“A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the hope of greening the landscape of ideas.”


This book was written to help you become wildly successful in your life, career, and relationships; be happier, healthier, and wealthier; and create the abundant lifestyle of your dreams. But what do you do now that the book is over?

If you really want the results and benefits you desire for your life, you must do what I shared with you in Part II: Take Action!

In Part I, I introduced you to The Afformations Method: the simplest and most effective way I’ve ever seen to manifest your desires faster, easier, and with far less effort. I showed you how to take something you’re already doing—asking questions—and by making a few simple changes, create the life you’ve always wanted.

In Part II, you learned the Four Steps to create empowering Afformations that can change your life. I urge you to commit to doing these steps daily, because soon you will not only find yourself looking at life very differently, but you will also develop new, healthier habits of living, working, and being.

In Part III, I gave you hundreds of empowering Afformations to help you reach your New Desired Reality in the Ten Major Areas of Life. Of course, if you want to really make changes, and if you want them to be permanent, you must rewire your brain by practicing your new Afformations daily—not just read about it, think about it, or talk about it. . . but actually do it!

Beware of that little voice in your head that will say things like “I can’t do it” and “It’s too hard.”

Beware of that little voice in your head that will say things like, “I can’t do it,” “It’s too hard,” and “I don’t have time.”

As I explain in my seminars and mastermind programs, that’s your Negative Reflection talking, telling you that you can’t make these positive changes in your life. Remember that your Negative Reflection’s job is to keep you right where you are, because its greatest fear is change. Don’t listen to it. Follow the formula, and watch your new life take off!

After my discovery in The Shower That Changed Everything, I realized that it was my mission to bring this teaching to the tens of millions of people around the world who desire to live better lives and are also willing to take action and change. That’s why my mission is to teach 20 million people how to use Afformations by the year 2020 and assist those who want to live a better life to find their way to true abundance, peace, and joy.

Today, I am truly blessed to lead seminars and exclusive mastermind groups that transform people’s lives quickly and permanently. Now that you know how to change your life by using Afformations, I encourage you to make even greater changes by learning my proven formula to dump your head trash—forever—and live a truly abundant lifestyle. And you can do that with my new and improved Afformations System: 28 Days to a More Abundant Lifestyle.

The simple fact that you’ve read this far means you’re smart, talented, and highly motivated to succeed. But here’s something else I know about you: even though you’ve already spent a lot of time, money, and effort on traditional “how-to succeed” programs, you’re not where you want to be in life. Otherwise, you wouldn’t still be reading!

The Afformations System shows you why you’re holding yourself back from the success you’re perfectly capable of—and gives you the simple, practical tools to create a more abundant lifestyle in the next 28 days or less.

Here’s What This Is

The Afformations System is my most popular abundance home-study program. You’ll get all the tools, steps, and strategies you need to create a more prosperous lifestyle in 28 days or less, all from the comfort of your home or office.

Who This Is For

This program is for you if . . .

What You’ll Get

This life-changing program includes . . .

Here’s What This Will Do for You

This program will help you . . .

As a result, you will . . .

What Other People Are Saying about This Program

“Since using Noah’s program, I tripled my income, renewed my personal relationships, and took my life to the next level of overall wealth . . . all in less than 12 months!”

Cari Murphy, radio host

“Noah, I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me! In less than a month, I have become the person I only dreamed about becoming. I fixed my relationships, my money problems, and my career problems thanks to you.”

Mladen Milic, Zurich, Switzerland

“Thank you, Noah, for contributing to my business success. Starting from zero, I skyrocketed my business to over $100,000 in less than four months thanks to your transformational business strategies.”

Georgina Sweeney, entrepreneur

“I went from penniless to a six-figure income in six months thanks to Noah’s Afformations System.”

Susan Sherayko, television producer

Here’s What I Want You to Do Now

Go to and claim your copy of the new and improved edition of my most popular abundance course, The Afformations System.
