“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.”
1. Read through the entire book.
I know you’re busy. That’s why I’ve written this book in an easy-to-digest, step-by-step format. Think of it as a foundational course on how to unlock your brain’s natural ability to manifest your desires faster, easier, and with far less effort.
I’ve also designed The Book of Afformations so you can take it with you wherever you go and refer to it throughout the day (see #10 that follows). That makes this book the perfect companion for today’s busy person!
2. Set the book down and wonder.
After you’ve read this book through the first time, put it down for a while. Take a walk. Look at the sky. Breathe the air. Let new ideas come to you.
As new thoughts and creative ideas come, start an Afformations Journal so you can capture them in writing and then act on them. Remember the ancient proverb: “The palest ink is stronger than the sharpest memory.”
3. Highlight the passages that have special meaning to you.
When certain ideas, phrases, or questions in this book bring up strong feelings in you, highlight or underline those passages so you can refer to them later. There are also places in this book where I ask you to do certain exercises. Make sure you follow the instructions so you get the most out of them.
I’ve had the privilege of teaching this method to tens of thousands of people in over 50 countries, so I’ve taken all the guesswork out of the process for you. I’ve also identified the shortcuts to help you reach your goals faster—as well as the hazards to avoid!
In addition, be sure to write the date next to the passages you highlight, so each time you revisit this book in the future, you’ll see just how far you’ve come. This will also be a powerful reminder to your subconscious mind of the progress you’ve made, which in turn will boost your confidence to keep taking action toward your goals.
4. Use the questions in this book to guide you, but don’t feel limited by them.
Throughout this book, I’ll give you hundreds of examples of empowering questions you can use to change your life. But since there is an infinite number of empowering questions you can ask, don’t feel limited by the ones I give you here. Instead, use them as jumping-off points for your own Afformations that suit your personal goals and desires.
As I’ve mentioned, in Part II you’ll learn my simple four-step method to change your life using empowering Afformations. Right now, the questions you’re asking are creating your life. But I’ll show you how to finally harness that incredible power to work in your favor!
5. Share this method with your friends at least twice in the next 48 hours.
Research suggests that when you share this method at least twice in the next 48 hours—once with your loved ones and once with your co-workers and business colleagues—it will help you more fully absorb and use it in your own life.
You’ll get more out of this method when you tell your friends about it.
In addition, sharing this method with your friends and colleagues will make it that much harder to go back to the old, disempowering way of thinking. As you begin this process right now, think of specific people in your life—your family members, friends, and work associates—with whom you’d like to share this method. Then, share it with them—through social media or just by talking to them—in the next 48 hours and while it’s still fresh in your mind!
6. Allow this method to be as simple as it is.
People at my seminars and mastermind groups sometimes feel a little embarrassed by how simple The Afformations Method is—because once you start using Afformations properly, it can often feel like you’re not working at all!
The fact is, since most of us are used to the idea of “working hard” to get what we want, it can feel counterintuitive to not work hard to get what we want. That’s why the hardest work can often be to simply allow things to happen.
It’s true: we often need to work hard to get what we want in life. For example, if you want to build a new house, it will not just magically appear all by itself. A house must be built using applied knowledge and disciplined action. However, consider that many of the rarest and most precious things in life—love, peace, serenity, joy, and happiness, for example—occur not because we “work hard” at them but because we allow them to happen. Let this method be that simple for you.
7. Remember the difference between simple and easy.
This may sound like a contradiction (but it isn’t), remember that there is a very important distinction between simple and easy. Simple means something that is not complicated, complex, or difficult to understand. Easy means something that takes little to no effort to accomplish. What is simple is not always easy. In fact, one of the biggest problems in our industry is that people often confuse simple and easy.
For example, baking a cake is both simple and easy. There is a simple recipe to follow to produce the result you want. When you follow the recipe, you have a high likelihood of success. However, reaching a significant personal goal—such as losing weight, climbing a mountain, or writing a book—may be simple in theory, but will take disciplined effort and concerted action to accomplish. Significant personal achievements like this, therefore, should not really be considered “easy.”
There’s a big difference between simple and easy.
As human beings, it’s natural to feel great when we have quick success with something. This is what’s often referred to as “beginner’s luck.” However, the true test is when we run into challenges that test our resolve; do we quit, or do we keep going?
Thousands of my clients from around the world have shared with me their personal stories of how using Afformations has changed their lives—both immediately and for the long term. But just because The Afformations Method is both stunningly simple and astonishingly effective doesn’t mean that you won’t have to do something different to get the results you want.
When you run into challenges, will you quit or keep going?
Let’s be clear: If you want to get results, you will have to do something. You will have to take action. I’m not one of those teachers who says, “Just think about money and the money will start pouring in!” Ah, no—it won’t. (Gosh darn it!)
If you want to get different results in your life, you’ll have to let go of certain things you’ve been thinking, saying, and doing that no longer serve you. And you must be willing to truthfully examine your assumptions about life and change your behavior accordingly.
If, however, you are willing to follow the four steps of The Afformations Method—and don’t give up when you run into challenges or setbacks—you will be amazed by the results, just like so many people around the world who’ve used it.
8. Do the exercises.
If you want to lose weight and get in shape, you can’t do it by reading a book. If you want to build a house, it won’t get built by you staring at the blueprints and not taking action. You must follow the instructions and take action.
Yes, it takes time, practice, and effort. But if you stick with it, the result will be a healthier body, new house, or whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish—coupled with a wonderful sense of satisfaction for a job well done.
You can’t lose weight by reading a book about how to do it. you must also take action.
You’ll find that The Afformations Method works in the same way. The benefits you will experience will far outweigh the time and effort you invest. That’s why I highly recommend that you start an Afformations Journal to do the activities I suggest as you read this book and follow the instructions I outline here.
9. Share your experiences with me.
I love to hear Afformations success stories! No matter who you are or where you’re from, you can share your story at the official Afformations fan page:
There you’ll see photos, videos, and success stories posted by people from around the world who have used Afformations to change their lives. You’ll feel inspired reading about other people’s experiences and how they overcame life’s challenges using this method. And you’ll also have the chance to meet other Afformers (an Afformer is a person who uses Afformations; a member of The Afformations Revolution; or someone who shares The Afformations Method with friends, family, and co-workers) around the world—and it’s 100 percent free!
My amazing support staff and I are also here to help you any time you have questions, want support, or would like to go to the next level with your education and create a more abundant lifestyle for yourself and your family. Visit our main websites:
10. Every morning for the next 40 days, open this book and choose an empowering Afformation for that day.
My clients often tell me that they start their day by opening their Book of Afformations in the morning and letting their eyes fall on a “random” Afformation. They often tell me it’s the exact one they needed for inspiration that day!
Every morning, open this book and choose an Afformation for the day.
Follow this practice for the next 40 days. Then do it again for the next 40. (With a name like Noah, you get used to working in 40-day intervals.) You’ll be amazed at how such a simple practice can make such a big difference in your life.
11. Finally, remember your two most important jobs on Earth.
As you bless others, let yourself be blessed. As you give yourself permission to succeed, you give others that same permission.
As you use Afformations, you’ll let abundance manifest in your life—faster and easier than you ever thought possible.
As you use Afformations, I encourage you to let more abundance manifest in your life—faster and easier than you ever thought possible.
Share the gift of you with others, and watch your life and the lives of those around you change for the better. That’s how, working together, we can change the world.
P.S. I hope to see your success story in one of my upcoming Afformations books!