“Question everything. Learn something. Answer nothing.”


Once you’ve determined what you want (Step One) and formed new, empowering questions around that desire (Step Two), the next one must be to find all the answers to your questions, right?

Well, no. This is counterintuitive, but the point of using Afformations is not to answer the new questions you’re asking. The point is to use your mind in a new way—to focus on what you have instead of what you lack.

The purpose of Afformations is to focus on what you have instead of what you lack.

That’s why Step Three of The Afformations Method is:

The Afformations Method
Step Three: Accept the Truth
of Your New Questions.

To demonstrate what I mean, here’s a story that I received from John Adams of The Golden Key Ministry in Phoenix, Arizona:

Dear Noah,

I want to tell you a true story about my friends Sam and Shirley, two people to whom I taught The Afformations Method when I first read your Afformations book.

Shirley had been accepted into the ministerial program at Unity in Missouri, so they planned to sell their home and move to Kansas City. They put their home on the market in early April with no results. People would come and look, but no one was buying.

On Saturday, May 5, Sam and Shirley told me about their lack of a buyer for their home.

Because they needed to leave in early June, they were getting nervous and wanted my advice. I suggested they go through every room in their home, bless it, and begin afforming, Why is this house now easily sold to the right party for the right price?

That was Saturday. The next afternoon, a couple came and looked at the house. On Tuesday, they made an offer that was too low. Sam and Shirley kept their Afformation going and made a higher counteroffer—which was accepted on Tuesday afternoon!

Everything went through quickly, and the deal closed on May 31. Sam and Shirley are now happily living in Missouri as true Afformers!

How Your Brain Is Like Google

Google is the world’s most popular search engine. When you type a word or phrase into its search function, what you’re really doing is asking a question: “Hey Google, can you find the answer to this question for me?” It then automatically performs a search to answer what you asked.

Your mind works just like this. When you ask yourself a question—whether empowering or disempowering—your mind automatically begins to search for the answer.

However, there’s one big difference between your brain and Google: Google can’t change the questions that it’s asked. After you enter your query, Google can’t reply, “Nah, I don’t feel like answering that question right now; I’m going to answer this other question instead!” That’s because Google is a software program designed by human beings; it does not have a conscious choice.

You can choose to ask empowering or disempowering questions. Your brain will find an answer either way.

But you do. You are a human being. You have the choice of what questions you are going to ask at any given moment. You can decide, right now, to ask an empowering or disempowering question. Your brain will find the answer either way.

If you go around asking negative questions such as, Why can’t I do anything right? Why am I so broke? and Why am I so fat?—whether you’re asking these questions consciously or subconsciously—your brilliant brain will find the answers. And guess what? You’ll feel as if you never do anything right, are broke, and are quite overweight.

Ironically, these beliefs will be true for you even if you’re the smartest person in the world, have plenty of money, and are, to the outside observer, thin. (Yes, it is possible to feel stupid when you’re smart, to feel broke when you have lots of money, and to feel fat when you’re thin. I know this because I’ve mentored and coached many highly intelligent people who had completely convinced themselves of these untruths.)

Even if you don’t consciously realize that you’re asking yourself disempowering questions—since you’re doing it at the subconscious level—your mind will still find reasons to make them true for you.

How to Use Your Brilliant Brain

But there’s good news in all of this. In fact, there’s great news!

You are a human being with a human brain, which means that you have a choice. You’re able to choose what to think, what to say, and what to do. Because you have a choice, at any moment—even at this very moment—you have complete control to make these decisions.

This is one of the most miraculous aspects of your brilliant brain—you can change the questions you’re asking any time you want!

Even if you’ve been asking yourself disempowering questions for months, years, and even decades, you can choose right now to change the questions you’re asking.

Once you start using Afformations,
you never have to go back
to asking disempowering questions again.

How to Give Yourself to the Question

When I tell my coaching clients and mastermind students to “accept the truth of your new questions,” they often ask me what that means. Here are four simple ways to give yourself to your new, empowering Afformations and accept them as true. You can:

  1. Read them
  2. Write them
  3. Say them
  4. Listen to them

These are the four modes of human communication. Giving yourself to the question means using all of these to accept the truth of your new questions.

How many negative thoughts about yourself have you had in your lifetime?

Then my clients will ask me, “Which mode works the fastest?” (What they’re really asking is, “Which of these should I spend the most time doing?”)

While all four are essential, my experience with clients has shown that the one that produces the fastest results is listening.

Why would listening produce the fastest results? Think about it this way: how many negative thoughts have you had about yourself in your lifetime? A billion? A trillion? Could we even count that high?

Most of us could hardly count the number of negative thoughts we’ve had about ourselves. When you think these things, you’re effectively “listening” to these negative thoughts in your head (that is, your Negative Reflection).

Therefore, when you listen to empowering Afformations, you will begin to drown out that negative voice and stop giving power to it. That’s why I invented iAfform Audios.

iAfform Audios are empowering Afformations set to inspiring music that you can listen to anytime, anywhere. iAfform Audios will help you flip the abundance switch in your brain and manifest your desires while you’re busy doing other things.

The more you listen to empowering Afformations, the faster you’ll drown out your Negative Reflection.

For example, you can listen to your iAfform Audios while you’re eating or exercising, working or playing, in the car, on your laptop, or in your office. Many of my clients even listen to them while they sleep!

Because of the demand from clients around the world, I’ve created many different iAfform Audios for all areas of life, including:

For example, Chris, a financial expert from Canada, writes:

Noah, I listened to your Ultimate Wealth iAfform Audio for three weeks and just closed my first million-dollar client!

Michael from Germany sent me this amazing story:

Hi Noah,

I’ve bought every iAfform Power Pack you have. You might be wondering why I have gone Afformation crazy, but your Afformations changed my life in a few minutes on June 29, 2011.

I used to be a chronic procrastinator and had great resistance for the words job, work, and working. I also thought I was unable to be, do, or have anything: money, to keep a job, and so on, and my self-confidence was nonexistent. I did not realize that until I started using your iAfform Wealth Power Pack. In one night, in just a few minutes, there were big changes.

After listening to your free 60-Second iAfform Stress Buster—which I placed on repeat and used for five minutes with the super result of total calm—I made the big leap of buying every one of your Power Packs at

When I came across your work, my wife Silvia and I had our divorce papers on the desk, waiting to be signed. Then I shared your Afformations with her, and now we are best friends and in love again. We also have a list of 26 Afformations that we write every morning and read every chance we get throughout the day. It’s a three-month commitment.

I also would like to get certified as one of your coaches, and I hope it’s soon. Thank you, Noah, for changing our lives!

I encourage you to try iAfform Audios by downloading my free 60-Second iAfform Stress Buster at—yes, using Afformations, you can bust your stress in 60 seconds or less! (See also your Free Bonus Gift at the back of this book.)

Here’s What I Want You to Do Now

1. Take out your list of Afformations you wrote in Step Two. Remember, this all started with Ask Yourself What You Want (Step One). Then we went to Create Empowering Afformations (Step Two). If you haven’t done these steps yet, now’s the time to do them!

2. Take each Afformation and use the four modes of human communication to accept the truth of your new questions. This means you can:

Let’s say that you want to lose weight. You can:

3. Repeat this process for as many different Afformations as you want, in as many areas of your life as you wish.

4. Repeat this process as often as necessary until you install your new, empowering beliefs. Some Afformations will be easier for you to believe, while others will take more time to bridge your Belief Gap. Don’t rush the process. Baby steps are what are called for here.


This brings us to the fourth and final step of The Afformations Method—the one you absolutely must do if you want to manifest the results you want . . .
