“Einstein was a man who could ask immensely simple questions. And what his life showed, and his work, is that when the answers are simple too, then you hear God thinking.”


George, a client from Texas, sent me the following story:

Dear Noah,

Using Afformations the way you teach them has changed my life—it’s like night and day.

My life is drastically different from the day I started writing my Afformations to today, in every aspect: spiritually (better connected, more peace), family life (got married), financial (an increase of over ten times what I was making before), nutrition and fitness (eating nutritiously and working out), planning out my family’s future and security, and way less stress because of the improvements in all areas of my life.

When I started writing my goals, I was in a pretty bad spot. Finances were tight, my business was far from successful, and I thought my time had come and gone. My family life was also a mess.

The financial results are the most impressive, of course, and probably what most people can relate to: I have people seeking me out that I don’t even know, and after the first phone calls, I got checks for between $5,000 and $10,000 on their way to me (and these are monthly clients), and this happens several times a month.

I’ll be honest—some days early on I was writing and thinking about my Afformations, and I felt like things were never going to change. Eventually, they gave me laser focus, and I just drilled it in my brain that I deserve more out of life.

Most of us are on autopilot when we go on about our day, and we’re not focusing on what we want out of life (as in, our goals and how we want our lives to turn out).

Also, using Afformations opened my eyes to new opportunities that I never saw before. It’s not that the opportunities weren’t there or never headed my way; it’s that I didn’t have my antenna up to receive them.

This isn’t magic or hocus-pocus. It’s what happens when you know what you want out of life and remind yourself consistently. Before you know it, you will be overwhelmed with ideas and opportunities.

Noah, I am recommending you to all my friends and telling them, “If you’re not happy with the direction your life is headed in—or you just want more—you need to check out Noah’s trainings. As long as you start applying what he teaches you, and remain consistent, you will see improvements.”

Sometimes people say, “Oh, you’re into that law of attraction stuff,” and they sort of write it off as magic or hocus-pocus. But I tell them it’s not that at all; you’re just turning on your antenna to find the best pathway to reach your goals because you’re now aware of what you want out of life.

So if you want to call it magic—then it’s about as magic as turning on a radio!

Thank you, Noah. You rock!

Another client sent me the following story:

Dear Noah,

I wanted to share my story with you about my first experience with Afformations.

I was very dissatisfied with my job. Many were the days I would come to work and ask myself why I still came. I found no fulfillment in what I did—and the pay, which never has been very stellar, was becoming less and less desirable.

Looking for change at work as well as for answers as to why I had failed at three different business ventures in the past two and a half years, I bought your online Afformations System program and started studying your material.

After hearing you teach Afformations and reading about them in your books, I decided to turn around the questions I was asking myself. Instead of asking myself why I wasn’t happy at work and why I didn’t find fulfillment there, I started asking myself, Why do I enjoy my work so much? and Why is work so fulfilling for me?

In all honesty, I wasn’t really diligent in asking myself these questions. But whenever I found myself starting to think negatively about my job or caught myself asking why I didn’t like it, I would quickly turn to my Afformation questions and ask them several times instead.

In early December, the CEO of my company was looking for someone to take on several new projects that needed to be done. I looked at my role within the company—my job duties, skills, and abilities. I then compared that with the skills needed to do the projects. I suddenly realized that I was the one that should be doing those projects!

Taking this new thinking into consideration, I used my Afformations more frequently. I started asking myself those new questions without even knowing that there could, or would, be a new role for me.

About a week and a half later, I found the perfect opportunity to approach the CEO about those projects. I told him that I thought the company needed to hire someone to take on those projects, and that the person they should hire was me!

I even found the courage to tell him that I was dissatisfied with the way my pay had been negotiated the last time I had been given a new assignment at work, and I deserved something more if I took on this new role.

Well, within a week the deal was done. The CEO created a new position in the company and approached me about the new compensation he would be willing to pay. I now had a new job with more than twice the pay!

At first I didn’t even realize that what I had been doing with the Afformations was connected to what had just happened. But as I’ve been looking over your home-study materials again, it finally hit me. I had significantly altered the way I was interpreting the world because of what you taught me.

I had gone from seeing my world negatively and asking why it was so, to asking myself why I was so blessed and work was so wonderful. Just as you teach, because I had been asking negative questions, the world was responding with negative results.

Once I changed what I was asking for, the world produced something completely different!

I know that I went through your home-study materials much too fast the first time. But thank heavens the Afformations had the impact they did!

Thank you,


P.S. I am on my way through your Afformations System course a second time and am looking forward to getting even more out of it this time around!

Do you hate your job? If so, it’s time to ask yourself some tough questions. Here are a few:

If you hate your job, it’s probably for a specific reason: because there’s something else you’d rather be doing with your time. The problem is that most people don’t know what the “something else” is.

If you hate your job, it’s time to ask yourself some tough questions.

We spend most of our waking lives at work. Therefore, if you hate your job, you are spending the greatest amount of your waking life doing something you don’t like—and that’s not the road to an abundant lifestyle.

Yes, these are challenging times. And challenging times call for new thoughts, new beliefs, and especially new actions. The great news is that you are far more powerful, are far more capable, and have far more ability than you know.

That’s why I encourage you to start asking yourself new questions about your own skills, talents, and abilities and the world around you—and get ready to see a brand-new you springing forth!

Beliefs about Work

Healthy Work Habits
