
Dena Saxer

MY SINCERE THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO HELPED to make this book a reality. In particular, I give thanks:

To those ancient Taoist men and women who discovered how to transform emotional pain.

To Mantak Chia for teaching me his modern synthesis of the ancient practices, for certifying me as a senior instructor, and for inviting me to cowrite this book and two previous ones. The Taoist practices have enhanced every aspect of my life, and I am forever grateful to him.

To Doug Abrams of Idea Architects, who suggested we write this book, recommended its basic focus, edited the proposal, and promptly sold it to New World Library.

To Jason Gardner, senior editor at New World Library, for his enthusiastic support and his superb, incisive, and crucial suggestions. To our copy editor, Bonita Hurd, for her outstanding detailed editing, and for leaving no stone of vagueness unturned. To all the other first-rate professionals at NWL who have helped us, especially artist and designer Tracy Pitts, type designer Tona Pearce Myers, and publicist Kim Corbin.

To our photograph artist, Fae Horowitz, who captured not just the images but also the energy of the Healing Sounds and Inner Smile.

To my kind students who generously posed for the photos in the book: Ellen Palame, Jessica Cope, Yoshi Russo, Cheming Martinez, John Coolick, and Anne Lingua. To all my dear students who made the techniques in this book their own and gave me fresh insight into them.

To Captain Campbell Line of Toronto, now deceased, my first dowsing teacher, who introduced me to energy work. To Ronald P. Beesley, now deceased, founder of the College of Psychotherapeutics, in England, for the profound spiritual teachings presented in his books.

To my first Universal Healing Tao teachers, Rylin Malone Weil, now deceased, and Gunther Weil, who opened the gate for this journey. To my UHT buddies, Marcia Kerwit and Raven Cohan, for their wisdom and humor.

To Trish Shannon, now deceased, Rod Menzies, Debra Ann Robinson, Randall Gates, Patri Gouzy, Tina Alleguez, and Max Perkoff for their excellent suggestions and ready encouragement. To Ken Wong for his invaluable editing of the drawings. To my buddies who cheered me on: Roz Harris, Joan Jason, Susi Oak, and Erick Aguirre, and to Sara Goren, now deceased.

To my darling mother, Anne Cohen, recently deceased, who inspired and encouraged my love for the arts and my humanistic beliefs. To my beloved father, Rubin Saxer, who, though he died when I was twelve, inspired and supported my joy in creating and my love for nature. To my dear stepbrother, Ben Goldman, and step-sister-in-law Janie Goldman, who is now deceased, for nurturing and inspiring me as a teenager. To my dear aunt, Lillian Levine, for her love and kindness.

To my marvelous children, Ruth and David, for teaching me how to love and, with their spouses, for being dedicated and joyful parents. To Ruth’s dear spouse, Doug, and their children, Jessica, Matthew, Tara, and Brendan. To David’s dear spouse, Gayle, and their children, Jacob, Sara, and Jarid. I thank you all for the countless blessings you bring me.

To Tao, the Source of all.