King of the dinosaurs as well as a legendary 1970s glam rock band, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs, able to eat up to 500 pounds of meat in one bite. It also had very bad breath and a septic bite. Its tiny little arms have caused some hilarity, but may have been used for grasping prey or pushing itself up if it fell over. T-Rex the band became popular with hits such as ‘Ride A White Swan’ and ‘Get It On’, but the band became extinct when lead singer Marc Bolan died in 1977.
The T-Rex is the largest dinosaur to make, but has a wire spine to help him stand up.
Length: 31cm (12¼in)
Height to top of head: 34cm (13½in)
Pair of 3¾mm (US 5) knitting needles
Double-pointed 3¾mm (US 5) knitting needles (for holding stitches)
20g (¾oz) of Rowan Felted Tweed Aran in Dusty 728 (du)
75g (2¾oz) of Rowan Felted Tweed Aran in Garden 740 (ga)
5g (⅛oz) of Rowan Felted Tweed in Paisley 171 (pa)
Small amount of Rowan Pure Wool DK in Enamel 013 (en) for teeth
Tiny amount of Rowan Pure Wool DK in Black 004 (bl) for eyes
2 tiny yellow or gold beads for eyes and sewing needle and yellow thread for sewing on
120cm (48in) of 2mm armature wire for head, body, back legs, and tail
1 pipecleaner for front legs
See here.
See for Wrap and Turn Method.
With du, cast on l st and work in garter st.
Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: Inc. (2 sts)
Change to ga.
Row 3: [Inc] twice. (4 sts)
Beg with a p row, work 5 rows st st (hold 4 sts on spare needle for working foot).
Rep from beg twice more, leaving third Claw on main needle. (8 sts on spare needle in total)
Row 9: With RS facing, k4 from third Claw, then k8 from spare needle of first two Claws. (12 sts)
Row 10: P2tog, p8, p2tog. (10 sts)
Work 4 rows st st.
Row 15: K2tog, k6, k2tog. (8 sts)
Work 5 rows st st.
Row 21: K2tog, k4, k2tog. (6 sts)
Work 5 rows st st.
Row 27: K1, inc, k2, inc, k1. (8 sts)
Work 5 rows st st.
Row 33: K1, inc, k4, inc, k1. (10 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 37: K1, inc, k6, inc, k1. (12 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 41: K1, inc, k8, inc, k1. (14 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 45: K1, inc, k10, inc, k1. (16 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 49: K1, [k2tog, k2] 3 times, k2tog, k1. (12 sts)
Row 50: Purl.
Row 51: K1, [inc, k2] 3 times, inc, k1. (16 sts)
Row 52: Purl.
Row 53: K1, inc, k12, inc, k1. (18 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 57: K1, [inc, k4] 3 times, inc, k1. (22 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 61: K1, inc, k18, inc, k1. (24 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.*
Row 65: Cast (bind) off 12 sts, k to end (hold 12 sts on spare needle for Right Side of Body).
Work as Right Back Leg to *.
Row 65: K12, cast (bind) off 12 sts (hold 12 sts on spare needle for Left Side of Body).
(make 2 the same)
With ga, cast on 6 sts.
Beg with a k row, work 4 rows st st.
Row 5: K1, [k2tog] twice, k1. (4 sts)
Work 11 rows st st.
Row 17: K2tog, turn.
Row 18: Working on 1 st only, purl.
Row 19: Knit.
Fasten off.
Row 20: Rejoin yarn, k2tog, turn.
Row 21: Working on 1 st only, purl.
Row 22: Knit.
Fasten off.
With ga, cast on 50 sts.
Row 1: Cast (bind) off 10 sts, p40 icos, with WS facing p12 from spare needle of Right Back Leg, cast on 2 sts. (54 sts)
Row 2: K13, p1, k40.
Row 3: Cast (bind) off 8 sts, p32 icos, k1, p13, cast on 2 sts. (48 sts)
Row 4: K14, p1, k31, k2tog. (47 sts)
Row 5: Cast (bind) off 6 sts, p26 icos, k1, p13, inc. (42 sts)
Row 6: K16, p1, k23, k2tog. (41 sts)
Row 7: Cast (bind) off 6 sts, p18 icos, k1, p15, inc. (36 sts)
Row 8: K17, p1, k16, k2tog. (35 sts)
Row 9: Cast (bind) off 4 sts, p12 icos, k1, p17, inc. (32 sts)
Row 10: K19, p1, k12.
Row 11: Cast (bind) off 4 sts, p8 icos, k1, p18, inc. (29 sts)
Row 12: K20, p1, k8.
Row 13: P2tog, p7, k1, p18, inc.
Row 14: K20, p1, k8.
Row 15: P2tog, p26, inc.
Row 17: P2tog, p26, inc.
Row 18: Knit.
Row 19: P2tog, p26, inc.
Row 20: Knit.
Row 21: Cast (bind) off 3 sts, p25 icos, inc. (27 sts)
Row 22: Knit.
Row 23: Cast (bind) off 3 sts, p23 icos, inc. (25 sts)
Row 24: Knit.
Row 25: Cast (bind) off 4 sts, p20 icos, inc. (22 sts)
Row 26: Knit.
Row 27: Cast (bind) off 4 sts, p17 icos, inc. (19 sts)
Row 28: Knit.
Row 29: Cast (bind) off 6 sts, p12 icos, inc. (14 sts)
Row 30: Knit.
Row 31: Cast (bind) off 3 sts, p10 icos, inc (hold 12 sts on spare needle for Neck and Head).
As with the real thing, the three-toed feet and tail form a tripod.
With ga, cast on 50 sts.
Row 1: Cast (bind) off 10 sts, k40 icos, with RS facing k12 from spare needle of Left Back Leg, cast on 2 sts. (54 sts)
Row 2: P13, k1, p40.
Row 3: Cast (bind) off 8 sts, k32 icos, p1, k13, cast on 2 sts. (48 sts)
Row 4: P14, k1, p31, p2tog. (47 sts)
Row 5: Cast (bind) off 6 sts, k26 icos, p1, k13, inc. (42 sts)
Row 6: P16, k1, p23, p2tog. (41 sts)
Row 7: Cast (bind) off 6 sts, k18 icos, p1, k15, inc. (36 sts)
Row 8: P17, k1, p16, p2tog. (35 sts)
Row 9: Cast (bind) off 4 sts, k12 icos, p1, k17, inc. (32 sts)
Row 10: P19, k1, p12.
Row 11: Cast (bind) off 4 sts, k8 icos, p1, k18, inc. (29 sts)
Row 12: P20, k1, p8.
Row 13: K2tog, k7, p1, k18, inc.
Row 14: P20, k1, p8.
Row 15: K2tog, k26, inc.
Row 16: Purl.
Row 17: K2tog, k26, inc.
Row 18: Purl.
Row 19: K2tog, k26, inc.
Row 20: Purl.
Row 21: Cast (bind) off 3 sts, k25 icos, inc. (27 sts)
Row 22: Purl.
Row 23: Cast (bind) off 3 sts, k23 icos, inc. (25 sts)
Row 24: Purl.
Row 25: Cast (bind) off 4 sts, k20 icos, inc. (22 sts)
Row 26: Purl.
Row 27: Cast (bind) off 4 sts, k17 icos, inc. (19 sts)
Row 28: Purl.
Row 29: Cast (bind) off 6 sts, k12 icos, inc. (14 sts)
Row 30: Purl.
Row 31: Cast (bind) off 3 sts, k10 icos, inc (hold 12 sts on spare needle for Neck and Head).
Row 1: With ga, with RS facing k12 from spare needle of Right Side of Body, then k12 from spare needle of Left Side of Body. (24 sts)
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: K1, [k2tog, k8] twice, k2tog, k1. (21 sts)
Row 4: Purl.
Row 5: K1, k2tog, k15, k2tog, k1. (19 sts)
Row 6: Purl.
Row 7: K1, k2tog, k13, k2tog, k1. (17 sts)
Row 8: Purl.
Row 9: [K1, inc] twice, k2, inc, k3, inc, k2, [inc, k1] twice. (23 sts)
Row 10: Inc, p21, inc. (25 sts)
Row 11: K20, w&t (leave 5 sts on left-hand needle unworked).
Row 12: Working on centre 15 sts only, p15, w&t.
Row 13: K15, w&t.
Row 14: P15, w&t.
Rep rows 13–14 twice more.
Row 19: K20. (25 sts in total)
Row 20: P1, p2tog, p19, p2tog, p1. (23 sts)
Row 21: K1, k2tog, k17, k2tog, k1. (21 sts)
Row 22: Purl.
Row 23: K1, k2tog, k15, k2tog, k1. (19 sts)
Row 24: Purl.
Row 25: K15, w&t (leave 4 sts on left-hand needle unworked).
Row 26: Working on centre 11 sts only, p11, w&t.
Row 27: K11, w&t.
Row 28: P11, w&t.
Rep rows 27–28 twice more.
Row 33: K15. (19 sts in total)
Row 34: Purl.
Row 35: [K1, k2tog] twice, k7, [k2tog, k1] twice. (15 sts)
Row 36: Purl.
Row 37: K1, k2tog, k9, k2tog, k1. (13 sts)
Row 38: Purl.
Row 39: K1, k2tog, k7, k2tog, k1. (11 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 43: K2tog, k5, k2tog, k1. (9 sts)
Row 44: P1, p2tog, p3, p2tog, p1. (7 sts)
Cast (bind) off.
With du, cast on 2 sts.
Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: [Inc] twice. (4 sts)
Row 4: Purl.
Row 5: Inc, k2, inc. (6 sts)
Row 6: Purl.
Row 7: Inc, k4, inc. (8 sts)
Row 8: Purl.
Row 9: Inc, k6, inc. (10 sts)
Work 41 rows st st.
Row 51: K1, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k1. (8 sts)
Work 5 rows st st.
Row 57: K1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1. (6 sts)
Work 11 rows st st.
Row 69: K1, inc, k2, inc, k1. (8 sts)
Row 70: P1, inc, p4, inc, p1. (10 sts)
Work 10 rows st st.
Row 81: K1, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k1. (8 sts)
Row 82: P1, p2tog, p2, p2tog, p1. (6 sts)
Cast (bind) off.
With pa, cast on 9 sts.
Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: K1, inc, k5, inc, k1. (11 sts)
Row 4: Purl.
Work 12 rows st st.
Row 17: K1, k2tog, k5, k2tog, k1. (9 sts)
Row 18: P1, p2tog, p3, p2tog, p1. (7 sts)
Work 4 rows st st.
Row 23: Purl.
Row 24: Purl.
Row 25: K1, inc, k3, inc, k1. (9 sts)
Row 26: Purl.
Row 27: K1, inc, k5, inc, k1. (11 sts)
Work 15 rows st st.
Row 43: K1, k2tog, k5, k2tog, k1. (9 sts)
Row 44: Purl.
Row 45: K1, k2tog, k3, k2tog, k1. (7 sts)
Row 46: Purl.
Cast (bind) off.
SEWING IN ENDS Sew in ends, leaving ends from cast on and cast (bound) off rows for sewing up.
LEGS With WS together, fold each leg in half. Sew up each claw and then main leg on RS.
HEAD AND BODY With WS together, sew along back and around tail to 4cm (1½in) from back of back legs. Bend the armature wire into a ‘U’ shape and cut to fit down both back legs, with extra to form a triangle shape for feet. Use pliers to shape the feet. Roll a little stuffing around wire and slip wire into body, one end down each back leg. Cut another length of wire to fit from end of tail, up through body along spine and into head, with a loop for the head. Insert wire into tail and through body.
TUMMY Sew cast on row of tummy to where you finished sewing underside of tail. Sew up one side of tummy, leaving 7cm (2¾in) of chin unattached for jaws, then sew up other side of tummy, leaving an 8cm (3in) gap for stuffing.
INSIDE JAWS With WS facing, sew inside jaws to underside of head and the flap left unattached from tummy.
STUFFING Stuff the body; you will not be able to get stuffing right to the end of the tail or feet, but stuff the rest of the Tyrannosaurus Rex very firmly as it will help him stay upright. Lightly stuff his lower jaw as it needs to hang down, then sew up the gap. Mould body into shape.
FRONT LEGS Cut a pipecleaner to fit each front leg, with one end folded over and 3cm (1¼in) extra to stick into body. Roll in stuffing and sew up front leg around it. Push end of pipecleaner into body, approx 7cm (2¾in) down from chin where body meets tummy section. Sew to body and bend into shape.
TEETH With en, sew sixteen 4-loop French knots around upper jaw where inside and outside join, spacing them approx 5mm (¼in) apart. Sew sixteen 2-loop French knots around lower jaw.
EYES With bl, sew four 3cm (1¼in) horizontal stitches approx 2cm (¾in) up from mouth and 6cm (2½in) from end of nose. Sew yellow or gold beads in centre of eyes.