PHYSICAL PAIN IS A SIGNAL OF DISTRESS in the body. Likewise, emotional pain signals distress in the psyche. Regularly doing the Six Healing Sounds and the Inner Smile transforms, balances, and harmonizes all our emotions. However, if we have one or more resistant troubling emotions, we can unblock them with the Releasing One Emotion technique. This method can be done in ten minutes, or you can spend longer if you wish. It acts as a powerful catalyst.
1. Retreat to a quiet, private space. Start by saying this affirmation (or your own version) out loud: “I forgive myself for not being perfect. It is natural to have negative feelings in some circumstances. I am a very good person. I can learn from and transform my negative feelings. And so it is.” Now breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
2. Pick one very strong emotion that is troubling you currently. Mentally go back into the situation that elicited this emotion. Let yourself see and hear the particulars: where you were, who was there, the sights and sounds and smells.
3. Allow yourself to feel the depth of the feeling. Exaggerate it. Become the feeling. Write about it. Or draw a picture of it. Or scream or shout it out.
4. Now shake your whole body vigorously; literally shake off the painful feeling. Do this for a minute or more. Then take a deep breath to release the pain. Next, say out loud, “I totally release all of this (name of the emotion).”
5. Ask for the message, the lesson, of this feeling. It may come then or some other time during the day, or at a later time. When you receive it, write it down in a journal, give thanks for the lesson, and start acting on the message.
6. Out loud, forgive any other person involved in the emotional situation. Thank him or her for this valuable lesson. Then say out loud, “I release you to your joy and your good, and you release me to mine.”
7. Out loud, forgive yourself for your part in this situation.
8. Do three to six repetitions of the Healing Sound for this emotion. Continue working with this same emotion for as many days or weeks as needed, until it can be managed easily with the Six Healing Sounds and the Inner Smile tools.
9. If you have time the same day, proceed through all Six Healing Sounds and the Inner Smile. If not, do it the next day, and alternate between Releasing One Emotion and the Sounds. Add the Inner Smile to your daily routine when you’re ready. Continue this process with any feelings that disturb you, addressing one feeling at a time.