Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus, a Swiss physician, chemist, and philosopher (1490–1541), is credited with the Doctrine of the Four Elements, from which early nineteenth-century occult practitioners drew the belief that an element (earth, air, fire, and water) is not only physical, but also contains a spiritual essence. Granted, ancient cultures around the world long before Paracelsus’ time believed in this same principle; however, the condemnation of the Christian church did its best to eradicate this belief for over a thousand years. Pliny (Rome, first century a.d.), Pythagoras (Greek, 582–500 b.c.), Aristotle (382–322 b.c.), and Manilius (there is debate whether he lived in the first or ninth century a.d.) were all saying basically the same thing. To have Paracelsus renew the idea and pass it around didn’t make him especially popular, therefore in the occult world he gets five gold stars.
Paracelsus defied physicians of his time by insisting that diseases were caused by agents that were external to the body, and that they could be cured by using chemistry. Many of his remedies were based on the belief that “like cures like.” He could be called the father of homeopathy, which has become popular in alternative medical circles (which include practitioners of Witchcraft). Homeopathy stems from the idea that one should treat the underlying problem, rather than just try to cure the symptom, by using natural ingredients, such as herbs. He was pooh-poohed by his peers because he included magick in his scholarly writings. Witches also believe that we need to treat the problem rather than concentrate solely on the symptoms, but what does this have to do with the primary elements?
Almost everything in the Craft, from the tools we use to the herbs we employ to the sigils we design, zodiac associations, and planetary alignments we follow, fits into the ancient and medieval elemental category of the primary elements. Manilius put it this way:
And first the heaven, earth, and liquid plain, the moon’s bright globe and stars titanian [bright white]. A spirit fed within, spread through the whole, and with the huge heap mixed infused a soul; hence man and beasts and birds derive their strain and monsters floating in the marbled main; these seeds have fiery vigor, and a birth, of heavenly race, but clogg’d with heavy earth.43
So, about 2,000 years ago, the Roman Manilius was trying to tell people that everything—animals, humans, stars, seas, and earth—consisted of living energy. I realize that philosophy might not interest you, but then I’m sure there are those among you who will be delighted to discover that even though these old geezers are long gone, their ideas of magick, science, and philosophy continue on, right into the lap of modern Witchcraft.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word element has a mysterious origin, and is first found in Greek texts meaning “complex whole” or “a single unit made up of many parts.” From the ancient up to medieval times there were only four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and if you were occult-oriented the fifth was Spirit. Cornelius Agrippa called spirit the “quintessence.”
Today, although scientists list more than 100 chemical elements (with some being manmade), magickal people continue to rely on the five basic building blocks of medieval occultism—earth, air, fire, water, and Spirit—using some of the additional elements of the modern age to support the original five, depending on the spell or ritual. For example, silver (an element/metal) is used in various spells, and is a symbol of the divine Goddess, feminine mysteries, and is associated with moon magick, dreaming, and psychism. Gold, another element, stands for the God, male mysteries, success, prosperity, general well-being, and all magicks associated with the sun. Let’s begin, however, with the big four—earth, air, fire, and water.
Element of Earth
Earth is the universal archetype of the divine feminine. Our planet is fondly called Mother Earth, the Great Mother, and Gaia, among many others. She represents the inexhaustible spirit of creation and is associated with abundance. When we work with earth, not only are we calling the great expanse of our planet—its mountains, caves, minerals, and deserts—but we are also invoking her support and massive strength. From her emerges hidden treasure, and she is the proof that material things can be manifested from the divine.
The earth gives all living things the space and minerals they need to grow, so when we call earth into our circle as we stand at the north quarter, we are inviting the living essence of our planet to join us in our celebrations and our magick. We are asking that this energy lend its aid to the work we are doing. When we ask for blessings from the north, we are envisioning abundance, stability, protection, and room to grow in a positive way.
Throughout the history of magick the element of earth has been associated with a variety of deities, spirits, and angels. You can use what you like, as long as you remember the underlying basic: Earth is earth is earth. We can use a lot of breath with long invocations, and draw exquisite, complicated sigils and dress it up all we want, but it’s still dirt. Once you move through this book and start reading more advanced material, you’ll see what I mean.
From the magickal (as well as the esoteric alchemical) viewpoint, earth has the lowest vibration of the four elements because it is solidly manifest in our world. In astrology those signs symbolized by the earth element are Capricorn (motivated earth); Taurus (rooted earth); and Virgo (changing earth). As the moon moves through each sign for approximately two and a half days each month, you have an opportunity to work with the moon’s receptive energy in that sign. If you wanted to work on the structure of something, then you would choose a day when the moon is in Capricorn (see your almanac). If you wished to keep things the same or stockpile something, then moon in Taurus is a perfect time for such a spell or ritual. If you need to make changes to a structure, investigate something, or find the “bugs” in a system, then the Virgo moon is the perfect time.
Sigils of Earth and
How to Use Them
The triangle has a long spiritual history. No matter the culture or religion, its basic meaning is “three in one.” From the Zoroastrian Fire-Light-Ether to the astrological significance of “the Big Three”—sun, moon, and rising sign that make up the bulk of your personality—to the Wiccan idea of Maiden, Mother, and Crone and Father, Son, and Sage, all stand for the threefold nature of the universe. In Egyptian magick this triangle included Isis (the mother), Osiris (the father), and Horus (the manifestation of the two—the son). An upward-pointing triangle stands for the male principle, where the downward-pointing one is feminine. Remember, masculine and feminine in magick really have nothing to do with gender, and have everything to do with how energy flows and manifests. The alchemical earth symbol (pictured) draws a line across the top portion of the triangle. Fire, air, and water also have triangular symbols (which you’ll see as we move along). The four triangular symbols can be used in your Book of Shadows to indicate information that deals with a particular element, and be carved into tools, painted on magickal projects, or sewn on robes and altar cloths—in essence, on anything that you want to use to draw earth energy to you.
We can also activate the sigil itself by writing a person’s name that we want protected in the center of the earth symbol, asking for grounding, protection, and the gifts of the earth. Triangles, whether they stand for earth, air, fire, or water, are activation points. Don’t put anything in there that you don’t want to change.
Odin’s Cross or the Sun Cross, above right, appeared around the beginning of the Bronze Age.44 It materializes in ancient Egypt, China, pre-Columbian America, and the Near East. Not only does it stand for the element of earth, but also for thunder, highest power, and energy. In astrology, it is associated with the Part of Fortune, a point on every natal chart that, when activated by the movement of planets throughout one’s lifetime, brings good fortune, riches, and success. Carve it on candles for that extra oomph. Use to break the negativity of another by placing the sigil with your name on it over their name or picture. Draw on the back of your own picture to add success to any personal spellcasting procedure. Carry in your wallet dressed with a little money oil for drawing extra cash your way. Don’t draw it on the pavement in sidewalk chalk by the front of your house, though, because in the hobo sign system this one means Here you will find food, work, and generous people. Although hobo picture writing isn’t used much these days in America, I highly doubt your mother would be thrilled with strangers knocking at her door. On the other hand, this symbol is also known as the Gamma Cross and is used in the inauguration of a Roman Catholic church, wherein twelve such crosses are drawn in blessed water and oil upon the walls of the establishment. Given this information, you can use the same sigil to bless the room in which you work magick.
The Wheel Cross (Sun Cross, etc.) also has another association, that of planet Earth in astrology, although it is rarely used by modern astrologers due to their use of the geocentric system. In magick, however, we can put this symbol to good use by drawing it in combination with other astrological sigils. Simply draw, paint, or write the symbols directly on candles, altars, or other magickal projects that match the intent given in the list below.
Earth/Planetary Combinations
Note: Regarding the colors—for the most part, these are ceremonial magickal associations. You can use these, or find colors that you feel would work better.
with sun
Resulting action: Stability/prosperity with will.
Associated colors: Blue/orange and gold.
with moon
Resulting action: Stability/prosperity with emotions.
Associated colors: Blue/silver with white/silver.
with venus
Resulting action: Stability/prosperity with socialization.
Associated colors: Blue with pink or green.
with mars
Resulting action: Stability/prosperity with action.
Associated colors: Blue with red.
with jupiter
Resulting action: Stability/prosperity with expansion.
Associated colors: Blue with violet.
with saturn
Resulting action: Stability/prosperity with building structure or working with authority; or speed and the strength to banish.
Associated colors: Blue with black.
with uranus
Resulting action: Stability/prosperity in the face of change.
Associated colors: Blue with light blue.
with neptune
Resulting action: Stability/prosperity with dreaming/visionary work.
Associated colors: Blue with aqua.
with pluto
Resulting action: Stability/prosperity with radical change—to destroy to rebuild.
Associated colors: Blue/silver and black.
Invoking earth pentacle, left, and banishing, right.
Invoking and Banishing
Earth Pentacles
In ceremonial magick and some Wiccan groups you will find what are called the invoking pentacles of the elements. There are five of them—earth, air, fire, water, and Spirit. To invoke the energy of the earth at the north quarter, you would draw the star starting at the top and following through. To release that energy, you would start at the bottom left-hand corner and draw the sigil. Usually the symbols are drawn in the air with one’s finger, wand, rod, or athame. As pictured, the invoking earth pentacle brings earth energy into the circle, and the banishing earth pentacle sends the energy back from whence it came. You might want to trace your finger over the diagrams to get the magickal hang of the energy of this symbol. If you are trying to bring prosperity into your life, then you might at some point in your ritual or spell draw an invoking earth pentagram on your supplies. You can even use a pen or pencil and draw it right on a dollar bill, asking for the blessings of abundance. This system of invoking and banishing the elements using pentagrams is attributed to Samuel L. Mathers, who improved on the original material of the ceremonial magician Eliphas Zahed Levi.
Meditation of Earth
The best way to get to know the energy pattern of an element is to work with it and use meditation to “become” that element. For this exercise you will need a bowl of dirt or sand and a seed of some kind. Trace one of the earth sigils on the floor with your finger and sit inside. Take three deep breaths. Put your hands in the dirt. Begin by rolling the sand or dirt around with your fingers. Let your mind drift on subjects that pertain to the earth—the planet, earth goddesses, the ideas of stability and abundance. When you are through, ask for wisdom from the earth, brush off your hands, give a gentle thank you to the element, then ground and center. Hold the seed in your hand and think of a wish that you would like to grow. Think of planting that wish in the ground and visualize the result, then physically plant the seed somewhere on your property. If you like, you can bag up the dirt or sand in the bowl and use it in a spell or ritual later on. Note: If you have used the invoking earth pentagram then you will need to finish by tracing the banishing earth pentagram.
Earth Correspondences
Capricorn: Beginning and structure.
Taurus: Saving and fixed.
Virgo: Changing (mutable) and review oriented.
color association
Yellow or green, depending on the tradition you practice. Yellow for ceremonial Wicca and green for shamanic Wicca.
wiccan tool
Cauldron or pentacle.
Abundance: Barbelo
Agriculture: Risnuch
Alchemy: Och
Animals: Thegri, Mtniel, Hehiel, Hayyal
Commerce: Anauel
Creeping Things: Orifiel
Dust: Suphlatus
Earthquakes: Sui’el, Rashiel
Farming: Sofiel
Fertility: Samandiriel, Yushamin
Food: Manna
Gaia: Michael, Jehoel, Metatron, Mammon
Gardens: Cathetel
Nourishment: Isda
Forests: Zuphlas
Fruition: Anahita
Mountains: Mehabiah
Plants: Sachluph
Trees: Maktiel, Zuphlas
Vegetables: Sealiah, Sofiel
Wild Birds: Trgiaob
African: Earth Mother, Divine Queen, Nimba, Oshun, Tenga.
Egypt: (Female) Anatha, Bast, Isis, Mehueret. (Male) Min, Geb.
Greek/Roman: (Female) Atlantia, Clonia, Flora, Hestia. (Male) Fauna, Pan.
Norse: (Female) Frigga, Holda, Nanna, She-Wolf.
Celtic: (Female) Aine, Anu, Blodeuwedd, Cailleach Beara, Magog, Rosemerta.
Working with the Earth
in Magickal Operations
There are three ways to work with the elements in magick:
Mentally: Using visualization techniques.
Astrally: Using the “energy of the thing.”
Physically: Using the element through the five senses—hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, and smelling.
Many times magickal people will combine all three techniques in one spell or ritual. For example, in a standard ritual, the Witch may place a bowl of salt (the physical) at the north quarter along with a green or brown candle (a physical item that helps provide a mental and astral link by the action of lighting the candle). When opening the north quarter the magickal person might use a physical action (called a trigger) by using the hands to make the motions of parting a curtain or drawing the invoking earth pentagram with a magickal tool. As the action is performed, the mind forms pictures of the earth energy (mental). The Witch might think of a big mountain, rolling fields, a deep, protective cave, etc. When he or she lights the candle, the Witch might imagine the strength and loving security of the earth (a feeling translated into moving energy touching the astral plane that now enters the circle environment).
Most magickal people have a series of keywords they have learned through practice that are associated with that element. Keywords for earth would be: strength, stability, treasure, bounty, protection, and so on. When the keyword is spoken and the picture in the mind is conjured, the link between the individual and the element is forged. Only practice can make this visualization stronger, which in turn will give you far more successes than failures in your magickal work.
Spellwork involving any element often uses all three manifestations of that element: mental, astral, and physical. For example, let’s say we wanted to “unearth” a problem. We could literally dig a hole in the ground in ritual and ask that the information or problem be exposed to the right people, who will in turn assist us in solving the difficulty. With the help of the physical action of digging, the mental visualization of the “unearthing,” and the request of earth’s energy to move the spell along (astral work), we are using the element of earth in all three manifestations. If we need prosperity, we might call on the gnomes (earth elementals) to help bring money to us. To do this, we could find a little gnome statue, place a gold coin or paper money under him, and ask the elemental to search for and bring back the amount we need. Not only is the gnome figurine a physical representation, it is also an astral one, as on the astral plane gnomes represent the elemental manifestation of the element of earth. Again, we are using all three forms of the element. When I was very young I used a gnome finger puppet (made crudely by myself) to bring back ice cream and pretzels. My wish was granted. In this case, the ice cream and pretzels were “treasure.” (At least I saw them that way.)
Many Witches bury items for the following reasons:
• As a gestation period. Seeds can be planted with an associated wish. As the plant grows, so the wish moves to completion.
• As a dispelling action. Empower an egg to “take on” a physical illness or problem, then bury it off your property. As the egg rots, so the problem disintegrates.
• As a binding action. “Deeper and longer lasting than the grave.”
Burying things on your property is used to keep things, and burying something off your property sends something away. Both applications stem from folk magickal operations and can be found throughout the world in various cultures.
In spells, salt, dirt, and herbs can be added to the working to reach the desired effect. Salt (of the earth) cleanses, and is considered a general purifier. Also considered protective, you can place a circle of salt around the picture of a sick friend or a person who is in trouble to dispel any negativity that might otherwise reach them. If you are having trouble with a stalker (which is not an uncommon occurrence in the twenty-first century), you can place a circle of salt around the picture of the victim or around a picture of the victim’s home. Dirt from sacred areas may be added to magickal powders, sprinkled on a symbol, or loaded into candles to boost the energy of a spell or to call ancient spiritual energies to the working. You can erect a small sand castle, placing plastic figures or stones inside to represent the people you would like to protect. Figures of people and animals made of clay (the earth) can be fashioned to represent gods, goddesses, or totems, and then empowered for assistance. Your artistic expertise does not matter. You can also use these figures to request a healing, especially if you have made the image with something belonging to the sick individual (see part 2, Poppets). Clay objects and stones can also be used to multiply prosperity, especially if you collect them from all over the world, asking for prosperity to reach you from all points of the globe. As your collection grows, so does prosperity. Graveyard dirt (a Witchy favorite) is used not to curse, as so many think, but to ask for the intervention of the dead in serious situations. Dirt from a favored family member’s grave does wonders when warding off a stalker, or when trying to break apart a politically corrupt situation. Here, the dirt absorbs the negativity while a link through love is established with the deceased, opening a pathway for your request to reach the loved one from whom you have petitioned assistance. Breaking clods of dirt (dried clumps) can help to break up a difficult situation into more manageable pieces. Granted, this is sympathetic magick at its lowest denomination, but it works! Jars of dirt mixed with salt and any herbs you choose can be used to remove negativity from a room (change every thirty days). Gemstones (see Gemstones) have been extremely useful in all types of magickal operations, and are often used for ongoing protection and success work. Anything that moves earth can put an extra visual twist to your spellwork—spades, shovels, and small representations of earth-moving equipment such as dump trucks, bulldozers, and steam shovels work well. (And you thought you had no use for those Tonka trucks anymore!) Drumming on anything (bucket, tabletop, the floor) or using a sacred drum is one of the most powerful forms of moving earth energy in a magickal setting.
Element of Air
When we work with air we think of the divine breath of Spirit, the ability to move through space and time, and the wisdom that comes from experience and study. When we invite air into our circle at the east quarter we draw forth the sacred breath of life with vigor and clarity. Like the element of earth, air also has a long list of angelic and deity correspondences, some of which are shown in the list on page 402.
The zodiac signs for air are Libra (air in early movement), Aquarius (air as it stalls over the earth), and Gemini (air that changes direction). You can plan your magick to work with the element of air by watching your almanac. If you want to do a lot of socializing or make new friends, do a spell or ritual when the moon is in Libra. Out to do some good and take care of humanitarian concerns? Moon in Aquarius. If you need to do a thousand things at once or have to cram for a test, try the Gemini moon.
The movement of air can tell us many things. It can bring the scent of spring, letting you know if the warming season will be early or late. If it grows unusually cold in a warm area, then you may have an astral visitor. Folk legends in various cultures supported the belief that the dead could ride on the winds. Several goddesses and gods are also attributed to this skill, including the Germanic Dame Holda and the Egyptian god Shu.
Air Symbols and How to Use Them
Our first symbol for air is the upright triangle with a double bottom line (as shown above). This is the alchemical sigil for air and, like the earth triangle, can be used in your Book of Shadows, etc. If you need to send a message to someone and you can’t reach them the conventional way, try writing your message in the air sigil and hanging it outside where the moving air will reach it. If this isn’t possible, write the person’s name in the triangle and set a votive candle over the top. Sit quietly and stare at the candle, repeating your message. Keep the message brief—too many words and the meaning might get lost in the transmission. You can also try sending “pictures” in your mind instead. Run some experiments with friends and see what happens. The upright triangle puts the element of air in the active, masculine category.
Where earth magick lends itself to manifesting things in a physical form, finding treasure, creating abundance, and reaching for the strength within, air magicks are more of the mental, studious variety: sending messages, writing stories, articles, poetry, taking notes, composing music, studying anything and everything, clarity of thought, and weather magick. Wind can push or stall a weather front.
Hermes, the Greek messenger god, and his Roman counterpart Mercury are both associated with the element of air. To send a message or speed a spell, use either the symbol for Hermes, below, or Mercury ().
Mercury/Planetary Combinations
You can bind the symbol of Mercury to the symbols of the other planets to accomplish a variety of actions. Bind the symbols by drawing them next to, on top of, or above or below each other, with continuous lines, or by combining them together to form a unique design. Note: These are suggested colors only, you can change these to suit the circumstances.
mercury with sun
Resulting action: Speed/communication with will.
Associated colors: Yellow/orange and gold.
mercury with moon
Resulting action: Speed/communication with emotions.
Associated colors: Yellow/silver with white/silver.
mercury with venus
Resulting action: Speed/communication with socialization.
Associated colors: Yellow with pink or green.
mercury with mars
Resulting action: Speed/communication with action.
Associated colors: Yellow with red.
mercury with jupiter
Resulting action: Speed/communication with expansion.
Associated colors: Yellow with violet.
mercury with saturn
Resulting action: Speed/communication with building structure or working with authority; or speed/communication to banish.
Associated colors: Yellow with black.
mercury with uranus
Resulting action: Speed/communication with change.
Associated colors: Yellow with light blue.
mercury with neptune
Resulting action: Speed/communication with dreaming/visionary work.
Associated colors: Yellow with aqua.
mercury with pluto
Resulting action: Speed/communication with radical change—to destroy to rebuild.
Associated colors: Yellow/silver and black.
Invoking air pentacle, left, and banishing, right.
Invoking and Banishing
Pentagrams of Air
The element of air also has its invoking and banishing pentagrams, and are often drawn in the air with the finger, wand, rod, or athame at the east quarter.
If you are in a hurry, or just need to move your magick to a speedy conclusion, use the invoking air pentagram while calling on the spirits of air to help you. If you want a storm to move away, ring a bell three times in a succession of three (as instructed under part2, Bell) then draw the banishing pentagram of air in the direction of the oncoming storm. The banishing pentagram alone works well to move away heavy cloud cover, but remember, in weather magick, practice makes perfect. If you need the bad vibes brought by a letter, court summons, or other nasty legal paperwork to dissipate, draw the banishing air pentagram over the offensive message. Granted, it will probably take more on your part to make the whole thing go away, but starting with removing the negative energy on the paper is a good way to begin.
Meditation of Air
This meditation is best done outside. You will need a stick and several colorful ribbons at least thirteen inches long. Make a wish for each ribbon. Write them down so you don’t forget. Draw one of the sigils listed above on the ground and sit in the center. Take three deep breaths and relax. Hold your palms open, the backs of your hands resting on your knees or your lap. Think about the element of air. Close your eyes. Do a little free association. Air moves, it is the breath of Spirit, it shifts the weather, it brings wisdom and intellect. Become the air. When you are finished, slowly open your eyes and take a deep breath. Tie each ribbon onto the stick, leaving about six inches of stick free at the bottom. As you tie the ribbons, state your wishes aloud. Blow three times on the ribbons. Set the stick upright in the ground so that the ribbons can flow free. Thank the element of air and deity. Leave the stick. If you have used the invoking air pentagram, then you will need to finish with the banishing air pentagram.
Remember to research all deity energies before you use them.
Libra: Beginnings.
Aquarius: Fixed.
Gemini: Changing (mutable).
Blue or yellow, depending upon the tradition used. Blue for ceremonial Wicca and yellow for shamanic Wicca.
wiccan tool
Athame or wand.
Air, general: Chasan, Casmaron, Cherub, Iahmel
Altitudes: Barachiel, Gabriel, Gediel
Announcements: Sirushi
Birds: Arael, Anpiel
Communication and protection from
harmful words and thoughts: Ambriel
Dawn: Hlm hml
Doves: Alphun
Dreams: Gabriel
Free will: Tabris
Grace: Ananchel
Hurricanes: Zamiel, Zaafiel
Intellectual achievements: Akriel
Inventions: Liwet
Memory and tolerance: Mupiel
Moderation: Baglis
Noonday winds: Nariel
North wind: Cahiroum
Pure wisdom, knowledge, and learning: Diana
Philosophy and meditation: Iahhel
Positive thoughts: Vohumanah
Prayers: Akatriel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphon, Michael
Protection for libraries, archives, places of learning and computers: Harahel
Purity: Taharial
Secrets and hidden knowledge: Satarel
Sky: Sahaqiel
Storms: Zakkiel, Zaamael
Thunder: Ramiel, Uriel
Truth: Armait (also harmony)
Twilight: Aftiel
Whirlwind: Rashiel, Zavael
Winds: Moriel, Ruhiel, Rujiel, Ben Nez
Writing: Ecanus
General air:
Hermes (Greek, Male); Mercury (Roman, Male); Shu (Egyptian, Male).
African: (Female) Aja, Minona.
Egyptian: (Female) Selk, Seshat, Tie; (Male) Thoth.
Greek and Roman: (Female) Carmentis, Circe, Hecate, and Mystis.
Germanic/Norse: (Female): Eir, Saga, Vor.
Celtic: (Female) Cerridwen, Danu, Nath.
African: (Female) Ogboinba.
Egyptian: (Female) Sphinx, Tie; (Male) Toth, Horus.
Greek and Roman: (Female) Apollonis, Erato, Harmonia, Minerva, Mnmosyne, Muses, Urania.
Germanic/Norse: (Female) Nat.
Celtic: (Female) Canola, Cerridwen, Sephira.
African: (Female) All-bringing-forth; Bunzi, Oya.
Egypt: (Female) Nebt, Nephthys, Tefnut. (Male) Shu for air; Nuit (Female for Sky and Heavens).
Greek and Roman: (Female) Aura, Dais, Dione, Erato, Hera, Tempestates.
Germanic/Norse: (Female) Aslog, Frau, Holda, Sjora, Swan Maidens.
Celtic: (Female) Becuma, Cesair, Dawen, Nair.
Using Air in
Magickal Operations
Like the other elements, air has three manifestations—mental, astral, and physical—when used in magick and ritual. We can visualize (mental), request the use of the energy (astral), or physically create air associations. Mental visualization can include wind, the movement of clouds, tornados, hurricanes, small dervishes, a summer breeze over fields, the rustling sound of leaves, the whistling or moaning sounds in the eaves, the path of a hot air balloon, or the filled sails of a sailboat (to name a few). Astrally we can use the sylphs, the elemental air association, to pull things toward us or push things away or simply “feel” the movement of air in our ritual circle. Additionally we’ve got all sorts of physical operations that can enhance mental/astral work, including writing a message on a paper airplane and letting it go from a high or windy place, writing on ribbons and tying them onto trees, blowing on our spellwork to fill it with the sacred breath of Spirit, creating magickal banners for protection and success and hanging them inside or outside of the home, and working with bells, singing bowls, wind instruments, or wind chimes that clear and energize the air around us. Favored incantations, invocations, and singing also exercise the magick of air. Air can also tell you if the Spirits you have called have entered the area or if your spell is “working” while you are in circle. This especially occurs when you work out-of-doors.
Many Witches work magick during storms to increase the power they feel they need to accomplish a particular goal. Naturally you have to be careful because storms (as much as we love them) pose a threat to human life. Standing outside in a thunderstorm holding up a metal rod would be sheer stupidity, as would planting oneself in the path of a tornado to obtain power. But placing a seven-day candle on an enclosed back porch or by the bay window in your apartment where it can “soak up” the power of the storm works extremely well. Even gentle storms contain useful energy—a snow that blankets the earth can be used for protection or to slow things down if events are moving too fast. Strong winds whistling around windows can be harnessed into a candle or other physical object, which in turn may be useful in trying to move a stagnant situation along or breathe new life into an old project. Magickal alphabets (see that heading) also fall under the air category. Only your imagination becomes the limit.
Element of Fire
Working with the element of fire may be more difficult for some of you than for others. Those who are not permitted open flame in their rooms or other areas of the house will have to be inventive. Don’t feel bad. Certain members of the armed forces (depending on their location) and adults in other specialized environments due to either employment or housing restrictions have the same problem. That doesn’t mean you can’t use the fire sigils or deities. If you can visualize a flame in your mind, that’s really all you need.
When we invite fire into our circle at the south quarter we are visualizing the eternal flame of Spirit. It never ever dies. Fire is the sizzle of creativity and the eruption of passion. Fire is also difficult to control, so you must always be extra cautious when working with living flame. Where water consumes, fire bites and gnaws. Don’t forget that. With fire we have the legend of the phoenix, where we can rise from the ashes of what was and embrace what will be with joy, looking forward to the change.
Fire is strength, power, protection, and the ability to change from one state to another. It is enlightenment and extremely potent but, like air, it can represent truth and knowledge through purification. The kindling of a fire in many cultures relates to birth and death—the cycle of life—which is why Witches call the cross-quarters fire festivals. They are Candlemas, Beltane, Lammas, and Samhain. In almost every culture, fire is the representation of manifested deity. Fire is also the great destroyer.
The three zodiac signs relating to fire are Aries (for beginnings with inspirational fire), Leo (steadfast fire), and Sagittarius (changing fire). If you wanted to begin a project with zest and zeal, start when the moon is in Aries. The only problem with this sign, unlike the others, is that its energy tires out not long after it gets going. A second ritual or spell in another sign is usually required to carry on the work. When the moon is in Leo, magicks for courage, a happy home, and defending others work well. In Sagittarius, a jolly, social energy, work for expansion and adapting to circumstances.
Fire Symbols and How to Use Them
The alchemical sigil for fire is the upright triangle, a male symbol meaning action and movement. Remember, the gender association doesn’t mean only boys can use the symbol—this is just a medieval way of categorizing energy that we never quite got away from. The upright triangle is the “burning way”—the path to truth, light, and transformation through self-motivated activity. Drawn in the magick circle it can be the focus of manifestation, and in Greek was described as the “cosmic birth” (probably from what we now call the Big Bang Theory of universal creation). In some ceremonial circles it is called the “all-seeing eye,” with nine beams of light drawn from the top point of the design. This is the eye of god/dess. In Egyptian mythology, the all-seeing eye of the God often belonged to the Goddess. Like the earth and air alchemical symbols, this one can be inscribed on candles, used in your BOS, sewn on altar cloths and robes, and activated in spells and rituals. With fire, there is no end to your creativity!
In European history, bonfires bound culture and religion together, especially on the solar holidays (eight High Holy Days). These conflagrations earned the title of “needfires” because at dawn all the fires in the home were extinguished. In a group celebration on top of a hill or elevated outdoor area, an appointed person would rub two sticks together to create the needflame, which was transferred to a large pile of wood, dried grasses, and herbs. Each person from the countryside would take a torch home to relight their own hearthfire. In some Craft traditions today, the fire candle in the altar setup is called the “needflame,” and a cauldron fire, hearthfire, or bonfire is dubbed the “needfire.”
Living fire in the modern circle is used in a variety of ways. The bonfires can be lit on the eight High Holy Days to invoke or banish; cauldron fires (with proper supervision, even for adults) might be the focus of dance magick, where the flame spirals to the beat of the music; or in a more sedate atmosphere as the center of petition magick. Outdoor grills or barbeque pits with hanging conveniences for pots provide a way to brew potions and notions of magickal interest. Hearthfires, should you be lucky enough to have a fireplace, can also provide a vehicle for the magick of the flame. Don’t forget the ever-favorite candle or oil lamps (used historically before candles) with scented or colored oil for added effect.
Planetary Symbols of Fire
The most commonly associated celestial fire sigils are the planet Mars ()and the sun (
), both major players when it comes to natal and predictive astrology. No matter where they are, action is sure to follow. If you cannot use flame or candle, the Mars sigil will carry the magick through with the same intensity, and it gives an extra boost when inscribed on any candle. The sun represents your will and overall success and can be used in the same way. You can also focus the power of both sigils by linking their symbols with those of the other planets, or bind Mars (or the sun) with other magickal sigils of your choice.
Mars/Planetary Combinations
Note: These are suggested colors, but use what feels right to you depending upon the situation.
mars with sun
Resulting action: Action in will/success.
Associated colors: Red and orange/gold.
mars with moon
Resulting action: Action in emotion/psychism.
Associated colors: Red and white or silver.
mars with mercury
Resulting action: Action in communication.
Associated colors: Red and yellow.
mars with venus
Resulting action: Action in social situations.
Associated colors: Red and pink or green.
mars with jupiter
Resulting action: Action with expansion.
Associated colors: Red and violet.
mars with saturn
Resulting action: Action with structure, or action to banish.
Associated colors: Red and midnight blue or black.
mars with uranus
Resulting action: Action with change.
Associated colors: Red and light blue.
mars with neptune
Resulting action: Action in the arts or dreaming.
Associated colors: Red and aqua.
mars with pluto
Resulting action: Action to remove or banish in order to rebuild.
Associated colors: Red and black or brown.
Sun Combinations
Note: These are suggested colors, but use what feels right to you, depending on the situation.
sun with moon
Resulting action: Will with emotion (balance).
Associated colors: Orange/gold and white or silver.
sun with mercury
Resulting action: Will with communication/ focus.
Associated colors: Orange/gold and yellow.
sun with venus
Resulting action: Will with socialization/ friendship.
Associated colors: Orange/gold and pink or green.
sun with mars
Resulting action: Will with action.
Associated colors: Orange/gold and red.
sun with jupiter
Resulting action: Will with expansion.
Associated colors: Orange/gold and violet.
sun with saturn
Resulting action: Will with structure, will to banish.
Associated colors: Orange/gold and midnight blue or black.
sun with uranus
Resulting action: Will with change.
Associated colors: Orange/gold and light blue.
sun with neptune
Resulting action: Will with the arts, dreaming, transformation.
Associated colors: Orange/gold and aqua.
sun with pluto
Resulting action: Will to remove in order to rebuild.
Associated colors: Orange/gold and black/brown.
Invoking fire pentacle, left, and banishing, right.
Invoking and Banishing
Pentagrams of Fire
In ceremonial groups the Witch may stand at the south quarter and draw the invoking pentagram of fire to open the portal. When dismissing the quarter, the banishing pentagram of fire would follow. As with the other examples (earth and air), begin in the direction of the arrow on the figure pictured above and follow through until the drawing is completed. You might want to trace the ones in the book until you are comfortable with the idea.
When used in sigil magick, you can draw a flame in the center of the pentagram. To stop gossip, draw the banishing pentagram of fire with black indelible marker on the back of a white ceramic plate. Place the plate over the offending party’s name, so that the pentagram is facing you when you look at it. If you don’t know who started the rumor, write “The rumor of . . .” and then fill in the false accusation. Leave the plate on top of the rumor until circumstances fizzle.
Meditation of Fire
Although this is an outdoor meditation, you can change it to fit your circumstances if necessary. You will need your favorite powdered incense (not the self-lighting variety); sidewalk chalk (optional); a small grill; self-lighting charcoal (I don’t recommend lighter fluid for anyone of any age); a grill lighter or long matches; a piece of paper on which you have written a special wish; and a selection of plain, small stones. Depending on your age, you may need your parents’ permission to work with the grill. If they say no, don’t sweat it, just do the ritual at noon under the sun.
First, draw a circle around yourself with the sidewalk chalk (if you can’t do that, use your finger instead). Put the grill in the center of the circle. Make sure you can sit far enough away from the grill so that there is no chance of being burned. With the stones, lay out an upright triangle around the grill. Put a few pieces of charcoal in the grill (not too much, this isn’t a barbeque for 100). Sprinkle your incense over the charcoal. In most magickal operations, the smoke from a fire represents your prayers moving from this plane of existence to the divine. Scented smoke is employed to draw the attention of pleasant spirits/angels who will help to move those prayers along.
Ground and center. Draw the invoking fire pentagram in the air over the grill. Take a deep breath and relax. Light the fire. As you watch the flames, think about what fire means: power, transformation, success, rising from difficulty, divine inspiration, creativity. Let your mind wander. Allow your thoughts to dance with the flames. When you have finished, repeat your wishes aloud and throw the paper into the fire. As you watch it burn, say: “Blessings and fire, higher and higher,” until the paper is consumed. You might also chant the word change. When you are through, thank divinity and the element of fire. Wait until the fire dies down, then draw the banishing fire pentagram over the grill (not too close). Note: Do not leave the grill untended while it still contains the fire. You may choose to sit and simply enjoy the out-of-doors while you wait for the ashes to cool.
If you can’t use fire in a literal sense, then close your eyes under the noon sun and work through the same mental associations. Hold the paper up to the sun and repeat your wish. You can use the same chant. Fold the paper and save it until you wish comes true, then dispose. Inside, you can use a tea candle in a cauldron rather than the outdoor grill idea.
Fire Correspondences
Aries: Beginnings.
Leo: Fixed, Stability.
Sagittarius: Mutable.
Red or orange.
wiccan tool
Athame, wand, or sword, depending on your tradition.
Comets: Zikiel, Akhibel
Constellations: Kakabel, Rahtiel
Creativity: Samandriel
Divine knowledge: Zagzagel
Good causes: Nemamiah (warrior)
Fire, general: Nathaniel, Arel, Atuniel, Jehol, Ardarel, Gabriel, Seraph
Flame: El Auria, Uriel (same)
Inspiration: Hael
Light: Isaac, Gabriel, Mihr, Parvagigar, Raphael (Regent of the Sun), Uriel
Light of day: Shamshiel
Love and romance: Anael
North star: Abathur, Muzania, Arhum Hii
Song: Uriel, Radueriel, Israfel, Shemiel, Metatron
Stars: Kakabel, Kohabiel. Star of Love: Anael
Success and good fortune: Barakiel
Sun’s rays: Schachlil
African: (Female) Tsetse
Egyptian: (Female) Amit, gatekeeping goddesses, Sekhmet, Uatchet. (Male) Ra, Kephra, Atum, Toth (Inspiration).
Greek and Roman: (Female) Aetna, Hestia, Vesta. (Male) Hephaestos, Vulcan.
Germanic/Norse: (Female) Girda, Holla, Vana Mothers.
Celtic: (Female) Bried/Brigid, Tres Matres.
Fire in Magickal Operations
Under the earth and air categories we discussed the three primary uses of any element: mental, astral, and physical. Visualizations of fire (mental) are as varied as those of the other elements: candle flame, the sun, starlight, laser beam, campfire, cauldron fire, roaring inferno, the backyard grill, a chimera, leaping flames, or the steady pilot light in your stove, furnace, or water heater. Like the other elements, we can add the astral projection and the physical plane in fire magick. Astrally the salamanders, or fire elementals, can provide the energy and movement we need in that realm or you can simply “feel” the essence in the working. Physically we have the ability to make and tend a fire in a contained area, whether we’re talking about a simple votive candle or lighting a ritual bonfire for a High Holiday. Although we don’t create it, lightning also falls in this category, and can be used to add extra zap to holy water or other magickal projects or potions.
Fireworks can provide additional punch to any magickal working, though again, caution is mandatory and for the sake of your parents’ sanity, stick with those items approved by your parents. Witches involved in ritual drama (rituals conducted like plays on stage) will use special effects such as flash paper, flash powder, flash cotton, and other illusionary marvels; however, all these items carry an element of danger that can’t be discounted. Spices from the kitchen visually soup up a fire the same way without endangering anyone. Try pumpkin spice to create glorious colors in an outdoor fire. Coating logs or charcoal with sweet-smelling herbal mixtures or incenses also provide safe, interesting visual effects as well as create a pleasant, magickal atmosphere; however, read the package carefully. Some incenses contain a self-burning ingredient, which means that a charcoal brick to keep it going isn’t required, and once lit it will burn on its own. You should always keep your face away from either type when burning, but use particular care with the self-burning variety. With the right conditions (which can happen all too often), fire can move faster than a cheetah.
In magick, Witches use fire to stir the passions and ignite creativity in oneself, to purify, to celebrate an event (the needfire), to actively release a magickal operation (such as burning a paper petition or using a sparkler), or to find solace and comfort in meditation by concentrating on a single flame. To light any object (candle, oil lamp, or bonfire) proclaims birth and transformation.
Like any magickal energy, each element has two sides, creation and destruction. Fire magick is used to destroy bad habits, consume negativity, and burn away those things that we no longer need in our lives. The most popular form of destructive fire involves petition magick, where-in the problem or difficulty is written on something flammable and offered to the fire for consumption. In most cases the flammable material is a piece of paper, though on occasion other things are burned such as photographs; bits of yarn, ribbon, or cloth; or images made of wood or wax. Of the four elements, fire is the most dangerous in a magick circle. Burning items can emit noxious fumes and wax images can billow into an inferno. Contained outdoor fires are recommended if you have any doubt whatsoever on how the material chosen will combust. Most Witches have castiron cauldrons (with lid) for limited indoor burning, and larger ones for out-of-doors. They may also have castiron chimeras for outdoor work. Keep in mind that these pots and other devices get very hot on the outside and you can burn yourself by touching them. Remember to place cauldrons on fire-safe tiles or cement, and always have a fire extinguisher nearby.
Many Witches place lighters under their altars so that fire is readily available. Some have pockets in their robes and keep the lighters safely tucked on their person. Few Witches use matches, believing that the sulfur on the match head contaminates the ritual circle/magickal operation.46
Element of Water
Water, symbolic of the Great Mother, is associated with birth and transformation. When we invite water into our circle at the west quarter, we are seeking the fountain of life and the source of all things. Water cleanses and purifies, representing our search for the secrets of life and death. In folklore, deep waters represent the depths of the human soul, the subconscious, and sometimes the realm of the dead (though earth caves have also been attributed to the cycle of death to life). Running water symbolizes the unending cascade of spiritual energy. Crossing a stream in outdoor ritual means that you wish to pass from the world of illusion into a higher spiritual state. Walking over a bridge can have the same effect. In the Greek culture, morning dew, collected as the sun rises, was thought to hold the magick of moonbeams on Earth, and was used to bless one’s eyes as a medicinal aid for vision difficulties.
Looking at astrology, we have Cancer (water at its source), Scorpio (fixed or deep waters), and Pisces (water changing directions). All water signs have something in common: emotions. Cancer is nurturing, Scorpio is intense, and Pisces speaks of transformation and the visionary experience (looking at the big picture rather than losing yourself in minute detail). Each month the moon spends two and a half days in each sign of the zodiac. When she is in Cancer, you can work on emotional family issues or projects that need nurturing. When in Scorpio, the moon gives you an extra punch of emotional intensity. Use Pisces for meditation, dream work, telepathy, and especially divination. Check your almanac to find out when the moon visits these signs this month.
Water Symbols and How to Use Them
In alchemical magick the inverted triangle stands for water and the divine feminine, and takes center stage in most creation myths.
Other Water Symbols
The first symbol (top left) is a standard water sigil. Studies of European antiquity tell us that moving and especially salt water could wash away all evil spirits, hence its inclusion in most recipes for holy water. The second drawing (top right) is Chinese and means “flowing water.” The third (bottom left), used from the Bronze Age onward, found in Greece and Sweden, speaks of the sea and how manifestation works. In magick, this design shows the cycle of what we do. We start with a thought (or prayer) —beginning at the center of the spiral on the left, which spirals outward to the universe, then condenses to become physical matter or our goal. This symbol is the flowing of alchemical magick. The last picture (bottom right) means “directed current” or showing the water element where to flow. The Voodoo vèvès, magickal drawings used to invoke deities/planetary powers, trace their origin back to alchemical pictures like those above. They believe that water signifies the birth seas, where all energy first “becomes,” much like the teachings of the Kabbalah, where the top of the tree is the great “unmanifest” or the “great void.” Both of these ideas (the Jewish mysticism and Voudon religion) begin with the sacredness of water and its ability to cleanse, purify, and move.
Invoking water pentacle, left, and banishing, right.
Invoking and Banishing
Pentagrams of Water
In ceremonial Wicca, the invoking pentagram of water is traced in the air at the west quarter. Sometimes, rather than using a blade, rod, or wand, the Witch might use a small broom laced with holy water. To release the energy of water, draw the banishing pentagram of water.
If you are trying to bring rain during a drought, draw the invoking water pentacle on the ground with a broom and place a water sigil or even a bowl of water in the center. Raise your broom to the heavens as you ask Spirit for relief and the right amount of water for yourself as well as those in your community. Done in this way, you aren’t putting anyone in danger by “messing with the weather” because you have asked Spirit to guide the magick in a way that will be good for all. Caution: Weather magick does not do well with an audience. If you are going to work it, do it in private. Water plays a prevalent role in Voodoo and Hoodoo practices not only as a cleansing device, but as a dowsing mechanism to find the correct placement of vèvès.
Meditation of Water
You will need a white ceramic bowl, a small bottle of spring water, three gold coins (if possible), and an indelible marker. This meditation can be performed either inside or outside of your house.
Draw a circle on the ground with your finger. With the black indelible marker, draw the double spiral sigil inside the bowl on the bottom. Allow to dry. Place the bowl in the center of the circle. Sit down beside the bowl and fill with the spring water. Take three deep breaths, then place your hands in the water. Close your eyes and think about the element. Let your mind do a little free association—birth, purification, emotions, the spring of life, etc. In Egypt, water was thought to wash away the sins of one’s ancestors (which is probably where the idea of Christian baptism came from). You might ponder on the priestesses and priests of Isis using water in their rituals to the Queen of Heavenly Magick.
When you are finished, open your eyes, sit back, and take a few deep breaths. For many, this meditation leaves them feeling as if a crushing weight has lifted from their shoulders. You might feel that way, too. Now blow on the water and watch the spiral drawing appear to move. This is the activation of the sigil (or you could choose to draw the invoking air pentagram over the water). Pick up the three coins, and ask Spirit to provide prosperity for yourself and your family. One at a time, throw them into the water. As the water moves, think of your wish spiraling out to Spirit, and then manifesting on the earth plane. The practice of throwing coins or other valuables into a fountain or pool of water dates to early Celtic beliefs.47
Thank the element of water and Spirit for the abundance that will now flow toward you. Pour the water onto a deserving plant. Wipe out the bowl to use another time, either for meditation, making holy water, or other magickal purpose.
Water Correspondences
Cancer: Beginnings.
Scorpio: Fixed and intense.
Pisces: Transformative (mutable).
Green or blue, depending upon the tradition.
wiccan tool
Cauldron or chalice.
Aquatic animals: Manakel
Baptisms and wiccanings: Raphael, Barpharanges
Beauty: Camael
Birth and conception: Gabriel
Compassion: Rachmiel, Raphael
Deep seas: Tamiel, Rampel, Rahab
Fish: Gagiel, Arariel, Azareel
Gratitude: Shemael
Hail: Bardiel, Nuriel, Yurkami
Healing: Shekinah
Intuitive powers: Sachiel
Overcome jealousy: Balthial
Liberation: Colopatiron
Longevity: Mumiah, Scheiah, Rehail
Love: Raphael, Rahmiel, Theliel, Donquel, Anael, Liwet, Mihr
Mercy: Michael, Gabriel, Rhamiel, Rachmiel, Zadkiel
Peace: Gavreel
Platonic love and friendship: Mihr
Positive, loving thoughts: Hahaiah
Protection for travel over water: Elemiah
Rain: Matarel, Mathariel Ridia, Matriel (chant these four in sequence), Dara
Rivers: Trsiel, Rampel, Dara
Running streams: Nahaliel
Science and medicine: Mumiah
Sea: Rahab
Showers: Zaa’fiel
Snow: Shalgiel, Michael
Waters: Phul
Water insects: Shakziel
African: (Female) Abuk, Asase Yaa, Aziri, Dada, Nimm, Oshun (Rivers and Streams), Yemaya (Sea).
Egyptian: (Female) Akhet, Celestial waterer, Hast, Heqet, Meri, Nephthys, Satet, Sphinx, Uat. (Male) Tefnut, Khnum (god who controlled the Nile).
Greek and Roman: (Female) Acantha, Alcyone, Cleone, Dero, Hippo, Hypereia, Ianassa, Therma. (Male) Neptune, Poseidon.
Germanic/Norse: (Female) Atlaq, Holda, Lady Wen, Matrona, Norns (Fates who are Skuld, Verdandi, and Urd), Wave Maidens. (Male) Donar, Ull.
Celtic: (Female) Bried/Brigid (considered fire and water goddess), Boann, Danu, Eona, Lady of the Lake, Tres Mares. (Male) Condatism, Manannan.
You will find several different kinds of magickal waters used in Craft practices. Although the ingredients may be different, all magickal waters are purified, blessed, and empowered within a magick circle, sacred space, or ritual environment. The water is then used to purify a person, place, or thing, as well as work some type of additional magick (depending upon the recipe).
holy water
The general all-purpose variety of magickal water, made with only two basic ingredients: three pinches of salt to a cup of water. Recipes vary per Witch as some prefer additional ingredients such as rose water, a particular herb, or a drop of their favorite magickal oil. The words and motions used to banish negativity, bless and empower the water also differ from Witch to Witch. The consecration of water to extend purification and blessings does not belong to Catholicism alone—ancient Egyptian, Sumer, Hindu, Greek, and Roman (to name a few) used it too. In time you will have your own recipe for holy water, but for now, let’s show you how to make holy water using some of the things we’ve already learned when studying the elements.
Supplies: A small bowl of water, a small bowl of salt, a bell, and a container in which to save the water. Most Witches use either spring water, or water from a pure, running stream. Although the regular table variety salt works fine, you can also use sea salt (sold by your local grocer).
Instructions: Cast a magick circle. With your finger, draw the inverted triangle representing water on the center of your altar. Place the cup of water in the center of the triangle. Place a small bowl of salt beside it. Ground and center, then take several deep breaths and relax. Draw the banishing water pentagram over the bowl of water, saying: “I cleanse thee of all negativity in this world and all others, so mote it be.” Visualize white light surrounding the bowl of water. Draw the banishing earth pentagram over the bowl of salt, and say: “I cleanse thee of all negativity in this world and all others, so mote it be.” Visualize white light surrounding the bowl of salt. Again, using the banishing earth pentagram, repeat the process over the container that will eventually hold the water for storage.
Hold the water bowl in both hands, and say:
Sweet Spirit (or name a deity), I ask thee for your blessings upon this water. I consecrate it in your name. May it be used only for good and its power be magnified tenfold.
Blow three times on the water, imagining that the white light is sparkling in the water. Replace the bowl of water in the triangle and draw the invoking water pentagram over the bowl. Pick up the bowl of salt and say the same thing, blow on the salt, set the bowl down, and draw the invoking earth pentagram over the bowl. Don’t forget to imagine the white light infusing the salt in the same glittering way. Bless the storage container exactly as you did the salt. Note: If you choose to add extra ingredients, such as rose water or a drop of your favorite oil, they will need to be cleansed and blessed as well. Ring the bell three times.
Slowly add three pinches of salt to the bowl of water, stirring clockwise three times with your athame or your finger. Here is where you add any additional ingredients, three drops (or pinches), stirring clockwise three times. (If you have added an herb, be sure to add a step to strain the water before it goes into the bottle or container. This will also require that you cleanse the strainer.) If you are permitted to use an athame, hold firmly in both hands over the bowl of water. Slowly lower the athame into the water, firmly saying:
As the rod is to the God, so the chalice
is to the Goddess, and together they are one.
I empower thee for positive work in perfect love and perfect trust. So mote it be.
(The “one,” of course, being the totality of Spirit.) Imagine white sparks flying out of the water and your entire altar vibrating with positive, magickal energy. Ring the bell three times. Draw an equal-armed cross in the air over the water to seal the energies. Transfer to the storage container. Close. Repeat the equal-armed cross procedure, and say: “This container is sealed. So mote it be.” Thank the elements of earth and water, thank deity, and release the circle.
No matter the kind of water you make, you can always follow the procedure above and change the words in the empowering paragraph. In the recipes below I’ve added a few suggestions on what the water is used for to help you.
Crystal Water: Used for healing. Cleanse a crystal, then bless it and empower it under the full moon for special gifts of the Goddess or for healing work. Add to the water before the salt.
Fire Water: Used to turn negativity away or bring love and creativity. Cleanse a taper candle of your color choice, bless it and empower it under the sun. Douse the burning candle in the water rather than using the athame. Don’t forget to use the invoking fire pentagram when you light the candle, saying: “Spirits of fire, work my will by my desire!”
Florida Water: 1/2 gallon of 90-proof alcohol; 1 ounce of lavender; 1 ounce bergamot; 1 dram of lemon; 1 dram of cloves; 1 gallon of water. Used to cleanse homes, businesses, magickal tools, and candles. Can also be purchased at a botanica.
Love Water: Used in love spells and glamouries. You can add rose water or live rose petals. If you use the rose petals, allow the water and petals to sit for one hour before straining and bottling.
Prosperity Water: Used for creating prosperity and abundance in the home or workplace. Add three drops of juice from a freshly squeezed orange per one cup of water. You can also add a dash of cinnamon.
Thunder Water: Leave the water outside in a thunder and lightening storm during the empowerment process of the recipe. Used to ward off the baddest of the bad. Candles can also be empowered in this way for a variety of purposes. Once, to help a friend conquer writers’ block, I placed several candles outside, asking that the spirits instill the candles with power, movement, and creativity. He wrote 7,000 words in two days (where normally he wrote less than 500). You can also add thunder water to any spell or ritual involving sports or action, or to ward off aggression.
Putting the Elements Together
So far we’ve only worked with the elements separately or, in the case of holy water, with two elements at a time. Now we have to put them together and work in a concentrated whole. In almost all sabbats, most esbats, and a variety of working rituals, most Witches cast the circle and then call the four quarters. Those with a more ceremonial taste will begin with the east, and those that prefer the shamanic energies begin in the north. Regardless, the one thing all Witches are taught is to respect the energies that they call. They are also taught to draw power from the elements and direct that energy (linking the power of the element with mind and the tool—the rod, wand, or athame) in their workings. If you practiced the element meditations I gave you, then you have experienced drawing power from that element. When you became the element, you drew its power to you. Drawing power and raising your own power are two different things. First you draw, then you raise, and when you raise you use a minimum of your own energy unless this is something really, really important. If you do it any other way, you will be exhausted and/or giddy, take your pick.
When we call the four quarters we are drawing the energy of that element into the circle. We are also asking that while the drawing process occurs, we are protected and that the opening allows only what we desire to enter the circle. As each quarter is opened, you should feel the energy pattern of that element. If you don’t, keep practicing, you’ll eventually get it. When we call Spirit either through statement, a motion, or stance, or through invocation and poetry, we are calling Spirit into our circle and into us. There can be no harm here because there is nothing more perfect than God. When we draw the energy of Spirit into us (such as Drawing Down the Moon), then we are completing a unified energy pattern—the elements, God, and us—working together to create something positive. In sixteenth- and seventeenth-century magickal writings (and even in some of the nineteenth-century ones), we find that many of the practitioners felt they had to coerce the “spirits” in order to get something magickally accomplished. Today with our advancements in psychology, medical science, chemistry, and yes, even spirituality, we know that we don’t have to lure anything or trick it into doing what we want. There is order and there are patterns in all things. We don’t have to be superstitious about manipulating energy.
The Sigils of the Combined Four
Elements and How to Use Them
One of the most popular symbols in element magick is that of the hexagram, which is the fire and water triangles placed one on top of the other.
Known as the hexagram or alchemist’s symbol, this symbol represents the four elements.
Uniting fire and water (Celtic), water and ice (Norse), or force and form (ceremonial), gives you a symbol representing the four elements—known as the hexagram or alchemist’s symbol (see above).
Look familiar? The earliest examples of the hexagram date back to approximately 700 b.c. By 10 b.c., legend has it that the biblical King Solomon, son of David and Bathsheba, exorcised negativity with this symbol until his death. From this, the six-pointed star was known as the Solomon’s Seal or sigillum Salomnis. It has also been called sutum Davidis (David’s Shield).48 Today it appears on the coat of arms of the state of Israel, who refers to the symbol as the Star of Zion or Star of David. Medieval grimoires figure various spells and seals using this sigil, which are unrelated to the currently structured religion of Judaism (depending on to whom you speak on the subject). Although the historians do not dispute Solomon’s magickal expertise, they are divided on what symbol he used. Many claim that it was the pentagram, not the hexagram, embossed on a magick ring with the name of his god on the reverse.49 This is one of those cases where it appears you can believe what you want to until someone unearths additional facts. Regardless, the Jews began using the hexagram as a religious seal denoting their belief system as early as 90 b.c.50 In medieval alchemy the hexagram also stood for the fifth element, Spirit (called quintessence by Agrippa).
Now that we’ve talked so much about it, how do we use it? The hexagram gives you command over the four elements and stands for the fifth element, that of Spirit. Therefore, if you wanted to invoke the elements and Spirit all at one time, you would draw the hexagram in the air over the object. This isn’t as hard as it sounds. Draw the fire triangle first, from the point down, then over (clockwise), then back up. Second, the water triangle from the bottom point up (clockwise), then over, then down on top of the first triangle. Practice. You’ll get it. To banish, draw counterclockwise.
You can also use the hexagram to invoke the powers of six of the seven classical planets. The classical planets are the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. They are called classical because for a long, long time no one knew that Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were out there floating around. Therefore, magick done by the ancients until fairly recently (in magickal terms) consisted only of those mentioned. (Yes, I know that scientifically the sun and moon aren’t planets, but this is acceptable in astrology and magick.)
Remember the Elixir of the Moon spell earlier in this book? This one is much like it. We choose something we want to work on, let’s say finding faithful friends, and then we invoke the hexagram by stating aloud what we are looking for as it matches the planets. First, cast a magick circle and call the quarters. Invite the Lord and Lady into the area. State aloud exactly what you want: a new friend that is good for you (and that the relationship will also be good for this new person). Draw the hexagram in the air with your finger, saying:
Saturn for reliability, Venus for loving friendship, Mercury for good communication (then finish that triangle with your finger), I invoke my will. The moon for a positive psychic bond, Mars to bring this friend to me, and Jupiter for a faithful, spiritual companion. I invoke my emotions.
Blow three short breaths in the air and say:
Earth, air, fire, water, I draw forth the energies needed to work this spell. No more, no less than is required. Hexagram, please work for me. Blessings of Spirit upon me. As I will, so mote it be.
If, for some reason, you need to send this person away, do the spell using the banishing hexagram. You could also draw this sigil on a piece of paper, and on the back write: “In the name of Spirit, I call the perfect friend to me.” Then pass the four elements over the paper. Blow on it, then seal with an equal-armed cross in the air over the paper. As with all spells (especially those involving other people), you must be patient until the work can manifest. Don’t expect to open the front door immediately after you cast the spell and trip over your new friend. This spell is best performed during a waxing moon. Oh, and be careful—sometimes Spirit thinks that the best friend you could have is a kitty or puppy, so if you want a person, you will have to be clear on that issue.