their own significance. When studying aspect sets (of which there are several), you will find that the Ptolemaic set of aspects is a favorite among modern astrologers, and the starting point for most beginning students. The Ptolemaic aspects also allow experienced astrologers to “get back to basics” when they hit the mind-clutter syndrome after several years of advanced study. (And yes, it happens to everyone.) In a chapter titled “On the Influence of the Stars,” Ptolemy wrote that by using astrology “we may await the future with dignity.”
Astrology was introduced to the Greeks by Alexander, who brought the study from Babylon and Egypt. It soon gained tremendous popularity. Not only was the hour of birth considered important because of its astrological influence, but horoscopes were cast for many important decisions. Chaldean astrologers settled in Athens and won wealth and favor. Berosus, a Babylonian, founded a college for astrology. He was so successful that the Athenians erected his statue in their gymnasium symbolizing divine prophecy.16 In Rome, however, emperors tended to be hypo- critical of magick and astrology. Nero, for example, felt that the common man shouldn’t be able to read the stars because the stars could predict conspiracies (and considering what Nero had in store for them, it isn’t any wonder). As an aside, we see this pattern repeated often by European royalty, including Queen Elizabeth. On the other hand, both Nero and his wife and Queen Elizabeth employed the astrologers of the day, meaning it was okay for the elite few to have astrological foreknowledge, but the common populace could wither and die. In Rome, being an astrologer did not assure fame and fortune. You could read for the emperor and his court, but you’d best keep your trap shut to anyone else. If your predictions were wrong, or found disfavor with a particular project, into the dungeon you would go, or you would perhaps share your evening meal with a passel of lions—you, of course, being the entrée.
The fall of Toledo (Spain) in 1085 placed the richest philosophical library in Europe at the disposal of Western scholars. The work of translation began soon afterward, coordinated by scholars from Italy, Germany, and Britain, but was dependent on the expertise of Spanish Arabs and Jews.17 This bit of trivia is important because it tells us where medieval astrologers gathered much of the astrological information that is still used today in a variety of magickal applications. Although most Witches don’t realize it, the magick they currently practice carries a great deal of medieval and Renaissance influence, including work from Guido Bonatti, Michael Scot, Roger Bacon, the patronage of Cosimo de Medici, Kepler, Newton, Paracelsus, Bruno, Thomas Campanella, Cornelius Agrippa, John Gadbury, William Ramsey, and William Lilly. It is Roger Bacon who said, “There is no fatal necessity in the stars; they incline but do not compel,” which has been paraphrased by numerous astrologers and magickal practitioners alike for hundreds of years—and which supports the concept of free will and the control you have over the energies you brought with you into this lifetime.
The study of astrology and astronomy was considered one practice until the 1600s, when Copernicus blew everyone out of the water by insisting that the Earth was not the center of the universe—that regal spot belonged to our sun. Hence, we now have two types of astrological study: heliocentric (the study of the planets from the position of the sun), and geocentric (the study of the planets from the position of the Earth). Geocentric astrology appears to be the current popular favorite in astrological studies.
Now, why is this history stuff so important? A great deal of the information that astrologers and magickal practitioners use in timing and correspondences still used today comes from the centuries of observations by astronomers/astrologers before them. It is also important to understand the nature of astrology within the framework of ancient religions. There was a good reason why the two were melded together. Naturally, some of the conclusions drawn so long ago were based on superstition, and we are forever grateful to the modern study of astronomy for correcting such errors; however, we are also finding that many of the conclusions postulated by ancient astronom-ers are returning to us through modern satellite transmissions. (See the works of Stitchen, published through Bear and Company, if you are interested in this phenomena.) In late Grecian history, and eventually in Rome, we hear the warning notes of the schism coming between magick and astrology. In the drive to consolidate authority, the Romans, and later the Christian church, would wade in blood and politics, almost obliterating magick and grievously wounding astrology.
Today, many astrologers believe that it was the work of Carl Jung, through his advanced studies of the human mind, which rescued astrology for the modern practitioner, melding the two sciences of psychology and astrology together to bring about healing mechanisms for the human psyche—which restructures the collective unconscious, which in turn breathes new life into the study of astrology, which can be used as a positive healing tool. If he had not done this, it is highly likely that all of the classical texts on astrology would still be moldering in some museum somewhere. Today we are lucky enough to have at least a few.
But what does all this have to do with the study and practice of magick? Most ancient mystery traditions, from what we can tell, were based on the study of nature, human behavior, the chosen religion of the tribe or order, and the movement of the heavens. By bringing astrology back into our lives, we give ourselves another avenue in which to operate, hopefully more efficiently than we did before. By granting ourselves the right to practice magick, we unfetter the human mind and allow our goals to manifest in a positive way. The mind is magick. To me, anyone that denigrates magick is purposefully choosing to destroy the inherent abilities of each and every human.
No longer bound by the fear and control mechanisms of the Middle Ages (you’re not, right?), we can move beyond superstition and into the science and art of positive human development. I have discovered that most, if not all, of the problems we wrestle today are merely illusions of our own perception. How frightening, and yet . . . how simple. Astrology and magick allow us to adjust those self-imposed perceptions and create that elusive win/win situation. Faith is our own construct of a positive energy pattern that allows us to produce a better individual reality. By being the best that we can be, we affect those around us in a positive way, which in turn affects the people around them. If we drop a pebble in the water, the reaction moves outward in a widening circle, creating a different reality (even if it is just a moment in time) for the pebble and the water. You are that pebble. What type of reality are you creating for yourself, and for others?
There are, however, a few stumbling blocks for the magickal astrologer. Without trying to purposefully border on the negative, it is necessary for you to know that there are those in the modern astrological community who have fought long and hard to remove the magick from astrology. I can understand this. We are still, even in this modern age, a superstitious species. Any “woo-woo” stuff and some people run for cover, while others loudly choose to erroneously disclaim the benefits of the system in question (let’s take the attacks on alternative medicine for an example) and do their best to drive the more intuitive among us deep into the bowels of the Earth. These people choose to ignore the magickal history attached to the subject of astrology because they are afraid. I agree that modern astrology is not fortunetelling, but I disagree that the astrologer’s intuitive process is left dormant while analyzing a chart. To me, our intuitive selves are an inherent part of our psychological and spiritual construction. We need only open the door of acceptance to take advantage of such a gift. Whether we admit it or not, every time we look at a person’s chart and begin the process of delineation (or analysis), we are actively applying a mystical energy, just as the ancients did before us. We are employing the building blocks of shamanistic and ceremonial study by seeking this process for the betterment of the human situation. We are the masters to a better future. And if that ain’t positive magick, I don’t know what is.
So what am I trying to tell you? Astrology is open to your interpretation. Yes, you can find guidelines in books, or teachers to help you, or software programs to make the calculations easier and provide pretty pictures at the same time, but in the end you need to formulate how you will use what you learn all by your little lonesome while attempting to keep an open mind. This also means that you are going to make mistakes. What you thought was a “hmmm” might only be a brain fart. That’s okay. This simply means that you are human and have not reached deity status. Join the club. This is also where accurate record keeping comes into play. Over time you will learn how you react to “segments” of a particular energy pattern by watching your own actions (and recording them) while that energy pattern is active, or when you activate that energy pattern through choice. Once you understand your personal astrological profile, you can adjust or improve your behavior to flow in a positive way with any energy pattern. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be any surprises, but planning and understanding how the energy might manifest in your life helps you to work with, rather than against, necessary change (those lessons in life provided by Spirit for our growth and amusement) or guide your actions in a harmonious way to create the changes that you desire. At the same time, by learning astrology and applying what you discover to your own life path, you will also have the added bonus of learning to understand the actions and behavior of those around you. It’s sort of fun to know that even though Aunt Bess is screaming that it’s an earthquake in her life, you’ve seen her chart and you know it’s only a chuck hole.
Natal astrology is so vast a subject that we can’t possibly cover it in this book; however, you will work with the planetary and sign energies throughout this material.
The Heptagram and
the Magickal Days
Although the heptagram (a seven-pointed star, above) is often used by the Faery traditions to represent their spirituality, it appears that its original basis had much to do with astrology, timing, and the advent of the seven-day week used throughout the Hellenistic world of mixed cultures (Egyptian/Greco-Roman). For some, the design represents the magick in the number seven, and various cultural deities, including the Seven Faces of Hathor (Egyptian), the Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Middle East), and the Seven Mothers of the World (Southeast Asia).18 In general magick you can place this symbol on any object as a defense against penetration—for example, private papers (your diary or magickal journal). If your mom or dad is a police officer or construction worker, where they face danger every day, you can write his or her name in the center of the star and empower the drawing as a protective device. Make sure the person puts the paper in a pocket or wallet, or something they wear or carry close to their body.
You will also find the heptagram in several old grimoires, where it is associated with the speed of the planets moving through the heavens, and matches the energies of the planets to the seven days of the week.
The diagram above, on the right, can be read two ways and gives us two interpretations. First, if we begin with the moon and move counterclockwise, we see that the planets are listed from the fastest-moving body in the heavens to the slowest of the known planets in classical times, which are as follows: the moon, Mercury, Venus, sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. If we put our finger on the moon, then trace down to Mars, over to Mercury, up to Jupiter, down to Venus, up to Saturn and down to the sun, we have just traced the planetary energies of our calendar week:
Monday: Moon
Tuesday: Mars
Wednesday: Mercury
Thursday: Jupiter
Friday: Venus
Saturday: Saturn
Sunday: Sun
. . . and this continuous line moves clockwise around the diagram. In some magickal traditions, the heptagram begins with the sun placed at the highest point.
The diagram on the next page works the same way. If we want to remember which planet moves faster, then we start with the moon and move counterclockwise to Mercury, to Venus, to the sun, and so on. If we want to know what rules which day of the week, we start with the sun (Sunday), trace the line down to the moon (Monday), up to Mars (Tuesday), down to Mercury (Wednesday), over to Jupiter (Thursday), up to Venus (Friday), and down to Saturn (Saturday). As with the first diagram, these are the seven classical planets of the ancient world.
To modern magicians, the heptagram stands for the distribution of the planetary energies through the seven days of the week, and is associated with the seven colors of the rainbow, the Egyptian Goddess Isis, and is sometimes called the Symbol of Venus or Star of Venus because Venus is both the rising and setting star (see Pentagram/Pentacle). At certain times of the year she rises at dawn, and other times of the year she rises at twilight—therefore some called her the Gateway to the Stars. The heptagram is also used for calculating planetary hours, a fine-tuning device used in magick and ritual.
The Planets
In Witchcraft, planetary and astrological sign energies are used in making incense, oils, potions, timing, ritual, spellcasting, and numerous other facets. In an effort not to be redundant, you will find the following list includes scientific and general information about the planets. The energies these planets represent and what they can be used for will fall in the weekly associations, and in the planetary hour table on page 197. However, if you are new to astrology, don’t skip over this first list. You may find it incredibly invaluable in the future when reading your planetary guide, astrological almanac, trying to figure out the astrological software program you just bought, or trying your hand at event planning. And if you are very brave, you will need these rough calculations for the study of horary astrology.
Miscellaneous Information
About the Inner Planets
time it takes to circle an astrological chart
(360 degrees in circumference), which also equals
the planet’s orbit around the sun
Sun: 365 Earth days and spends approx. 30 days in each sign.
Moon: 27 days and 7 hours and spends 2.3 to 2.5 days in each sign.
Mercury: 88 Earth days—moves around the chart approx. 4 times each year and spends about 7.5 days in each sign (not including retrograde periods).
Venus: 225 Earth days and spends approx. 18.7 days in each sign (not including retrograde periods).
Mars: 687 Earth days or 1.9 years (almost two years) and spends approx. 57.3 days in each sign (not including retrograde periods).
retrograde periods
Sun: None.
Moon: None.
Mercury: Three times per year for 3 weeks per retrograde period.
Venus: Retrogrades every 18 months for approx. 40 days.
Mars: Retrogrades every 26 months for 10 weeks (70 days).
number of satellites
(moons and asteroids)19
Sun: (blank).
Moon: None, though she does go “void” as she moves from sign to sign. A void period can last from a few minutes to two days.
Mercury: None.
Venus: None.
Mars: Two moons, Phobos and Deimos (diameter of fourteen miles and seven miles, respectively).
degrees this planet moves
on average per day
Sun: Approx. one degree.
Moon: Approx. .5 degrees per hour, or twelve degrees per day.
Mercury: Approx. 4 degrees per day.
Venus: Approx. 1.6 degrees per day.
Mars: Approx. .5 degrees per day, which would be a movement of 30 minutes.
Sun: Star ball of incandescent gas of average size and brightness compared to other stars.
Moon: No air and no liquid water. No weather. Landforms are a result of meteoric impact.
Mercury: Less than half the diameter of Earth. No air or water.
Venus: Covered in bright clouds of sulfuric acid. Atmospheric pressure is 90 times that of Earth. Most of the surface is covered by undulating plains.
Mars: Has a 24-hour day, a pattern of seasons, and polar ice caps. Temperatures on Mars rarely rise above freezing. Called the red planet because it is covered by red deserts. Some think Mars is the precursor of Earth and was destroyed by war.
astrological sign rulership
Sun: Leo.
Moon: Cancer.
Mercury: Gemini and Virgo.
Venus: Taurus and Libra.
Mars: Aries and Scorpio (classical).
Miscellaneous Information
About the Outer Planets
time it takes to circle an
astrological chart (360 degrees in circumference),
which also equals the planet’s orbit around the sun
Jupiter: Approx. 11.9 Earth years (usually rounded to 12 years), spending approx. one full year in each sign.
Saturn: Approx. 29.5 Earth years to complete its cycle around the chart. Spends approx. 2.4 years in each sign.
Uranus: Approx. 84 Earth years to complete a cycle. Spends approx. 7 years in each sign.
Neptune: Approx. 165 Earth years to complete a cycle. Spends approx. 13.8 years in each sign.
Pluto: Approx. 248 Earth years to complete a cycle. Spends 20.6 years in each sign.
retrograde periods
Jupiter: Once per year for 120 days or approx. 4 months.
Saturn: Once per year for 140 days or approx. 5 months.
Uranus: Once per year for 148 days or approx. 5 months.
Neptune: Once per year for 150 days or approx. 6 months.
Pluto: Once per year for approx. 6 months.
number of satellites
(moons and asteroids)21
Jupiter: 16 known satellites that fall into three groups: inner eight, including the four Galilean moons; the middle four, and the outer four. The Galilean moons are the largest: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Saturn: 18 moons, of which the largest is Titan and is the second largest moon in the solar system (smaller only than Ganymede). Other moons are Rhea, Tethys, Dione,
Iapetus, Enceladus, and Mimas.
Uranus: 21 known moons. Titania is the largest. Cordelia and Ophelia are shepard moons straddling the Epsilon ring.
Neptune: 8 moons with Triton as the largest, which is actually bigger than Pluto and moves in retrograde motion.
Pluto: 1 moon, Charon.
degrees this planet moves
on average per year
Jupiter: 30 degrees per year, or .08 degrees per day.
Saturn: 12.5 degrees per year, or .03 degrees per day.
Uranus: 4.3 degrees per year, or .01 degrees per day.
Neptune: 2.1 degrees per year, or .005 degrees per day.
Pluto: 1.4 degrees per year, or .003 degrees per day.
Jupiter: Largest planet in the solar system, weighing more than any other planet—it spins faster than any other planet and its constantly changing cloud formations form bands parallel to the equator. The planet is made primarily of liquid hydrogen and helium.
Saturn: Second largest planet in the solar system—broad, bright rings made of icy chunks that encircle equator; cloudy atmosphere that covers an interior of liquid hydrogen and helium.
Uranus: Gas giant and third largest planet in solar system. Axis of rotation makes it look like it is orbiting on its side. Covered in methane clouds that absorb red light. Also has eleven rings.
Neptune: Gas giant, faint ring system; atmosphere consists of hydrogen, helium, and methane. Stormy atmosphere. Crust is icy water, methane, and ammonia.
Pluto: Actually a double heavenly body with the other half (sometimes referred to as a moon) known as Charon. Where Pluto is covered with frozen methane, Charon is covered with frozen water.
astrological sign rulership
Jupiter: Sagittarius and Pisces (classical).
Saturn: Capricorn and Aquarius (classical).
Uranus: Aquarius.
Neptune: Pisces.
Pluto: Scorpio.
Magickal Days and Basic Timing
In modern Wicca, the heptagram is one of the first timing devices we learn, although you’ll find a table of correspondences like the one below in most books rather than the geometric symbol (see page 185).
Planet: Sun.
Basic energy: Will.
Basic magick: Success.
Element: Fire.
Color: Yellow or gold.
Rules: Leo.
Energy keywords: Aggressive, authority, confidence, courage, determination, dignity, egocentric, faith, fortitude, individualism, leadership, loyalty, optimism, overbearing, poise, power, reliance, stubborn, vitality, willful.
Planet: Moon.
Basic energy: Emotion.
Basic magick: Protection, psychism.
Element: Water.
Color: White or blue.
Rules: Cancer.
Energy keywords: Creativity, domestic, feeling, flexible, growth, imagination, impressionable, intuition, kindness, magnetism, masculine, maternal, matter, mother, peace, plasticity, protective, psychism, receptive, sensitive, sympathy, visionary.
Planet: Mars.
Basic energy: Action.
Basic magick: War, change.
Element: Fire.
Color: Red.
Rules: Aries, Scorpio.
Energy keywords: Assertive, combative, constructive, courage, defiant, destruction, dynamic, energy, expressive, fearless, force, frank, heroics, impulsive, leadership, passion, self-reliant, spontaneity, violent.
Planet: Mercury.
Basic energy: Speed.
Basic magick: Communication.
Element: Air.
Color: Blue or silver.
Rules: Gemini, Virgo.
Energy keywords: Active, adaptable, agility, alert, analytical, articulate, aware, brilliant, changeable, critical, dexterous, diffusive, discriminatory, duality, efficient, expressive, indecisive, intelligent, irresponsible, precise, reason, restless, sensory, skeptical, verbose, versatile.
Planet: Jupiter.
Basic energy: Expansion.
Basic magick: Money.
Element: Fire.
Color: Purple.
Rules: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Energy keywords: Aspiration, benevolent, charitable, confident, dignity, expansion, extravagant, faithful, generous, growth, gullible, human, humorous, indulgence, kindness, merciful, optimistic, orthodox, philanthropic, poise, pompous, radiance, religious, reverent, understanding.
Planet: Venus.
Basic energy: Socialization.
Basic magick: Love, friendships.
Element: Air.
Color: Green.
Rules: Taurus, Libra.
Energy keywords: Affectionate, art, attractive, beauty, considerate, constructive, cooperative, courtesy, devotion, evasive, feminine, flirtatious, gentle, harmony, impressionable, indifferent, indolent, love, obstinate, original, refinement, responsive, sociable, vacillate.
Planet: Saturn.
Basic energy: Restriction, authority, crossroads.
Basic magick: Banishing, rewards.
Element: Earth.
Color: Black or midnight blue.
Rules: Capricorn.
Energy keywords: Authority, caution, defensive, diplomatic, fearful, humility, justice, law, old, patience, pessimism, respect, responsible, restrain, rigid, serious, severe, sincere, stern, thrifty, time.
There are a variety of ways that you’ll learn to use magickal days, and their energies are very useful if you can’t (for whatever reason) use the phases/quarters of the moon or the moon in the signs for timing a spell or other activity, or are just looking for a “good” day to do something.
Family members seem to learn the magickal days with more acceptance than any other technique because they are simple, and it doesn’t take long for them to realize that they work! For example, if you need forceful energy to get your point across or need a little confidence, then choose a Tuesday—an action day. If you want to hand in extra-credit homework, work on a term paper, find research information, talk to a friend about something important, take a short trip, or must do several things at one time, Wednesday is the day. If you need to work for money (long-term cash, saving, and investing), then Thursday would be a good choice. Monday is for psychism, children, mothers, feminine interests, and working on your emotions in a positive way, as well as protection. Saturday is the day to throw things away, to banish bad habits, or to put limits or structure to something, to work on manifesting rewards, and to talk to the dead. Friday is for love, parties, shopping, social activities, friendships, and working for fast cash. Sunday has always been the success day—a day of beginnings, joy, and harmony in respect to your will (what you want to do, as opposed to what you have to do). If you mention every Wednesday morning that Wednesdays are good days for communication, your family will eventually realize you are right. If you say often that “Tuesday is the war day,” again your family members will (at some point) notice that people are a bit more active, maybe even more combative, on Tuesdays. After awhile, Mom might say, “I think I’ll wait until Wednesday to talk to my boss about that research project. Didn’t you say Wednesdays were good communication days?”
Seven-Day Spells
Many books on the Craft and magick talk about seven-day spells, where the magickal work is done on a particular day, and then repeated every day thereafter for seven days. These spells are constructed so that you can work with the planetary energies of each day, building to the ultimate completion of the spell that has all the powers of the seven classical planets. To help with visualization, candles are often used, though you can tailor any magickal operation to the seven-day cycle. Taper candles can be marked with seven notches, or you can use a “rainbow” candle, a pillar candle, a seven-day continuously burning glass-enclosed candle, or even an oil lamp with scented, colored oil that matches the overall goal. Some magickal people use seven small candles (votive or tea) rather than a single candle, and burn one of these smaller candles a day for seven days.
The most important choice in the seven-day spell rests on timing and the immediacy of your need. Can you wait for the right moon phase or not? Can you wait for the right flavor of the moon or not? Can you wait for the right day (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) or not? And, even if you can wait, will everything fit together? Maybe the moon phase and the flavor are right, but the day isn’t what you’d normally choose. Perhaps you can’t get the moon phase or the flavor, but you can hit the right day. There will be times that you wish you could just move things around to suit your magickal needs, but you know that you can’t do that—or can you? Laurie Cabot, one of the most famous practicing Witches of our time, often added the following to her spells: “And may all astrological correspondences be correct for this working.” That way, even if you can’t physically work on the right day, or moon phase, or catch that unique flavor of the moon, you can touch the energies you need for that working. Cool, huh? It works. I’ve been doing it for years. However, the more correspondences that match in your magickal workings, such as astrological timing, the faster and more powerful your work will become.
Before we move on to the invocations for the seven-day cycle spells, we should talk about one more piece of timing—you. There will be occasions in your life when the moon isn’t in the right place, the flavor is all off, and the day is the worst, but you will be all fired up to do magick. It just hits you with an exciting rush, and you think, “It’s time to do magick.” Maybe your fingers will tingle or your hands will grow warm. Perhaps there is a tightness in the muscles of your arms or a lightness around the solar plexus. Follow the signals that your body is sending you. Do the magick.
Classical Planetary Invocations
The following invocations are designed to invoke the energy of each of the classical planets separately, along with an invocation that ties them all together. If you begin your spellwork on a Sunday, then start with the Invocation of the Sun, followed the next day (which would be a Monday) with that of the moon, and so on. If you launch your spellwork on a Tuesday, then use the Invocation of Mars, followed by that of Mercury (on Wednesday), etc. Say each invocation three times: first, to declare and summon the spiritual assistance needed; second, to banish any unwanted energies; and third, to infuse the object or person with “the change” and to seal the spell (see part 4, Charms).
Each day before repeating the invocation that matches the day, begin with the following:
1. Breathe deeply three times or more until you feel calm and relaxed.
2. Ground and center.
3. Cast the magick circle and call the quarters.
4. Repeat the following opening, which you can use for opening any spellwork:
Great Mother Goddess, allow me to reach into the vaulted heavens and bring that which is needed for this working into form. Purify all
energies and fill them with harmony so that the Witch and the magick work in divine union and create the pattern that will crystallize into my desire here on Earth.
invocation of the sun
State the purpose of your working, then say:
O glorious sun, who lies at the center of our solar system, father of the skies who travels across the vault of Earth’s starry heavens bringing golden light and love, infuse this working with power, generosity, and joy. Ruler of Leo, exalted in Aries, element of fire, bring to me my desire!
invocation of the moon
State the purpose of your working, then say:
Moon’s bright enchantment, Mother of the
Universe, she who rules the tides of the seas
of life, who grows from bright to dark,
and bright again, yet ever remains the silvery queen of the night, bring to me the powers
of Witchery! Greatest Mother, whose throne
glitters in Cancer, who is exalted in Taurus,
and ruler of the mighty subconscious waters,
give life and love to this working.
invocation of mars
State the purpose of your working, then say:
Mighty Mars of iron will, ferocious force of action and leader of passion, who empowers the Earth with vitality and courage, who brings change in movement, seed this working with your unending strength and shield my enchantments from prying eyes. Wolven howl of transformation, ruler of Aries, exalted in Capricorn, element of fire,
energize this working!
invocation of mercury
State the purpose of your working, then say:
Mercury, quicksilver messenger of the gods,
he who dances about the Earth carrying wisdom and perception, whose versatility brings positive change and creative thinking, I invoke thee and call upon thee in my hour of need. Permeate this work with celestial speed so that my desire may manifest. Ruler of Virgo and Gemini, exalted in Virgo, elements of air and earth, combine this night in sacred birth!
invocation of jupiter
State the purpose of your working, then say:
Massive Jupiter, powerful ruler of gods and men, he who brings loyalty, generosity, and faith from the celestial powers, fill this working with your generosity and good fortune and the freedom I need to create the necessary change. Hurl your thunderbolts in a positive way to create an opening so that my magicks may pass to the earthly world. Ruler of Pisces and Sagittarius, exalted in Cancer, elements of water and fire,
flow and force from the ultimate source!
invocation of venus
State the purpose of your working, then say:
Queen of dawn’s first blush and evening twilight, she who orchestrates both love and war, whose temples graced the ancient world, whose kisses brought agreement and adoration, to you I now implore—synchronize my work that force and form work in harmony. Ruler of Taurus and Libra, of strength and beauty, exalted in Pisces, creatures of earth and air, daughter of
the moon and feminine embraces,
fill my work with love and care.
invocation of saturn
State the purpose of your working, then say:
Ancient Saturn, of bones and honored dead, he who perseveres and guards the astral gates, who leads the Lords of Karma and crystallizes that which is needed and removes all negative blocks from my path, grant me the authority required over all legions to manifest my will. Ruler of Capricorn, exalted in Libra, element of earth, banish all evil energies that stand
in the way of my perfection.
invocation of the planets
Seven planets light the heavens.
Seven metals rule the stars.
Seven angels stir the magick.
Seven spirits bring the charge.
Seven beasts and seven birds.
Seven drums beat out the word.
Seven chakras, seven days.
Seven pillars, seven rays.
Blend together into one.
As I will, it shall be done.
Seven powers, force and form.
Come to me, the change is born!
Repeat after each planetary invocation. Seal by making an equal-armed cross in the air over the spellworking.
Planetary Incenses
Use the following incense recipes for planetary spellwork. Note: Mix the dry ingredients first, then add the oil sparingly. This allows you to experiment with the consistency of the incense.
Mix equal parts of: Cinnamon, angelica, rosemary, sandalwood, and frankincense.
Oil: Cinnamon oil.
Mix equal parts of: Lemon balm, myrrh, and eucalyptus.
Oil: Myrrh oil.
Mix equal parts of: Lavender, marjoram, mint, and clover.
Oil: Lavender oil.
Mix equal parts of: Lilac, rose, valerian, and vetivert.
Oil: Lilac oil.
Mix equal parts of: Allspice, basil, hops, and High John the Conqueror.
Oil: Allspice oil.
Mix equal parts of: Cinquefoil, clove, hyssop, nutmeg, and sage.
Oil: Nutmeg oil.
Mix equal parts of: Comfrey, mullein, patchouli, and Solomon’s seal.
Oil: Patchouli oil.
Mix equal parts of: Cypress, mimosa, and slippery elm.
Oil: Cypress oil.
Mix equal parts of: Honeysuckle, linden, maple, and clove.
Oil: Sandalwood oil.
Mix equal parts of: Pine, wormwood, coriander, and ginger.
Oil: Pine oil.
cosmic incense
Mix equal parts of: Angelica, sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh, marjoram, valerian, hops, clove, patchouli, slippery elm, pine, orris root, and ginger.
Oil: Myrrh oil.
Astrological Conjuration
While Mixing Incense
Begin with the planetary invocation, then repeat the following as you grind and mix the ingredients:
In thy name, Hecate,
Mistress of the Crossroads,
from the leaf and the resin
from the fire to the smoke
from a deed to a deed
may my desire be manifest.
Planetary Hours
Okay, I’m going to warn you right now, this is one of the more complicated areas of this book. Don’t get excited if you don’t understand it right away. I’m lousy at math, yet I was finally able to figure it out. If I could do it, so can you.
Astrologers and magickal people believe that timing greatly influences a spell, ritual, and planned events in daily life. Timing, in its own way, can allow us to look at the past as well as the future. By looking at where the planets were (or will be) on a certain day, we can see what planetary energies were (or will be) active at the time of an event. Where the planets are and the conversations they are having with each other can tell us how a situation might play out.
One timing method that Witches often use to choose the hour of the day that they might perform a spell involves consulting two tables called planetary hour tables. One is for sunrise and one is for sunset. Here’s how this procedure works. These tables are pictured on page 197.
Each hour of the day is ruled by a planetary energy, and in that hour events and activities often coincide with the energy of that planet. There are seven classical planets, so there are seven types of energy available for spellcasting. Although we’ve covered the planets elsewhere in this book, let’s look briefly at them again, just so you completely understand where this section is going. For example, the hour of the sun would carry sun energy—success is a good keyword. The hour of the moon would relate to magick and intuition. The hour of Venus: love. The hour of Mercury: communication. The hour of Mars: action. The hour of Jupiter: expansion. The hour of Saturn: constriction. As the technique of the planetary hours was conceived hundreds of years ago, there are no correspondences for Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto—they hadn’t yet been discovered when the table was invented.
To work with the planetary tables, you need two important pieces of information—the time the sun will rise and the time the sun will set on the day chosen for your magickal work. You can find this information by looking in your local newspaper under the weather section. Sometimes the local news channels on television also carry this information. Without knowing the exact time of the sunrise or sunset, you can’t use the planetary hour tables. For convenience, you will also need a calculator. (Don’t get excited, it’s really not that bad.)
How to Calculate
the Planetary Hour
Let’s make believe that today is January 1, 1999 (okay, so we’re going back in time, what the heck). It’s a Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday. Everyone is going to be out of the house tomorrow, which gives you time to do some great magick without anyone disturbing you. They are planning to leave at 7:00 in the morning and will be back around 5:00 p.m., which means if you want to work magick, you will have to do it during the daylight hours. That’s okay. You’d like to choose an hour that will vibrate especially well with what you want to do. Let’s say you are working on better communication with your parents (they won’t let you go to the movies tomorrow night because of a complete and total misunderstanding that you’d like to straighten out). Granted, this doesn’t mean you’ll get to go to the movies, but you don’t like that negative energy hanging in the air. Tomorrow is already a good choice because it is a Saturday, and Saturday’s energies lend well to banishing negativity. Still, you’d like to give that spell a little extra oomph, so you decide that you will calculate the planetary hours to find out which daylight hour tomorrow is ruled by Mercury (the planet of communication). In the spell, you will banish all communication blocks between yourself and your parents. Your first step is to get the local newspaper and find the weather section, which will list the time the sun rises tomorrow and the time the sun sets. You will also need a piece of paper to do your calculations, and a calculator.
Hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
2 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
3 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
4 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
5 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
6 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
7 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
8 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
9 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
10 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
11 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
12 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
planetary hours (sunset)
Hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
2 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
3 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
4 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
5 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
6 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
7 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
8 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
9 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
10 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
11 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
12 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
step one: Find the sunrise and sunset times for your location for your chosen day from the local newspaper. Sunrise for January 2, 1999, occurs at 6:16 a.m. and sunset occurs at 5:49 p.m. Write those two times down. I know you’re thinking that 6:16 a.m. does not fit in your magickal time window, but set that idea aside for now. To do our calculations, we have to have the exact time that the sun rises, regardless of when you are able to do the magick.
step two: To make our calculations easier, we are going to convert that p.m. time to military time. We won’t need to touch the sunrise number because it is a.m., but we do need to take care of that p.m. number so that the calculations won’t be too hard. Therefore, we will be converting 5:49 p.m. in this example. Here is a quick table to help you:
clock time military time
1:00 a.m. 1:00—01 hundred hours
2:00 a.m. 2:00—02 hundred hours
3:00 a.m. 3:00—03 hundred hours
4:00 a.m. 4:00—04 hundred hours
5:00 a.m. 5:00—05 hundred hours
6:00 a.m. 6:00—06 hundred hours
7:00 a.m. 7:00—07 hundred hours
8:00 a.m. 8:00—08 hundred hours
9:00 a.m. 9:00—09 hundred hours
10:00 a.m. 10:00—10 hundred hours
11:00 a.m. 11:00—11 hundred hours
12:00 Noon 12:00—12 hundred hours
1:00 p.m. 13:00—13 hundred hours
2:00 p.m. 14:00—14 hundred hours
3:00 p.m. 15:00—15 hundred hours
4:00 p.m. 16:00—16 hundred hours
5:00 p.m. 17:00—17 hundred hours
6:00 p.m. 18:00—18 hundred hours
7:00 p.m. 19:00—19 hundred hours
8:00 p.m. 20:00—20 hundred hours
9:00 p.m. 21:00—21 hundred hours
10:00 p.m. 22:00—22 hundred hours
11:00 p.m. 23:00—23 hundred hours
12 Midnight 24:00—24 hundred hours
In the example we are using, 5:49 p.m. would be 17 hundred hours and 49 minutes.
step three: To really make our calculations easier, we are going to convert all the hours to minutes. That way the math won’t be so hard. First, we will work with converting the sunrise time of 6:16 to minutes. Do this by multiplying 6 times 60 (which gives you 360 minutes), then add those extra 16 minutes to 360. This gives you a total of 376 minutes. Therefore 6:16 a.m. equals 376. Now we are going to covert that military sunset time into minutes, too. We want to convert 17:49 (17 hours 49 minutes) to total minutes; 17 times 60 equals 1,020. Since our original time was 17 hours and 49 minutes, we now need to add the 49 minutes to that number to get the total number of minutes in the sunset time of 17:49. Therefore, we will add 1,020 and 49 together. When we do, we get the number 1,069—17 hours and 49 minutes converts to 1,069 minutes. (And you thought magick couldn’t help you in math class—ha!) Okay, so far that wasn’t too hard. We learned how to convert to military time, and then we learned how to convert hours to minutes. We’re cooking! Trust me, this all has a purpose. Okay. We are now left with two numbers: 376 and 1069. Sunrise is 376 and sunset is 1069 (for January 2, 1999).
step four: Now we want to know how many minutes there are between the number 376 and the number 1069. If it makes it easier, we want to figure out how many minutes there are between point A (376) and point B (1069). In other words, we want to know how much time (in minutes) it takes the sun to move from sunrise to sunset on January 2, 1999. This is super easy. We just subtract 376 from 1069. The answer is 693 minutes. On January 2, 1999, it will take 693 minutes for the sun to move from the point of sunrise to the point of sunset.
step five: The planetary tables are divided by twelve, meaning there are twelve points of reference between sunrise and sunset, and there are twelve points of reference between sunset and sunrise. These points of reference are equal in length. Each point of reference stands for a planetary energy. Because each point is the same distance from the one before it, we need to find out what that equal number between them might be. To do this, we need to divide 693 (the total minutes between sunrise and sunset) by 12. The answer is 57.75. Since we don’t use the decimal system in planetary hours, we are going to round that number to 58. Therefore, each daylight planetary hour on January 2, 1999, was approximately 58 minutes long. This length between points changes every single day during the daylight hours, and changes every single night during the nighttime hours. Therefore, if you wanted to work your magick in the evening on January 2, 1999, we would have to do another set of calculations. We couldn’t use the daylight hour points. Nighttime has its own.
step six: Now you know that each daylight planetary hour on January 2, 1999, is roughly 58 minutes long. You also know, from step one, that sunrise occurs at 6:16 a.m. To determine the starting time of each of those twelve points listed in step five (we know how long they are, now we want to know when they occur), we simply add 58 minutes to the sunrise time for the first planetary hour, and then we will keep adding 58 to find the successive number of hours. Therefore, our first hour was 6:16 a.m., right? We want to add 58 minutes to 6:16 a.m. to get the length of the first hour, which will also tell us when the second hour begins. We know the first hour begins at 6:16, but when does it finish? Fifty-eight minutes later. So we would add 58 minutes to 6:16 a.m., which gives us the time of 7:14 a.m. The first planetary hour on that day spans from 6:16 a.m. to 7:14 a.m. The second hour begins at 7:14 a.m. We know that the second hour is the same length as the first—58 minutes. When will the second hour end and the third hour begin? We will add 7:14 and :58 to get 8:12 a.m. Keep adding :58 to each hour to find the next hour, up to the twelfth hour. Here, the daylight planetary table calculations end, and the sunset calculations would begin. Because we rounded the number of minutes, that last hour won’t exactly coincide with the sunset hour in the newspaper, but that’s okay for what we are doing here.
To make it easier on yourself, you may want to list your calculations on a paper the way I have done here. On January 2, the division of time would occur this way:
Planetary Hour 1: 6:16 a.m. to 7:14 a.m.
P.H. 2: 7:14 a.m. to 8:12 a.m.
P.H. 3: 8:12 a.m. to 9:10 a.m.
P.H. 4: 9:10 a.m. to 10:08 a.m.
P.H. 5: 10:08 a.m. to 11:06 a.m.
P.H. 6: 11:06 a.m. to 12:04 p.m.
P.H. 7: 12:04 p.m. to 1:02 p.m.
P.H. 8: 1:02 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
P.H. 9: 2:00 p.m. to 2:58 p.m.
P.H. 10: 2:58 p.m. to 3:56 p.m.
P.H. 11: 3:56 p.m. to 4:54 p.m.
P.H. 12: 4:54 p.m. to 5: 52 p.m.
The newspaper said that sunset would be at 5:49 p.m., so we have a difference of five minutes by the end of the day. This only matters if, in magick, you are going to use planetary hour twelve—meaning you were going to do magick in that twelfth planetary hour, between 4:54 p.m. and 5:52 p.m. If this was the case, then you would make sure that you wouldn’t start your magick in the last five minutes of that hour. You would begin earlier, to catch that hour’s full energy.
step seven: We’re almost ready to use the planetary tables. To determine which planet rules which planetary hour on January 2, we have to know the weekday when we will do the magick. You decided that you will do the magick tomorrow, and tomorrow (as per the example) is Saturday. With that in mind, we can now look at the daylight planetary table (not the sunset one) above. Follow down the column for Saturday. You will see on the table that the first hour is ruled by Saturn, the second by Jupiter, the third by Mars, and so on. You may want to write these planets beside your own calculations to keep things clear in your head.
Planetary Hour Tables
See tables on previous page. Here’s an example for January 2, 1999:
P.H. 1: 6:16 a.m. to 7:14 a.m. Saturn
P.H. 2: 7:14 a.m. to 8:12 a.m. Jupiter
P.H. 3: 8:12 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. Mars
P.H. 4: 9:10 a.m. to 10:08 a.m. Sun
P.H. 5: 10:08 a.m. to 11:06 a.m. Venus
P.H. 6: 11:06 a.m. to 12:04 p.m. Mercury
P.H. 7: 12:04 p.m. to 1:02 p.m. Moon
P.H. 8: 1:02 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturn
P.H. 9: 2:00 p.m. to 2:58 p.m. Jupiter
P.H. 10: 2:58 p.m. to 3:56 p.m. Mars
P.H. 11: 3:56 p.m. to 4:54 p.m. Sun
P.H. 12: 4:54 p.m. to 5: 52 p.m. Venus
In our example, you decided that the Mercury hour would be best. On January 2, 1999, Mercury rules the sixth planetary hour (according to the table). Therefore, you will want to do your magick between 11:06 a.m. and 12:04 p.m.
What if the original planetary hour you chose did not fall within the window of time you had available? You could either choose another day, or you could look for a planetary energy that might also compliment your work that does fit into your time schedule, then word your spell accordingly. Some magickal people match the hour to the day; for example, if you chose a sun hour, then the magickal day would be Sunday; moon = Monday; Mars = Tuesday; Mercury = Wednesday; Jupiter = Thursday; Venus = Friday; and Saturn = Saturday.
The following table will help you to match your intention with the planetary hour.
Planetary Hour Operations23
Wealth, will, gain, prosperity, divination, find the favor of the rich or powerful (or whom you consider to hold power in a specific situation), dissolve painful or hostile emotions or reactions, make friends, find love, reveal kindness and compassion, make your presence psychologically invisible, focus your will.
Any issue having to do with water, travel over water, swimming, etc. Find lost objects, send emotional messages, speak with the deceased. Visionary work, divination. Prepare any magickal item that involves water or liquid, such as holy water or oil. Situations involve your mother, grandmother, or children.
Communications of all kinds with the living or the dead. Find eloquence in speech or writing (especially homework). Study science, divination. Mental games of all kinds. Work with computers and send
messages via e-mail, video games.
Love, fast cash, form friendships, find kindness, plan pleasant trips and parties, rid oneself of poison (mental or physical). Work with your hands or mind in any of the arts. Self-educate and work with the educational system. War.
Sports, winning, overcome enemies, overthrow enemies, call battle goddesses, resolve quarrels, gain courage, remove submissive behavior from oneself, take action in any given situation.
Expand any project, find and work with spirituality and faith, maintain good health. Long-term prosperity, plan ahead for important projects, make new friends, bring honor to your work. Draw love, kindness, and compassion to yourself.
Bring good fortune and success to financial matters, buildings, towns, and group-oriented structures. Banish negativity, create chaos among evildoers. Overcome a quarrel, hatred, or discord. Banish illness, learn or establish new rules and financial goals. Garner rewards for work well done. Situations involving grandparents, fathers, the dominant parent or guardian, or those in authority.
Astrological Glyphs as
Magickal Sigils
Astrological glyphs or sigils are symbols that represent the planets, signs, points, and dialog between them. Not only are they a great method of shorthand when analyzing any astrological chart, they are also extremely potent in magick (see Sigils, Symbols, and Magickal Alphabets in part 4 for more information about working with sigils, patterns, and alphabets in general).
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Beginnings, action.
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Manifestation, security.
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Movement, mental energy.
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Emotions, home environment.
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Success, courage.
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Analysis, service.
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Beauty, socialization.
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Regeneration, justice.
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Idealization, study.
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Building, business, and rewards.
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Humanitarian and group work.
Type: Zodiac sign.
Basic energy pattern: Spiritual and visionary pursuits, transformation.
Type: Planet (in astrological terms).
Basic energy pattern: Success.
Type: Planet (in astrological terms).
Basic energy pattern: Emotions.
Type: Planet.
Basic energy pattern: Communication.
Type: Planet.
Basic energy pattern: Socialization.
Type: Planet.
Basic energy pattern: Action.
Type: Planet.
Basic energy pattern: Expansion.
Type: Planet.
Basic energy pattern: Order.
Type: Planet.
Basic energy pattern: Experimentation.
Type: Planet.
Basic energy pattern: Transformation.
Type: Planet.
Basic energy pattern: Regeneration.
Type: Asteroid.
Basic energy pattern: Marriage, partnerships.
Type: Asteroid.
Basic energy pattern: Hearth and home.
Type: Asteroid.
Basic energy pattern: Wisdom.
Type: Asteroid.
Basic energy pattern: Creativity, regeneration.
Type: Comet.
Basic energy pattern: Healing.
dragon’s head
Type: North moon node.
Basic energy pattern: Expanding life path in a positive direction.
dragon’s tail
Type: South moon node.
Basic energy pattern: Constricting a pathway.
Type: Aspect.
Basic energy pattern: Combining two forces.
Type: Aspect.
Basic energy pattern: Mediating two forces.
Type: Aspect.
Basic energy pattern: Creating challenge.
Type: Aspect.
Basic energy pattern: Harmony.
Type: Aspect.
Basic energy pattern: Opportunity.
Type: Aspect.
Basic energy pattern: Mild support.
Type: Aspect.
Basic energy pattern: Delays.
Retrogrades: Planets
That Go Backward
A planet that appears to move backward in the heavens for a period of time is called a retrograde. You’ll find retrograde planets uniquely useful when working magick and considering magickal timing. Retrogrades can help you catch a big wave of long-term energy and ride it through to completion.
The retrograde motion (going backward) is an illusion created by the orbit of our own Earth. Those planets never really go backward, it just looks like they do. Now, you would think that an illusion wouldn’t affect reality, but it does. In fact, if you think about it, there are a lot of illusions that affect reality. For example, the idea that Witches are evil and worship Satan is an illusion created by false information—but for whatever reason, some stubborn people believe that silly rumor! Believing in that rumor affects the way they treat Witches (like trying to say we’re not practicing a “real” religion). Not all illusions are negative. If we consider the human mind, we know that if you “believe” something, then you can create that something in reality (which is what magick is all about). Just like anything else in the world, there are good illusions and bad ones. We would like to believe that we have a choice.
All the planets in our solar system appear at one time or another to stop (the stopping part is called a “station”) and then move backward. After a time they stop again (station) and appear to move forward (turn direct). Because some planets have faster orbits than others, the time they stop (station), turn retrograde, stop, and turn direct varies from planet to planet. The number of times that this happens in your lifetime also depends on the orbit of that planet.
Okay, so what does this really mean in magickal timing? When a planet turns retrograde, it is the universe’s way of saying, “Hey! Hold up a minute! Time to take a breather. Sit back, relax, and just chill.” Of course, we can’t stop living just because a planet has decided to surf backward for a while, but in magickal timing there are ways to use these retrogrades to our advantage.
How do you know if a planet is retrograde, anyway? Look in your almanac. You will see the symbol for the planet and a little “” beside it, along with the time it turns retrograde, and a “D” beside the planet when it goes forward again (turns direct). A retrograde planet acts a lot like a moon void (where the moon clams up and sashays along during her retrograde with an I’m-not-speaking-to-you expression on her face). You will notice that there are lots more moon voids in your almanac than planetary retrogrades. Moon voids are even listed differently—moon V/C, meaning moon void of course. (For more information on moon voids, see page 299.)
Although every retrograde planet will behave according to its core nature, they all share some of the same phenomena when retrograde. A retrograde planet is very busy working on its own energy, therefore it pulls in this energy in a concentrated form. When another planet that is direct tries to speak to one that is retrograde, the energy exchange is either garbled or bounced back to the original planet. When the retrograde planet turns direct, the switch for exchanging information turns back on, and when that planet reaches the point where it first went retrograde in the heavens (the address where it turned on its heel and went backward), interesting and unexpected events take place in the areas that the previously retrograde planet rules.
To be honest, I love to watch how people act during planetary retrogrades. I can’t help myself. It’s sort of fun to sit there and watch everyone run around like crazy (especially during a Mercury retrograde) while you just relax next to that old tree and smile like a Cheshire cat because you and the universe are sharing an amusing secret and you, dear Dorothy, were prepared! Forget the red shoes, kid, you’ve got your almanac!
Magickal Tips for Retrogrades
first tip: The basic key for a retrograde is: “Don’t start anything in the subject area that the retrograde planet corresponds to.” You can finish things in that subject, research information, investigate, admire, learn, ponder, consider, experience, and enjoy . . . but if you start something that pertains to that planet’s energy while that planet is furiously backpedaling in the universe, then what you have started will more than likely have to be done all over again when that planet turns direct.
second tip: Two days before that planet stations (stops), before it either goes backward (retrograde) or forward (direct), all heck is going to break loose involving the subjects that the planet corresponds to. Be prepared. The strength of the planet on those two days (what other planets it may be speaking to) determines the amount of upset you may experience.
third tip: The day a planet goes forward (after it’s been going the other way), your magick in the area of that planet’s rule will act like a slingshot. Although Witches and magickal people always try to be specific when working magick, be extra careful when a planet turns direct. Check and double-check what it is you truly want to accomplish. The old adage Be careful what you wish for, you might get it holds a great deal of meaning here.
The Retrograde Planets
and Magick
To make retrograde planets a little easier for you to understand, I have listed them from the fastest moving (and most often retrograde) to the slowest moving (and the least often retrograde). Remember, too, that the faster the planet, the more often it turns retrograde and the least amount of time it spends peddling backward in the sky. Although all planetary retrogrades have a general meaning, each will be different in some way for every person because of:
1. Your personal astrological blueprint, your natal chart.
2. What house of life the retrograde planet is currently visiting.
These two factors can get fairly complicated, and if you haven’t really gotten into astrology, they look like gibberish. You don’t need to know these two factors to practice general magickal timing. Later, if you think you really like the topic of astrology, you can study these things on your own. Just as with the magickal days, here we are more concerned with the essence of the energies available to you.
Basic energy: Communication.
Retrograde period: 3 times per year for a duration of 3 weeks each retrograde period.
What to expect/how people behave: Fights, arguments, communication snafus of all kinds. Travel delays, electronic and mechanical breakdowns, misplacing items. Computer viruses. Bad time to buy computer-related project or load software.
Magick to do: Think before you speak. Read, study, contemplate, work on old written projects you began earlier, do family genealogy research, tie up loose ends on old projects, do magick for investigative issues. Use the day Mercury stations direct to slingshot magicks involving vision, clarity, and communication.
Basic energy: Socialization.
Retrograde period: Occurs every 18 months and lasts 40 days.
What to expect/how people behave: Affects relationships, dwindles ready cash, places blocks in the way of receiving small amounts of money; late payments or payments late; discussions on education always ensue but little is accomplished. People are attracted to the bizarre, unusual, or obscure. Not an ideal time to decorate your home or hire a decorator.
Magick to do: Evaluate your relationships and how you behave within the confines of those relationships. Research the whereabouts of estranged family members or lost items. Use the day that Venus stations direct to slingshot love magicks to give them extra oomph!
Basic energy: Action.
Retrograde period: Every 2 years and 2 months for ten weeks (70 days).
What to expect/how people behave: People are aggressive, won’t take no for an answer, and refuse to look at the truth of the matter but plow on no matter how many individuals are hurt in the process. Brings confusion. Karmic matters. Old angers and resentments flair.
Magick to do: Review your actions within the last two years since the last retrograde. Pay back bills and work for closure on old, hurtful issues. Meditate on your mission in life. Exercise daily. Do physical work, such as cleaning out the garage, the basement, etc. Use the day Mars stations direct to slingshot a special project into action.
Basic energy: Expansion.
Retrograde period: Once a year for 120 days (approx. 4 months).
What to expect/how people behave: Energy is constricted, limited, held back. Finances go down the tubes if you have not prepared. People are less likely to be generous. If a Jupiter retrograde falls over a holiday buying season, people may overspend or not be able to purchase what they intended. Physical problems from overindulgence may manifest now.
Magick to do: Work on inner changes rather than outer manifestations. Work on manipulating energy with your hands for healing purposes, and practice circlecastings. Expand your horizons by studying psychology, the nature of dreams, and learn about other cultures. Window shop.
Basic energy: Limits.
Retrograde period: Once a year for about 140 days (four and a half months).
What to expect/how people behave: Rules that previously worked well, fail. Political and hierarchal individuals are ousted. Group structures change, bend, or break. Those in authority turn a deaf ear. Rewards either do not manifest as you expected, are delayed, or don’t come to fruition at all. Requires you to face reality. Issues of abuse are often discovered, whether in the home, at work, or in other types of group formations.
Magick to do: Banish unwanted influences in our lives—bad habits, negative associations, fears, friends, or organizations that are using us. Work on the structural change of ourselves. Restructure household chores, daily errands, etc., for more favorable use of time. Use the day Saturn stations direct as a slingshot for anything positive involving groups, organizations, student or national government, and personal maturation cycles.
Basic energy: Destruction.
Retrograde period: Once a year for 148 days (about 5 months).
What to expect/how people behave: Freedoms are inhibited or threatened. Humanitarian issues stall and become lost either temporarily or permanently in proverbial red tape scenarios. Negativity of tribal behavior and gang activity increases. Slimeballs crawl out of the wall.
Magick to do: As Uranus is retrograde almost half the year, its influences are not easy to discern, and issues regarding this energy manifest slowly. Use the Uranus station to direct group change or to work on bringing the “real” you more in focus with the mask you normally wear.
Basic energy: Transformation.
Retrograde period: Once a year for 150 days (six months).
What to expect/how people behave: People tend to want to escape. Aggressive marketing techniques are bought easier by the public now as opposed to when Neptune is direct. Drug, alcohol, and fantasy indulgence appear to rise. Slanderous and libelous accusations with no foundation slither out from nowhere and are difficult to combat.
Magick to do: Like Uranus retrograde energy, Neptune retrogrades last a long time, therefore changes aren’t always apparent. Great for group ritual where we seek to unify with our perception of Spirit. Good for vision questing, meditation, dream analysis, mysticism, writing poetry, practicing magickal dance, drumming, sitting under a full moon and asking the Mother to guide us in word and deed, and working on the personal unification of body, mind, and spirit. Talk to a butterfly, hug a tree, write your troubles on a piece of paper and give them to the Lady of the Lake. Use the Neptune station direct to slingshot you away from self-deceit or to help you learn to listen to the whispers of the universe.
Basic energy: Regeneration.
Retrograde period: Once a year for approximately 6 months.
What to expect/how people behave: On occasion, the shaking out of old stuff and turning sights to new ways for problem-solving makes the six o’clock news. People often choose a new religion or a new path within their religion right before or right after a Pluto retrograde.
Magick to do: Clean everything. Throw out all the old junk. Use photography in magick and ritual. Redesign rituals, redo your BOS, go back and study areas that you thought were too difficult to tackle before. Use the slingshot station direct for a total new you.
Retrograde Tips
mercury: If something is moving too fast and you want to slow it down (in the realm of communication), you can always place the Mercury retrograde symbol () on a yellow candle, asking that, as the candle burns, the problem slows down until you have time to deal with that situation properly, or until you have the answer you need to proceed in a fair and honorable way. Petition the Greco-Roman god Mercury for assistance, or ask your guardian angel. The word angel means “messenger.” (Note: The planet Mercury does not have to be physically retrograde in the heavens for you to cast this spell.)
venus: If you can’t seem to hold on to your money, draw the Venus retrograde symbol () on a white candle, and place that candle on top of the money you do have. Ask that you learn to slow down on your spending and hold on to your present savings. If you think that a love relationship is moving too fast, draw the Venus retrograde symbol on a blue candle. Place the candle over a picture of yourself. Ask that the relationship slow down until you can think clearly about who you want to associate with and why you are really interested in that person. Ask for clarity of thought. Venus will grant your desire. Venus is, after all, the Greco-Roman goddess of love, relationships, and passion. (Note: The planet Venus does not have to be physically retrograde in the heavens to work this simple spell.)
mars: During a Mars retrograde, Spirit will show you who your friends are and who doesn’t care a whit about you. Heads up.
jupiter: Always have money in the bank before Jupiter goes retrograde, even if it is only a little bit. A Jupiter retrograde can expand on poverty as easily as it can expand your prosperity when it is direct. Be extra careful with your finances when Jupiter turns retrograde!
Retrograde Summary
As you can see, not all of the retrogrades may have a noticeable effect on your everyday magick. Those to look out for when planning most activities are Mercury retrogrades and Mars retrogrades, unless you want to work specifically with the retrograde energies (such as Pluto for self-transformation or Neptune for increasing your spirituality). If you don’t want to work with retrogrades in spellcasting and ritual, then don’t sweat it. The information I’ve given you is only a tool, sometimes to look at in passing and other times to use at your leisure. Often, retrogrades will give us a hint as to why something is happening within ourselves or around us. They are taps on the noggin to put you more in tune with the universal flow. Knowing the whys often helps us in dealing with different circumstances, so that we aren’t blindly stumbling around in the dark of any situation. The study of retrograde planets does not stop here, as there is a great deal more information that can be gleaned from the illusionary backwards movements of the planets. This short dissertation is only the beginning.
Moon Aspects/Transits
Aspects are actually geometric angles that fold into a pattern and then unfold, releasing the energy back to the universe as the planets move through the heavens. If the snapshot is permanent (your natal chart, a point in time to review later), the dialog or the energy change between the planets is called an aspect. If we are looking ahead to future dialog that will occur between the position of natal planets, or discuss presently moving dialog (like what is happening in the heavens today), this movement and geometric pattern that unfolds (applying) and folds (separating) is called a transit. Yes, I know: confusing. This series of folding and unfolding translates into an energy exchange between two or more planets. It is this energy that astrologers and magickal people attempt (notice I say “attempt”) to analyze and utilize in their magickal work (we don’t get it right all the time). If you look in your planetary guide, you’ll see that moon aspects don’t last very long. Therefore, if you want to catch the wave (or miss it), you’ll have to keep an eye on the clock, as the opportunity lasts approximately ten hours from the time it begins to the time of exactness (where the energy is strongest), growing steadily stronger each hour (depending upon the orb of influence you are using). Some magickal astrologers would cut this time in half, giving only a five-hour window for your magickal work, and others would give only an hour window in which you should do your work.
Traditional astrology commonly uses the Ptolemaic set of aspects, which places Earth at the center of the universe, to interpret the energy dialog between the ten planets. However, there can be hundreds of angles, depending on what astrological system you use. In magick, practitioners often employ the Ptolemaic aspects, adding a few others as the situation may require. Harmonics—patterns consisting of several geometric angles, such as the Seerer and the Skullcap—are not mentioned here, but are valuable if you wish to find the best times for divination and working with the dead, respectively.
The Ptolemaic aspects are:
Square: When two planets are 90 degrees apart. Squares usually represent challenges. There is a sharp difference between the two planetary energies and we are often required to make a choice. Squares are not “bad,” they are dynamic.
Trine: When two planets are 120 degrees apart, they are considered to be in a harmonious energy pattern. This is a peaceful and often too-complacent aspect. The two planets are happily communicating with each other, like the soft drone of a conversation between two friends on a hot summer afternoon. If we take advantage of trine energy, we can get a lot accomplished—the problem is that during a trine transit we just may feel too complacent to do anything about it. If you have a bunch of trines and sextiles falling on the same day and no hard aspects in sight, this is a big “go” day to get as much done as you can. How will you know this? Either purchase your own astrological program that shows the transits to your natal chart, or obtain a free chart at one of the many websites listed at the end of this section.
Opposition: When two planets are exactly opposite each other, they are 180 degrees apart. An opposition requires us to balance the energies of both planets, hopefully finding a happy middle ground. Oppositions represent the need to compromise, mediate, and arbitrate (which isn’t all that bad).
Sextile: Two planets that are 60 degrees apart and loving it. This is an opportunity for creative expression, if you grab the opportunity. If you don’t, it will pass you by.
Semi-Sextile: When two planets are 30 degrees apart. Mildly supportive.
Conjunction: When two planets are within at least 10 degrees of each other (depending upon your astrological choice of study). Think of two partners dancing cheek to cheek; two energies that reinforce each other for either good or ill. Of all the Ptolemaic aspects, the conjunction is thought to carry the most energy, but it can also be a twitchy little bugger. For some, it will be incredibly dynamic; for others, you’ll wish it never happened. The conjunction of the sun to any planet is also divided into parts, depending on how close each planet is to the sun at a given moment within that conjunction. These divisions are:
Under the Beams: When a planet is between 16 and 6 degrees from the sun. Here, the sun is beginning to outshine the energy of the other planet. Under the beams and combust are both situations where the sun is forcing a self-esteem problem on the other planet (figuratively, of course).
Combust: When a planet is between 6 degrees and 0 degrees, 17 minutes from the sun, and is a portion of the conjunction aspect. Many ancient astrologers felt that if a planet was combust, then its energies were weakened—meaning the sun finds it necessary to overcompensate for the other planet’s presence. The moon is combust during a new moon. It is felt that a new moon is doubly powerful because the moon reflects whatever she touches. Therefore, if she is touching the sun, she is reflecting additional power to Earth.
Cazimi: When a planet lies between 0 degrees, 17 minutes and 0 degrees to the sun. Here, the sun has realized that the other planet really isn’t any competition at all, and basks in the attention of that other planet’s energies. The ancients felt that unlike the combust stage (which is 6 degrees to 0 degrees, 17-minute window), the cazimi stage adds more power to the conjunction. Therefore, if you were picking a time during a conjunction to do magick, and you wanted the best of both planetary energies (in this case, the sun and the planet of your choice), then you would trot out your ephemeris, astrological program, or planetary guide and determine when the conjunction is exact (when the planets are both located in the same degree and minute in the same sign). Once you’ve made this determination, plan your magickal working to begin approximately fifteen minutes before the exact conjunction. For example, you know that Mercury will conjunct the sun in Gemini tomorrow at 10:30 p.m. If you wanted to work magick for writing, studying, or assuring that your speech will go well at the Flower Club, begin your magick at 10:15 p.m. and work through the spell to its completion. (It’s okay if the working goes past the 10:30 deadline, because you have already begun the work at the right time.) Just make sure that your statement of intent falls before 10:30 p.m. Some magickal practitioners (including me) like to raise power precisely at the moment of the exactness of the aspect.
Aspects of the Moon24
Below you will find a brief list based on the interpretations for magickal and event timing when translating the dialog between the moon and the other planets using the Ptolemaic aspects; the moon is the most useful planet when studying and predicting human behavior, psychology, and family dynamics, as it moves the fastest and stands for emotions. If you want to ask someone for something, check the aspects of the moon first. Remember that these energies don’t make anything occur; rather, the geometric angles they create open a gateway that allows various experiences to manifest based on your previous behavior and your psychological makeup. Astrological magick allows you to use this crossroads opportunity (whether it be an easy or difficult one) in a positive way. Several moon aspects can occur each day, so keep an eye on the energy mixture at any given time for fine tuning. Remember, the flavor of the moon can give you additional ideas and add more detail not only in magick but in daily occurrences as well.
Conjunct the moon: Begin writings of all kinds, errands, make or attend appointments, send letters, e-mails, faxes, or messages. Make phone calls. Go over any type of written accounting. Work on your BOS, magickal alphabets, sigils, seals, numerology, and talismans. • The moon will conjunct Mercury once a month.
Sextile the moon: Study, go over accounts, take on students, begin schooling and classes of all kinds, talk with individuals whom you feel are experts in your field. Research work for your BOS. Study the Tarot and the runes.
• The moon will sextile Mercury twice a month.
Square the moon: Refrain from arguments. Do magick for solutions to communication problems. Buying and selling may prove active.
• The moon will square Mercury twice a month.
Trine the moon: Perfect timing for getting your way with words or through communication of all kinds, studying, and making appointments involving learning. Working on inventions of all kinds, whether mental or physical.
• The moon will trine Mercury twice a month.
Opposite the moon: Workings of negotiation of all kinds, though you will be expected to give a little. Do ritual for rewards through writing and speech.
• The moon will be in opposition to Mercury once a month.
Conjunct the moon: Considered a fortunate day—good for giving and receiving gifts. Magickal workings for love, harmony, and social success in business or pleasure. Workings for fast cash. Good time to phone or contact women. Beware of overspending. Healing and garden magicks.
• The moon will conjunct Venus once a month.
Sextile the moon: Work for love opportunities and chances to succeed in relationships. Good time to entertain. Beware of self-indulgence. Shop for gemstones and herbs, but watch the purse strings.
• The moon will sextile Venus twice a month.
Square the moon: Good day for analyzing people. The classicists claimed it was a time to hire or interview employees because they couldn’t pull the wool over your eyes, yet you will be in a sympathetic mood. Beware of being overly possessive.
• The moon will square Venus twice a month.
Trine the moon: Work on self-love. A good day to throw a party. Buy new clothes and items for the home but beware of overspending. Do magick for love of all kinds, including pets. A good time for self-expression through the arts. Good time to phone or contact women. Beware overindulgence. Garden magicks.
• The moon will trine Venus twice a month.
Opposite the moon: Another good time, say the classicists, for hiring or interviewing employees. Beware of not making enough effort. Practice magick for discernment in relationships and reaping the rewards of positive past action with others.
• The moon will be in opposition to Venus once a month.
Conjunct the moon: Focus on personal life, domestic harmony, making positive changes in lifestyle. Work to bring secrets out in the open. Work on beginnings in spiritual matters, introspection, and harmony. Add candle magick to your sun/moon workings.
• The moon will conjunct the sun once a month on the new moon.
Sextile the moon: Fine-tuning aspects of your own personality. Work on the positive outcome of routine meetings and negotiations, harmony between people, bringing peace in the home, and drawing opportunities to yourself. A good time to ask for favors, especially from bosses and authority figures. Work on future goals.
• The moon will sextile the sun twice a month.
Square the moon: Brings tensions to the surface. Exercise; release stress and pressure through meditation and relaxation techniques. Use your skills to rise to the challenge. Think first, then act. Channel aggressive energy into charging candles and other items for protection.
• The moon will square the sun twice a month.
Trine the moon: Tailor workings to inner peace and balance. Correct any misunderstandings between yourself and others. Take advantage of and work for opportunities. Great time for working for anything you desire, as the sun connects to your will. To receive you must give—kindness, a helping hand, and presents are well received.
• The moon will trine the sun twice a month.
Opposite the moon: Work on coping with your problems through meditation and exercise. Do magick for personal balance between your will and emotions. Work on common lawsuits but not those that involve an opponent richer than you. Do magick for rewards through your skills.
• The moon will be in opposition to the sun once a month.
Conjunct the moon: All magicks for power and success. Channel excess energy into positive, active pursuits, including exercise, sports, and cleaning out your magickal cabinet. Good day to restock your supplies, re-empower objects where the energy may be waning, and physically clean tools and supplies. Practice dowsing, pendulum magick, and Tarot to teach yourself to focus when you are full of energy. (You may find this difficult but rewarding.) Go miniature golfing and practice focusing on the subquantum level.
• The moon will conjunct Mars once a month.
Sextile the moon: Buy all manner of hunting, military, and sports gear. Work for winning in sports and championships. Good for all alchemical workings, and magicks for gaining respect. Take the initiative on opportunities to succeed. Be sincere.
• The moon will sextile Mars twice a month.
Square the moon: Keep your head low and your mouth shut—work magick instead. If you must speak of dissatisfaction, make sure your grievances are legitimate. Avoid making any new contacts. Exercise and meditate. Channel aggressive energy into charging items for protection and doing magicks for self-esteem.
• The moon will square Mars twice a month.
Trine the moon: Magicks for ease in overcoming any difficulties or challenges you are currently facing and for determining what is needed in any situation. Good for starting projects but since the influence is short be sure to follow up or your enthusiasm will wane.
• The moon will trine Mars twice a month.
Opposite the moon: Control your desire to behave in an irritated way. Seek to mediate with a fair and positive goal in mind. Work magicks for situations where you feel you have come to an impasse. Relations with the opposite sex may be difficult at this time, therefore magicks to resolve any issues can be done now. Channel excess energy through exercise and meditation.
• The moon is opposite Mars once a month.
Conjunct the moon: Time of good fortune. Work on expansions of all kinds. Excellent time for seeking counsel of attorneys and other legal employees, planning trips, and the additions to any business, and magickal workings for the same. A time to ask for favors, whether it be from the gods or human beings. Any type of magickal work for spirituality and understanding your place in the universe.
• The moon conjuncts Jupiter once a month.
Sextile the moon: Conversations about the law or with people in the religious or legal field. Work on opportunities for a bright future. Plan a vacation or business travel that will include some free time. Work on expanding your horizons through study and reading. Purchase metaphysical books and tools. Excellent time for group activities.
• The moon sextiles Jupiter twice a month.
Square the moon: Magicks for wisdom, social truth, philosophy, and overcoming dogma or fears negatively ingrained by any religious force. Beware of being self-righteous or arrogant.
• The moon squares Jupiter twice a month.
Trine the moon: Magicks for gaining friends, joining groups and organizations, learning new aspects of spirituality, asking for favors from others, contacting your guardian angel, working magickally with your pets, enjoying the out-of-doors, broadening your horizons, helping or receiving help from others, and experiencing metaphysical teachings on a physical level.
• The moon trines Jupiter twice a month.
Opposite the moon: Workings for personal freedom, initiative, and common sense. Expand spiritual pursuits and contemplate future desires. Come to grips with various dogmas.
• The moon is in opposition to Jupiter once a month.
Conjunct the moon: Workings to expel loneliness and isolated feelings, jettison guilt, remove pessimism, combine your energies with appropriate structure, build on important life goals, overcome difficult relationships, study the Tree of Life or other structured magickal application, banish illness, work with the “no time” aspect of magick.
• The moon conjuncts Saturn once a month.
Sextile the moon: Magick for a good relationship with an older person; harmony with individuals in authority; learning and opportunities within a system that has a particular set of rules; meditation and reflection on life issues; emotional balance; ease in caring for sick and older people. Magicks for debt control, learning to save, and being generally thrifty.
• The moon sextiles Saturn twice a month.
Square the moon: Things usually look worse than they are under this aspect, so don’t get too excited. Work in a positive way to overcome sickness and adversity. Meditate and evaluate personal development and where you would like to go from here without trashing your self-esteem. Watch for a tendency to fail in communicating with others. Keep your tone kind and gentle; a compliment helps. Seek calm solutions that will help to overcome angst shown by authority figures. Separation magicks.
• The moon squares Saturn twice a month.
Trine the moon: Seek counsel from older, wiser individuals. Work magick for rewards, self-esteem, and long-term goal planning. Learn timing; understand the significance of Karma. Study quantum physics, any system of government or set of rules, the Wiccan principles of belief, the Tree of Life, hermeticism, and history. Find new answers to old questions; repair anything; do magicks for building and a strong emotional foundation. Learn numerology.
• The moon trines Saturn twice a month.
Opposite the moon: This opposition triggers inner strength, which can be of great use in magickal applications where you must be focused and realistic. If you have worked very hard, this opposition can bring great rewards, therefore working to manifest such rewards is definitely in order. Magick for negotiations of contracts with bosses and figures in authority; practical and immediate solutions for all sorts of tasks, and common sense. Not a good time for hiring or interviews. Don’t make or accept promises without some sort of written confirmation.
• The moon opposes Saturn once a month.
Conjunct the moon: Tendency to be moody, impulsive, and impatient with others as well as yourself. Most moon/Uranus activity brings an emotional surprise or two, but they aren’t necessarily head rippers. Go with the flow. Discipline usually goes out the window so magicks involving freedom of expression and experimenting with the arts, music, and dance in your workings may be more fulfilling. Spontaneous ritual is a go. Beware the consequences of your actions.
• The moon conjuncts Uranus once a month.
Sextile the moon: Seek exciting and stimulating activities. Use your magick to change dull and boring situations or life patterns. Visit with friends. Enact ritual drama in a group setting. Work for unexpected opportunities through simple magicks (like affirmations or wish magick). Enjoy the outdoors. Play with faeries and devas. Go back to technical questions or projects that confused you before and read them again. Surf the Internet but keep your nose out of flame wars.
• The moon sextiles Uranus twice a month.
Square the moon: Above all, watch your reactions and don’t act in haste. Wild things are okay as long as you don’t go overboard. Try new techniques in ritual, work on writing ritual drama for the solitary or the group, write down the changes you would like to make in your life and review them when in a more emotionally balanced state. Keep an idea book for magick and ritual. Use Uranus energy to blow out cobwebby habits. Stay off the Internet.
• The moon squares Uranus once a month.
Trine the moon: Use this energy to work rituals of change. Sew outrageous ritual gear, design coven banners, crests, personal sigils, book covers, etc. Plan ahead for the best parties ever. Read cutting-edge material. Another excellent time for spontaneous ritual and ritual drama. Make whatever happens during this time period work for you, as bizarre as it may seem. Work for long-haul energy to deal with any current difficulties. Color magick.
• The moon trines Uranus twice a month.
Opposite the moon: Don’t leap to the wrong conclusion—check it out first. Work to calm stormy relationships, find balance in a new and unusual way, and curb negative reactions through affirmations and meditation. Stay off the Internet and avoid weird strangers, especially if the planet opposite the moon is afflicted by squares and oppositions to other planets. Practice ritual breathing and magickal voice.
• The moon opposes Uranus once a
month, and because Uranus is an outer
planet and does not move quickly, you
may experience the same type of
situation when the moon is opposite
Uranus for several months. As this
experience may only last a few hours,
keep a journal.
Conjunct the moon: Work for all types of psychism, spirituality, alternative realms, astral projection, aura training, visualization, chakra meditations, empathy, sensitivity, etc. Work magick to be a better listener. Communication with others is often difficult at this time—better to invest in solitary pursuits, reading poetry, listening to music, painting, or drumming. Sometimes this period of time makes you feel sleepy. Work on controlling your dreams and dream recall. Stay away from drugs and alcohol.
• The moon is conjunct Neptune once a month.
Sextile the moon: Sensitivity will be heightened, so stay away from negativity, drugs, alcohol, etc. Discuss occult, mystical, and spiritual ideas with friends who are open to such subjects. Writing fiction and creative articles are a good way to spend this time. Work magick for insights, the truth, creative ideas, and communicating with the dead. Guardian angel and totem magicks are especially successful during this time.
• The moon sextiles Neptune twice a month.
Square the moon: Beware of creating or taking part in gossip, slanderous and libelous campaigns, and any type of mass market hype. Use the alpha state of daydreams to visualize a positive future. Write down any mystical experiences, but interpret them later. Work on conquering your fears. Stay away from drugs and alcohol, and people who exude negative behavior. Read or study occult-related subjects. Don’t take anything at face value.
• The moon squares Neptune twice a month.
Trine the moon: Excellent time for all spiritual work. As this is a very lazy transit, you may wish to daydream or sleep a great deal. Keep a dream journal and daydream actively to program yourself for future success. Quiet rituals centered on contemplation, understanding others, divination, and meditation suit this energy well. Charitable pursuits are also conducive to this energy. Practice telepathy and remote viewing with a friend. Celebrate ceremonies of remembrance and of honoring your ancestors.
• The moon trines Neptune twice a month.
Opposite the moon: There is a real danger in reacting not to reality but to illusion, often created by your own subconscious fears and previous patterning. Sometimes excellent opportunities are missed because our thoughts are in the way. Work on raising self-esteem, allowing creative opportunities to manifest, and a willingness to see clearly, both in our spiritual work and in daily life.
• The moon opposes Neptune once a month.
Conjunct the moon: Releases hidden energies for good or ill. If you have been working with mystery teachings or spiritual studies, the effects can be extremely fulfilling. Magicks for root spiritual change can put you miles forward in your studies, although you should avoid obsession. Excellent for reading and studying the occult, astrology, and other spiritual work. Use this energy to mundanely and magickally clean the house, make changes to your ritual area, and repair magickal tools. Use film and photography in magick.
• The moon conjuncts Pluto once a month.
Sextile the moon: Opportunity for deep-seated changes is knocking. Work magick for anything that requires intensity, or use those intense energies to satisfy a goal. Work on circlecastings, the cone of power, and raising energy in general. Good time to practice dowsing. Work on reorganizing or rebuilding your website. Excellent time for electronic art design.
• The moon sextiles Pluto twice a month.
Square the moon: Beware of compulsive behavior. Channel impulsive energy into magick and emotional self-assessment. Work on banishing guilt, jealousy, negativity, criminals, abuse, etc.
• The moon squares Pluto twice a month.
Trine the moon: Changes in religion or spirituality? Now’s the time to enact them. Tear off the superficial and work on the inner you. Use your passion and feeling in your magickal work and tap into regenerative power. Work with the Witch’s Pyramid; add intense energy to regeneration of important goals; mix herbs, incenses, and oils; practice energy ball exercises. Perform self-dedication and initiation ceremonies. Empower your altar and other magickal tools.
• The moon trines Pluto twice a month.
Opposite the moon: Work to resolve emotional conflicts in a way that builds toward the future. Jettison outmoded ways of behavior by working with the opposites within yourself. Work to clear away blockages in personal development. Curb anger and impulsive behavior with mental and physical exercises.
• The moon opposes Pluto once a month.
Planetary Dignities
According to ancient astrological practice, each planet operates most efficiently in two signs: the sign of its rulership, and the sign of its exaltation. Exalted planets are also called “in honor” or “exaltation.” As there are twelve signs and only ten planets, not every sign in classical astrology has an exalted planet, and even in this respect astrologers differ. A planet in the sign of its exaltation is a very happy one indeed, and is considered to be in its most powerful position in the zodiac. The classification of a planet, such as “exalted,” is a part of a planet’s “dignity.”
Just as there is an up, there is also a down—signs in which planets are either definitely not happy or are downright stubborn. Just as there are two signs where the planet is comfortable, there are two signs where each planet is uncomfortable. The prickly signs are when a planet is in its fall, which is opposite the sign of its exaltation, or in its detriment, which is the sign that opposes the sign that the planet rules. Although everyone is fairly firm on these positions for the classical planets, astrologers are still waffling on the dignities of the newer planets; therefore, I have not included them for the purposes of this book. I do encourage you to study outside of this material, run experiments, and make your own determinations. Notice Venus and Mercury rule two signs, therefore they are listed twice.
Rulership: Leo.
Detriment: Aquarius.
Exaltation: Aries.
Fall: Libra.
Rulership: Cancer.
Detriment: Capricorn.
Exaltation: Taurus.
Fall: Scorpio.
: mercury
Rulership: Gemini.
Detriment: Sagittarius.
Exaltation: Aquarius.
Fall: Leo.
: mercury
Rulership: Virgo.
Detriment: Pisces.
: venus
Rulership: Taurus.
Detriment: Scorpio.
Exaltation: Pisces.
Fall: Virgo.
: venus
Rulership: Libra.
Detriment: Aries.
Rulership: Aries.
Detriment: Libra.
Exaltation: Capricorn.
Fall: Cancer.
Rulership: Sagittarius.
Detriment: Gemini.
Exaltation: Cancer.
Fall: Capricorn.
Rulership: Capricorn.
Detriment: Cancer.
Exaltation: Libra.
Fall: Aries.
Now that we have this information, what do we do with it? Planetary magicks done when the planet is in its own sign (rulership) and in its exaltation can carry an extra boost of energy, provided it isn’t afflicted (having unpleasant conversations with other planets). You can go crazy with magickal timing in this way, however, especially when you are trying to gather the best energies of multiple planets. It’s best to begin with one planet, choose the optimum time for that planet, and keep notes of your successes or failures. If you choose to expand your magickal expertise to event planning (electional astrology) and horary astrology (the birth of a question), you will learn to pay attention to the dignities and much, much more. The problem with planetary dignities is that they don’t work the same for every individual. For example, although the moon is in its fall in Scorpio and supposedly uncomfortable there, for me a Scorpio moon is fantastic because my natal chart supports the Scorpio moon energy. Magicks, for me, done under a Scorpio moon always pack the needed punch. Again, the best way to learn is to experiment and keep notes.
The twelve signs of the zodiac lay down twelve different “paths” of life. . . . Every sign has its own manner of expression, birth in a higher and in a lower sense, and it depends on the person which options to take and how to use them.
—Karen Hamaker-Zondag,
author of Astro-Psychology
The planetary energies represent one-third of astrological study. The other two-thirds are the astrological signs and the system of houses one may choose as the backdrop for casting any type of astrological chart. Above is a depiction of the signs as they fall in their natural houses (which most likely won’t look like your natal chart).
Sun visits this sign: March 21/22–April 19/20.
Ruling planet: Mars.
Exalted planet: Sun.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: beginnings. Arrogant, brusque, competitive, courageous, domineering, dynamic, eager, executive, impulsive, independent, intolerant, lacks completion, lives in the present, me first, pioneering, quick-tempered, violent.
Quality: Cardinal fire.
Sun visits this sign: April 20/21–May 20/21.
Ruling planet: Venus.
Exalted planet: Moon.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: manifestation. Artistic, comfort oriented, conservative, dependable, dogmatic, domestic, greedy, loyal, materialistic, patient, possessive, practical, self-indulgent, sensual, slow-moving, stable, stubborn, thorough.
Quality: Fixed earth.
Sun visits this sign: May 21/22–June 21/22.
Ruling planet: Mercury.
Exalted planet: None.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: mental energy. Adaptable, changeable, clever, congenial, curious, dexterous, dual, expressive, inventive, lacking concentration, multitasking, quick-witted, restless, scatterbrained, scheming, talkative, ungrateful.
Quality: Mutable air.
Sun visits this sign: June 22/23–July 23/24.
Ruling planet: Moon.
Exalted planet: Jupiter and Neptune.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: emotional energy. Brooding, cautious, domestic, easily hurt, emotional, helpful, intuitive, lazy, manipulative, material, negative, self-pity, selfish, sensitive, sympathetic, tenacious, touchy, traditional.
Quality: Cardinal water.
Sun visits this sign: July 23/ 24–August 23/24.
Ruling planet: Sun.
Exalted planet: Pluto.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: development. Ambitious, arts, autocratic, boastful, childish, creative, cruel, dignified, dramatic, generous, idealistic, leadership, music, optimistic, overbearing, pretentious, proud, romance, self-assured, status conscious, vain.
Quality: Fixed fire.
Sun visits this sign: August 23/24–September 22/23.
Ruling planet: Mercury.
Exalted planet: Mercury.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: perfection. Clean, critical, discriminating, fact-finding, fears, humane, industrious, melancholy, methodical, pedantic, perfection, petty, picky, scientific, skeptical, sloppy, studious, worry.
Quality: Mutable earth.
Sun visits this sign: September 23/24–October 23/24.
Ruling planet: Venus.
Exalted planet: Saturn.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: balance. Apathetic, artistic, companionable, cooperative, diplomatic, easily deterred, fickle, hypocritical, indecisive, judgmental, judicial, loves intrigue, peace at any price, peace-loving, persuasive, pouting, refined, sociable, suave.
Quality: Cardinal air.
Sun visits this sign: October 24/25–November 21/22.
Ruling planet: Pluto (Mars).
Exalted planet: Uranus.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: regeneration. Determined, executive, intolerant, investigative, jealous, motivated, overbearing, passionate, penetrating, private, probing, resourceful, sarcastic, scientific, secretive, suspicious, temperamental, vengeful, violent.
Quality: Fixed water.
Sun visits this sign: November 22/23– December 21/22.
Ruling planet: Jupiter.
Exalted planet: None.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: idealization. Argumentative, athletic, blunt, broad-minded, enthusiastic, exaggerate, freedom-loving, gambling, generous, hot-headed, idealistic, impatient, just, missionary zeal, optimistic, philosophical, procrastinating, push, religious, scholarly, self-indulgent, straightforward, talkative.
Quality: Mutable fire.
Sun visits this sign: December 22/23–January 19/20.
Ruling planet: Saturn.
Exalted planet: Mars.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: constructing reality. Brooding, Businesslike, cautious, cold, conventional, domineering, economical, fatalistic, hardworking, inhibited, judgmental, over-ambitious, perfectionist, practical, reliable, responsible, scrupulous, serious, status-seeking, stubborn, traditional, unforgiving.
Quality: Cardinal earth.
Sun visits this sign: January 20/21–February 18/19.
Ruling planet: Uranus (Saturn).
Exalted planet: None.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: experimentation. Bored by detail, cold, eccentric, fixed, humane, impersonal, independent, individualistic, intellectual, inventive, logical, progressive, radical, rebellious, scientific, temperamental, tolerant, unique, unpredictable.
Quality: Fixed air.
Sun visits this sign: February 19/20–March 20/21.
Ruling planet: Neptune (Jupiter).
Exalted planet: Venus.
Sign keywords: Basic momentum: spirituality. Charitable, compassionate, creative, dreamy, emotional, escapist, impractical, indolent, inhibited, introspective, intuitive, melancholy, musical, pessimistic, procrastinating, sacrificing, spacey, spiritual, sympathetic, talkative, timid, visionary.
Quality: Mutable water.
Aries Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Tuesday, Mars hour, moon in Aries, or sun in Aries.
Focus: Aries gifts us with the power to overcome all obstacles, to forge ahead and rumble over roadblocks and anything else that might be foolish enough to stand in our way. Aries brings us courage in the face of defeat, and imbues us with the mastery of command. With Aries energy pulsing from our fingers, we are an indomitable force.
Spell: On a piece of paper, draw what you envision as the obstacle you are facing. This can be a doodle, an accurate rendition, or simply a mass of colors that you feel represents what you desire to overcome. On the back of the paper, draw the desired outcome. On the bottom of the second drawing, write: (Your name) using Mars energy () focused through Aries energy () overcomes the obstacle of (indicate difficulty). At sunset (or using the favorable timing recommendations above), present your petition to Spirit, asking for assistance in your current dilemma. Outside, burn the drawing (fire magick) while watching the sun dip below the horizon, knowing that as the fire of the heavens is absorbed into the horizon of the Earth, the obstacle in your life will be absorbed by the universe and transmuted into positive energy. In the air, draw the sign of the equal-armed cross to seal the spell. Mix the ashes with the petals of a red rose. Scatter the mixture. Inside, light a white candle, asking Spirit to bring purification and cleansing into your life.
Taurus Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Friday, Venus hour, sun in Taurus, or moon in Taurus.
Focus: Staying power is the glittering aspect of Taurus energy, with the ultimate target of peace and serenity. Taurus builds while erecting a formidable front. If you feel that change is not in your game plan, Taurus energy can stop any force that may desire to place you in a compromising posture. Finally, if persistence is necessary to get the job done, Taurus stamina can facilitate the process.
Spell: Place the following in a deep-blue envelope: 7 dried daisy petals; a gold ribbon, 13 inches long, with a knot on each end, tied firmly around one iron nail; and one teaspoon fertile earth. Seal the envelope with gold wax imprinted with your fingerprint. On the outside of the envelope, draw the astrological symbol of Venus () and the symbol of Taurus (). Hold your hands over the envelope and ask Spirit to assist you in this situation. Be clear on your intentions and needs. Seal the spell by kissing the envelope. Bury the envelope in your back yard. If you live in an apartment or condominium, place the envelope at the bottom of a flower pot and cover with potting soil.
Gemini Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Wednesday, Mercury hour, moon in Gemini, or sun in Gemini.
Focus: Lightning-quick and excellent in all manner of communication, Gemini energy surges forward, finding simple solutions to the most complicated problems. Gemini dynamism can also bring communication from the dead or add speed to any spell.
Spell: Silver’s Mercury Powder. You can use this magickal powder by itself, or add the powder to other forms of magick (for example, loading 1/8 teaspoon into the bottom of a candle). In a bowl, mix the following with a pestle: dried white rose petals, silver glitter, blue powder, dried vervain, ginger, and dried, crushed orris root. With your finger or a pencil, draw the symbol of Mercury () and the symbol of Gemini () in the powder. Hold your hands over the powder, asking that the mixture be instilled with the dynamic energies of Gemini. Store the powder in a plastic bag that contains a moonstone. For quick information, go outside, facing east. Place a teaspoon of the Mercury powder in the palm of your hand, then blow off your fingers, asking the element of air to speed your request and return the necessary details to you as quickly as possible.
Cancer Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Monday, moon hour, sun in Cancer, moon in Cancer, full moon.
Focus: Home and hearth are the primary concentrations of Cancer energy. Fiercely protective, loyal, helpful, and creative, Cancer activity revolves around meeting one’s needs. If something requires rebuilding, call on Cancer. If you are on a quest to amass resources, Cancer, the packrat of the universe, will do this nicely. Finally, if you are looking for privacy, use the Cancer vibrations as a protective device.
Spell: One bowl of water; 3 jade stones, 13 new dimes. Empower the bowl of water under the full moon. If you can, capture the reflection of the moon in the water for at least thirty minutes. Slowly drop each dime in the water, making your intention clear. Wait until the water stills. Drop another dime. Complete the process until you use all the dimes. Hold your hands over the bowl and repeat your request. In the air over the bowl, draw the sigil for the moon () and the sigil for Cancer (). Take the three stones and the thirteen dimes and place them in a green conjuring bag. Keep the bag with you until the request manifests. Sprinkle the water at the threshold of all doors leading to the outside, repeating your petition.
Leo Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Sunday, sun hour, moon in Leo, sun in Leo, or Noon.
Focus: In astrology, to find the will of any individual we look to the house where the sun resides. The sun is like a giant battery in the sky, and anything this warm, heavenly body touches in your horoscope receives a giant boost of energy, sort of like feeding a barrel of soda pop to a bunch of kids at a birthday party—the zap quotient will be way over the limit. Leo energy focuses on unconditional love, drama, creativity, and children. Having fun is also a Leo thing!
Spell: Use the following Sunshine Spell to help with motivation, dancing with the muses, dealing with children, giving the gift of unconditional love, or just wanting to shine, shine, shine at your job. Find an old CD that you no longer wish to play. Place in the center of gold foil or old gold Christmas wrapping paper. Make sure CD rests on the back of the paper. Over the CD, sprinkle the following mixture: dried, crushed sunflower or marigold petals; yellow powder; gold glitter; dried orange peel; and the herb yellow dock. With your finger or a pencil, write the symbols of the sun () and Leo () in the mixture. Carry the foil, CD, and mixture carefully to where it will be covered in strong sunlight. Hold your hands over your supplies and state your petition clearly. Allow the sun to shine on your project for at least thirty minutes, then slowly fold the gold foil over the CD and magickal powder. Secure edges with tape. On a gold candle, mark your name and the sigils of the sun and Leo. Place the candle on the gold foil CD and allow candle to burn completely. Reaffirm your petition throughout the day as you gaze at the candle for a few moments. Put the CD in the area where you wish to shine, such as your office, work room, your vehicle, lunch bag, backpack, etc.
Virgo Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Wednesday, Mercury hour, sun in Virgo, or moon in Virgo.
Focus: Virgo is the happy helper of the zodiac. The ultimate “fixer,” Virgo uses the ability to discern and analyze any situation. “Let me make it better” is the Virgo anthem. If you need assistance in making a list, creating an agenda, or plotting out any project, Virgo energy, directed by its ruling planet of Mercury, is what you need to call.
Spell: When the rest of the gods and goddesses hightailed it up to Mount Olympus, only one young heavenly beauty had the nuggets to stick around and help out humankind, thus earning her place in the zodiac ring of fame. When things get bogged down and you’ve lost your way, count on Virgo energy to save the day! Dig around in your desk drawers to find an unused check register. On the first page, list your ancestors. On the next page, write the current date in the “date” column. State your dilemma in the “description of transaction” line. Under the balance column write your hoped-for solution. There isn’t much room, so you will have to be succinct. On the front of the transaction register, draw the symbol for Mercury () and the symbol for Virgo (). Wrap a rubber band around the register and snap three times, while repeating affirmations you have written de-signed to bring your desire to you. Ask Spirit or your guardian angel for assistance. Each day, write down the mundane steps you have taken to solve the problem. In the balance column, repeat the same keyword you used for the solution. If you do additional magick, record that action as well, again using the same keyword under the balance section. Remember to wrap the rubber band around the register when you are finished, and snap the band three times, repeating your affirmations. When your desire has manifested, you have two choices: bury the register in your back yard, or turn to a new page and work a new spell, using the same method.
Libra Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Friday, Venus hour, moon in Libra, or sun in Libra.
Focus: If you wish to restore balance, bring harmony into the home or workplace, or become charming in any social situation, turn your thoughts and energies into pulling Libra dynamics into your life. Well mannered, with a sense of fairness, wise use of personal integrity, and the ability to synthesize almost any situation or dilemma—all these characteristics are a part of Libra charm. Need to be persuasive? Turn on the Libra light.
Spell: Canvas and paints, or paper and finger paints, or watercolor paper and watercolors are the focus of this spell. First, paint the symbol of Venus () and Libra () on the canvas or paper. These symbols can be the focal point, or used as a smaller part of your overall design. Play your favorite music, something that you think speaks to you about the situation at hand or the talent you wish to cultivate. Spend as much time working on the painting as you like. The idea is not to perfectly represent the desire, but to imbue the canvas with the emotions that you would like to create in your life. If you begin to worry or allow your mind to wander into a negative thought pattern, stop. Come back to the work when you have cleansed those impure emotions from your mind. Burning a pleasing incense while painting also helps to keep a positive, upbeat focus. Add spirals that begin from the outside, circling into the center of the canvas, while concentrating on pulling toward you the energies that you desire. When you are finished with the painting, hold your hands over the work and empower by sharing with Spirit, as clearly as possible, your need. Seal the painting by drawing an equal-armed cross in the air over the painting. Use the painting as an altar decoration while working other magicks for the same purpose.
Scorpio Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Tuesday or Saturday, hour of Mars or Saturn, moon in Scorpio, dark of the moon, or sun in Scorpio.
Focus: Looking for strategic advancement or need to add that extra intensity punch? Scorpio energy will provide the depth of experience and bring the opportunities you desire. Scorpio energy brings power, influence, and long-term alliance. Above all other signs, Scorpio is the crisis breaker!
Spell: Although Scorpio is a water sign, it carries the energy of the fire down below. Fill an old cooking pot with water (the bigger the problem, the more water). Add 3 pieces of jet; 1/2 teaspoon angelica; 1/2 teaspoon elder tree leaves; and one teaspoon lemon juice. On a piece of paper, outline the problem and the resolution needed. Draw the sigils for Pluto () and Scorpio () over the pot. Add to the top and bottom of your paper. Fold the paper into a small triangle. Bring mixture to a boil. Add paper triangle, visualizing a positive outcome. Boil dry. (Be careful, and watch the pot closely so you don’t create an accident or hazard.) Turn off the burner. Allow pot to cool. Scrape contents into a bowl. Empty bowl at a crossroads at midnight.
Sagittarius Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Thursday, hour of Jupiter, moon in Sagittarius, sun in Sagittarius, or new moon.
Focus: Expansion. Need a promotion, to learn more, or to take a cruise? Got a legal problem, desire assistance in those college exams, or wish to teach others something you know best? Enter Sagittarius! If you need to see the BIG picture, then this is the energy for you!
Focus: Pop one bag of unbuttered popcorn. As the kernels expand, think of the opportunities you wish to draw toward you. String popcorn and holly leaves on sturdy thread. The longer the garland, the better. As you string each piece, concentrate on your desire. Knot the thread to finish the garland, stating your intention aloud. Hold your hands over your project, again thinking of your intention. Make the sign of Jupiter () and the sign of Sagittarius () in the air over your work. Place the garland on your altar until your wish has been granted. Then burn the garland outside, thanking Spirit for the gifts you have received. Note: You can also hang the garland on your Yule tree, or over a doorway, for the holiday season.
Capricorn Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Saturday, Saturn hour, sun in Capricorn, or moon in Capricorn.
Focus: The primary energy of Capricorn is that of building anything, and of doing the process extremely well. If boundaries need to be set, rules must be followed, or a concise plan of action laid as a sturdy foundation, invite the energy of Capricorn into your life.
Spell: For this spell you will need an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of graph paper and a pencil or pen. At the top of the paper (or on the back), write as specifically as you can what it is that you wish to build, the boundaries that must be set, or the foundation that you need. Follow by the symbols of Saturn () and Capricorn (). On the back of the paper, write a list of your ancestors (because they are the foundation of you). Each day, fill in one line of boxes by coloring them in (with colored pencils if you like, or just the pencil). Burn your favorite incense while working. Repeat your intentions mentally or aloud as you work on the paper. After you complete each line, fold the paper into a square and place under a salt shaker (the foundation of life) that contains salt and dirt (preferably dirt from an ancestor’s grave). When your desire manifests (even if you don’t have all the lines filled in), bury the paper, the salt, and the dirt in your back yard.
Aquarius Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Wednesday, hour of Mercury, sun in Aquarius, or moon in Aquarius.
Focus: Need to be wild, crazy, or avant-garde? Do you require commitment? Are you seeking freedom? Turn to Aquarius energy!
Spell: You will need 13 ribbons (your choice of color); a bag of buttons; and a needle and thread. This spell takes some time to create, but the results are well worth the work. Set your intention clearly in your mind. Sew as many buttons as you can onto each piece of ribbon, saving about two inches at the top of each ribbon. As you sew each button, clearly state your intention. You may wish to put on your favorite inspirational music while you work. When you have finished with all the ribbons, tie them together at the top (or sew them firmly together). Hold your hands over your work, again stating your intention. Make the sign of Uranus () and Aquarius () in the air over the project. Take the ribbon spell outside and hang from a tree in your back yard, or from a porch railing, etc.—you choose the place. Again, state your intention aloud, and say:
From heaven to Earth, from Earth to heaven, the winds circle about my desire, carrying my thoughts to the gods of the universe and returning with the gift of positive abundance. So mote it be.
Allow the project to hang outside until your wish has been granted. Warning: Uranus works with shocks, surprises, and sudden upsets. If you use this energy, be prepared for the unknown and be willing to accept positive change.
Pisces Energy Spell
Favorable Timing: Monday, hour of the moon, moon in Pisces, sun in Pisces, or full moon.
Focus: Passionate Pisces helps us to step out of the daily hum-drum and into a kaleidoscope of visions, dreams, and psychic pursuits.
Spell: Place a dry sponge in a bowl. Mix patchouli oil and water in a separate, resealable container. Consider carefully how you want to use the energy of Pisces. Prophetic dreams? Visions in meditation? Learning to be compassionate to those less fortunate than yourself? Write one statement on a three-by-five-inch card that announces your intention. Place the card underneath the bowl. Slowly pour the patchouli water over the sponge, and say: “Like this sponge, I will soak up (state your intention).” Place a white rose on top of the sponge. Again, state your intention aloud. Hold your hands over the rose, breathing deeply, mentally touching the unconditional love of the universe. When you are finished, draw the sigil of Neptune ) and Pisces () over the flower and bowl. After one week, wring out the sponge and offer the rose to free-flowing water. Repeat this spell once a week until you have reached your desire.
Purification Spell for Air Signs
If you need to get a message through to someone, move an issue that seems stuck, garner some added intelligence into decision making, or well-wish a friend health and happiness, air energy can push your spellwork to a speedy conclusion. You can use the following incantation for area purification, to cleanse and bless supplies, or to invoke air energy into your magick circle. For an extra bit of punch, carve the air signs of the zodiac (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) onto the candle color of your choice and burn during ritual or spellcasting, asking for assistance from the element of air.
Air flows pure, Spirit unbound.
Inspiration! Sky to ground!
Realize love with this sound.
Ring bell seven times.
Purification Spell for Fire Signs
From inspiration to passion, fire energy can certainly excite your magickal work. After lighting any candle, needfire, balefire, bonfire, or hearth, you might try this easy incantation.
Fire makes the magick go.
Inner peace begins to flow.
Rise, O flame, and purify.
Enchant this place, ground to sky.
For added oomph to your magickal work, draw the sigils for Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries on pot, cauldron, or candle, or in the dirt at the south quarter of your circle. If you choose to boil a liquid in the pot, add the symbol for Scorpio (the “fire down below”). If you are really in an artsy mood, draw a salamander along with your other chosen sigils. Herbs and incenses placed on the prepared fire will add a puff of scent when lit, or you can wait and throw your herbal mixture into the fire at the peak of your spell or ritual. Vesta powder (be careful with this) will provide a mini explosion, colored flames, and interesting smoke effects when tossed onto a blazing fire (do not use on candles—I blew up my dining room table trying that one). Pumpkin spice will make the flames glitter and produce a pleasing aroma.
Purification Spell for Earth Signs
This little incantation has a variety of uses, especially for the magickal person who’s constantly on the go. Repeat in the subway station (no kidding, it works), while relaxing in the park and feeding the squirrels, when walking down a dark street at night (remember next time to walk with a friend), when entering an unfamiliar place that makes you feel nervous, or to create sacred space for magickal work.
Earth to earth
angels to ancestors
riches to riches
treasure to treasure
hearth to hearth, bring blessings
of the Mother upon me, Earth.
Carve the zodiac symbols that relate to the Earth element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) onto the candle color of your choice to add extra pizzazz to your magickal work, or mix up an earth powder that can include soil, salt, and a variety of herbs. Use in conjuring bags, as an outside purification powder at the entrance of your home or apartment, or load a small amount into your earth element candle.
Purification Spell for Water Signs
The incantation below is a purification protection spell that you can use as a part of a larger working, or alone when swimming, walking in the rain, boating, etc. It can also be used in preparing for the birth of a baby, or during the birthing process. If necessary, use the incantation as a drought buster.
Water protects the embryo
ancestor love of long ago.
Tides and rivers dance and flow
enchant this place, let magick grow.
Revive! Bring change! I make it so.
For added water energy in a magickal working, carve the zodiac symbols of Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio on the candle color of your choice. Stand candle in one-half inch of water for additional empowerment.
Astrological Sign Incenses
Use the following incense recipes for astrological sign spellwork, including the moon in the signs. Note: Mix the dry ingredients first, then add the oil sparingly. This allows you to experiment with the consistency of the incense.
Mix equal parts of: Angelica, cedar, ginseng, basil, pine.
Oil: Cedar oil.
Mix equal parts of: Horehound, mugwort, oleander, vervain.
Oil: Vervain oil.
Mix equal parts of: Eyebright, hops, lemongrass, sage.
Oil: Rosemary oil.
Mix equal parts of: Chamomile, feverfew, heather, myrrh.
Oil: Myrrh oil.
Mix equal parts of: Orange peel, galangal, rue, goldenseal.
Oil: Cinnamon oil.
Mix equal parts of: Bergamot, fennel, summer savory, mint.
Oil: Rose oil.
Mix equal parts of: Clover, benzoin, lavender, spearmint.
Oil: Lavender oil.
Mix equal parts of: Sandalwood, boneset, coltsfoot, thyme.
Oil: Sandalwood oil.
Mix equal parts of: Cinquefoil, sage, nutmeg, betony wood.
Oil: Musk oil.
Mix equal parts of: Mullein, patchouli, comfrey, Solomon’s seal.
Oil: Patchouli oil.
Mix equal parts of: Fenugreek, pine, broom, clover.
Oil: Pine oil.
Mix equal parts of: Lemon balm, elder, lemon peel, orris root.
Oil: Lemon oil.
Decanates in Magick
Decans or decanates are another way to divide each zodiac sign. Each division in each sign consists of three parts. Each zodiac sign is thirty degrees, and each decan in that sign is ten degrees. The first ten degrees of any sign are said to carry the “nature” of that sign, and are the planetary ruler of the sign. For example, the first decanate in Aries behaves with Aries energy. The planet Mars is the planetary ruler of Aries, therefore Mars would be the ruler of the first decanate of Aries. The next ten degrees (11 through 20) are said to have the nature of the next sign that shares the same element, which in this case would be Leo. The planetary ruler of that decanate (or decan) would be the sun. The last ten degrees, 21 through 30, are thought to carry the qualities of the last sign of the same element. The fire sign that falls before Aries is Sagittarius, and the planetary ruler would be Jupiter. The thing to remember with decanates is that they always represent only one element. As there are only three signs in each element, those three signs will always be used, though their location (decanate, in this case) will differ within the sign. Finally, although the rulers of the decanates are important, the second two—covering degrees 20 through 30—are thought to be “secondary” rulers, with the sign ruler always prominent. See chart, above right, which also includes the mansions of the moon.
There are various ways in which decanate divisions can be used in spellwork. For example, let’s say the moon will be new in Aries in the second decanate. We know this because we’ve looked at our almanac and have checked the timing and position of the new moon. The primary planetary ruler of Aries is Mars. The second decanate is ruled by the sun; therefore, we can use both Mars and sun energies for that extra wallop of power. Even better, a new moon means that the sun and moon are dancing cheek to cheek, so this gives the sun an added extra energy bonus. You can choose the wording of chants and charms as well as the colors, herbs, incenses, and other correspondences to assist in melding sun, moon, Mars, and Aries energy in the way that you desire. Since the moon is categorized as falling in a water element (and we want to make her happy), it might be a good idea to check the lunar mansion in which she will fall at the moment of your working (see Lunar Mansions). In this case it will be the second lunar mansion, Alka-tayn, who presides over finding hidden treasure, wheat production, strengthening prisons, removing anger, and capturing people or things. Here is where we use our creative inspiration. Which, if any, of these categories can be associated with our goal, and how will that association be made in our statement of intent? Granted, this is a little more work; however, once you get through the basics of spellcasting and ritual and begin to face boredom (it happens), techniques such as these can keep your practices in religion and magick fresh and active.
Below you will find a very basic astrological glossary, covering a variety of terms you may see in astrology and astrological magick. This dictionary is by no means complete and is provided only as a beginner’s guideline.
Afflicted: When a planet sends or receives negative dialog from another planet. Typical afflictions include squares and oppositions.
Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are the three signs of the zodiac attributed to the qualities of the element of air. Also known as the air triplicity.
Angles: The four angles of any astrological chart are the ascendant, the descendant, the midheaven, and the I.C. or immum coeli.
Angular Houses: The first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses in a horoscope. When a planet passes over one of these mythical lines, stuff happens in your life that you didn’t necessarily expect or were waiting for.
Applying and application: Used when describing aspects. An applying aspect is a window of time that begins when a planet reaches a certain distance from another planet, which will eventually (depending upon the speeds of the planets) create a geometric pattern, most commonly called an angle. This window lasts until the geometric pattern becomes mathematically “exact.” Once the distance between the two planets is exact, the continued movement of the planets away from the geometric pattern (or angle) is called a separating aspect.
Arabic parts: Imaginary points on an astrological chart used during the Middle Ages by Arabic astrologers and calculated from the positions of the planets according to specific mathematical formulas. The Part of Fortune (PF) is the most common point seen in today’s charts.
Aspect: When planets are at certain angles from each other, the planetary energies interact depending upon the nature of the planet, the angle, and the speed at which each planet is moving. These critical angles are called aspects. Each aspect has a name and common attributes. Traditional astrology commonly uses the Ptolemaic set of aspects; however, there can be hundreds of angles, depending on what astrological system you use.
Ascendant: First sign to rise on the left-hand side of a zodiac chart, usually associated with the first house; 180 degrees or opposite the descendant.
Asteroid: A heavenly body that is smaller than a planet and is encompassed in the sun’s orbit. Usually found in bands and often consisting of rocks and frozen ice. The most common asteroids used in magick are Ceres, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta, and each is attributed to a particular goddess energy.
Juno: Roman wife of the God Jupiter
associated with magick done for
marriage, commitment, and
Ceres: Associated with the descent of the
Goddess; caring, nurturing, maternal,
and protective.
Pallas: From Pallas Athena, the goddess of
wisdom, war, and accomplishment;
creativity, using one’s talents, studying,
and so on.
Vesta: Roman goddess of hearth and home,
and used in magick in relationship to
these subjects as well as discipline and
effort in completing tasks.
Astrology: “Speech of the stars,” derived from the Greek word astron, meaning “star,” and logos, which means “discourse” or “speech.” The study of the energy influence of heavenly bodies on any behavior, activity, or condition on people, places, and things.
Birth chart: A figurative snapshot diagram of the heavens taken at the exact point in time when you were born. The diagram is usually circular (although the charts of the Middle Ages were shaped like boxes) and shows the position of the sun, moon, planets, zodiac signs, and other goodies (depending on the choices of the astrologer).
Burning Way: This is another old axiom, but I’ve found it incredibly useful in magick. Supposedly, if any planet falls between 15 degrees Libra and 15 degrees Scorpio, it has entered the Burning Way and trouble is afoot. However, I’ve discovered that if the planet in that position is in your favor, either natally or by a horary or electional chart, then you will be the winner against all odds. This is especially true with the planet Mars.
Cadent houses: The second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh houses.
Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. These signs usher in the equinoxes and solstices, and are therefore seen as “starter” energies. All four elements are represented: Aries = fire; Cancer = water, Libra = air and Capricorn = earth.
Chaldean order: Ancient lineup of the planets, beginning with Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, sun, Venus, Mercury, and the moon. You will see this order when working with planetary hours.
Constellation: A group of stars located in the same section of the heavens. Usually associated with a mythical animal, person, or circumstance.
Culminating: An ancient term for reaching the midheaven in an astrological chart.
Cusp: The degree at the beginning of a house.
Day and night charts: The ancient astrologers concluded that the planets behaved differently depending on a day or night placement. It was believed that some powers of the planets were available only at certain times of the day or night.
Decan/decanate: The division of a zodiac sign into three parts. Each zodiac sign is 30 degrees, and each decan in that sign is 10 degrees. The first ten degrees of any sign are said to carry the nature of that sign. The thing to remember with decanates is that they always represent only one element. As there are only three signs in each element, those three signs will always be used, though their location (decanate, in this case), will differ within the sign.
Degree: A degree is 1/360 of a circle. Each degree is divided into 60 minutes and each minute is divided into 60 seconds. The time it takes a planet to move from degree to degree around the circle is the main timing mechanism used in astrology and the magicks associated with it. Degrees are also used as addresses when locating where a planet is at any given time.
Descendant: Seventh sign from the first, located on the right of the zodiac chart, usually associated with the seventh house; 180 degrees, or opposite the ascendant.
Detriment: One of the planetary dignities. A planet is considered in its detriment when it is in the sign opposite the one that it rules. For example, the moon is in its detriment when in the sign of Leo; therefore, the moon in Leo is not as strong as you might first think. The best time to do planetary magick is when the planet is either in its ruling sign, or when it is in a sign where it is exalted. The moon, by the way, is exalted in Taurus (see table on page 215).
Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the signs associated with the element of earth, and are thought to have the qualities of that element. Also called the earth triplicity. (There are, by the way, day triplicities and night triplicities, but these are only used in classical astrology.)
Eclipse: The blocking of light from one heavenly body by another heavenly body. Eclipses of the sun and moon figure prominently in magickal applications. A lunar eclipse is said to affect situations for approximately six weeks, where an eclipse of the sun is said to last for six months.
Ecliptic: The yearly path of the sun in the heavens through the zodiac, divided into twelve equal divisions of 30 degrees, giving a grand total of 360 degrees.
Electional astrology: Studying various charts to determine the best day and time possible to enact an event, such as a wedding.
Ephemeris: A book of tables that shows the positions of the planets at any given time.
Essential dignity: There are five essential dignities. These dignities rely on the location of the planet in any given chart. The five dignities that are location dependent are rulership, exaltation, triplicity, term, and face. Although modern astrologers have thrown much of this out, magickal astrologers are learning that these old expressions of energy can be very helpful in predictive work. If you plan to study classical, horary, or event-driven (electional) astrology, you will learn to acknowledge the dignities.
Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are the zodiac signs associated with the element of fire, and are thought to have the qualities of that element. Also called the fire triplicity.
Fixed signs: These are the stubborn ones: Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius. Magick done in a fixed sign, or using a planet that is currently in a fixed sign, will “set” the magick and give you long-term results.
Fixed star: A star that is so far away in the heavens that it appears to stand still and becomes a fixed position on any chart. Aspects to fixed stars tell you amazing nuances for magickal workings and even more so if you plan to go into predictive work. And don’t let them fool you—conjunctions aren’t just what it’s all about. If you are really serious about the study, all the Ptolemaic aspects are important.
Geocentric: As viewed from the Earth’s surface (or, to be precise, from the center of the Earth). Most astrologers use geocentric astrology, which is why astronomers think we’re nuts.
Glyphs: Written symbols of the signs, planets, and aspects. (see table on page 199.)
Horary astrology: The study of an astrological chart based on the time of a question. Horary has its own rules and relies on classical astrology, although modern interpretations are sometimes used.
House systems: There are a bunch of these and astrologers are always fussing over which is the right one to use. A house system primarily dithers over where the cusp lines fall—some are equal house systems (where the degrees always equal 30) and some are unequal. I’m not even going to venture to tell you which one to use.
I.C.: An abbreviation for the words immum coeli, a Latin term meaning “the lowest part of the heavens” (in this case it is the lowest point on any astrological house, and follows the fourth house cusp line).
Ingress: The entry of a planet into a sign or a house; therefore, you will see house ingresses and sign ingresses.
M.C. (midheaven): The highest point of the heavens, located at the top of any astrological chart and usually on or close to the tenth house cusp.
Mundane astrology: A branch of astrological study that interprets the charts of nations, eclipses, and solstices to monitor and analyze political events.
Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius—these signs can move with the flow and interact with just about anyone on anything.
Nodes of the moon: There are two, the north node and the south node, sometimes called the Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Tail, respectively. These are the points on the chart where the path of the moon crosses the ecliptic.
Orb/orb of influence: The range of degrees within which an aspect is considered to have an effect. Orbs differ by aspect and by the choice of the astrologer.
Stellium (satellitium): A grouping of three or more planets in a sign that are carrying on a conversation (meaning they are in aspect). Very useful for combining energies in magickal applications.
Succedent houses: Third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth.
Transits: The changing positions of the planets as they move through the signs of the zodiac. Transits influence planets and points in any type of chart and can trigger events. However, a single transit alone rarely triggers any situation. Conversely, single transits work quite well for planning magickal applications.
Zodiac: Means “little zoo,”a small band of the sky about 8 degrees on either side of the ecliptic, which contains most of the motions of the planets.
Astrological Websites
Astrodienst Online (includes fixed stars):
Astrolabe (free birth chart with small interpretation):
Astrologer Alphee Lavoie:
Astrology World (beginner and advanced material):
Astrology Zone (site of Susan Miller): (at iVillage, geared for beginners): (free chart and brief explanation):
Debbi Kempton-Smith, author:
EasyScopes (lists all of the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes on the web):
Night Light News (Tradition of Alice Bailey):
Planet Waves:
The Mountain Astrologer Magazine:
The Zodiac Master (hows and whys of astrology):
University Centre for Astrological Research:
Zodiac Gazette (monthly magazine and news events):
Zodiacal Zephyr (lots of information and free chart generation):
Recommended Reading
A Star Gazer’s Notebook by Debbi Kempton-Smith
A Time for Magick by Mara Kay Simms
Astrology for the Light Side of the Brain by Kim Rogers-Gallagher
Astrology for the Light Side of the Future by Kim Rogers-Gallagher
Easy Astrology Guide by Maritha Pottenger
KISS Guide to Astrology by Julia and Derek Parker
The Only Way to Learn Astrology (series of five books) by Marion D. March and Joan McEvers
The Witches’ Circle by Maria Kay Simms
Please note that the moon in the signs and the elements are covered under their own sections in this book, in Part 3 and Part 4, respectively.