“I had a million questions to ask God: but when I met Him, they all fled my mind; and it didn’t seem to matter.”


Would you like to get closer to God? (It’s a trick question.)

I’ve had many coaching clients and people at my seminars tell me that they want to feel closer to God. I’ll often ask them, “Why don’t you feel close to God right now?”

They typically answer that they’re going through tough times, or that they’ve just lost someone or something very important to them—for example, a spouse, a parent, a job, or a relationship they weren’t ready to let go of.

Then I’ll ask them, “Why do you feel that God isn’t close to you just because you lost something?”

They reply, “Because God wouldn’t take something from someone He loves.”

At that point, I usually just look at them, so they can hear what they just said.

Do you know anyone on this Earth who hasn’t lost someone or something that was, or still is, very important to him or her?

There can be no loss in spirit.

Loss and gain are human ideas, not God’s. We humans like to gain, and we don’t like to lose . . . but to God, it’s all just life. There can be no loss in Spirit.

For example, I got this e-mail from Richard, a reader in South Korea:

Hi Noah,

I was introduced to your book when I was in the U.S. and had to visit the bookstore to read it because I didn’t have enough money to purchase a copy. I was getting to know your Afformations and started to use them habitually as I moved to South Korea, where I’m living now.

I started to see and experience little miracles since I began using Afformations. My mind is now programmed with what really I want, and I can tell you this with a smile, because I know that I’m now in.

Each event is showing up when I least expect, and I’m getting more and more of the field I create. I realize that I’m the master of my life, not the results.

I feel that everything is connected, and I can see the world differently. There are a lot of positive messages all around, which I didn’t see before.

I realize that the world I’d wished for already existed for me, but I didn’t see it because I was programmed to receive the opposite of what I wanted. I now can program for what I want easily, since I’ve been introduced to your book and the Afformations.

Guess what? I now have enough money in my wallet and bank account, and I’m attracting more money for a better future even now. I’ve got a new girlfriend, who is absolutely one of a kind, and I knew my wish was being realized (before her, I hadn’t had a girlfriend for six years).

The thing is that she, the opportunity for my job, and everything else came to me effortlessly and unexpectedly.

I’m sending and receiving real messages from my new girlfriend even as I’m writing you this e-mail!

She has a very pure, good heart; she’s a positive person; and she loves to listen to my stories. I’m sending along a picture so you can see us, too.

Thank you for your Afformations. It transformed my life.

Take care and good luck, Noah. God bless you.

God is all around us. The more I use Afformations, the more I realize that when we feel separate from God, we are the ones who have left. God never leaves us, because God is All That Is.

Use these Afformations (and create your own) to gain a deeper understanding of the fact that to get close to God, you simply need to realize the truth of this couplet:

There is no spot
Where God is not.

Beliefs about God

Healthy Spiritual Habits
